Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 00:56 Id: 3d1764 No.8466 del
Ok. I already solved it though, by using various search and research servitors to create a DNA profile where I started from 100% female and then brought it just over the limit to have male organs while changing as little else as possible. That worked to get through her radiation field. She has now left after getting what she wanted.

This, quite quickly had the same effect as what I did yesterday, which may have caused this
I think maybe the protection was in place all along, since a while back, because I've concluded what it manifested as. The reason I saw it, was that the negative energy on the outside cleared up, at least temporarily, as a result of what I did.
I finally managed to surround and cut off a major evil group so that they had no way to replenish their energy, forcing them to stop their hostilities because any movement they did caused a loss of energy for them, until they just stayed still out of fear of losing more, like an island of rubbish drifting at sea. I attacked them to wipe them out, which caused a chemical reaction to start within them like a domino effect, where they started dissolving in a set direction. It was now 100% clear that they would have to move in that direction, so I took all the evil they had done against me and those on my side, and threw it in their way, forcing them to dissolve it in the process, while the gain went to us. After a while they started complaining and begging for mercy, I told them, why should you be given mercy when you gave none? Then they instantly started cursing me instead, so I told them, was your remorse not deeper than that? This caused them to curse even more, calling me Satan and so on, so I told them, do you think Satan has mercy for you? In the end they had to work off all their debts, and the process was significant enough that their main egregore or spirit had to manifest physically, and turned into the dead reindeer which knocked down the gate.