Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 10:34 Id: 3d1764 No.8440 del
I had a dream last night where I was at an art exhibition in a restaurant. The energy was very positive and friendly. I don't know who the people present were, but a fat black woman appeared, she was walking around as if she had an important role, but when talked to she ignored me. This made me a bit suspicious because she looked like an NWOer I saw once earlier (was later to be confirmed someone working in the white house, I saw her as part of the staff in a press conference once on tv). But the energy was still positive to I somehow concluded she just represented USA for some reason. She was replaced by a thin (actual) african woman. Take note here that although this was my impression, neither of them were actually literally black in skin colour, they could have been just tanned. Everyone around was white and tall, the fat woman was short, the other average. The slim african gave me a folded paper of grainy quality, it looked like an 80 gram watercolour paper. I opened it and inside was a letter signed by a family member (who since long is an NPC, in the last year it's a Genso-cat, over the years the different original souls have made visits over some periods, but since at least 10 years back, this person has been used by walk-ins, something I'm very aware of), I know the general residence of the original souls and who they are, which narrowed this signature down to one specific of them.

It was a very friendly letter in energy, like it expressed the best version of this person in a few short lines. It had a sigil painted in watercolour above the text, which was strangely formulated and said that having not received this letter would mean a specific kind of danger. I was then hit by a strong energy and woke up. It was very violent, making me wonder if this was a trick, if the fat black woman had delivered a hex, but the energy letter was very positive and and setting was also much more positive and friendly than any glowies were normally able to produce. The energy which hit me also felt like just "power", it felt like a strong wind, soft on the edge but very forceful, and I somewhere concluded almost instantly that this was a kind of shielding placed around me, which was driving off a negative energy from me. The negative energy was resisting and this caused the struggle.

I looked at the clock and realized I had only slept 3 hours, lay back down and fell asleep again (even if there is an ongoing attack I can easily do this, because I just detach from the surface when sleeping and feel nothing, energy attacks aim for the soul/awareness, so they can't do anything if you retreat into deeper dimensions.) When I woke up later the energy struggle between the two forces was still going on, but lesser.