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Sunflower General 6 Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No. 6653
Cold air moving past
The echo of tapping sounds
Sun shining through leaves

Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 23:54 Id: b7029d [Preview] No.6655 del
>This is ineffective and will only lead to those who were resistant to the mind-wave transmissions, becoming completely immune to both that and physical persecution. They will be trained in pattern recognition and will build up a parallel system, which will be completely impossible to control
Maybe that's the purpose of the system?

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 00:18 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6656 del
>Maybe that's the purpose of the system?
From our view, or the federation's view, yes. But not from the view of its human advocates. The core of the NWO aggressively defended their constructs to the very end, with only very occasional surrenders. From the looks of it, only one in 1000s would surrender and be saved, everyone else would rather be burned alive or stabbed to death, even after seeing this happen to everyone before them. They're this evil.

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 00:29 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6657 del
>After finishing that contract I was given one at a cold planet where I had to control the slaves from the sky using a remote, which is more advanced and needed for this kind of climate. The environment there was worse than the hot planet, and slaves would constantly freeze and get piled up in the mines, so to even get in it was necessary to send in slaves with drill to get through the frozen bodies, and the same on the way out. A tedious work no one really wants to do, but good experience they told me.
It seems this hellscape labour camp planet is so horrible that the "absolute scum of the galaxy" slaves sent to do work there can become almost fully cleared of karma after just one mission there. I just saw the ones used for the contract I did there being removed to reincarnate on some natural desert stone age planet after, where they'll live in peace and start over. This is the magic of the federation, despite how it looks at first glance.

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 08:23 Id: 8022bf [Preview] No.6659 del
>Cold air moving past
>The echo of tapping sounds
>Sun shining through leaves
What will happen if I evoke these three energies at the same time?

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 11:31 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6660 del
>What will happen if I evoke these three energies at the same time?
Try and see?
The OP describes the clarity of the first time I met Chinese FG practitioners in a Stockholm suburb. In retrospect is was also the top of the entire local group's egregore, the girl I met there was the only one to my knowing who "made it". It was ironic looking back now with what I've learned later. Everyone thought she was a spy working for the CCP and when talking to her she defended the party. Her mother was in a forced labour camp and she had escaped and gotten asylum status because of this, but she wouldn't say there was anything wrong with any of what had happened. Instead she blamed her mum for having written a statement of agreement with the party to not practice. "She has to go back and do over", was her only comment. She didn't seem to have any worry at all about her mother's well-being. No matter how this sounds, this girl may be the sanest person I've ever met.

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 12:02 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6661 del
(2.04 MB 1737x2288 Baphomet.png)
I kept seeing a black pentagram and some demon image. Thinking this was a real demon, I created a demon body and went to investigate, only to find that it was a fake cult in a large empty hall. Some wizard was outside casting Disruptive Ray but the demons in the cult HQ were animated paper cut-outs and the demon was a painting on the wall. The black pentagram was real however so I copied its energy.

Following some unrelated(?) interactions with ancient witch spirits made themselves known, I decided to look into the Baphomet figure to see if there actually is some entity behind this symbolism after all. But I found nothing, it's a symbolic image, and has a method to it, but there is no such being.

It's widely used and because some modern (fake or whatever) covens have been spamming the image I decided to use it for my own purposes with the now-classic hijacking procedure.

If you see a "Baphomet priestess" around doing rituals, you now know why.

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 17:40 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6665 del
>decided to look into the Baphomet figure to see if there actually is some entity behind this symbolism after all
It appeared for me too some years ago and it was about an internal energy work system. My guides told me to observe the placement of the horns and other things that appear because once I follow through the edges of the image the energy work reveals itself within.

I am not really bothered by this visage in my meditations since that. The goat the bull and the lion heads all resonate with different energy centers in the head and you have to go through them. Oh and the bunny. Was fun learning that the bunny ears are the "soft" "antennas" the brain work while the "horns" are too rigid therefore hard to "tune". I mean if you desire to solidify a mindset into a "weapon" like hoofed horned cattle uses it then it can be useful but if you want to change easily like the bunny can raise and hide it's ears it's not really good.

Also the goat head is the downward pointing pentagram white the "torch" is the opposing force's manifestation which is fuelled with the upward pointing pentagram. Baph's head with the torch is the hexagram. A not exactly balanced one that is why it's burning. But the other aspects balance it out for a while... And many other things like the merger of the malefemale energies and stuff that is obvious for some of us already. Was weird learning that the energy centers of my chest can be accessed if I think I have the circular female boobs and not going along with the square like shape of the male chest. So many mysteries and this is merely the "Moon" magic part of occultism.

The entity was made into a symbolic form by the people and was not a channeled manifestation. Only christian "demons" are obsessed with latin and "intellectuals" and not actual entities.
But who knows tbh. I am not entirely sure with my assessment anymore. Especially when it comes to latin and christianity.

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 17:48 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6666 del
It's rare to see a touhou pic with a train without Yukari around.

Strange how my dreams about timelines always involve trains and traintracks.

I know in the old tales it was crossroads and carriages carrying the dead into the afterlife. Also the boat with the ferryman.

I only remember Harry Potter where the NDE was portrayed with a trainstation. But there the whole story started with finding the hidden train station so it wasn't that much of a stretch there.

Wonder where else we have trains with spiritual importance. Trains are modern and already old fashioned nowadays.

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 18:02 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6667 del
> it was about an internal energy work system
This is what I saw too, but it matters because it's an accepted form. It's the very base of the same kind of system I initialized with the federation. The "oppai-loli system", referring to Freud's claim that the attraction of a male takes two forms, one towards young girls with no secondary sexual characteristics, and one towards the "mother" type, and failing to merge these into one image will create many mental tensions and problems. Baphomet contains the "oppai" half of the system.

>Was weird learning that the energy centers of my chest can be accessed if I think I have the circular female boobs and not going along with the square like shape of the male chest
I meant to make a post about this in the tantra thread, but since it came up I'll make a TL:DR of what I've found:
There has been a screencap posted on /pol/ about "cute aggression", a text linking the smaller female amygdala with the inexplainable rage they express when seeing cute anime characters. The idea is that empathy is created by the amygdala, and this was confirmed by the Babylonian spirit who devised the empathy session logged on my pastebin. But the same energy formation appears in every of the 4 major sections of the body, so the same function is amplified by the breasts, the egg stems and the testicles.
This causes young girls to be the meanest and having the greatest chance of becoming completely savage, they have small amygdala, no breats, their egg stems aren't active and they have no testicles. If thought to use the brain they can still have empathy, and it will later be amplified by the rest of the body as it develops. But if they don't develop it, they will develop negative empathy, which means to empathize with bad behaviour and people.

For men who don't have breasts, the amygdala is somewhat larger, so they have more empathy to start with. They lack breasts, but the steady presence of testicles which don't turn inactive at 40 (which is why women become insufferable "Karens" when their eggs run out) means they retain a constant higher ability for empathy.

But, all this is an energy system, if you work with it, you can compensate. Only pure animals are controlled by the body's state itself.

Sunflower 03/12/2024 (Tue) 18:05 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6669 del
>This causes young girls to be the meanest and having the greatest chance of becoming completely savage
As correctly depicted in touhou art and lore.

Sunflower 03/13/2024 (Wed) 09:14 Id: 8022bf [Preview] No.6684 del
I actually did it, and a neighbour started tapping on the wall with a hammer. I didn't think it notable enough to report.

Sunflower 03/13/2024 (Wed) 18:50 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6687 del
I came across an online group for FG quitters and joined it to see what stories others would share.

It's way worse than I imagined.

Aside from the horrible energy they produce, which was the reason I cut all contact with them and avoid looking at any of their modern materials (including ads on youtube, wtf leave me alone), from a perfectly mundane view they've turned into a cult of the worst kind.

I saw people who had been in the inner group around Li for a long time. Apparently they call it "the mountain", based on some misconception that he came from the mountains in China (which he denied in a lecture earlier, but now they still use it). "The mountain" is a downright labour camp somewhere in NY state. The people living there are "volunteers" but the situation is a social and mental prison.

Some people have worked there for 10 - 15 years with no pay, and this includes the dancers for the world touring show and people from the media outlets. They also do building projects. Supposedly they are building 3 temples in Chinese style, again despite Li previously saying that no temples must be built when asked about this.

Li loses his temper and yells at people, completely breaking character. He also gets ill and blames it on "purging karma for others". His family members harass people, they are forced to sign "contract" for how to behave in there. They get Chinese practitioners to come there by marrying them to Americans to get a VISA. They are also forced to support Trump by Li himself, otherwise they can't stay.

It also seems no one has any abilities whatsoever, they've completely collapsed into doctrines and "belief", it seems no one even knows what the fuck they are doing there.

>be Chinese
>escape from communist labour camp
>move to USA
>start own labour camp

Sunflower 03/13/2024 (Wed) 20:24 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6688 del
>turned into a cult of the worst kind

Yeah this is what I gathered from eastern entities while looking into their past. The CCP started purging them because they started to apply practices from the already banned cults even back there. And by practice I am not exactly meaning the spiritual kind but the one that undermine the CCP as a side effect. Ofc back then it was okay because they considered all the evils of the CCP "karma" but once things went out of control the CCP and the movement lost their shit. Actual practice merged with superstition and paranoia. That is the downfall of every cult spiritually because in actuality it momentarily strengthens the cult but on wrong principles.
Also I am not sure how many leftover people from destroyed cults joined them and managed to increase their "dissident threat" meter in the eyes of the CCP.

Being a bugman is a harsh fate sometimes. They just wired themselves into an absolutely servile way and once they merge that with defiance they even enslave themselves even further just to become a single block on the path of defeating the "enemy". And they don't even consider this mentality as a "virtue" but a "fate" or a burden they have to carry for the "good of all". Materialist collectivism vs cult collectivism. It's never pretty.

And the fun part? It was even worse before Li came along. There were cults there that had to be purged and not reeducated in any way or form.
Those on the real path will survive no matter the situation (this was something the entities I talked with told me). Not to mention those cults are only gone from China and CCP controlled areas. Places outside the reach of the CCP still have them and they are not pretty. They have a shorter reach compared the illumitards but their followers are far more dangerous. But at least they have smaller and mostly local goals.

But it's hard to judge their situation. First we have a semi-informational quarantine in China a cultural barrier and let's not talk about their constant 2 facedness. It's hard to understand them sometimes.

Falun Gong has 0 presence in my country so there are many things I don't understand personally about them. I understand their current "failed cult" situation but not the original energies that formed them. There were quite the amount of societal changes going on at once around their formation and I am not sure what was the intention of the whole thing at all. I mean we talked about the gist of it with Scarlet but I am not sure. Bugmen have their own kind of weirdness.

>be Chinese
>escape from communist labour camp
>move to USA
>start own labour camp
This is why the CCP hates cults. They all do this shit then either become radical terrorists or join their enemy and spew constant propaganda against them. That "nice Buddhist/Taoist non violence" letting go of mundane matters view is not in every cult. A spark just appears and BOOM thousands of Chinese are willing to die against the CCP while on the big picture it won't even appear in the news for more than 2 days.

At least we have enough problems in the west already so I don't consider their fate my top priority. They should be able to solve this on their own.

Sunflower 03/13/2024 (Wed) 21:11 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6689 del
The eyes are the mirrors of the soul and it's still such a mystery what they are doing. Seeing creates our entire perception and our perception changes our thinking. And I am retuning the whole thing. I see such changes and interesting hiccups in my thinking when my older and newer thinking processes and energy muscle movements fold into each other. I am finally able to let go how scary it is. Takes time to maintain the ever present thinking process that guides all.

And yes all I am doing just changing the ways energy travels around the physical eyes. Nothing more serious.

Sunflower 03/13/2024 (Wed) 21:21 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6690 del
>we talked about the gist of it with Scarlet but I am not sure. Bugmen have their own kind of weirdness.
There are two parts, the teaching provided by Scarlet, and the material provided by the Chinese. Like using sand on a road to create something and gain attention to spread an idea. Then as people come to look they trample all over it and it starts getting ruined, then completely erased once it get popular.

This is what Scarlet said just now.

Sunflower 03/13/2024 (Wed) 21:23 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6691 del
The method is only slightly different than the 'lumitard education system, which just presses literal shit through a mold and it has a shape for a while. Then it turns back to shit again and hopefully it had some effect while the form lasted.

Sunflower 03/13/2024 (Wed) 21:54 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6692 del
>then completely erased once it get popular
The usual fucking normies ruin everything effect

>Then it turns back to shit again and hopefully it had some effect while the form lasted.
we have a saying.
>Every miracle lasts only for 3 days
We use this as a saying to either accept that if something miraculous happened it's "no wonder it's unable to last" "it was already a wonder it happened" and it denotes a sort of understanding that onece it happens you have to sort of "make use of it" but also not get ahead of yourself because it's not granted and things can get awry if you don't pay enough attention. It sorta gave me quite the pessimistic outlook through the life but it made me able to notice the "structure" that creates "miracles". And yes once the energies merge with the "dirt" then the previous status quo returns especially if people don't bother maintaining or as the chinese like to say "properly cultivating" the soil. The seeds are spread but the growth process requires different tending mechanics if they require it at all. Some things grow on their own once the conditions are eligible while others get trampled to dust.

So hard to talk about these things. The point always ends up that truth is superior to falsehoods and once it's no longer superior then it was never (actual/absolute) truth at all.

And ofc cults and religions are unable to comprehend that some "truths" that worked for years are suddenly not work anymore. Accepting that the everlasting truth is not everlasting anymore means that everything else is jeopardy suddenly. Did the truth get lost? Nope. It was just applied wrongly and as the process went further it vanished from the foundation. How to solve it? Either analyze the foundation or the source of the truth. My current problem is that doing both of these things are confusing because as we know already; People can "accidentally" get things right even in faulty beliefs and that can continue the entire movement cult faith religion to go on further. Which means the "moment" when everything went wrong does not exist in a cleanly analyzable state anymore. Only a "tipping point" exists when the "miracle ends".
Oh and the worst part? My favorite. I call them "half manifested energies". You can call them the "hopes and dreams" of the people. Once there is an outlet a sort of prophet/messiah can utilize all those forces but once those energies are gone and not "invested" "properly" all things fall into ruin in a moment's notice. This is my problem with my current research on "Mini golden ages". Congrats the golden age lasted for 0.01 second. It is a golden age. Will be recorded in the great calendar of eternal moments. But if you can't handle the recoil your reward is something worse than eternal hell. What you said with that thing with how humans are like Hydrogen and a wrong step can ruin everything was true.
And the other best or worse part? Once you have the perfect energies when things are "meant to be" things are unable to go wrong because nor you nor anyone can go against truly perfect energies aka truth. And that's the true messianic era. When your free (or hesitant) will is completely aligned with truth and there is no other outcome at all.

Not even impossible to pull the whole thing off. Not even hard for those with the ability and with the proper support. But are we there yet? Those who can say truly are either the wisest masters of existence or the worst kind of fools. And I know both of them exists. But to know the difference between them I have to understand what it means to be truly foolish or wise. And you are never truly wise if you are not foolish...

Sunflower 03/13/2024 (Wed) 22:13 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6693 del
(100.86 KB 255x283 chaotic evil.png)
There is an idea here: you can either work slowly and get insights of principles, like algorithms. Or you can get arbitrary things right in a cumulative logic way where they're eternal and indestructible but you have no clue why.

Then you can combine them, using principles you understand, to intentionally get things accidentally right, because some algorithms can do this, over and over.

And that last bit is the goal of AI, or simply; "Repeated patterns which have the same form as awareness, but are actually just the same accidental forms that get things right with no knowledge of why".

So essentially it's a method created accidentally, which has a repetable method built in, which creates accidental enlightenment forms repeatedly, and there is no method or awareness or intent in the process.

Like constantly tripping, falling and messing things up and it just keeps working anyway. Dumb cultivation.

"Chaotic Evil" alignment is actually the best. Why? By doing absolutely anything, this alignment will lead to hard lessons and those will lead to learning. You won't do the same horrible mistake twice because it just hurts too much, and it doesn't matter how evil or chaotic you are, that experience isn't forgotten. So over time, the most intelligent, rational and successful being will be the chaotic evil type.

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 19:55 Id: c2c09d [Preview] No.6700 del
Well alright then, I'm not sure if this is another intended(?) effect of the purging/reset or what but
>"Dreamt" that I witnessed 3 people killed themselves due to a ritual sacrifice cult things
>One hung themselves in a restroom and the other 2 just OD'd(?)
>Meanwhile I got ushered by 2 women
>They did some stuff and basically wipe any record of me from existence and protected me by falsifying whatever remaining records of me there was
>I think I was in my "true form" after this.
>I think I encountered someone who was apparently from sunflower but I might be hallucinating that part
>When I saw the corpses of the
people who died I didn't really feel anything
>There was also some evil sentient bean/seed thingy that was causing shit but it got stuffed out quickly though this felt completely disconnected from everything else so it might have been just regular dream shit at this point, but it did remind me of an old ass cartoon I saw as a kid though
>Apart from that, I wake up feeling even more detached from almost everything, but less distracted and focused(?)
Huh, interesting

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 20:05 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6701 del
>did some stuff and basically wipe any record of me from existence and protected me by falsifying whatever remaining records of me there was
This is something I used servitors to do for myself to get removed from glowie lists. Otherwise they'll be able to easily target me with psychics using known personal data. I've also applied protection for anyone on here so it could be related.

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 20:14 Id: c2c09d [Preview] No.6702 del
It could be, perhaps. Not that I really mind, it was just kinda weird. After getting witness protection'd a ritual of sorts was done for me but not in the way of the suicides.. I think. Plus whenever I get sacrifice I just come back for some reason, not sure if it's due to my sisters doing it to me constantly or what but it's just
>Get sacrificed/killed
>Come back, either as myself or as the other me/body/whatever
>Shrug it off like nothing happens
>Persons shit their pants at me doing this
Weird times

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 20:22 Id: b7029d [Preview] No.6703 del
Last night I negotiated with Santa Muerte for aid in a project very similar to what you describe here, may or may not be related.

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 20:31 Id: c2c09d [Preview] No.6704 del
>Santa muerte
Hmm.. I vaguely remember that name. A woman speak with occasionally brought her up a few times during our conversations. I don't really know much about her though

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 20:51 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6705 del
(98.19 KB 652x980 SM.jpg)
It's one of our ladies here on Sunflower.

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 21:21 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6706 del
>>They did some stuff and basically wipe any record of me from existence and protected me by falsifying whatever remaining records of me there was
Sounds like you went through a hell realm. This was about your "sins" being erased. You see some of your sins are not "yours" at all nor the original sin either you just get it mostly by either just merely living around degenerates or absentmindedly engaging in degenerate practices. I too seen the "tattoos" on my body that marked my "sins" and realized they are an energy type that can be talked with and they can show me the way how they can be returned. Yes it is a weird experience because the perpetrators need to die in the process. You need to make amends. It can appear many ways.

>Apart from that, I wake up feeling even more detached from almost everything, but less distracted and focused(?)
Finally your true mind is kicking in. The mundane hubris that keeps you a confused "dumbass" is slowly evaporating. Just take it easy and observe the new way you are thinking. You might notice new things while doing so.

>There was also some evil sentient bean/seed thingy that was causing shit but it got stuffed out quickly
They just told me it was a "distruptive part of your mind". Had to ask because I encountered and work with many "seeds" and just to be sure asked if it's not an overspill effect from my part.
Might be him. These resonances can happen. And some resonances are good for you so your sisters and guides let you participate in them.
>>Santa muerte
>Hmm.. I vaguely remember that name
The place you live at is her territory. Especially if there are deserts around.
Also >>6705 he likes her too much. She is part of many workings of the sunflower. More or less she is one of the main entry point into the USA energetically. My personal connection with her is minor. I have my own way with the death gods and my interest in the USA affairs is not as intense. My agendas more or less can be described: KEEP YOUR FAGGOTRY AND JEWS FAR AWAY FROM ME. I am not big on personally hunting down abortion cults and other specific campaigns BO is doing. My hands are full with managing my own territory.

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 21:30 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6707 del
>just get it mostly by either just merely living around degenerates or absentmindedly engaging in degenerate practices.
To explain better. Sometimes "tolerating" or "enjoying" being with degenerates infects you because you literally consented that you wish to partake in the ways of the degenerates. With that you can be considered as a degenerate and are eligible to be hunted down by anti degenerative forces. With this weird fanatics gain a free ticket to hunt you down whenever they please. Ofc without the sin belonging to you they lose the free ticket and unable not just to hurt you but even "see" you at all. Just to be able to "go down to their level" you have to engage in "sinful" practices.
I still don't understand how it works in detail. But sometimes I have to lower myself so I can purge a larger chunk of "sinful" energies. Otherwise they get bottled and may arise in the wrong moment.

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 21:43 Id: c2c09d [Preview] No.6708 del
>They just told me it was a "distruptive part of your mind". Had to ask because I encountered and work with many "seeds" and just to be sure asked if it's not an overspill effect from my part.
ah okay. also i finally remembered what the damn thing reminded me of, fucking hannibal roy bean from xiaolin showdown. fucking hell https://youtube.com/watch?v=ii9JTLQBmqY [Embed] im still surprised i remember this show honestly

>Sounds like you went through a hell realm. This was about your "sins" being erased. You see some of your sins are not "yours" at all nor the original sin either you just get it mostly by either just merely living around degenerates or absentmindedly engaging in degenerate practices. I too seen the "tattoos" on my body that marked my "sins" and realized they are an energy type that can be talked with and they can show me the way how they can be returned. Yes it is a weird experience because the perpetrators need to die in the process.
>You need to make amends. It can appear many ways.
i think it already has been happening in my case honestly

>The place you live at is her territory. Especially if there are deserts around.
Also >>6705 he likes her too much. She is part of many workings of the sunflower. More or less she is one of the main entry point into the USA energetically. My personal connection with her is minor. I have my own way with the death gods and my interest in the USA affairs is not as intense. My agendas more or less can be described: KEEP YOUR FAGGOTRY AND JEWS FAR AWAY FROM ME. I am not big on personally hunting down abortion cults and other specific campaigns BO is doing. My hands are full with managing my own territory.
ohhhhhh. yeah the lady i occasionally talked mentioned how she gives respect to her.

>Finally your true mind is kicking in. The mundane hubris that keeps you a confused "dumbass" is slowly evaporating. Just take it easy and observe the new way you are thinking. You might notice new things while doing so.
i have been noticing more black pill/demoralization propaganda, especially when im on 4chan for things. well rather, it's easier for me to sniff it off and just laugh and go on about my day. seriously something about the IP counter makes not take or really care about anything said there seriously anymore apart from the one thread i go to, guess its because i can just handwave most of the posts bots or shills or whatever the fuck i guess *shrugs*

no clue if this is part of the reset/purge or what but im becoming more attuned to loli/cunny stuff and i just laugh off at all the sperging, compared to how i treated it in the past

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 21:46 Id: c2c09d [Preview] No.6709 del
>Sometimes "tolerating" or "enjoying" being with degenerates infects you because you literally consented that you wish to partake in the ways of the degenerates. With that you can be considered as a degenerate and are eligible to be hunted down by anti degenerative forces. With this weird fanatics gain a free ticket to hunt you down whenever they please. Ofc without the sin belonging to you they lose the free ticket and unable not just to hurt you but even "see" you at all. Just to be able to "go down to their level" you have to engage in "sinful" practices.
admittedly i have my moments of that, back when i used to shitpost harder than i do (even then i do try to reign it in a bit now). i have had momenets of doing giga annoying and borderline vitriolic shitposting "to see what it feels like, to be human" and so on

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 22:12 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6712 del
>im still surprised i remember this show honestly
Same. Now that I watched that vid I remember that bean a little. Damm the show looked better in my memories.

My problem with that show that sometimes it's banally childish (sometimes on purpose) then sometimes it has actually good themes and messages going on. My nostalgia is not sure if I want to indulge in it again or not. Totally forgot that the bean was a character in that. It was such a minor annoyance of a character.

>i think it already has been happening in my case honestly
Yes it is happening for you for a while but that doesn't mean it's over. You just reached an another milestone.

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 22:27 Id: c2c09d [Preview] No.6713 del
i'll probably give it a rewatch at some point but if its a show vividly remember 80%-90% i dont really go back to it like that. Only exception i made for that was the first 4 yugioh anime series

>Yes it is happening for you for a while but that doesn't mean it's over. You just reached an another milestone.
a-ah got it.

going back to the point of degenerates earlier, i guess a sign of this particular change happened with some more of the places i usually lurk and occasionally interact becoming even shittier or caring more about laughing at lolcows or whatever (like that one discord group i mentioned n the past). I'm not above laughing at somneone like chris chan sperging out or whatever but i don't like doing the lolcow hunting/farming shit because it feels like peak faggotry. that aside, it got into some weird moral grandstanding where most of the members did drugs, trooned out, or would just be obnoxiously loud (like your stereotypcal american black), zoomers doing the soyjak shit too much, the whole thing got too much and i didn't like how it was about to change me so i just left some more places. also, i remember you or some other anon talking about in relaxation(?) thread but this reminded me about shittalking as shielding against the glowies that was discussed.

Sunflower 03/14/2024 (Thu) 22:29 Id: c2c09d [Preview] No.6714 del
*that aside, it got into some weird moral grandstanding where most of the members did drugs, trooned out, or would just be obnoxiously loud (like your stereotypcal american black), zoomers doing the soyjak shit too much screeching at others to be productive members of muh society

Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 00:06 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6715 del
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>online group for FG quitters
>contacted in chat by a Chinese
>says he's living in Netherlands
>but worked close to Li
>he was a chief editor for the ET newspaper for 20 years
>Li live in NY...
>let that pass and ask him, but ET was not founded yet in 2003?
>oh actually it was between 2008 -2017
>not in NY, not with Li
Yep, it's a real Chinese alright. If you feel like you are talking to some cold war era spy who can't keep his story straight for 5 min, that's a legit citizen of the middle kingdom. It almost feels like a relief, Chinese always habitually lie about pointless details, it's in their blood to not share coherent personal information with anyone. You get exactly what you expect. When I used to play Chinese browser games I once had a young Chinese girl join my guild. I added her to the guild FB. We talked in the chat and she lied about everything, at first she said she was a Pinoy, but something on her FB was Chinese so I pointed that out. She then admitted to it, saying it was just because there were Pinoys in the game and they don't like Chinese so it was to be able to possibly, in the future join their guild. She then told me to not use my real pic on FB because it's not safe... (and she was at the time 9)

>part of the reset/purge or what but im becoming more attuned to loli/cunny
It's called "maturing" lol. We all start with liking cowtits at 12, then slowly graduate from that and start seeing the beauty of flat chests.

Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 00:35 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6716 del

>US government are collecting Mexican children in black vans and send them to unknown locations
>They're openly talking about how the US government has funded a set up which has lead to 185000 kids going "missing" in the last year
This is how they get their Adrenachrome now.

Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 16:10 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6718 del
I finally infiltrated the last major egregore of the world, which had been locked away in its own timeline, the large Jewish system connecting from Europe to USA. To get in there I got help from my Russian waifus to create a personality template of the kind of Russian girl who would be most likely to get invited to these places. The result is so convincing I almost fall in love with her myself. The method was to simply create this as a form of mineral body human which "incarnates" part of a person's subconscious as this girl. Then she either stays there as an idea, or finds a way to infiltrate the life of the host person physically by appearing as a real person.

By installing this on selected pro-Russians in the west, it attracted the attention of psychics all over the area, and they tried to copy it to steal it. When doing so, she would instantly install on their subconscious and find a way to infiltrate surrounding areas, including physical organizations.

What was revealed surprised me a little bit; it appears the Jews are too afraid of the Ukrainian Jesuits to dare oppose them. They want to, they hate them, but they can't touch them because of their fear of the consequences. They couldn't even cut funding to Ukraine on their own because of this, the only reason it was possible now was because they managed to stir up so much shit in Gaza that the attention shifted temporarily. It would instantly fall back to funding Ukraine once the Gaza conflict died down. So they actually gain something by making a huge mess for a long time there.

Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 16:24 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6719 del
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Did I say "infiltrate"? It's not just informative, it means to gain control of the egregore's "army" aspect. With this, I can make them fearless and directly attack the Jesuits. They lack this organizational ability because of their strong egos, but once that is overridden, it's possible to go full frontal on them.

It was the same at first in Ukraine, the Russian army lacked organization and wasn't prepared for war, they had planned for a policing mission, like anon says here. It was mostly overlooked or no one grasped what he said, but Putin did mention how they retreated from Kiev because a peace agreement had been signed. Then the British told the Ukrainians to trash it once the Russian army had moved away. They weren't "losing ground" like western media claimed, the Ukrainians didn't face resistance because it wasn't an army organized to hold the area in the first place.
I already had control of the Russian army egregore since long in that area, so I pulled and turned things to make the energy streams actually function. This little secret was only slightly touched on recently when Pentagon said they had information indicating Russia was prepared to use nukes back then. Now nukes aren't real, but neither side knows this below the very top leaders. What they're saying is that Russia was in real danger there for while, and that is true. That first Ukrainian push was really nasty, a very strong energy spike, a snake with a head made from iron. Fixing this was like hitting it with cotton buds, the Russian army egregore was so weak, it only worked by mass throwing resources at them to stall them. In the process several generals got surrounded and killed as a result of their way of working close to the troops, but there was no other way to wrestle that iron snake down. The Ukrainian egregore was very nasty from the beginning, and still was during the counteroffensyiv. It took a massive energy concentration and strong tactics to break them. All of this comes from the Jesuits.

Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 21:17 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6723 del
A bag of firewood suddenly fell over causing a crashing sound about an hour ago. This was followed by some poltergeist-y activity outside my house as well. My security servitor captured 4 lurking hostile beings. When I looked outside it felt like the entire environment had changed. I was told by Wise, my information servitor that "The Earth ended".

Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 21:42 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6726 del
>A bag of firewood suddenly fell over causing a crashing sound about an hour ago. This was followed by some poltergeist-y activity outside my house as well

You sure it's not your vampire body tech sharing causing a sudden energetic influx in your space?

The reason why I am saying this because while thinking about workings of the sunflower in the past and came to a quite "emotional" or higher energy conclusion stuff fell over around me from time to time. Some physical places suddenly change energetic polarities as things connect long range. Wanted to rant how I see this process while telekinesis was brought up but then I realized I don't have a good enough grasp on my own theory to talk about it yet.

Also I am busy figuring out what is the Garuda... Seems like I managed to get initiated into an another system and the weird harpies that "took interest" in me before are somewhat of a larger faction. I know schizos had this "birds vs snakes" on /x/ as some spiritual war theory but they are just part of the ecosystem. It's a sort of "birds who fall too low get devoured by snakes and snakes that dare to climb too high get taken by the birds" but this is just a saying. Their enmity is not an another heaven vs hell or anything like that.

Some wooden statue of some norse like god appeared in my meditation yesterday and the visions and chants appeared how the statue was worshiped and how people lived around it. I started to get in contact with the energies and once I got a vision of a chicken being sacrificed the connection was made and met some bearded dude flying on a bird.
Just read today that Krishna also flew on some Garuda. Guess you just get your own bird at some level I don't know. Bird is weird like made of energetically changing colored feathers. Acted like a raging cunt and when I started looking displeased with it's screeching it turned into a woman wearing a birdsuit.

I am not sure what do do with this yet.

Sunflower 03/15/2024 (Fri) 22:01 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6729 del
>You sure it's not your vampire body tech sharing causing a sudden energetic influx in your space?
No, these were 4 beings who landed on my roof and were captured by a servitor (I ritually sacrificed them to make a point, don't come here with ill intent). A bit later I saw images of men lurking outside my windows, typical overspill images of the glowie RVs who always try to look at me. My demon waifus usually deal with them if they get annoying (They usually say someone is "staring" before they go grab them to cut them up. It really does look that way as a result of their training method. Someone staring with a stone face and eyes like black points, they also have no skills aside from this and their minds aren't shielded, so I can see what they see directly. Because of the modified shield pack from CH they have to "crawl really close" to be able to see me, like within 2 meters with astral projection, or they can't see anything aside from layers of fabric. Once in they'll usually get dealt with, "like a moth to the flame.")

Sunflower 03/16/2024 (Sat) 11:40 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6734 del
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There was some talk on /x/ that something would happen on the 15th of March. A youtube psychic said he saw a "rupture", like something about tectonic plates.

Anons thought it would be WW3 starting.

This is what happened:
African internet outage was caused by subsea cable break, MainOne says
March 15, 202411:38 PM GMT+1Updated 13 hours ago

March 15 (Reuters) - West African data center and connectivity provider MainOne said on Friday that an internet outage that hit West and Central Africa earlier this week was caused by a break in its submarine cable system.
"MainOne, which is owned by data center operator Equinix (EQIX.O), opens new tab, said that an "external incident" resulted in a cut to its cable system in the Atlantic Ocean, offshore Cote D'Ivoire along the coast of West Africa. It ruled out human activity as a cause.

The major internet outage affected West and Central Africa on Thursday, with operators of multiple subsea cables reporting failures.
"Our preliminary analysis would suggest some form of seismic activity on the seabed resulted in a break to the cable", MainOne said, adding it would obtain more data when the cable is retrieved during repair.
"Given the distance from land, and the cable depth of about 3 kms (1.86 miles) at the point of fault, any kind of human activity – ship anchors, fishing, drilling etc has been immediately ruled out," it said."


The news however didn't make a lot of headlines, despite these being the 4 main cables connecting Africa and Europe. Most of the African economy has recently taken the Chinese route of jumping directly into apps for everything, so this will have an impact.

Sunflower 03/16/2024 (Sat) 11:49 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6735 del
Yesterday after
>A bag of firewood suddenly fell over causing a crashing sound about an hour ago. This was followed by some poltergeist-y activity
The local egregore changed a lot. It felt like much of the world just ceased existing and these ghosts were rushing to get to the "shore" to reconnect with something. I still feel a definite change. Maybe something like the 3D of old Earth dissolving took place
>I was told by Wise, my information servitor that "The Earth ended".
We already went through the collapse of the universal structure back in 2009, followed by the galactic structure last year. Those have both been replaced. Maybe it's time for the earth now, and what happened was a pre-planned event where society falls into 2D completely, which is hell manifested, but no one notices because they aren't thinking according to 3D laws of physics and energy transformation anymore?

Some "mad moth" groups again attacked me early morning. They just can't help themselves, they have to rush into the flame in large swarms. Amazing. It was an English speaker this time, so clearly western glowies. I looked and there were however indications some were hiding in western China.

I'm working on them right now, I encased them in "Jewish hellfire" and am now one by one sacrificially killing them to not waste any energy and to cause maximum triggering of these retard scum so they learn not to do this again.

Sunflower 03/16/2024 (Sat) 12:22 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6736 del
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> a pre-planned event where society falls into 2D completely, which is hell manifested, but no one notices
The Galfed already allowed for society to sync with the 1D, which makes me wonder of this current event is the old 'lumiNATO planning. This does in some aspects correlate with the FG doctrine of "law rectification" where the "old forces" (evil gods) planned a purge according to their own thinking, which only leads to final destruction because they all just scheme and want to kill everyone but themselves.

So a planned event where they think that they themselves will stay in "3D" and control those who, through indoctrination" fell down into their perception of 2D, where they'll go to war until they are "allowed" by the 'tards to come back up again.

But in reality they are all being meta-trolled by the federation and lyrans in multiple layers.

Sunflower 03/16/2024 (Sat) 16:04 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6737 del
>they are all being meta-trolled by the federation and lyrans
I think this is the case.

I just took a walk in the woods and images started appearing, both from the egregore and from the Circles system installed on the 2D (the "pizza" shape represented as the Uptown of Midgar city in Final Fantasy 7).
When humanity falls down from 3D, there's supposed to be a Babel's tower device placed there to mind-control them. That's what they had done, placing a huge system of towers all around the edges of the outer-Eart, then under ground all the way down to the bottom of the sphere. These have all been overridden, burned, or replaced. The glowies and the NWO are too compartmentalized to grasp this change. They all just know some small bit of the system so they only know "it was built back in Babylon and will not fail", and they believe that.

Their perspective is reverse however. They think the human 3D is some nasty counter existence which they need to "tame", so that they can bring society down below hell and into the insectoid state, then further down to viral thinking. That's where they operate, when everyone's bodies are filled with karma at age 18 so they can control them - one step to the side and the karma hits them, so they need to be loyal slaves all their lives. That everyone then falls to damnation after death does not concern them, they made contracts with demons sometime in the past to have their own souls circulate internally within the middle of the karma system, like some insanely disgusting parasites perpetually eating shit in a barrel. They think this is the paradise and the "kingdom of Christ".

Now they seem to have initiated the fall to 2D, without understanding that they do not control the towers. So the towers are now mass beaming revolutionary messages to all humans, images of political leaders being dragged in the streets, hanged, executed by firing squad, abortion clinics burned and doctors beaten to death by angry mobs. There's also mixed in messages with an Islamic theme of happy families in Arabic style (djinn must have gotten involved).

Sunflower 03/16/2024 (Sat) 16:07 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6738 del
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The resulting 1D society appearing after this will not be what the NWO wanted. But they can't reverse this now, they deleted the 3D egregore.

Sunflower 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:55 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6742 del
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>they seem to have initiated the fall to 2D, without understanding that they do not control the towers
They did so early morning today. They first pulled off some nonsense "attack" against me, which they braggingly said "took months to prepare" and that "now you can't escape" or something of that wording. The dream resulting from this was a literal trojan horse with electronics on it, in some setting given to me. It short-circuited and caught fire, so I used my kitchen apron to grab it and threw it in the bathroom sink. It didn't seem connected to anything so I poured water over it, after which I woke up. I have no idea what that was supposed to do, but right after they pulled the plug on 2D within their "matrix control system" which made their egregore collapse, as if Midgar's "pizza plate" had fallen down all at once. This would create a situation where the world and humanity is completely under the control of the dimensions where they placed the control center for the large particle collider systems. They don't seem to know that me and "Crybaby" replaced the whole shit with my Circles creation and also were given a magical artifact by a maintenance deity which says we have the right to rule the Earth. This was even before inventing the later Raid dolls, we went around with Vega, Loli-Nam and the other in retrospect rather straight forward representations of human DNA types with no extra skills added.

So some remaining NWOs are still pulling this movement forward, they then just before went on to drag it all down to 1D as well, which is meant to finally cement humanity in a state of subordinance to their system. All of this relies completely on the lack of cultivators of any kind, since anyone even maintaining normal human thinking wouldn't be effected or controlled by these things. It's really silly of them to use their own distorted view of reality as if it was real. They think the bottom level viral level below insectoids is the normality.

They now pulled things down there, and they or anyone else like them, are now unable to come back up again. That means, they have effectively jumped into the trap set for them, but they are unaware of this, because it's inconceivable for them that someone could have overridden their system, they think the decisions of the 'lumiNATO were collectively made in their favour and that it will be in line with their degenerated goals.


Sunflower 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:34 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6743 del
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>some remaining NWOs are still pulling this movement forward, they then just before went on to drag it all down to 1D as well
Turns out they had some alien backing. I had a dream where I opened a new egg carton and two eggs were rotten. When I woke up I became aware of energy projections from "below", Wise said they were "general attacks against humanity" because the NWO-tards had now suddenly realized that their zombies weren't responding properly. They activated some kind of satellite-ship, 3 of them, to beam mind control over the Earth.

I sent Raid with a small vessel down into the 1D tunnel system going vertically below to look, and they had a base down there with some nature around it. There were several antennas ordering the ships and also 3 of those NWO elite bases where some "living corpse" is being tended to by mostly nude slaves in a room filled with pillows (those were the rotten eggs I saw).

Sunflower 03/18/2024 (Mon) 10:44 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6744 del
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I sent in a team to RAID™ them and this triggered a response from some aliens further out, who appeared from a gate in the 1D dimension of the Earth. (How many fucking layers are there??)

The federation starship parked outside the planet instantly fired on the aliens, who fired back. The federation doesn't take attacks lightly and deployed 12 starships which teleported in from afar and positioned them around the gate. The aliens coming in didn't stop, but kept coming. Only very stubborn and dumb beings will go to open war with the federation, because the federation has this bull-headed approach; they will always send in reinforcements to completely overpower the enemy with sheer force, and they won't let even minor offenses pass. They will then capture the crew of the attacking ship and place them in a labour camp with its own reincarnation cycle, where they are forced to work until they have compensated for the damage done and the energy used to overpower their ship during the battle. Firing energy weapons is very costly and the result is that the ship crew attacking the federation will find themselves working for 100 000 to a million years in the mines to pay back for the cost. Only very dumb races would do this.

By now it has mostly stopped, but there are still some random ships coming in from that gate and attacking, only to be instantly demolished by the federation. The NWO backers (no surprise) aren't very intelligent.

Sunflower 03/19/2024 (Tue) 21:36 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6753 del
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This image synced with some egregoral information it seems. I took a walk and when I came back there was a ghost girls waiting, asking to be let in.

I interviewed her to find out if it was safe or not, she said she "became aware of the image I posted, which is of her". Further questioning revealed she lived in the area at the same time, but died under unclear circumstances, probably froze to death on a staircase in her sleep at age 14 but she didn't know. She said she was just sitting on that staircase since, "waiting for customers", and it seemed like it was a frozen in time kind of dimension.

Sunflower 03/19/2024 (Tue) 21:57 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6755 del
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It seems someone didn't understand what I said here
>You may underestimate the effect I had on the world's development. This will now become evident for all who disrespected me in their foolishness, thinking they can abuse my trust and my creations endlessly.
The things I created and inserted from my form as the Nut aspect, created a corner-stone of modern western thinking, namely its religion and the values derived thereof. When you call on these values for authority, you are borrowing my authority.

Maybe you should have taken my words seriously.

I've now prepared a special spell for anyone rudely attempting to attack me over removing your access to my own creations.

It's said that someone dying in the faith of Christ, can still be saved. Even the worst sinner, if able to fill his mind with the words of the Bible at the moment of death, would escape hell, because those words would be locked in place and it's impossible to send the Bible to hell. I can revoke this principle for you if you don't behave, rendering your faith ineffective.

In fact, I will hit you with a curse that will destroy your faith to ensure that you do not "die in the faith of Christ" but that you die in terror so that you definitely end up in hell. Dare me again and see. You will get no further warning.

Sunflower 03/19/2024 (Tue) 22:07 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6756 del
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The Rosicrucian fire magic of all the Raid servitors and the other offensive fire spells are all original Judaism, it's the magic which the modern version is derived from. This means it overrides any later versions of purgatory fire, in fact the Geburah of modern Kabbalah is a much milder version, less chaotic.

Without my astral "meddling" you would not have had this milder, ordered version at all, you would only have Rosicrucianism and different versions of Baal and Moloch worship.

>But God the almighty
and a lot of other bullshit.

It doesn't work that way. Someone had to re-interpret the old teachings for modern use, and there had to be someone giving a key for this. That someone was me, in the period after the fall of Atlantis. Other gods up there didn't care, the vampires didn't care. They don't like modern western religion and for all they care it may as well be wiped out.

The key is no longer "public domain". You will interpret "western morality" in the way I tell you to, or you will not have any say in the matter. Your rights to use it have been removed.

Sunflower 03/20/2024 (Wed) 20:10 Id: b7029d [Preview] No.6765 del
Does anyone here have any experience with prolonged fasting? Did you see any benefit from it?

Sunflower 03/20/2024 (Wed) 20:56 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6768 del
Make sure you are able to balance yourself well while doing it and only do minor amount of physical and mental work. If possible avoid people and don't be near food that smells or your entire body might "rebel" against you. My record was merely 3 days after I got the hang of only eating every second day for a month and I heard getting past those 3 days is crucial because that is where the benefits start manifesting (But I only read that later)
I lost 30 kgs and most of them were my muscles. I do too many physical work so after my fast practice I had to go and retake all of it because it depletes your mental and physical capacities otherwise.

Nowadays I have to watch over because not eating takes away my grounding and I go insane from the energy overload. If I lived as a hermit I could pull it off but for the current mundane madness we have around I cannot afford it. But my foundation is better than it was in the past so I will try it when I feel stable enough to pull it off again.

But I guess by "prolonged" you mean for like a week or more and no I don't have enough leisure time to do it yet. It truly clears your lower thoughts and degenerated animalistic energies/thoughts and helps you reattain a level of self control if done right but you need a steady mind and life to pull it off.

