Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:24 Id: caa044 No.8479 del
those are the real noteworthy things but also i seemed to have learned the names of my other sisters... somehow. I'm also the 4th(?) there was also some stuff involving that bipolar woman i mentioned in the past. she was enanmored by my sisters and wanted to join them/become like them(?) but i guess the bipolar stuff kicked in and she ghosted and disappeared without a trace but thats about it. I did recently ask my sisters and the other me/her for help one night and i guess this is probably a sign? other changes with my mind are happening... i have the strange desire to work on my speech. apart from having a stutter, i think im probably being too crass with my language. as in saying stuff like nigger, faggot, etc. way too much and over talking in too much slang/weird contractions. there are more buzzing gnats screeching about lolicon and muh pedos, i still do what you suggested and ignore the retards but i swear it feels like NPCs or whatever are getting louder. I've been really interested in things like resident evil and have been playing through the series for some reason. i don't know but it feels like something my sisters wanted me to do. My connection to kiara ha been renwed and has gotten stronger(?) too