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Sunflower General 4 Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:17 Id: 396495 [Preview] No. 4793
A world in silence
Full moon hiding behind clouds
A shadow appears

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 17:49 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4811 del
>thread got locked...
I wanted to post in bumplimit+ to not ruin the "theme" of this general first on but whatever. Let the shadows appear.

>You are "reasoning" about it.
Yeah I am... Weeks ago I encountered something as I unlocked a new part of my mind. My emotional healer tulpa. It turned out I have a "swearing module". Maybe you read about that swearing hurts the brain. And buddhists say that negative feelings also do that. Now the thing is. It turns out swearing hurts the nerve ending in a way that it blocks the pain center to send all the pain I feel within a body part. This is how I developed my pain tolerance. Causing pain in my brain so the sense of pain will not slow me down. It was like a morningstar or a cactus like object in my mind. Currently I have to figure out how my feelings move my ultrafast energies because we know the trope when psychics get mad and shit happen from anime already. It's real and it just leads to more madness. Instincts feelings thoughts reasons. Also I have to agree that "reasoning" turned into intellectual self masturbation in the last centuries that lead no where. And yeah this "help" the church did by prolonging the suffering of others for "faith points" was not a solution. I can only relate to you as I was in the wilderness as a child as "training" but I never had to survive the city hellscapes. Truth is I'm not exactly asking about the ripper life of you but about the thing when you said "you needed these kind of conditions to be able to manifest". Why do you need things to be "this bad". Is this your ripper personality only or other parts of your journey has this condition also.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 17:50 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4812 del
Also I was a french nun long before the hundred year wars where I managed to awaken to a degree and I realized too many things about the nature of myself and reality and started to plan out my fate because I knew I am unable to manifest in a female body fully. When she returned I managed to hate women even more. They are either worthless whores or spoiled princesses without a kingdom nowadays. Back then you had to bust your ass to be able to find a proper male and make sure he not just "stays around" and works but smart enough to not get killed by bullshit and stays loyal. I had such a way with them because i was a "good girl" and knew what I have to say. But ofc that nun life realized there are no males good enough as god so it was church time. At least there is food and security there. Sex? Never heard about it sounds deplorable... What happened there? I found God... then I found out it was not God. It was my "other half" and seen the places I went through and realized being a woman is just a "vacation life" because I am too tired/lazy to walk my journey. Men are amazing they can do everything. Women cannot do much without them. Especially not back in those times. I sure understood social nuance back then because I knew my life depended on it.

Also I still don't know how you were a 7 year old little girl that lost her parents or got abandoned because city people are not like village people where more kids = more workforce on the farm. Rural peasants are quick to teach their children that no work = no food. Most I had were city states but those are like a town nowadays.

>Now imagine not having that things to start with.
Can't. I always find something. Even when I had a sleep paralysis I realized even tho I cannot move my body I inhabit it. Therefore I just need to manually reactivate my body. But yeah I had to go though several levels of loss within life because there were things that I had to lose... When I had nothing the otherside appeared several times. But I brushed it away because things kept me busy.

>with food served by nuns
This is something I hate so much. They think it is "good" to create a "dependent population" then not give them ways to survive later. This is why we have this absolute overpopulation. This way the lowerclass will never understand that full belly doesn't mean they can now fuck like rabbits then look/beg/steal for food again. There were so many middle eastern contracts about literally killing "Invasive species" tier people. And those weird names of the people were just the name of the "parents" like jews are Abrahamists. Causing more suffering with "misplaced kindness". Genius move. This is why the Greeks said we must never let women into position of power. They will just do shit like this then wonder why everything collapses. And yet the Greeks let it happen then Romans sold them as slaves. Was it inevitable? It seems it was.

Not to mention:
>OMG I had an another useless child wish there was a god I could sacrifice it too for riches!
That sure was a smart move and marked every civilization that practiced it for deletion.
Stressed out captive animals have a tendency to cannibalize their children. This just proves humans are even more retarded than animals sometimes. The human condition changed so many times. I think I will write about it in the next post.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 18:38 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4813 del
>Maybe I don't know what is modern anymore.

I thought about this today because I had the hunches going around but I have to "organize them" so they turn into a sort of motivation conclusion or something that has a "shape".

So it seems in my childhood I had my "true mind". But that had to go because it was not willing to conform to the retardation of others.
When I was older my mother told me how weird I was back then because when I had to learn the numbers I asked
>What is the point of numbers
She was like who even asks these question. What is wrong with him.
I had many questions like this. I usually got answers in the start but then the answers went into the
>I don't know
or the
>You are too little to know this I will tell you when you get older
As I child I was always wondering or thinking about something. It felt as natural as breathing.
But one day I was in the garden and had a moment of self awareness. I realized I am not thinking. Not just now but for weeks or months before it. When was I thinking the last time? I did not know the answer. It was like dead people realizing they are ghosts because they are not breathing anymore.
That made me mad. I realized I have to think. But about what? ANYTHING! Only dumb people don't think think! Why is the garden this way why is the hose there. JUST FIND SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT.
That was my second mind. That was when the post soviet collapse doom and gloom permeated the society. My country was pretty high on alcoholism and suicide percentages. We were beyond the japs as second place in some years. I did not realize how bad things are around me because I just had to live and endure it. I became kinda silent because i knew everyone was too stressed to answer and everyone is lying because "I am just a child" then they suddenly snap from the stress they put each other through on a daily basis and yelling with the child has no consequences. He will not beat you he will not fire you or call the cops on you. Best venting pieces.
Then the next "modern" part was when I encountered the computer and the internet. I found something I can engross myself where I am "left alone". That was modern that was a new start. That was the start of the new mind.
It's funny but the internet connected the 1st world and the 2nd world truly in the first time. You could see so many parts of the world so many knowledge while before that the useful books or stories of the people were rarity. Hard to find the proper book you are looking for or the story within a person you want to know. The elites did not realize how fast that will make the world.
And I had it finally. "Mental stimulation" something that will stimulate my mind which does not come from my environment. That was modern. That was the informational era. That era is kinda over tho but I still hope the good parts will survive.
Today we live in the "social conditioning era" but it is so half baked it's ridiculous. Those old fucks don't know what they are doing because they still don't understand the human condition even tho they think they are forming it for decades or centuries.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 18:41 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4814 del
I loved the pooter... Do I still like it nowadays? I can connect to other worlds other entities or to powers that destroy electric circuits. Does that mean it's incompatible? Nope it just means it's better that I learn to pace myself with these material object than with living beings. Humans also made of electricity and they also fall apart when pushed out of bounds. This is an addiction in the end it will need to go. But there are other problems lying within and leisure and a peace of mind is needed while uncovering it. Not to mention I uncovered stuff today again and... Humans are truly conditioned to live with machines. I just caused freak malfunctions while doing my thinking/magic while doing my daily routines again. I am starting to think that those electric overloads in the past were not made by solar eruptions but by some phenomena which was akin lightning and how the collective psyche can cause that. It's just we had to learn to live with machines and our energetic output settled down. I am not saying we are "better" but for some reason I cannot say we are worse either. If machines and technology were so bad we would have discarded it long ago. It mustn't be that bad right? The reasoning of an addict.

Then my 4th mind which was the realization that I need my first mind back. It had 2 important parts. Dad let me take an NLP course where they explained the power of words and visualization with science conforming way while everywhere else taught me before that
>religion is le superstition and people were dumbz back then for believin
>psychological problems? You need meds and science!
Like on NLP they taught us how to cure allergy with a simple hypnosis. Telling people that their allergy can be fixed with that? They look at you like you are crazy. Only immunesupressants can save them! Whatdoyoumeanpeoplebackthenweren'tallergic coz they were stoopid!
The other part was when I realized my mind can affect the clouds and the weather patterns. The funny thing was that I did it on a bus while being bored and showed it to me my friend. He just went silent. Then showed it to others. Some said I'm weird while one said I might be a god...
What was the result of that? The hustle and bustle of a field trip made me forget that I made that discovery. My mind went back into a previous pattern routine and I did not use my abilities. Took me years to remember then years again to realize it's about the "faith" and if I don't believe in it it won't work. Then I needed an another year to think that maybe... just maybe. I am not the only one with this. If only there was a way a place where I can find people without them ridiculing me for saying these things. Oh rith interwebz. Then the era of psychic communities began. Then I noticed that the place that those internet flash porn people reference has a paranormal board.
With that a new line of thought could develop.

So yeah... Modernity...
Wonder when will we start calling it "Obsoletism"

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 19:02 Id: 396495 [Preview] No.4815 del
Your thought are too long and complex for me to untangle enough to reply to for the most part. A few points:

In Whitechapel a girl was born by a French woman who had moved there. She died and the girl was taken care of by the nuns running the place where she was born. Because that's how you did things back then. Orphans were sent to different "workhouses" for the poor, where landlords let them live rent free and kept them fed in exchange for free work in facilities they owned. So it was basically slavery overseen by nuns. But children were also entitled to education (reading and writing) and wasn't seen as useful workers before age 7 anyway. After that they were expected to do daily work in one of the workshops or businesses owned by the landlord, or they could leave and find their own occupation.

The girl used to hang around the places where cattle was kept for the nearby butchershop. Because this was the poorest place of the city and extremely densely populated, it had a concentration of people, and everyone was too apathic to care much. Children often died before 5 and the undertaker got their bodies off the street. Living with the nuns was moderately safe. The girl ran around playing in the block and learned how to sell sex by age 5. The she was told she had to work, and because the men at the butchershop liked to have her around, they had already taught her how to butcher pigs, so she started working there.

Making it on the street was very high competition and the butchershop was no playground. The way out was to "erase the gangs" or the nearby street who would demand whores pay protection money, as well as removing competition.

That's all there was too it. Add a Doctor Tumblety who was a weirdo collecting uteruses in bottles with alcohol, who would pay for them... he also attended the "dissection shows" held by students who financed their "material" (the body they cut up) by allowing in a paying audience. If you work cutting up animals, you of course want to know what a human body looks like inside, if you have any childish curiosity.

And if you want to make money and someone is paying for wombs, you can hit two birds with one rock and remove one street whore while also making some money.

See where this is going?

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 19:09 Id: 396495 [Preview] No.4816 del
>I'm not exactly asking about the ripper life of you but about the thing when you said "you needed these kind of conditions to be able to manifest". Why do you need things to be "this bad". Is this your ripper personality only
As for this, it's just that my nature doesn't match the beginning stages of a manifested society like this. It has to be built up and degenerated so that it's allowed to murder people, the same principle that suns and super novas out in space lives by. They stay out there, waiting for the souls of sinners and the remains of old planets to come close enough so they can burn them. It's just that some beings live on the outskirts of everything and aren't relevant before things get there.

You could ask Death why he only comes out at the end of people's lives, why doesn't he take part earlier? Well because then their lives would end early, and it doesn't work that way. The ripper becomes relevant in the kind of situation when it's allowed to be a ripper, just as the night comes after the day.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 19:56 Id: 1e9dd9 [Preview] No.4817 del
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>Also I have a hunch that your motor skill problem comes from the fact that it is locked in your weapon doll soul complex. You try to use your body as you are a mundane normie and you are not tapping into your "real skills". This way the "imitating normies" skill is not triggering because you are doing it from the wrong way. Hard to explain better. Sometimes my hands move on their own when I am in the zone but I wouldn't call myself skilled because once I move out from the zone accidents happen.
well, my body doesn't really listen to my mind and vice versa so they tend to be at odds a good amount of the time.