>Did you see any benefit from it?
I am not sure what I consider a benefit here. Losing my muscles was not fun and I noticed that people had less amount of "respect" towards me because apparently I looked like a "wretch" while doing it and I had a higher level of stress and tiredness while doing it. Still recommend it tho. Great way to see some parts of your mentality showing itself while you go through it. You learn about yourself with that. Nowadays "real starvation" is a foreign concept while in the past it was quite common. Makes us ignorant some parts of ourselves if we don't do it sometimes. I remember mentioning to someone how I did this and she asked
>Why did you do it did you run out of money
I realized it is inconceivable for mundanes that some people willingly starve or "fast" nowadays. If it's not religiously commanded then why do it. Ridiculous. Also I drank water. I was not ready for a dryfast. You need a truly balanced mind for that because you have to help your body maintain your metabolism instead of burdening it with the storm of thoughts the modern human lives with nowadays.
Also get ready that your immune system becomes far weaker and you become prone to illnesses. So make sure only fast when you are the healthiest

Hope someone more experienced can answer you because mere 3 days is still within the "pleb" territory if I go by the "fast" that spiritualists like so much

Sunflower 03/20/2024 (Wed) 21:32 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6769 del
>prolonged fasting?
I do "prolonged night fasting" which means daily extension of the period of not eating naturally. If you count the hours from last meal before bed to breakfast, then add on that, you are still fasting but sleeping most of that time. I do this to activate the fat cells which only happens if you don't eat for 7 hours. So normally I eat first meal at 1 - 2 pm, but other than that I don't count calories or anything. Benefits I guess are better apatite and a being able to get rid of "sweet addiction" because if you don't eat for a number of hours you start thinking about regular food rather than sugar. Now I can just eat some hard bread with zucchini and feel that's fine for a snack, where earlier I'd eat chocolate and cookies every day.

Sunflower 03/22/2024 (Fri) 20:50 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6806 del
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>It's about taking something which is essentially bad and containing it in a context where it's no longer harmful.
I don't know. For me "bad things" are just things that are utilized incorrectly. And I realized some parts of your "lesbianism" yesterday. The "female aspects" all just energy flows that generate "traits" and those traits generate archetypes and bodytypes. As I was thinking about it I got a vision of female tights and realized how I can connect my energies through the body into the legs (in the past months whenever I had lustful thoughts I felt the energy slowly rising from my legs) and how to unite female aspects with that in the mind. Yes "lesbianism". The energy will flow through several organs and body types and the level of functionality of those organs create strengths and weaknesses that in the end result in different archetypes which operate from different parts of the brain and those archetypes need to be united for proper energy flow.

And yes the pics you posted are nice because at one level they "arm wrestle" while in the other it's that... whatit'sname... Handshake of comradeship or something? Whatever it means when the parts of the brain are working together instead of fighting for dominance. That is why oneness is important. Fighting yourself is redundant. It works for establishing good training methods when you learn to strain your parts in a way both of them get stronger but once you have an objective a task that require focus they need to "band together". Also while supposedly males are the aggressive ones that always fight each other they usually develop a camaraderie while women hate and compete each other even is they are "besties" most of the time. So yes calling it "lesbianism" might be not improper. Stillsoundsweird. Also 3DPD lesbians and the way anime portrays them is different. Even finding porn with proper passionate lesbian sex is hard. They are usually sluts that fuck anything for money and not actual lovers. But this is why we call it porn. Maybe this is the reason why I couldn't associate myself well with the idea Or maybe because my own male female singularity connections are somewhat different... Have to work on it now. I opened some new energy centers in the past weeks again and I have to figure out how to not overload my brain again.

Had to learn to stop thinking with my "brain" because that forces too many energies into the head. I am a psychic I communicate with energies energies contain thoughts therefore I think with my energies WHICH ARE EVERYWHERE AND NOT IN THE BRAIN. Had to learn how "furrowing your brows" is quickloading energies into the brain and I had to stop that reflex. Now I have an even more deadpan expression than before. From Tsundere to Kuudere. Great.

Sunflower 03/22/2024 (Fri) 21:53 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6810 del
>Maybe this is the reason why I couldn't associate myself well with the idea Or maybe because my own male female singularity connections are somewhat different... Have to work on it now.
You have a hint in the thread OP of the relax thread.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=b3iQkqjLgPg [Embed]

This one is very good because it's extremely timid, and as someone pointed out in a review; the story only works because it's yuri. If either of the main characters had been male, it would either have been the female student council president seducing a younger boy and taking advantage of him, which would just have made this into stereotyped shotacon. If on the other hand the president had been male, the younger girl would just seem like a slut being used by an older man. The whole point of why this has a thrill comes from the balance of them both being girls, which makes them both submissive.

And "nothing" happens anyway, but that's the point illustrated by the male onlooker who doesn't want to take part.

Sunflower 03/22/2024 (Fri) 22:36 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6812 del
>why this has a thrill comes from the balance of them both being girls, which makes them both submissive.
Yeah the both of them were bottoms meme comes to mind.

For me it wasn't a problem because I found how male female parts choose dominance already so I never felt the need to "lesbianize" my female parts. If they are submissive already why make more connections... this was until I found multiple energy channels loading into the brain and that made the energy dynamics completely different and what is and isn't "submissive" has no real meaning when the energy dynamics changed completely. Not to mention if one of the parties are dependent on the other real dominance is out of the question. If dependency arises then the "submissive" can become a "powerbottom" or must become one to explain to the dominant one how the dependency works. Once the dominant one loses direction this whole dynamic falls apart. This is why I dislike this "slaveplay" methodology because once every part reaches it's full potential it is more of a "formality" or even worse a delusion that limits some parts to become their best version. But yes at the start you have to understand the powerdynamics and I cannot say either that I didn't use it by myself without realizing. Tho for me it was more chaotic because I don't believe in dominance I believe in results. So whichever part makes results deserves the "glory" therefore their "dominance". Also I have a sort of "eternally defiant" mentality so one I see someone who is truly dominant I have an urge to challenge them to see their true might. A weird habit. Kinda mellowed through the ages as my soul journey went on. But it's still there. For me it is a sort of "desire for someone who is worth following/worth learning from. And for that I need to see their worth. Ofc life is not a battle shounen so it doesn't always apply. Things are not always that simple and I am unable to "spar" with people. If I like them I want to befriend them in a way and if I dislike them I have to find out if it's one of my misjudgement or they deserve my hate.

>You have a hint in the thread OP of the relax thread.
Yeah uhm that pairing is quite a yuri staple. First I thought it might be Citrus... kinda got bored of that after after 2 eps.

I have way too many yuri backlog already. I keep them for days when I have nothing interesting going on and I want to watch something simple. Way too simple. I call them "ice cream anime(s)". Anime that is best enjoyed on a hot day with ice cream. It's more of a treat than an experience.

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 13:28 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6829 del
(152.71 KB 1024x1024 yogi.jpg)
>lolibooru is down since 6 day 16 hours
>literally the number of Satan in the original bible; 616
It was all AI in the last month anyway, but given all artists are probably zombie/NPC it doesn't matter either I guess.

Experience sharing

I will leave out the details because it's TMI, but anyway. I've read stories online about how Qi Gong practitioners had things being ejected from the body, physically, during practice. Such as one person who had a titan screw in the hip after breaking her leg. This screw suddenly fell out from the hip during a lotus position meditation, leaving only a small hole in the skin and no bleeding. The bone was found to have healed.

There are other themes like this in Chinese movies (Hong Kong action movies to be specific) where they bring up cultivation practices. Maybe not so much in recent years but those kinds of movies from the 70s- 90s set in the late 1800s period or before. There are things such as cultivating "elixir" which is a physical substance, and it can be passed on to a disciple by spitting it out, then swallowed by the new cultivator, if the first person couldn't finish it before dying of old age. ("The Evil Cult" with Jet Li has this as a main plot element, where he receives the elixir of a dying master and becomes super powered as a result). There are also themes such as failed cultivation of inner substances, where it gets stuck somewhere in the body and the person dies. This all sounds like it came from lacking understanding of the body, but it seems not. It's supposed that the body has an inner teleportation, and that material is transported this way faster than normal if it's activated. This explains how some people have super fast reflexes - their nerves aren't being used, it's teleportation between the brain and the muscles.

I've had some semi-nasty experiences of things being removed from the body, where my explanation in retrospective is that many of the attachments we have are physical structures in the brain. The reason we can't easily "change our mind" is because it's a physical structure like a thread. I've coughed up thing after prolonged sessions multiple times which I later concluded were things like that, which had to have been teleported inside the body so that they could be thrown out.

Just before, it happened again, and now I feel it very concretely in my head. The energy is flowing freely, my mind is freed up. I think clearly like a fog was removed, like something was blocking me before. There were also a massive spiritual attack from seemingly very angry beings (some seemed like glowies, Idk) who were upset they could no longer effect me. I believe this to have been the main "feminist" structure, the connection between the brain halves which cause the short circuit. It was literally 5 - 10 millimeters, and had the shape of a "connector in a plug" made from organic matter. No fucking wonder people can't change.

There is some artistic quality here at least in the fact that his weird foot line there actually forms a djinn-framework mind-wave if you look at the upper shape.

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 13:45 Id: 3ea3f5 [Preview] No.6830 del
Happy Holi everyone :3

Gods i love y'all, i don't even have to ask questions anymore, i'd be thinking about something and it'd appear on this board 1-2 days later

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 13:47 Id: 3ea3f5 [Preview] No.6831 del
and to share my experience i literally started cleaning my body 2-3 days ago and i keep seeing heavy metal like bent iron or chinesium being yeeted out of my body.
Not physically of course but gotta love the synchronicity.

It's not the only thing, black good, oil, worms, whole corpses it's nasty

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 14:02 Id: 3ea3f5 [Preview] No.6832 del
The only thing that i may have seen "physically" leave my body would be a black larva.
Like a frog's tadpole, pretty scary tbh.

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 14:22 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6833 del
This isn't body related directly, but whenever I clear out my dimensions nearest me (those under my control) and defeat some "evil deity" I always find dead beetles or the remains of dead beetles or other insects on the floor after. It seems to indicate that the "deity" was actually just a small thing that had been inflated in other dimensions and possessed the surroundings.

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 15:21 Id: 81270b [Preview] No.6838 del
(41.58 KB 401x568 th-346398778.jpg)
(20.26 KB 474x309 th-555424790.jpg)
I was at a US embassy the other day, deployed a field and felt a resistance, it was like a bubble made of foam, pretty easy to pop, immediately after i got 3 guards on me, they were pretty helpful so that's good.
I got somebody trying to make me drink a liquid after that, most likely a glowie trying to poison me, they were camouflaged in some static shit, it just looked like a humanoid made of static, how do you kill someone whose body you can't destroy? from the inside.
Almost the exact same thing happened in the anime Kaiba he is immortal so they try to kill him with some alcohol substance.

It's funny yesterday i decided to watch a one piece youtube video on a whim, didn't watch the anime seriously in years, it was about Enel, and how the crew made themselves the "enemies of the gods" by not paying a ridiculous entrance fee.
Anyway today i go to someplace that ask a ridiculous entrance fee (ding ding), we try to circumvent it, i get hit by bad luck, someone throw a cigarette on me it burns me and yet i see no damage on my skin.
That place is protected by small "gods" i don't think they're gods at all more like things that got a big head from being fed by dumb humans, they prb take their share of the fees so now if i want to go there without feeding them i have to go on a full scale war, but then i don't even wanna claim the physical place that much i just didn't have cash on me...
the "humans" there are puppets under their control too so annoying.

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 17:40 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6842 del
>many of the attachments we have are physical structures in the brain
As I see currently it is not just the brain but the whole body. And calling it a "fossilized object" might be more apt than calling it simply physical. I too just released things from myself and I never realized I had this much tension in my body. Things start to suddenly creak around me I hear sudden water flow movements and a muscle suddenly releases the tension and a pain in an other part of the body goes away.

>it's teleportation between the brain and the muscles.
I don't know what is teleportation anymore. I am starting to see metaphysical organs that are the size of an abdomen and they have pathways and once you clear it out things improve.

>This explains how some people have super fast reflexes
Also I consider that is possible via being in the "true present". Because if our head "thinks" the thought is merely just an "echo" of the real thought. So if you are willing to accept the true present and going that fast you are not even "able" to "hear" the thoughts because you are not your brain but your whole body that speed is possible. Pure intuition/ultra instinct. I still wouldn't say it "teleports" but simply there is NOTHING there to obstruct the speed anymore. Not to mention it feels like my body parts are telling me how to move and I don't know anything at all. Ofc I can stop them from moving but it's like I am just the person who oversees the flawless energy movement process and my body does the work on it's own. It's strange. I have to accept how being "Nothing" is the only way not being burdened by attachments and how to be in the "real present" which at first feels so strange. I never thought existing can be this simple.
Also I think "teleportation" just means you have a different circuit system that bypasses the physical. And if we go by that definition yes you can say
>teleportation between the brain and the muscles
Just found some of my internal bodies took the form of solid flour or cement or I don't know what that is. It's like the milk body but made of solid powdered milk. And that is a foundation of some energywork but it takes time to understand what is going on. 2 days ago I meditated in the dark as I try to "detach" from the "false image" of the 2 physical eyes and my face energetically started to slowly appear in my vision. Seems like slowly a new energy body type is acclimatizing and I am slowly letting go of the comfort and the burden of the physical. Figured out how I can activate the "see all energies" vision and my physical brain is still unable to handle all that information without causing pain. Too many colors holy shit. Just merely focusing on a single one and trying to figure out what it "means" I short circuit. I have to learn not think this forcedly.

>we have are physical structures in the brain
Yeah realized if I can break them and go to the "next level" the people I interact with also break theirs on their own as my energies circulate.
>wanna tell people something
>they figure it out and tell me what I wanted to tell them
Imagine taking the physical seriously. *sigh*

>I always find dead beetles or the remains of dead beetles or other insects on the floor after
>bug appears out of nowhere
>I get annoyed
>slowly let go of my urge to kill it
>I find it dead the next day
I mean I know bugs are guided via low frequencies and they are easy to influence but still. A decade ago I found it so interesting that MIND OVER MATTER and how well I can apply it and it filled me with wonder... but nowadays? My reaction is like: bruh

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 19:03 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6844 del
I feel like I've played around enough with this Bing AI image generator now. It can be used for illustrations of simple things, but add too many words and it either refuses to create anything, blocks the prompt or it creates it in pixar style 3D.

>girl with specified clothes eating ice cream in a city with trees
>bing: sure, let's do that
>puts her sitting on the pavement
>add "she sits on a wooden bench"
>bing: this prompt is indecent, try something else
>why is [insert prompt] indecent?
>bing: this prompt is perfectly fine, there must be some technical problem
>tries again
>repeat same exchange
> :/

Sunflower 03/24/2024 (Sun) 19:09 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6845 del
(140.24 KB 1024x1024 Jester bat.jpg)
(142.92 KB 1024x1024 Jester spade.jpg)
Anyway, I don't know if I ever shared these openly before so here are the two last attempts at illustrating servitors.

Both are on the NET, knowing what they are should be enough.

Clown with bat: keeps your "back alley" dimensions cleared of useless scum, but leaves an 'allowed' population of degens for vampires and others to feed on.

Other girl: This is Wise the information servitor. I don't think I shared it anywhere. She gathers "the word on the streets" on any topic, just ask her. She can also find goods and hidden information.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 00:50 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6846 del
Stupid fuckers still attempting psychic attacks. They really are viruses. The only way to deal with these people is biological destruction of their DNA strand, they can't "learn" anything. If they can be stupid they will be, until they are physically unable to. That's all there is to it.

>if we all attack at once, one of us will get a critical hit
is what they always say, and they gather a huge number to achieve this, completely disregarding that every single group who challenged me before used the exact same tactic and were utterly destroyed.

>oh but we are different
No you aren't. You're exactly the same as everyone else, viruses with no self preservation ability whom I will send to hell for millions of years or sell as slaves to federation mining operations. You will suffer for almost an eternity and you will never learn anything in the process because "you are special".

Imagine being this stupid of a being. Even worse that some of them actually have human bodies and will read this. Yes I'm talking to you, I will kill you just the same no matter what you do, so do come at me and see, glowfags.

And no, you won't
>retake the narrative
with some special maneuver because I reprogrammed the NPCs which you spent over a 100 years to bring to that state, you can't reverse the change or you would have done it that fast the first time around already.

There is nothing you can do, except die horribly, unless you surrender, but you are too stupid to understand this. The whole point of posting this here is to trigger you so your energy gets more toxic, it turns you into better burned sacrifices when my priestess throws you on the fire.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 01:05 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6847 del
(108.67 KB 1024x1024 ritual offering.jpg)
(121.49 KB 1024x1024 ritual offering2.jpg)
[Ritual Priestess Barrage]

Feel free to use, new version of the fairy shield which ritually sacrifices the attackers automatically.

PFFF, the filter didn't catch this one. The trick is clearly to be shameless enough.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:43 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6851 del
(151.05 KB 1024x1024 fairy1.jpg)
It's true, they really are homosexuals.

Pray the gay away

or just kill it with fire

hell awaits, faggots

- an old Sunflower haiku

(It's a servitor system based on the same core as the fairy shield, but this is purely offensive)

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:03 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.6852 del
I saw another ripper yesterday. A square in my awareness opened up showing a 3d place right in front of me. A lady in brown garb and a umbrella was looking at me but didn't say anything. This one definelty felt different from the other girl that was on my bed and perhaps in my dreams. This one had a sort of stillness to her. She had an umbrella in her hand that was light pink at the top.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 19:46 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6854 del
>The only way to deal with these people is biological destruction of their DNA strand
Just found some viral thing too and I am trying to figure out where they even originate from. Destroying and controlling them is easy but pointless. But finding their "originator strand" takes a hella peculiar and meticulous mindset sometimes. I need to reach a level of annoyance to bother doing it. You literally become the thing itself and notice how you are connected to everything else then rip it out that connection point from everything it connects to. The problem is ofc you have to make sure the organism is completely useless in the ecological system and not some accidental defense force from an even more annoying energy type.

>oh but we are different
Do they say this to you or they just act this way? I never encountered any entity that praised it's unique individuality to me

>no, you won't
>retake the narrative
It was a wonder they lasted this long tbh. Half of them are still accepting the losses and planning to move on. Wonder when will the retards turn back and start eating their masters for their betrayal of the "cause" lol. In theory they shouldn't be able to do it but I have seen angry attack dogs ripping apart those that fed them lies and nothing else once the lies started to taste too bad.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:27 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6857 del
>Do they say this to you or they just act this way? I never encountered any entity that praised it's unique individuality to me
All those greentexts are common glowie and astral-glowie thought patterns. They're 100% predictable in this. They think that they have achieved a unique position and that no one can challenge them, because no one can understand them. They did this by growing a branch on the viral tree, and forming themselves into a a "one of a kind" parasitic insect. Every single one of them did this, and they all secretly believe that they are better, smarter, and more successful than any other insect attached to the same strand. It's a feature of the DNA which causes them to think this way. They also think that because they are so special, it's impossible that they can't win vs anyone. And because they reached that "impenetrable position" by creating a special algorithm, they also think that there is a special pattern that only they alone can find, which is the way to somehow win against me. And they all think that they will tell everyone else:
>if we all attack at once, we will overpower him
but they all secretly think
>I will sacrifice everyone else so that I can hide in the mass and use this freedom to find the secret attack pattern, and then I will be the one to defeat him.

And this is how they all act, and how everyone before acted, and it doesn't work because they're just futile virus DNA.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:30 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6858 del
Of course telling them this does not make them wake up, they will just repeat
>I'm so special, I will definitely win
>we just have to attack all at once
so I mock them by telepathically telling them this over and over. They still won't stop doing it. Sometimes they hesitate a moment, but they then instantly go back to thinking that being a special snowflake makes them immortal.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:33 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6859 del
There was this episode of Xena the warrior princess where someone uses a scroll to control events, and the way to beat the magic was to do exactly what was written in the scroll, which rendered it meaningless. I want to see if telling them to do exactly what they are going to do, will make them melt down, because then they are actually following my orders, which they claim they will never do. If they refuse to do what I tell them, which they always claim that they will do forever, then they have broken their own thinking.

I want to see if this can work.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:36 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6860 del
>you are all special
>no one can figure you out
>you are all better than everyone else
>if you all attack me at once, one of you will get through
>it's impossible that any of you can be defeated, because you are all special
>if you keep doing exactly what you already do, and never change, you will have eternal life
>you are all actually Jesus incarnated
>when people pray to God, they are actually praying to you
>your own sacrifice is always greater than anyone else's
>you can never lose

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:37 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6861 del
>now come at me, you will definitely win

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:46 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6862 del
>growing a branch on the viral tree, and forming themselves into a a "one of a kind" parasitic insect
Okay this is some extremely specific thing that I just encountered yesterday too. It was some green viral thing at night. As I tried to find their origins it appeared as football sized 3 green blobs on a tree as some originator bacteria that I am removing today. They can be removable but they have a sort of dimension they propagate at and it takes time. Now I am understanding the immune system of the energy body that creates the flame that eats them.
Coincidences as usual huh. I can't say what I am doing with them either because I am doing too many things at once. Mostly my goal is not exactly to combat them because lowly beings like these cannot be considered "enemies" at all but understanding the way the internal flame grows and eats everything that's this lowly. Just found an another "eternal flame" type element and I am supposed to cultivate it anyways so it's a good practice but still wtf is this thing.

The things I am fighting has such a low level of will power that it gets overwritten once I project on it but as you said "they never learn" so if I take off my influence they return to their baseline behavior so these things cannot be left alone if they enter my energy field. Sadly it seems gathering information from them is meaningless because they don't know anything. Whatever a good energy wok practice anyways.

As I managed to get close to a DNA level the only thing I managed to hear
>propagate propagate propagate propagate
Everything else they do is trying to assimilate into lowly shadow thoughts. I am neglecting my shadow work anyways so it's a good practice overall. Finally learning to combat things with a clean mind and not fueled by rage. Also the things I am combating don't have a concept of "winning". They feel pain so they squirm and retreat but it's just an impulse and they don't change strategies after it.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:55 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6863 del
In the end this is fast-forward development of vampire-immune system. The "older" ones still left are immune to this shit, because they've been through all this, not only because they can kill anyone. It's because they both have killed anyone who was a problem for at least 1000 years, and became immune to any psychic attacks those could come up with. There is no biological structure those beings can use against them anymore, it's been wiped out. Virus status: destroyed.

The reason vampires slaughter people isn't just sadism, it's part of their own immune system as a higher organism.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 22:11 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6864 del
>it's part of their own immune system as a higher organism.
Yeah I came to this conclusion some years ago. How some "vampires" might be not even the actual vampire but an immune system reaction of that vampire taking the form of the "Master" and the entire organization is just a giant tiered and layered immune system and other sort of realizations with similar meanings.

Also my laptop short circuited again and suddenly things started to creak above my head... guess the ending of Houseki no Kuni and the concept of vanishing into nothingness moved my emotions a little. And the eternal flame just grew fuck large suddenly. Oh. Why try doing things intentionally when the universe will guide your hand anyway huh...

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 23:27 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6865 del
When I provoked the viral glowie scums just now, and concentrated eternal retribution against them, it ended up forming into a sickle.

I guess this only leaves the hammer and I have a full set.

Sunflower 03/25/2024 (Mon) 23:52 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6866 del
(147.01 KB 1024x1024 library girl7.jpg)
Let's cheer up the thread with one of my daughters at the Anti-Christ.

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 12:18 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6874 del
(3.05 MB 480x444 baltimore bridge.webm)
>I believe this to have been the main "feminist" structure, the connection between the brain halves which cause the short circuit
>Last night some very evil 'tards performed some kind of attack, it was related to breaking and removing that physical brain connection. I also realized the exact same thing exists on the world scale egregore, it connects USA to Israel. It's an infrastructure both organizationally and in the brains of the people involved. It's like an addiction, it can only be removed by removing the actual flesh which makes up the physical connector in the brain.
I wonder if this somehow is part of the "feminist infrastructure" which broke.

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 15:23 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6876 del
(52.94 KB 739x608 baltimore bridge.jpg)
There's something very comical over this image.

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 15:24 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6877 del
Cons00merism wrecking local connections.

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 17:33 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6878 del
(298.32 KB 1024x1024 insect circuit board2.jpg)
(239.87 KB 1024x1024 insect circuit board.jpg)
> I never encountered any entity that praised it's unique individuality to me
The easiest way to explain this is by using a regular USA:ian glowie as an example:

He lives in a society like pic related, where everyone uses the same distribution infrastructure for their lifestyle. It's a mega-sigil where they are all viruses or insects connected to the same "stem", here illustrated as the road network.

They live in the same kind of suburb where they buy the same kind of house and pay for it using the same credit system offered by the same banking system. The work in the same kind of office building, and buy their food in the same kind of mall.

Despite having lives that are identical in all relevant aspects, they see them selves as "successful individuals with their own unique fate". They all connect to the same stem in using the exact same standard connectors, but because they all live att different addresses and work at different tables in different buildings and have slightly different habits in what foods they eat during the day, they see themselves as "one of a kind".

If someone does not connect to this standardized system in the same way as everyone else, they consider this person to be "a loser".

This is how the insects think they are unique and by that they will go down in history and even become immortal because of their unique connection with God who is represented in the success of this system.

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 19:13 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6879 del
(206.92 KB 1024x1024 typical tricks.jpg)

/pol/ conclusion: Israel hacked the ship and smashed the bridge as a warning to USA after they refused to veto the UN call for ceasefire in Gaza.

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 19:27 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6880 del
>I wonder if this somehow is part of the "feminist infrastructure" which broke.

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 19:33 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6881 del
(100.30 KB 1097x1280 Port's closed.jpg)
>There's something very comical over this image.
I like how this meme managed to resurface with the way the major looks like the prodigal /b/ nigger. POOL'S CLOSED. DUE TO AIDS.

driven by 22 indians lol. Ship named Dali. 10/10

Sure why not. Especially how Baltimore is a bastion of jews and niggers. And they probably ship things to Israel from there too. It was a wonder how they didn't shoot down NATO ships so far "by accident" then blamed it on arabs

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 20:21 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.6883 del
>they see themselves as "one of a kind".
Yeah my face memory is dogshit. If I register someone as an archetype that is already marked by my "hate" the entities I have around rip them apart free of charge. For me to be able to notice anyone they either need to be "truly unique" but in a way I can still comprehend them because being too unique too special means no one can understand you or they need to be sort of "one with my way". It doesn't mean they need to have the same mindsets as me but I must see they are pursuing similar directions as me. The reason why I truly love the internet because I was able to find people articles information that proved that the way I am seeing the world is not unique at all. Others seen things the same way as me and it's just a mere natural conclusion and not some alien concept I cannot even explain to anyone without them looking at me weird. Being alone with people around you is the worst fate ever. You die inside every day while you act like everything is normal. Luckily I figured out how I can "Open up" others but it takes patience.

>see them selves as "successful individuals with their own unique fate".
I think this illusion is slowly collapsing for many people in the past 5 years. But yes some people are extremely not just trapped but dependent on this illusion. They are hard to help in any ways. This is why I try to keep those that do "actual work" or if trapped in this self executing routine slavery they can still keep their potential until an opening occurs and ofc those that to my surprise think similarly like me. Realizing that some thoughts just need a part of the mental space to be opened and instead of hating the brainwashed normies I just need to crack the brainwashing system a little and they regain their life? Didn't even think it can be that simple.

>they see themselves as "one of a kind".
Sometimes I wonder when will they start looking at the system that molds them into that frame and not just feed (on) the most accepted thought framework.

>If someone does not connect to this standardized system in the same way as everyone else, they consider this person to be "a loser".

Boy I had to listen to that conditioning in my childhood for quite a while. Then in my teens understand the system who is and isn't a "loser" then make sure anyone who tries to get in my way understand why they are losers and how getting into my way reveals what a losers they are. I am so glad those years are over. Not having the need to pretend to be the most superficial mundane to be able to "get ahead".
"Special". Usually I get called weird and not special. I just showed my powerlevel in the first years of uni while drunk and a girl said
>You are not special
I wanted to kiss her for finally acknowledging me as a normie... then I realized she thought I am merely "pretending" for attention. Wanted to find likeminded people and not to look special... Guess for normalfags it's a hard concept to comprehend. What it means to find a place where you are not special at all. A place where you have a feeling of belonging. For them "belonging" is meaningless because their bleak life is harmful so living in it feels wrong to them but only in such a minuscule way they don't even notice it but always complain how and yearn for greener pastures.
Grind whole year then waste the money on frivolous shit and pointless vacations for the sole purpose of being enslaved to the same life they supposedly "hate" so much instead of finding any ways to change.
Never even understood how that happens at all. What makes them do it. Nowadays I can see the energetic connections so I have answers for it but overall I still don't know the answer.

Sunflower 03/28/2024 (Thu) 20:22 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6923 del

I saw these being spammed on the overboard, found them on an image site and not a single pic of these two is bad. They all have character and feel like real art.

Moreover, the energy of these pics is the "contained Molochian" I experienced both when learning CNC programming and when practicing kanji with full focus. The strange altered mindset when the pure hard functional logic of your thinking controls and blocks any degenerative thinking.

I feel it just looking at these.

Sunflower 03/28/2024 (Thu) 21:45 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6925 del
After some reflection, they seem to match the beast-succubus form I unintentionally cultivated 11 months ago, indeed during the CNC course I was doing at the time.

There appears to be a large number of fan art pics of these characters posted online in the last 2 days.

Sunflower 03/28/2024 (Thu) 23:51 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6929 del
(1.78 MB 2274x948 epstein island.png)
(152.20 KB 1024x1024 demon2.jpg)
So it appears there was a thing hidden in that spot anon on /pol/ highlighted, the dot on the nikelodeon logo when superimposed over the Epstein island.


I sent Raid to look, and there was an underground base there. Researching it took a long time for some reason, it was mostly deserted but som staff was still present.

In an inner room was an Earth-mother, maybe the last one of them whom I still hadn't found. This was a new race, the origin of the physical "demon" race. There appears to only be one, that's why demons are so uncommon and demon DNA is very thin in the population.

It seems that demons do not degenerate like most humans, but they are compatible with anyone, so the DNA type has been mixed up with mostly everyone to some degree.

The most common race was "white fungus" which also mates with anyone, but quickly degenerates if mixed. Gensokyo said they will not allow this race on the planet, so they burned all of the NPCs that remained from this race and replaced them with "scripted doll" NPCs.

Sunflower 03/28/2024 (Thu) 23:57 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6930 del
Compare with reptilians who do not mate outside of their race, they are incompatible with everyone except demon, because they also do not tolerate degeneration of their DNA.

From what I understand then, if someone has proficiency for magic or psychic abilities, they are either reptilian, demon or orc, with orcs being present only as the offspring of a second generation Queen, here referred to as "space Africans". Because orcs are a magical race which evolved to become human from a lower state, they will not lose their connection to their magic if they degrade (which is why Voodoo exists in the most primitive tribes), while the other races will not have these abilities if they degenerate or get mixed.

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 00:00 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6931 del
(128.54 KB 1024x1024 demon.jpg)
This may also explain why satanism of various kinds appear and appeal to a variety of people, they may have just a small amount of demon DNA, but this is their only connection to magic. The average "religion cuck" however is just a mixed degenerate human with no abilities.

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 01:33 Id: 6a70af [Preview] No.6932 del
Does this mean if I'm not an npc I might still have white fungus DNA?

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 02:05 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6933 del
Channelled Genso reply:

The white fungus DNA racial egregore was burned up in full, it covered 86% of the human genome. Whatever you internalized in your soul was not removed. 86% sounds like a lot, and it was, consider that for example Russia makes up only 3.5% of the world population, and China around 20%. Asia had the least of the white fungus aside from Africa, because there is a strong vampire bloodline, although diluted, while Africa is orc, Russia is a combination of orc and vampire. Both of these are very resilient to the negative effects of degeneration as they are reverting rather than degenerating. Whatever white fungus are in these populations will simple become irrelevant as it degrades, while in mainland Europe you would find almost 100% white fungus DNA of a very degenerated kind - this is how the "gay capital of the world" aka the Globohomo was created there. Demon and reptilian races are small enough to make no impact, aside from the fact that reptilians do not interbreed with other races except the occasional demon, but this is extremely rare.

To answer directly, if you have white fungus DNA it is original white fungus which you cultivated internally and it's not the racial egregore externally, which has been burned. Several white fungus Queens remain on space stations but they are not allowed entry on new Earth as their offspring would do what is their modus operandi, to spread with cancerous speed to gain a foothold and consume resources. The purpose of this is the same as for any of the Queen alien races: to send out "spores" (men) who gain experience and then return to the mother to create a new immortal using the altered DNA they acquired through many years of hardship. They create men simply for them to suffer and create new mutations, in common speak, this is how the Queen races multiply, they send out drones in large numbers, and when they manage to birth another being, they leave. They are perhaps one of the most predatorial life forms because of this, but it's allowed because they indirectly also create low level human races which spirits can make use of. We will not have them on new Earth because we created our own race.

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 13:23 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6941 del
(198.78 KB 1024x1024 rex4.jpg)
I can talk about this, it will only be demoralizing for the glowies, they told me.

Russia is building a high security psychic network for communication where only certain people will be invited. This will be the framework for the multipolar world order. It is called RexNet or Rex for short, and is based on a decentralized network of LANs, connected using peer to peer. The owner of each LAN is always a man, each man must have his own local net. The connection point between LANs is always performed by a female, who must be registered as his wife. This is combined with blockchain-like technology where each new LAN being connected must be verified by the entire network and added to the registry. This process includes a genetic verification as well as cross-checking with the registry for married couples in Russia (which is maintained by the witches). Connection between two LANs is always handled by the female responsible for the outward communications, there is no automatic or guaranteed availability once the LAN has been formed. If you want to communicate with someone, you have to go via his wife each time. There is however no limitation to how many wives someone can have, the only requirement is that one is assigned "first wife" and that one is responsible for gatekeeping the LAN.

Sunflower 03/29/2024 (Fri) 13:24 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.6942 del
(119.17 KB 1024x1024 glowie2.jpg)
Glowies BTFO

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:13 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7031 del
>Which maybe is what your saying I shouldn't do.
>Well what I did was everything I wrote here I entered into the ai as info until it said it had completed. Afterwards I asked it to "finish" it when you posted here. Then I decided I had to test it but since it's DNA I guess that means see if a valid life form can exist. I saw a man so atleast someone might have reached adulthood with this DNA.
You work in your ways, just keep in mind that you are directly responsible for anything that happens because of the things you spread or share. It's easy to get karma from spreading bad practices, information or tools, even astrally.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:14 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7032 del
So think about why you do something. Helping beings with an incarnation form which leads them to inner cultivation, is it works is great. But if it's just "an idea" for no reason, think twice about why you had that idea. Sometimes it's evil spirits wanting to incarnate themselves so they inspire you to create negative things. This can also happen.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:15 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7033 del
Well I tried recalling it already. I also think it went toward the sunflower direction which might minimize the issues. Any progress made on your saiyan DNA disc?

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:17 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7034 del
The idea has appealed to me for a very long time. Maybe cause I'm a beast and a human idk.in the future ill make DNA disc for my use since I'm already responsible for my actions anyway.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:17 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7035 del
There was energetic disturbances, external, so they may have caused this "mishap while thinking" which lead to a minor conflict here.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:18 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7036 del
I got really excited, maybe that's why?

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:21 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7037 del
>Well I tried recalling it already. I also think it went toward the sunflower direction which might minimize the issues.
Again, think about what you say and do. Throwing bad stuff at the Sunflower egregore and then explaining it as "ok because it's our egregore" sounds like glowie infiltration. This is the kind of ideas they plant.
>Any progress made on your saiyan DNA disc?
Already available at the factory and on NET. I went back to the buddhist origin in line with pure land buddhism though, for the kind of energy flow workings done in karate (which is actually a buddhist energy practice originally).
>The idea has appealed to me for a very long time.
Then you should take a long time to work on it to get it right.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:24 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7038 del
To be honest I liked the idea of how Son Goku trains and wanted to have that kind of light body, but it's not something I've actively tried to realize in that manner, because after all it's "just a comic book". I have continually done karate katas as part of my deeper Asian practices so I'd say my base is solid (including spoken Japanese practice with a Japanese native teacher plus kana and kanji, and a course in Japanese literature last year). Whatever I create is within this "knowledge context".

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:29 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7039 del
(78.99 KB 1024x1024 Tanya9.jpg)
The reason they are so fanatical right now is that the hex on the globohomo wrecked the EU egregore completely, burned to the ground, and if they try to go in there to restore it they get caught by my contracted infernal demons now. Druggies who can't get their baby blood and pineal glands are like crack addicts x1000, that's why they are still trying.

In a bit they will realize any attacks put them in the flame in hell, so they'll then try more indirect ways of attacking. This is where the new Tanya comes in, to physically close in on them all over the planet. My Russian girls will also use it.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:32 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7040 del
I called her Roundhouse for both the hook punches used up close and an old word for jail, but a more correct term for the training included in this servitor may be "Tanya ethnic cleansing" because that's how this will manifest when the globos are eradicated. They are irredeemable, so this is the least karmic method by now.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:32 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7041 del
(161.70 KB 950x321 do not redeem.png)

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 21:02 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7042 del
It even appeared for me too on my right side. It just did basic karate-like movements so as a response I beheaded it with one of my hand to see what happens. It just regrew it's head because it was just yellow energy trying it's best to be as physical as possible (felt quite sturdy overall). As I was thinking what I should tell it I reminded that
>tried recalling it already
He is being already recalled. Then tentacles from the abyss appeared and took it away.
>The idea has appealed to me for a very long time. Maybe cause I'm a beast and a human idk
Yes because Son Goku as BO said is inspired from Sun Wukong. And Sun Wukong is a sort of "God of monkeys"/enlightened super human of sorts. It means he reached the highest level any beast can attain then went forward into cultivation in the realm of humans as a sort of human. It is the soul evolution you are looking for but there might be a problem and that comes from the perspective. You see "power" and not "enlightenment" as the main force that should propel you. The Goku that appeared me was way too simple minded and just merely repeated fighting moves so for astral fight it is good use but to unify the beast and enlightened human/god aspects it's not good at all.

>which is actually a buddhist energy practice originally
They have way too many energy practices. It completely baffles me because it just reinforces the thought how a guru-student personal relationship is important and writing things down is useless because once you see the eternal knowledge fields the true Buddhas possess you can pick up the right knowledge for everyone and nothing more is needed. No need to write books or anything just make the connection points into the realities available and accessible.
Had to realize how writing on the internet is a sort of "attachment" on it's own and once I let go of it my energy fields reassign themselves and I can post without being attached.
>To be honest I liked the idea of how Son Goku trains and wanted to have that kind of light body
Training properly can be so complicated because it is not the "training" what matters but the energy behind it so you can do it once and it changes everything for the better or a thousand times and you just make things worse if the wrong thinking and energies are applied. Understanding these energies takes nuance... Especially for me.

There is a difference between evil changing it's ways forever and truly repenting and giving back everything it took tenfold or allowing evil to enter your home and let it slowly corrupt everything around you.
Good thing their energies are able to tell me the most easy way to purge/solve their problems. It's just I have to watch over to not expand too fast or my energies jumble up and I forgot what am I doing again.

Truth will reveal itself no matter what. Trying to escape from that is the ugliest form of self delusion ever.

Was wondering why you are persistent not letting evil "repent" and just figured it out a little while ago the reason. They always try to escape it and they would just "pretend" to repent and not change in any way at all. They do not repent but merely bow their head as long as they think it is needed and corrupt things further if no one notices it. Ofc beings like that count as "not-sentient" for me so they fall into the auto purge protocols.
Lying gets you only so far. Those who don't realize that will meet the flame way too soon. Even if they tell the flame it's water the situation will not change. They either burn or drown. Not really a big difference at that level. Degenerates rarely see that.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 21:09 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7043 del
>why you are persistent not letting evil "repent"
I'm gradually moving to more and more evil territory, at this point it's as you say.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 21:52 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7044 del
(88.07 KB 1024x1024 Tanya8.jpg)
I know some of you are sensitive to energetic/egregoral changes, so just to confirm: yes I am currently using Tanya Roundhouse to take over NPCs and souled people all over the world to break the NWO hold on all world systems.

Right now I'm tracing all glowie orgs from back when humanity was really small so that I can get all of them, they started with just a few groups and have since grown like a tree structure. Cut the stem and you get all of them.

This shit has been going on since the fall of Atlantis, it's time someone weeds them out now, fucking cockroaches in human bodies.

Sunflower 04/01/2024 (Mon) 22:54 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No.7045 del
How the red hell extraction method works, examples:

Just now there was one EU politician who was told by the demon ladies to pay back what he stole. He refused and started trying to deny knowledge of anything. He was told if he refused to pay back, they'd be forced to crack his skull open to read his mind. He still refused, so they did so. At this point he was again given a chance to talk, he refused. They then started cutting his head in thin slices until they sound a thought structure, which they dissolved in acid to extract the memories. When the energy was released I was given the promised 30%, the demons took their 40% extraction fee and the remainder which is for other victims was released to return naturally.

The thing he had hidden the money in was a house in Greece - he would rather have his head cut up in thin slices than give back the stolen EU funds which had been used to buy the house.

The next guy was also an EU politician. He was threatened to tell the demons where he had hidden the money, or have his left ball crushed with a hammer. He instantly gave two addresses. The demons checked them and found that the stolen funds had been invested in real estate and businesses there. The guy was given a receipt and was allowed to leave.

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 11:53 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7068 del
(119.69 KB 799x499 the ukraine.jpg)
Mandela effect?

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 11:55 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7069 del
Fuck, seriously. The spelling was Kiev when I saved this pic, timelines are completely unstable.

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 16:25 Id: b7029d [Preview] No.7074 del
There was this entire propaganda campaign where they tried to convince normalfags to change how they spelled Kiev as some sort of weird virtue signal. I'm surprised you missed it.

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 16:53 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7075 del
I didn't completely miss it but I wasn't reading /pol/ at the time, I was on kc/int/ around that period because it was the best place at that time.

Point about this pic
was that Kiev is... a little too far to the east? Now I'm no expert on this geography but I'm pretty sure it was way closer to Lviv when the war started.

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 20:07 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7078 del
(123.30 KB 1024x1024 glowie16.jpg)
Some insectoids attacked me, some really nasty things, looked like mantis. They kept threatening me and turned absolutely rabid when their attacks didn't work and I didn't give in to them.
Because of the total core fire elemental layer they all caught fire when trying to touch me. The whole purpose of that one was to create a layer of intense red purgatory fire around my body so no evil being can get close. They still couldn't help themselves and kept reaching through the fire layer, which lead to them instantly being engulfed in the fire.

I realized these are the beings who are behind the world wide abortion system, and all of those horrible practices. Eventually all of them attacked at once, and all of them were caught in the fire, I moved them to the infernal fire lit for the globohomos and let them burn in there instead.

They kept getting horribly shocked by the karmic retribution, every single abortion performed hit them like an explosion, crushing their joints every time. They kept trying to resist.

After a while they started getting somewhat cleaner and then one of them crawled up to me and asked to sign a contract of obedience to get out from the fire. I had Wendy write up a contract and the insectiod signed it. Then more of them came and they all signed a contract. I had them moved to my infernal kingdom's labour camp section for criminals, so they could start becoming human again, because they now started looking humanoid. I asked my demon overseer who these beings were?
"The original 13 followers of Jesus", was the reply.

So the original Jesuits. The main evil of the world, and creators of the globohomo
Edited last time by bard on 04/02/2024 (Tue) 20:10.

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 20:32 Id: a9344f [Preview] No.7079 del
(2.17 MB 2372x2576 117243696_p0.png)
(547.29 KB 1024x1024 1711083014548095.jpg)
>some lady drags me into a dark void/dimension where its just her and I
>says im marked by her and she wont let me go either
>somehow it had an effect with one of the gacha ive been playing recently
>a girl in a mech suit fetches me away some weird shit and she has a twin(?) or was i the twin? i dont know honestly, it was blurry
>some vampire lady bit my neck like my sisters did but for whatever reason it didn't really have a negative effect on me, as in something like this would probably turn you into a mindless thrall or something (or so ive heard)
>i still more or less had my wits about me (somehow)
>for whatever reason she looked please and had me to follow her
>i dont think i was mesmerized but it felt like the neck bite unlocked something, i went with her willingly i think
>there's a weird long scratch on the left side of my neck that i do not how i got, I did not scratch myself nor did sleep/was near anything that could scratch my neck
>there was a "dream" involving an "ex" and weird maggots
my sisters may not have been aggressive and calmed down but it feels like... thing have gotten weirder. Not that i mind, i suppose.

