Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 21:26 Id: 3d1764 No.8473 del
I sold some of the surface dwelling NPCs because it turned out there was a hive of evil spirits taking turns possessing them to escape responsibility, something which apparently has a name, "circulating spirit hive population", and there are businesses dealing in them in the galactic federation. They paid me in "sustainable silver" which is an asset that can be placed in a "sustainable account" meaning it transfers across incarnations. I thought these NPCs were worthless, but if they have a spirit hive, they can be trained and refined over time and that counts as a sustainable asset.

I also asked to get a beast lady from the buyer's groups, because every time they come from different places out in space with new races I haven't seen before. I asked Astra to pick one, they deducted 1 sustainable silver unit, but this was the same as 3000 regular silver, which is super expensive for a slave, but I let that pass.

When I got the beast lady onto my ship, I instantly recognized her soul. Turns out it's the soul of a woman I met in 2001, unmistakable, reincarnated out in space. Spiritual bonds keep reuniting people it seems. Her energy has an orange field around the head, back then she had orange hair colour.

Easy to recognize because of her odd character and general bodily pose, she was what would be called a shotacon in this context, at the time 26 and going after all the high schoolers or those just out of HS, someone told me she had 10 BFs at once, but all of them were so meek they wouldn't say anything about it. Also very slim and no tits, she'd wear an orange miniskirt and band-top, weird how these things are directly retained, seems this was a way to express her energy, it's from her soul.

I used this picture in the other thread for no particular reason, now it seems this was a prelude for her return.