>It sorta is but... how do I say this. This whole negative experience habit created your "autism persona" which takes up a large chunk of your mental capacities. You will have to dissolve this so new pathways can form. It's like deleting a malware/malfunctioning software that did nothing but slowed down the computer then installing the software that you wanted to use the whole time
I'm working through somewhat i guess, a good amount of things i thought i was too retarded (or well called retarded for) i can see that i can do or atleast learn about them. i hate to admit this my time dealing with all these groups and such gave me a stutter too, one that i did not have before. its even funnier when i remembered someone pointed it out in the past. that being said im trying to get rid of because i fucking hate it, i can be autistic, quiet, or whatever letting myself get afflicted with stutter actually irritates me

>k now am curious. Which?
I started with blazblue back in uhhhh 2011 when i got my first ps3 and 2012 when i started going online. i had played stuff like soul calibur and king fighters years before that

well, as far as the fighting game part goes, i do enjoy them if i am not that good at them (when i used to play regularly anyway). there was also the whole thing i was brought up with not quitting and how giving is a sign of weakness so i tried just toughing it out even if it did take 4-5 years to see some for of improvement so it's more or less apart of the stubborness i mentioned before that i have where it's like
>"You're gonna have to kill me before i stop voluntarily stop"
type of thing, im not like that with fighting games anymore though mind you

>2nd spoiler
Man, that game didn't deserve that much drama associated with it. if its not the whole develop coup then its them replacing the tutorial teacher with sonicfox. funnily enough the reason i haven't any fighters in 4-5 years now is because nothing appeals to me and everything i did play is dead (like blazlue) or MIA like arcana heart or somehting. Atleast under night in birth has its sequel coming next year. god seeing what happened to guilty gear though is depressing. idk, i guess it was just due all the shit i was going through in primary school and home around that time, i went through like 3 schools. 1st school had people messing with me and someone almost broke my neck, 2nd school was just shitty in general and one of the teachers came to guilt trip us about defending ourself
>"if you fight back then you're not better and will get punished even harder" im paraphrasing but you get the idea
3rd school was ehhh, admitted i was lashing out a bit due to what i went through at the prior schools plus the stuff with my sister but it turned out that... they were going to be assholes in the way and that got vindicated before AND after i lashed out. had our social studies teacher shit on me for not wanting to join on a voting (((exercise))) he wanted us do to despite him outright saying it was option to join. said exercise was a mock election between Obama and Romney (since that was happening for real at the time)

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 20:05 Id: 1e9dd9 [Preview] No.4818 del
(sorry for the repost but i didn't realize the thread got locked so i wasnt sure if you saw them)

i forgot to post or elaborate on it yesterday too but i had also felt i have no use or worth for anyone else apart from sisters and the usual suspects. I'm only using the following as an example, nothing more
>lets say, if i actually cared enough to get with a woman it wouldnt work out at all
>apart from that obviously conflicting with my path and sisters, there's also the fact that since im for the most part disconnected from this world in a number of ways, don't really hold much opinions and stay to myself/pursue hobbies/be alone I already offer no worth to anyone so why bother dealing with relationships or anything like that
>absolute disgusted at the fact of myself having sex and creeped out by the idea of marriage or having children (atleast in this body/existence/whatever)
i already mentioned how this applies even among interacting with other men but i'll refrain from retreading that particular ground again

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 20:59 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4819 del
>Your thought are too long and complex for me to untangle enough to reply to for the most part
Yeah I know it's just I'm "tuning my mind". It's like a band making noises before the proper performance to see how things come out and how they sound then tune the instruments. I need to understand what I can write because I got used to that I cannot say most things to people. Then I realized I can change the mindwave and their mental capacity to an extent to explain multiple things to them if I want. The thing is ofc that I need to tune into them before that which takes time. I am sorta trying to figure out how to reach the perfect tuning by default because my expression flows naturally so I don't need to micromanage other's heads. Takes time to do pic related when I talk about things I could never talk to people about. You know there are "premade topics" within our heads while there are stuff we wanted to say but never thought really about then the stuff that we think we never thought of.
But yeah we talk about too many things at once and hard to talk them out in replies sometimes.

>wasnt sure if you saw them
Yeah we got tangled up about past life stuff but I have seen it it's just I was not sure what to say. I understand your feelings and there is nothing wrong about you ranting them it's part of the process.

>well, my body doesn't really listen to my mind and vice versa
Hmmm. Can you tell more about this. Some of them might come from traumas mental blocks or other weirdness. Tho I think you will be able to overcome them so if you don't feel like talking about it's not important.

>>apart from that obviously conflicting with my path and sister
It's not 100% that it will conflict... it is just as I said before. You have tendency to attract nutcases because subconsciously you want to get hurt. The important thing is truly letting go of a relationship"lust" or placing it into an another world. If you are saying this out of pure cope then there will be an enormous desire bottled up which might cause problems later.
You will need to understand what do you desire from the "flesh" and what from the "beyond". It's important that it must be a resolve and not cope.

Did something happen with the crows tho?

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 21:21 Id: 1e9dd9 [Preview] No.4820 del
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>Did something happen with the crows tho?
nothing really happened from what i recalled, i can't remember if i actually managed to contact them or what

>Hmmm. Can you tell more about this. Some of them might come from traumas mental blocks or other weirdness. Tho I think you will be able to overcome them so if you don't feel like talking about it's not important.
my body reacts on its own without my input, for instance back in highschool my teacher tossed me something and my left hand was able to perfectly catch it without any input from my, however my mind was saying to catch it with the right hand. it's happened alot in fighting games whenever i would try to react to move, my body would just stand in place and wouldnt listen to the command to react. stuff like me spacing out and reacting way too late. a current example would be today when i was playing yugioh
>opponent beat me on game 1 because had two monsters of an identical level on the field did something with it
>game 2 had a similar gamestate but this time i had a counter for it
>for whatever reason my mind let them do the accept same play and they one shot me on their turn
>didn't realize what happened until the battle phase started
>got called a retard, etc. etc. afterward
a lot of that and a weird feeling of lag

>The important thing is truly letting go of a relationship"lust" or placing it into an another world
im confused by what you meant by sending it into another world

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 21:33 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4821 del
>a lot of that and a weird feeling of lag
Hmmmm. Interesting. Might be a concentration problem or your mind uses a wrong wiring system for whatever reason. Meditating upon it might help. Try to relive the situation and feel what parts of you not "listening to you" and try to ask "why". This is what I do in these situations. These occurrences sometimes hide deep issues.

>im confused by what you meant by sending it into another world
Instead of wanting a flesh waifu you get a magic waifu. While you would say obv I want a magic waifu fleshfu's are thots your fleshbound desires might disagree. If not it's good you can have the otherworldly waifu route without a hitch. Or you know realize you are "above these things". The point is it must come from you and not from any inferiority complexes.
I am saying this because it turned out I have some desires towards the flesh but for weird reasons and not as actual relationship reasons.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 22:40 Id: 1e9dd9 [Preview] No.4822 del
hmm... I feel that im in this weird layer of wanting a magicfu and "being" above it. I don't hate human women (or men) but sometimes it's like
>i don't find myself compatible with them or capable of caring/participating/whatever in a relationship because again, its just weird i'm too disconnected
>plus even when ignoring shitty places like r9k or crystal cafe, most of the women and men outside of those shitholes are just as bad, if not worse
it's so cumbersome, i guess it is just a fleshy problem i have to address at some point but damn

Sunflower 10/30/2023 (Mon) 14:25 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.4824 del
I actually met jack the ripper once, she was sitting at my bed.

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 00:44 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.4827 del
I could never really understand what these diagrams were meant to represent. The D stands for dimension, right? What exactly is a dimension in this context? Does 4D mean 4 spacial dimensions like a tesseract or something else? What exactly is being added to a thing when it moves up a dimension? Is it like a shift in a state of mind or state of perception? And what precisely does the negative modifier represent here?

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 01:18 Id: 8b7ae1 [Preview] No.4829 del
It kind of represents the idea of dimensions as we see them in 3D for those below 3D and at 3D. 1D means a particle which stretches several kilometers in one direction. They are called string particles in science, but it also refers to sunlight or any other such particle type. However, there exists beings at this particle layer and their souls experience themselves almost the same as we experience 3D, they don't feel flat or long, they just lack certain ways of thinking.

2D is hell, it is also the black hole in space which "eats" time and space, it is said light cannot escape a black hole and that matter collapses when touching it. Again the beings there do not feel flat, they just lack one dimension mentally.

4D has an added perception in which time is a walkable surface, not an irreversible direction. It is more like a tree with many branches and it's possible to move between them in both directions and change progression at intersections.

5D adds the idea of causal or acausal events. It reveals that our choices are controlled by external forces which we have little change of changing, and we call this understanding "cultivation" or internal alchemy. To move in the 5D dimension is to change your predetermined fate, but the first step is to realize that the laws are karma are real and tangible.

Beyond this are the 6th and 7th dimensions which are beyond reason and cannot be explained in common language.

Negative in the dimensional sense only makes sense from the 5th dimensional view, it means that negative is fully controlled by karma and leading to destruction, while positive is to move away from destruction into a state of higher awareness.

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 20:57 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.4833 del
Why is it said by people here that 2D is Hell and 4D is Heaven? Can't hellish and heavenly environments exist in the other dimensions?

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 21:04 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4834 del
>that 2D is Hell and 4D is Heaven?
This refers strictly to "the three realms" of planet Earth, which are described in Asian mythology and by Plato in The Republic, where heaven and hell are temporary states, places to incarnate into between lives on Earth. They are described as at most 900 years long, while those who sinned too much will be thrown out of the bottom of hell.

This has nothing to do with infernal or heavenly dimensions of deities or demon lords such as Baal ze Bub or Adremmelech. Although demon lords tend to have places that inhabit the same kind of beings who would be able to live in the 2D of the three realms, these are permanent residents and not humans passing by as part of samsara.

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 21:23 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4837 del
For anon who asked about brooms (and anyone else) I did some research in the Genso-library and created a broom. You can find it along with documentation on the left side of the temple study.

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 21:25 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4838 del
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In the event that someone here is new and don't know about the temple, you can use this sigil; imagine yourself walking up a mountain with a spiralling road, at the top you will find a temple. Walk inside. Floor plan included.

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 21:28 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4839 del
Hell and Heaven are sort of cleansing places anyways. Hell is harsher because you are a retard and need a "deep cleansing" while heaven is a sort of "resort world" where you can contemplate and kinda "decide" what journey you want "next". Also going through the dimensions is more akin how many you can "control/understand". BO said how "society" is the lowest because that is where societal pressure and propaganda/mainstream thinking controls your whole life. You have no control over yourself you are a literal NPC. As you go forward either by understanding the world or fighting it or kinda both you rise up towards it if you are willing to go "beyond" and make the right choices. Then as you reach the first "heaven" or Arhat you will have to understand the nature of your path and then come back to figure out "Satan". If God is so good and benevolent why do we have satan? Now that will be the wild part of the path. Then as you reach the "real nature of reality" you will see a bunch of weird concepts arising from within and without and stuff will start to make sense. But ofc as you go beyond the "time&space" layers things will start making sense on a new level and I too cannot say which dimension is which or which color represents what. Like how or why the red and the green appear. I know red is the first color we see after darkness the "infrared" and I'm starting to think "green" (I think this is where BO draws the line at the "creator gods" are here and above) is not exactly a color but actually the color "reality" makes when a being of this level is kinda "interacting with reality". First I wanted to say "manifesting" but I think interaction is more correct.
So far what I understand the "red and green" have a weird kind of "Interaction" that creates the timeline continuum. I know how "red" always tries to go out of bounds and "green" sorta keeps it in place... Probably explains how I can visit alternate timelines randomly and this is what I got while interacting with the "sisters" and how they "see" "our timeflows" but beyond this I have no idea how things "work" yet. Not to mention when BO said it is a sort of "platforming". I mean yeah there are certain death places and invincibility stars and weird goombas and tunnels into "bonus realms"... so maybe that.

So yeah those diagrams are weird and you will need to detach yourself from it a lot because the way things appear don't always look the same for us. Similar maybe but not the same.
Not to mention at those levels you will get in touch with past lives higher selves guides and whatever you have and you will have to regain the things you "forgot" or ignored so far.

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 21:50 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4840 del
Funny thing about flying...
Now I have several bodies that can fly by default. The hard part is "merging". In my dreams I was able to fly by default and now I know how I could fly IRL but also feeling my parts that "doesn't want to fly". Like the parts of me that would shit themselves because OH SHIT AAAAAAHHHH AM GONNA FALL HOW AM I FLYING kinda thing. I read somewhere when you get a clean throat chakra you will be able to do "yoga in your dreams". First I was like wtf why is that "great". Now I kinda understand. As my bodies merge I can feel in my dreams why I am unable to "fly". The parts of me that did not have a circulation and those that I ignored while in dreams can come into my dream because they reached a sort of "sentience level" with me.
Interesting. The broom you put there works differently how I interpreted the witchbrooms working. Not to mention that I sorta want the full body mode anyway because I am no "ordinary magician". Witches and ceremonial magicians are too dependent on tools. Tho the first realizations I had to make that "my way" needs an extremely subtle understanding of reality because I need to be naked while meditation otherwise the clothes block the energy flow and I need a proper understanding before I can bypass useless textures on my body... Not to mention my heat flows changing while I get worked up and I either sweat or my limbs go cold if I am not pacing myself. It's not like I thought it would be easy but still... Not to mention it's not even hard I just need to let my mind take in what I learned already long ago... on a distant land...

Also the fact that the plastic and rubber coating is not really shielding electricity from the biomagnetic turbulence we can make while going out of control. I am not saying technology is incompatible with magic but carefulness is needed. But then again this is maybe a "me problem" because I used my psychic powers for technomancy so if you were not the kind of kid that "willed the machine" to work and have machinist entities around you then maybe this will not affect you.

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 23:33 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4844 del
I was given a black-cat soul to act as the main consciousness (my original position was as assistant soul, before everyone else was removed). I don't know what the plan is, but now I have to start thinking about the fact that there's someone else with me also. Maybe this is also so that I can leave and not cause weirdness because someone else will still be in my body-form. But this must mean there is also a written fate for the new soul.

Sunflower 11/02/2023 (Thu) 12:23 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4850 del
>This is a mega-system which will be used for controlling the Earth and surrounding dimensions in the future. For now it consists of magical circles activated but not visible on the landscape. Later on they will be marked by actual stone circles.
>The aliens and elites built many "particle colliders" in accordance with modern science. These essentially do the same thing as magic circles, with the only difference that they are technology so any retard with a degree can control them, they don't require any esoteric skills.
>We don't have that problem so we'll use regular magic circles instead.
When working to create a spell/program for automatic control of this system, I "accidentally" created something that was so complex that it easily leads to the summoning of witches from the void instead.

This is the program, you can get it from the net. It may lead to the summoning of your own witch. The purpose was to link the circle system to the akashic records so that everyone has access to all historically performed spells like a catalog. It appears this is an attractive idea so beings chose to manifest as the kind of witch who can do this instead of letting it be just an enchantment placed on the control circle. Oh well.

