Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 22:00 Id: 5f28e8 No.8589 del
>i was too locked into my "default" side of not hurting people
You are holding back on many levels that is for sure. Mostly because you don't know how to exert yourself upon yourself or upon others well enough.
>ereshkigal. a new alt of ereshkigal, her summmon animation came out with blue flames and came unusually fast even for my luck(?)
Ereshkigal rules over the underworld officially. But we don't know enough about Mesopotamian entities nowadays to say for sure what is her complete authority.
>felt a very strange... sensation
The thing is... there are too many things going on at once and I am not sure which causing what effect anymore. But yes there are several awakening forces at play and... who knows. Keep your eyes and ears open for the moments of opportunities and wonder.
Things usually reveal themselves once they meant to be
And don't forget to talk to your sisters more.