Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 22:57 Id: caa044 No.8476 del
its been a while since i posted and wanted to get some thoughts and updates.

>the other me/her and myself are fusing a bit more, being reminded that my eventual form will be hers (and she was being giga yandere with me but thats besode the point)
>her (our?) appearance is more defined. its pretty much lancer artoria from fgo
>at night, she sometimes uses my body to talk me physically, as in she uses my voice while i just listen (my friend said it was a form of channeling iirc)
>one night during her/our yandereisms she chased after me as i was still in my current male form and forcibly grabbed my hand
>Her appearance leading up to this was rather inconspicuous like pic related
>then when grabbed my hands her/our body became lion king artoria's and we fused together and became her, body and all
>when this happened, it was a similar to what happened to me years. i close my eyes for a second and it felt like i literally shifted to a different world and saw the other me/her approach me
>apart from that there have been instances of my sisters putting me in a female body, saying it's my true form. they put me in a plugsuit like outfit and put a mask on face so the transformation would trigger
>i got scared for a moment and said i was a boy but everyone who saw giggled and said i wasnt (not my sisters, but there were spectators)
>not sure if related to this but there have been instances before and after this where i get mistaken as a girl way more often and sometimes people dont believe me when i say im a guy anymore