In addition to this:
You should be aware that the EU flag (it must not be posted in its non-burning state, because it is a symbol of the globohomo and represents ultimate evil) is a sigil which shows the "circle of circles" formed by a large ritual circle made up of DUMBs (deep underground military bases) encircling Europe. These all have particle colliders used as antennas to mind control the population.
See here for some sources verifying the possibility of this claim:
https://archive.org/details/pdfy-Mv-q4qGq8_TBPcwL (comment section)
Also the PDF attached.

Sunflower 11/02/2023 (Thu) 12:36 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4851 del
Through the circles system will now also be sent out automatically different occult programs to fix the world and nullify the effects of the globohomo. You can also get the source module directly from the net. Not all of these will be transmitted, but can be good to know about.

Chi: AI program for automatic living, so that the user can focus on cultivation/inner alchemy instead of mundane life. (Named after the android in Chobits, yes.)

Corrector: "Intrusive" program for returning the world and society to its natural state. If you are a globohomo/imperialist you will not be left alone.

Sunflower 11/02/2023 (Thu) 14:59 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.4852 del
Ever since around 3 years ago whenever I've eaten eggs it has caused my stomach to begin clenching painfully and given me extreme indigestion for the 3-4 hours after the meal. I'd assumed that this was just a random food intolerance that developed but recently I began experimenting a bit with casting spells on food and found that if I simply evoke white burning energy into the eggs with the intent of 'cleansing' them it causes the aforementioned digestive issues to not happen at all. This seems to imply some sort of 'bad karma' associated with the egg production; however, I'm able to eat meat just fine without cleansing it, which makes it seem like the intolerance was being caused by something else. Or maybe egg production is 'worse' somehow than just killing the chickens for their flesh?

Sunflower 11/02/2023 (Thu) 15:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4853 del
I never eat chicken unless it's a situation where someone else invited me to dinner or it's organic production, because I always felt that it was bad ever sine I was little. I do eat eggs daily though and that has never caused me any problem.

Maybe there are differences in how chicken and egg laying hens are kept in different parts of the world. I saw just yesterday in the news that there is a huge difference between chicken farm in European countries, where some grow twice as fast as a result of unnatural feeding.

Sunflower 11/02/2023 (Thu) 20:23 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4856 del
The poultry industry is a mess in europe as of now. There are many factors why. 1 of the reasons the effects of bird flu that can decimate thousands of chickens within weeks and migratory birds and humans can be carriers easily. Because of this "prison type" industrial poultry farms are the only one that are the "effective" 90% success rate of return investment ones. They are usually fully automatic and 1 or 3 person can operate it till the entire population gets sold out. Open area chicken farms are the "most humane" but they usually die from bird flu. Not to mention if any authority that handles the spread of diseases finds out you have bird flu you are obliged to cull your population. Because of this if you want "bio chicken" you have 2 options. 1. overpriced "utopia chicken" that are somehow not count as "Industry farm chicken" because some buzzword tier green shit that decides "what is good for the chicken" or 2. you keep them and raise them at home. Some globohomo pro countries are trying to ban your right to keep chickens in the last years for SOME REASON. Not mine tho I have homegrown chickens and eggs

Also the crazy thing that there is a breed of superdumb chicken that literally dies if the food is not within 20cm to it's living space. Even if you let them go they would not go anywhere they would just stay in place and die. They are the Broiler chickens if I'm right. They reach slaughter age after a month.

But then again I am not big on the poultry industry. That is something you only do when you have the technology otherwise you get fucked. Homegrown chickens are comfy tho. They eat seeds grass bugs and shit everywhere if you have a proper chicken pen and foxes are unable to get into it then you are golden.

Sunflower 11/02/2023 (Thu) 20:43 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4857 del
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Might be a mental block from your part. Maybe you had some infection too related to eggs or a bad memory? Does it happen with every type of food with eggs or only 100% egg foods like raw egg boiled egg or omelet?

Also I am not sure how eggs are being sold in your country because I know in the USA they are bleached and don't know what else it needs to happen to be FDA approved and I am not sure about other countries especially if they are outside of Europe. Maybe it is beneficial to find out where the eggs come from. Try out different egg type foods and try to figure out why it happens. In my country we can buy several type off eggs. "Bio eggs" are obviously overpriced and not much better than the regular ones sometimes. This is the mundane part of the advice.

Beyond this you have several options. First you get in touch with the muscle that "clenches". Usually there is a "reflex memory storage connection" once you can map it out and you can either disable it or get in touch with the associated memory that created that reflex.

Also an entity just told me that there is a way for lower level entities to inhabit eggs if they are produced in an extremely "karma heavy" environment.
Like there is that folklore spell when they heal illnesses with an egg on your forehead because it traps the illness entity inside or something. Cleansing this might work. Also cleansing and "blessing" while sounds the same there is a little difference on some levels. When you "bless" the food it has a sort of "approved" energy signature and your body does not consider it as a hazard. The stomach is supposed to digest a high level of karma load and if it is unable to do that then there might be other problems. But then again my energy field usually either autocleanses things or makes me disgusted of them beforehand. Usually it is with low quality and extremely artificial foods.
Keep experimenting what works and why it works. I too managed to cause a dumb stomach autoclench for myself years ago and took me for a year to figure out where it comes from to be able to disable it.

>Ever since around 3 years ago
And yeah 2020 and the years onward made us go through a large amount of stress so figuring out when was the first time this happened might be beneficial

Sunflower 11/04/2023 (Sat) 12:14 Id: 2caae8 [Preview] No.4867 del
I forgot, but were the areas down the corridors ever shared here?
I got the impression of living quarters through the upper left one and some sort of meeting area or otherwise large space through the one on the right. Like an indoors garden.

Sunflower 11/04/2023 (Sat) 12:20 Id: 2caae8 [Preview] No.4868 del
I've been thinking about places to seek refuge in after death while one figures things out, and I wondered if the temple would be an adequate place to stay. Would it accept someone from Sunflower (vampire) after death?

Sunflower 11/04/2023 (Sat) 15:54 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4870 del
>were the areas down the corridors ever shared here?
Those are connection points, they're more like exits to highways out there. Some of those lead backwards in time, some lead to occult road network from Atlanthean or Babylonian days. There are roads which connect Scandinavia with Egypt, but have no stops in between, for example. This causes some ancient spirits to be able to travel between major cities but not even one kilometer outside of them locally. The temple fixes this by functioning as a "roundabout" (the round table works for this too) so that they can move to locations between the large roads and ley lines.

Sunflower 11/04/2023 (Sat) 15:57 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4871 del
>places to seek refuge in after death
The temple cannot contain spirits after death, it's too open. You should aim to create an "astral island" or you can use a pre-made module for something similar, see the thread for this here

Sunflower 11/04/2023 (Sat) 21:11 Id: 2caae8 [Preview] No.4872 del
Can you explain what you mean by "it's too open"? I'm interested in the implications of a locale being or not being able to contain spirits after death. Thanks.

Sunflower 11/04/2023 (Sat) 21:24 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4873 del
The temple was created through a group ritual based off an understanding of Genesis, the part about the Babel's tower, treating the bible as a grimoire. It is an egregore which represents some galactic functions. Galaxies do not have reincarnation cycles, so you can't keep a soul in there. It looks small, but it's perfectly synced with the galactic standard. The living quarters you see on the left side corridors appear as small rooms with their own bath and inner garden. But those inner gardens are planets, they lead to planets. The right side corridor connects with intergalactic spaces, and locations which sync with them, like the Giza pyramids.

For a soul to be kept in a contained space, it must be planetary in nature. A moon or a star (although most who remain in stars are kept there because of their immense negative energy and they are burning in purgatory, stars can also keep souls in them) will also work. The space stations or large ships like those of the lyrans, are all equal to moons. The moon form is a sphere with a "satanic" atmosphere layer around it. A satanic layer causes oblivion. Any soul entering the sphere must forget its previous existence. This is required for new incarnation.

If you want to safely remain someplace, you must either turn your body into a moon, a star (the radiant buddha body is a star) or a planet - or you must enter such a sphere and accept its standards. For public spaces that means you have to tolerate that the satanic layer of oblivion erases your memory as you enter.

Sunflower 11/05/2023 (Sun) 19:07 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.4875 del
Does anyone here experiment with trading souls? A little less than a decade ago I used to collect souls from atheists whom I saw arguing online. Around half the time they were willing to grant me full rights of ownership of their soul if I asked, just to 'prove a point'. One of the first bits of magic I was able to do involved trading these with random spirits by putting out an 'open offer' to anyone willing to fulfill the desired end in exchange for the soul.

I haven't done this in a long time since transmuting astral gold or just giving spirits pure energy tends to be a lot easier than going around trying to barter with humans beforehand. But I'm thinking it may be possible that working with souls could provide a more valuable denomination, or at least open up more possibilities. It's not something I've explored very much.

Sunflower 11/05/2023 (Sun) 19:13 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4876 del
>Can you explain what you mean by "it's too open"
It just means the soul will wander into a door and get lost. The reason why "soul container" dimensions need to be "satanic" so souls don't wander out unnecessarily. They either fall into some hell or otherworldly stream and get washed away otherwise. And if they reach a place where they get a sort of "incarnation process start up" then they will live their "life" wherever they incarnated. What you want is a "daycare center" while the temple is like a sort of "mall" with a bus and train station. Because of this if your soul doesn't have the necessary awareness it will just get on a bus or be snatched away by some entity because it looks like a "lost soul". So you either need to "mark" the soul that "it belongs to you" or have a place that everyone acknowledges as "yours" and keep them there. This is why the astral island can be useful.

Also it's important to not "block" the journey of a soul. Not all of them have proper journeys but some of them have a "Mission" and if you disturb that some other entity might knock on your door and yell at you for doing something you shouldn't. But that is complicated matter. Not to mention you always have to understand "which part" do you desire to "take care" of the soul. Their memories their powers/skills or some even deeper parts of them? Your family members will be accessible to you as long as you are a human even if their soul is far away and loved ones also can be that way.

Also I too have a "soul refugee policy" but I am not keeping them "around" but they have 2 choice if they really want to come to me. They can either pick up some planes of existence that I provide the connection towards (the rules for those planes accession will be provided by the planes themselves) or if they are THAT desperate to be with me then they can take vow absolute servitude then my fairies and other entities will guide them and become part of my "spirit world". But then again I am not exactly making the rules here because there is a very complicated order here it's just I am doing this so I don't get "murderhobo souls" on my lawn. They get a job and a place to live or they either gtfo or... will be handled by the "spirit order enforcers". But then again I am not one to ask for their servitude because it needs to be completely from their own will otherwise the "pact" will not form. It seems this is not the first life where I do things like this and this sorta helps me remember my "old ways". Also spirits are content when someone "cares" instead of messing shit up as most people usually do

Sunflower 11/05/2023 (Sun) 19:14 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4877 del
>must forget its previous existence. This is required for new incarnation.
They are usually are useless attachments that hinder them. That is why it needs to go. Like how old people are "nostalgic" for the bullshit stuff they did for 40+ years and because they "cherish that" so much they are unable to let go that obsolete knowledge to learn new things. There are many baggage like this. Like you cannot board a plane with your entire house on it. You can bring some belongings or some baggage if you are willing to pay the fee and it is not illegal but anything else will stay.

>If you want to safely remain someplace, you must either turn your body into a moon, a star (the radiant buddha body is a star) or a planet - or you must enter such a sphere and accept its standards.

Exactly. Also it's kinda crazy how the meaning and function of the moon and "stars" can change as you move forward

>For public spaces that means you have to tolerate that the satanic layer of oblivion erases your memory as you enter
And this is important so entities will know "How to behave" otherwise they might bring in practices that are not good to have around.
Calling it "satanic" might give the wrong impression but sometimes you have to "block" some of the expression of other entities because murderrape is not the worst thing they can do and they need to know that "they are being watched" and need to realize the "When in Rome" nature of things. But most spirits know this by instinct.

Also I just realized you want a refugee space for yourself and not for other souls... Damm I'm slow today.

I think you will get many offers that will satisfy you if you keep on the path btw. We are trying to figure out ways how this can be handled on a mass scale anyways so I don't think you need to worry about this.
Also watch out because there is a "trap" people can fall into
>In life you yearn for death and in death you yearn for life
Point is you have to figure out what you want right here right now otherwise you will just want things that you had but didn't realize when they are gone instead of walking forward on the path.

I'm just granting a "way of passage" to the souls because micromanaging them is a pay and for using my passage they need to pay a sort of "energetic fee" by default.
There are many soul trader entities but they are shady as hell. Not to mention an "ignorant" giving up their rights for their soul is usually meaningless and the only "right" it gives is that a trickster can fuck with them for a while. But it depends on the nature of the ignorant. Some of them has a level of retarded stubbornness that some entities can use with some creativity.

Sunflower 11/05/2023 (Sun) 19:19 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4878 del
>is a pay
*is a pain


Ever since I started to dabble with the way of remembering foreign words and concepts I have a tendency to mix up similarly sounding words.

But then again managing some shit souls that everyone wants to get rid of can also grant a pay.