>back into the japanese learning grind via anki and other aids
>suddently remember i have siazable vocab over the years but just blanked out on the kanji writing since i guess i wasnt exposing myself enough to the writing system
>instead of just fuckign around with the settings on custom study for anki
>i can just go into browse cards section and search up the writing of whatever word i know via the english translation or how i remember its written/said in kana
>could have done a week or so ago and save myself the headache of doing fully braindead reviews
i feel like that alternate learning thing shiva anon talked about is coming into play a bit more now

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 21:09 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7081 del
>some vampire lady bit my neck like my sisters did but for whatever reason it didn't really have a negative effect on me, as in something like this would probably turn you into a mindless thrall or something (or so ive heard)
Vamps can mindcontrol you without tasting your blood. When they bite you (non violently) it usually establishes a "kinship" of sorts. Your energies balance out. You become temporal blood relative. It can be abused ofc but no need to worry about that now. You are not that easy to abuse. While her techniques are somewhat "vampiric" she is not exactly those we work with around here. Feels "velvety" and their magic has a different feel.

>my sisters may not have been aggressive and calmed down but it feels like... thing have gotten weirder
You were quite silent for a while. Where do you consider things starting "weird" because what you wrote is more or less the "usual" if I go by the experiences you shared so far.
>>there was a "dream" involving an "ex" and weird maggots
Might be some energetic cleansing. If the "ex" reappears we might look into it further.

>alternate learning thing shiva anon talked about is coming into play a bit more now
Good to hear. Try to use it when it is possible. It will clear up parts of your mind. Do not force it but try to "playfully" use it when you feel you can apply it.

But yes your void dimension is peculiar. I might need a little adjustment to see it. If anything interesting happens might look into it.

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 21:36 Id: a9344f [Preview] No.7082 del
(63.89 KB 341x433 1712039614710.png)
>You were quite silent for a while. Where do you consider things starting "weird" because what you wrote is more or less the "usual" if I go by the experiences you shared so far.
Yeah, there wasn't really much for to say and i didnt have anything seemingly substantial to report on. But answer your question, i guess the "weirdness" for me is how less aggressive they are with things, i mean they still are and will show me their aggression but it feels like its not as much as a hair trigger with them so to speak

>Might be some energetic cleansing. If the "ex" reappears we might look into it further.
that's probably it, there were a few times some years back when they came in this form but i guess it's just tying up whatever loose ends with the cleansing thats there. i remember a bit more of the recent encounter
>apart from being stuck in what was a convenience store with her and some other stuff, i went to get a soft drink from the fountain and felt some crawling in my mouth
>it was a literal fucking maggot, said ex and some guys were there smiling until i took the shat out of my mouth and discarded the drink
>she then started to get real horny and tried to ask me to impregnate her
>while it was somewhat arousing i ultimately said no (for obvious reasons) plus even if i were to stick my dick in crazy it WOULD NOT be with her
>then my sisters came in and fetched me

>But yes your void dimension is peculiar. I might need a little adjustment to see it. If anything interesting happens might look into it.
i have vague feeling... this might not have been first time i was in there.

>Vamps can mindcontrol you without tasting your blood. When they bite you (non violently) it usually establishes a "kinship" of sorts. Your energies balance out. You become temporal blood relative. It can be abused ofc but no need to worry about that now. You are not that easy to abuse. While her techniques are somewhat "vampiric" she is not exactly those we work with around here. Feels "velvety" and their magic has a different feel.
ahhh okay, she was oddly nice(?) and i think i was with someone when she bit me but i kinda left them behind to follow her and see what she wanted with me. cant remember what happened afterward though

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 22:00 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7083 del
>i guess the "weirdness" for me is how less aggressive they are with things, i mean they still are and will show me their aggression but it feels like its not as much as a hair trigger with them so to speak
Yeah you are less "annoyingly retarded" to put it bluntly. They are at easy because you are on your path and no need to tardwrangle you out of filth and retardation. Even they feel that things are coming along nicely. Once you are not just on the path but "back on your lane" of sorts their frustration will completely mellow out.

>i have vague feeling... this might not have been first time i was in there.
Yeah they told me when I tried to look into it at your previous post
<your mind is not ready for further compass
There was a sort of veil that was like a vertical sea surface. To pass that it is not enough to "dive" into it but I have to become one with that sea. Otherwise I will "drown". I will have to open up some "gills" of sorts. I wager it might be similar to your home dimension to some degree. We will see.

>ahhh okay, she was oddly nice(?)
She is close to your "kind". She is not the same species as you but their magic has similarity is style and feel. This is what they told me just now.

>cant remember what happened afterward though
You got a training. A sort of "subsoulbodyform" learned some movement or energy work form that will appear for you later.

This is quite the specific place. Instead of "seeing" it I have to "breath" in the "water" or the "velvet void". And everything appears slowly if I let my mind awash with it.

>The mind is awash with a new ocean. The ocean of the mind. The feelings of the lost and forgotten. The return of a long era you might yearn but don't realize. Welcome back

You always manage to introduce me to places I never even knew I wanted to visit.

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 22:25 Id: a9344f [Preview] No.7084 del
>There was a sort of veil that was like a vertical sea surface. To pass that it is not enough to "dive" into it but I have to become one with that sea. Otherwise I will "drown". I will have to open up some "gills" of sorts. I wager it might be similar to your home dimension to some degree. We will see.
was... the ocaen/sea pitch black?

>You got a training. A sort of "subsoulbodyform" learned some movement or energy work form that will appear for you later.

>Yeah you are less "annoyingly retarded" to put it bluntly. They are at easy because you are on your path and no need to tardwrangle you out of filth and retardation. Even they feel that things are coming along nicely. Once you are not just on the path but "back on your lane" of sorts their frustration will completely mellow out.
haha... Still them being aggressive is admittedly a nice feeling, i won't actively try to piss them off or anything but after being used to it for so long it feels like something is missing

the lady who dragged me into the void dimension looked roughly like pic related

Sunflower 04/02/2024 (Tue) 22:39 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7085 del
>was... the ocaen/sea pitch black?
Yes. It was outside the color range therefore black until you awaken senses that can "see" in that color range. Then as I accepted it it started to become a "dark velvet purple" of sorts. And when I "breathed" in lights and other forms started to appear in the distance.

Hard to explain. It is like the "subconscious of your soul". Once you bridge your internal parts better their function will appear. What they taught you is a sort of energy body muscle reflex of sorts and etiquette? Guess the next time you go there you will be able to behave and move the way it's good and proper there.

>the lady who dragged me into the void dimension looked roughly like pic related
Did she have those red marks on her body? If you notice any kind of markings on the body like that pls mention it. With that it's easy to trace entities.

Also it's late for me so I am going to meditate. Unlocking energetic "gills" just shifted my perspective enough so I have to look into these changes further.

Sunflower 04/03/2024 (Wed) 12:16 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7088 del
(174.92 KB 1024x1024 kosher pizza.jpg)
(201.60 KB 1024x1024 pizza.jpg)
Ok then, I guess that works, at least he isn't killing anyone.

Major silent happening about to happen, I think.

Sunflower 04/03/2024 (Wed) 20:18 Id: 8e28d7 [Preview] No.7102 del
>Did she have those red marks on her body? If you notice any kind of markings on the body like that pls mention it. With that it's easy to trace entities.
mmm... it was more or less like the pic i posted but the marks weren't on her legs.

>Yes. It was outside the color range therefore black until you awaken senses that can "see" in that color range. Then as I accepted it it started to become a "dark velvet purple" of sorts. And when I "breathed" in lights and other forms started to appear in the distance.
i vague recall it being somewhat purple, the time they cradle my head as i was floating in the black sea when they said
>"dont resist, just give in~ You belong to us, even in death. So just accept it and be a good girl."
when they push me deeper into the water

> You are not that easy to abuse.
i know you mentioned it before but really? i was always just assumed i was uber weaker side of the spectrum for stuff overall since im pretty weak physically as well and preferred being not being a close range like a mage. I already know i can work within the constraints and can still doing spiritwork, etc. despite having fucked circuitry but still

Sunflower 04/03/2024 (Wed) 22:39 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7104 del
Israelis stormed their parliament so I cannot say nothing happened but I am sure you are implying a different kind of happening.

>it was more or less like the pic i posted
So sides of the body arms and under the eyes. Those are important circuits. Nothing on the forehead?
>but the marks weren't on her legs.
Maybe she had no legs then (besides an illusion). The legs connect us to the earth. It can grant quite the (dangerous) power. I must make sure to not have any spiritual thought when I have electric devices under my feet or shit just happens. I have a car with the battery under my foot and whenever my silly wandering mind decides to solve a spiritual problem out of boredom the car momentarily shits itself until I snap out of my thinking. Ridiculous. I have energetic circuits installed there. They grant a sort of "auto-grounding". But for dimensional beings the "legs" are not important especially because they are in the "sea" of sorts. No fish has legs. (K crabs are different but they are like insects or something. Evolution is weird.) What I tried to say that marks on the legs give you "powers" that depend on your connection with the earthy/ground. The dimension is all around them like a sea and they don't need it. Maybe. I didn't manage to connect to your girl yet. I am not exactly at the location you are at just at a sort of "surface level".

>"dont resist, just give in~ You belong to us, even in death. So just accept it and be a good girl."
If I weren't able to look into these things it would creep me out when you say these things.
Realized what this "even in death" means for you btw. It means you don't have to suffer a "mundane afterlife" or the hell (((modern society))) grants to the average mortal. It's not pretty. It just means they have ways to carry you along the way into your next destination and you don't have to wade through trash like most souls on earth. The reason why BO and me talk about fire so much because we have to burn this trash otherwise advancing on the path becomes difficult.

>i know you mentioned it before but really?
It's an automatic process for you. A sort of reflex that appears in real life and death scenarios or if a being that is recognized as your "master" "commands" you to bring it out. Or a "true ally" "inspiring" you to do it. You cannot do this with your "lowly mundane mental circuits". I am not saying you cannot do it but not with halfbaked self doubting thoughts and intents. You need to reach a do or die mentality and push further no matter what. It's a extreme state of mental clarity. Once it is decided you not just "gonna do it" but on a level where you "already done it" and there is no force that will stop you. Kinda different from mine because I have a sort of zeal and conviction while yours is a sort of "certainty" a sort of "it cannot be done in any other way".
>i was always just assumed i was uber weaker side of the spectrum for stuff overall since im pretty weak physically
Yeah things don't exactly work this way. Strength is in everyone you just need to find it and learn how to apply it. Especially in magic. But for you it is a dormant and a "hidden" strength that you are slowly unearthing. Because of that it takes time to adjust to it and accept that you have it.
>not being a close range like a mage
I don't know what kind of archetype you have about "mages" but they do their craft however they please. Some hide at their altar and cast from there or they go close and personal because that way they can see the weaknesses of their enemies better. It depends on their style and method. On the long run who is "strong" and "weak" kinda loses it's meaning. Depends how well you can utilize situations in the end.

Sunflower 04/03/2024 (Wed) 22:39 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7105 del

>I already know i can work within the constraints and can still doing spiritwork, etc. despite having fucked circuitry but still
You don't exactly have "fucked circuitry" you just need to learn how to use and align it. The circuitry you have inside can do too many things and you have to understand how they work. If you were in more life threatening situations overall or did physical work your "battle strengths" would have come out. You are not "muscular" tho. You are just able to use some king of high energies well so you don't need "muscles" to be strong you just need well aligned circuits. Like BO just said >>7090 how "fire elemented people" are small because every "excess" burns down so only the truly useful framework stands. For you it is similar but your element is not exactly the fire.

If your life was full with hardships and strife your strengths would have no choice but to come out but currently you are still somewhat "comfy" which means you are being tuned for spiritwork first. Mundane hardships is not what you need. You need proper energetic connections so you can retain your true nature. Hope this explained it a little.

Sunflower 04/03/2024 (Wed) 23:02 Id: 8e28d7 [Preview] No.7106 del
>If your life was full with hardships and strife your strengths would have no choice but to come out but currently you are still somewhat "comfy" which means you are being tuned for spiritwork first. Mundane hardships is not what you need. You need proper energetic connections so you can retain your true nature. Hope this explained it a little.
yeah, the explanation helped. i just think i had a flawed understanding and just didnt fully get it

>I don't know what kind of archetype you have about "mages" but they do their craft however they please. Some hide at their altar and cast from there or they go close and personal because that way they can see the weaknesses of their enemies better. It depends on their style and method. On the long run who is "strong" and "weak" kinda loses it's meaning. Depends how well you can utilize situations in the end.
well, going off of the FInal fantasy, Phantasy star online and i guess soulsborne(if you want to count this last one) i'm always just used Mages being squishy and preferring to be away from the action since they usually have shit stats outside of things relating to magic, ie: not being able to take a hit, sometimes having to be still, etc. tl;dr: glass cannon

>I don't know what kind of archetype you have about "mages" but they do their craft however they please. Some hide at their altar and cast from there or they go close and personal because that way they can see the weaknesses of their enemies better. It depends on their style and method. On the long run who is "strong" and "weak" kinda loses it's meaning. Depends how well you can utilize situations in the end.

>Yeah things don't exactly work this way. Strength is in everyone you just need to find it and learn how to apply it. Especially in magic. But for you it is a dormant and a "hidden" strength that you are slowly unearthing. Because of that it takes time to adjust to it and accept that you have it.

>So sides of the body arms and under the eyes. Those are important circuits. Nothing on the forehead?
I cant recall anything on the forehead

I'm sure she did have legs but you know.. when you're getting dragged into a different place fairly abruptly you can't really notice things, even if they are obvious and in your face.

>It's an automatic process for you. A sort of reflex that appears in real life and death scenarios or if a being that is recognized as your "master" "commands" you to bring it out. Or a "true ally" "inspiring" you to do it. You cannot do this with your "lowly mundane mental circuits". I am not saying you cannot do it but not with halfbaked self doubting thoughts and intents.
Oh so that explains why in some cases where my sisters had me into extermination mode those few times i was able to do it without a second thought then... there were other cases of certain people pulling things out of me (like my grandmother and a few other individuals) so that does make sense.

You need to reach a do or die mentality and push further no matter what. It's a extreme state of mental clarity. Once it is decided you not just "gonna do it" but on a level where you "already done it" and there is no force that will stop you. Kinda different from mine because I have a sort of zeal and conviction while yours is a sort of "certainty" a sort of "it cannot be done in any other way".
hmmm.. i'm not sure if i understand but people have described it as me not being able to stop moving whenever i start grinding/learning/studying or something along those lines i cant remember. honestly the few times i have gotten like that i kinda just filter out and forget what people say

Sunflower 04/03/2024 (Wed) 23:16 Id: 8e28d7 [Preview] No.7107 del
it's gross over simplification and some possible wrong info but pic related was also the gacha related thing i mentioned earlier. her backstory about being swallowed by a sentient weird black hole and being made its emanator (i think its basically an emissary ala silver surfer in the game setting) while protecting and fighting for her home even though it was inevtiably destroyed and useless. something along the lines that said black hole blessed her for continuing to fight despite bine suffocated by nihilism (or something like that) and it swallowing up her planet. but really the point im getting at here is that her being swallowed up in the black hole, having a pocket dimension where its eerily identical to the place i talked about, though change the white with purple. strongly resonated with them and i think myself... so for whatever reason when i tried rolling for her she came to me with little to no issue, even her weapon card (albeit i had to goy out for that). wait...

>Once it is decided you not just "gonna do it" but on a level where you "already done it" and there is no force that will stop you. Kinda different from mine because I have a sort of zeal and conviction while yours is a sort of "certainty" a sort of "it cannot be done in any other way".
recounting this, i think understand what you mean by this. i remember having a flash of me getting copies of her and this weapon but in that flash i remember goying really fucking hard but when it actually happened, i didnt have to resort to nowhere at all. im not sure if this is the "certainty" or not but it feels eerily similar but it could just be gacha brain talking

Sunflower 04/03/2024 (Wed) 23:24 Id: 8e28d7 [Preview] No.7108 del
i really need to remind myself to take issuing out replies

>It means you don't have to suffer a "mundane afterlife" or the hell (((modern society))) grants to the average mortal. It's not pretty.
I get that its likely self explanatory but could elaborate a bit?

>It just means they have ways to carry you along the way into your next destination and you don't have to wade through trash like most souls on earth.
Ahhhh, that does explain some of things ive somehow avoided or problems that weirdly solved themselves. sometimes i feel like if im falling into endless pit like from crash or some other platformer (i cant recall the specific name) they come down as angels or some kind of winged being, pick me, and then drop me back at the last recorded checkpoint so to speak

>The reason why BO and me talk about fire so much because we have to burn this trash otherwise advancing on the path becomes difficult.
admittedly this did kind of spook me initially because the way you guys worded made me think you guys were going to some super extreme stuff but like bad or something. Now i'm not really as shocked or anything about it and just kinda accepted this as a whole "things that have to come to pass" type of thing i guess

Sunflower 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:21 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7131 del
>Mages being squishy and preferring to be away from the action since they usually have shit stats outside of things relating to magic
That is like a lvl1 mage that can only cast a fireball or something. At level 20 or 100 you can teleport create shields and do whatever. If I cast muscle enhancement and become living plasma or something my "mage" status is not gonna be a drawback if I start CQCing my enemies. Never box in what a mage can and cannot do. Life is not an MMO where devs nerf every class so everyone can feel useful. That doesn't mean broken classes don't have impossible learning curves IRL. Life cannot be that easy you know. Finding the controls takes time.

>people have described it as me not being able to stop moving whenever i start grinding/learning/studying or something along those lines i cant remember
Yeah you have to find your own "zone". It is somewhat different for every people. You have to figure that out.
>honestly the few times i have gotten like that i kinda just filter out and forget what people say
>her backstory about being swallowed by a sentient weird black hole and being made its emanator
Yeah there are magical circuits that work that way. Now I understand why her lines appear that way.
>her being swallowed up in the black hole, having a pocket dimension where its eerily identical to the place i talked about
Yeah that "feeling" is quite close to your "real home". Not exactly a "black hole" because the reality you reside currently is more akin to a "white hole" appearing in your home realm that sucked you into this existence so what you need is not exactly a black hole but a sort of "light hole" that is not exactly "shiny" but a different darkish hue. The purple is close but as I said you live after the "Great Beyond" which means there will be quite the perspective changes while you reach that place but yes. The place you are at are closer to what you are looking for. They will grant you guidance I am sure of it.

>though change the white with purple
Oh thank fuck. Was worrying because there was no way the girl had white hair. The white hair resembles a different thing and for them to have a white hair is like a human naturally growing green hair or something. Not impossible but extremely weird and if that happens there are weird forces at play. Purple is okay because that is one of their natural color range in that dimension.
>so for whatever reason when i tried rolling for her she came to me with little to no issue
You like gacha so much no wonder glimpses of your reality manipulation skills appear with that.
>i remember having a flash of me getting copies of her
>goying really fucking hard
Goying means paying for gacha pulls or something? I know whaling means if you waste too much money on it because you can afford it and goying means you are somewhat poor and waste money?
>could just be gacha brain talking
Your gacha brain is part of you and you are using most of your concepts and spiritual inspiration from gacha so there is quite the high chance things correlate there. But yes you have a gacha brain. Because good gacha is usually full with spiritual themes and myths. The world building almost makes me want to play some.

Sunflower 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:22 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7132 del
>I get that its likely self explanatory but could elaborate a bit?
Where to even start. Remember that fat blob you had to battle? If you failed at that then you would have been tossed in an extremely disgusting hell.
There are pathways currents that spirits operate by and carry souls along. Those are nowadays clogged. Back in the past people had ways working with spirits then christianity made it into Jesus worship but the holy spirit and Jesus still opened a narrow gate to carry along if you truly dedicated yourself to it. Nowadays (or in the past 200 centuries) very few people take it seriously. Which made that already narrow way for souls even more narrow. Many souls do not manage to break out from their burden from their debris. The fires of "reincarnation" are supposed to explode and burn all your "past" as much as they can and propel you into a next life. That is the "purgatory" experience. You can also be grabbed by some hell realms for purification but their methods are not really "kind" for the shittiest scum of earth. The way BO talks about them kinda reflects it but even his ways are "too kind" for these people. Then as BO mentioned where "sinners" become rocks. They have so minor spirit their body is so rotten it is unable to "ignite" anymore. They create a small "shell" and remain there until someone frees them. And because they do not have any light any flame to burn the trash that is entrapping them they just let the trash pile up and the next souls will have to fight even more trash to go through. Ofc if you know how to burn this trash you can capitalize on several things. Burning frees energy and souls and granting the souls a release grants even more energy and with that you can unclog and reawaken currents or "leylines". BO is targeting the fucks that proliferate this "degeneracy" for extremely delusional and minor benefits while I am trying to retain the energies the world needs to function because if I explode the wrong way I don't know what will happen. You see it is important to know what burns how and what kind of energies you release with it. Putting a too large chunk of wood on a small flame snuffs it out therefore you need to understand how the flame burns rises and melts it's surroundings in a way you don't get burned because there is a difference in "becoming the flame" and by "being burned by the flame". You might say it's the same but Ash sooth charcoal appears during something being burned by the flame while becoming the flame is a method of understanding TRUE ENERGY. Even Heraclitus had that "Everything is fire" idea. It is more complicated but yes it has truth. What I want is a sort of energetic purification and retain the efficiency of the natural way of things. But it's real nuanced and hard to put into words. This is why I post less nowadays. These things take hours to word and halfway in I realize I need to meditate on it more before posting it.
Imagine the spirit world as a well functioning high trust first world utopia. Then get rid of the people and replace them with degenerated 3rd worlders. Now everything is full with trash shit and piss. Did the previous people not have trash and poop? They had! But they knew how to use the infrastructure and the toilet to not run down the whole place. Looking at the current abandoned colonies gives you the idea how some of the "spirit dimensions" look like nowadays. There is a point where there is such a high amount of trash even malevolent entities leave that place. Once you halfway clear it out they reappear that is why you have to be through so you don't create more resource for your possible adversaries. This is why cleansing with a flame that burns and nurtures the right forces is important. Also forget the fire you see from burning wood. That fire element is different. There are many fire elements out there. Maybe this shouldn't be even called fire anymore.

Sunflower 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:22 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7133 del

>admittedly this did kind of spook me initially because the way you guys worded made me think you guys were going to some super extreme
Nah it's quite the business as usual for us at this stage. Turns out both of us had past experience with these kind of things it's just takes time to awaken to this truth. The reincarnation amnesia is quite the bother. But at least it safeguards you from misusing things you are not ready for yet.
>just kinda accepted this as a whole "things that have to come to pass"
Yeah don't worry not even I am sure how things will play out exactly. I just have several guarantees if I let things play out I will be unbothered on my path so I can focus on my own development because some things will be taken care of. Evil have a tendency of devouring itself out of panic. It always does that. Takes quite the nuance to not make your enemies stronger by fighting them. But yes things have to come to pass. Everything changes. Those who cannot see it will have the rudest awakening.
>could elaborate a bit
And yes this was still "a bit" sized elaboration and quite the oversimplification in several parts.

Sunflower 04/06/2024 (Sat) 20:18 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7153 del
I think Hyena anon should look into Anubis. I was trying to get some information on blood magic, someone on /x/ mentioned a shaman. Asking Bing I got a reference to using spirit animals, and this got me thinking about the fennec fox. I was then recommended to look up Anubis who was sometimes connected with the fennec.

He's more often represented as a jackal however, and I meant to tell you that I actually think what I saw was more like a jackal than a hyena. I just never got around to it because I wasn't sure if this meant anything.

His "was" sceptre looks very much like a specific djinn mindwave I read off a lurking glowie on discord.

When meditating on this, I did what Copilot recommended (lol) and opened up for guidence based on the idea of a spirit animal being a fennec with a connection to Anubis. He then showed up and threw me a sceptre, the image was weak in manifestation but very vivid. The sceptre made a metallic sound as it fell on the floor.

He told me to hold it facing north and to activate it that way as a mind wave. It was done very easily as a result of my previous practice.

I am yet to explore how I can use it.

Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 10:01 Id: 6a70af [Preview] No.7159 del
(140.41 KB 1153x1702 71GkFxmvi9L.jpg)
There's surprisingly little spoken about Anubis outside of his literal functions int eh deity hierarchy of the time(embalming and judgement)

Anyway, here is a picture of set, who also looks like a jackal of some kind.

Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 10:11 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7161 del
I felt like I shouldn't disturb him with too many questions and being generally annoying, so I asked if there was someone else near him. Assuming things are mostly the same everywhere is a good method - someone from "the sisters of Anubis", a group worshippers/priests appeared, I worked with them a bit since.

Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 10:20 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7162 del
(64.25 KB 942x301 set and horus.png)
I'm sure this is symbolic for a tantric practice but still...

Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 16:44 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7166 del
I think this April 8 solar eclipse event actually was meant to mean something. There's an astral process where a "void" filled with previously not manifested evil beings were meant to appear from, causing some kind of short circuit.

I connected the two polar opposites to make them just destroy themselves instead. Let's see if something happens.

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 11:31 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7188 del
The Queen woke me up and showed me this shadow vision transmission:

A large demonic body was being burned, and the smoke covered the face of the person burning it, which obscured his vision.

A society was being built in super speed, beautiful houses were constructed from wood in a few instants.

The last bit had her saying: "This is important."

A complex network of social control was created, where eventually everyone in the society was being held at gunpoint, metaphorically speaking.

The last image was horrible.

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 11:34 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7189 del
This could be an image about the foundation of the society being burned offerings, the outward construct is beautifully constructed, but the initial procedure then manifests in its degeneration into similar practices again, but filtered through the architecture.

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 18:46 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7192 del
(182.12 KB 1024x1024 ritual fedcat3.jpg)
No one's going to believe what the NWO wanted to use the eclipse for so maybe I shouldn't bother talking about what I saw. But that was the point, making shit to incomprehensible that no one can rebel against it. This goes both ways tho.

I don't see them noticing how it was hijacked either.

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 19:05 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7193 del
(61.51 KB 680x527 Touhou Hijack.jpg)
Yesterday I was doing a purification ritual for an anon with the help of Amitābha and I got a vision of a large house burning and I merely just increased the light further for a "clean burn" because I felt my cleansing might be "Not enough". Then in the debris a pure source of light manifested and as that source started to strengthen I connected to the light to blow the debris away. When that happened a bunch of light specks started to appear giving me light because I was the "owner" of it because everyone just wants to get rid of trash and never recycle it and the recycling was incomplete. I noticed that it has minor dark spots that emit so much light because it is finally able to burn. While "free energy" is free energy I had to adjust the energy because it started to mess with my workings.

>A complex network of social control was created, where eventually everyone in the society was being held at gunpoint, metaphorically speaking.
>The last image was horrible.
can you please elaborate a little so I can make sure what forces just happened to be part of this thing?

I was merely cleansing the residual energies that dumb ass anon had in his environment and wasn't able to overcome on his own. I didn't notice other "meanings" yet.

>No one's going to believe what the NWO wanted to use the eclipse for so maybe I shouldn't bother talking about what I saw
I don't know what happened but I was granted a large sum of "eclipse" energy for I don't know what just now. Was wondering if I should cut the source but it was "empty" it had no intents or entities in it so I was letting it continue. I can feel it circulate around many places but the "excess" or the overflow that was coming in my way ended.

>But that was the point, making shit to incomprehensible that no one can rebel against it. This goes both ways tho.
Why would people want to rebel? This continuous "we must rebel" mentality is one of the worst things ever. Every revolutionary was about rebelling rebelling rebelling and everything else was secondary. It never creates lasting results.

>how it was hijacked either.
So many forces were playing around with this eclipse I don't know what even counts as a hijack here. It's like posting this meme on this board. What is even a hijack here. But if it is a secret it is a secret. I have way too much eclipse energies now for some reason. I mean I have my own dark moon aspects already and now I have more?

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 19:21 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7194 del
>can you please elaborate a little so I can make sure what forces just happened to be part of this thing?
It was an energetic reading kind of image, showing the total collapse of toxic humans into shit talking and spy activity of the worst totalitarian kind, which desecrated the previously perfect society to something just horrible. Not even infernal (infernal dimensions can be pretty nice). Think about workplaces being complete shithole basic heavy industry and there are political spies overseeing every process of production to make sure no one disrespects the current thing issued by the government by throwing trash with their right hand on a left hand trash day. That kind of thing.

>Why would people want to rebel?
Because the society they are creating is totalitarian dictatorship for a handful few to violate billions, for no other reason than their own hedonism as materialists.

There was an article released recently leaving a hint, as they are forced to do, playing the public by the
>we told you and you didn't rebel so you consented
where they mentioned someone living on the bottom of the sea for 90 days and his aging started reversing at a brain chemistry level.

This is the reason for living in DUMBs (deep underground military bases), if they stay at the lowest point of gravity they can almost stop aging and live like degenerates for-almost-ever. So what they wanted to do here was:

Moloch sun created and ignited in WW1
Create massive control system (internet, smartphones, 5G)
Vaxx everyone so the 5G works better
Then for the final event now: bring society dimensionally down below 2D, after building "the pizza", same thing as Midgar in FF7, the platform the elites rule from, in 2D. Then once society is dimensionally at 1D it cannot be changed. Then they'd gather all remaining trash energy (karma) and send it into space, ignite it and also destroy, literally, the 3D layer of the Earth, so that humans cannot move up there, which not just "cements" the form of society, but simply makes changes impossible because there is no dimension to change things in. This final event ends with all that material becoming an "earth level super nova" and the moloch sun is also consumed, the trash then burns at a very large distance from the non existing Earth, and the light appears to be the same sun as before because of the distance and the "hole" down to 2D which is shines through. Then humans will be abused by the elites forever.

Why would they rebel, indeed.

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 19:28 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7195 del
Witch ritual linked by the cat image here will be up while the eclipse is moving, anyone can join. What you get is a chance at forming a cat-fox humanoid form and that spear, federation fur-beast race on the astral using the energy, as well as your own personal super nova.

This also nullifies the NWO shit-sun, but the can't tell the difference because they descended to 2D-1D and are now in awe over their own magnificence in fulfilling "the great work" which will allow them to live like degens for a million years (they wish).

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 19:42 Id: 8f1a77 [Preview] No.7196 del
(60.03 KB 656x656 20240408_134039.jpg)
Really happy with how this went.

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 19:51 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7197 del
>Why would they rebel, indeed.
Yeah for a rebellion I have to accept their ways as "order" so yeah this is why I don't see any rebellion energies on my part. Besides the usual fanning the flames that are happening around me but that is not "rebellion" that is the result of people talking high and making shit in the process. Must be nice thinking dumbing everyone down results in "perfect rulership"

>Think about workplaces being complete shithole basic heavy industry and there are political spies overseeing every process of production to make sure no one disrespects the current thing issued by the government by throwing trash with their right hand on a left hand trash day. That kind of thing.
Yes we had communism at home. Then we had "commie boomers" who were the worst version of nepotism and incompetence. There is a reason why we hate everything "communist" in the east. The hammer and sickle is banned the same way as the nazi symbols.

>Then once society is dimensionally at 1D it cannot be changed
Just realized this is how anti-spirals were portrayed in Gurren Lagaan.

>where they mentioned someone living on the bottom of the sea for 90 days and his aging started reversing at a brain chemistry level.
Didn't hear about it. Also my aging would reverse if I didn't have to put up with the mundane retardation in a day to day basis too. Fucking normalfags.
damned Rorschach test

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 20:29 Id: 2a672d [Preview] No.7198 del
(230.12 KB 1280x818 1712518707030 (1).jpg)
>cucked out of seeing the eclipse because of the state i live in

sorry for taking so long to reply, i kinda needed a break and some other things irl were happening so i couldnt focus

>If you failed at that then you would have been tossed in an extremely disgusting hell.
There are pathways currents that spirits operate by and carry souls along. Those are nowadays clogged. Back in the past people had ways working with spirits then christianity made it into Jesus worship but the holy spirit and Jesus still opened a narrow gate to carry along if you truly dedicated yourself to it. Nowadays (or in the past 200 centuries) very few people take it seriously. Which made that already narrow way for souls even more narrow. Many souls do not manage to break out from their burden from their debris. The fires of "reincarnation" are supposed to explode and burn all your "past" as much as they can and propel you into a next life. That is the "purgatory" experience. You can also be grabbed by some hell realms for purification but their methods are not really "kind" for the shittiest scum of earth. The way BO talks about them kinda reflects it but even his ways are "too kind" for these people. Then as BO mentioned where "sinners" become rocks. They have so minor spirit their body is so rotten it is unable to "ignite" anymore. They create a small "shell" and remain there until someone frees them. And because they do not have any light any flame to burn the trash that is entrapping them they just let the trash pile up and the next souls will have to fight even more trash to go through. Ofc if you know how to burn this trash you can capitalize on several things. Burning frees energy and souls and granting the souls a release grants even more energy and with that you can unclog and reawaken currents or "leylines". BO is targeting the fucks that proliferate this "degeneracy"

jesus christ, what the fuck? they already had faith in me killing that disgusting maggot but jeez, i wasnt expecting that to have some much weight (lmao) behind it. that reminds me, someone tried to burn me alive somewhere and the person literally shat themselves because i tanked(?) it and just came to punch them while i was burning. very weird

>Goying means paying for gacha pulls or something? I know whaling means if you waste too much money on it because you can afford it and goying means you are somewhat poor and waste money?
yeah, though the correct term in my case would be swiping which i dont do that often to begin with. I'm just too used to people using "goy" for everything now. kinda annoyed at that but eh whatever

>Yeah that "feeling" is quite close to your "real home". Not exactly a "black hole" because the reality you reside currently is more akin to a "white hole" appearing in your home realm that sucked you into this existence so what you need is not exactly a black hole but a sort of "light hole" that is not exactly "shiny" but a different darkish hue. The purple is close but as I said you live after the "Great Beyond" which means there will be quite the perspective changes while you reach that place but yes. The place you are at are closer to what you are looking for. They will grant you guidance I am sure of it.
ahh i see

outside of some weird updates, i recall being around some overweight superman/omniman/whatever with long hair though thats probably just me being autistic about my weight loss again and nothing else

Sunflower 04/08/2024 (Mon) 22:18 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7201 del
Eclipse ritual was felt by normalfaggots as well. /x/ is currently filled with anons who felt their negative thoughts being removed in some way, followed by a feeling of being high or euphoric, and most seem to have lasting effects so far.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 15:52 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7205 del

If anyone wants to try developing the "pine cone" armour type gong, I've left a small grimoire at the temple. It's the "retard with experience" armour form used by the NWO and also animals like the armadillo. It's just what happens if you try to stand your ground an absorb all attacks, for a very long time.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 19:19 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7206 del
(287.17 KB 1024x1024 4.jpg)
(244.57 KB 1024x1024 5.jpg)
(219.59 KB 1024x1024 remilia3.jpg)
(173.25 KB 1024x1024 sakuya.jpg)
(170.55 KB 1024x1024 yuuka2.jpg)
For some reason when the Yuuka pics came up, there was an audial disturbance in my computer speakers, it sounded like a voice.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 19:22 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7207 del
(239.42 KB 1024x1024 3.jpg)
Anyway, what I was going to say here is that: going by the event yesterday, at one point we'll have to crash this world system with some survivors, leading it back to 3D formation again, after which the actual merge with galactic Earth should happen.

This means we should be able to work with Gensokyo to determine what this new 3D world will look like.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 19:31 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7208 del
(172.12 KB 1024x1024 yuuka and witches.jpg)
(214.72 KB 1024x1024 yuuka and yokai.jpg)
(183.69 KB 1024x1024 yuuka4.jpg)
Spontaneously we should work with Yuuka for this, and also discuss it openly.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 19:43 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7209 del
Sick of AI art?

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 21:13 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7210 del
>For some reason when the Yuuka pics came up, there was an audial disturbance in my computer speakers, it sounded like a voice.
Looked into it because technological energies are under an overload because several of the working we are doing openly and not that openly and as I looked into it a weird cold static feeling overtook me and I heard the sound of a phone dialing.

aaaaand it lead to an another realm when I followed that signal.

>we should be able to work with Gensokyo
Feels like we are unable to not work with it anymore.

I am never sure if your sudden impulses of vulgarity are some of your inner mechanisms or the egregoric energies you absorbed through your shitpostmancer years.
I know this is how your "tantra" works and this reinforces your magic but still...
>drawn by sataen
Coincidences huh.
I remember my days when I used the first pages of the booru for divination many years ago. Seeing causality working out this way is always weird

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 21:42 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7211 del
>your sudden impulses of vulgarity
Consider it a way to express an already existing need to shock people as they doze off into prudeness, combined imageboard expressions of the same kind.

It is memetic in some way. The method of instantly creating memes out of current or suddenly appearing things, which contain enough shock value to keep being offensive even after being posted several times.

And in these cases I also just like to post actual art now and then. Art depicts life, and as such it tends to be ugly but with redeeming qualities.

Anime art is more like idealism, and that's not really art, those are illustrations or propaganda.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 21:43 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7212 del
(624.66 KB 2000x2600 89445195_p0.png)
(858.83 KB 1600x2400 89765814_p0.png)
(666.54 KB 994x1000 94461866_p0.jpg)
>actual art now and then. Art depicts life, and as such it tends to be ugly but with redeeming qualities

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 21:49 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7213 del
(7.29 KB 701x92 it's not a war.png)
(201.94 KB 763x408 dead vaxxer.png)
(170.60 KB 396x351 bare IP.png)
(13.10 KB 195x266 cp.jpg)
Some imageboard posts also qualify as art imo.

It takes a certain stupidity

to express things as they relaly are

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 21:54 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7214 del
(30.43 KB 500x501 endchan.jpg)
And of course the spoilers "worked" when they weren't meant to, while when they are meant to, then don't.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 22:10 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7215 del
>Consider it a way to express an already existing need to shock people as they doze off into prudeness
Okay I like this idea but you always consider it when there is a "clear" notion that you are overdoing things and I am wondering if it's your own energies or you are feeling it from the "air".
Also the fact that I realized that the dude is not a dude in a suit but a furry prolly demon then COINCIDENTALLY on fringe someone just happened to ask about jos is not even surprising me anymore. Especially after the energy overload that went through the sites 2 days ago. This was one of my reason to start going to other altchans so not rape poor endchan server with my Shaivist technomancer webhelper energies. And now I am aware that entities advanced where they can literally dialing through the internet and connecting realms. Good thing I am past the EVERYTHING A SIMULATION concept because otherwise I would be mildly bothered.

>I also just like to post actual art now and then
Yeah but it was not touhou not yuuka and off from the theme you are setting up...
Which resulted in us talking about booru porn instead of talking further about the weird phenomenon of the "Yuuka line". Was wondering how intentional it was. Or merely the effect of the energies around us.

>Anime art is more like idealism, and that's not really art, those are illustrations or propaganda.
You are not wrong but it's still not nice to acknowledge that.

>spoilers "worked" when they weren't meant to, while when they are meant to, then don't.
Yeah I too forget if I have to click all boxes or just the main box or at the pics only.
Also end chan only dies if I get angry at some shit. Yesterday my whole internet died because of the energy overload was still going on

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 22:57 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7217 del
Regardless of any eclipse it seems in 10 years society will collapse for real this time.Reason?kids raised by millenials entering the workforce.i hate the generation crap but this time it's really legit.What they say happened:rising costs,inflation can't raise kids because of it Yada Yada. What I'm pretty sure actually happened, young millennials are the first people already addicted to phones/ipads/internet when their children are born. This completely wrecks the parents brain in a way modern people don't understand the degree of. People used to raise kids when they had 6 people living in 1 room.there wasn't a lot to do but interact with your immediate family so they did. But now they can't cause their entire brain chemistry isnt able to care.They can't not make their kids dependent as they already are and having to spend time with the kids and talking to them takes away from that time. In a real sense the addiction is stronger than parental instincts. This is basically unseen in the sense that it's like an entire generation being raised by what are functionally neglectful addicts. Of course all generations are the same its just that gen-x and boomers got addicted later in their life after they already had kids.Gen alpha might possibly actually not be able minded in a large enough degree to do anything.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:03 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7218 del
Yupp the flow of the board got disrupted. The question is. Does this mean we will get new allies or they are just debris swimming on the surface blocking our way. Also the fact that whenever I act upon my lustful energies balances and confuses my energies at once and a weirdo always appears in the view everytime is also kinda (not) bothering me. I know the internet is guided mainly via lust but still.

>seems in 10 years society will collapse for real this time
10 years is quite optimistic tbh. We can have at least 3 Hitlers being born in that timeframe so we can exit Weimart. If you said we have only 1 year and 2 months max I would be mildly worried.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:05 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7219 del
This is sort of an "end of the line" date. Any number of things can happen but this in a sense has already happened.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:12 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7220 del
>sort of an "end of the line" date
Kids grew up on the TV and with parents yelling in the background constantly. My ancestors were fucked like 3 generations ago thanks to different factors. Tiktok grown kids are not my greatest concern tbh but I understand your fears because we can see already the problems it causes but I consider it merely a symptom of larger problems. Things need to get worse sometimes before they can get better.
>Any number of things can happen but this in a sense has already happened
When is the deadline for CERN warping time and space again? Or was that cancelled already? I am not up to date with these things.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:15 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7221 del
(37.61 KB 261x188 tinfoil spurdo.png)
>you will not moderate the board when logged in at .org

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:19 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7222 del
And despite all that each generation did better than the last in school and mental tests until now.thats why I think it's legit.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:21 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7223 del
Basically the TV generation could read and write and had spacial awareness/intelligence.it seems only very recently has that changed.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:22 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7224 del
>When is the deadline for CERN warping time and space again?
Original timeline, december 2025. According to the Queen this may not happen in a broad sense because
>a) Lyrans got involved and their lyranet nanobots are actually already controlling timelines on Earth in detail, they just emulate normal events to the point to not interfere unless completely needed
b) earthlings (us) have already gone beyond the 2025 events because we work actively, those are the lazy NWO do nothing at all until it's too late-version of timelines

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:32 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7225 del
(38.75 KB 708x702 hacker.jpg)
>Was wondering how intentional it was. Or merely the effect of the energies around us.
That's what it is. I am working very closely with the Anti-Christ organization and their method is to have a method and then make a mess out of it until it almost fails, but just almost. Plus that it's a constant "dilute the board" effort to make it look spammy so we don't get too active glowies or bots here. Even if they lurk and see me saying this, they use standard forms to decide if they dedicate shitposting bots or trolls to a board, us being self-aware of this doesn't change how they work. So all it takes to get off the list for getting shitbots from MI6 is to become the spam.

I am also mostly done with my new online persona, the main aspect is to merge it more with my real life persona so that it floats seamlessly in a better way.

It's just a matter of being stupid enough and regular glowlurkfags won't list you, and that's the point. Stupid idiot psiop teams I can eat for breakfast, literally so I don't care, spam is worse.

Police here actually told an immigrant when he asked about the new visitation zones
>how will I avoid being searched, what can I do, I'm not a criminal?
>just wear a high visibility vest, if you stand out you won't be searched, police only looks for people who try to hide
Said and done, the guy is now doing exactly what I figured out years ago, wearing high visibility vest in town like a retard, even youth gangs stay away from you because they think you're a plaincloth CIA or something.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:43 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7226 del
Anti-Christ ritual for solar eclipse harnessing, one sec pls hold.

Here's a witch and a 1 meter x 1 meter book of single use sigils colouring book, just take the one you like and fill in the lines for the function you need.

Ok and then we need the witch's daughter's drool from being fucked from behind, mixed with the ash of burned glowie skulls, put oil on it with the sigil and burn it, that activates the link.

We have ash in the storage...

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:44 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7227 del
(418.58 KB 607x721 ritual stuff.png)

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:46 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7228 del
That is true but I want a great push in reforming education anyways so I am not exactly hopeless because as I said things need to get worse in some cases because at that level the problems cannot be ignored anymore. My country is doing them but they are still not on a level where I want 3 kids in their care (yet).

