Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 21:52 Id: eea2b4 No.8546 del
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As i was clearing some mental fog this week I spoke with my sisters directly (while awake), nothing new as far as I remember. But apart from that I did try communicating with Aphrodite, Ishtar, and that Japanese princess deity. I got confused about things... And admitted I had no genuine clue what to do most of the time. They essentially took turns calling me silly, reiterating that they are still goong to guide me and such they also called me airheaded and that I should use my ears more. As far as otjer visitations go, I think the other me/her are breaking down more mundane barriers(?) in me because I had "dreamt" that I was in a room with a lot of monsters, they represented something but I can't remember what. Some man came in and violently murdered them with a homemade shotgun, I like I could see the gore, the man was only a servant and i think one of mt sisters(?) were there and took me with them, to some academy i think. Last night my sisters were teaching me more battle techniques(?), so I wasn't in yandere kill mode this time around. We were all in some kind of magical artillery vehicle and I was charged with running a group of black mages harvest gems from the corpses and use it to improve myself(?) I killed them but i had an issue harvesting them so my sisters told me to keep practicing since it's important and something i hadnt done in along time apparently. I also saw anthropomorphic bear living with some wolves having a depression crisis and after he snapped out of hit he pretty much iaiado slashed the wolves and stole their stuff. I recall us coming to pick him, can't remember the reason why. Unrelated but this speech correction matter is harder than I thought