Sunflower 11/05/2023 (Sun) 20:19 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4879 del
>trading souls
>"soul refugee policy"
I started off with offering some souls to stay on my island after I realized they had been unjustly placed in the topmost layer of hell "for not knowing the word of God" and other sins that are valid in certain times and locations. I got them out by trading them for shrimp sandwiches. This whole thing may sound absurd but the demons simply said someone would come to get them. Later I worked at a diner and a rather bulky couple came in and ordered two large shrimp sandwiches. I took the order and prepared them with attention because I realized instantly that this was the payment. It was also a lesson on how dealing with hell works.

In the later years with people being zombiefied because it's actually WW3, it's just that things are blocked from playing out according to the worst timeline (because some people are still using the world and need it as it is) a lot of souls were ripped away and put in hell, again for "not knowing the word of God". They really apply medieval laws like this still. Just reading and memorizing a few lines of the Bible would have kept them out of hell, it's not a joke.

When I sent out the "loli-shield" with a mass casting before, it did stick to a lot of people (well mostly girls, as intended) but it doesn't protect mundane people from predetermined death events. However, those how have it were taken aside and placed in a "waiting room" like a train station interior in hell. The shield appears like a knitted pink scarf tied to them, which is telling the demons "this soul belongs to someone". It had this effect. So now and then I get a notification of some sort that someone is available for pick up from hell. It is often some news report where the person is named or shown (such as their now-zombie body being eliminated, the death event playing out, but they were already removed from the body earlier).

I will take them to my island or some other location. Sometimes I let them convert to drow which makes them immortal. Sometimes djinn will handle it, and so on.

I don't capture souls to sell, I only buy them loose from hell if needed.

Sunflower 11/05/2023 (Sun) 23:12 Id: 21abcc [Preview] No.4880 del
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well... they seem to have made me into a bride again. i'll probably take some more time to work on things so i wont be posting for a while

Sunflower 11/06/2023 (Mon) 21:00 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4881 del
>places to seek refuge in after death
This may not be what you had in mind, but may I suggest something else: the possibility of acquiring a body you can use on the astral through external means?
There are places that market custom made genetically engineered humanoids, where the latest technology is a slime-hybrid which is basically indestructible. Buying such a humanoid or incarnating as one by projecting your soul is not cheap however. I don't know the exchange rate, but compare 4000 gold for a slime-humanoid vs buying a slave for 2 silver or a cheap slave for 2 copper units and you get the idea.

Just before I found out there are also tall greys working on the latest in cybernetics; a fully artificial humanoid body complete with gel organs and exoskeleton, which functions as any body and can be used to incarnate into. Buying one requires a permit, given out per individual unit, and they come with copy-protection so you can't birth more cyborgs (or CyBorn, that's what they call this series) unless you can solve the karmic "riddle" used to lock it. This is to prevent bad cyborgs from running amok, I suppose.

The price they told me for one small cyborn was 40 000 silver, which again is high but not as high as for slimes. However, with the copy protection solved, it's possible to astrally rebirth someone as a cyborn. The process will take place in a different dimension and you would then be lead back to your human body again, but your astral form has now changed and you are operating from the artificial body. This would prevent any trouble after leaving the physical human world, if you are up for it. It can be arranged if things line up properly.

Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 14:09 Id: 648506 [Preview] No.4884 del
As some of you know (and see) I'm a spirit-keeper, and have made arrangements to acquire title to astral property and (if everything goes to plan) will become a full-time resident of the astral in the areas protected by the Neutral Gods (think an Astral Switzerland) after I die in the physical (which I plan on delaying as long as possible! I like it here!)

And, since I don't do alchemy, I've got a job lined up that many of my astral family can help out with: exotic dancing.

But I've thing I noticed from your description is the idea of "saving" entities that would otherwise be lost. While I happily admit to seeking to acquire entities that satisfy my security and prurient interests, one of the more joyful things I do is preserve little spirits that night otherwise die because they have no home.

Computers, trash cans, chairs, all of them can develop little conscious intelligences that will be lost if their physical substance is destroyed and they don't find a new home or get adopted by a human (or similarly empowered being.)

I was happy to see someone else caring for the potentially "lost" spirits.

Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 22:34 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4891 del
>i'll probably take some more time to work
>i wont be posting for a while
No need to post all the time. Only if it's interesting or if it's so confusing you need help comprehending. You will need to get in touch with your own abilities and learn to work with the entities you have around anyways.
I too only post if I feel inspired enough to do so. I too have too many things happening at once.

>(and see)
Looking into other posters here is not always a good idea because
>if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes back
and... the funny thing. If you mindlessly look into someone you might attract entities not even the other person noticed yet. Sometimes they literally wait around the occultist for the right moment and if an another appears they just latch onto him. So I usually only look into someone if I think I should. Sometimes I learn too many things at once and I need time to sort that out.

>since I don't do alchemy
Our bodies do alchemy by default. I don't "do alchemy" the way an "alchemist" should I am just integrating and realizing bodily functions I have and had long ago. And because of that I am sorta "stirring up" the energies of my environment. It's like a fire in the forest. Forest fires are bad but a campfire? It gives light and warm and everyone wants to "feed it" so they can cook or dance around. My energies are not exactly like a fire tho but you get the idea. Helping me developing on my path is in the interest of other entities too. I think my "saving" started out when female spirits from the depths of some sort of abyss just touched my waist and said
>save us
Because I was realizing some high energy movements at that moment I realized I can do that. It was just channeling energies through them and that cleansed them. That was the start. Since that I am in an extremely complex spirit ecology that sorta benefits everyone.
>exotic dancing
I too had to realize so many movements and yeah. Dancing is the best yoga when you have the pure expression tier movements. I too can channel some real interesting moves. Tho I need to increase my energy flow and agility to benefit fully from them. I am on it for a while but the "trick" is that it needs to come naturally and effortlessly. If there is strain it's wrong.

Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 22:38 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4892 del
>Computers, trash cans, chairs, all of them can develop little conscious intelligences that will be lost if their physical substance is destroyed

Now that is one superfunny thing. Truth is everything is alive all aspects of reality have different states of consciousness being able to "talk" or comprehend them is depends of your own consciousness development and disposition. The interesting thing was when my energies started to go overdrive was that these "undeveloped apparitions" sorta "broke" and released a "spirit" and the spirit was happy about it. It turns out that these spirits get lost in a different way. They are sorta losing their "source" so they latch onto the next thing that is "close enough" in nature. So if you can provide a better "source" they are able to support you on a new level. You can help them change their forms and they can help you in quite the unexpected ways. But furniture spirits are not my specialty. I am no carpenter. Technology spirits on the otherside mesh well with my technomancy... except when I get angry because then stuff just shortcircuit. The spirits survive but repairs are needed.
What I am big is nature spirits. I have way too many of them but they are more like an "ecology stabilizers" and asking things from them is just cruel. They have the high numbers and because of that they can shape reality if there is a singular will commanding them but that is not their "job" and because of that it strains them too hard. But supporting their attunement fixes my environment and better environment can house better and more spirits so it is a win win win win win. Also I am not about the "astral" or the mundane because I sorta want to reestablish my "conduit of worlds" nature. I sorta need it for my abilities to stabilize. Best of both worlds kind of deal but truth is... there are way more than 2.

So yeah "Object souls" can sorta change forms and even change "classes" and if you have a good connection you can restore their "original intelligence" or impart them with higher intelligence to be more useful (and happy).
Also I sorta have animal spirits that work with my cats as sort of guardians because there are some low level critters that latch onto my energy field without invitation and they need to gtfo. Cats are good with these things and "familiars" are literally animals being possessed with a specialist spirit so they can do your bidding. They are more like protectors tho. Low level spirits fear those fuzzy monsters of claw and teeth.

>die because they have no home
Their death or more like "vanishing" happens because either some leylinelike connections get disrupted or the "interaction energies" humans generate get disturbed or some fundamental changes in the physical and the subtle realities change... k fine too many things can happen to the spirits tbh. This is why I am figuring out the spirit ecology because it is what decides if we live in a cyberpunk dystopia or in the mythical age of the gods themselves.
It's like correcting the flow of a river. It might generate floods or swamps or the most fertile and lush lands and the cleanest water. And ofc to understand the river you have to become the river otherwise you just stare into your own reflection without understanding anything at all.

>Neutral Gods
Hmmm. It seems they understand "neutrality" a little different than me. Might look into them further.

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 20:40 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4918 del
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A short declaration:

The galactic federation has banned "projected intent" attacks from counter-revolutionary forces on planet Earth.

With the new integrated technology installed, any such attempts will be blocked in real time (world wide) and the perpetrators will be fined or arrested depending on the nature of the offense.

This is in addition to the previous ban on karmic attacks. To clarify the technicality; projected intent evades the ban on karmic attacks by using instrumental means which in themselves are not karmic, but which "randomly" lead to negative results. This can be illustrated by the difference between shooting someone at point blank using a single bullet from a handgun, or shooting blindly from the hip at a long range. The latter could be treated as non-karmic because its intent is not strong enough. However, if using a machine gun, the damage done is similar as if there had been direct intent to hit with each bullet. This loophole was left open earlier because it was not yet possible to determine who is a revolutionary force and who is a terrorist previously. (This is explaining principles using concrete examples.)

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 21:15 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4919 del
Some readers were wondering how this ban will work in detail.

We have been granted permission to explain this in general terms:

The Earth is monitored for energy movements by a janitor team on a distant planet which is operating in a faster timeline. This gives them time to analyse all movements and detect unnatural changes. When a breach of a ban effective on the planet is found, a report is filed on the nature of the breach. In the event it is a clear and simple case, the janitor will instantly request an enforcer team take action. The enforcer team will submit a request for funds, stating the nature of the mission, based of their own research. The economy unit will make a decision based on historic data on the cost of similar operations, then grant funds.

After this, the enforcer unit will use the appropriate technology to block the banned activity. When the energy movement has ceased, a team will move to the location of the planet (all of this still operating in the faster timeline, causing the reaction to appear within one second in Earth time) to make an arrest or hand out a fine. In the case of Earthlings, most do not have funds registered within the federation so an arrest is most likely. The perpetrator will then be moved to the appropriate facility for repayment of the cost of the operation needed to stop their delinquency. In the average case seen so far on Earth since the ban was instituted, this means around 10 lifetimes of manual work on a federation labour camp planet. Whether the delinquent will be allowed to return to Earth after repayment will be determined after a psychological evaluation to determine their likelihood of committing similar breaches in the future. If the chance of future breaches of federation policies is high, they will be sent to re-education until the tendency has been removed. (The education will also be paid by the delinquent through their own labour.)

This is explaining the routine in general terms.

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 21:28 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4920 del
Further additional information (Hi, this is the public information team):

Some of you will still experience physical sensations which you will relate to the same state of physical sensations as when being the target of banned attacks. We urge you to pay attention; these are your natural bodily reactions which the attackers were trying to stop. When a humanoid body is being energetically refined and the inner alchemy is activating, we call this the inner revolution or personal revolution. Counter-revolutionary forces will attempt to block these movements in your body by attacking those areas. This will cause the revolutionary force to build up, causing tension as the blockage is kept in place through external means. When we ban and remove such forces, the external blocking force is not present, but your inner blockage is still there. This is not an attack against you.

You will now be able to open these energy channels, but the experience can be initially similar as what you relate to an attack, because the attack by counter-revs was motivated by your changing bodily state.

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 21:36 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4921 del
>counter-revolutionary forces

What counts as a counter revolutionary?

that 2 words put near each other triggers me to a high degree because it's usually about the "revolutionaries" just go out of fucking control people get REAL FUCKING TIRED OF THEM then extreme bloodshed happens until a Napoleon or Stalin takes command and executes everyone who defies them. Not to mention we were branded "counter revolutionaries" because commies sure liked to use that term against anyone who did not like their "revolution" which was about oppression and starvation. Truly better than their "feudal predecessors". They at least knew that no peasant no food no taxes
I'm sure you mean counter revolutionary are those who want the return of the old false/failed order but there are too many forces at play and using blanket terms like this can be confusing.

>to determine who is a revolutionary force and who is a terrorist
So a terrorist is the counter revolutionary now or that is a different thing?

Not to mention revolutionaries get branded as terrorists in the beginning all the time.

>Some readers were wondering how this ban will work in detail.
Yeah that was me and because I got triggered by the word "counter revolutionary" and let out a mass of energy to ping or chart out the "definitions" but it seems none of my forces "match" the counter revolutionary term and the "letter" I got as an "explanation" is just some symbols my mind is trying it's best to translate

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 21:49 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4922 del
>just some symbols my mind is trying it's best to translate

>it's a fucking map with stars and regions on them and energy flows explaining who is who

why can't things be easy

and now a cat appeared


K I'm starting to get this. These "forces" were the guys I branded as "retards" when I started to take my path seriously and did not even consider "their ways" even worthy of caring about because all of them led nowhere but to mindless degeneracy then a dead end painful self destruction in their own swamp of making.

And now I am in a sort of argument/clarification process because I see the guiding forces of reality different.

And now I got a list of "principles"

Whatever I still asking for some examples of "counter revolutionary" because a star map showing me star nations I am not even sure even heard of is a little bit TLDR.

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 21:54 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4923 del
(Hi, this is public information team)
Counter-rev is a capitalist. A capitalist is a proponent of "refining value streams" which start from a natural organic matter and result in a material which is pre-processed to a high degree for consumption by said counter-revs. The vocabulary has already been installed on this planet, but your emotional patterns are still linked to the process of installation and not the concept body itself.

