Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:05 Id: caa044 No.8477 del
>apart from that more other me/her and female body stuff occurring
>my sisters visiting slightly more often
>lately have been in murder doll mode on occasion, killing monsters and such (probably more chores from my sisters that shiva anon hypothesized)
>very recently i was on a train and there was a woman, she had red hair, wings, and a tail
>she looked very similar to a succubus but i couldnt tell if this was one of my sisters, the ones who dont show themselves to me often
>she coiled around me like snake and smiled, seemingly glad she "caught me"
>admittedly i resisted out of reflex because i was essentially getting bear hugged/strangled but at some point i somehow mangaed to get myself to stop resist and she loosened her grip and smiled once more
>she still said/implied she's going to watch and be with me after she let go
>later on in the train, i was stuck with 2-3 guys, the same red haired girl and the other me(?) appeared again and massacred everyone except me on the train. they summoned some weird looking dogs/wolves looked pebble/stone like (for reference its a mix of those familiars that charmcaster from ben 10 used to summon and the earthbound immortals monsters from yugioh 5ds)
>after killing everyone, they smiled, approached me and took me with them