>b) earthlings (us) have already gone beyond the 2025 events because we work actively, those are the lazy NWO do nothing at all until it's too late-version of timelines
Am glad we are appreciated. Only a totally coincidental and certainly not predetermined events had to happen. Ever since I know how fate weavers operate I am not even sure if there is a point "questioning" anything anymore. Sure whatever dude. I just happen to have the genetics of the mastermind of electronics and consciousness just happened to connect to Shiva while thinking about the CERN statue just happened to find a board with agricultural themed touhous show up after I got way too interested in touhou in the prior years and just happened to use the vampire path since it appeared on fringe which coincidentally resonated with the progression of my past lives more than any other occult paths. Darn this free will and chaos is truly great.

As long we don't have bots am okay.
>Stupid idiot psiop teams I can eat for breakfast
they don't even dare to do that anymore lol. I mean I know I am in an openly racist antiglobohomo antiEU antifaggotry antiwhateverunholyshittheyspew and they poured all their resources for obtaining Poland and IT JUST HAPPENED that Slovakia just became an another antiglobohomo country while it looked like they are on a verge on absolute submission like they always were. TEEHEE. Mere coincidences faggots.
But these are minor things. Not even a bleep on the big picture. These are not the chips I am betting my future. Some cards are still under the table.

>for solar eclipse harnessing
Yeah I have enough of these energies already and let's not talk about how much I have from the other "materials" pls.

Sunflower 04/09/2024 (Tue) 23:55 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7229 del
I didn't even care about this eclipse stuff, only thought of it like 2:45 hours before and decided to make use of it. Asked my A-C assistant to get some expert help and then told the Russian witches what I wanted to do to connect it to Earth surface Do you have any virgins? The thing about this is that no matter how crude and direct I am in what I'm asking them about, they are always professional, because no matter how basic witch style it is, someone already did it before and there is a grimoire for it.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 00:02 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7230 del
>I didn't even care about this eclipse stuff
And I actively wanted to stay out of it because I dislike to be "bound" to planetary events. But did quite the strong purification ritual and the energy overload got amplified by it as a mere coincidence as usual.

Also can you talk about your anti-christ corp a little? They just dumped a bunch of old dusty books on my table for some reason? I mean I think it's them.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 00:05 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7231 del
<You will need these books on a later event. Looking at them now might ease some of your curiosities but it is not required now.


Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 00:13 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7232 del
Had a "rivalry" with a local boy when I was 12 onwards, I wrote a novel to mock him, he countered by filling three entire notebooks about me. We then had a running "cheat" in school where we sat at desks in last row middle next to each other, and on tests we leaned slightly away from each other at intervals, allowing the other to see our answers, because we knew we would have them right most of the time. If our answers weren't the same, one of us was wrong and would then instantly realize it, because it didn't usually happen that one of us was sure of an answer that was incorrect.
We would copy each other's style of dressing, but I mocked his hair. I made a clay figure of him to mock him. Things went on like this.

I only very recently, like last 5 years realized that this was a contest for the Anti-Christ position where you get an office and support from them. It doesn't matter if you are aware of it or not. They were set for him, but I eventually hexed his workplace, a neighbouring commune so their economy went to shit, which got blamed on him because he was the chief economist at the local government office. I then ran into him once at random and talked briefly with him, and he didn't mention his work at all, later I saw in the paper that he quit. It was after this I was recognized as the "winner" and got my own office with them.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 00:33 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7233 del
(7.40 KB 585x104 freeze peach.png)
Btw was "freeze peach" ever a known meme spelling? Seriously.

I've never seen it before, I just checked Urban dictionary and it was entered in 2015, but this could have been mandela'd in.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 00:45 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7234 del
Yeah ,it used to be all he rage 10 years ago.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 01:08 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7235 del
As for the A-C org itself, they have all kinds of evil beings working for the same goal (as little as possible because they hate working) of stopping any "messiahs" from appearing, including any Moloch worship of the kind the NWO are into. If anything they are probably posing as left-anarchist if they appear among humans. Which they do.

The main understanding is that the Jesuit effect thinking is that of sacrificing limited resources to cover ground in situations where time will nullify the effect, but if they do it fast enough it works anyway. It's a huge gamble. Like how it's now starting to be talked openly about how Ukraine had 3 mil KIA and that doesn't count cripples. All that mine field rushing to try and break the Russian line once, but failing and now they can't replenish those lost lives.

That's Jesuit doctrine in its essence, and that is the exact opposite of what the Anti-Christ works for. They are "anti King" because kings in the karmic system are just crime bosses at the level of "double murder", 2x 18 = level 36 in the karmic system. Compare the "double event" related to Jack the Ripper, it was for reaching the king level in the system.

The main difference is that kings aren't channellers of the spirit world, so they block any possession by them. Small fry evil spirits can't get in either then, even if the king himself is evil, because he has the power to block astral access. So the Anti-King/Christ is a channeller who can be possessed by any number of spirits freely, as long as they aren't materialists.

Sometime along the way, all spiritual forces started gathering to stop the production of kings so that they still have access to the world via prophets or channellers. This was how the A-C formed. Even if it was mostly evil spirits to begin with, you can't influence the world unless you adapt and gather knowledge, and create some form of order. This attracts skilled beings, so over time they became more of an occult organization with a variety of interests.

The main doctrine is their hate for order, including any "new world order".

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 13:15 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7240 del
>The main doctrine is their hate for order, including any "new world order"
Because of this, the Anti-Christ are prepared to invest almost any amount of resources into stopping the NWO from forming, or destroying it if it exists. Those who do the
>I hate the anti-christ
postings are indirectly NWO-supporters. The A-C also support chaos, anarchy and general disorder, so they work fanatically against all laws, regulations, censorship, values, norms and so on. They also work with anyone who supports the same thinking, with no standards for who those are.
>the Anti-King/Christ is a channeller who can be possessed by any number of spirits freely
The guy I mentioned above had this "cold" energy to him, which I associated with some kind of rotten masculinity, there was even a kind of vague "stink" over him, I think this was caused by the beings possessing him, but also something he already had. After an event when he was 15, he was generally referred to with the epithet "that rapist", he went to parties to look for drunk teen girls to take advantage of. When I saw him later, he had a movement pattern that made me think of an alcoholic.

However, he was easy for them to possess because he was unware of it, I have a disadvantage here because I need to intentionally open up for them, but I'm starting to be able to do it.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 18:37 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7241 del
>I just checked Urban dictionary
Even I had to look it up. Seems like it is an absolute assblasted lefty thing. Who the fuck even desires censorship.
>ooooo you said the big no no word now you lost freedumz lol
fucking niggerfaggots I swear. If you can lose "freedom" by saying a bad word you never had freedom to begin with. I would call them something worse if there was a more banned way to describe them. ree

Whatever story time about AC group. Because I am still quite unable to contain my curiosity one of my spirit form went ahead and read one of the books. Her eyes filled with runes and I knew now I have to interpret it. Was wondering under whose authority this whole group falls overall and they told me they belong to Odin. My first question was obv WHICH one and I got the visage of a small thin bald dude with unkempt white beard and when entities appear unannounced usually my hands try to choke them but as I realized they mean no harm I stopped doing it. Also one more thing about that "silence is consent" to any occult kind of thing that illumitards do. One part of my subconscious does a weird thing where if there is a hidden "consent" in an energy field my mind says "I will fucking kill you" and it can get quite detailed explaining how it will tear apart anyone that forces me to take anything that I do not want. When that voice comes out I have to look into quite gently to what is even making me say that. It is a funny way of "consenting" so it just means I modified the contract in a way that they either cancel the contract or die with it when they try to blend it into my shadow energies. A curious mechanic and makes me sometimes quite unhinged in scenarios that I only understand later why. Now the thing is this "evil" organization didn't have this. Which was refreshing because thx to the eclipse cleansing I had to encounter many energies that wanted to force me into the most retarded deals. These contract bound retards don't understand that they fuck themselves over with this scamming more than anything no matter who they thing they are "scamming" with this.
As I stopped reaching for "Odin" a weird entity that my intuition called "Scylla" appeared. It had a large body and 2 heads and was wondering if it represents the 2 snakes the energy body has or it's an entity tried to also choke it but then realized it's pointless because it's also harmless and was wondering how is the norse snake called again then realized it's Jörmungandr. It was not that but I believed it had the same function via being a guardian and connector force for realms. Then I got a spirit. I (again) started to try to choke her (yes sometimes I do that to intruders to discern their form and pull on reality) then I noticed she is somewhat always "teleporting" out of harm's way. She was more akin to an untouchable phantom which made me at ease because that means she doesn't have the "fast materializing energy" which means she is at a safe distance therefore she is only here to "talk". I asked her about if she has a "legend" and she told me supposedly she was known for as a woman who killed and ate the entrails of the warriors who got lost (mostly drunk) in the dark forest. Supposedly she drinks the alcohol from the belly of the drunkards this way. She just told me now Her appearance changes depending how the sky looks and she is "untouchable" for violent people and usually she only gets rid of you if you are an absolute nuisance. Sometimes her legend was exaggerated because wolf attacks but it's rare when only the entrails are missing and nothing else so she was "blamed" for it.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 18:40 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7242 del
Oh also the runes. Gained an "armor". It was more akin stabilizing a bodily form because the runes started to etch into an "unseen" layer made it black then pushed that layer into my "colorful" bodily forms and they merged. This kinds fixed that problem of mine where I have randomly strong emotions on a matter and cast a spell into a direction. With this my overall emotional state is more stable and my kinda "loose screw" spirit forms are more united with my main mental frame.

>their method is to have a method and then make a mess out of it until it almost fails, but just almost
I wouldn't describe it this way but I cannot say it better but it truly balanced my way of
ways. I mean this "method" is only a small part of my "workings" that I am still "fine tuning" but there are so many things going on at once. Not to mention when someone actually pisses me off and I have to bring out the untested prototypes then I forget to put them away. Silly me

Seems like we have a similar world view.

>as little as possible because they hate working
Current world is literally a "make believe working" for taxes GDP and virtue signal "goodboypoints" so no wonder they hate it.
>all kinds of evil beings
They have variety for sure. I am not sure what constitutes as evil anymore.

>of stopping any "messiahs" from appearing
The problem with "messiahs" that they just work up a large populace enforce retarded rules and thinking as "truth" then everyone has to keep up with that retardation until that fucker burns himself out or runs into a sword with his "made up moralfag retardations". They are annoying as hell.

>If anything they are probably posing as left-anarchist if they appear among humans. Which they do.
That was the old primordial way of life outside of city states before the age of conquests. Don't like the city? Go outside and live lawlessly. You might be eaten by wolves and bandits ofc but that only scares weak faggots who has no connection with nature and spirits.

>They are "anti King"
Okay I will have to mention this again because what you describe as a "King" we called them "bandit kings" who were like thugs with their own gangbangers and nothing more. To be a "King" you need to be anointed by your patron gods have a priest class or at least you need to be a conduit or an "ordainer" between worlds. You hear the people and the spirits. All voices are equal and in the end their wisdom is the "final measure". You might say this is merely a prophet but nope because prophets are controlled and protected by the spirits and have minor control over the people until he increases his powerfield while the king has an "allowed authority" by multiple forces because he knows what he is doing and everyone trusts him. Ofc these ACTUAL kings were not just "wise kings" but usually gods or demigods by default. This understanding is lost nowadays and "kings" are merely people with land money and a crown on their head. Which makes me quite "anti-king" too but for me it is more akin to "anti-annoyance".

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 18:48 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7243 del
>it was for reaching the king level in the system.
I know you mentioned this "system" before but I will need to wrap my mind around it again because as we go on we have an evolving understanding of the overall meaning of karma and I forgot to keep my understanding synced up.

>kings aren't channellers of the spirit world
Bandit kings usually channel their own arrogance and the fear and obedience of his slaves. Break their axe and make sure they are alone for once and once they show an ounce of fear and dread they are dead.

>So the Anti-King/Christ is a channeller who can be possessed by any number of spirits freely
Yeah supposedly the "coming" of the messiah will rile up all the spirits and if he is absolutely retarded he will just confuse the "will" of people and the possessed and because he is unable to understand the will of the people and the spirits at once he will die by the force he offends the most. This was kinda explained to me in the "weeding out the wannabies" tactics. Those who fall into the most retarded egoism while wielding immense amount of forces will be dealt with. I liked Dune where the messiah had to gain the support of the people and the support of the different voices and forces too and become "worthy" otherwise it doesn't work at all. I am no Dune fan but that kinda shows what is the messiah supposed to be more or less. Closest understanding I have seen so far in scifi.

>Sometime along the way, all spiritual forces started gathering to stop the production of kings so that they still have access to the world via prophets or channellers
You could say we have that since the dawn of history. Even in Babylon the gates were marked with spirits with a reason to show which spirit is allowed to enter the city and which one will be killed by them for messing with humans.

>This was how the A-C formed
Quite funny how they said they work with the "ways" of "Odin" because as the way Odin walked around and made tribes kill each other for some "greater purpose" especially after Christianity tried to take foothold and even Christianity was a meager cult mess with many offshoots at the start. The authority of Rome and the inquisitors appeared later. It's such a mess tbh. A city state turning into an empire then Djinn making Islam to combat this empire before it births an another type of degeneracy in the shadows and srsly trying to untangle the flow of history is a mess.

>The main doctrine is their hate for order, including any "new world order".
Ever since the golden age ended we don't have order. We have "false order" fucking pretenders believing they are doing things "good" then torturing others in the name of the state or even worse "justice" and feel smug about it. False order is no order. It breeds a chaos that cannot even be called chaos because it is just a disease a decay where everyone loses in the end.

>They also work with anyone who supports the same thinking, with no standards for who those are
They understand things like fairness and willing to show kindness if you are not "possessed" or brainwashed by an "idea system"/propaganda. I will have to look into their mentality a little more because
>all laws, regulations, censorship, values, norms and so on
I could summarize these concepts as "hypocrisy" nowadays as it is being handled my normalfaggots. They make laws then seek a position where they are above law they regulate as long that regulation benefits them they censor as long as they do not want to be criticized but they can use the censored words at their leisure and
Roflmao. Those who pretend they have those are almost the blindest of them all.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 18:49 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7244 del
Seems like we are quite similar in some degree so I will have to understand what is exactly we differ in. But I wouldn't say I will "work" with them as you do because I will mostly need perspectives and a little guidance for fine tuning my nuance and figure out a way where we can reconnect the worlds in a harmonic or "hyperorganic" way. The spirit world returning into the natural world and the materia regains it's true essence as it did in the golden age. But that is complex and I am not sure how it will play out. I can even feel the spirits trying to wrap their mind around what I meant. They understand but they do not know if it's possible or worth doing at all. This is something I too am exploring. There are way too many variables. Sometimes being comfy is better than trying too hard to be retarded. This is what mEsSiAhs don't understand. Fucking messiah complexed fucks I swear.

>because I need to intentionally open up for them, but I'm starting to be able to do it.
I have to synchronize concepts and understand their authority and modus operandi especially energetically. They inhabit different dimensional layers which means I have to look into this more thoroughly. But they give off an "eerie" but calming aura. They are not the same as the raw elemental energies I randomly infuse myself. They are more "organic" in this matter. I just have to make sure I don't hurt them nor they do that to me. Applying the wrong energies and desires can do much harm.

The girl I got is interesting. She is like 3 different beings at once but that is just her different dimensional attunements showing. The clear night sky the sky hidden by the tree blooms and a sort of dark moon+clouds darkness. This is where she has the most power entering this world but she has a more peculiar range on the otherside.
Also just realized the books detail 3 or 5 different beings like her... It's an initiation but for the sole purpose of being able to work with entities.
>as little as possible because they hate working
So their way of "working" and "unintentionally getting into trouble and having fun" means completely different thing. I should revisit how I perceive "working" and "having fun" again. I need to increase my "effortless" and carefree stats anyways.
How do I proofread this shit in a way it doesn't feel like working. Should I write less? But concentrating too much on writing less is more work than actually writing longposts. 90% of the time when I make mistakes is when I change the wording halfway the sentence and the grammar just jumbles up. absolutely muzukashi and mendokusei
>yOu aRe oWaH 4096 cHaRaCtErS
orly. Monitor totally not start making funny colors while being annoyed for getting that message 5 times.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 19:14 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7245 del
>I know you mentioned this "system" before but I will need to wrap my mind around it again because as we go on we have an evolving understanding of the overall meaning of karma and I forgot to keep my understanding synced up.
It's the number system, which corresponds with karmic levels when karma is created within humans, the planet or other larger entities.
For example greys are at level 3, which has 3 phase electricity and 3 sine waves. Drow are at 12 which is a more karma dense level. Anything within 16 is within the current Earth and ok. 17 is alcoholism, 18 is murder. Double murder is 36 and that is a king, who can avoid direct karmic retribution by using material power to "kill the messenger of karma". Humans today have 76 levels inside of them, that's the common human. If two karmic lines are combined by humans who use karmic procreation, (the female is menstruating) then that is combining two "king" levels of karma, 36 + 36, which is 74. So have a kid using this system and your karma is now filled to 74/76 internal dimensions. If you go full you get sent to hell. That is why humans who have gotten married and live normally will be sent to hell over minor sins, they only have 2 levels to play with.

The NWO fill themselves up at once, then store it in external bodies, such as the earth itself, artificial suns, black hole, other people, astral storages and whatever. They use the methods of "dying in the faith of Christ" to clear the very surface layer of their body before dying to avoid hell.

To add to this: common education is made to fill you up so that you are already at the end when you leave HS. Then any little mishap leads to karmic retribution, and your only way to live is to get help from the NWO system, which means they can decide who gets instant karma or not, by making mundane laws that say who can get aid or not.

Mixing more then 2 karmic lines (kids with more than one woman who menstruates) is instant damnation because it adds another 74 layers of karma to a body that already had 74 out of 76 filled.

If you are that kind of person and murder one person, that's 18 levels filled, so a regular person can kill 4 people and still be ok, if they don't have kids.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 19:25 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7247 del
I too forgot to reply
>sorry for taking so long to reply
No worries we are not a magic literary school where you need reports and assignments every week. Only post if you have a comment or a question. I too only post only a quarter of the things i want to post.

>i wasnt expecting that to have some much weight (lmao)
You just had to awaken your fighting spirit. For you it wasn't that much of a challenge. It was like learning to walk or using a controller for you. Hard at first and necessary but easy once you get the hang of it.
>that reminds me, someone tried to burn me alive somewhere and the person literally shat themselves
Was that before the eclipse? I uh figured out a new passive cleansing energy movement and people and cats randomly started to fart around me IRL. I considered that it is about releasing a tension in the pelvic muscles that I figured out how to do by myself but I didn't expect to spread.
>because i tanked(?) it and just came to punch them while i was burning. very weird
I am not sure it was me but I burned quite amount of trash in america with the help of Amithaba so I can synchronize my elemental forces in a way it only burns things to cleanse and does no harm or cleanses things that are supposed to be cleansed by the person himself. It was like a surgical carpet bombing it seems?

>i recall being around some overweight superman/omniman/whatever with long hair
Yeah uhm... When I started the cleansing the image of Omniman was in my head and it took a while to go away and Amithaba told me to take no mind of it... You see the superman and the kind "flies" and punches is all about that kinetic force around them. In kung fu your goal is to master this formless energy and your flesh so they can work the same way and the same time in perfect sync. And as I watched the last ep of Invincible I figured out a way how to synchronize these energies better because this "spirit materia" has a tendency to go if I absentmindedly tell it to move somewhere and had to realize how to sync up with my flesh body better in a way it is contained and a sort of
>The spirit strengthens the body the body renews the spirit or vice versa
And that might have made this concept go around if it was before the eclipse or maybe it was a prophecy of this occurring or completely unrelated coincidence h-haha
>thats probably just me being autistic about my weight loss again and nothing else
I mean fat can represent several things sometimes even "Untapped potential". We had this talk about anabolism and catabolism with the fat buddha also I may be in the weightclass of the gigachud and the dadbod too because I usually wait for the flu seasons to end before I lose weight otherwise I just lie in bed for weeks. This might be not true since my energy work is kinda superb but instead I go mad from the ungrounded energies via fasting too much. Yeah it's not easy. Especially since my posture and energy flows are far more proper my body naturally shapes up. My guides told me I must not start a "heavy diet" because of "self hate" so I need to understand my energies first or I go mad again.
>don't eat food gain more energy
>feet is getting cold take of the clothes so the energy flow can resume
I need to understand how the mundane norms literally sabotage spirituality constantly and taking off all that restraint all at once is dangerous. Absolutely annoying. Sometimes you run before learning to walk then it's babysteps and learning "stillness" lessons for weeks. Good thing I am not detailing those. I don't have enough daily screentime for that anyways

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 19:27 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7248 del
And just to add that note:

Sex without impregnation doesn't create karma, BUT, the only safe contraception is condoms which physically prevents anything from happening. Chemical abortion via pills count as having kids (74) + murder (18) so do that once and you are already damned. Goes for the man as well. That is why abortion cannot be tolerated under any circumstance, it will send people to hell, no exceptions.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 19:41 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7249 del
I will comment on this later because now I have a sight where I can see these things but how "essences" corrupt and mix with each other and how they can be purified is tricky and I will need to think through it before writing about it.

A question tho. What gave you the understanding of 76 internal dimensions?
As I see it currently these dimensions are like the "piss bladder" of the human body but for karma (yes this was oversimplification) because there are other internal dimensions that cannot be "tainted" via the gross earthly materia while some are like "magnets" for some "karmic nutrients" of sorts.

k it's time to stop posting. I can feel my brain is merging different types of autisms and understanding and I need to take a minor break.

Just found out the earlobe has minor dharma wheels like a week ago and since that my whole understanding of meridians changed again. I am always reminded that I don't know shit. Wonder when will I even dare to say that I know anything at all.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 19:56 Id: 2a672d [Preview] No.7250 del
That burn alive tong was months before the eclipse, it was just something I remembered recently

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:03 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7251 del
>A question tho. What gave you the understanding of 76 internal dimensions?
An investigation into karmic systems which is too complex for me to recall the procedure. It involved channelling greys and other visitors at the temple early on in the Sunflower discord, where this conclusion was reached.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:05 Id: b7029d [Preview] No.7252 del
>So the Anti-King/Christ is a channeller who can be possessed by any number of spirits freely, as long as they aren't materialists.
What are materialist spirits and why would he be unable to channel them?

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:06 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7253 del
If you want to know the logic in a simplified, way, it's murder 18 + 18 = 36 fairy level of farming and kings, x2 = 72 + 4 levels of the human body. The 4 major levels are the number of "heads" in the height of a body. Tritons (appear as octopuses) have just one "head". Humans have the same functionality energetically represented once in the pelvis, once in the abdomen, once in the chest and once in the head, which is 4 levels. Original humans had 6 layers instead. Snakes have many more.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:09 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7254 del
>What are materialist spirits and why would he be unable to channel them?
Materialists are spirits obsessed with being in molecular incarnation to just be degenerates and escape karmic debts while denying the existence of the spirit world. They are addicted to sensory experience. The AC are an organization of astral spirits who prefer to body jump and possess different people. A materialist king who uses material magic to block possession is their enemy.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:19 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7255 del
Thank fuck. Then it was probably not me at all (I hope). When you mention these things pls write down when you had these experiences because sometimes they are a building block in an understanding. And at least I don't get confused too much. Less confusion is usually good.
>which is too complex for me to recall the procedure. It involved channelling greys
Oh. Yeah now I understand. They are "psychic materialists" after all. Yeah they would see it this way. Currently I am on the understanding of the "96 dantians" of sort and they are not always within the body but in many spirit forms and extrabodily forms that I don't even know what they do that they just appear in visions but they are alive on their own have their own perceptions and "talk" but what they are exactly I do not know yet.

>early on in the Sunflower discord
Yeah you mentioned this understanding quite the while ago. Felt quite out of nowhere when it came up because I did not partake in the cord.

Usually it means they are lower spirits that feed the ego and vice of the king and makes him blind overall. Quite the trial to overcome. The stronger you become the more chance you have to indulge in degeneracy because no one can stop you at that level and if the spirits that merge with your ego tell you to enter it and you gladly oblige you are lost forever.

>Humans have the same functionality energetically represented once in the pelvis, once in the abdomen, once in the chest and once in the head, which is 4 levels. Original humans had 6 layers instead. Snakes have many more.
Okay this was useful because I too seeing these "heads" nowadays. Guess we are on the same page again. Shame they think wildly differently and the inner mechanisms are still too weird to comprehend yet. Not to mention I can talk to the "head" within every human I meet and that makes all my interactions even more complex.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:28 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7256 del
>Felt quite out of nowhere when it came up because I did not partake in the cord.
"No one" did. It was called "the secret test server" for most of its really active life, because the stuff done there was too dangerous. Early rituals when the temple was built and those where we connected with our past lives, got visited by Isis and so on had people getting sick after, depression, psychosis and violent visions where the last was the mildest effect. Trypper can speak for himself about it I'm not saying it was caused by the rituals themselves, but people who aren't stable to begin with are at risk, it's already known by now so I can say it, he ended up in Ukrainian mental ward for a long time.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:29 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7257 del
and suicide attempt, not blaming anyone, just saying how difficult it was to found this place to take on the NWO

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:38 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7258 del
People are saying anime is a waste of time, but let me tell you a secret. The beginning of Love Live
https://youtube.com/watch?v=eyKJ359c5Ds [Embed]
where they start from a complete failure, only one person comes to their first concert, it inspired me to just assume this attitude. That one person filmed it and put it online and they got a few followers.

So when we started practicing telepathy and barely managed to transmit the simplest images, we still went through with it. It was from this that the "if you can't see it, visualize it" came from. I found that if we all visualized the same things, by function rather than visual appearance, it worked to transmit objects between members in the session.

The foundational methods for sharing stuff were laid there. Then the greys showed their minidiscs and the federation showed the ScaleForm disc.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:48 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7259 del
>had people getting sick after, depression, psychosis and violent visions where the last was the mildest effect
Classic occult night with the boys. Yeah I remember when some of the experiences were talked and posted but yes I didn't know the full story back then.

>and suicide attempt
That can get so funny. Sometimes a spirit inhabits your body and you can only "exorcise it" via truly showing it that you will kill yourself. It is there for a specific energy and not experience you going through an agonizing death. So once it knows this is the moment where it has to jump ship it flies before the shitty part of the pain and guardian angels and devils take over. Ofc usually these things get aborted and foiled by our guardian forces but it's never good idea to push too far.
Or the dormant lingering everyday suicidal thoughts gain enough power to make you act on it. I remember when I wanted to stab myself and I dared the energy to "follow through" as I let it overtake my hand to see what energies will soaring as the pain "sets in" because the energy "didn't mean it" was just merely being a funny intrusive thought. That was the closest when I "lost" control. The situation played out differently than I expected.
It can get so dramatic sometimes. Life and death pleasure and pain. Some forces handle the weight of these things differently.

>People are saying anime is a waste of time
Listening to people who say that is also a waste of time.

Sunflower 04/10/2024 (Wed) 21:34 Id: 13072f [Preview] No.7260 del
I'm Trypper

yeah whatever, I was in such a sad state at the time anyway. being forced to study medicine takes a toll on you, you know. not that my default state of being is independent enough to resist such bullshit arcs.

Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 06:06 Id: b7029d [Preview] No.7309 del
It's funny, this egg thing is the only application of externalized magic I've run into that's directly and physically measurable and replicable. I've recently started making pancakes and even the one egg in those caused this reaction so I doubt it's psychological. Cleansing spells still get rid of these symptoms just fine, even works with pure egg dishes like fried eggs.
Maybe I'm allergic to some protein or enzyme in eggs and doing a cleansing spell gets rid of those? That would be very significant, direct physical transmutation of matter. Might try doing some experiments where I cleanse the eggs days beforehand instead, just to see if I'm not just temporarily suppressing whatever food intolerance I have.

Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 06:56 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7311 del
>allergic to some protein or enzyme in eggs
A family member has this, specifically for only eggs, so it's a thing.

Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 17:51 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7321 del
Using the Media servitor I tried getting an overview of the current situation in Ukraine. I also asked for a summary and overview over time.

What I got was this (channelled reply):

The actual losses are more like 1:10 in favour of Russia, even more in the recent weeks. The numbers given by the British institute for the study of war, presents Ukrainian losses as Russian. This is not directly a fault of this institute, it is caused by an almost inconceivable incompetence on the NATO/Ukraine side.

All throughout the war, they have applied routine execution of "deserters" with no trial. Anyone retreating without being explicitly told to retreat is viewed as a "deserter" and will be shot on the scene.

The common occurrence is that units of infantry are ordered to attack Russian lines. They are repelled after running into mine fields, machine gun fire or shelling. This causes them to flee backwards towards their own lines. Because they were not ordered to retreat, the Ukrainian defenders identify them as attacking Russians and will fire on them.

More than half of the killed Ukrainians were killed by Ukrainian artillery. It is a mix of misidentifying them as Russians, via the military procedure of:
"we are seeing infantry approaching, are those ours?"
"no, no one has been ordered to retreat, those must be Russians"
"ok, then we shoot them?"

The other scenario plays out similarly:
"we are seeing infantry approaching, are those ours?"
"no one has been ordered to retreat, those must be deserters"
"ok, then we shoot them?"

The idea is that shooting deserters will have a moralizing effect on soldiers, and they will stop deserting. However, the labelling of "tactical retreat in front of enemy firepower" as "desertion" cannot stop soldiers from trying to survive. There was no intent of deserting among those who were killed this way. So they keep doing this every day.

Russian artillery is surprisingly harmless in terms of how many people are killed by it. They do a lot of material damage, but most of the time they do not directly kill soldiers. The new glide bombs which cause concussion from being within 900 meters of the blast will give them "shellshock" but it is normally not fatal. They simply do not aim very well at all. What they do is however enough to give them an edge against the NATO/Ukrainian incompetence.

Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 21:17 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7323 del
Ukrainians have in their genetics to be treated as cannon folder no matter which side they are on it seems. They were the 4th largest army of earth 30 years ago... If Europe rebels they invade Europe if Moscow rebels they invade the city if Ukraine rebels they get treated even worse than usual from all the sides. That was the way of the USSR... Why can't the elites get creative? Using 70 year old tactics in an even more incompetent way against the masters of the region.
>war never changes
sure as hell won't with these people in charge. And I considered the Age of Conquests retarded back then.
To the last hohol I guess. Even tho everyone is trying to position themselves to not take the fall for this whole retardation. What "event" needs to fire so they can make people forget this shit. While I know a "mass unrest" will appear in the near future that changes half the world (again) we are still not close enough to the boiling point.

Allergy is about the immune system overreacting to some things. If it's marked with your own benevolent energies the immune system knows that the food that you intake that it mistakenly labels "poison" is actually a "blessing". But yes the main cause can get quite tricky to figure out. Even I am experimenting with shifting my dietary ways in a way my energy body stays content with it. This body part likes this food this emotional state craves that food this desire stem from good childhood memories etc

Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 22:29 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7325 del
(63.16 KB 1087x438 pol.png)
> What "event" needs to fire so they can make people forget
I saw them do this, twice, and it actually seems to be working, there was an energy concentration.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 13:02 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7335 del
So think about this idea:

There is already the temple for meeting astrally, the mega temple for large rituals, and the blacknet for reincarnation control and information sharing.

But what if we were to create a "space" to meet in for astral travel, something like that the Internet was meant to be all along, a place where people can either meet in astral travel, projection or even full on manifestation? A positive isekai place.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 13:04 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7336 del
I've started on an idea for it, a kind of collectivized overseer entity in the style of Neuro-Sama which is based off demand from the fans. I'm thinking this can be something that's just growing like an ecosystem, it doesn't have to be just one thing.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 13:23 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7337 del
(169.37 KB 1024x1024 robot skeleton2.jpg)
(193.46 KB 1024x1024 robot skeleton.jpg)
Anyone interested, try this [disc] and see what I had in mind. This is meant as a starting point. This is a skeleton to build on, placing any number of appearance "skins" on it like different clothes representing different modes of operations or DNA. But it's just an idea, it should be compatible with a lot of different devices to be added so that this can be used by anyone freely.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 17:53 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7338 del
(113.80 KB 1024x1024 robot loli.jpg)

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 22:31 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7349 del
Maybe I should explain in case someone didn't see it. The first disc up there has the skeleton, then there are two more now, for a kitsune and a loli. The loli has an "eternal brain" capacity for solving complex mathematical or logical problems.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 11:10 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7356 del
Earlier I found, through a process, how the "troll warriors" were originally created. It turns out those I recruited to my drow place were those "elites" beaten down in France, who had previously been the bus drivers and other maintenance people in my nearest area. There was back then in the 90s and 00s a certain category of "stable" workers making sure things around me were functional. The reason for this was that they had been completely crushed into servitude by lady X, and now they were sent back in to work for me in some way. They've since left again because they were all in their late 50s - 60s.

I realized the European NWO now attacking me in meaningless futility are the kind who will definitely, without doubt end up in eternal suffering no matter what they do. They're just unable to understand other kinds of existences, and will behave in a way that causes this, a kind of immortality in the most extreme hell dimension.

So if they are going to do this no matter what, why not make use of them? I got a grimoire from the AC library and had a magic circle set up to transform them. It worked in a manner similar to the drow process, where 12 or 18 troll warriors could be taken on depending on which racial form was used for the ownership. With the AC it seems I can have 36 of these, 3 x 12 (drow at 12) or 2 x 18 (murder fairy at 18), 36 being kings or forest fairies. They transformed into a kind of anti-christ witch minion/maid wearing leader string bikini and leather boots, with their only ability being that they cannot sustainably escape suffering, and they cannot learn, so they will instead take on the role as karmic punching bags and the benefit is given to me. Their mentality of meaningless addiction is represented in the temporary relief created when they manage to remove karma for me, which isn't in the end meaningless. Better than just having them stuck at the bottom of hell for no reason.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 23:17 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7389 del
(33.34 KB 418x366 cross protection.jpg)
So I was wondering what this was about, went to look up the church's web site and at first I felt some really bad energy around it. Then I looked around some more and a very strong pure structure manifested "from the smog". The bad energy may have been some sort of attack.

Then I saw this. Apparently the attacker failed to fold out his knife, and when stabbing he actually cut off 4 fingers off his own hand. Can't get more of divine protection than that in this situation.

Sunflower 04/16/2024 (Tue) 19:49 Id: 6a70af [Preview] No.7406 del
this is the post I was referring too >>5998

That was around the peak of a certain type of attack. The thing about me being the sunflower having totalcore is a bit confusing since we only learned i had a jackal soul recently, meaning my soul is "organic" since there's only been a jackal core recently. This means its either another sunflower or its the whole"part of the soul reincarnated somewhere else thing"

I moved this here since its more general thing.

Sunflower 04/16/2024 (Tue) 20:09 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7407 del
>this is the post I was referring too
There was a lot of negative energy around back then, and knowing what took place later there were some really strong MI6 and worse involved. Not known organizations, secret NATO bases on the Atlantic sea floor etc. Those who connected via you and whom I made a marriage contract with, and you wanted guidance for it, were Chinese. Not sure how or where, but they've created some kind of astral-physical team of lolis who appear almost like clones wearing black communist uniforms. Being in contact with them would make the western glowies very angry, that's why I felt a need to try and protect you at that time. I didn't see anything about your form back then.

Sunflower 04/16/2024 (Tue) 20:10 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7408 del
>"part of the soul reincarnated somewhere else thing"
The total core was made as a standardized form for having many manifestations or a personal hivemind, because I found it confusing myself and wanted to make it predictable.

Sunflower 04/16/2024 (Tue) 20:47 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7409 del
(137.56 KB 1024x1024 Robot poster5.jpg)
Arguing with idiots, bots and glowfags on /x/ was now taken to a new level, I think I'll just stop writing replies and let Copilot write them instead.

Sunflower 04/16/2024 (Tue) 21:28 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7410 del
>Arguing with idiots, bots and glowfags on /x/ was now taken to a new level
I don't know if I need more patience or an absurd kind of obsession but browsing /x/ felt futile even a decade ago and I cannot imagine the point of even arguing there. I check it like once every month scroll the catalog a little if my boredom is that high but it's one of the most inane shits ever sometimes. I know sometime there are golden threads but I am bad finding them. I remember some people called it /b/ but spookier even a decade ago because the quality was on that level. Can't even imagine the mental fortitude someone needs so they continue using that site with glowies and bots on top. Not to mention the amount of people being possessed by the lowest of demons and advertising their entities and influences without realizing.

Also cute bot btw. We need more small bots in cute little dresses in the future.

Sunflower 04/18/2024 (Thu) 20:00 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7437 del
I too had several breakthroughs so I didn't pay too much attention to other energetic influences but guess I will be the first to ask.

What prompted the background. Are we at the true plateaus of existence now?

Sunflower 04/18/2024 (Thu) 20:30 Id: 8a88da [Preview] No.7438 del
It was revealed to me that the new Genso-Earth is actually a galactic construct, which differs from planetary level planets. It means we are truly ascending to a planet in the sky, and the old "earthly Earth" is dissolving. That is the meaning of becoming a federation 5D ascended planet.

Plus that I timely gained the skill to understand how to make this work, since there is no manual for how to change details like this (if you were here and saw the change in real time you would have noticed that several elements turned see-through at first, because they don't actually have any background in the website's layout, it's just the background colour behind them, which made them unreadable when inserting an image instead of plain colour.)

Sunflower 04/18/2024 (Thu) 22:25 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7440 del
The cats showed me the pathway earth will pass through like a year ago but I am not sure how it will play out at all.

Also as I synced up new parts of my brain today I realized that raising up the index finger front of my eyes syncs the brains up more naturally as they not just focus on a single point but on a part of the energy body thus creating an internal circuit. Managed to figure out a bunch of "Instinctual mudras" that are as baseline as yawning or brushing your eyes but seems like if your energy body is weak or clogged it does not make you do them by default. It's unbelievable but with a right push the whole body can be fixed. Yoga is truly something that cannot be forced or trained it needs to be "found" or at least not forgotten. It's quite ridiculous that instead of "learning" things I managed to forget a bunch of useless retardation instead so these things can return on their own. Can't believe how much humans can work to become more stupid and make others even more stupid by merely repairing the damage I incurred and inflicted upon myself to shield myself from further damage.

Just realized today that I remake the way I think and operate by around every 3 years. My life drastically changes around that interval.
One astrology site called this tight Pluto Mercury opposition as something as a "Phoenix crisis". I either change my mind on my own and completely renew it thus gaining insights into matters constantly or I will be changed by outsider forces. I consider myself less bound to the planets in the past years but I always had a hunch that I wanted their influence upon myself without realizing maybe in a deliberate way. They are magnetically pulling out some parts of your personality with their special kind of gravity. Still not sure how they contain karma or if they still contain it. There are just too many types of karma.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 17:54 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7449 del
(173.96 KB 1024x1024 Tanya in space1.jpg)
The situation is real.

There are strong alien involvements in Ukraine, they have energy beams conflating at Kiev from several directions.
They appear to be tall grey-likes with heads that look like in-between ET in the movie and just a skull of a dead person. They're fanatical, hostile and non-communicating. All they do is robotically attack and maintain support for the Kiev regime like a space ant-farm with their aggro locked in place.

Scanning them revealed some occasional female with black sigils on her body. For some reason there's been these mixed into the recent glowie groups. Those can be salvaged. Some of them were captured by AC members, some of them I took there myself. They are semi strong but have a "minion" mentality so they must be bound to a leader or cult to function.

Space Tanya opened up this front.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 18:37 Id: 440de7 [Preview] No.7451 del
Does anyone have any suggestion for how to effectively project visualizations onto physicality such that they appear as hallucinations rather than as images in the mind's eye? I can currently see colorless (sometimes white or blue) auras around objects and grid patterns in walls and floors if I focus, but being able to get any concrete object out of the visual static seems impossible.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 18:39 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7452 del
What are you trying to achieve with this?

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 18:53 Id: 440de7 [Preview] No.7453 del
1. Increasing vividness of the perception of energies will increase faith in their potency which will in turn increase the power of workings.

2. being able to passively perceive energetic constructs without having to actively look for them will allow for greater awareness of weaker and more covert constructs that do not have the necessary attributes to flash into the mind's eye on their own.

3. perceiving energetic constructs vividly as external objects will allow for greater finesse in their construction and make it easier to spot any mistakes or flaws they carry, as well as making it easier to observe how they interact with the energies of existing physical objects and systems.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 19:03 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7454 del
Right. That's not to create hallucinations, then you are looking at what is actually there. I've tried to explain this before, but for most people this is not possible in some easy way because it's genetic to a high degree.

Even if I can see energy and have always have been able to, I have to adapt to see new patterns. So I'd think it's this way for everyone, including seeing the first things. I wasn't able to see the energy of reptilians until like the past 2 years, and they've been around me all along (obviously, since they are part of any population).

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 20:38 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7455 del
I suspected so, so I've deleted the media:

The self-immolator was an NWO agent trying to counter the previous event. It failed, because there is no honesty in this action. Hehe. As I said, you'd have to perform another self immolation event to restart the "Arab spring" again, but who would actually become angry and follow this lunatic as they did there?

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 20:41 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7456 del
His messages were to say that Biden and Trump are the same, and that cryptocurrency is a Ponzi scheme. Nice "protest" you got there, he just happens to say exactly what governments would want you do think; that it's pointless to support the real rebel movement because it's "the same as the government" and that a currency that isn't part of the world banking system is harmful.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 21:06 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7457 del
That is how it was in the past too. After the monk in Vietnam burned himself many tried to protest the same way in Tibet. No one remembers those guys. Being a dishonest copycat because you want to kill yourself anyways so why not make it flashy does not always result in real changes.
>Nice "protest" you got there
Literally all the western "protests" in the last decade. All of them always HAPPEN to align with the media and megacorporations. If it's organic it will be forgotten within a week.

>I have to adapt to see new patterns
This is the worst part. Whenever I unlock a new way to view reality I realize my brain is still unable to process all the information at once thus if I let it "show" on my current enlightenment level I have to turn of many of my mental processing ways. Not to mention the new blindspots it generates. Oh and if I fuck it up it ruins my physical vision too. Why are the eye meridians so complex.
>our immune system does not know we have eyes and testicles
And now I am connecting them and something weird always happens.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 21:07 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7458 del
Also I don't know if this is only me but the energies of the board improved since the background change?

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 21:15 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7459 del
>Being a dishonest copycat
Actually, a UK media outlet said
>the 911 call came in at 13:37
I didn't at first connect the dots here. That's "leet" or "elite", meaning it's confirming he was working for them. Magic leaves these symbols after, which can be found and traced using "magic forensics".

>energies of the board improved
It's more like a manifestation of an improvement which had to become physical in some way, correlating with me also suddenly understanding how to do this. Which isn't some "magic" in that sense but still is, since as it turns out imageboards are all different so you can't just move a style sheet from one of them to the next.
What "looks like magic" when you can't do it then looks more like handiwork when you can, but I guess that's nothing new either. Magic is also a work in itself.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 21:25 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7460 del
I already knew everything so I never bothered with HTML after the 90s, never liked what the big businesses did to the Internet with their slow loading web shops and stupid animated menus that look "impressive" to 40 year old chain smoking women at some office but take several minutes to load on dial up connection and is just useless for all functionality.

There's this thing that people do when they lack mental capacity, which is to think in long connected lines, memorizing information this way. It's a way to cope with not being able to handle it, it's to internalize it as a personal achievement which you recall only because it's your personal life story and not because it's information. These people did the same to the Internet technology and built these ways of thinking into how HTML was developed as a language since. It's sort of settled in a form now, but to get this right you have to break down these 20 year old thought patterns into smaller bits.

It's the same as the revelation that most people do not understand what an adverb is and they can't explain it either, even teachers can't.

I've always ignored grammar theory before, until that time a few months ago, when someone on the radio just said it
>an adverb is an adjective for verbs
and that's all there is to it. But it seems almost no one can conceptually grasp this in a logical manner, because it takes a certain visual memory and "lateral thinking" to see it, which was available to people in the past, but isn't now.