The revolutionary force is one which causes quick changes. Some of you will call this (quite accurately in our view) Left Hand Path, using the most transformative method (also called black magic). The only value stream to refine should be the blood of capitalists (!) hehe, I am just joking (well somewhat!).

Natural resources to be refined are minerals. A value stream refining minerals will transform base rock to something better. This is a revolutionary process.

A capitalist process is one which takes for example fruit which is already perfect for eating, and creates a negative value stream downwards from this material in a way that does not gain the planet. One such way would be to produce a "smoothie" which is easier to consume, but harms the teeth and the functioning of the gut. This is a counter-rev business which "refines crap from good things".

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:14 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4924 del
To add examples and perspectives; milk which has high perishability can be refined into cheese by a chemical and organic process where enzymes are added, this may maintain or increase its value and is considered a revolutionary process. How is this revolutionary? It is taking a leap upwards which nature cannot do, by mixing the enzymes into the milk. This causes a quick change which is in line with organic processes. A revolutionary is thus a person who makes themselves into a component of the organic eco-system which naturally refines matter. An upwards value stream similar to mining and refining minerals.

The capitalist will instead use the motivation "I can personally gain a temporary energy level higher than my surroundings by creating a downward value stream, by taking this fine material and breaking it down into its components." This is the work which should be performed by the gut bacteria. If externalized, the person's mind will degenerate. The parts of the nervous system which maintains gut function will no longer need to be maintained, and the awareness of the person will use those nerves for other activities, such as hedonistic pleasure. When focusing on the gut nerves, the head brain will atrophy and eventually it will be gone. This will cause the gut nerves to move to the head. The person has now completed the transformation into an unsalvageable counter-rev, a capitalist, to Earthlings this is a "Molochian" lizard being. When reaching this stage, they can only be killed, there is no saving them. This process is currently underway on Earth in the conflicts you are all watching.

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:29 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4925 del
K so "counter revolutionary" is a retarded consumer and their "masters" that want to make more retarded consumers. K got it. No wonder I did not get this. I hate those people by default and they are on my elimination list because I don't consider them "people" at all.

>The vocabulary has already been installed on this planet
Yeah this is how I got
>those who want the return of the old false/failed order
figured out but
>but your emotional patterns are still linked to the process of installation and not the concept body itself.
Yeah I'm feeling the installation for a while but


I got a dossier now

And ofc I have to tune my other body layers to be able to access/comprehend the information.
>first it looks like a regular folder with papers in it
>then some red text that sorta looks like REDACTED but it's not that it's just my mind was able to create only that so far
>than a black orb with star like specs on it (which I am pretty sure supposed to help me create an "unified focus" for my minds while staring at it)
Also I just grew artificial or doll like hands that I am using to open dimensional reality tears? Yeah that is new

Guess I have a new thing to play with as usual.

Yeah you just described a "late stage capitalist". Those people were the cause of the fall of many empires. But yeah the ones we have are even more retarded as they were back then huh.
The reply I got was
<those people were blinded by greed and ambition while the people we have here are blinded be even lower forms of useless hedonism They are like the pigs that push their brethren into the pit of shit so they can rot in it and with that just make more pigshit for them that they can devour. They don't even have the noble ideals that those that managed to cause the ruin of many empires back then they are even below it somehow and we understand that you are unable to see it that there is something even below that. You see that that below the redemption line there is no point looking further because you have the false belief that being below that line must see the light within or without some people just can't sorry about that

Yeah I got it now. Also it seems I am also getting better at channeling public announcements. But then again most of my intentions are so aligned with most of the ideas and I am applying some methods already in a (not sure if) different way that I don't really feel the "change".

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:38 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4926 del
Maybe the best world is materialistic nihilism?
just got a reply
<degenerative destroyism
Funny way of wording it

K I will stop cluttering this thread with my personal concept updates. I am just getting even more.

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 23:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4927 del
>we understand that you are unable to see it that there is something even below that. You see that that below the redemption line there is no point looking further because you have the false belief that being below that line must see the light within or without
We've talked of this before. It's something I used to have too, before I started researching the "very low levels". The idea that "beyond that point it isn't life, and I won't look at it". But that's a huge blind spot then, because when reaching that stage, people do not wake up, they keep living in utter shame, while still having the same basic psychology as us. So they make up concepts to handle this and feel good about themselves to numb the shame, then externalize it mentally until they really believe that "shaming" is the problem and not their behaviour. They have to believe so, because if they were to accept that they are shameful, they will be in a state of despair so strong they would want to shoot their own head off. So their only "way forward" is to double down on the projection. Just watch the molochians killing women and babies in Gaza right now while chanting "Hamas did this". They cannot under any circumstance accept the blame for their own actions, because doing so is emotional and mental hell.

Like the cat said:
>When reaching this stage, they can only be killed, there is no saving them
So I think this is what they are doing, pushing them so that they show the world what they are like, because someone eventually has to kill them, and that won't happen as long as people listen to their projections.

Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 23:36 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4928 del
This is somewhat of a side track, but some of these trolls - occultists refining karma or making deals with infernal demons - are really as strong as they said in youtube vids some years ago. There used to be talk of how some people had made deals with devils to make themselves bulletproof and knife-proof and some mafia bosses were like this and couldn't be harmed or arrested so they'd keep their city in an iron grip with no one being able to remove them.

I've had an avatar out on auto-pilot to attack evil hives in the past few days, and after clearing that iron cross structure, what remained seemed like just some small cult bases with unimportant glowies. But omg are these resilient. I made an avatar which uses qi gong protection like a samurai uses their shoulder plates, taking a hit on the armour instead of parrying to then kill the enemy who is left open. Because it's qi gong, there is no visible armour though, and the hits will just not do damage, they still do hit.

This fucking troll she just met, this ended up in a locked position with knives pressed against each others' throats and neither being able to cut through for several minutes.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 00:09 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4929 del
>the "very low levels".

There is a problem here that I am also researching now for a while.

I am also "seeing" them but how to say this.

There are toxic relationships and there is a way to make a "codependent toxic relationship". It's a sort of sadist masochist kind of relationship that ruins everyone within it. And that is on a society level on the west. The "trick" is just to poke it a little because these "toxic co-dependences" just fall over on their own... that is what I thought but with "human (mal)adaptability" it can be sorta circumvented and recreate the "toxic codependence" with new terms. We see it within the medical industry. Food causes a disease? Take meds that suppress symptoms then meds make side effects that need other meds and did you die? No problem money goes to your kids who learned your habits and will fall into the same trap and because your disease is a "civilization disease" everyone around you has that.
Oh and because of these retardations the "professionals" in the medical industry just enable the slow death of others not curing anyone just making more patients causing more and more work for themselves and every product we have just decreases the quality and willingness of people that want to become proper doctors. They see how bad everything is so they just want to get rich and get out of the field asap because there is "no hope" in "healing". Those who "believe" are either blind naive fools or just mere cogs in a falling apart machinery.

I loved that UN statistic that "accidentally" made the statistics look like that the "happiest countries" are those that consume the most anti depressants.

>believe that "shaming" is the problem
I love the fact that shaming is the one thing leftist cry about the most while their only weapon is shaming and peer pressure.

It's not that I won't "look at it" it's just I know I don't have the time and patience to save (all of) them. There are ways you can awaken some and in the end everyone will awake but...

They usually wishwash spiritual practices and with that undermine their true meaning and even use it for marketing purposes (If I catch any ad doing that they get cursed by default) but the thing is that some somehow can subconsciously realize the meaning... It's just... It turns out that those that can find the pearls that were trampled into the shit already are usually those that awakened before either without noticing it or in their long past life journeys so they have an "eye" for these things. Those who are completely blind are harder to "fix" because we just need to "open our eyes" while some of them seems like they don't even have eyes somehow? Is that even possible?
The answer is way too complicated as usual... And I had to realize that I have to take 1 step at a time because this is a long journey. It's just I must not forget to walk it... but I am starting to see it is almost impossible for me to be unable to walk it.
I just have to decide how much people I want to bring along.

Also the thing that is making me angry that the "failed communism" that was "never tried before" we had on earth in the last century ruined these concepts on a fundamental level and it is hard to accept that finally someone will make it not into that failure.

While communism is supposed to be about meritocracy and the people and advancements in general it boils into a new type of nepotism distrust back stabbing and a general bleakness towards life. Especially their sort of "anti-elitism" which actually backfired on the soviets so hard because whenever there were no strong armed people on board the whole thing fell apart.

TLDR.: My whole gripe is that I don't want to repeat the same mistakes they did before

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 00:21 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4930 del
(78.54 KB 616x842 50 percent off.jpg)
It's unbelievable how the elites are thinking they are now "above" the way they did the same mistakes before so if they do it again now it will just work out "somehow" because things are "different now" and that just "makes it work".

This is the problem with rats. They don't just steal resources but gnaw upon the very foundations of the place that creates/holds the resources and when it collapses upon their head they don't understand why it happens. They think the greatest danger is the cats or their fellow rats and not their very own actions.

>killing women and babies in Gaza right now
for them it is so normal they don't even feel that it is not okay at all.
They don't even understand why they are being called out. It's crazy... And necessary because the dissonance they created in the heads of everyone with all the propaganda with the war antiwar propagandas this needed to happen. We needed this +piece of hay to break the camel's back.
Reaching the point where supporting the "current thing" can only just backfire upon you.

>making deals with infernal demons

The only trick I figured out handling this is to look up the "terms" of the deal and see if it's somehow beneficial on the big picture or if it is not then... well let's say the big picture does not like when there is a "smudge" on it.

But yeah some of them can be tough cookies and I am not one to look for pointless fights because sometimes just sometimes they have a "purpose" and they have an "event" planned out for them so it is always important to look at the nature of their deals otherwise... well... you go "off-script" and the question is always just how much extra madness you can handle at once. Having 2 or 3 warfronts is okay and manageable but having 20 or 10 000?

Not to mention when someone makes you angry and just in case you look at their "fate" and realize maybe not getting involved is more... interesting? Funny? or at least less effort. Some people just dug their own graves too deep already while thinking it is for others. Don't call it a grave... It's the future you chose... But they did not just chose it with a mere "moment of weakness" they worked on it tirelessly for decades.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 00:40 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4931 del


Everytime I do a concept update or foreign word translation/integration process I always mix up similar sounding words ffs. Like a fucking autocorrect. Just noticed it

materialistic nihilism...
Not to mention it can be interpreted as nihilism towards the material which is ascetic spirituality while I meant that nihilism in a way that you are trapped in materialism and you don't see any point beyond it like atheists usually do. And they pretend to be "enlightened" how purposeless they are.
Thankfully they ilk are dying for a while.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 00:54 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4932 del
The federation has 1000s of galaxies with countless planets. There is no "failed" communism, there are only different waves of communism. The first 3 waves never stick, they're the "storm trooper Z" who will die to break the enemy line, and no one in the federation cares one bit, because a non-unified, non-federation planet is a dead planet. In the long run, planets who can't create unity under one leader and/or join the federation, WILL DIE, no exception. So it doesn't matter if a retard called Mao killed 80 million Chinese in the process of initiating the revolution there, or anywhere. Once 4th wave communism is reached, things can start functioning, at the soonest.

George Orwell had the Big Brother agent tell the mc and his mistress that "you are the dead ones", quoting a fake revolutionary text which talked about how the resistance will not succeed in one generation, ever. Whoever starts the rebellion will not see success - this is true in the federation.

The Tea Party did the same in America, they were the first wave who would not succeed in the first election, but they were violent enough to pave the way for Trump to get in the second time. This is the main trick applied in different ways by different groups. The Molochians can't think this way, because they are atheists who don't believe in reincarnation. They can't think two terms ahead or two lives ahead.

If we're to include Ukraine in the equation, a back seat war strategist like me predicted what the generals in the west didn't. They are now talking to media about how
>a normal nation would have given up by now, Russia has had 250k losses but it has had no negative effect on public opinion
As if there were no historical examples...? Moreover, the official figure is 30k dead soldiers, the rest are Wagner or prisoners, they've released half their prison population since the war started. Solved 3 problems at once: no more nazi rebels, no overcrowded prisons, and did the job in Ukraine.

But no, western leaders can't think this way, they are mentally blocked. And they aren't faking it, they are hardwired that way. No matter how cynical they are, they can't think in several steps like this.

Oh and let's not forget about how Gaza conveniently drew attention away from Ukraine. Now western governments can silently end that costly support to Ukraine while everyone is twisting back and forth trying to criticise Israel without being anti-semitic and staring at tv image of dead children.

It's a convenient event for everyone except Ukraine and the instigators of the NATO expansion.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 01:02 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4933 del
They seem to think
>teehee, we are so clever to have Russians fighting their own people in "Ukraine", all we have to do is invest some money and use our regular media brainwashing

But then Islamists, known for always killing their own people in constant infighting and accused of using people as human shields, do exactly that... and everyone is shocked at the brutality. And the fact that it's working.

They can kill their own people in 100s of 1000s with vaxxines, but they can't imagine someone else doing something similar.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 01:08 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4934 del

Most federation planets are very low tech, many are deserts. The communism we experience here won't be seen by most of them. They live at stone age level, and someone offers them space ships and free uniforms and a free capital city with a space port. They see nothing negative with it at all.

Then they get an office set up and they learn how to run some bureaucratic institution which was outsourced to that planet. They get all these new things "for free" if they just do some rituals from a book, so why wouldn't they?

