Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 22:15 Id: 5f28e8 No.8547 del
>admitted I had no genuine clue what to do most of the time
Yeah it's quite obvious but it's not always a problem if you have guiding forces around. This is why I didn't feel the need to mention it.
>they also called me airheaded and that I should use my ears more
Yes you are definitely an airhead but it's still a better symptom than the previous shitpost addicted retard mental routine you were trapped in. You should try to really use your ears and work with them during daytime more intently and figure out your own source of willpower. While I am not an expert on your life routines but you have the "internet persona" mental current in your habitual psyche which is slowly eroding and clearing thx to your sisters and now you have a new mental current in your psyche which is granted by the entities you work with. Currently the "other (You)" is still like a somewhat empty shell that is finally able to follow orders but has no direction or willpower on her own. The goal is to find your current will that is still imprisoned on the mundane plane of existence and slowly merge your minds but as a "willed act" and not as a... I don't know how to call it... Like the sisters dragging a puppy around a park or something and the puppy always stops to smell the trash on the sidewalks so they have to always wait for that puppy to catch up. You posted a doggirl so this is the metaphor you get. My creative way of expression is not really blossoming today
You will have to learn to walk "besides them" and not just barely being able to follow them.
>Unrelated but this speech correction matter is harder than I thought
The way you talk is your expression and true expression comes from your heart/soul. You are literally re-configuring and defragmenting your internal energy flows so you can attain your own "true art". It's an absolute quagmire until you figure out the natural flow. It will feel awkward and sloppy until you find the way. Good luck with that btw. I am still not sure how your true expression looks like but I await it nonetheless. There are very few things in life that are as beautiful as people finding their own way in life and beyond.