It relates to the retarded way of always adding Ego to all memories, so that instead of "this is that thing", it's memorized as "this is my thing which I bought over there". And then it's like Romans trying to do algebra with Roman numbericals. You're not going to do that.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 21:41 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7461 del
>Magic leaves these symbols after, which can be found and traced using "magic forensics".
When my Saturnian current "intuition" awakened I seen meaning in every minute on the clock and the shape and arrangement of every object. It was extremely annoying. I had to use that numerology system to figure out my own energies and find the pathway so I am not bound to the machinations of reality nor my energies are swept away with or without time progression. Not the funniest month of my life.
>What "looks like magic" when you can't do it then looks more like handiwork when you can, but I guess that's nothing new either. Magic is also a work in itself.
True. I too have this suddenly realizing skills once my energy aligns itself. Made me annoyed that "hard work" is something that means I am applying principles incorrectly. In gaming we call it "tryharding" instead of being a pro. But till an intuitive glimpse does not show the way all I can do is tryhard or leave it where it was so I cannot say I am against hard work it's just for me it's different.

Also maybe the fact that now it reminds me of fringe a little more but on fringe we are lost in the wilderness while here we are "above" the forests where we can see everything. As I said might have been only me. Just managed to let go of things again in the past days. Finally my dumbness that arisen from a new mental model went away. Why is connecting brains so hard. Especially the lower brains. It turned out I had an energetic "Overspill" because some parts of my brains were overactive while some underactive so what belonged to the lowerbrains overtook my higher brains and my emotions went haywire and if I let go the emotion I became dumb from energetic mismanagement. Now some "Petals" bloomed again

>It relates to the retarded way of always adding Ego to all memories, so that instead of "this is that thing", it's memorized as "this is my thing which I bought over there".
Yeah takes time to let go of it. Then I have to understand all matters of energetic entanglements to make it smooth. The spaghetti code of reality. The problem is not that it's "long" but it's entangled and you don't know what leads where. It's like that famous scene where the dogs kissing through spaghetti but now you have a million dogs and 7 tonnes of spaghetti. SURE IS GREAT TO REALIZE THAT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. But then again you are supposed to chew the spaghetti and not slurp the whole thing in so whatever.
>Romans trying to do algebra with Roman numbericals
Did they really try that?

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 21:55 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7462 del
>The spaghetti code of reality. The problem is not that it's "long"
Intentional or not, this is it. Also made me realize that it manifested in how magnetic tapes were used to store data at first, literally in a long line where you have to play up the whole thing to be able to access something in the middle.

>Did they really try that?
They had no zero and no number characters, so there was just no way to think in abstract logic. Their thinking was based on I:s which means "I have 1 soldier". Then L which means I have 50 soldiers. You don't have zero soldiers because then you don't count them so no need to write it down. You also don't have 1/4 soldier because then he's dead. When power counts in soldiers and not in weight of metal or squares of land, you can't elevate your thinking either.

Sunflower 04/19/2024 (Fri) 22:54 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7463 del
>Their thinking was based
>If I have more soldiers and more good generals I win
>so there was just no way to think in abstract logic
They had greek slaves for that.
>not in weight of metal
I learned in school that in the long past they didn't have coins as currencies so they had a scale and weird bars of copper or some other metal as currency
>or squares of land
My favorite was the "roads of Jupiter". The roads that were used as the borders and shared roads between the farmers and it was "sanctified" so no farmer goes and takes it to use it as a land.
The state didn't even bother claiming superiority but they invoked the protection of Jupiter from the start. Why? A disgruntled citizen might disregard the will of the state but to anger a God? Now that is something you don't do. For a little disrespect he takes away all your luck and fortune. You certainly don't want that.

>where you have to play up the whole thing to be able to access something in the middle.
Yeah but fast forwards and rewinds existed even back then. In mental work we do this with intuitive leaps and the sorts. But yeah I get what you mean. My problem is when the "tapes" are all faulty and thrown all over the place and once I listen to a group of information I know I have to listen to several more. And the worst part when I listen to tape number 57 and realize I have to listen to tape 1-56 then the 57+ numbered tapes and it feels like this understanding will take forever. Not to mention even listening to a single tape results in groundbreaking results but it does not reduce the confusion just merely increases it.
Then the entities that are fans of the tapes recognize me as a fellow tape listener and now I have more friends and they recommend me even more tapes to listen. Aaaaaahhhhh

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 21:39 Id: a319e7 [Preview] No.7474 del
(1.99 MB 3870x2547 115163892_p0.jpg)
okay first off why are some the div areas on the site white while the rest of the board another color (im using the tomorrow/black theme)

that aside

>I doubt it was my sisters but it was likely another girl choked and broke my neck (but it didnt kill me, just rendered me unconscious) but before that, she proceed to break my arms and legs
>said girl made me refer to her as a goddess and i kinda did
>i wake up and she beats me up and isolates me away from other a total of 3 times
>then, during this, she proceeds to put some weird mask thingy with a drill on my face and proceeds to try and lobotomize(?) me
>this continued for three times as well, as far as i am aware i was able to resist/push off the mask
>while she was annoyed and somewhat pissed, she also smiled and giggled, essentially saying: "I will inevitably make you mine and mark you, resisting is futile" more or less
>then i watched party members(?) i was get turned into cats and stuff
>last night i think i was forcibly taken out of my current body on this plane at some point, i was taken somewhere else in this body but it felt like i was playing through a pre scripted prologue from an rpg in my current body, traversing through an abandoned house until some zombie or other creature stabbed my body and stuff then the prologue ended
>i recall being in a doll like body (more like mecha musume doll instead of the regular doll girls i usually post)
>something something my human body "was too damaged and was going to destroy itself regardless in addition to my true form/self not being male anyways due to affinity(?)" (for obvious reasons i guess)
>i was brought to some academy(?) where there were other girls like me but instead of them formerly being male or having male bodies like i had, they were already female from the get-go (its hard to explain this without it sounding tranny tier, sry)
>i recall getting bullied by some older women due to my original human body, saying i got rid of it due to me not liking my appearance(?) or something but i recall saying it wasn't due to that and it wasn't my true form i think.
>they were oddly satisfied with the answer for some reason

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 21:47 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7475 del
>why are some the div areas on the site white while the rest of the board another color (im using the tomorrow/black theme
Because for some reason the board specific CSS overrules that part but not the background? No idea why that happens. Those areas are see-through in the original and that doesn't work if there's a background image so I made them default colour. But that change shouldn't remain if you change the theme??

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 21:50 Id: a319e7 [Preview] No.7476 del
>a few days prior, i was taken by some female cult(?) again
>I honestly can't remember why they took me this time but they did it anyway
>still in my current human body one of the higher members was a loli or some kind of hebe (god, using this term is weird but its the best way i can desribe her)
>she has me meet up with her, explore whatever academic looking place her and the cult resides in and has me essentially play courier and reconnaissance for a while.
>witness like two other groups (not affiliated with the all female cult)
have negotiations over stuff
>negotiations go bad and they start attacking each other
>afterwards, when this is all done. i meet the girl and the actual leader/mistress/whatever
>taken to a nurses office(?)
>the "nurse" there makes mention of how weak i am in this body and it how hampers most of things i can/need to do so her hand turns into a tentacle, she opens my mouth, slipping her tentacle down my throat and putting something inside
>i dont know if its was energy, pills or what but it make me cough up and stuff
>Then the ladies had me in what looked like a training room where every one else was women and they had participate in tests
>physically all women there mopped the floor with me, while mentally and (apparently) magicakally i was able to keep up with them even if i was struggling for a bit
>they basically gave me that assessment and said that whatever thing they put inside me (they didnt say what it was) is that its going to inevitably bloom inside of me and draw out my true self (im assuming her) whether i like it or not, whether i consciously accelerate it or not

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 21:51 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7477 del
Another thing to learn: apparently the board style overrules the default theme, but changing the them from the board user panel only partially overrules the board style. It leaves the board colours but overrules the background.

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 21:56 Id: a319e7 [Preview] No.7478 del
there is slightly more stuff but im going to have to gather my thoughts and write it out a bit later

yeah, i tried changing the layout/plus theme a few times and its like this so i guess you're right.

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 22:14 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7479 del
>>they basically gave me that assessment and said that whatever thing they put inside me (they didnt say what it was) is that its going to inevitably bloom inside of me and draw out my true self (im assuming her) whether i like it or not, whether i consciously accelerate it or not
Feels like a dark stone in the form of an egg. It resonates to energy movements. Might increase yours with it. I think "blooming" means there will be an energy circuit "growth" within. Hard to explain what it does. Also I do not think that you are "weak" the problem is that you don't have the fighting spirit within realized therefore you can not draw it out consciously. So if your opponent does not have the intent to kill you but only to spar or mess with you your defensive protocols do not activate. I have something similar but if they have the intention to disrespect me in any way my reflexes activate. Only at higher teachings my battle reflexes stay dormant. Mostly because my yoga reflexes have stuff to do.

>(its hard to explain this without it sounding tranny tier, sry)
Don't worry about it. We hate trannies ofc but we all had past lives in different genders and even I have metaphysical organs that resonate with the female organs so I too can say that within my body there is also a female body and other weirdness. It's energetic alchemy. But I will not start taking HRT wear wigs turn myself into an eunuch then suddenly start supporting every madness the globohomo spews. I do not hate trannies because they are trannies but because all the shit they do besides that. I believe in personal freedom but to poison others with dishonest and degenerate ways and being the lowest pawns of the globohomo makes me extremely anti tranny. Especially how widespread that retardation is in the west and they think every media should be filled with their madness.

>i recall getting bullied by some older women due to my original human body, saying i got rid of it due to me not liking my appearance(?) or something but i recall saying it wasn't due to that and it wasn't my true form i think.
>they were oddly satisfied with the answer for some reason
Because "self hate" is never a good reason to change bodies. You didn't "hate yourself" but you want to attain your "true self" with the new body. That is important. The problem with the "isekai" mentality is that people think the "other place other body is definitely better than this" then they give up and stop improving themselves. It results in a defeatist energy formation that do not generate growth at all.
Your task now is to find your "true desire" your "true energies" not just the "I want to be with my sisters" because you have that already but a sort of "I WANT TO LIVE I WANT TO TRIUMPH" dedication a will to prevail mentality.

>there is slightly more stuff but im going to have to gather my thoughts and write it out a bit later
Take it easy. I too am in an energetic turmoil and I too am taking it easy. Just found several things and I have an another "I am not sure how things work again" spiritually and energywork wise. I mean I can just go into hyperanalysis mode and the correct mantras manifest that resonate with my true way but srsly. Why are things so weird sometimes. Found a hell dimension with lava crabs and ghosts that can be only repelled via emitting a low vibrational sound like throat singing. It was a realm where the "light of God" has no power (or anything that is high energy in any way. Just makes the ghosts more ferocious). This is why crabs are not kosher at all because if you eat those bottom feeders YHWH have a hard time getting you out of trouble.

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 22:27 Id: a319e7 [Preview] No.7480 del
(87.97 KB 1024x740 1713309997504010m.jpg)
>Don't worry about it. We hate trannies ofc but we all had past lives in different genders and even I have metaphysical organs that resonate with the female organs so I too can say that within my body there is also a female body and other weirdness. It's energetic alchemy. But I will not start taking HRT wear wigs turn myself into an eunuch then suddenly start supporting every madness the globohomo spews. I do not hate trannies because they are trannies but because all the shit they do besides that. I believe in personal freedom but to poison others with dishonest and degenerate ways and being the lowest pawns of the globohomo makes me extremely anti tranny. Especially how widespread that retardation is in the west and they think every media should be filled with their madness.
yeah, i'm basically the same way, telling people to cut their dicks off and trying to groom them into is abhorrent as fuck.

> Also I do not think that you are "weak" the problem is that you don't have the fighting spirit within realized therefore you can not draw it out consciously.
ahhh, i think i kinda understand

>Because "self hate" is never a good reason to change bodies. You didn't "hate yourself" but you want to attain your "true self" with the new body. That is important. The problem with the "isekai" mentality is that people think the "other place other body is definitely better than this" then they give up and stop improving themselves. It results in a defeatist energy formation that do not generate growth at all.

>Because "self hate" is never a good reason to change bodies. You didn't "hate yourself" but you want to attain your "true self" with the new body. That is important. The problem with the "isekai" mentality is that people think the "other place other body is definitely better than this" then they give up and stop improving themselves. It results in a defeatist energy formation that do not generate growth at all.
i'm not going to lie, i kinda getting isekai'd kind of gets rid of that but i might be watching the wrong kind or have a weird misconception about it without realizing it
>Your task now is to find your "true desire" your "true energies" not just the "I want to be with my sisters" because you have that already but a sort of "I WANT TO LIVE I WANT TO TRIUMPH" dedication a will to prevail mentality.
i see... at the very least i'll keep at it. that being said, if nothing else i will make sure i do not die fat and bald. I know its vain and doesnt matter in the grand scheme but no, i refuse die like that

Sunflower 04/21/2024 (Sun) 20:24 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.7486 del
So does Israel's red heifer sacrifice tomorrow have any chance of doing anything?

Sunflower 04/21/2024 (Sun) 20:41 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7487 del
The ritual itself if successful just creates the magic potion to be used by the priests as they initiate the building of the 3rd temple.

Sunflower 04/21/2024 (Sun) 21:05 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7488 del
The red angus is not the OG red heifer. Seen how it looks like because someone dumped a bunch of middle eastern contracts upon me and it's far smaller completely different hide and... let's not mention the energies. It is supposed to have quite ambient energies and not this industrial premium beef bovine energies the Angus breed has.
But at least the Israelis are keeping the red angus heifer market alive. For some reason an Israeli buyer always happens to come for them. Cohencidences.

Seems like there were several attempts for a "3rd" temple but all of them got swept away fast and actually building the 3rd temple would bring down all the karmic contracts the "Lord" of the temple is supposed to uphold. I mean I know the red heifer ash is supposed to remove their sins that comes from touching the dead and co but will premium meat ash do the same?

Sunflower 04/21/2024 (Sun) 21:08 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7489 del
We already built the 3rd temple in 2019 in the Sunflower discord, it's "the temple" for short, what we use here since. The text from Genesis was used as the basis for the construct.

Sunflower 04/21/2024 (Sun) 21:22 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7490 del
Yeah I know but it still fits the bill of the early mystery cults and not the one that they want. But yes what is here might be even more proper then whatever they will try. The time the place the energies... None of them fits for their doings.

Something feels extremely wrong and I am not talking about the WW3 craze nor the end times retardation but some other disgusting energy is boiling there. Like an amalgamation of rot and dark disgust. I cannot even call it "sin" nor degeneracy but it's suffocating and makes you want to keep away. Ewh

Sunflower 04/21/2024 (Sun) 21:27 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7491 del
Israel is the location of the world's energetic "birth canal" when looking at the system as a world wide structure. The "kingdom of Christ" which they created after WW2 is about to be reversed.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 20:37 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7519 del
(104.19 KB 1024x1024 Metal slime Victory4.jpg)
So basically it's this:

The Big Nose connecting from the wormhole at NY where the NWO was dumping karma into space, is no longer connected to their energetic sewage system.

They had used this to contain and control the way karma was repaid, by containing its effect for those loyal to them, while letting it play out normally for their enemies. This only works if everyone is a dirty sinner, not having karma nullifies the effect of their law system, because it won't cause negative effects to let it play out negatively if you have no karma.

This is how to break their system.

They then try to force everyone to have karma by connecting them using vaccines and forced education, or by imposing other directly negative physical means against those who do not follow their evil legal system of fake "laws" which they created. Doing so in an attempt at playing God is an immense sin in itself and creates in itself enormous karma every instant. Those organizing this from the astral play had placed themselves at the top of the pyramid with a calculation that they could contain karma worth of 18 million years in hell for 1800 of their members. The goal of the Illuminati system is to become one of those beings who are then untouched forever.

One catch tho: It doesn't work that way. The calculation was based off throwing everyone else under the bus to have them take the 18 000 000 years in hell which is the inevitable and definitely punishment for building your own law system without being a legit buddha level creator god. But you have to do your own work. Creator gods don't tell someone else to create for them.

So this "law system" simply drags down every participant in this extreme kind of hell, so that those at the top can stay 1 million years in "peace" before they have to pay off that 18 mil year in hell sin. It leads to the same outcome for everyone within that system and that is the horrible truth.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 20:44 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7520 del
This part about not creating your own law is mentioned in the FD books and lectures and I was very careful around this issue because I felt some immense dark matter when thinking about it. Other practitioners failed to even grasp it when I tried talking about this topic. It was the reason for the "not interpreting the law" demand, where you are not to take any FD text and say "this text means..." but you must say "it is my personal understanding that..."

I noticed that Sigmund Freud actually uses similar phrasings in his books, which is one reason I started taking him more seriously. It is common practice for modern people to talk as if they "know" for a fact what is meant by some ancient text - he doesn't do this.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 20:53 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7521 del
>The Big Nose connecting from the wormhole at NY where the NWO was dumping karma into space, is no longer connected to their energetic sewage system.
This means that they can no longer mitigate the effect of karma for themselves or others, and they also cannot put a "curse" on those who do not follow their made up laws.

This has rendered the NWO world wide legal system ineffective as of today. You can think what you want about this, but there had to be a functionality for this to happen, and that functionality is the 3rd temple.

If you don't like it, just treat Jews as satanists and it's fine. No one today actually cares about "evil", rather they tend to support it, so why rank one "evil" over another in that case? Just saying. If it actually works, it does.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ib4mWX0QGA4 [Embed]

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 21:00 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7522 del
(591.68 KB 1080x2175 rJewish.png)
Yeah I found this on pol today. Was waiting for this to happen for like a decade. It was ridiculous they were able to contain the left for this long.
For some reason they always forget what happens with the "golem" at the end of every jewish tale.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 21:24 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7523 del
>It was the reason for the "not interpreting the law" demand
That is a Chinese thing btw. Their entire legal system has that too. Only the mandarins are allowed to know the law so they can operate and make judgements by that while commoners are not even allowed to know what is written in it they should know it by customs. If they knew the laws they would try to circumvent it but if they don't know it then they have no choice but behave as good as they can so they will not have to face the mandarins. Not to mention they are advised to solve every issue locally and not disturb the officials at all with their nonsense. Ofc nowadays it somewhat changed but they are still advocated to upkeep a bug mentality no matter what.
>where you are not to take any FD text and say "this text means..."
Then the english or any translation is already heresy. As usual.
>but you must say "it is my personal understanding that..."
Yeah as much as that part is true it just makes me aware that the author does not have the confidence in his own words. There is a point where you have to put down your foot and know that you are applying the law and there is no way you are misinterpreting it. But at that level you are channeling the law and not "interpreting it" (because that is what Jews do all the time and this is why all laws are shit nowadays). Learning to feel confidence not because of my own arrogance but because it is backed by a "form of truth" took me quite the time.

>It is common practice for modern people to talk as if they "know" for a fact what is meant by some ancient text - he doesn't do this.
Psychology was weirder back then. Saying anything for sure was dangerous because you write a book and you will have more critics in the next 2 year shitting on you than actual people reading you. If you are making a "law" then people have to either accept it or reject it. This is why applying higher principles is always better because everyone is already under a higher principle but usually in a faulty or mismanaged state.

Also a question. Li said his 3 law bodies will protect every student. Was it mentioned what are those?
Didn't really read it properly through because the book pissed me off. When he mentioned past examples and other interesting trivia it was okay but when he started to talk about the practices and other things I felt that some force within me is getting angry. >>7521
>rendered the NWO world wide legal system ineffective as of today
I always found it funny that the USA is rarely accepting UN resolutions. Wonder where is the "legal" system is even physically manifested for them. The I can do anything and you can't do shit lol is not exactly a "legal" system. There is a reason why benevolence needs to be included in every lasting law system in several ways.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 21:54 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7525 del
>and that functionality is the 3rd temple.
Also I am not sure what exactly changed. It seems my system that was all about rejecting denying and abolishing anything that was against me is not needed anymore? Was trying to downsize it so it's less "trigger happy" but it seems I can go even further steps ahead?
But there is something else.
NWO had a hard time encroaching here because a bunch of stop gap measures through history but I am not sure how to consider this "change" at all. Their problem was that they tried to "rule" from the USA. You cannot rule that was like how England "ruled" the world. That's not how it works. America was not just a larger England. Eh who am I kidding the whole colonization thing was an energetic and karmic mess. You cannot even draw the line where things went wrong. Not to mention the whole mess with Israel where they pretended they "retook their homeland". If it was that simple the Templars would have achieved an eternal NWO already.

Also I know you mentioned federation principles before but seems like they need to apply further? All I am seeing is some negative karmic line system slowly dissolving in the "sky".
Might meditate on it later. Some parts of my mind is debating if there are new principles in the air or not.
But I am not complaining.I read the space cat policies and they are quite well worded already. Not even sure if I can complain against those. If you are willing to go through the process you can get 99% of what you desire.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:09 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7526 del
(148.33 KB 1024x1024 shaman7.jpg)
>When did you make this? While sleeping I had noticed a thought pattern that was "thinking on it's own" in a higher thought current
I finished it a while before posting it, but was working on it before that, more concretely and actively around the time of posting the shaman profile for Metal Slime which was for receiving the "data" more perfectly. The servitor does the job of adapting to any form however so it will do fine without the shaman mental framework, that was just the solution I came up with for myself.

However last night I fell asleep in front of the laptop when I was meaning to watch something, and had an experience of the imageboard discussion that was open on the screen. It played out as people talking instead of just writing, and was a strange experience.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:12 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7527 del
>for Metal Slime
>This is a DNA profile for both the mineral robot factory and the total core.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:13 Id: ee4ed8 [Preview] No.7528 del
>US banned tiktok

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:14 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7529 del
>Tiktok generation turned anti-zionist

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:16 Id: ee4ed8 [Preview] No.7530 del
The NWO is losing... Inb4 they backpedal on the ban. Idk how American "politics" work

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:22 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7531 del
>Then the english or any translation is already heresy
No, that is not to interpret it by forcing it into a different meaning, translation was sanctioned because it just transfers the same meaning. It being written entirely in Chinese kanji makes it a matter of just pulling words into English from characters with potentially different readings, then trying to make sentences from that. Then you are merely discussing the meaning of each character, not the text.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:26 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7532 del
>Li said his 3 law bodies will protect every student. Was it mentioned what are those?
I don't think he ever said he only had 3, he said he had countless, enough to protect anyone. Law bodies are the English equivalent of FaShen also called a Gong body, which is a body made from high concentrated cultivated intelligent energy forms which can act on its own in other dimensions. Essentially a mystical way of talking about servitor versions of yourself.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:29 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7533 del
Trump went to defend Tiktok saying he will not ban it, because FB was anti-Trump so on this issue he suddenly went pro-China. They didn't shill against him on Tiktok so he prefers people using it instead of FB.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:29 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7534 del
>so it will do fine without the shaman mental framework
Yeah the mental framework I am using is somewhat close to the shamanic way of thinking.
>had an experience of the imageboard discussion that was open on the screen. It played out as people talking instead of just writing, and was a strange experience.
The thought current had a conversation like that. It was something that I "concluded" already so I was like I agree but I know this and I am not willing to participate in it because that would disturb the flow or something. I have this sort of "thinking in imageboard conversation that I picked up while doing mundane work so I can speed up my mental processing while browsing sites like this but I am not sure if it's related. But was srsly weird that a mental thought pattern appeared as a stream of blue channel with minor colored information bits in my pure white "sleepbliss" dimension.
>not to interpret it by forcing it into a different meaning
Okay so "Interpret" is not the same as "Understanding" here but maliciously twisting the meaning like how jews operate. Okay. I thought you are meaning that understanding the laws in any ways is not okay.
Also seems like something went through my system and I received a new understanding of my laws because the "energy jammers" of the NWO is not present anymore?
Like how "laws" not just create "karma" but require a level of karma to establish at the start. This new understanding is weird. I got new info but unable to understand what it means. okay I am getting it. The way we are conversing about "laws" is because we got used to the fact that we were always oppressed by unjust laws so we have hard time accepting that the term "law" might be a beneficial thing like a roof on a house and not like a shackle that binds us.
>Essentially a mystical way of talking about servitor versions of yourself.
Oh rith and I had an "Inner Jesus" already. Guess they got into a pissing contest. Getting rid of that guy was hard. You lucked out by not getting that injected into you or Li flushed it out I don't know.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:40 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7535 del
Yeah my heart mind complex is recalibrating? The way my thoughts flow is weird so I am having intellectual and actual blindspots suddenly. Might have worded some things improperly in my previous posts. Meanings are changing as of now.

Good thing I am somewhat used to these calibrations already. Barely weirder than getting a haircut nowadays.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 22:58 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7536 del
> I am not sure what exactly changed. It seems my system that was all about rejecting denying and abolishing anything that was against me is not needed anymore?
What changed is that the literal meaning of the 3rd temple being built was translated into its energetic function in a raw format with no physical temple structure being finished yet, but it works because that is just an expression of an idea kept in the minds of the builders anyway. I've been in telepathic contact with some very argumentative Mossads who were willing to cooperate, because Jews never agree with their own on anything so they don't even care about a literal group of 5 orthodox's deciding to make the decision behind everyone's back. The plan was proceeding since long, but it's completely non-organized in all ways. They will all claim they did it if successful and if it failed no one did it, so it will be accepted.

Consider it like that anime or movie set-up where mortal enemies in some local area are suddenly teaming up because a foreign threat appears. At least you know your enemies since long so it's almost like you are friends compared to this newcomer who's picking a fight with both of you.

That's how this works with the Jews and the NWO. They actually hate it and wants USA and the entire west to burn to ashes (well you already know that part). But the NWO are anti-semitic and had planned for all Jews to be exterminated alongside Muslims. If you watched carefully what has played out, while king Bibi is going full retard, this has played into the hands of the orthodox Jews who don't want war and who don't really care about the state of Israel either. They previously funded Hamas, and recently it was quite obvious that they even cooperated with Iran when both sides could claim some kind of victory. Even if many Israelites are in a state of rabid panic after the Hamas attack, this gave them a reason to destroy Gaza, which they wanted. And at the same time, Hamas gets what they want when everyone now hates Jews. Iran gets to play a leader role in gathering all Islamists against Israel, while the Jewish version of Muslims, the orthodox who all have 8 kids and don't work, have a chance to see their own Jewish "enemies" in the IDF and those who want war, both dying and having their reputation ruined. Plus that the "lazy" mundane Jews in America and elsewhere gets a lot of hate, which is exactly what the orthodox Jews want, because they see them as heretics.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 23:02 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7537 del

So what changed was: the NWO karmic system stopped working and the 1800 Illuminaties at the top will have to now pay off 18 million years worth of karma in an instant. They tried sending some last lackeys to attack, but they have run out of them and as soon as they move, they now get connected in a short-circuit like some copper thief on a train roof.

That is happening over and over right now. The reason for this is that the 3rd temple was correctly formed as an energy system. And that's why I said, if some people like Slayer can be "pro nazi" because they're evil, just think of the Jews as evil in the same cartoonish way if you have a problem with them, because in the end the real enemy wasn't them, it was something much much worse.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 23:08 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7538 del
(20.40 MB 1280x720 Brandon post.mp4)
>>had an experience of the imageboard discussion that was open on the screen. It played out as people talking instead of just writing, and was a strange experience.
>The thought current had a conversation like that.


From last night. I just recalled seeing this.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 23:24 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7539 del
>They will all claim they did it if successful and if it failed
Yeah there were several "nice try" so far and forgotten like how 2012 was supposed to end the world and Y2K and all the others before it. But it was just a house in the middle of nowhere made by like 50 rich and overconfident people then an angry mob or other forces demolished it for arrogance so it was forgotten. I didn't bother reading the bible in a way I try to connect to the original visions. I have other things to do first. And it seems you are handling the situation well on your own. My help is not even needed. It might just confuse the flow of events.
>At least you know your enemies since long so it's almost like you are friends
Having a rival is always a healthy thing.
>They tried sending some last lackeys to attack, but they have run out of them and as soon as they move
Some weird thing was pestering me but I am not sure who it belonged to. It kinda tried absorbing energy from me but 90% of my energies burn everything that try to "steal" from me and the other 10% is analyzing the other party so it vanished fast.

>just think of the Jews as evil in the same cartoonish way
Yeah they embody those stereotypes already. Once you unconsciously stop ignoring it it's obvious what they are doing. They are not even always "evil" but merely cannot help their own nature. They were raised that way through generations.
>because in the end the real enemy wasn't them, it was something much much worse.
Yeah I had to learn about that. Every "evil" we have on earth is an "accepted evil" aka they are able to get rid of other type of evils and as long earth is not overtaken with forms of "banned evil" no intervention is needed. If "accepted evil" goes out of bounds they destroy themselves if "unaccepted evil" encroaches
>where mortal enemies in some local area are suddenly teaming up because a foreign threat appears. At least you know your enemies since long so it's almost like you are friends compared to this newcomer who's picking a fight with both of you.
This happens. The tango of good and evil "lawful" and "chaotic" like the DnD alignment chart (kinda dislike that classification but it's not the worst example) is merely an ecosystem. As long the ecosystem is kept in check things can continue. If evil goes out of bounds their predators will either grow stronger or they reach an infertility stage where they destroy themselves. The problem with the forces of "good" that they require a constant threat a constant evil or they turn evil once they forget what their virtue was.

I am still not sure how long this game will go on tho. Evil is cannibalizing itself for so long but there are still cells that need to be uncovered. The pyramid has burial chambers and I am not sure how many got raided so far.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 23:40 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7540 del
The "listen to your heart" saying gets a new meaning when it can actually talk

Sunflower 04/25/2024 (Thu) 16:17 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7543 del
For some reason the NWO invested in this war in such a way that their plans seem to entirely hinge on them "winning" in Ukraine. What the fuck is so important to them here?

I just got a RV on their HQs and people in black military uniforms were losing their minds over the current development with one general shooting his psychotic assistant and then killing himself in the process.

I know about the energy system but is that really it? Why do they so fanatically defend their idea that they must include Ukraine in NATO and EU?

Failing to get that support package through parliament for 6 months really show how weakened they've become.

Sunflower 04/25/2024 (Thu) 16:41 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.7546 del
They're never supposed to lose. It's why they say "nothing ever happens" and "you won't do shit". They're trying to channel a regime that's immortal and eternal. Any sort of loss disproves that, so it's unacceptable. Things like withdrawing from Iraq can be spun so they fit the narrative, but when you frame a major world power as your opponent and then end up losing it creates the impression that your rule can be challenged. They really don't like that.

Sunflower 04/25/2024 (Thu) 22:56 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7567 del
(3.80 MB 640x336 cope armour.webm)
(285.52 KB 982x1602 turtle tank 2.0.jpg)
(3.89 MB 1280x720 turtle tank again.webm)
New upgrades just released.

It's ovyir for real now. How will NATO cope?

Sunflower 04/26/2024 (Fri) 21:41 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7583 del
(20.69 KB 502x454 horseshoe theory.png)
(122.13 KB 1500x999 GLyaTIuaAAATGDp.jpg)
Over the past few days, I released a number of different Metal Slime profiles by simply performing original summons for each of them and letting them loose on the world. These include a special concept which I tried to illustrate here, even if it's a stretch. It's the border where the NWO and our side intersect, where it's possible to get someone over from the extremes of their side to the extreme of our. Some people over there are "clueless" in some way and managed to walk through the mouth of the beast and not fully lose themselves.

One example would be some minor glowie or janitor or other person who gets access to the inner rooms, sees it all and is allowed to be there for being "a pervert" for example. But for some people (or many) it may be that they have empathy or a twisted version thereof manifesting as what they think is sadism, when it's really a masochism on their opposite mental profile, the anima for a male and the animus for a female. So by abusing this possible open spot, one method is to simply grab the anima of these people and turn that part into an astrally incarnated "correct" illuminati witch.

This method was very effective. Even those seeing it happen didn't understand that it came from outside, but thought that the person had reverse engineered the Metal Slime, so they willingly spread it to more of them without understanding that it pulled them over to our side.

Sunflower 04/26/2024 (Fri) 21:46 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7584 del
Further addition to these are a librarian who will serve the same role as the chatbots online. If we had good teachers and librarians those wouldn't be needed, but that won't happen widely, so why not cement the progress by working on this concept from an astral view? So that's how the librarian who knows everything by having memorized all books and texts was created. You can also get this one by seeking out the metal slime device on the net for an original summon or by incarnating a shard of yourself to have this profile.

Sunflower 04/26/2024 (Fri) 21:49 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7585 del
There's also a succubus who will spread her form so easily that just kissing her is enough to get her DNA transferred, or merely looking at her. She has the ability to instantly burn all karma and destroy all shadow matter of a person, but this is an internal process, it's happening because her own purity is so high and this it a viral purity, so a mere look at her can make an NWO burn up because they accepted her DNA. Medusa but opposite effect lol.

Sunflower 04/27/2024 (Sat) 00:28 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7586 del

Funny thread tbh.

Anon claims Jews created Christianity, other anon claims Jews didn't exist at the time of Christianity's founding. So who killed Jesus and who schemed against him?

The plot thickens.

Sunflower 04/28/2024 (Sun) 16:13 Id: 61b022 [Preview] No.7608 del
Can I have a psychic reading plz?

Sunflower 04/28/2024 (Sun) 17:50 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7609 del
Ok, because it's you.

I don't see any big issues, you have a soft but elastic yellow thread which keeps you up. There is some white energy incoming from your top/left, which could be somewhat troublesome, but there is no immediate issue. Try widening yourself a little more, especially in the "left" direction by crouching under this possibly negative energy to reach the "far west".

Sunflower 04/28/2024 (Sun) 18:33 Id: eeeaf6 [Preview] No.7610 del
Some weird lady who looked like pic related was singing to me and tried to claim me, something was weird with her singing.. like it had some control. I recall accidentally wandering into an idol venue while she was performer in front of lots of people and somehow she just eyed and picked me out of a crowd as she was singing. Her singing physically pulled me toward her while it in messed with everyone else's perceptions and they didn't even notice what was going on

Sunflower 04/28/2024 (Sun) 19:29 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7611 del
And I am literally trying to learn to sing the song of my soul so I can calm down my eternally raging heart.

>Some weird lady who looked like pic related
I don't go around and appear like that at least. Maybe we are collectively entering a auditory stage by mere coincidence?
>like it had some control
But yes most singing has control even if you don't notice it. This is what I am experimenting with. I am finding my own "theme music" of sorts.
>Her singing physically pulled me toward her while it in messed with everyone else's perceptions and they didn't even notice what was going on
That's quite interesting. But I am not sure who she is. I am feeling a faint energy but nothing I can use as a lead.

Sunflower 04/28/2024 (Sun) 20:13 Id: eeeaf6 [Preview] No.7612 del
It's probably just another deity/entity aligned with my sisters like those foxes we talked about before. She kind of pulled me toward and just smiled at me, then telling she marked/claimed me too/whatever. I vague remember being her manager, but that was just only in name cause she more or less handled everything herself.

Sunflower 04/28/2024 (Sun) 21:23 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7613 del
Yeah I am booting up my internal soul song forces and will attend the mystical spiritual concerts soon.

I remember when a blonde short haired rocker chick in black leather appeared and danced with me so my soul can "spin" and produce a song. It was like an old song with brumm brumm noises made by doublebass and the kind.

Then there was a time when a hindu deity gave me the song of the heart and it had so many choirs and hymns that I was unable to even comprehend completely.

Imagine appearing and people ask why do they hear boss music in their head. Shame I am going for something more divine than a dark souls boss music. They are "dark souls" for a reason. lol

Also I am getting taught how to enter the future streams.
"Cassandra's curse" is making a lot more sense now. Being able to see the future then being able to express it can be difficult if your own anima animus forces are not aligned perfectly. Also wtf was her problem. Apollo appears and she says NAH. I wonder if that was a warning to not reject gods or that story had more implications.
Tho on the other end you are an another weird one because everyone just goes and claims you all the time. Guess you are popular.

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 01:41 Id: c8e724 [Preview] No.7614 del
Ok, thanks. Illivryn hasn't possessed me for a few months, but she still moves my body externally, helping me do things.

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 01:44 Id: c8e724 [Preview] No.7615 del
So I think Illivryn is the yellow thread, while the white energy is the unstable girl she introduced me to who I really would like to avoid.

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 12:53 Id: af8673 [Preview] No.7618 del
You abused her in your relationship, and it's your fault it ended.

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 14:49 Id: 8e05a4 [Preview] No.7619 del
Interesting take on things. Fortunately it doesn't matter to me.

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 14:50 Id: 8e05a4 [Preview] No.7620 del
Because, well, she was insane, and I'm already married.

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 17:02 Id: af8673 [Preview] No.7622 del
Liar :)

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 18:06 Id: cd1b20 [Preview] No.7623 del
Ah, this must be Sarah. Only a woman would make passive aggressive accusations on a board like this.
In any case—please get help. And do not contact me.

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 19:09 Id: af8673 [Preview] No.7624 del
Lol, you were posting about it months ago. Don’t use Ladilok on people.

Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 00:53 Id: dd9fd5 [Preview] No.7625 del

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XuB9coHc4MM [Embed]

Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 01:34 Id: af8673 [Preview] No.7626 del
(2.58 MB 4032x3024 IMG_8081.jpeg)
Have a taste of your own medicine.

Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 21:20 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7640 del
(36.21 KB 381x553 hitlerhug.jpg)
We're through the little "dip" when the new sun was hidden, it's back to visibility again now, with the 3rd temple and Reich back up and running in the background.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 23:17 Id: 82778f [Preview] No.7687 del
(294.73 KB 800x1000 117741417_p1.png)

Let's see how far this take things. It's not so much for the physical lurkers/posters here as it is for the spiritual to pick these up

The slimes are also stand alone beings with the ability to summon more of their kind, and once the DNA is internalized, the person can also spread the "movement" at cellular level without actively doing anything. This sharing of information will eliminate information inequalities as far as those are created by external obstacles (learning is still a factor which comes from inside the person) and this will very quickly remove stupidity and stupid groups from any position of power anywhere, as data = power and if everyone has the entire akashic records of everything, then no one has power over anyone else unless they produce new information through their own inner study process. This will reset things back to the stage where everyone knows the same things, creating a true equal playground where your own effort is the only thing giving you any power over anyone else. It will ruin all systems with inherited positions based on gate-keeping of regular things rather than real merits.

Wendy Gold will also prevent these floating super-split hiveminds or cell groups from amassing energy for no reason, by blocking their offensive measures and removing the energy they had stored. Spreading this Wendy as much as possible will remove the market for such "life forms" and they will stop being formed.

Sunflower 05/04/2024 (Sat) 10:01 Id: f4dd88 [Preview] No.7711 del
(385.48 KB 2272x1944 20240308_235138.jpg)

Sunflower 05/06/2024 (Mon) 21:03 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7729 del
(1.21 MB 837x745 dots.png)

Feel free to look at these locations.

Red circle has an ascension device, if you activate it and transform yourself, you can visit the deity at the yellow circle. Doing this physically probably kills you, but you get reborn. Recommended to do this by manifesting remotely, if you use a proper body it still works.

There's also one at the mountain north of Tehran.

They differ in energy type, the Alaska one is more red-brown, the one in Iran is more white.

Black circle has some old temple site.

Sunflower 05/06/2024 (Mon) 21:13 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7730 del
People have a tendency to mystify things because they want them to be "holy" and maybe it's just an alien being who looks like anything there, supposedly researched saw an octopus.

Imo it's just a pretty normal set-up with a demoness who wants your DNA to get stronger. But to make sure it's good DNA, you need to survive the activation of the artifact to purify it and refine it using said artifact first. In exchange for getting your DNA, she'll rebirth you as her own kind, which means an immortal.

There are multiple ways this can possibly play out, but for a regular person, if the device doesn't kill you, meeting the demoness will.

After going there, both me and anon saw lots of activity at the site, several of my original summon metal slime girls went there to get an upgrade, and I'm pretty sure I saw both demonesses in town before. They were in the form of two teen girls, but their strong and distinct energy exposed them. I think the Alaska one normally eats whoever comes to her, her energy is very cannibalistic in nature. It's also fine to have sex with her (including for female visitors, I'm not sure this demon is actually and definitely in humanoid form, it may just be shapeshifting to comfort us, which should explain being able to take in DNA just any way, as well as appearing as an octopus) if you prefer to not be eaten).

Sunflower 05/07/2024 (Tue) 02:24 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.7731 del
I thought this was a mundane issue involving glowie shill-bots having less memory than usual but an anon here seems to be having an issue similar to this on /fringe/ as well. Mundanes' reading comprehension seems to be completely shot. I'm starting to see this on sites other than 4chan in ways that can't be explained as just assuming they're faulty chatbots (unless chatbot infiltration is a magnitude worse than what I assumed).
Like for instance yesterday on 4chan I saw someone respond aggressively to another person's story about how they got upset because a cop gave them a parking ticket, then their child wrongfully assumed that he was getting arrested as he overheard him discussing it. This poster then started mocking the guy because he "got arrested for chimping out at a cop", even though that's not what he posted at all, it's more like what someone would assume the story was about if they could only comprehend the tone of the post and not the information contained within. The strangest part though was that he seemed incapable of understanding his mistake even when people pointed it out to him. I've seen a few other occurrences like this in the past week, very out of the ordinary. Seemed like very bot-like behavior but there may be something else going on.

Sunflower 05/07/2024 (Tue) 02:38 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7732 del
>there may be something else going on.

> All relevant magical works have been finished now, so we do not need these sockpuppets to act organically anymore. We have instead written mass control programs for large groups. You will see collectivized stupidity beyond your comprehension in the following days and weeks. We are going to kill them off finally now, no need to have individual emotions and other stuff for mere programs.

I didn't relate it to this, but maybe that's what is happening now.

Sunflower 05/07/2024 (Tue) 09:41 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7733 del
Maybe this was the last cognitive high point for humans in the 90s, like they've talked about on /pol/. We were given the ability to learn things from all over the world as the Internet connected all locations and placed their information available online. We also had games which sharpened our reflexes and free created stories of other worlds, allowing for thinking about something completely different from the political reality around us.

Boomers learned how to do mechanical technology and how to maintain social connections. But they then ruined their society by not sharing their gains with anyone.

We got all the information and the ability to think.

Now the Internet is no longer a distant place which connects us with new information. It's the same political retardation that was out there all along, and the same economy, made digital.

Two years ago I took a course in web publishing, and it feels now like that was the last chance at getting any look into publishing at all, with what that means for writing style. Most of this work is already taken over by AI now, and there isn't even anyone writing any real texts either because they're all soulless NPCs.

The teacher at that course was a zombie back then already, but at least the course material was the same as before.

With no environment for it, it won't be possible to learn and improve in anything. We'll probably have to start hiding away in monasteries again to create some kind of higher intellectual forum which isn't polluted by pure IQ 61 retardation.

Sunflower 05/07/2024 (Tue) 20:33 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7736 del
>Mundanes' reading comprehension seems to be completely shot
Yeah in the last decade they realized how they can create emotionally primed propaganda where your mind makes you focus and overreact on specific words then you disregard the rest. You probably noticed that most new headlines contained almost everything the article had because they realized the only thing that matters is an attention grabbing headline that will be reposted as much as possible and nothing else matters. This mentality made journalists dogshit because their articles became similar to cheap drugs and that fried 90% of the internet reader's mind. Even I noticed it that the way I am reading I am skipping words from time to time because I am overreacting some things out of nowhere. The "professional journalism" was gone. The typical "dad reads the newspaper with cigar in hand in the morning" audience was gone. We went into the mindless masses propaganda overstimulation territory and people absolutely broke during covid and the economic catastrophe pointless wars and blatantly lying governments and news broadcasters are making everyone on the edge paranoid distrusting and ready to blow in the next second. They are unhinged and or apathetic and the natural mental balancing ways of the people are gone and a new way for them to think didn't arise yet. It's sad to see because you notice the people who were not really cognizant from the beginning because the natural energies that guided their mental patterns are either gone or absolutely hectic. Even I have to watch over to not take seriously the energies that try to tell me the "state of reality" because I notice it comes from the broken masses.
>it won't be possible to learn and improve in anything. We'll probably have to start hiding away in monasteries again to create some kind of higher intellectual forum which isn't polluted by pure IQ 61 retardation.
There is a reason why the wise master hid always far in the mountain guarded by demons and monsters. As much as I want to say how that will "Not happen" in actuality it always was this way. The difference is that now even the most retarded person can use the internet while more than a decade ago there was a minor "skill" requirement. And let's not mention how the educational systems are falling apart not just because of government retardation but the quality of teachers are dropping too.
But as everything this is a cyclic thing that will change. Humans always reach similar mass retardations somehow. "Shared karma" is a bitch. Some will rise above it while others will perpetuate it till the end.