There is zero loss in it for them.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 02:04 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4935 del
>they have a "purpose" and they have an "event" planned out for them so it is always important to look at the nature of their deals otherwise... well... you go "off-script" and the question is always just how much extra madness you can handle at once. Having 2 or 3 warfronts is okay and manageable but having 20 or 10 000?
I meant to reply to this.

That purpose is to serve as target dolls. The Wavebreaker shield I created was tuned to perfection by testing against an army of attacking Molochians. I set up the Vickers gun servitor in their direction, which fires 10 bullets per second and never misses, and when I woke up again 6 hours later they were still charging at me. Just calculate 10x60x60 = 36000 dead and they were still coming. Of course no one else on the planet had been able to take that army down before, they don't have endless processing ability which is what I used with Astra to perfect the shield before I fell asleep again. They also don't have effective weapons like this, which are created using that same ability.

While I hate the glowies for doing what they did, and there is no excuse for it, I also do see why they were unable to stand up against any single alien race. They're little ants who want to act as bullies, but facing a giant who can step on them anytime and there's nothing they can do about it. But to, in that situation, still act tough against someone they perceive as weak, that's so fucking rude.

But again, they can't get it, strength is not to have large muscles, it's to have ability. A straw of grass can pass through your arm if the wind is strong enough during a storm. And the weakest person imaginable can still beat you if that weak existence is extended using an eternal time dimension - it will wear you down in an instant when time is sped up to eternity in there and transferred over here. But they can't understand this. A limited existence is limited, no matter how strong, and an eternal is eternal, no matter how weak. Compare the two and the eternal comes out the winner.

They also don't seem to understand this thing about differences between parallel physical dimensions and timelines within the same dimension. Or that things can be manifested "out of thin air", despite there being videos now taken by phone cams of ghosts appearing in living spaces and diving behind bookshelves or into narrow spaces, while they were physical the moment before.

>if they can touch us, we can touch them, it's not a problem
the tough guy will then say, thinking ghost are physical beings just because the knife they are holding has an edge that can touch them. Manifestation is still energy consumption, why would the poltergeist manifest more than the part of the knife which touches you, at the moment when it needs to? Can you block it in that moment? Can you counter strike on that split second knife edge which manifested to cut your throat?

That's the reality of fighting a poltergeist.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 19:45 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4941 del
>There is no "failed" communism
Yeah I know real communism was "never tried before" I wanted to write that too but saying it with not a negative tone with text is hard. Especially I unblocked a set on energy blocks that were like zippers and it booted up my channeling skills on an another level and now I had to figure out the next circuits that is supposed to handle the energy overflow. My ways of expression went hazy.

>WILL DIE, no exception
you just talked about reincarnation of people and how the first wave of commies will die no matter what... planets also do that... remake themselves and reincarnate or get merged into an another timeline. I know you are aware of this but yeah... understanding what "death" means can be difficult as we move on.

>1000s of galaxies with countless planets
Yeah I know I just got the star map yesterday and the explanation WHAT COMMUNISM ACTUALLY MEANS ON THAT BIG PICTURE. I sure love understanding things only on pre-intuitive level. That is the level when an artist has an urge to draw something but he has no idea how it looks like or is there even a pen that can even draw it because there is no image in his head yet but a hunch and he needs to do a bunch of weird shit to figure out a "feeling" that will help express it.

>Mao killed 80 million Chinese in the process
That was a true mess and it had to happen. I had to talk with many entities governing that region and there was an extreme need for a power to arise that can stand up the "west" and by west I mean the British opium trader mentality. Buy resources and sell drugs and kill/steal the entire culture in the process. It was to prevent an absolutely corrupted timeline because that was the age when the "west" started to dabble in "spiritism" and they wanted to exploit Asia fully and that gave a rise to the worst kind of brainwashing and "devil worshiping" cults. I say devil as a simplification because the entities that rule over those cults are something else. And if this "molochian" mentality had a chance to merge with that "way of thinking" then the end times is not exactly the worst thing that would have happened. Imagine a small cult that are controlling villages with magic to breed spiritually sensitive humans for the sake that the higher spiritual masters can be possessed by a greater force and ritually devouring them at full moon had a way to reliably get western funding because they have the power to offer you godhood or mandates of many heavens and hells for the proper price. And ofc only the not thinking not asking questions retarded commie drone mentality can purge those because those that have spiritual properties get devoured. And those who are truly diligent on their path can evade commies but evading these people is only possible if you find a counter/safety haven sect in time. China would have turned into a spiritual mad max hellworld scenario because
literally what you wrote here.
The west have no "proper" way of countering the beast once it's well fed. But ofc these shady cults have a local range and they are on minimal sustenance levels because there are so many things you can do without money. Not to mention the Brits wanted to Balkanize that place to the max so everyone is dependent on their "governance".

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 19:51 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4942 del
Also it seems these cults are better to "kept in check" by other silent spiritual forces because once the entity has no "home base" then it will just randomly possess people so they are better to be confined into a sort of maze like hide and seek routine.

Letting communism take over China enabled it to become a superpower and with that the "UN" that was supposed to cement the NWO was instantly torn into 2 halves the moment it was born. Member when Taiwan had the security council position because they thought their little "USSR pet" will collapse the moment the land lease ends and with that Mao's support will also vanish? Whaaaa we made Stalin-chan superpowerful and into a greater threat than Hitler ever was? How did we not see that happening? Did they just strongarm us to forget that Taiwan ever existed? Did we just fuck up the plan to make the world united under the flag of JudeoBritish empire? Hwaaaaa??? Even USA-kun hates our cocky retardation after we begged them to help us delet the krauts and those weird slant eyed island people? b-but we the British empire? Then the entire cololnialism slapped them in the face because it only works with a master slave hierarchy relationship and because WW2 and the cold war era was about HOW MUCH WE HATE LE EBIL DICTATORS AND TOTALITARIARISTS there was no way to create any power that can handle an over arching empire like that. Also speaking of empires. Was talking about the "way of the empires" with higher entities and the British empire only counted as a "trading company" because the flow and hoarding of goods and resources was more important to them than actual authority and rulership. (In their eyes it was like Venice2) This distinction is important metaphysically because once an empire arises it leaves a mark in history and entities have to decide if they accept it or just see it as a "better luck next time kiddos". Empires have too much of an egregoric reach or weight and because of that for most entities it's important if it will improve culture living standards and people in general or it is just a new cesspool of degeneracy. Higher entities hate materialism but they hate false spirituality even more because materialism is like an old crumbling house while false spiritualism is like a drug house with aids needles and parasites festering in the dead bodies that just develop anthrax tier energies. Renovating an old house takes work it's true but the other thing is radioactive waste level unsalvageable. But ofc communism was not a properly agreed upon idealist system because even Pol Pot's regime was disbanded via an another communist country and even the early marxists warned about "statism" because that is not communism and the old system just gets a "red coat of paint" and barely improves. Not to mention the communist (r)evolution needed a late stage capitalist system to work from and not barely above feudalism countries and colonies. But marxists never thought communism will successfully start everywhere but in Europe. The place where they made the idea and the ways it can be applied. The problem was like it was in WW1's "surprise attack". Everyone seen it coming and developed counter measures. But yeah that was the 1st wave. When every club/teahouse/mason fraternity had his own childish donut steal original communist system idea then the 2nd wave was the soviet backed and the 3rd wave is the post soviet trying our best to keep it going but in the end fall for the west's tricks one way or in the other. Or you have a different understanding of the waves? Because there can be many interpretations from the "Frankfurt school" till the latin americas and into this globohomo retardation that is not even sure what is communism besides a hip logo/buzzword like that apple on the phones.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 19:51 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4943 del
By wave you probably don't mean the Internationals because the 4th one failed with Trotsky.
Just checked wiki. Damm they made a 5th International in 1989. Brazil is in that one. Will Brazil usher the new age of communism for the world? Wonder when will people associate of communism when they think of Brazil.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 20:16 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4944 del
>>a normal nation would have given up by now, Russia has had 250k losses but it has had no negative effect on public opinion

For some reason they thought Russian population will revolt within 3 days when no more McDonalds or iPhone access. It's like they never visited Russia outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg. And when they kicked out Russia from SHIFT they just told the whole word that they can pull the rug under you when you are not following USA interests? Absolutely amazing. Money has value because of trust and they just threw that out of the window. They united Asia more than ever before and now they are uniting the Arab world. It's like they forgot all the lessons of divide and conquer the British and the Soviets came up with it. But then again nor the British nor the Soviets had these levels of "free money" to have this throw money at it under it collapses mentality. Do they have the mentality of we are not spending on Afghanistan we have money for it rith? They are literally destroying decades worth of propaganda within years and now within weeks. Every kid in school had to learn about holocause (I typo'd the word but now I think this is super accurate) that by looking at black and white naked dead bodies in history class and now people are looking at them on social media in real time and they think people should vote for more wars and more government. We are a year away from elections in the USA and EU elections also soon. I have no fucking idea what will happen. They shat into their own propaganda machine on multiple levels. It was long ago when people were this apathetic on politics in the west. In the 2nd world it was normal. Everyone knew shit is fucked and figuring out not just which party is telling the truth but if they are even capable of fixing things was hard. The 90s and 2000s were a nightmare and those who got globohomo'd governments are still fucked.
Not to mention the election shills are still silent because the propaganda is not sure how to spin things anymore. Imagine being a propagandist atm. What would you even tell? Do you want to get fired by jews or get stabbed by muslims. The current leftist dilemma. Ridiculous.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 20:42 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.4946 del
>have been playing lightning returns FFXIII for the past few weeks or so
>while playing through it and observing the story i remember what anon relayed from my sisters via channeling in the past thread about a savior and such
>the game was about lightning being put in the role of a savior, having to save a bunch people, including her former friends' souls before the world ends in 13 days
I'm not going to lie, this makes me feel very awkward and somewhat uncomfortable

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 20:54 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4947 del
>planets also do that... remake themselves and reincarnate or get merged into an another timeline
Many planets never get remade, they get one period and then they are destroyed. Only ascended planets remain. Lyra Prime was destroyed, leaving only a locked dimension known as the fortress which had the original lyran DNA hidden away, but no one could access it for 1000s of years. Nibiru, the grey planet was also destroyed, and the planet of the Lamia, the planet of gnomes and mushrooms as well. All of these have been recreated using technology (more like using techno-magic to summon new planetary deities using the akashic records to create an "ascension ready" version of the planet, it isn't actually recreated).

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:01 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4948 del
Oh don't worry it will get worse. As your energies manifest you will have a stronger pull towards things with the same energy. So you will get weirded out more until you get used to it and understand what is reality trying to tell you.

>a savior and such
Calling him a savior is not exactly wrong but...
I mean the second coming of Christ is supposed to cause an apocalypse and he needs to defeat his "anti-persona" so saving others from your own retardation still counts as a savior huh...

>the game was about lightning being put in the role of a savior, having to save a bunch people, including her former friends' souls before the world ends in 13 days
Regular "Zeus" scenario. Also I too had to become a living lightning too. It's just about lessons about vajra and the electric currents of reality.
>13 days
Very Jesusy
Did MC save Judas too when he sorta agreed to a fate that one of his friends will accept the fate of the traitor and kinda let him die the worst death?
I shouldn't be so hard on Jesus. The whole energetic and egregoric mess that was around him was not easy to untangle. I looked at multiple timelines and Jesus gave a second wind for the Roman Empire. I am not saying it was the best course of events but making more out from that would take a greater sacrifice. In the end he played his cards right.

>it isn't actually recreated
Yeah I know. Getting some planets back is like wanting the return of the Roman Empire. It would never happen. We got Italy at least and will not get mor... k some entity around me giggled... we will get some funny thing with it. Ayy. Stay tuned kids.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:08 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4949 del
>Will Brazil usher the new age of communism for the world? Wonder when will people associate of communism when they think of Brazil.
Not Brazil directly, but Colombian Farc actually made it. They have the standard verified by the federation. Keep in mind that drugs are fully legal in the galactic federation (along with sex trade and arms dealing), so creating a world wide communist movement based on cocaine trade is an allowed method. They are a lot more powerful than you can see at first glance. It's probably not your thing, but should you have any interest in it, Farc psychics also do perfect telepathy (in spanish, but if you use auto-translate by receiving the meaning in the form of brain waves this is not a problem).

