Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 15:31 Id: 3d1764 No.8542 del
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I felt from the scenes where he's fighting his way through the ruins, that despite the only ok-ish 3D animation, this anime "had something." That part was almost meditative.

The elf also feels like a pretty solid character compared to standard heroines.

When he made the potion by grinding the bones of the skeleton king, that felt like something which was too close to my own experiences with astral black magic to be completely made up. I asked my assistant to look in the anti-christ archive for any grimoire on this, and there was one!

We used one of my Raid doll spin offs, a servitor dressed in black with only a single edge knife and (incidentally) the paralyze ability. I made this minimalistic doll to infiltrate areas that don't allow magic abilities like fire, sometime during last year.

So we pretty much copied the method, as shown, the grimoire showed how to access a "hall of the skeleton king" where we then paralyzed him and then cut him in half, based on the understanding that evil beings are made from karma and attached in reverse, left side is right side, so the weakness is along their middle. We then took one side each and ground up to a powder and brought it back to the anti-christ HQ.

We asked one of the witches to add the suitable herb to neutralize the toxicity of the bone powder and to make each portion of the left and right side for each one of us (I took the left side), then boil it over fire. It made exactly one potion for each of us, and the effect was instant. If you haven't done this kind of "forced power" magic before, it's hard to explain, the result is a kind of material energy form which very aggressively defends its existence with no strict form.

When I finished my sunflower grimoire and wanted to immortalize it, this was the result as well (to force myself to internalize it, I burned it with some incense in the fireplace, result was similar).