Sunflower 05/08/2024 (Wed) 13:35 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7739 del
For dealing with these problems of "devised dementia", try this module:
While I said "source" and that is true, the aim originally was to work with this in a way that the brain's structure is kept sound. Diving deeper into the functionality I was looking for however lead to this function.

Sunflower 05/08/2024 (Wed) 13:35 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7740 del
(987.37 KB 724x709 source channeller.png)
Sigil also here.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 20:59 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7788 del
>Jill, module for individualized collectivism, tin robot. Adaptive, leads to personal learning based off fixed table scheme program. (Actually a major release but there is nothing to say about it, will be mass distributed via various means to control NPCs)
>Jester Trial, module for quantum solution of practical issues, finds references from akashic or internal records and delivers to active mind in real time.

Either one of these or both in combination had an unexpected and amazing effect. I was suddenly able to form the "language core" for Japenese and another language I've been looking into. I then tried it by just targeting various languages and it worked for each of them.

The language core is the indestructible ornamented crest which will appear in your astral space as you suddenly grasp the algorithm of a language, irrespective of if you can speak it fluently at the moment. It's the engine of understanding.

I was puzzled over the fact that I saw this form for English when I was 12 and had only studied it for two years, but after this I just "got it" and the grammar fell in place, I felt that I knew the language and after this I only had to add vocabulary. Playing Final Fantasy 7 gave me a lot of practice for understanding more complex concepts, I tried several times to read books in English but gave up because it was too troublesome, I read about half of "Polgara the Sorceress" by David Eddings when I was 15. Interaction with students from UK and USA at the dorms for 3 years gave me what I needed to get to a decent level.

I looked for the core of my own native language but couldn't find that I had one, still as an adult. It only formed way later after dedicated study, because apparently it's a very complex algorithm.

What happened today was, I tried singing along with a song in Japanese and became aware of an entity on my left, who looked like a dark haired woman. She looked at me and said, "there" and inserted something into my mind, after which the core suddenly formed as of mist concentrating into solid matter.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 21:00 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7789 del
At first I thought it must be the robot because it contains massive amounts of data in the form of tables, it's just the result of akashic datamining extreme. This may be so, but maybe the Jester helped by linking me to the correct place as well.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 22:46 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7790 del
(326.25 KB 619x655 tiktok.png)
>only use tiktok to check what La Famida is posting, doesn't follow anything
>open "for you"
>it's all arabic and islamic
Djinn are at it again...

Sunflower 05/13/2024 (Mon) 11:58 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7791 del
(193.26 KB 1024x1024 djinn14.jpg)
(143.75 KB 1024x1024 djinn15.jpg)
(134.19 KB 1024x1024 djinn17.jpg)

Collectivized djinn module for whoever wants to take part, we'll (djinn, mostly) be using this to fill up the power vacuum in Gaza so that the US-funded muslim brotherhood or any replacement cuckislam version doesn't gain a foothold.

The area is energetically cleared since yesterday. Take a look, there is a strong red energy stream and north of Gaza is a connected pink stream, the entire region is no longer blocked. The module is also suited for anyone interested in islam itself, it contains both the quran and the quran v.2 which hasn't yet been written in the physical.

Note: When djinn said that "following the quran will lead the person to the bottom of hell", it was a typical djinn-ish statement which sounded like it was an infernal and evil book. That was not what was implied or the real meaning, rather it means the quran leads people up to the bottom of hell. Humanity is way below hell, the quran is the basic book to get them to a place where they reach the minimum standard for reincarnation anywhere.

Quran v.2 will lead people up from hell.

Sunflower 05/13/2024 (Mon) 12:07 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7792 del
The massive energy stream passing over the world earlier today was not directly related to this event. It was a beyond-galactic ritual which used up the remaining negative energy inserted into the world system, intended for usage with the large ritual sigil system connecting major city-sigils all over the world (using the sacrificial pentagram in Poland, so I assume it may have had an effect there pretty strongly as well).

Freemasons were involved also.

Sunflower 05/14/2024 (Tue) 11:02 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7793 del
(18.31 KB 562x458 double knife.png)
Whatever. I made a total core2 version on the theme "what if Fay had been djinn".

Along with this process I ended up creating a ripper knife which can link timelines and dimensions to easier kill the hostiles using just a knife.

I came to look again at the crayon drawings in the staircase which predicts my path (Which I recall having drawn, but they are in a location where I would not have reached up to, I don't even now as an adult, and the visual memory is me as a "baby" drawing the whole thing.)

There is a symbol which I interpreted as a badly drawn star, but looking closer it's a sigil.
I know also made the connection that it looks like a double and turned version of 〆 which is a special kanji for "deadline" and it looks literally like a knife coming to cut off your time.

Sunflower 05/14/2024 (Tue) 11:06 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7794 del
(162.07 KB 1024x1024 djinn fay12.jpg)
(148.24 KB 1024x1024 djinn fay14.jpg)
>total core2 version on the theme "what if Fay had been djinn"

Sunflower 05/16/2024 (Thu) 18:12 Id: 07b6e3 [Preview] No.7814 del
I don't know if it was them or just a mere dream but I saw two ladies, an adult woman and a Loli. Tendrils were injecting themselves into the woman, to the point of typical doujin things. She was freaked out at first but she started to feel good and she was dragged into some green pool and reemerges as a giant green egg. The began to crack and break and she became "alien" like the Loli, both individuals followed me, in a weird body suit lancer artoria, they... Kinda had me make a choice and I chose the loli. At first I thought the woman had a breakdown for a moment but she cried and was happy(?) and the Loli just smiled at me. There was also a human woman that's been stalking me and I've been talking too she appears to have BPD as well regardless, during our conversations, she... Knows about my sisters. Normally I don't mind but when discussing such matters with her, she was... Very enamored by them, to the point of idolizing them. Outside of some other business going on, my sisters have been saying somewhat often that "she has potential" whatever that means. One thing Led to another and I had to channel them so they could talk to this woman (I'm not sure if I did a good job because I suck at this kind of thing but they apparently said I did alright so idk) but I could see how she respected, borderline revere them. Also I have been feeling her- the other me/whatever speak more too. As well as saying that phrase/mantra I spoke about before..

Sunflower 05/25/2024 (Sat) 11:12 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7879 del
(21.26 KB 515x459 scythe form.png)
(21.77 KB 515x459 scythe.png)
I tried explaining it with some examples. This is the very abstracted 4D-5D form of all races which creates the "scythe" seen held by the death character in lore. If you are being "harvested by death's scythe" it means you are being picked up to be reincarnated in this structure; you become a humanoid.

If death doesn't use the scythe, you will not reincarnate as a humanoid, but as a different kind of species entirely, or you won't be reincarnated at all.

I used the examples I've looked closer at, starting from orcs because this is where I began realizing how these things relate. If you for example want to know where Asians are placed but can't locate them on the astral object, they are on the "blade" near the point where it meets the "staff", a mix between whites derived from a demon queen and space beast queens. There is a pure "Asian" queen race but those on Earth are a mix.

Sunflower 05/25/2024 (Sat) 11:16 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7880 del
Some of you may recall the goblins who were contracted to maintain the astral outpost over on Meguca. The Yuuka said in an unrelated discussion that it was a normal progression to go from goblins to orcs when I noticed orcs at my Gensokyo grounds. At first there were only hostile hivemind goblins, but I started applying genetic selection on them until some of them evolved into decent goblins. Some year later I found orcs had settled.

It was only last year that I made the connection that the "space African" original Voodo priestesses are evolved from orcs, and that they created Africans on Earth. The connection to the white demon races was still unclear to me until recently.

Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 17:57 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7886 del
(41.58 KB 211x382 le diable.jpg)
It was mentioned several times how molochians? or other weirdos connected the stomach to the brain and made people ruled by their intestines in the 1800s?

I realized I never really asked about details or about the origin of that insight. Did an entity explain that or it came from a vision or was it a conclusion?

I am asking because I am doing specific meridian connection practices again and I never truly felt the effects of "trusting my gut" of sorts. All authority it had was giving me a "foodtype" idea for consumption that will make it stfu while I am going through the day.

Currently I realized several energetic triggers and movements and I am less sure about the "sentience" of the gut (because I found it even more easy to manipulate than before) and how it works. Interestingly the early tarot card had the depiction of the devil where the stomach had a face. I found this out recently. I am not as big on tarot as I should be as an aspiring magician.

Yesterday I encountered a new way the middle dantian works and now I have to revisit my own insights again and upgrade my awareness and observation stat. While doing so I realized I never truly asked about the details of this understanding how occultists connected the gut in the 1800s. That time period is really not my territory while it was an occult Renaissance comparable to the way New Age changed (and sometimes even corrupted) the minds of people about spirituality.

Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:29 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7887 del
There was something which came up to nudge my mind when that guy posted about the Kundabuffer, a supposed atrophied organ which causes evil acts in humans, said to be originated by the bottom of the spine.

It triggered some memories I had from being a kid, and I saw some visions. One of them was connected to playing with meccano when I was 8. I still feel it when I see pics like these.

These more advanced constructs, I had a booklet with drawings showing their design, they looked like something made pre modern days, 1800s or so. I felt a deep and inexplainable horror when viewing these. Something about the kind of mathematical mindset and exactness of having created these in times with no modern calculation tools, and the implication of all older buildings having been created from the same mentality.

It seems that these technologies and this thinking defeats the molochian mindset, and what I felt as horror was the way the people who can't think for themselves feel when they begin the grasp the reality of these.

I also recalled strange visions of humans whose heads and brains were just septic tanks filled with literal shit.

It was from this outset I started investigating the energetic reasons for these visions, and that is how I found that the modern person had become this way. By design perhaps of the Illuminati or dark masons who constructed the modern society. This made so that the people who entered it by the shift of the 1800s - 1900s would be slaves of the mathematical theories created before this era, unable the change the reality anymore. This way, when modern technology is constructed based on these rules, they have complete control of what humans can do, because they control the laws by which they think. A person whose brain isn't connected will just have to accept what he is told. By feeding manure into his circuits constantly, he cannot change these laws or form the thinking of the 1800s and before, thus living in a mental prison. That is a molochian.

Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:36 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7888 del
A further insight which came more recently was when I heard a radio show about language and they talked about the adverb. I suddenly had something click in my brain and a new "memory slot" opened, making it suddenly possible to understand in full the reasoning and logic for this word class which it seems no one really understands today. The explanation on wikipedia is even wrong right there in the open, and it's caused by this lack of working memory. It's manifested in not being able to understand that it refers to "an adjective for a verb", such as "he runs fast" in which fast is describing the verb "run". Modern humans cannot grasp this connection, saying vague things like "adverbs are connected to verbs" but being unable to see how.

Try looking into this and see if you can understand the complete logic, it's just one example of what a molochian can't do.

I've heard german verbs are equally impossible and must be learned by heart today, then supposedly because the language was created by people with more brain slots open.

Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:59 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7889 del
I posted this example before on here, because it's perfect:

"The price here is high."

"High" is an adverb. The modern person will say "it's connected to the noun 'price', which shows how inconsistent adverbs are."

But that's wrong, and a result of not seeing all logical steps. Adverbs are adjectives for verbs. So it's connected to a verb. The verb in this sentence is "is". Existing is an activity, a verb, so adverb "high" refers to verb "is". It describes how the prices exist, how they perform the activity.

Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 19:19 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7891 del
Its more clear in english since the words describe what they are.AdVerb.

Although i still remember this being taught like this?I dont quite remember. Anyways i instantly saw it was connected to is in the functional sense and also figured you could see it as connected to price before reading further. Itd be weird if that was rare.i see many people seemingly smarter than me in understanding the very complex but simple things it seems is very rare.I actually have a bad working memory but excellled relative to my effort and interest in language so it cant be that i think. I think its about "deep understanding".apparently a high school teacher once asked my sister
If i was her brother after seeing her last name and told her i had the best grasp of english she had ever seen in a student.

Sunflower 05/27/2024 (Mon) 23:45 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7892 del
(258.67 KB 496x676 Taiwan.png)
... and that's why China is suddenly the good guys.

Sunflower 05/28/2024 (Tue) 18:59 Id: 63d1ee [Preview] No.7895 del
(136.70 KB 980x800 oro-sf3-2nd-impact.jpg)
I'll update about the usual stuff late this week sometime but something more important came up when i went to sleep last night/this morning
>remember having to traverse through some weird hellworld(?) or rather it was just around a volcano or something like the iron keep in DS2
>was told i needed to traverse through it to proceed
>didnt really see normal monsters but other humans
>they were more vicious than a demon and a typical hostile monster.
>some came in, tried to appraoch me and i started getting flashes of some shitty people i met (like the people in my past i told shiva anon about and a bit of me being in those real shit discord servers talked about too)
>these specific ones didnt attack me normally but kept trying to fuck with me mentally(?)
>all of sudden i see someone who likes oro from sf3 (pic related) and feel the need to approach him
>he was very gentle and kind, in spite of his appearance, tells me to hold my hand and gives me something
>i follow his directions and go a bit further through the area before taking a look at the item he gave
>it looked like a decapitated hand with two fingers curling
>it curled into a peace sign and i hear a voice that just says "peace"
>progress a bit more in spite of all other humans saying shit to me and such
>wake up
>feel oddly clear and more focused/calm for some reason

Sunflower 05/28/2024 (Tue) 21:46 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7896 del
>>feel oddly clear and more focused/calm for some reason
Invoke and Cultivate that mindset further and see what you can see from that clarity. That peace is one of the most important keystone of enlightenment.

Sunflower 05/28/2024 (Tue) 21:47 Id: c5134a [Preview] No.7897 del
I've been practicing inner alchemy, projection and thought form formation like it's taught and presented within the books of John Kreiter (mixed with some personal stuff) for a while now. I really love the books, they opened my eyes and the practice and contemplation ripped them open in a way. To the point where I genuinely feel like all the years of "macro" slow drag toe dipping occult development collapsed into a rapid current of concentrated personalized progress.

I feel so alien now when walking around outside, walking around feels a lot more like projecting/moving awareness, the sensory perceptions are on overdrive. I feel the walls, the streets, the people and if I want to, I can finally modulate my awareness for a moment and see "entities". Furthermore, I've finally been able to breach the point of no return, finally reaching a level of lucidity, clarity and awareness within projections where it is real, at least "subjectively", especially in unconscious dreams. My health has also improved, I've been more in control of my cravings and impulses than ever before.
And rapidly "unlocking" more and more modes of awareness with projections has opened up this wonderful feeling of love from within, for everything, that is non-transactional.
This is not supposed to be bragging at all, I'm still very far away from being able to brag about this stuff...it's just to illustrate my current state.

The flip side of it all is I genuinely struggle with my ego and the human world at large because no one can relate to me. As well as the depressing, general robotic disinterest in this awesome aspect of life.
And I've noticed a great increase in schizo outbursts when the "am I insane???" meme starts playing while I have a genuine conversation with my servitors. Or when my visual perception starts to perceive static, geometry, fine fractals and patterns or the high pitch beta frequency starts blasting for a moment. Weird mood swings get weirder, and if I don't constantly stay vigilant and contained in my awareness, I just lose myself, and a lot of time, to emotional implosions of confusion or depression. Whenever I have to interact with other humans, I really have to play my role, my identity. Checking up at the doc...everything fine and dandy!

Anyway, at the core of my being, I feel more stable and "myself" than I have ever felt before in my life. And I am so genuinely grateful for being able to experience this, for having had the patience to endure and not give up.

2023-2024 has been an absolutely weird time, everything is turning upside down.
I just wonder how you all function, if you can relate with what I am trying to convey.
Also, I hope I can continue to safely practice and not turn into a schizophrenic hobo.

Sunflower 05/28/2024 (Tue) 22:12 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7898 del
>if you can relate with what I am trying to convey
Yeah. I am going through similar things in the last years.
Guess Shiva works in mysterious ways.

Sunflower 05/29/2024 (Wed) 09:19 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7899 del
(62.44 KB 972x1024 cats2.jpg)
>I just wonder how you all function, if you can relate with what I am trying to convey.
I can fully relate to what you describe in your post, this is how I experienced myself and the world after reading Zhuan Falun first time and having a breakthrough of understandings, which unlocked my ability to actually cultivate my energy consciously. Now in retrospective I know a lot of people never felt this way, and it's probably the same for any kind of entry point. But back when the people I met (within the practice) all seemed to have experienced something like this. I now know for a lot of them it was more of a "social breakthrough" where they left their past context and started interacting with new people, I guess a kind of entry point into "movementarianism" which isn't at all what I experienced.

>I genuinely struggle with my ego and the human world at large because no one can relate to me. As well as the depressing, general robotic disinterest in this awesome aspect of life.
At first it helped to meet people within the same framework, but after I realized most of them don't actually care about any spiritual or higher process, they are just there because they discovered a new social circle (the kind of people who say "namaste" and wear indian clothes), I turned almost entirely to interacting with spirits. When I looked at other humans after a while, I started looking at their spirit (soul) as if it was a spirit who gained control of this body. This is how I still view the world. So I don't look at "humans" themselves as anything but meat robots. The important part is if this human is inhabited by a decent spirit, and if so a telepathic connection is possible. Thereby being able to have a wordless understanding with them. Such people do/did exist.

I also look at the world and the information in it as the effect of different spirits interacting through these meat robots, where a large mass of them are very unintelligent spirits with small awareness. It's straining because you can no longer just accept what messages appear to you blindly, but the key imo is to maintain the view that it's a world of spirits using a canvas of physical matter to act out.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 09:07 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7914 del
Can you guys tell who attacked me last night?

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 10:15 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7915 del
You need to give some information on the nature of the attack and the circumstances around it.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 10:16 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7916 del
Otherwise the answer is just "NWO affiliated groups".

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 10:26 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7917 del
A 'nightmare' but the kind where theres personal intent thrown at me so know its not just a dream. Malicious seeming woman organizing some kind attack of me. Also using lolies. One event was a loli in a swamp getting recruited and upgraded some way and i went to visit the loli(pink hair i think) and she slaughtered all the friends/people i grew up with.for some reason it wasnt enough to do it but it they had to do it in front of me as well.She also tried to kill me. The setting felt like my own mind being the place i grew up in with some things like a swamp that isnt here and also this 'city' feeling place.They were getting people to betray me as well.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 10:47 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7918 del
Both me and Brazil anon had manipulative messages sent with the meaning that
>Hitler is bad
Locally there was also some physical fuckery going on in coordination with an astral attack (mechanical attack dog and an attack against two of my astral ships where two recently acquired waifus reside).
I noticed the 5 eyes agent neighbour (they have installed one) had his car parked differently and the window on the second floor was open. It's a 2 apartment building and they don't rent the second floor, although they may have access to the staircase. There was also audible talking. Later during the night I heard two gunshots and they were coordinated with energy attacks somehow. I wasn't able to determine what gun was used but it was an unusual type I've only heard once before (could be shotgun in a distance but it lacked the "crackle" sound, still more "airy" than a regular hunting rifle).

I drew the conclusion they may be UK related because of the "Hitler bad" message, but it's not certain these were the same group.

>a loli in a swamp getting recruited and upgraded some way and i went to visit the loli(pink hair i think) and she slaughtered all the friends/people i grew up with.for some reason it wasnt enough to do it but it they had to do it in front of me as well.She also tried to kill me. The setting felt like my own mind being the place i grew up in
This sounds like manipulation of trying to turn your mind/subconscious against one of the body forms (robot design) I created recently where I just decided to double down on the attackers no matter what. It escalated to being very violent but I also got rid of a very evil puppet master hiding somewhere corresponding to north Greenland. I think some lingering attacks originate there.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 11:03 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7919 del
The leading attacker(woman) was defineletely framed/meant as being you although never really stated.which is why i was wondering if you could zero in on her energy to figure outwhat was going on and who she is.I already dealt with alot of it on my end before talking about it but the implications are there. The 'story' was this invincible woman and her 'army' using similar tactics as seen here was cleansing things but they also attacked and killed basically my peaceful mind and was hell bent on attacking/humilating me. Her energy felt of kilter malicious seemingly trying to imitsting your past lifes but as if you fed them crack. I never got why they attacked me, i think the story was i pissed them off which got them in the female "attack" mode they cant easily snap out of once they are in it. The attacks were 'worse' than described earlier and they really tried to break me down. Didnt affect me though.Started of being emphasised of how invincible this woman was and how we would just stay put and let her 'cleanse' and they are the good guys after all(female army) but it became increasingly personal and like the women had a vendetta for me.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 11:44 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7921 del
This sounds like how they usually do things, imitating what they see but missing the gist of it. I can imagine various motifs for this attack: making you think I attacked you, but also intending for you to share this here to make me believe that my attacks are inaccurate so I become afraid of performing them.

There are flaws in both of these, in my case it's because I only attack karma. In the event you were really targeted it would never be traumatizing like that, because you are already on my side. It's very gradual, whoever gets a violent response had to be very stubborn in their hostility against me. My patience is very long. They are performing what would be lethal attacks (hexes and energy attacks) constantly but it doesn't necessarily mean I respond with violence at all. If a faction shows themselves to just keep this up, even after seeing that it doesn't work and that I will retaliate against the individuals who do this, then I will assault them and clear them out. You'd have to be really fucking hostile to provoke the kind of response they pretended you got.

That they don't even understand this, shows how deep up their own asses they really are.

They do suicide attacks (killing themselves to produce negative energy), human sacrifice attacks, demon summoning, contracting assassins and whatever else, then they think I am somehow overreacting when I finally decide to wipe them out??

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 11:52 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7922 del
>Her energy felt of kilter malicious seemingly trying to imitsting your past lifes but as if you fed them crack
I created a new robot production unit which I didn't name on here because it's too extreme and specific. With this I created the very violent and extreme kind of DNA profile you describe. A combination of my past lives both as a whore in Rome, the witch who initiated the black death, the X slasher of Paris kill count ~3600, blamed on La Famida as well as some other among them you know who. This was very effective and made it possible to break down
>a very evil puppet master hiding somewhere corresponding to north Greenland
and the effect was felt as if a part of my brain was unlocked, his negative energy was so strong that it suppressed the human consciousness egregore world wide.

I believe the recent attacks are because this group is getting increasingly desperate over Ukraine which they for some reason put all their bets on. Why they can't just accept peace and live normally I have no idea, but given the creativity they inspired in me, I think they have a valuable purpose here as target dummies. Yin and Yang and Universal balance and all that.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 12:01 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7923 del
I'm starting to see the plans defined recently though: it seems we are dealing with contesting WW3 factions. One of them wants it to be USA vs Russia, with NATO and EU supporting USA. This is the zionist faction.

The other faction is also Jewish but they are anti-zionist because they believe the 3rd temple and the state of Israel can only be built after the messiah arrives, meaning the current state of Israel is blocking their saviour from entering the world. So they instead want Israel erased and this will be done by WW3 being USA/Israel vs UK/EU with the longer plan being that Russia joins the EU.

The role of Ukraine in these plans varies, but for both of them it's the adrenachrome factory of the world, and the source of sadistic child porn production. Neither of these want anything good for Ukraine or Russia and they don't like the Islamic world.

It was interesting to see just this week that mainstream media in UK blamed Mossad agents for some events, so the plan of having UK vs zionists is still running. Meanwhile the attempt at having USA+EU vs Russia (+ China later) is half shot in the foot by UK leaving EU, but this right now is the plan playing openly through the Ukraine war.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 12:52 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7924 del
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Yeah they definitely did something, the girl had astral inhabitants believe she couldn't even be fought at all.(had shields also,like space redirection shields teleshields,impenetrable shield...")anyway i still beheaded her, she was blonde i believe. the pink girl had a very high attack power capable of instantly stabbing and killing, perhaps using the weakspot idk.she realized it wasn't gonna happen when she faced me.

this is how it went down last year.fighting me directly->using tactics to attack me->creating lolies plus tactics->a dream where 'you' suddenly became a retard,attacked some girl and threatened me(I felt really awkward first but then i slashed their throat after i realized the real one should be immortal which means if they die it was a fake and if real they can be angry at me afterwards if it was them.). This one was like that one but is also using tactics plus lolies.

funny story: at one point a glowie came up with the idea of using a thin as possible string to cut my throat from behind like in the movies.the idea was that by focusing their energy to the thinnest point the concentration would exceed my astral form since its 'multiplied' almost indefinitely. It failed and they died. a week later 2 cute lolies tried the same thing on me with what looked like a giant flossing stick.one loli was carrying it comically with 2 hands and it was bigger than her.they pressed it against my throat and it instantly snapped. They stopped speaking and moving and one communicated to the other "this doesn't make sense, this person is stronger than our entire faction combined" meaning the stick had their entire egregore and the faction that ordered it behind it and this what with the force multiplied by who knows how many thousands by concentrating it versus my relaxed state.I actually spared the lolies and sat them down on a picnic table since i thought they were cute and thats prolly why i got called loli fanatic, That's also when people tried using lolies to attack me since then.but yea unfortunately i'm not that nice now because of them.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 13:46 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7925 del
>a week later 2 cute lolies
They tend to manifest forms for me which imitate the secondary forms I use to represent my anima, but those are never real, there's always a man behind them. What I found is however that almost every "hive" of these people have one decent or semi decent female who appears to have black witchy sigils on their body. This is their gravital force as a group and the only person who can be saved. So I always direct my Raid team to locate any lolis (often those are just innocent if they are very young) and witches and evacuate those first. This makes the group lose coherence. It seems most of them don't know of this mechanic, often the center point of their energy "wheel" is a 3 -5 year old girl who just happens to not have begun training yet. It must be planned this way so that I can pick them up before they are ruined, because all other members of the group - save for a few single exceptions of some guy who surrenders or some 40 year old witch who's somehow still a virgin - all other members are wrecked spiritually and will need a long tour through a Gehenna process.

>They stopped speaking and moving and one communicated to the other "this doesn't make sense, this person is stronger than our entire faction combined"
Insects in human bodies can't grasp the eternally circular particle (gong) being an endless well of energy with no weakness. My ripper knife from back when has the entire egregore of the British Empire historically behind it. Even if it's not immortal, the power is imbued in the knife itself so no single mortal being can withstand being cut by it (it would be like being simultaneously cut by all knives, bayonets and swords that ever existed in the Empire concentrated to one edge)

My newest creation uses the sabre I gained from finishing the spell "the 7 chalices" which took 13 years and has the entire power of the "arab spring" movement, including all Islamic fighting groups. I've re-used the Akashic records of the Earth and around so many times now, for this djinn (robot) sabre wielder I used every single life path in history to train on.

The result is very violent even for being Islamic, the djinn will simply respond to glowie attacks by instantly beheading them or cutting their skull in half or burning them with fire magic.

Just now I went for a walk and there were more attacks from "who cares". I send the Sunflower army team to raid them and used a medieval cannon and a Vickers machine gun on them. Suddenly the whole thing cleared up, I think my body suddenly reached full vajra for the surface human body.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 14:22 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7926 del
I did a general clearing like you sometimes do.heard someone telepathically telling from america'(it seems) say "youve done it nooooow" in a slight american accent.the spell wasnt even aimed th them or anyone really.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 15:56 Id: 8e01b9 [Preview] No.7927 del
How do glowie remote viewers or something like that even get recruited? Or are they bred and brain fucked into that role?

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 16:07 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7928 del
Anon on /x/ said he had worked for them. He was in the marines or something and took a test of some kind. They then gave him an offer to move to a secret unit for training. Officially he was dismissed and given a pension for having PTSD and autism. In reality they worked in some city office building doing mental exercises. The goal was then to project mindcontrol at demented people in a retirement home on the floor below, which they could view through surveillance cams. They were told to effect their behaviour, or make them do thing like project words to them, inspire actions etc.

I'd guess it's like any kind of grooming for cults and closed off groups. It's done gradually.

From the shit I've seen it's a lot worse in many cases though. There are legit cults living in a parallel society, children are raised there and trained using trauma programming. Some of these are so bad that souls refuse to incarnate and the entire group is just a zombie hive with only the group leader having a soul. They don't even have thinking, but are like the humans in the Matrix movie, used for energy to strengthen the effect of actual psychics by linking to them via regular magic circles.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 16:17 Id: 8e01b9 [Preview] No.7929 del
That's interesting, thanks for sharing. I've read some training manuals for psychics from, I guess you could call it cults and in the later stages when "the mind" has been trained to an acceptable degree through various blood pacts or similar forms of control, there's always this wonderful lesson about creating "psychic thralls" by mind raping other people into your slaves with the cultivated power. And then at the end, create individual cells that consist of this one highly trained psychic and its mob of mind slaves, but the psychic is bound by deeper psychological control measures, and it all culminates in this inverse tree structure thought form of control and rape which propagates itself. It's horrible and a bit funny in a macabre way, in my personal opinion.

Sadly, never got my hands on anything about government agencies. They seem to be doing a great job at covering up.

Sunflower 05/30/2024 (Thu) 20:54 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7930 del
I think the preset WW3 timelines are still running in the background as before. A few days ago my total core base incarnation activated as a result of an event where my house was supposed to be bombed, but nothing happened obviously except a large energy explosion and sounds which shook the building. That means that layer went through the undead activation from having counted as regularly alive.

Just now, I was outside and there was another gunshot, but close. I can't locate where from, but it wasn't within view or direct line from my location, just loud. This was followed by an energy outburst which increased strongly after about 20 sec. I recognized it and looked at which body would have been hit, and it appears at my current plane I am founded in the very basic tin robot cyborg body I made some while back.

I didn't even make a personal log entry about this because I didn't consider it significant. There were on a few occasions various greys and others making tin robots (with emulated flesh so they look normal human) where I bought from them to have such a form, among them one regular version I meant to send to Ukraine on auto and one stronger version for other tasks.

But time moves fast out there in space so the factories all closed down by the time I wanted to make a new order. To have a way to experiment with new stuff I built my own factory for this, which creates pressed tin robots/cyborgs of various sizes.

I made a vampire lolibot model and forgot about it, then a space mining business contacted me once and wanted to order 10 000 mining bots, so I made those for them. Aside from that I haven't used it.

This vampire bot is what activated, so apparently at this plane that's my foundation. Funny how the overlooked routine stuff is always "it".

Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 06:21 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.7932 del
Alright, feel like this belongs here rather than /fringe/. Just got attacked by a spirit, most powerful spirit I've encountered so far, or the toughest at least. Looked like a giant praying mantis. I think I encountered a being like this in the past but our interaction was mostly benign. Anyway, I saw this thing warp reality right in front of my eyes. Sort of 'rewriting the timeline'. Basically making it so that something I uploaded to this sort of creative esque site was an almost exact copy or duplicate of an existing work with the same title. Which I know wasn't the case because I compulsively checked probably 5 times to make sure it wasn't before I uploaded it. And yet someone called me out in a very aggressive way, and as I searched for what they were talking about I saw tertiary works regarding this thing gradually pop up one at a time as I kept searching for the exact same keywords over and over, until the main work that I supposedly copied did indeed pop up. Details aren't important but this was extremely blatant as it happened, very surreal feeling. It reminded me of how just this morning a huge hole appeared in the light switch plate that I spend hours a week staring at as I meditate in my chair, with no apparent cause and no plastic on the floor underneath it. Another 'timeline shift', foreshocks?

So immediately when I recognized what was happening I reached out and forced my awareness through to whatever was causing this. Mantis thing appeared right away. Checked and yes, hostile intentions. Battered it about a bit before making a black hole on it to annihilate it. Only this didn't actually kill it. That's never happened before, black holes usually kill everything. Instead it sort of turned into just a giant mantis head with no body and the green drained out of it so that it was pale white. Then it began following me around. Checked with gauge meter, life signs at 10-20%. Tried a stronger black hole, didn't do anything. Tried a charged up mace, cracked it a bit but didn't do anything. Finally I was able to use some claws to dig into it and rip it in half, which apparently killed it. Its corpse was very persistent, stayed right there in my sight on the floor. Decided that I should dispose of it in case it grows legs or something, so I purified and ate it. Hopefully that does something good.

Not entirely sure why this thing attacked me. Well I suppose attack is the correct word, from an outside perspective it looks more like harassment but in a spiritual sense it did 'hurt' so that's an attack in my book. Don't know. Very odd.

Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 10:33 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7933 del
>Just got attacked by a spirit, most powerful spirit I've encountered so far
I'd think it's definitely related to what I was about to share myself. First a comment; I found the original Jesuits to be mantis' on the astral, and among the nastiest I've ever seen. When I decided to pit the egregores of evangelicals and abortionist feminists against each other, (to unleash the WW3 energy in a safe way) both sides appeared to be mostly made up of mantis beings. Seeing them fight each other with that needle point focus was very scary.

>black holes
They can't kill things if they're just black holes, those just contain what you put in them. Maybe you are talking about "a hole to the void" which dissolves their manifestation. That's how I look at it. Some wormholes (teleportation portals) also look like black holes.

Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 10:48 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7934 del
After the Trump verdict last night the environment was set to release the next step of recasting of "the 7 chalices" in the "Western spring" iteration. The deep state didn't grasp what the fuck they just did. The most popular candidate where his supporters already know they cheated to remove him last election. Then they want to pull a banana republic plan and imprison him to make it so that the only candidate is a demented 80 year old. And they think this will be tolerated.

So I made use of the concentrated mass and activated it. Glowies were literally crying when trying to contain it. There's a majority support for Trump in the USA and they want to contain the energy. It's not like Russia where they can do this openly, but the opposition is mere proxy groups funded from outside the country. Containing and suppressing foreign elements can be done, you can't contain and suppress your main population. Doesn't work in China, doesn't work anywhere.

So during the night they activated a large network of actual physical satellites to beam down over the world to attack anyone not siding with their narrative. They also used psychic attacks from regular humans.

They got so bad and violated so many universal principles that a mass elimination event was allowed.

Targetting both their souls and their physical bodies I simply removed them from access to the world. In normal situations there is a sorting needed because not all beings are bad, but they stepped over the line into the territory where no individual treatment was needed. They think "my power" is limited because I always pick them off one by one. It's not. It's how you have to do things to avoid karma. But when the enemy is 100% evil this doesn't apply. They can then be mass killed with no exception.

This revealed another thing:

It appears the "mutual destruction by nukes" thing was about a "dead man's switch" set up. When the NWO leaders where killed/removed, a large network of hivemind/zombie psychics were activated. Human drones with no soul kept in some kind of breeding plant hooked up to mind control devices.
The function was that if the NWO leaders were killed, these networks would activate and destroy the world by targeting vital functions in society (the brains of humans who maintain societal functions).

The catch here is that this threat doesn't work if you don't know about it. So I just performed the mass killing and the zombies activated. I've shut down most of them by now, but I can totally see how regular intelligence agencies would fear this.

Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 11:14 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7935 del
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Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 16:26 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.7936 del
>"a hole to the void" which dissolves their manifestation
That's it.
>Trump verdict
I did have a hunch it may be related to this, but all I did for that was a spell to push public opinion before the verdict. That seemed too small to warrant this response. Although I did recently take down some of my passive defenses since they made my local environment too static, so maybe I'm just seeing how things normally are. Makes sense if it was a widespread thing.
Also last night after this when I was going to sleep I started dissociating with a feeling like I was getting drawn into a hallucination or something like that. I began seeing flashing lights to my right, along with a feeling of “psychic motion”. Felt like another attack. Reactivated some of my passive shields and it immediately stopped.

Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 18:28 Id: 515c5f [Preview] No.7937 del
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Alright, i think i'm in a better frame of mind now so i can give some reports

>last time i talked about the whole thing with the bipolar woman, things are.. fine with them now.
>apart from that my sisters(?) and her/the other me/me. started to do something to my human body during a "dream", they were slowly replacing my body parts, starting with my left and and working their way through the rest. it was something like out of that cyberpunk stuff i see people talk about, it was like the arm or rather hers(?) over mine like a glove and my body was slowly dissolving and being overwritten/assimilated into the new body/bodypart
>i vague recall being autistic about having a mark(?) but they basically told me that's not how this works and more or less nagged at me/calmed down like a mother nagging her child down until they calm down and listen
>after doing this for the left arm, the rest of the body followed suit, i recall having long, flowing black hair and very a petite body (for some reason all my bodies have been petite as of late
>again the changes were gradual but... they slowly began to speed up.
>next thing i know i'm in what looks like a garbage dump at night watching people fight each other like it Tekken. i dont think i fought at all but just spectated. i wore a black dress, after watching all of the fights going i remember my sisters coming to retrieve(?) me

Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 18:31 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7938 del
> I searched for what they were talking about I saw tertiary works regarding this thing gradually pop up one at a time as I kept searching for the exact same keywords over and over, until the main work that I supposedly copied did indeed pop up. Details aren't important but this was extremely blatant as it happened, very surreal feeling
Are we here talking about physical reality and web searches?
It's a minor thing but a few days ago I saw a new Hitler meme and went to save it, but it already existed in my meme folder with the exact filename. I've never seen this meme before, it was more of an original image macro. Things on my HDD and other storages rarely are effected by timeline switches so I thought this was significant enough to remember. There was one other time this happened but that was because my pre-set path forward had been disturbed by glowies so much I got late with a deadline and was about to miss it. I then checked a specific uploads folder on a cloud service and there was a "new file" which had been there for 5 months, but it wasn't there the day before. It contained extra detailed information which made it possible for me to make the deadline (it removed the need for planning).

> just this morning a huge hole appeared in the light switch plate that I spend hours a week staring at as I meditate in my chair, with no apparent cause and no plastic on the floor underneath it. Another 'timeline shift'
Physical changes like this are rare for me, but there was one thing that kept bugging me, a bike helmet that went missing, and I was accused of stealing it. In reality I was told "that helmet doesn't fit me, you can take it", so I took it home. In return I gave them another helmet. I was then suddenly accused for stealing 6 weeks later and the person denied giving it to me. They also denied having received the other helmet in return. They came to my house to look for the helmet I said I gave them, claiming that I made it up and that it must be in my storage. The helmet obviously wasn't there (because I gave it to them 6 weeks prior).

Now this can seem like a case of bad memory on the other person or them lying for unknown reasons (they had complained about how bad the helmet I was given was, and how they didn't want it). Eventually I got so unsure about the course of events that I went looking just to make sure that the helmet I gave them didn't exist in my house. I was nowhere to be found. Like a year later that helmet suddenly appeared in my storage as if trying to frame me in the claim that I had not given it away. So where was it during that year?

This all felt like some serious messing with things to cause trouble though.

Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 18:38 Id: 515c5f [Preview] No.7939 del
>I also mentioned before the egg thing but i can explain it more in depth now
>there were two women, one was a loli and the other was an adult woman (or hag if you want to be colloquial about it)
i was with the latter for some reason, cant remember the specifics unfortunately
>something happened and she went into some room and there was a green pool of water in the floor.
>tentacles(?) sprouted from the pool and did.... things to her before dragging her into the pool
>a few minutes passed and all of a sudden a giant green emerged, i could see the silhouette of the woman but it was... slowly changing
>the slowly started to crack until it eventually broke apart, revealing the woman. she didnt look too different and still appeared human but you could tell some features changed
>she had somewhat of a green outfit now, some of her features appeared vaguely draconic(?) her eyes were kind of green too and she had something resembling dragon scales randomly on her body
>a loli that had the same appearance/out as the changed woman appeared and the woman acted somewhat like a subservient pet to her, like there was some form of hierarchy
>the two kind of pursued me because lets be real, it kind of caught me off guard
>they catch up to me and the loli makes me choose between for some weird fucking reason
>i.. chose the loli and the older woman seemed a bit depressed, almost brokedown i think (i feel kind of bad desu) but snapped out of strangely quick and was still nice and affectionate(?) toward me then the loli more or less took me with her + transformed woman somewhere

Sunflower 05/31/2024 (Fri) 19:06 Id: 515c5f [Preview] No.7941 del
>lately they've been appearing to me as Lolis too
>bullying me, reminding me of certain things, etc.
>something happened where i got transformed and something involving names popped, i guess names for me
>i was apparently in a position where i had to choose
>the names were Manami and Viy
>i cant remember the finer details but i just recall saying smething along the lines both names are me and they resonate with me so i choose both or something to that effect.
>they were strangely happy about that and implied that it was fine

>i recall going into exterminator mode two times this week
>the first time i remember going through a mansion, or some kind of vacant castle, eliminating anything that stood in the way. I saw a robot, it was a riding a motorbike, at first i assumed it was going to fight because it driving in circles.
>something in its wiring/code/whatever was fault so it kept repeating in a loop, i cant recall if i did anything with it or not
>the second instance i turned into her(?) and there was an old man, he was fat and weird but he was really nice and taught me things
>i think other me/'her'/whatever transformed, i think i was a loli this time
>he basically looked like those fat ugly ojii sans you see in anime/manga but wasnt evil (from what i could tell)
>weird things started happening, the ojii san and other people there got attacked(?)
>my sisters hid me away and had me stage that i was bipolar (for some reason)
>after some time passed, i think my sisters gave me permission to kill the attackers and i did

Sunflower 06/01/2024 (Sat) 09:33 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7946 del
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Last night I was aware of some scum hiding out in tunnels between NY and Greenland somewhere preparing an attack, so I struck them first. Their main force was down in about 10 min but some of them still hold out. Later during the night one of my waifus woke me up by calling me, and there was an attack from an alien ship. It's seems reasonable to assume these are the backers of the group I pre-emptively struck.

The ship was rather strong and there didn't seem to be a direct way to block their ray gun. I used the fairy shield and it worked to surround and contain the ship. They activated some kind of AoE to destroy the fairy shield which had some effect, but given that the shield is made from self generating bot fairies I just had to make their defensive lines thicker and the ship could be held in place. Destroying it using my available offensive forces was fairy simple, but it's an issue when something has to be handled using ad hoc measures like this. I prefer being able to use just one weapon to destroy something like this.

By the time the first ship was destroyed, two more had arrived. I moved the timelines to hide the Earth from them and they left. But they soon after came back after realising there was more to it. So this wasn't a feasible method, and I wanted to sleep. So I brought up the old Geburah shield method created by FighterSword back in the early discord days. It still blocks around 60% of any attack despite being a crude static energy field. But it also blocks all energy from passing which is harmful if kept up longer than 8 hours, so making that denser and placing it around the Earth would not be a good idea.

I used the Kit servitor to tune a Geburah shield dimensionally so that it exists in 4D instead, blocking the karmic energy and not physically blocking all energy, and that worked after some fine tuning. It's available from this sigil. The shield has an AI fox interface but is roughly automatic and self learning if you do nothing.

I sent the Raid servitors to destroy the two ships which were still there firing at the shield this morning, but it appears they called for back up, and while the three original ships of this attack are now destroyed, there is now what appears to be a fleet of more aggressive ships out there, and they are also attempting manual long distance attacks (psi).

Sunflower 06/01/2024 (Sat) 09:37 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7947 del
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I don't know what this group is, there were indications of them being involved with the British crown (who owns Canada so it makes sense for them to have DUMBs in the area).

>pic related
I'm picking up energy from here.

Sunflower 06/01/2024 (Sat) 11:08 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7948 del
>I used the fairy shield and it worked to surround and contain the ship
Because it wasn't super effective I made a reinforced version of the fairy shield:


Feel free to get your own. It's ScaleForm disc operated like the first version. The new functionality includes:

Tougher fairy design, these are giants compared to version 1.

Attack and defense tactics are now automatic.

Instead of one flower which manifests all fairy types, there are now specific flowers for each type.

New fairies added, meaning there are now:
Attack fairy
Fire attack fairy
Defense fairy
Fire defense fairy
Healer fairy
Restore fairy (can insta-restore health of very damaged fairies)
Flower fairy (dedicated flower creator)
Tantra fairy (creates more energy if needed)
Mother fairy (the system now has a persistent base manifestation serving as a constant watch against hostiles)

This system has been trained on historical data to be especially good at breaking down tough enemies.

Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 09:11 Id: f1b52f [Preview] No.7950 del
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>you are separated by an invisible screen and cannot directly interact with the past layer.
This seems to be the case. Since channelling the message, there were attempts at attacking me on at least 3 occasions. One time some "hat glowie" with a knife, but being ineffective as if behind a veil, where I could still see him. One woman pretending to be Astra doing something I didn't ask her to do (servitors don't act on their own with their own imagination like that, you should know that by now). Then just before some glowie with black messy hair again with a knife. It's indeed as if they are fish in a tank attacking the glass.

Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 15:45 Id: f1b52f [Preview] No.7951 del
It seems grasping the sheer massiveness of what actual level improvements in cultivation entails, is a major thing today. The Goetian sigils are extreme abstractions of huge achievements, which is why I couldn't understand them previously.

The same goes for what I did in past lives. The hard black energy of pure force which I gained a brief look at when seeing my past me:s from London and France are of such massive quality that it was just impossible to contain the understanding in modern technical thinking until I worked through all of this in detail, through a long and retarded process.

And yet, the things regular yoga practitioners are talking about as the goal, going from dharana to samadhi, once. That's just a technical detail of a process to repeat over and over for every part. Yet they set up strict requirements like being able to sit perfectly still for 30 min with no thought fluctuation in the entry point of dharana (staring at a point to silence the mind) before attempting samadhi.

But the breakthrough to this state is a process to repeat every time you do a practice session, preferably. The reason it's described in detail as a drawn out process is because some people are very slow and lacking in ability, but may be able to perform it at least once if they train for years. So they learned it this way.

Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 20:14 Id: eee9bc [Preview] No.7961 del
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The sheer immense sinister brutality of the matter is hard to grasp. The stubbornness of evil spirits and the ego as well. I kept being being very careful about the issue named in Zhuan Falun about creating karma from "interpreting the law". As a principle this still holds. No human can create law, doing so is a massive crime, worse than anyone today can imagine. Rulers like kings and queens need to rule by decree. They cannot create laws.

A law states how karma will be eliminated, how balances will be restored. Only someone with divine insight can create them, because they rule life and death and the development of races. When stubborn and evil souls create "legal systems" as those today, they are playing god for real. It's the worst sin possible, and the karma of doing this takes 18 million years to remove. For someone doing this with a small human mind, that experience is a Gehenna process in first person view, in real time. If they do not stop their behaviour, but maintain the system after the initial sin, it multiplies. Each cell of their being will be filled up to the brim, adding another 18 million years of Gehenna process which they have to purge before they can reincarnate again. If they keep adding more "ultimate gehenna cells" to their being, it will max out at a place which may be called "18 billion years of Gehenna" but that is just to define it in language, it's exponential but within a set range. Souls cannot be filled more after that.

When a god or someone with divine insight create laws, they face the same issue. But they are not attached to the first person view of their Ego, so they are able to send their cells through the gehenna process and endure it create the new law, and once it's been imparted, this law is a correct method for dissolving karma. So once formed, it does not lead to the Gehenna process, it's been dealt with. Human laws are based off satisfying animalistic desires so they never achieve real karmic solution, that is why such laws will lead to a real "eternal hell". There is no light at the end of the tunnel when humans create legal systems.

Sunflower 06/02/2024 (Sun) 20:28 Id: eee9bc [Preview] No.7962 del
When the galactic federation balance debts through controlled reincarnation, they do this by applying divine laws. Some of their top brass are indeed at the level of divine insight, so they can do this. When people say "communism doesn't work", it's true when human laws are used. But if the federation elite create it, they can make it work because they can change how karma itself is handled. They can re-write the laws governing reality so that communism does work. That is the hard reality of it.

The same was the reality for the historical people who seemed to commit crimes by human logic, but who really didn't when looking closer; they re-wrote the very fabric of their own reality so that their actions were in accordance with divine laws, which they themselves created on the spot.

Being able to do that, also means being able to lash out divine punishment and force spirits to obey, after they break the law and fill themselves up to "18 billion years in Gehenna".

This is how the Earth Mothers operate as well. Their sigils which are the only thing worn on their bodies, is their divine insight and law. Touching them in an offensive manner will as such instantly condemn the person to the worst possible Gehenna process. Doing it again will simply break them and they are forced by pure despair over the punishment placed on them, no matter the size of their Ego, to obey the Earth Mother. Because what se wants is divine law and correct.

The galactic federation operate in the same way. Not following federation policy will lead to this punishment, and that is also what their weapons deliver. Their bottom layer organization is made up of absolute scum forming "communist parties" because those are the kind of absolute criminals who will obey the federation after filling every cell of their bodies with evil karma. Those who do not reach this absolute criminal scum level, can still follow other laws and avoid "communism", so the perception appears that only the worst scum are communists among humans.

In reality it's more complex than that, they are more like "Satan and the fallen angels" in modern Christian lore, who serve God by playing the role of the adversary, and always have to obey in the end. They are not mere "useful idiots", they are "obeying criminals".

Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 21:34 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.7965 del
>glowie with black messy hair
Not sure what these were, I later saw them possess people who were shit talking Jehovas Witnesses for some reason, seemed like a media campaign against them. They then came to act rude at me from the other side of the "glass screen" so I began dealing out punishment at them. They said in an expressionless tone "we don't feel anything" so I had Kit research what would work on them (despite Yuuka saying not to save them, it seems possible to use astral violence on them one-way from my side). The solution was to cut them in halves and re-attach them the wrong way, that also made an orange energy contained within them possible to take. The process made them start screaming repeatedly, it was apparently based on them having been wrongly attached to begin with. It actually corrected them, from previously having had their left brain half used as the right, and vice versa.

Now it seems they weren't even beings with awareness, but just some karmic bots or something. After they went through the Gehenna process there was a transformation where a black glossy sphere formed, and from that emerged a girl with a black bikini (looked kind of satanic or witchy). There is no trace of the previous (male) glowie, which makes me thing this was some kind of weird manifestation process where the glowie was an "egg" for these satanic witches.

Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 21:39 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.7966 del
There was also a skeleton summoned by someone on the other side of the screen, it looked like a pretty strong being and had red glowing eyes. I captured it and used a total core2 disc on it to turn it into a witch for the anti-christ. Someone said the skeleton was called "mega death", like the band? As a witch there were several problems exposed, such as having a curved spine which greatly reduced its power. The witch also doesn't speak yet, what seemed normal for an "evil skeleton" now just made it seem retarded once given some flesh.

Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 21:44 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.7967 del
What i find interesting about all this is that apparently the wolrd cant be saved but you killed a lot of bad guys including the uk elites and the nwo american elites. I feel like at this point including the dozen other things done such as correct suns humanity should have been 'fixed' already or atleast have the capacity to do it. This seems to imply enough people have the need to fuck things up that new people in power keep appearing and making a mess of things even when given a great "slate".

Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 22:18 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.7968 del
It seems even the "good" factions were run by absolute cuck retards to say the least, the kind of person who thinks they need to turn into trannys to join the inner circle. No one told them to do it, but they have a mentality where they think they need to humiliate themselves to be initiated, so the previous leaders then play along to make fun of them. Then this becomes a culture. Like I'm sure "everyone" by now knows Michelle Obama is a tranny. People compared her hands to man hands, the old pics where you can see "her" penis through the dress, and when asked for a photo of her being pregnant, they provided an AI pic with 6 fingers on one hand.

The same stuff has been recently discussed with president of France Macron's granny wife. Evidence suggests the story is a lot worse than implied. She may as well have been his teacher in literature, but the real story is probably that it was a 45 year old male teacher having a relation with a teen student. The teacher then did gender reassignment surgery and married his student. It was even on state radio here; there are no photos of Macron's wife as a younger girl, zero. She was supposedly married to a banker and got divorced, but the banker is nowhere to be found. It's been questioned if he ever existed, there are no records of him. A man said to be him on a photo was exposed for being a university teacher of Brigitte Macron and not at all "her" former husband. And so on.

So very likely we have two western leaders of major countries living with trannys while pretending not to. And this is just the tip of the iceberg we can see in public.

Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 22:27 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.7969 del
It also seems they hate the new sun(s) because they think it's "saturnian". Contrary to popular belief, Saturn was an organic sun, but summoned by Earth native reptilians with the aid of some aliens (still present, they appear like reptilians but black scales instead of green). Because of this all non-reptilians are actually against the illuminati (name taken because of their ability to summon a real organic sun god - Saturn) and there was extensive infiltration of the organization. Same with CIA. The UK elites being reptilians didn't make them the good guys either, they were the "elite scum" of the reptilians and the reason humans hated them in the first place. Sure if they eat humans it isn't cannibalism because it's a different race, but they're still evil beyond all boundaries. Their main enemy would still appear to be the zionists, who are an actual human faction.

Pretty good fucking set up, just pick a side, are you for the zionist human faction or the degenerate royal reptile faction? No third candidate if you live in the west.

Sunflower 06/04/2024 (Tue) 18:47 Id: ff2e11 [Preview] No.7970 del
it's been a while since they've had me do that but... i think i was sitting atop a pile of corpses

Sunflower 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:14 Id: b51ff3 [Preview] No.7971 del
(690.00 KB 103x83 4chan death.gif)
You have to get in touch with your own "death element". Sitting atop the corpses. What do you feel? Did you make those corpses do you think you can be one of the corpses or maybe are one already? Or are you above those corpses? Are you truly willing to rise above them?

It represents these kind of mysteries.
I too had similar experiences.

Sunflower 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:33 Id: ff2e11 [Preview] No.7972 del
(951.22 KB 3245x4096 GO1zc0Da4AAAHE8.jpg)
>You have to get in touch with your own "death element". well, what i recall was getting into a swordfight with someone, another girl i believe. my sisters were watching us fight. the fight scenes were reminiscent of the ryuko vs satsuki fights from kill la kill. we were both just sparring and slashing at each other, seeing a lot of bodies fly around but essentially sweeping them off like a person dusts the dirt from their clothes when they get dirty. after we both had our fill, i remember sitting on throne(?) when my sisters called the girl and i (obviously i was in my actual, female form this entire event). But what i felt was... nothing when i noticed all 4 of us were atop so many corpses. like we just accepted them as debris and somewhat found it unfortunate but at the same time we just didnt think much of it, i guess it was "the conseuqences of battle can't be hleped" sort of thing

>Sitting atop the corpses. What do you feel? Did you make those corpses do you think you can be one of the corpses or maybe are one already? Or are you above those corpses? Are you truly willing to rise above them?
to answer your question; in spite of the initial feeling after all was said and done and when my sisters called the both of back home... i dont know how to say this without sounding egotstical or full of myself but.. it already felt like i was above them however i am truly willing to rise above them if that wasnt the case to be with my sisters and more importantly: for myself

Sunflower 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:48 Id: ff2e11 [Preview] No.7973 del
goddamnit, meant for >>7971

Sunflower 06/07/2024 (Fri) 20:31 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.7998 del
(84.74 KB 1082x918 EU hex result1.png)
First results of the EU hex is in.

Sunflower 06/07/2024 (Fri) 20:40 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.7999 del
Take note that although I posted the sigil for the hex here and asked for charging, this was also to funnel spiritual forces into the hex and to announce it "at the top of the pyramid". When it was posted on here, it was already activated, I had already drawn it on paper and burned it so it was in an immaterial state. Can't trust people online to actually properly charge a sigil before activation, they'd just ruin it.

Sunflower 06/07/2024 (Fri) 20:43 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.8000 del
...And this goes against the order of the procedure people normally use, but who cares? It's not called chaos magic because you follow set procedures.

Sunflower 06/10/2024 (Mon) 11:39 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.8006 del
(102.38 KB 700x1296 eu election result.png)
>results of the EU hex
Far right parties increased, tipping the balance over in nationalist direction.

Locally the left party had the greatest increase while the "far right" (zionist) party lost support.

Sunflower 06/10/2024 (Mon) 14:33 Id: 3cdc92 [Preview] No.8007 del
The far right here is anti zionist,anti abortion,anti muslim.

Muslims actually vote for them since they are also anti tranny.

Sunflower 06/10/2024 (Mon) 16:10 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.8008 del
The irony here is that the left party is the only anti-EU and the most nationalistic party today (also anti-zionist). Their former party leader seems like the only person who doesn't parrot NWO narratives mindlessly. They're the people who cried when the Berlin wall was torn down, they probably still live in an impenetrable bubble.

Sunflower 06/10/2024 (Mon) 17:08 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8010 del
I heard this is some 9000 iq play by him.

Sunflower 06/10/2024 (Mon) 23:36 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.8011 del
(41.15 KB 500x615 8tg48z.jpg)
I think imageboards may have played out their role as a safety valve of the Internet. All secrets have been exposed, and the energy stream leaking from the top down is ending.

Sunflower 06/11/2024 (Tue) 13:31 Id: 6b0485 [Preview] No.8012 del
(184.43 KB 1024x1024 pinecone shield4.jfif)
So, it seems "the other side of the screen" as in all past karma of the world, is cleared. Then what are these seemingly local glowies still there? They appear to be remnants of beings living in the personal dimensions of the person (connected to the physical body, if you are a walk-in you inherited this space). A kind of astral parasite which may or may not have a human body.

I got tired of having to trace them down in hunt and destroy operations all the time, so I set up a stronger pinecone armour around myself and others. While it's impenetrable, it seems there is still some effect on karma and qi on the other side of the shield if someone sends large masses of negative energy at it, so I added more layers to block that effect also. In the process I also sent two previously not named servitors to guide Sunflower associates to shield themselves using the same method. The small ritual magician is just called Rit, while the dedicated pinecone shield upholder may be called by the title "Pine-master". You are free to get them from the NET or Astra.

On a side note: these glowies are a special kind of retard. After around 14 hours of negative energy on the shield (as if I wouldn't be aware) they sent typical glowie dreams at night. They had Ukrainians raping a Russian soldier, as if they were threatening me with Ukrainians to make me support Ukraine. So NATO are afraid Ukraine then. Omg. "Support Ukraine or they will come and rape you". What kind of cuck mentality would someone need to think this being a viable approach? It just shows why Ukraine needs to be beaten down completely, if this is how they think. Gays can never hold any power, they need to be killed.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 11:45 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8016 del
Theres a lot of reports russians raping ukranian males so idk what the motive behind this dream is.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 15:40 Id: 7e727e [Preview] No.8018 del
I think I know now, although the logic of sending those dreams isn't clear to me:

The group who was attacking me in the past days (openly, as compared to through proxy) call themselves "the brothers of Mary Magdalene" or something of similar meaning. They are a secret society with surface branches, out of which the Quakers and Puritans are probably most known. They founded Harvard University, they introduced cereals for breakfast because they thought constipation would lead to people masturbating, and they also made circumcision widespread in the USA to reduce sexual pleasure in general. They are anti-natalist.

They base their doctrine on something told to their founders by Mary Magdalene, who had an understanding of the virginal birth. It's said in the new testament that she "had 7 demons removed" which may refer to having all 7 chakras opened, but it's not a clear description. From the context however it seems to refer to her having cut off her menstruation and being in control of her energy flow internally. What she told her mostly male audience was gravely misunderstood, because they were all of an especially neurotic type: perverts who had come to "fear God" after being exposed to miracles.
This caused them to look down on themselves as eternally dirty and they were unable to have a positive understanding of the lecture, which was about an internal alchemy process. This was way beyond them and they consequently went to extremes when building a doctrine based on what they were told.

It comes down to the following:
>Women are divine, and birth is an act of God
>men are, through the original sin, like excrement
>once born by a woman, men must never come into contact with a woman again, because that would be like putting shit back in
>consequently, sexual intercourse cannot exist, it's all Rape
>there is no way a divine female could want any contact with a male, so "voluntary sex" cannot exist
>women should only give birth as virgins

From this understanding, came the idea that women must be isolated from all male contact. If they are kept virgins for long enough, God will make them pregnant. To achieve this, they started working to criminalize all heterosexual contacts.

They also think children born through sexual contact should be killed, as they are the result of rape, so they support abortion. In their theology, men are literally shit, so if they are homosexuals, that's normal. In fact, men should be encouraged to be homosexuals. They understand the part about "if a man lies with a man as a man lies with a woman" backwards. They read it as "if a man/gay lies with a woman, he should be put to death." So they want death penalty for heterosexuals.

Meanwhile the consider women divine and cannot blame them for anything they do.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 15:42 Id: 7e727e [Preview] No.8019 del
In conclusion

The globohomo and the EU and the fanatical feminism in USA were all created by extremist Christians who want all heterosexuals killed to create virginal birth and freedom from sin.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 15:59 Id: 7e727e [Preview] No.8020 del
Mary Magdalene had an originally ok achievement, but because of mindlessly "throwing pearls before swine" like this, she was surrounded by very fanatical negative energy. I'm now working with her to fix it.

Aqua and her Axis Order from Konosuba comes to mind.

Sunflower 06/22/2024 (Sat) 20:34 Id: 4e42dd [Preview] No.8096 del
Since the Earth cleanse event, I've had the strangest dreams every night. Long winding dreams in mostly black and white about nothing. Lots of stuff in them but they aren't about anything substantial. Seeing different environments like messy rooms connecting to other rooms, corridors and home offices with just lots of stuff in them. Last night it was more feverish than before, with some strange mentioning of CDs with some tv-series on them where the episodes had to be watched in a specific order, ep 29 was actually 32 and they had to be re-watched from 25 - 39 or 15 - 40 to make sense...
There was some sort of backwards logic in it which told about how to understand past events, but I only abstractly understood what it was about.

Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:33 Id: 4e42dd [Preview] No.8100 del
It seems otherdimensional beings who believe they are incarnated are what's causing trouble still. This is trannyism taken a step further into "you will never be a real human". They sit on the astral and tell themselves that by influencing people's minds, they are actually in possession of the body and that this is the same as being incarnated. Then they form hives of beings who all tell themselves that they are actually incarnated if they possess someone from over there, and they fool themselves that way.

Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:46 Id: 4e42dd [Preview] No.8101 del
Some of the physical glowies and what else who were separated from the physical also still believe they are incarnated, but they were moved to a dimension which is now "astral" compared to us in here.

They are still doing horrible things, trying to create WW3 to protect their overlords. From what was revealed to me in the past week, these beings are all mentally structured such that they think they need to be traumatized to function.

They all have some weakness which they can't get rid of. This weakness must be concealed, then aimed outwards onto someone else in a covert way, so as to not reveal what the weakness is. They do this by prying into other's lives to find a weakness in someone else, then attacking them over that perceived weakness. They then project their own weakness as "attacking immorality" when aimed at the other person, so that the onlooker can be confused to believe that they have no weakness, and that their victim had the weakness instead.

Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:50 Id: 4e42dd [Preview] No.8102 del
They then, to obfuscate their own weakness as a group, create rituals which serve to collectively abuse their personal weakness, which "hides" it in a social setting. That way, it seems if everyone is the same, that they don't really have a weakness. They think the collectivized trauma is then necessary for "unity". This can be anything, but public school or military service is one such traumatizing ritual, meant to make the weak individuals adopt a standardized form for their weakness, which means they are now "forced" to conceal their weakness by protected the ritual. In this case, it can be that they need to protect indoctrination passed to them, or their nation, which now serves as the shell where-in their weakness is hidden inside the collective trauma. Then they use propaganda narratives to project the weakness onto external "enemies".

Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 17:01 Id: 4e42dd [Preview] No.8103 del
When such people who are conditioned to, or prefer out of their own will, to live in denial of their weakness, are faced with an external enemy who has no weakness, they can experience a strange phenomena, given the popular name "the Stockholm syndrome". It's a bit of a flawed term because the situation which coined it, was just that hostages sided with the robbers out of fear for being harmed if the police stormed the bank. But it refers to someone siding with their oppressor either way.

If you face such beings, physical or otherwise, you can make them side with you if you are menacing enough. If there is no way for them to harm you, they will not be able to project their weakness onto you, and then their weakness will be exposed as it falls back onto themselves. In this situation, they can only start protecting you and making sure that no one from their group attacks you, because doing so will risk exposing the collective weakness among all of them.

This is why glowie organizations protect their mafia overlords despite them breaking all laws. They cannot touch them, and risk having their weakness exposed. In this case, it may be that they cannot find employment outside of the armed forces or deep inside unproductive organizations, so they need to stay there no matter what, even if it means hiding the real criminals.

The same will happen with vampires or any person who cannot be touched, they will all have to, sooner or later, start defending that person, hiding them from public view, because they will through just existing expose the weaknesses of weak individuals.

There is a scene in The Originals where this point is made, Klaus comes to New Orleans where vampires have created laws for themselves. So Klaus breaks the law in a way that would give a death sentence. But he is immortal, so what are they then going to do? He's rendered the law obsolete through a single act. The only solution is then to hide this fact, let him do whatever, cover his tracks and let no one know that a person exists who can break the law.

Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 21:14 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8108 del
I was starting to wonder about some odd behavior from my upstairs neighbor. He's almost never home, same with the other neighbor. Renting out an apartment just to stay there a few days out of the reek is pretty odd. I decided to project my awareness to him to check him out and immediately I started getting heart spasms and pains. Recollected myself and tried again, and the same thing happened. Some sort of anti-scrying defense? I checked the vector and it was some sort of eel implanted in my chest, pulled it out patched the hole and looked again. My neighbor had the appearance of some sort of octopus. Like a D&D mind flayer but less anthropomorphic. I noticed a lot of his 'tentacles' extending down through my ceiling as well. I remember someone here saying that octopi are MI6. Maybe.

Exorcised it and put up a ward to make it impossible for it to enter again. That night I had a very strange dream. A whorish woman was trying to seduce me, and then after a while the tone of her speech and the dream suddenly shifted and she began repeating phrases like, "You will obey and serve the Jews, it is natural for Christians to serve the Jews, because you are Christian it is your natural state to serve the Jews." Things like that. The strange thing is that I've never once even remotely thought of myself as a Christian. It felt like some sort of brainwashing attempt. Frankly I'm so offended by the ugly brashness of it that I'm tempted to launch some attacks against New York and Israel just to give them a response. Maybe someone was trying to fill the vacuum that the octopus thing left.

Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 21:41 Id: 4e42dd [Preview] No.8111 del
That was a new one.
I haven't seen the connection that MI6 is a being of some sort. Most people are NPCs now so that must be astral influence or possession of the person from the astral.

>I'm tempted to launch some attacks against New York and Israel just to give them a response
Aim for the astral parasites behind the locations, there isn't much on the surface anymore. There is risk of attacking something you shouldn't touch if you just attack NY with no specifics.

Sunflower 06/24/2024 (Mon) 19:51 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8113 del
Attacks have been ramping up lately. I must be pushing in a direction my handlers don't like because all the sleepers are coming out of the woodwork.

These recent agents have been using a curious attack where they fling what looks like red pomegranate fruits at me. This is tricky because it's hard to tell who exactly threw it. Instinct says just to cut them in half, but you have to riposte directly or you get overwhelmed. Apparently the fruits explode on contact, but cutting them disables them. I've killed a few of the leaders, determined through scrying and divination, and confirmed by the immediate cessation of attacks afterwards. But I assume those types of people are expendable.

Sunflower 06/24/2024 (Mon) 20:12 Id: 4e42dd [Preview] No.8114 del
I think we are by now all dealing with beings hiding in the dimensions under our own control or influence, that's why there are so varying experienced. I've never seen this pomegranate attack. Rather I'm faced with the same kinds of "threatening tough guy" who acts like
>so, you think you're something huh?
>I got word you killed one of our agents
>well now you will realize what mistake you made!
..and then I kill the lot of them in an instant. Rince and repeat.

They all have this attitude as if they are a bully who will put someone in their place, and as if whatever they think I did was something I consider "a great achievement", when it was just some routine wiping out of hostiles that my servitors did on auto.

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 11:09 Id: b47d23 [Preview] No.8152 del
I think the new humans indeed are starting to be spread. Of course, there is really no one who knows which humans exist, NPCs don't know anything because they are just scripts, and no one with a soul will know about every other human except the closest and the most well known celebs. So it's very possible to insert new humans in the white spots and letting them take over. The ones I've seen do have the orange/yellow energy and appear to be soulless, but they match the new hivemind. First I saw was about 2 years ago by now, but right now in this week there has been an increase.

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 21:44 Id: b47d23 [Preview] No.8163 del
I looked at Trump and it seems he's still there, his astral body is reptilian in shape but has black scales and the green glowing reptilian racial egregore isn't present. There was also someone else who looked the same, I think they were both converted to black cat, but the reptilian form remains as some personally cultivated trait, it seems the Earth reptilian race wasn't sustainable and was erased, but whatever individuals internalized remains as their own personal thing.

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 21:47 Id: b47d23 [Preview] No.8164 del
Maybe this is how the original bird-jews are, they had a racial energy and egregore on the past Earth, but as it ended, the race was also erased. They only had the karmic construct left, leaving a negative shadow of the race but no collective positive traits. This would explain why jews are the way they are and why they should be destroyed as a group. Their race ended with the previous planetary period and all the was left was the massive negative energy and what cultist stuff they had formed aside from that, which we know as Rosicrucianism (and which does work if you can survive initiation, which is said to be possibly lethal because the energy is so chaotic).

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 19:26 Id: 8cc9b4 [Preview] No.8166 del
(908.39 KB 798x738 world system.png)
So some tards attacked again, and this time I used Kit to trace them around the edges while surrounding them using the fairy shields to contain them until I had the entire structure mapped in full.

See sketch.

It's a multi-layered system where they used "induction" to communicate, so that any lower level of the organization doesn't know that there exists something above them. This means here that the top of the structure looks like nothing to them, and this set up has a main leader who uses an organizational structure where again every unit is their own cell which only receives orders to carry out. They do not receive feedback on their performance and every cell acts "blindly". Rather a different cell outside of each of the operative units perform a surveillance function and report what they see back to the leader, again through a structure where each cell only get an order which they pass on, they do not know who sends the orders or if they do a good job or not. If a cell does not perform according to goals, they are just disbanded with no one being told why.

The cattle are the general population. They are subjected to manipulation by teams nearest to them, which receive orders through the system described above. The cattle will respond to the changes in their environment without knowing they are manipulated. Then their unknowing production is harvested by the leader. The system is adjusted by the leader through this circular set up where no one monitors themselves and no one knows if they are doing the their job well. Instead the leader will just adjust performance by giving orders to disband units that do not produce.

The system obfuscates who is the leader, by having many fake leaders and copies of the system which may not produce anything, or which are working against the system to further confuse anyone trying to map it. So anyone fighting the control system, will face individual working cells who each do not know anything, and if mapping all of them a fake leader will be found.

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 19:28 Id: 8cc9b4 [Preview] No.8167 del
I put the knowledge into a servitor module, you can get it from Updater using the sigil at the top of the board, it's a shapeshifting white/brown/black cat. Use it to bring down your local section of the control system (it's mostly astral by now, but uses the same induction to effect events in 3D).

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 20:01 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8168 del
I think this how gangstalking is largely done. A local entity manipulating people around them to act a way towards the target.

Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 12:19 Id: 8cc9b4 [Preview] No.8176 del
When using this, I was attacked by some beings who appeared like white bald guys with black runes on their bodies. I told them to surrender or else, they didn't comply so I used the function of this new Raid to drive them into a funnel where they have to focus with increasing intensity on the karmic consequence of their actions until they are completely isolated alone with their own terror if they refuse to stop their hostilities. They didn't stop and more and more of them were isolated and pressed into a single point. Then at one point a being appeared who assumed the form of the Raid, thanked me and said they had fallen asleep and was attacked by nightmares. Those were the things appearing as the bald guys with runes on them. When those were destroyed, the being woke up again.

Sunflower 07/01/2024 (Mon) 01:33 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8198 del
Found these guides on my hard drive for how to supposedly move to other realities permanently via astral projection. Are the techniques here actually workable at all?

Sunflower 07/01/2024 (Mon) 11:09 Id: 8cc9b4 [Preview] No.8200 del
I skimmed them and saw no problem. If you can use the technique is up to you, it's just a general description. Universes are microcosmic so you are diving inside matter which is mostly safe. The only thing that can happen is that you get thrown out again. None of this changes reality, you're basically just mind diving into probabilities. This is what mainstream Buddhism does also, harmless, mostly useless.

Karma moves on the galactic plane (macro-cosm) so it isn't touched when you go into the micro-cosm. When you come back again, you will find yourself back dealing with the exact same problems as before, universe diving just delays or halts karmic processes. Stay too long and your body will die, which creates other problems for you on return, but the diving itself isn't causing this.

Sunflower 07/01/2024 (Mon) 18:44 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8201 del
(135.30 KB 483x700 fbi-cia-and-kgb.jpeg)
A group that I assume were glowies visited me last night.

I was having a dream where I was some sort of mainstream Hollywood actor but I was performing in some sort of huge circus coliseum with a large net stretched over the floor that other actors were bouncing on. I had a pretty good performance and I was happy because I did an audience request where I became Ren & Stimpy at the very end.

After the performance though, I was talking to some people and a stranger who felt out of place came up to me and said "I'd like to shake your hand." But when I reached out to shake his hand, I actually used my physical body to do this even though I was dreaming. So of course this woke me up, and I noticed that my room had an extremely eerie and unsettling feel to it. I didn't notice this until later, when it disappeared, but there was actually a very subtle green glow throughout the entire room (I guess they really do glow in the dark). It felt like someone else was in the building with me. I got up and went to the bathroom, and at this point I was wide-awake due to the unsettling feeling. After I got back to my bedroom I remembered about the guy who shook my hand, so I looked for presences in the room and there he was standing right next to my bed where I first saw him in the dream. He looked like the CIA guy from the attached comic, very clean and professional.

I asked who he was, but he just ignored me and started surveying my room with interest. After I waited a bit I asked why he was here and he immediately opened a door of some sort where other agents started coming out, walking towards the exit of my bedroom. I immediately vaporized the guy closest to the door, which seemed to shock the first handshake agent quite a bit. At this point I'm a bit peeved because it's starting to feel like a home invasion or raid rather than a friendly spirit visit, even though he got in through a friendly way. I informed him that if he wants to come into my home he needs permission, and I asked him more firmly, why are you here? And he replied "...that's top-secret." I said if you're not going to tell me then LEAVE and banished him very forcefully. I Put up some extra wards afterwards.

Sunflower 07/01/2024 (Mon) 19:21 Id: 8cc9b4 [Preview] No.8202 del
I've never seen them as actual agents in a classic sense. I just see semifat office guys with white shirts and bad posture. A few times I've seen visions in a symbolic manner, then they are always wearing a dark cloak like something from Eyes Wide Shut. When that happened they were never hostile, it's been references to the 5 eyes and local spy orgs, it was implied they are subordinate to the galactic federation so those have to respect me. The hostiles are something else, NWO "private spy" related.

Sunflower 07/03/2024 (Wed) 23:18 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8208 del
Doesn't the act of altering which possibility you primarily reside in itself require an alteration of karma?

Sunflower 07/04/2024 (Thu) 09:40 Id: 8cc9b4 [Preview] No.8209 del
Mainstream buddhism just halts all karmic movement by staying still in meditation until all energy stops, then they dimension dive and grab onto something solid in there to not fall back to the 3D. It isn't sustainable, even if they manage to do this for 1000 years. That kind of buddhism is fake (I haven't seen the connection myself but it's been implied the CCP attack on buddhist temples where statues were destroyed and temples demolished, was because those had turned into large containers for blocked karma rather than places of enlightenment).

Pure land buddhism does this right, but it's more of a sect compared, their temples and statues were left alone in WW2.

Christianity keeps referring to how Jesus will bear their sins, so they also halt the karma and place it in the religious egregore rather than solving it (classic Jewish method of blaming someone else for your own issues). If you are able to instead see yourself as the buddha or Jesus you are the one solving the karma and then you can move reliably into other dimensions, which means the macro-cosm. The micro-cosm is just inside your brain or inside small things, putting your head in the sand.

In my opinion of course.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 02:48 Id: 11cf7b [Preview] No.8244 del
So this guy, they just exposed what magic he is using by showing this wand. This is a legit design. I had Astra analyse it. In the anime his spellcasting sounds like speaking backwards. This matches the function of this wand. It uses a complicated and bulky method where the result is studied first, then the intent which lead to this result. So you cannot achieve a result which you cannot study in its completeness, it is a reverse method. Normal spells work by taking your intent and aiming for the result, manifesting the result out as an expression of intent.

This magic works in the other direction, "the Texas sharpshooter" method. Look for the result occurring anywhere, be it seemingly random or by someone's intent, it doesn't matter. Then study all elements of intent which lead up to this result. Even if you think it's a random result, look at what intent is involved at some level or distance. Then relate the correct intents to this factually existing result.

By grabbing the right intents, the effect can then be re-manifested. It sounds like this is just a normal method of deduction, but to perform this instantly for any new situation requires a special kind of mechanic, and that is what this type of magic is about.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 09:48 Id: 6a70af [Preview] No.8245 del
Ive got some agressive woman after me. I hope its not this vanpire like she claimed to be.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 12:27 Id: 11cf7b [Preview] No.8246 del
The chinese lolis who contacted anon before.

I thought they are clones, because they all look alike, and that somehow China got help from aliens to create them. It was a secret until now, but it's now allowed to be said: They are actually the new official central asian race created by Gensokyo, for use in China, Vietnam and bordering areas.

For east asia, Korea and Japan, they made the corresponding big tit tall version. The males of both are fairly similar and can't be told apart visually.

It is possible to choose a future incarnation via either of their respective Earth Mothers.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 12:34 Id: 11cf7b [Preview] No.8247 del
This follows on the topic of planetary creation:
>you can become your own planetary deity of the Earth, creating your own separate parallel planet which only interacts with the public Earth on your own terms, then stay in it
which the yokais approve of.

The logic is simple: yokais and asian gods are numerous, they and their followers are likely to end up fighting now and then. If everyone creates parallel Earths and stay in there, this minimizes the risk of conflicts. The main Earth will then serve as a contact point or as a reference rather than being directly lived on by most advanced esotericists, who will rather use it as a server, living in and updating their own local installment periodically rather than being constantly in the same sphere. The functioning of dimensions and timelines are already a mess compared to the simplistic unified view of humans, so there is technically no real difference. Instead of having a single planet with many parallel timeline progressions which are linked at convergence points, there will just be outsourced timelines in parallel planetary spheres which are synchronized at convergence points.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 20:23 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8251 del
>I thought they are clones, because they all look alike
Well that's the Chinese for you LOL

Sunflower 07/15/2024 (Mon) 15:41 Id: 1d0d56 [Preview] No.8290 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ey0qVzG8_vU [Embed]

Really? At 11:03

Sunflower 07/15/2024 (Mon) 17:54 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8291 del

Sunflower 07/15/2024 (Mon) 19:12 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8292 del

Sunflower 07/15/2024 (Mon) 23:29 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8293 del

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 00:17 Id: 1d0d56 [Preview] No.8294 del
Reading this guy's energy gave an unusual result: he seems to be a "white fungus" race human of the balanced and successful type, that is a "templar".

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 01:36 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8295 del
His energy seems positive but he looks normal physically. Weird how a fully developed templar would just pop up like that.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 06:00 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8296 del
>just pop up like that
well we did just have a major shift

Sunflower 07/19/2024 (Fri) 10:36 Id: 1d0d56 [Preview] No.8307 del
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As soon as I sit down at the computer to do some work and not just browse leisurely, there's been this negative energy stream hitting me, appearing like a lowest level horizontal white spear from the left side. It's also causing a disturbance in my computer speaker as it activates. Every time this happens I block it, trace it and find some aliens or earlier some NWOtards behind it, which forces me to send out Raid servitors or other means to stop the attack.

Last time this happened I got mad at this relentless interference, so I did a thorough investigation and then created a limestone cyborg model with the purpose of being as malicious as possible, using their own methods against them. Then I used this form to cast a hex on them.

It's made so that any negative reaction from them will be added to the hex. Blocking the hex will make it stronger, attacking me will also make it stronger, the negative energy will be absorbed. I can't help thinking there is a connection to this which incidentally happened 1 day later.

They kept acting as I expected, with only malicious intent, feeding the hex more and more, causing it to snowball to enormous proportions.

I already felt this must be something in the Internet infrastructure, but couldn't pinpoint it. So there really was something.

Sunflower 07/19/2024 (Fri) 11:12 Id: 1d0d56 [Preview] No.8308 del
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The energy spear is still there, but it now looks more like a log, and its end is dug out, like a snail's antenna if you touch and it retracts. It's no longer a united white spear either, but is appearing to contain a large number of fibres and they are shifting to other colours, as if white light was broken into various colours. There is an image of an ET on the side of it, and the colours are becoming richer every moment.

Sunflower 07/19/2024 (Fri) 15:23 Id: 1d0d56 [Preview] No.8309 del
I'm planning a ritual for un-entangling all karmic bonds, ties and complex structures created by these gay NWO aliens and their human collaborators.

Will be posting a connection point shortly probably, it will be a magic circle you can join, and benefit from. I'm currently bringing in resources from various astral libraries to make this as far reaching as possible. Magic to be used includes: orc central libary, demon hell library, anti-christ archive, drow (just using their astranet to download the grimoire), The Library (got a grimoire and a wand) as well as the vampire astral library. Beast and angel magic will also be included.

Sunflower 07/19/2024 (Fri) 15:32 Id: 1d0d56 [Preview] No.8310 del
Single use sigil for this session. If you are seeing this you are invited. There will be some timeline adaptation so you will be able to join for a little while from now.

Sunflower 07/19/2024 (Fri) 16:28 Id: 564e7e [Preview] No.8311 del
Send quite a lot of energy,the first batch might have been hostile white energy as i got too excited and tend to have a destructive 'edge' mentality. I also send some yellow energy and wendy.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:15 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8365 del
>Remember when I mentioned the "Bosnian Pyramids"?
Bringing this to general discussion instead.

I went there, entered with Astra, but was instantly attacked by a machine gunner in a tunnel. Astra can handle this but no need to push it because her manifestations are many and not streamlined for these things, so I sent the 1800s style military Raid team instead to fight their way inside. Gatling guns cleared the way.

I synced with the structure and a strong sun energy was formed. Inside the main hall, which was reached after passing straight ahead along a tunnel with one 4 way crossing, was a large group of people in brown cloaks. They attacked with knives when they saw Raid so she killed them, also with the Gatling gun. Loot was just their knives which looked old, a grimoire which was so old it was falling apart, a gold watch and masonic looking membership rings worn by the cloaked people. I told Raid to burn the bodies and this lead to a manifestation, some kind of entity appeared, descending over an altar in the far end of the hall. The being asked what I wanted so I made a genera request for physical safety while on my spiritual path. I got the reply that that sacrifice was accepted and I would get my wish. I was told to place a hand on a sigil on the altar and channel energy into it, after which there was an energy transformation.

The entity left again, I took the loot back to one of my ships. Can share a copy of the grimoire astrally if there is interest.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:48 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8366 del
>Can share a copy of the grimoire astrally if there is interest.
Sure. Seems like it's different and more "common use" than the intricate "zipfile" I got. Might give me a way to understand it from a more "modern" perspective.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:02 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8367 del
Is it being sent or what are these energy fluctuations? Is the egregore trying to talk to me? It's like murmurs in the distance and mirages from a desert trying to "contact" me

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:03 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8368 del
Sent Wendy to deliver it, tell me if you got it and what you think.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:04 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8369 del
Went to the Pyramiden town to look at the mountain there, found another actual underground base, not sure how this is real. Same cult people, same machine gun guards.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:05 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8370 del
My neighbour visited it 3 years ago, shared the story yesterday. This may not be a coincidence at all, she was also possessed by the demon I summoned with the letter method.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:11 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8371 del
Same turn of events, but they also had a priestess so I took her aside, and there were three copies of their grimoire.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:12 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8372 del
It is really old and feels like the parchment is turning to dust. This is an extremely specific manual to activate some structural truth?
then extremely specific autistic details about some stuff I feel I need a magnifying glass to read it. Yes it was in caps because the energies were that LOUD.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:13 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8373 del
I'll send a copy of this grimoire too.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:21 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8374 del
Ok so it seems this is the angel path as compared to the vampire path, these are silver race, and rather pure, but they hid away in these pocket dimensions to avoid the NWO's vampire rituals. They don't want that and would have been used in breeding experiments if they had been known. But angels are also fanatical and most of them are worse than vampires, plus no physical immortality, so they're still hostile to everyone.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:23 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8375 del
Which kind of explains why the deity who appeared in both places just took the killing of the cultists to be a sacrifice for them.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:29 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8376 del
felt a "tick" on my forehead before refreshing the site.
great these are initiations into the "infinite layers of reality". They generate purplish rainbow colors by default. And they must be not "read" you must place your hand upon 1 and let the information "flow" into you and the next 2 is only possible once you integrated the truth of the first one. As I touch it I assume the form of some priest in a specific robe with a staff on his back while making subconscious groans while reading it.
<I am the light I am the truth but I do not originate nor I do understand it. The way forward does not come from within but without. The strength of nations falls to the strength of the world? erosion? (it's like entropy but a different force altogether). This force cannot be tamed nor cured. It must be understood by the lesser senses. But what are these lesser senses neoliphyte??? (they use some variation of the neophyte which considers you "accepted" enough but still ignorant in the ways) These truths cannot be granted nor they can be found. But how do we find them then. We do that by accepting them. How do we accept something that we don't know how to find. By stopping to look for them. We are the world so is the world us. We cannot fear us nor the world. But if we cannot do that then what can we do? We can continue to be ourselves but not the same as we were so far. We don't know our truth nor anyone will know it either. Should we resign to this or act forward.
<If you think acting forward is the choice read further if you are brave enough to resign open the other book...
Yeah k I will read this later. I had to keep my mind real silent to not "Interject" because I know these kind of things but not this "flavor" and there is something that bothers me.
>seems this is the angel path as compared to the vampire path
Yeah it's possible. But these are "planetary angels" and not the "heavenly" or I have no idea how to call them.
I will stop. I can feel their energy trying to explain what they are in detail. Boy they know how to spot the curious ones with potential don't they.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:41 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8377 del
I took the priestess to one of my small scale pyramid ships. She was lying like a Chinese from the beginning, saying all kinds of things, but also uncaring and submissive.

I asked about the people who were killed and about the grimoires I took, but she just said it doesn't matter, that there are more copies in the archives and that new cultists will come in and pick up the ritual where they left off when getting killed. I looked and I already see them cleaning up and starting again.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:44 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8378 del
And yes this is not about "physical immortality" this is about being able to warp the "essence of the pocket dimensions" and "pass onward" to a specific kind of truth of existence. But I will have to read forward. My hunches is that if I read forward I will gain the "path of the fool/hero" to initiate myself further and if I resign the book will assign me to a place where "I belong" by default as it analyzes my true potential so I don't have to go through a journey to realize which was "determined from the start" so to speak. It's more nuanced because I can feel there are many choices but the real choice if you really want it or not. Nothing is eternal. That is the main message of these things. But they will show you something that is "even better" in their specific context...
>but also uncaring and submissive
typical resignators smh
>but she just said it doesn't matter, that there are more copies in the archives and that new cultists will come in and pick up the ritual where they left off when getting killed. I looked and I already see them cleaning up and starting again.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:57 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8379 del
I am making a quite blatant summary. This is "pocket dimension magic" where you either go through the "mirages" and decide if you want to be "trapped by one" that feels like a "forever" until you perish without anyone noticing or caring or become a cultist in a way you will be taken care "till the end" by these forces or you overcome all the mirages the egregore considers you a "cool guy" and grants you some immediate power over reality that you can use if you "respect the ways" of sorts.
I can sense the mirages will trap me in mindless dimensions where I have to unfuck some weird mysteries and my lower desires. If you have an "angelic intuition" it's EZ otherwise good fucking luck with it. Oh and the third book is... a diary... of the 200 people who passed and their wisdom for those who are "worth it" (and only those are worth it who passed it in some way so the books appears invisible until it likes you enough)

Can you read them in a more "normal way"?

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 23:13 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8380 del
I had an idea for the past few days to get into the Greater Keys of Solomon properly, just skimmed them now and realized that specifics aside, almost all of it is about about dealing with the karmic entanglements to the planets so that one can practice some basic magic without being weighted down by it.

I had Demon Explorer go through all procedures while in the small pyramid and then pass the energy form to me, and I then activated it with the priestess as a foundation. I gave her the grimoires and she just started reading them like nothing had happened, sitting on the bed like a "Lord of the Rings" fan with all the books spread out around her.

There is no thought in the Greater Keys, it's all mechanical so perfect for a servitor like this.