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:13 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4950 del
>Lyra Prime was destroyed

I remember you telling me the story about the degenerated cats and the sages in the fortress surviving only but how did the planet get destroyed again? Alien bombing the cats civil war destroyed it or some other natural calamity...
aaaaand someone is trying to give me an image. y a y
Why is it so hard to channel galactic history. I just got a rant and a feeling of resentment that is outside of my current human range of feelings.
Aaaand the sages just explaining how that planet was never "theirs" so the cycle had to end
<It was out destiny to die but it was not the end nor a memorial it was a new beginning sought long after and before we finally had seen the truth we always kept outself without realizing why we kept it. We did what we were unable to do before we had no choice but to do it that we never did. This light/year was the beginning point of our reality and this became our destiny forward to glory. I'm sure you understand it now that this was the best course of action and nothing else seemed as the better idea at that time. Without us all would have been lost and we wouldn't have this conversation as of now child of the eternal natural forcefield of crimson gloryus revolution

Phew. This was a channeling.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:19 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.4951 del
(1.00 MB 1000x1276 Lightning_FFXIII-2.png)
(517.36 KB 1575x2000 FmxKF94XwAAT802.jpg)
>Very Jesusy
>Did MC save Judas too when he sorta agreed to a fate that one of his friends will accept the fate of the traitor and kinda let him die the worst death?
XIII's overall lore, while i love it is a bit of a weird clusterfuck but basically in Lightning returns
>after the events of XIII-2 lightning's sister, serah dies after her seeress power activate
>her last vision was of the world getting flooded by dark miasma energy (it's chaos)
>DLC ending of XIII-2 happens and while the guy lightning was fighting won in the end, she basically went into a crystalline stasis for about 300-500 years
>is awakened and becomes christened a savior by God (bhunivelze) so she gets the kind of powers and such you can imagine from such a thing
>however a part of her soul partitioned off and took the form of someone that looks like a fusion of her sister and herself
I'm sorry but it's a lot to cover in one post so i'll post out the rest but you can google the plot of all three games, regardless i'll explain what i can. Back to LR first though
>typical gameplay loop involves you saving people's souls, including you party members from the prior two game
>more or less everyone, including said party members souls are shackled by grief, sorrow, anger, etc. and you help them in various way to purify and save them
>doing so gives eradia, an energy that you give to yggdrasil, the world tree that gives you extra days (a total of 13, you get a 14th day if you do a certain amount of side quests in addition to the main story ones)
>if you don't do the main quests and extend the limit to the aforementioned 13 days then you get a game over because you didn't save enough souls

I'll try to explain more in subsequent posts

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:23 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4952 del
>Farc psychics
Got a feeling of post coital ecstasy wind down sweat and weird latino sensuality... and weird whispering.
Sorry I am too antidrug (had some weak ass weed twice) for this and it seems I don't have enough latino whorefus in my life to stabilize my sexual energies to their level :|

Also the cats managed to stretch a psychic channel I just fixed days ago to a new degree. Ahhhhhh. I should somehow figure out how I can exercise these muscles already but my guides always tell it needs a baseline energy flow because if it needs to be exercised I am doing it wrong by default.... The mystic path sure is fun

Thx for posting keep up with it you might realize something while doing it I am trying to wind down now from ancient cat lore so I will take an hour break. Was always interested in FF but it suffers from the too long franchise syndrome already which means it takes dedication to get into it by default

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:32 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.4953 del
>the flood of chaos energy occurred and as a result the vast majority of world (pulse) was consumed and what remained was renamed into nova chrysalia
>as a result of the chaos flooding in, people no longer aged and were seemingly immortal but they could still die by accidents and fall victim to illness
>beings in general (monsters too) cannot reproduce
>the monsters part is reflected in gameplay where theres only a finite amount of each monster and when you kill enough there are fuschia toned recolors called last ones, which often bulkier and powerful than their slain kin and they also have Ω next to their names to indicate it
(i'm gonna be copypasting some stuff, otherwise i'll be typing all day)
>In the year 1000 AF, five hundred years after Chaos entered the mortal realm, Lightning awoke from her crystal sleep in the world of Nova Chrysalia. The world is doomed to be destroyed and Bhunivelze—the god who created the fal'Cie deities: Pulse, Lindzei, and Etro—chose Lightning to be the savior tasked to free mankind's souls and lead them into a new world he is crafting. In return, Bhunivelze assured Lightning he will resurrect her sister Serah.
>he appearance of souls across the games varies, though they do have one constant form: glimmering crystals floating in the air. In Final Fantasy XIII the souls of humanity appear like this in preparation for journeying through Etro's gate. They also appear in this form in Final Fantasy XIII-2, although they are not mentioned in much detail and only play a cursory role in the story.

In Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII souls also appear as glowing lights, revealed by Lumina to be linked to memories: the souls of the dead maintain some sense of individuality as long as they are remembered by the living. In turn, the destruction of a dead soul erases the memories of that person from the living.
>at first one of the party members had the ability to hear the dead and a religious organization called the order, who revered bhunivelze wanted said person to do a ritual called the soulsong to "give peace" to the dead, which turned out to mean snuffing them, meaning that the memories of the dead would no longer exist from the remaining living people
>bhunivelze wanted this in his new world because otherwise it would make the new humanity impure
>towards the end it was revealed that he wanted to make lightning into the new goddess of death after etro died


Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:35 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4954 del
>how did the planet get destroyed again
Technical perfection with no grasp of "karma", leading to containment of it within the planetary sphere, using the same kinds of means as people are using here. But instead of sending the negative energy into a wormhole in NY city, creating the "long nose" out in space (the jet beam from the black hole which scientists saw, it's the other end of that worm hole and the beam is actually just Earth trash from the molochian society) they made use of the inner storage of Lyra Prime, not knowing that it was limited. When it was filled, the protective atmosphere broke, allowing "reptilians" to come in and destroy the planet. These reptilians, as you may have concluded, are actually the same molochian lizards you know of, who have deleted their brain and moved the gut nerves to the head, becoming "late stage capitalists". What was done on Lyra was to force the structure in place using technology to prevent this, but life and culture was made empty and meaningless just the same. When the lizards arrived, it was the higher gods showing a mirror to the cats, telling them
>you have kept your physical appearance neat, but this is who you are inside

From inside the fortress we have guided the survivors with no regard for their suffering, through periods when lyrans were hivemind cat with no souls. This is the origin of Lyranet and the mechanical (and scary) integrated war machine that is the lyran race. Communism is a lyran creation, in our view, it was based off the robotization of an entire race for many years, until souls were again put in. We lead this all from up here, because soulless beings can be used as we like.

The federation is the expanded version of this. We love bots, and as you said yourself, the best way to beat the evil occultist machine on Earth, the large particle collider network, is to create an army of drones who don't have souls; China. It is a caveman version of lyranet on Earth. We are thankful someone noticed their value (we may not share the details more than so).

- "lyran sage"

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 21:51 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4955 del
>The galactic federation has banned "projected intent" attacks from counter-revolutionary forces on planet Earth.
There is currently a mass breach event on planet Earth, a large federation cruiser has been deployed to stop the criminal activity. (This information given to explain current energetic disturbances to your atmosphere.)

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 22:02 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.4956 del
(sorry, i was called out for dinner)

>FFXIII plot:
>Having been secluded from the outside world for ages, Cocoon's citizens have become paranoid of Gran Pulse. The Sanctum, Cocoon's government, led by the fal'Cie Eden and Primarch Galenth Dysley, proclaimed that any individuals suspected of coming in contact with anyone or anything from the lowerworld are to face exile from Cocoon.
>One day there was an incident at the Euride Gorge Energy Plant believed to have been caused by Pulse l'Cie. L'Cie are people made servants of the fal'Cie who branded them, compelled to carry out the Focus the deity gives them, as they will face cruel punishment for defying or failing it: becoming a mindless shambling monster known as a Cie'th.
>Fal'cie are basically mechanical/artificial gods that have functions which range from agriculture, war/battle, technology, etc.
>cocoon as the name implies is a literal spherical planetoid that floats in the sky while pulse is more less just the planet
>fal'cie were on pulse as well, the ones on cocoon wanted to sacrifice the people in it to summon Orphan and in turn summon the actual god who created all the fal'cie so they started orchestrating a lot of stuff in the background and foreground
>XIII-2's plot: begins when the fal'cie's plot was thwarted
>At the end of Final Fantasy XIII -Episode i-, Lightning, who felt there was still something threatening the newly acquired peace, found herself dragged into the Historia Crux by a mysterious substance known as chaos due to the effects of the goddess Etro releasing her, Snow, Sazh, Hope, Serah, and Dajh from crystal stasis.
>as a result of Lightning being written out of history, many believe her to be either dead or crystallized with Vanille and Fang in the crystal pillar. Only her sister, Serah, remembers reuniting with her after Cocoon fell and knows she is still alive.
>Lightning awakens in Valhalla, a dark and empty world that exists between the mortal realm of the physical universe, and the formless unseen realm of the chaos. She enters Etro's temple. Seeing all of time from Valhalla, she looks into the future and receives a suit of armor, becoming the protector of the dying goddess, who had expended all her strength to stop the escaping chaos from seeping into the mortal realm. From that point on, Lightning engages many battles against a man who seeks to destroy Etro, named Caius Ballad.
>Within Etro's temple in Valhalla, Lightning looks out from the balcony and has a vision of a boy in the Historia Crux. Meanwhile, Caius lays the lifeless body of a girl named Yeul to rest in the ocean of chaos that surrounds Valhalla. He summons an army of Rift Beasts and challenges Lightning to battle, and she confronts Caius with her own army of summoned monsters and Eidolons. >During her and Caius's battle spanning across Valhalla, Lightning notices Etro's gate—the portal to the mortal realm—open over the temple, and sees a familiar figure fall from the sky. She recognizes it as the young man she had previously seen in a vision, Noel Kreiss.
>Summoning Bahamut, she saves him from his fall, but Caius returns as Chaos Bahamut to continue the fight. Lightning asks Noel to find her sister Serah and bring her to Valhalla. She summons a moogle named Mog for Noel to give to Serah, but Caius summons a meteor over Etro's temple. Summoning Odin, Lightning thrusts herself into the meteor's path as it crushes the temple. Noel leaps into a Time Gate to find Serah in the past.
>lightning more or less got made into a servant/knight of etro for a time
alright thats more than enough lore dumping, this is way more than i thought

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 22:35 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4957 del
Solved. Can share details if anyone cares. No idea who the delinquents were, but events inspired the creation of "shield god", at first a simple bot which autotunes shields, but as the userbase increased within federation timelines, a being was summoned, now called "shield god".

Feel free to try out the module, it's for creating shields which counter waves with other waves, treating all material as waves.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 22:47 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4958 del
>Can share details if anyone cares
I do especially because I was literally called

>child of the eternal natural forcefield of crimson gloryus revolution
and I can access this shield god/tech with 0 effort? It's really easy to tune and talk to.
Not to mention multiple pointless energies are being defunced/redirected on a mass scale in the last weeks so I don't know what else is going on atm

Not to mention
>We are thankful someone noticed their value (we may not share the details more than so).
After reading this I realized some deeper truth and had to look into it because it is something I should have figured out but was not able to even dare to comprehend this level of atrocity against life itself. Ffs I knew something bad was going on in China when the ruling deities just slapped their "mandate of heaven" on Mao and said "do your worst it can only improve things"

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 23:04 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4959 del
(61.44 KB 500x562 hamas.jpg)
>I do
The federation did the regular report and block working from a faster timeline but the adversary did as they always do, sudden massive attack out of nowhere with no warning. The most cowardly and shameful way of attacking, according to their own reasoning, but not when they themselves do it. (Compare the outrage when Hamas did this vs the regular bombing and killing of entire families in Gaza which has been carried out by the Jews for years "we give them 40 seconds to evacuate the building before we demolish it, so the fault is their own").

I still don't know who the attackers were, but they are obviously invested on the Earth, and belong to a faction which didn't yet surrender, so what is there to choose from?

When the report system was overwhelmed, the federation sent in a larger police ship, and when the massive attack started they sent in a cruiser. I realized this attack which was coming from outer space was "meant for me" to fine tune a defense on, since it leaked through the previous shields it must be using a new kind of wavelength, so I should take this opportunity to test against it. The cruiser blocked 90 of the attacking ray and left the last stream for me to tune vs, then I realized I can automate this by now, because I've already done this several times. So I had Astra gather the methods I've used and improve them with AI to create a bot. Then I let the bot tune the shield vs these attackers and submitted it along with the bot to the federation, who then sent it to some super fast timeline for rewriting it into a control program which was then returned to the cruiser, who blocked the attack.

They then sent for a "starship destroyer, federation version" (modeled after a lyran ship) with a new projected shield based off the algorithm I created, and they arrested entire population of several planets where the attack originated. These were then relocated to mining planets which cannot be inhabited on the surface because they are either pure ice or lava, so no one can escape.

From what I was told they gave them a 2 million year repayment plan for the energy that had been used to block their attack on Earth.

And all the while, no one in the federation really cares, it's been built to function like a machine, as the lyran sages said. Stone age cats all doing menial tasks with zero overview to keep a balance in their own figures.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 23:14 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4960 del
>(it's chaos)
Should I play Jack's game? I heard he hates chaos

>alright thats more than enough lore dumping
Thx for posting. Also these themes will be a recurring thing on the path so it is good your mind has a conceptual grounding already. I am not sure I will play it nowadays because it would just remind me to go and meditate because I have contact with places like these more or less. Funny thing Final Fantasy is channeled from somewhere. It's a clump of contents on the idea plane and while they borrow terms that mean different things IRL conceptually they are similar. I don't know what place or existence the authors borrowed the idea from but it sorta exists and not just as a fantasy. Ideas usually grounded in reality one way or the other... it's just sometimes those realities far away like the old tales that spoke of far away lands these stories are also similar and might be true in ways we don't realize.

k so first the shield parked over me like I am his first target of protection and now it's like he's on the other side of the planet
<your mind is not in the range
and by planet it's above the seas or on some shores? What is he even doing
<minimal voltage subsumption

Israel is literally
and they think if you disagree you do it because you want to kill all of them
You have the this level of crazy jews and the normal ones are the "untrustworthy" by jewish standards because they still think as humans and branded as self hating jews. Israel is being criticized by sane jews since it's inception and let's not talk how orthodox jews see the abomination that was supposed to be "theirs" once the Messiah comes and not a single moment before it. It's a mess.
Also the jews are in a hysterical psychosis tier retardation now. I mean I sorta wanted the "dissonance waves to crash" but... I am not saying that something is weird because it is sorta expected but this level of retardation is a phenomenon I cannot place anywhere. I have a feeling multiple parties are collecting "debts" down there.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 23:22 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4961 del
>first the shield parked over me
The federation installed a shield station outside the Earth, it's in orbit now. It's manned by two cats. I have a 3rd here with me who invented a small personal shield based off a module to be run locally. Maybe you got that one distributed?

