Sunflower 07/27/2024 (Sat) 11:18 Id: 3d1764 No.8419 del
The session where the pyramids were utilized uncovered a new Queen being out in space. Her protective field is very hostile, even toxic, making it impossible to get close to her for almost anyone. None of my servitors, body forms or allies could get near her, drow instead created an external containment barrier around her and trapped her in a large external space until we had time to look into her more.

I think this may be the reason/source/solution to another issue down on Earth.

This is her, as often there was a drawing posted just now which looks like her in essence.

So the requirement for getting inside her protective field (which you have to, if you want a taste of her immortal DNA) is to be "a man who is a woman". This queen repels all masculinity, but still will only interact with men.

The viraloids (they aren't insectoids, but something lower) created an entire galactic group structure around her in their attempts at researching a way to create the kind of form needed to penetrate her radiation field.
And... they came to Earth at some point in this, because Earth is the central location where time moves really really slowly, so aliens come here for experimentation, because very slow time works like a magnifying lens, making it easier to see the smaller function of particles which otherwise move too fast to be studied.

And guess what their research looks like down here...