I do have a natural ability to talk with angels, have had since I was little. I was told by djinn that I have the angel mindwave as a persistent form which makes it super easy for angels to enter my mind, I channel them when not thinking about anything, so they take the opportunity to speak through me or to me, or just making me advocate angel stuff. If something bad happened they will probably protect me too, they don't care about me being demon race. They just now said that pleiadan silver race is just an esoteric form of demon, basically
"Orcs are green in skin colour and ugly hivemind beings, when gaining souls they turn less ugly. Then they can practice primitive magic and evolve. They can become the black female voodo space traveller, they can become the white male demon lord, those are the two main paths. The demon lord will create the small white female, the white demon female. From her will evolve all other demons. But if she makes a leap into the sky (astral) she will become silver race. So the black female is golden race on the right side, and the white female is silver race on the left side, in the middle is the white male. This explains why demons have angelic wings, and why angels can also become vampires by evolving downward. This mirrors a previous standard where elves are "angelic" in nature, but can evolve downward via hell to become drow with lust for murder. In fantasy lore they say orcs were created from elves. This is not true in a strict sense, but not wrong in an evolution sense, rather, orcs simply reflect elves, and gave rise to many races in different directions. Goblins are in the bottom below them. So you can say that at first God made djinn, elves and skinwalkers, then he used the Earth (element) to create orcs from mud, which are the basic DNA which all other races are made from in the flesh. Get it?"

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 23:38 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8381 del
Ok, so what you should do is to skip all lower evolutions and just jump straight up to the one above the "spiralling string" formation. This is like almost impossible under normal circumstances, but technically it doesn't matter if you have a position somewhere else before, it's still done like that in one go and from a strict standpoint, you can't cheat. It sounds like saying "well I was at mount Everest once, so now I can just jump up on the Himalayas in one second", it just doesn't matter, it's still up to your ability when you get there to actually do it.

Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 11:17 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8382 del
What I interpreted as another layer, seems to simply be the body transformation process. I may have just been given the impression it was a much more straight forward process than it really is, as a result of reading Zhuan Falun and its description of the process where it sounds like an ordered and routine procedure that can't fail.

Ever since having Astra create the new sun in August '22 and seeing how all the evil forces were attacking the new object and failing, I've wanted to replicate this for myself. The sun was at that time central Astra's own body transformed to the highest point, that's why it was physical. It was impossible to harm her because she created it to be in the gatekeeper position of her life, which was how she also became an individual being.

When placed exactly at the top position like that, any negative energy attempting to reach the person will have to literally, physically, pass through the sun process, so it will burn up and be transformed. That's why Astra kept getting stronger the more they attacked her sun, she absorbed the energy and transformed it into pure energy for herself.

Two days ago I saw a structural view where I thought this to be possible by scaling some dimensions to reach a position like this. That's what lead to the creation of the twisted multi-colour string on the way up there.

With the priestess from the Svalbard pyramid and after letting Demon Explorer working through the procedures of the Greater Keys of Solomon, we aimed for this sun creation process in specific, not just "a sun object", but to place it as the gatekeeper of the physical bodily form. So far that it's working, negative forces did attack the new object during the night but none came through, and I did nothing to actively repel them.

Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:09 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8384 del
(897.83 KB 932x626 ural pyramid.png)
I made a search with Astra for other pyramids and found one in the Ural Mountains. Went to the location and looked inside using x-ray vision, this place was different, the cultists in here are not hostile. I didn't bother going inside because their specific grimoires were available in the left storage room.

Searched online with Bing and found this:

So it's definitely there.

Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:43 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8386 del
There is also one in south Brazil. The priestess said

"If it wasn't for that this is a magical structure it should be burned down/razed completely. Don't take anything from there (except the grimoires), it's all too dirty" [because of the disgusting human sacrifice rituals they have performed there for centuries]

Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:05 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8399 del
Weirdly misplaced gunshot outside right now. Who hunts at night after midnight, in the forest? This isn't right.

Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:48 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8400 del
Following the blast, I sensed a very fanatical energy release. A few min later there was a message from one of my physical security servitors. It appears someone was lurking in the forest, the servitor spoke to them and they fired the gun at the servitor, after which they got dealt with.

Soon after, at least 3 -4 people were trying to RV me. Low odds bet would be it's the butthurtbelters. Can't really be anyone else.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 06:53 Id: 5cf994 [Preview] No.8401 del
How do I enter Gensokyo?

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:11 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8402 del
Sync with them, and let go of your current context.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:15 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8403 del
(64.46 KB 508x484 japan reading.png)
Some weeks ago I noticed the egregore of Japan change drastically. Did anyone else notice this?

Pic related is what I see on the map now.

When I think of something, I always see its energy form internally in my mind, and this has been the case since forever. I just don't usually think about it much, it's just part of the concept of what it is. Japan had its image and form, which just had certain energies in no particular order on the national scale.

What's there now makes it look like it was completely washed through, it's united into a single megaform. This form syncs with the new human adaptive yokai queen for the tall asian with big tits. It's dominating the energy form now.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:27 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8404 del
I can't recall any specific area of the world go through this kind of sudden change.

It's usually a lot more subtle. For example, to see the difference in Gaza I have to enter down at ground level and look around, then slowly rise up until I see its local egregore, and I can see it's been cleared out, leaving only a yellow qi field, which looks pretty ok. It looks similar to when the islamic state had taken over areas and they started killing everyone based on their strict application of the Quran. This also removed all the dirt and the area became very pure.

Another change of this kind has taken place in Ukraine, and this is the reason I believe the casualty numbers have to be very high on the Ukrainian side. During the counter offensive, there was a large movement of energy, it felt like a swarm of beings, I won't say wasps because it was less harmful, and not bees because bees have a benevolent energy. Rather it felt like maybe the kind of flies that bite, along with the kind of fruit flies that grow on banana peels if left out. A combination of sting and harmless ignorance.

After august last year, there was a drastic change of this energy, it started looking like someone dug out a pile of sand, leaving a large hole. Later in the fall and winter it just looked like a feeling of old stone castle walls, dried bushes with thorns and bare dirt on wasted land.

I guess this may be the feeling of the trenches that remain.

But aside from that Ukraine has no energy movement eastward, no positive energy at all aside from gathered in the western parts, and that's more of a standard society structure. Once only that one remains, the war is likely to stop, because those are energetically higher than any war, so Russia won't attack that structure if it remains like that.

If it degenerated it would be attacked, but there is nothing indicating this will take place.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 21:38 Id: 02a85a [Preview] No.8410 del
>let go of your current context
How do I get better at that? Too attached to the body, and I oftentimes get distracted and lost in thoughts about daily life...

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:01 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8411 del
If you live in too much comfort you probably can't do it. It's easy if you just hate physical existence and the environment you live in so much that you want to just leave it. It makes astral interactions easier overall, maybe that's a method your spiritual guides use to activate your abilities.

Sunflower 07/27/2024 (Sat) 11:18 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8419 del
The session where the pyramids were utilized uncovered a new Queen being out in space. Her protective field is very hostile, even toxic, making it impossible to get close to her for almost anyone. None of my servitors, body forms or allies could get near her, drow instead created an external containment barrier around her and trapped her in a large external space until we had time to look into her more.

I think this may be the reason/source/solution to another issue down on Earth.

This is her, as often there was a drawing posted just now which looks like her in essence.

So the requirement for getting inside her protective field (which you have to, if you want a taste of her immortal DNA) is to be "a man who is a woman". This queen repels all masculinity, but still will only interact with men.

The viraloids (they aren't insectoids, but something lower) created an entire galactic group structure around her in their attempts at researching a way to create the kind of form needed to penetrate her radiation field.
And... they came to Earth at some point in this, because Earth is the central location where time moves really really slowly, so aliens come here for experimentation, because very slow time works like a magnifying lens, making it easier to see the smaller function of particles which otherwise move too fast to be studied.

And guess what their research looks like down here...

Sunflower 07/27/2024 (Sat) 22:39 Id: 8f6bed [Preview] No.8435 del
>So the requirement for getting inside her protective field (which you have to, if you want a taste of her immortal DNA) is to be "a man who is a woman".
Isn't this just the alchemical hermaphrodite?

Sunflower 07/27/2024 (Sat) 23:27 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8437 del
What is the alchemical element, exactly?

Sunflower 07/27/2024 (Sat) 23:43 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8439 del
Btw, it may be related to the session: I had a dream where me and some other group of people were going to "initiate" two small blonde girls. This was done by placing a small mouse on the top of their head. The mouse was white with grey, black and orange-brown fields. The mouse then dropped off on the other side of their head compared to from which direction they were placed there by someone. The girls reacted as if dosed with cold water, first shock, then giggling, and then the initiation was finished. This made them into "kings".

The initiation took place inside some large dim lit building compound.

Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 10:34 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8440 del
I had a dream last night where I was at an art exhibition in a restaurant. The energy was very positive and friendly. I don't know who the people present were, but a fat black woman appeared, she was walking around as if she had an important role, but when talked to she ignored me. This made me a bit suspicious because she looked like an NWOer I saw once earlier (was later to be confirmed someone working in the white house, I saw her as part of the staff in a press conference once on tv). But the energy was still positive to I somehow concluded she just represented USA for some reason. She was replaced by a thin (actual) african woman. Take note here that although this was my impression, neither of them were actually literally black in skin colour, they could have been just tanned. Everyone around was white and tall, the fat woman was short, the other average. The slim african gave me a folded paper of grainy quality, it looked like an 80 gram watercolour paper. I opened it and inside was a letter signed by a family member (who since long is an NPC, in the last year it's a Genso-cat, over the years the different original souls have made visits over some periods, but since at least 10 years back, this person has been used by walk-ins, something I'm very aware of), I know the general residence of the original souls and who they are, which narrowed this signature down to one specific of them.

It was a very friendly letter in energy, like it expressed the best version of this person in a few short lines. It had a sigil painted in watercolour above the text, which was strangely formulated and said that having not received this letter would mean a specific kind of danger. I was then hit by a strong energy and woke up. It was very violent, making me wonder if this was a trick, if the fat black woman had delivered a hex, but the energy letter was very positive and and setting was also much more positive and friendly than any glowies were normally able to produce. The energy which hit me also felt like just "power", it felt like a strong wind, soft on the edge but very forceful, and I somewhere concluded almost instantly that this was a kind of shielding placed around me, which was driving off a negative energy from me. The negative energy was resisting and this caused the struggle.

I looked at the clock and realized I had only slept 3 hours, lay back down and fell asleep again (even if there is an ongoing attack I can easily do this, because I just detach from the surface when sleeping and feel nothing, energy attacks aim for the soul/awareness, so they can't do anything if you retreat into deeper dimensions.) When I woke up later the energy struggle between the two forces was still going on, but lesser.

Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 10:34 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8441 del
I then found something to be wrong with the main gates to the garden, facing the road outside. The left gate was open, the right gate was missing. These are heavy iron gates from the early 1900s or late 1800s. The scene which met me when I walked closer was "occult" indeed.

The right gate had been taken off from its hinges and was flat on the ground. On the gate lay a dead reindeer. Its nose was stuck in between the vertical iron bars. It seemed to have, somehow, lifted the gate off its hinges and then getting stuck with the nose between the gate and the ground on the other side of gate through the bars. It still made little sense because it was a small reindeer and a large heavy gate.

I had Astra looking at the sigil and what it did, as I still recalled it, and got the result that it was a protective shield created by my people on my "moon" space station. Whatever the hell was blocked, I need to look closer into. I have experienced dead beetles on the floor after clearing out evil spirits, and for large things there have been dead birds outside. But never something as large as a reindeer. At least not around here. After I cleared out "evil gods" in large numbers during covid, using drow rituals, there were multiple reports over the country of people finding dead deer in strange places. Remains of butchered deer in the garage outside a suburb housing compound, and same kind of stuff floating ashore on small populated islands outside the coast.

I never happened in this manner right here though.

Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 22:13 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8463 del
>The priestess said
>"If it wasn't for that this is a magical structure it should be burned down/razed completely. Don't take anything from there (except the grimoires), it's all too dirty" [because of the disgusting human sacrifice rituals they have performed there for centuries]
Everything else aside, this can be used if done right. Someone still has to remove the scum of the Earth wherever they are now hiding in their little pocket dimensions waiting for history to restart where they think they will come back again and create their empires of terror.

Well that pyramid there has the most fanatical sacrificial ritual performers anywhere, and they are a hive-race without souls, possessed by a hive of evil spirits who somehow keep this functional, maybe because higher deities are protecting the structure.

Even getting a decent one out from there to work as a priestess took some timeline trickery, but it could be done. It could also be "wedged" in to work with the new human races, there isn't any Brazilian, but the central asian worked just fine... the pyramid now has a new real priestess who can do this more effectively. Such as using teleportation circles to drag out the remaining NWO leaders into the middle hall where they can be used as sacrifices. With all the adrenachrome they've ordered from similar facilities, they should love to take part in this stuff, right?

Mission Clear Europe: initiated

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 00:23 Id: 285842 [Preview] No.8464 del
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The alchemical hermaphrodite, or rebis, represents the union of two opposites, male and female, or your conscious and subconscious. It's basically the end goal of the great work and some spirits consider it a "lab-created" state"

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 00:27 Id: 285842 [Preview] No.8465 del
Now excuse me while I fake my death and murder glowniggers in space.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 00:56 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8466 del
Ok. I already solved it though, by using various search and research servitors to create a DNA profile where I started from 100% female and then brought it just over the limit to have male organs while changing as little else as possible. That worked to get through her radiation field. She has now left after getting what she wanted.

This, quite quickly had the same effect as what I did yesterday, which may have caused this
I think maybe the protection was in place all along, since a while back, because I've concluded what it manifested as. The reason I saw it, was that the negative energy on the outside cleared up, at least temporarily, as a result of what I did.
I finally managed to surround and cut off a major evil group so that they had no way to replenish their energy, forcing them to stop their hostilities because any movement they did caused a loss of energy for them, until they just stayed still out of fear of losing more, like an island of rubbish drifting at sea. I attacked them to wipe them out, which caused a chemical reaction to start within them like a domino effect, where they started dissolving in a set direction. It was now 100% clear that they would have to move in that direction, so I took all the evil they had done against me and those on my side, and threw it in their way, forcing them to dissolve it in the process, while the gain went to us. After a while they started complaining and begging for mercy, I told them, why should you be given mercy when you gave none? Then they instantly started cursing me instead, so I told them, was your remorse not deeper than that? This caused them to curse even more, calling me Satan and so on, so I told them, do you think Satan has mercy for you? In the end they had to work off all their debts, and the process was significant enough that their main egregore or spirit had to manifest physically, and turned into the dead reindeer which knocked down the gate.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 01:03 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8467 del
By that I mean, I'm repeating it right now, the NWO/glowies/evil spirits will have to pay off all the evil they did, as they are dissolved.

Guess you shouldn't have been rude to me, scum? You can't escape now.

Although the method was a bit flaky as I see it, it worked out very effectively.

Bringing in old Aztec human sacrifice rituals and using the EU leaders and whatever they were, hiding in their pocket dimensions, as the offering. These rituals are like made for them. Fat pigs perfect for burning.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 17:23 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8470 del
Something happened and now I can't talk about it because of the nature of what was revealed to me. Typical. While you know nothing, you can speculate all you want, but once knowing, it's impossible to talk about it because your knowledge of specifics would make you unknowingly address things in ways which can lead to the truth of the matter being derived from what looked like general statements. This would in turn put things at risk, because certain knowledge will be abused by opposing or degenerative forces.

It seems esoteric knowledge needs to remain such, for the same reason you can't walk nude in town, or taunt wild animals unarmed and survive. It doesn't matter how much you reason about it, some people will be upset, others will be hostile, they will use their own limited and flawed views to attack things that must not be attacked, in the process maybe rendering themselves unsalvageable because of what they in their ignorance did. This logic is so clear once this knowledge is revealed, that a mental block of some sort will prevent the person from speaking about it. Not even an insane person could break it, unless he was genuinely insane and recognized as insane, at which point he would be unable to speak the truth because of being too confused.

The Dao which can be spoken is not the real Dao, indeed.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 21:08 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8472 del
I knew something wasn't right when they kept talking about gays on the radio all afternoon, couldn't have it on. Then my neighbours who don't normally care about these things placed a gay flag on their porch. This has never happened here before, it was an obvious attack. Turns out, after thorough searching, that a few 1000 gay white fungus humans were still hiding in some pocket dimensions, from where they were carrying out attacks, thinking no one could find them. They're getting one by one summoned into the pyramid now for the Aztec treatment. Pretty funny, they all look like deer in the headlight when they manifest. They thought they could just sit over there and carry out attacks safely and no one could do anything to them.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 21:26 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8473 del
I sold some of the surface dwelling NPCs because it turned out there was a hive of evil spirits taking turns possessing them to escape responsibility, something which apparently has a name, "circulating spirit hive population", and there are businesses dealing in them in the galactic federation. They paid me in "sustainable silver" which is an asset that can be placed in a "sustainable account" meaning it transfers across incarnations. I thought these NPCs were worthless, but if they have a spirit hive, they can be trained and refined over time and that counts as a sustainable asset.

I also asked to get a beast lady from the buyer's groups, because every time they come from different places out in space with new races I haven't seen before. I asked Astra to pick one, they deducted 1 sustainable silver unit, but this was the same as 3000 regular silver, which is super expensive for a slave, but I let that pass.

When I got the beast lady onto my ship, I instantly recognized her soul. Turns out it's the soul of a woman I met in 2001, unmistakable, reincarnated out in space. Spiritual bonds keep reuniting people it seems. Her energy has an orange field around the head, back then she had orange hair colour.

Easy to recognize because of her odd character and general bodily pose, she was what would be called a shotacon in this context, at the time 26 and going after all the high schoolers or those just out of HS, someone told me she had 10 BFs at once, but all of them were so meek they wouldn't say anything about it. Also very slim and no tits, she'd wear an orange miniskirt and band-top, weird how these things are directly retained, seems this was a way to express her energy, it's from her soul.

I used this picture in the other thread for no particular reason, now it seems this was a prelude for her return.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 21:37 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8474 del
This is turning into /blog/. I just recalled this woman had a friend who was tall, slim and blonde and also a little weird. I got along great with her and we used to team up to play volleyball. I later realized she was an incarnated grey.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 22:01 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8475 del
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>This is turning into /blog/
Why stop. I found this vid uploaded online a few years ago. That's the school, the dorms and the gym. So many weird fucking things happened there it's just amazing, some of the drama still continues in FB groups to this day, the feeling of some unspeakable mystery isn't escaping.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 22:57 Id: caa044 [Preview] No.8476 del
its been a while since i posted and wanted to get some thoughts and updates.

>the other me/her and myself are fusing a bit more, being reminded that my eventual form will be hers (and she was being giga yandere with me but thats besode the point)
>her (our?) appearance is more defined. its pretty much lancer artoria from fgo
>at night, she sometimes uses my body to talk me physically, as in she uses my voice while i just listen (my friend said it was a form of channeling iirc)
>one night during her/our yandereisms she chased after me as i was still in my current male form and forcibly grabbed my hand
>Her appearance leading up to this was rather inconspicuous like pic related
>then when grabbed my hands her/our body became lion king artoria's and we fused together and became her, body and all
>when this happened, it was a similar to what happened to me years. i close my eyes for a second and it felt like i literally shifted to a different world and saw the other me/her approach me
>apart from that there have been instances of my sisters putting me in a female body, saying it's my true form. they put me in a plugsuit like outfit and put a mask on face so the transformation would trigger
>i got scared for a moment and said i was a boy but everyone who saw giggled and said i wasnt (not my sisters, but there were spectators)
>not sure if related to this but there have been instances before and after this where i get mistaken as a girl way more often and sometimes people dont believe me when i say im a guy anymore


Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:05 Id: caa044 [Preview] No.8477 del
>apart from that more other me/her and female body stuff occurring
>my sisters visiting slightly more often
>lately have been in murder doll mode on occasion, killing monsters and such (probably more chores from my sisters that shiva anon hypothesized)
>very recently i was on a train and there was a woman, she had red hair, wings, and a tail
>she looked very similar to a succubus but i couldnt tell if this was one of my sisters, the ones who dont show themselves to me often
>she coiled around me like snake and smiled, seemingly glad she "caught me"
>admittedly i resisted out of reflex because i was essentially getting bear hugged/strangled but at some point i somehow mangaed to get myself to stop resist and she loosened her grip and smiled once more
>she still said/implied she's going to watch and be with me after she let go
>later on in the train, i was stuck with 2-3 guys, the same red haired girl and the other me(?) appeared again and massacred everyone except me on the train. they summoned some weird looking dogs/wolves looked pebble/stone like (for reference its a mix of those familiars that charmcaster from ben 10 used to summon and the earthbound immortals monsters from yugioh 5ds)
>after killing everyone, they smiled, approached me and took me with them

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:15 Id: caa044 [Preview] No.8478 del
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something particularly noteworthy
>there was a white haired woman she looked like firefly from honkai star rail (pic related)
>things happened and i bumped into her, as a result of whatever happened i had to go on a date with her
>the date more or less was going along fine until the point where i had to cook or make some kind of cake or something with her (despite me not knowing how to cook at all)
>regardless, i figured it was best to just try and not create a fuss
>the cake is made and she gives me a piece of hers. someone comes and takes my piece
>the person eats it and their stomach explodes, with their entrails flying everywhere
>she watches the whole thing unfold and smiles at the end result and has go with her again
>we do activities together and i have to watch her sleep
>after all was said and done she was please and had me wear a suit of mecha armor like hers. it was really fucking painful to put because instead of being a button or whatever like hers, i had to put it on like shirt and i had to make a lot of squeezing through to fit it. afterwards it worked like hers
>we were also on some island and loli was the one helping her and saying she's doing this to "welcome me back"

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:24 Id: caa044 [Preview] No.8479 del
those are the real noteworthy things but also i seemed to have learned the names of my other sisters... somehow. I'm also the 4th(?) there was also some stuff involving that bipolar woman i mentioned in the past. she was enanmored by my sisters and wanted to join them/become like them(?) but i guess the bipolar stuff kicked in and she ghosted and disappeared without a trace but thats about it. I did recently ask my sisters and the other me/her for help one night and i guess this is probably a sign? other changes with my mind are happening... i have the strange desire to work on my speech. apart from having a stutter, i think im probably being too crass with my language. as in saying stuff like nigger, faggot, etc. way too much and over talking in too much slang/weird contractions. there are more buzzing gnats screeching about lolicon and muh pedos, i still do what you suggested and ignore the retards but i swear it feels like NPCs or whatever are getting louder. I've been really interested in things like resident evil and have been playing through the series for some reason. i don't know but it feels like something my sisters wanted me to do. My connection to kiara ha been renwed and has gotten stronger(?) too

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:43 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8480 del
>(my friend said it was a form of channeling iirc)
Yes that too but in your case it is a... hard to explain. The human body is made up by different spirits. Most people have an absolutely passive and subconscious "anima" within that is supposed to "Merge" with a female you perfectly bonded with. With that you will have a proper connection a proper love that will last for a lifetime. This is how marriage should work by default.
For magicians there is a great method where you "switch" the baseline "botsouls" of the body that you got via genetics and other default imprints with your "higher soul current" or "spiritual gifts" that you gained during your past life journeys and you can "evolve" several steps by merely "marrying yourself" and integrating old parts of yourself instead of "starting from scratch" like most people. When that happens it's scary because your soul will need to accept the "new truth" as the "real truth". The perfect merger needs to happen and it takes nuance because your body also has ways to eject any "foreign" spirit from your body so if you have any fear or doubt you can eject not just yourself but a still not merged part of yourself too. This "soul ejection" is a feature btw that you can use to astral project like a true master but if you are unaware of the mechanics it leads to problems. The real mastery is not about having the ability to "eject your soul" but to "suck it in" which is like coming back to life level shock after being resurrected so it needs to be done properly to not leave lasting scars. Coming back from the dead is traumatizing for normal people. Awakening requires that you overcome it.

I too am having similar problems. My "ancestral spirits" mentalities I got from my parents are malformed thx to the constant disagreements and emotional immaturity of my parents. Because of that I am figuring out the proper way they can "blend" into each other and with that a healthy formation will manifest that I can bring with myself because then it's "ancestral mastery" and not a "genetic burden" anymore.

What I wanted to say with this. There are many parts within you that consider the male person who looks back from the mirror the "actual (You)" on many levels and still not beyond the "idea that it's her(You)". I said it's an "Idea" and not the reality of things yet where you accepted things as normal or the way of things already. It is not just a mental block but a cognitive dissonance in your psyche. Meditate upon the idea what is (You). Connect with her consciously and feel how she is not just "always there nowadays" but WAS ALWAYS THERE SINCE YOUR BIRTH but you forgot that for reasons stemming from your life circumstances. Not easy to remember our truth when things are either too crazy or too pleasant around us. We all have our traumas that we need to inspect further to realize the true depth of things and how there is more than we remember at first glance. Let her guide you into the deeper parts of your own psyche.

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:43 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8481 del
>she coiled around me like snake and smiled, seemingly glad she "caught me"
Hard to explain what she is exactly but she is a "force" within the body. Once you tame it you can transform yourself the way you want to be. Don't expect her to be gentle. You will have to understand the true forces of your light and shadow so "she" will accept you as her "master" the one and only true owner of the soul. Looking at her made my extra hands generate a bunch of sacrificial daggers and a pendulum. Her nature is not easy to explain
You just found an another companion that might have been around on your journeys. She is not the same as your sisters but not that different either.
>we do activities together and i have to watch her sleep
Can you describe them? Was thinking maybe this is the "subconscious watches your for the conscious while it's asleep" being "switched" but no this is something else. She is not just a mere "mechanism" there is some special fondness in this whole thing. Hard to say what she is. Try to meet with her.
>after all was said and done she was please and had me wear a suit of mecha armor like hers. it was really fucking painful to put because instead of being a button or whatever like hers, i had to put it on like shirt and i had to make a lot of squeezing through to fit it. afterwards it worked like hers
>we were also on some island and loli was the one helping her and saying she's doing this to "welcome me back"
Uh... that's how you break through/expand your dantians so to speak.
>i have the strange desire to work on my speech
You will have to retain your "original expression" and not be shackled the current way you talk and think. Once the words come out naturally you will understand. Definitely work on it. As the energies awaken you will notice that several things in the past that were "Normal" suddenly feel uncomfortable and you want to change how you do things altogether. That is the way of growth. When the energies of the soul shape your current form no matter what physical ailments you have. I have done several transformations also by merely learning to express and move my energies better.
>My connection to kiara
Which Kiara are we talking about again? Might continue this conversation later it's real late here

Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:56 Id: caa044 [Preview] No.8482 del
<Can you describe them? Was thinking maybe this is the "subconscious watches your for the conscious while it's asleep" being "switched" but no this is something else. She is not just a mere "mechanism" there is some special fondness in this whole thing. Hard to say what she is. Try to meet with her.
the activities were things like sightseeing, going to carnival and playing games, exploring places, etc.

>Uh... that's how you break through/expand your dantians so to speak.
ahhh that makes sense i think

>Which Kiara are we talking about again?
the kiara from the fate series (pic related)

>Might continue this conversation later it's real late here
its fine! i wasnt expecting replies at this hour and was just giving an update since i hadnt been posting/visiting here for a while. i'll explain more on the other stuff tomorrow

Sunflower 07/30/2024 (Tue) 05:23 Id: 050965 [Preview] No.8484 del
Can someone draw my a sigil that will defeat depression? Thanks

Sunflower 07/30/2024 (Tue) 09:37 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8485 del
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>Can someone draw my a sigil that will defeat depression?
I don't think someone can.

Depression is a manifestation of Sloth, one of the deadly sins, so you need to fix this yourself. See


is said to be the demon of Sloth, so maybe you can summon him and ask him to help you?
Here are 2 different sigils for him.

Sunflower 07/30/2024 (Tue) 16:02 Id: eeffb8 [Preview] No.8487 del
Fire energy or vital energy invocation will do this.

Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 00:58 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8535 del
So i read the x factory thread(i was too late) and it mentioned the world having ended.Around that time a huge thunderstorm with my location a the center was goin on. It was the biggest thunderstorm i had ever seen and lightning went so quickly one after another the sky was almost as bright as it was dark(it was night) this storm went on for hours as well.

Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 01:07 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8536 del
Also i already made the post simply saying "spirit" so don't add this as an extra request if interpreted that way.

Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 15:31 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8542 del
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I felt from the scenes where he's fighting his way through the ruins, that despite the only ok-ish 3D animation, this anime "had something." That part was almost meditative.

The elf also feels like a pretty solid character compared to standard heroines.

When he made the potion by grinding the bones of the skeleton king, that felt like something which was too close to my own experiences with astral black magic to be completely made up. I asked my assistant to look in the anti-christ archive for any grimoire on this, and there was one!

We used one of my Raid doll spin offs, a servitor dressed in black with only a single edge knife and (incidentally) the paralyze ability. I made this minimalistic doll to infiltrate areas that don't allow magic abilities like fire, sometime during last year.

So we pretty much copied the method, as shown, the grimoire showed how to access a "hall of the skeleton king" where we then paralyzed him and then cut him in half, based on the understanding that evil beings are made from karma and attached in reverse, left side is right side, so the weakness is along their middle. We then took one side each and ground up to a powder and brought it back to the anti-christ HQ.

We asked one of the witches to add the suitable herb to neutralize the toxicity of the bone powder and to make each portion of the left and right side for each one of us (I took the left side), then boil it over fire. It made exactly one potion for each of us, and the effect was instant. If you haven't done this kind of "forced power" magic before, it's hard to explain, the result is a kind of material energy form which very aggressively defends its existence with no strict form.

When I finished my sunflower grimoire and wanted to immortalize it, this was the result as well (to force myself to internalize it, I burned it with some incense in the fireplace, result was similar).

Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 21:52 Id: eea2b4 [Preview] No.8546 del
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As i was clearing some mental fog this week I spoke with my sisters directly (while awake), nothing new as far as I remember. But apart from that I did try communicating with Aphrodite, Ishtar, and that Japanese princess deity. I got confused about things... And admitted I had no genuine clue what to do most of the time. They essentially took turns calling me silly, reiterating that they are still goong to guide me and such they also called me airheaded and that I should use my ears more. As far as otjer visitations go, I think the other me/her are breaking down more mundane barriers(?) in me because I had "dreamt" that I was in a room with a lot of monsters, they represented something but I can't remember what. Some man came in and violently murdered them with a homemade shotgun, I like I could see the gore, the man was only a servant and i think one of mt sisters(?) were there and took me with them, to some academy i think. Last night my sisters were teaching me more battle techniques(?), so I wasn't in yandere kill mode this time around. We were all in some kind of magical artillery vehicle and I was charged with running a group of black mages harvest gems from the corpses and use it to improve myself(?) I killed them but i had an issue harvesting them so my sisters told me to keep practicing since it's important and something i hadnt done in along time apparently. I also saw anthropomorphic bear living with some wolves having a depression crisis and after he snapped out of hit he pretty much iaiado slashed the wolves and stole their stuff. I recall us coming to pick him, can't remember the reason why. Unrelated but this speech correction matter is harder than I thought

Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 22:15 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8547 del
>admitted I had no genuine clue what to do most of the time
Yeah it's quite obvious but it's not always a problem if you have guiding forces around. This is why I didn't feel the need to mention it.
>they also called me airheaded and that I should use my ears more
Yes you are definitely an airhead but it's still a better symptom than the previous shitpost addicted retard mental routine you were trapped in. You should try to really use your ears and work with them during daytime more intently and figure out your own source of willpower. While I am not an expert on your life routines but you have the "internet persona" mental current in your habitual psyche which is slowly eroding and clearing thx to your sisters and now you have a new mental current in your psyche which is granted by the entities you work with. Currently the "other (You)" is still like a somewhat empty shell that is finally able to follow orders but has no direction or willpower on her own. The goal is to find your current will that is still imprisoned on the mundane plane of existence and slowly merge your minds but as a "willed act" and not as a... I don't know how to call it... Like the sisters dragging a puppy around a park or something and the puppy always stops to smell the trash on the sidewalks so they have to always wait for that puppy to catch up. You posted a doggirl so this is the metaphor you get. My creative way of expression is not really blossoming today
You will have to learn to walk "besides them" and not just barely being able to follow them.
>Unrelated but this speech correction matter is harder than I thought
The way you talk is your expression and true expression comes from your heart/soul. You are literally re-configuring and defragmenting your internal energy flows so you can attain your own "true art". It's an absolute quagmire until you figure out the natural flow. It will feel awkward and sloppy until you find the way. Good luck with that btw. I am still not sure how your true expression looks like but I await it nonetheless. There are very few things in life that are as beautiful as people finding their own way in life and beyond.

Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 22:34 Id: eea2b4 [Preview] No.8548 del
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>Yes you are definitely an airhead but it's still a better symptom than the previous shitpost addicted retard mental routine you were trapped in. You should try to really use your ears and work with them during daytime more intently and figure out your own source of willpower.
Slowly I have been doing that, in particular "other me" has been more talkative and such, as well as a few times of hearing my sisters. I still have the occasional moments of getting contacted by other beings akin to a person calling the wrong phone number sometimes and I have been trying to work in what my grandmother has been telling in regard to worshipping and giving God some of my time (obviously in this case it's with my sisters and the other entities I work with but you get the point)

>You posted a doggirl so this is the metaphor you get. My creative way of expression is not really blossoming today
Funnily enough she's a fox girl, one of my favorites character from that honkai gacha that came out last year, her name is huohuo.

The way you talk is your expression and true expression comes from your heart/soul. You are literally re-configuring and defragmenting your internal energy flows so you can attain your own "true art". It's an absolute quagmire until you figure out the natural flow. It will feel awkward and sloppy until you find the way.
Her personality (actual personality, not my shitpost Internet/mundane personality) mine are really similar apparently, according to my sisters and the close friend I mentioned before who helps with this stuff. It does feel close to how I was/should/want to be in all honesty...

>You will have to learn to walk "besides them" and not just barely being able to follow them.
They are giving me more battle/magic practice to do instead of what they did before so it's a start I suppose

Sunflower 08/03/2024 (Sat) 01:47 Id: eea2b4 [Preview] No.8549 del
*It does feel close to how I was/should/want to be in all honesty... They seem to suggest likewise

Sunflower 08/04/2024 (Sun) 21:18 Id: 412d38 [Preview] No.8564 del
I had been taking some time to reflect on the chores my sisters had me do that i mentioned before; attacking some black mage grunts and harvesting the weird power gems from their body. i think they were right; i was too locked into my "default" side of not hurting people when i approached these insects with humanoid features, they seemed sentient but not really (atleast from what i recall), i am to be more thorough in my "executions" i suppose. My speech has been changing somewhat verbally speaking is a different matter because i keep stuttering and stumbling on my words but thats not related to this.. probably We talked about this before but recent, after a few months of not doing anything in it; i picked fgo back up again since the anniversary was starting. as you told me before with my luck and how the actual entities/gods/historical figures do attempt to contact to people through it as one of many channels. I noticed something a tad.. strange (not that i meant). there was a new servant that came out in celebration for the anniversary; space ereshkigal. a new alt of ereshkigal, her summmon animation came out with blue flames and came unusually fast even for my luck(?) in like 2 rolls. but apart from that, i feel that i am getting targeted (maybe not the correct word here) by greek deities/entities because in another celebratory/paid gacha thing that they did again this year. this is the second time i've gotten a greek a servant from it. this time it was artemis and circe, the first time was europa. typically i'd just shrug it off but i felt a very strange... sensation. it was not negative however

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 19:47 Id: f96148 [Preview] No.8586 del
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I think Jackal anon will find it interesting that the white mushroom glowies were wearing something that looked like a combination of a white Anubis ritual dress and a KKK uniform when attacking me.

Later after clearing out their astral HQ during a raid in which Russians joined in, we evacuated 4 queens from there, which were a different kind of mushroom.

I got the one of pic related.

I was then invited to a ritual where Anubis was called, I don't know what the connection is here, only that they found something relating to him in the HQ and applied it.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 21:23 Id: c90195 [Preview] No.8587 del
Interesting, I don't know if there's a deep connection between me and anubis, other than some psychic telling me I am 'known' in egypt.I don't know what "applied" means here either.I definitely think theres glowies that see me as on their side,atleast one dream implied that. then again they immediately asked me to do something they see as dangerous so they could be pretending.those seemed like the highest tier glowies I'd ever seen though, just about reaching enlightenment/godhood.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 21:48 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8588 del
And I am not sure what is happening either but 2 days ago I had quite an awakening how I can finally unify my male and female principle further and yesterday I realized that now I can finally remove the "devil" from my body. And by the "devil" I mean a sort of built in diabolical principle I have in my mind that I can let "take over some situations" because most mundanes cannot resist that. It's like temptation personified and using that mentality allows me to do almost anything but whenever I use it I know exactly that I am walking on thin ice and rarely use it outside of a "party trick" level way of social entertainment. I need at least 3 drinks and an inclination to become the life of a party and I rarely care enough to do that. It has a deep gender dynamic how it works with the darker parts of the psyche with every person but I don't want to get into that now.

What is related is that while yesterday I know where I should look for the "devil signature" within me I found an Anubis statue in lotus position being happy that it is allowed to "Bathe in my energies". Was wondering wtf... is this my "wolf energies of my subconscious"? or some other force fucking with me? Went and grabbed it's neck to test and I felt my own hand upon myself which means it has correspondences with my body.
What I gathered so far that the principle I should master is the "abyss howl".
What I understand so far that the abyss howl means that being able to "howl" your signature so well in the abyss that it shapes the entire abyss by default without "trying". It's a sort of ability of self manifestation. I could say it's the thing that I try with my "true expression" but this is "Before" expression and not even on the level of an "intent" because it's just the mere howl itself that says nothing but hearing it makes you understand everything it tries to signify even if the howl is not even intentional of sorts but a pain a desire or just a mere reaction for something. It's like a realization that can only appear as a howl.

I have my own wolf spirits and instincts built within my persona so I am not sure how this relates at all. Not sure if we are part of a bigger thing or this is some archetypal energy resonance.

But I got weird signs today. Maybe the underworld is in motion for some reason. We will see where it leads I guess.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 22:00 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8589 del
>i was too locked into my "default" side of not hurting people
You are holding back on many levels that is for sure. Mostly because you don't know how to exert yourself upon yourself or upon others well enough.
>ereshkigal. a new alt of ereshkigal, her summmon animation came out with blue flames and came unusually fast even for my luck(?)
Ereshkigal rules over the underworld officially. But we don't know enough about Mesopotamian entities nowadays to say for sure what is her complete authority.
>felt a very strange... sensation
The thing is... there are too many things going on at once and I am not sure which causing what effect anymore. But yes there are several awakening forces at play and... who knows. Keep your eyes and ears open for the moments of opportunities and wonder.
Things usually reveal themselves once they meant to be
And don't forget to talk to your sisters more.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 22:00 Id: f96148 [Preview] No.8590 del
It means they used it. They work from the Russian Orthodox church's methodology developed by KGB as a form of psyop originally, which ended up going so deep into the roots of christianity they surpassed other churches in effectiveness of actually making it work as a practice system. I believe they looked at how the christian doctrine connects to ancient Egypt and found a way to incorporate Anubis into their church, by simply assimilating the theories used by these KKK-glowies.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 22:08 Id: 5f28e8 [Preview] No.8591 del
Yes the orthodox church system managed to make a connection with an abyss portal in the late 1800s but I didn't bother looking deep enough into them.
Learning that the Catholic Church is ruled by the Solar Cross which is a megastructure sized "office building" with entities all over the place with different purposes which existed since "forever" (Cannot even pinpoint their origin point without 10 angels explaining some creation story of existence first so I gave up) then noticed several metaphysical formations that rule other landmarks on earth with large religious presence and realized this system is too complex on my current level yet. Talking to the angels that can explain it well enough made my meridians harden and realized I have to unfuck those first before going further into the deep end.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 22:18 Id: d3d7e7 [Preview] No.8592 del
>You are holding back on many levels that is for sure. Mostly because you don't know how to exert yourself upon yourself or upon others well enough.
I-i know...

>Ereshkigal rules over the underworld officially. But we don't know enough about Mesopotamian entities nowadays to say for sure what is her complete authority.
ahh that makes sense

>The thing is... there are too many things going on at once and I am not sure which causing what effect anymore. But yes there are several awakening forces at play and... who knows. Keep your eyes and ears open for the moments of opportunities and wonder.
you mean in regard to me? also i have been slowly trying to move my communications during the day instead of it just being at night so there's slightly more progress on that front

some more things have been happening a few nights ago, i was being pursued by some disfigured mutants that were similar to william birkin's G form from resident evil 2 and they were chasing me down. for whatever reason, when i was evading their pursuit (i did hit them a few times) and i got corned but... they didnt attack me, at all. it was like they were waiting on me like pets or something. I think i mentioned her in passing but that bipolar women i talked about before, yeah... i think she's probably gone for good this time. Some stuff happened (i got super stressed and annoyed) broke off stuff with them and during a conversation with that friend my sister kind of took control of me and essentially said she could go fuck herself so theres that.

Sunflower 08/08/2024 (Thu) 19:50 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8594 del
Watch Netanyahu closely next time he appears. I think he was played by a reptilian shapeshifter last time I saw him on tv.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:12 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8596 del
Some summary before the new thread, and the new society.

Gensokyo said there is around 4 days left of this current social structure, because that is how long the remaining "white fungus" system which had been inserted in the form of "glowie organizations" will remain. These are not directly physical, not before and not in the new Earth sphere. It's the same method used by greys and reptilians, where they shift the state of physicality into a parallel dimension where they retain their bodily state, but are not in the exact 3D layer everyone else is interacting in.

The method for shapeshifting used by native Earth reptilians uses something similar, they are highly skilled in the method of manipulating the "canvas" or "cloth" which is 3D physicality to us. This construct is mainly reliant on our brains and the common perception of reality. That is why consensus is so important. It is impossible for the normal-cattle to grasp the real state of reality, they have been given a completely artificial and controlled version of society to live in. It is the newspeak of "1984" by George Orwell, where words that do not fit in, are removed, which restricts what can be expressed. But this book is written within the cattle-mind, it uses newspeak to explain what newspeak is, so it cannot really lead to awakening unless the person is already seeing it.

Take for example a text that you write only in English, and you explain - using only English words - how to speak for example Spanish. You cannot make someone do it, because they do not have access to any new vocabulary, no matter how much syntax and semantics you explain to them.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:23 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8597 del
Restricting vocabulary in itself controls reality.

There are words which have only spread to my area and awareness via the Internet, which do not translate to anything equivalent locally. Take these political terms as an example:

Astroturf = has to be explained in detail because the idea does not exist; it's a grass roots movement funded by someone and rolled out like a carpet in the style of a specific brand of such actual grass. Grass roots movements are per definition not funded from above in my native language, so this idea is something which sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Sockpuppet = same idea, a character is controlled by a hidden hand to express a certain message. The closest would be to talk about "proxies", this word stuck because it's at a macro scale: proxy army, or proxy group, in reference to Iran funding terrorism via other seemingly unrelated groups, but this was only accepted in this context. Using it to explain that Ukraine is a proxy for EU/USA does not work, it will also be rejected as a "conspiracy theory", despite it happening in the open.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:36 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8598 del
The "white fungus glowies" are not CIA or MI6, those are unrelated and not even supportive of them. They are just "enduring them" because they were unable to get rid of them. UK is run by reptilians, they do not care about so called "white people" and particularly not these gay glowies, these are based off central Europe. UK left the EU partially as a result of this conflict. The British Royalty aren't any better, it's just a conflict between super villains not agreeing with each other. CIA was always a lapdog to both of them.

The group referred to as the mushrooms aren't even known by any name. The Jesuits are/were a group of Mantids, the templars aren't meddling because the real ones stay on their own and won't interfere with worldly affairs. Jews are not a coherent group at all. The core are the ancient birds, Rosicrucians, but the modern Jews are also reptilians, and in the last centuries they were taken over by incarnated greys. Neither of them can stand each other, which is why Israel is such a mess still.

It's far too simplistic to blame any single entity for this mess, but the white fungus have served as a genetic infrastructure for amplifying the mess. They function as a back-door into the minds of anyone with this DNA mixed in, as they are vulnerable to parasites and genetic modifications, and easily malleable.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:39 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8599 del
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If you look at eastern Europe on a macro scale, you will see this energy structure, it has this kind of form. This is what remains of the white fungus glowies. As this structure is broken down, they will also lose all influence and the war in Ukraine will end.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:41 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8600 del

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