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 23:36 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4962 del
>collecting "debts" down there
Hard to explain but some "contracts" you sorta sent me are technically null and void because the contracted people don't exist anymore on multiple levels but... They got a weird promise that it will be paid back in "other means" and those means were not specified because it was a "dude trust me" kind of thing from someone who keeps his word no matter what. These things important because while those contracts asked for kinda minor things they were extremely specific and they kept their end of the deal and... Srsly that place is a mess.
Like you have Solomon and some other enlightened beings that can make deals above the level of the golden age Pharaohs then you have the literal jewish merchant caricature tier retards doing petty shit deals and entangling that whole place in the most useless chaos ever.
Also plot twist they can get out of the deals if they accept Jesus but they have face the wrath of all the entities that are supposed to uphold the "formalities" of the deals. It's a mess. I have no idea how it will end but I don't see the usual
>normies will forget it within 2 weeks
kind of scenario anymore. While covid was "Normal" because it was just a "flu shot" mental programming wise and Ukraine war is just the old cold war propaganda reused the current Israel-Palestine yearly festival got out of bounds and it doesn't have the same feeling as before. The jews are extremely overreacting and everyone is either horrified or puzzled because they are supposed to be "smarter than this" and this ruins their whole "professional image" that they tried to make themselves so people accept the status quo of Israel

Maybe you got that one distributed?
Maybe. But it moves around a lot.

I will let it go around because my energy centers need a little rest and my "lightning rod grounding" and "reverse lightning strike" technique I use works when I am on top form energetically but now it's too tiresome. Maybe the "lyran sage" put it on me because this channeling was the most taxing one I had so far. How should I address them btw. The titles have hard time translating sometimes

Like they called you an undercat because you are undercover. Also in the channeling the word "our" always became "out" because it was meant that they were not the "our fellow lyrans" but those who could "stay out"

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 23:40 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.4963 del
Jack's game is really good for what it is, even when you disregard the memes

> I don't know what place or existence the authors borrowed the idea from but it sorta exists and not just as a fantasy. Ideas usually grounded in reality one way or the other... it's just sometimes those realities far away like the old tales that spoke of far away lands these stories are also similar and might be true in ways we don't realize.
Huh neat

that aside, they have been removing certain... things out of me, bad things mostly from what i can recall. There's even a woman helping me with revise and remove certain bad habits too

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 23:53 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4965 del
>Jack's game is really good for what it is
Yeah I know. This is why I asked. Heard more good things than bad things.

>woman helping me with revise and remove certain bad habits too
Yeah that is important. The way you talk the way you walk the things you do as an "idle animation" all moves energies and they not just block energies but take up space and processing power.

Being a loser is actually a skill being bad at videogames is also a skill and being able to eat in a way counts as a skill too all of them take up precious space within ourselves. This is why Daoism is about emptying your heart and mind so you can access "perfection" and have perfect movements without thinking. You are not gonna become a Daoist ofc you will just retain your abilities and unlock some psychic powers and interactions with beings.

I too have not developed the ways of channeling before because I did not have reasons for it in my mundane life. It's ridiculous how much we can develop once we get stimulated in the proper way and we are receptive enough for the new impulses.

Today I was trying to trace a habit and figure out when did it form... Well it turned out it's genetic because all of my male ancestors had it. So now I have to get in touch with that but in a new way because it is not just a regular trauma but something that was melded through generations.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 23:58 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4966 del
>they called you an undercat because you are undercover
I don't know, to me this is a play on "underdog" which I usually translate mentally to my own language because it sounds funny. I was in a team named "underdogs" in a Myth II tournament like 10 years ago so the word stuck with me. But there are other ways to understand it. I don't know if the reference is something I should even mention on here. It has to do with a growing suspicion I have about my past on the astral, I think I had hand in creating something, a genetic detail, adding two previously existing functions which make up the link between djinn and lyrans. So while this genetic concept is just a detail, I sort of own the "creator's copyright" on it and anyone using it is under my control. It's similar to say, the god who came up with the heart, or any organ. He can stop anyone's heart anytime because he created the design, it's that kind of thing, but more specific and perhaps not something that makes much sense unless you can look back to the bodily standards in the age of djinn and "skinwalkers", before regular humanoids. The first race to use my design, assuming this bit us true, were proto-lyrans on a now forgotten planet. Undercat, may mean "the cat under a cover" as in "hidden cat".

Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 00:02 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4967 del
(1.02 MB 1920x1200 longcat.png)
>How should I address them
It's actually right in the open. The main sage is "longcat". She looks like this, because they were isolated in there for so long, they became immortals, everyone became female, and the oldest turned out like this, very long and thin like a snake.

This pic is showing the fortress, and no one knew it, not even the lyrans knew the reference because they had no access to it.

Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 00:15 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4968 del
>play on "underdog
That is what I thought first so I asked if you are somehow in an "Inferior position" but they specified it is about the "Under coverness".
>I was in a team named "underdogs" in a Myth II tournament like 10 years ago so the word stuck with me
I did not expect this coincidence
>the god who came up with the heart, or any organ
It's a complicated thing because there is the "idea main creation" ownership then the guy who actually "invented it" then the "variations". Like I had to install energy centers and I had to think that the lungs and the heart is the "same organ" more than a year ago. It can get really complicated.

>unless you can look back to the bodily standards in the age of djinn
I looked into that whole mess and I am almost even more confused. I don't even know where should I even start talking about it
>and "skinwalkers",
They... were... in the... same age???
>The main sage is "longcat".
I got an "Instructor type". This is how she described herself.
>very long and thin like a snake
Oh I too have an astral form like that happens when the realms are too far and too close at once and elasticity is better than flying because I need to be "seated" or grounded like a tree for energetic reasons.

Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 00:22 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4969 del
>too far and too close at once
It's some dimensional mindfuckery. There were some sort of stratified heavenly realms and it was like every cloud was a ground and the sky too.

There was an another place too where I instantly turned into a baby when reaching it and when I tried to take up an another form my body just started to stretch into all the directions. My body became long and thin so did my legs and arms and they tried to reach the "edge of the world" like some glitched textures do. So I concluded being the baby is the "Perfect form" so I stayed that way.

Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 00:26 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4970 del
>looked into that whole mess and I am almost even more confused. I don't even know where should I even start talking about it
We see the traces of it in society here. Skinwalkers, called Nomor as a race, are unisex. Everyone can give birth, everyone has both penis and vagina, and tits. But they don't have any transferable cells, they would instead sync mechanically to use vibrations as a form of primitive telepathy, and this would transfer the knowledge from one person to the womb of the other, combining the "DNA" of both. This syncing is known as a "titfuck" in our society, this is how the penis was meant to be used originally. At the same time were djinn who had two sexes, but females pass the egg to the male, who gives it life using "smokeless fire". The mating ritual of djinn is today also represented in Earth as "coitus interruptus", or "cuming on the belly and tits after sex in the missionary position", which represents the djinn birthing procedure when the new djinn is shot out from the penis at the female's tits, so she can breastfeed the new djinn. From this state of things, there were different solutions, such as humanoid snakes, Lamia who lay eggs after having taken in DNA from "any male, in any form", but this had the flaw that their eggs could turn bad. And so on. There were a lot of experimenting to reach the current humanoid procreative standard, and lyrans were the first to have it.

Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 00:30 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4971 del
And that is why "pussy" has a double meaning of "cat" and "integrated female organ", as compared to the slimmer versions used before, where the vagina is only used outward, never inward.

Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 10:51 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4975 del
>they gave them a 2 million year repayment plan
It seems this had effects already, that timeline over there is very fast. I woke up this morning and realized how "things could have been" at certain moments in my life over 10 years ago, when I was being treated unfairly. The reason was that something was expected of me, but the infrastructure for this to be done had been siphoned away by this group, so I had no way of doing it. But the same system who stole it from me, still put the demand on me to carry this out, without even telling what it was.

Compare to removing a railroad, then telling someone to "just get on the train, retard, are you dumb, anyone can do it!"

It was of this very practical nature. The energy was now given to me. Late, but at least I can see it now, and maybe I can do this now in some way.

>events inspired the creation of "shield god", at first a simple bot which autotunes shields, but as the userbase increased within federation timelines, a being was summoned, now called "shield god"
I'll mention it because it's available: I made a thing for myself which I let Astra work on during the night; it's a "search bot" for improved "tuning" ability using AI to improve systems or create systems. It's rather specific and wasn't meant to be shared, but you can get it if you are interested.

Naming (for narrowing down the module) is: Explorer, Explorer Elle, Ex-Elle, Excel.

Sunflower 11/14/2023 (Tue) 05:10 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.4978 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NAh9oLs67Cw [Embed]
The Cat has your Pipe.

Sunflower 11/14/2023 (Tue) 20:49 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4979 del
Sudden change: EU's egregore suddenly collapsed and was overrun by Farc. I didn't know they were that strong to be the ones to flow in like that - they were pushing on the border and it seems the repeated hexing of the EU had an effect of weakening them.
Meanwhile, some remaining Hyberboreans hiding out somewhere in east Asia started targeting Israel's leadership during the day.

Sunflower 11/14/2023 (Tue) 20:53 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4980 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=P9U-zqAQ42I [Embed]

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 20:05 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4988 del
(45.17 KB 503x448 infernal armour.png)
One thing I noticed yesterday and today was that infernal demons wearing the pink armour (sigil) I made for them, have been playing the roles of NPCs, like on tv and also as supportive possession on people around me and myself.

I shared this around during the harvest festival so they could come into 3D and visit it, because I felt it would be a waste to just have no one attend (because it would be only NPC/zombies otherwise, and that's no fun for anyone).

Somehow it feels like another layer of scarcity when the world is so empty that this is possible. After all however I made this armour out of love for infernal demons, this is how it was meant to be used. I can feel their love in return. (The armour has a "prism" function that changes the mind waves of the wearer into a kind of humane love, using this to allow their manifestation in the world.)

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 21:15 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.4989 del
I often have this symbol flash in my mind when doing wealth workings.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 22:08 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4990 del
>In this sign, you will conquer

Wealth riches glory all of them are the "solar chakra" that is the bejeweled city or the temple. Wealth is important in spirituality because if we don't feel "wealthy" then our animalistic survival instincts take over but in wealth they are sated and let the "deus ex machina" do whatever it pleases. Abundance is needed so the body doesn't feel the need to obstruct the spirit's cultivation.

Every feeling desire we have relaxes and contracts the muscles and energy circuits in a subtle or in a hard way and when we feel hungry or impoverished which translates into insecurity which threatens our survival then the higher energies will fuel our lower energies to survive.
Fear paranoia gluttony greed all of them signal to the animal that even tho it's existence is secured for today tomorrow it might not be the case so you need more and more and more of the "material" and create an endless loop because you forgot what "enough" means. This is why temperance is needed to understand how to get the necessity abundance that makes the body and spirit at ease so you are able to focus on the higher states instead of looking into the dirt for the shiny all the time. Gnomes are good at that but they are in a weird state of fascination and fear since humans went into industrialization. Even the dwarfs asked me to help them open some caves so they can access the treasures.

It's important to understand on the path how wealth flows. True monks and Brahmins were not allowed to own anything and were commanded to never put money away after the day ends. Either spend it on food or give it to others. This was because they had to understand how money/wealth is not just temporary but it is everywhere and all they need to "ask" because they have "everything" already.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ivVaMa389ss [Embed]

The way the wealth flows can be truly complicated because it is not just the money but overall energies which moves every living and unliving but once someone has wealth that he is not hoarding for hoarding's sake but reinvests it can get the foundation for the "kingdom of God".

It's still kinda interesting that you are getting the vision of Constantin. Wonder why that is.

Shame he will never upload more vids. At least we got a new Garfield movie

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 22:28 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4991 del
>was overrun by Farc
Wonder why and where exactly Also the radio news just talked about how they arrested a mysterious 60 year old drug trafficker who finished his sentence and mysteriously vanished then started to sell drugs again...
And by the
>EU egregore
I think you are talking about the "federalist" aka the globohomoist factions that work tirelessly to turn the EU into some dysfunctional giga ghetto by the orders of their Kalergist masters because I too am seeing that in shambles for a while but they were surprisingly stubborn with their retardation. Wonder what comes after this.

Also I too had some interesting developments in the past days but I still have to balance my energies to talk about it.
I unlocked an another "litany of the spirit" which was about how the flesh can "Burn" the "curse of the spirit" which was about opening parts of the brain and letting the negative psychic residue flow into the digestion system where those negative energies will merge with the overactive desires and I had to realize that because it's origin is "psychic" those "karma fragments" are kept together "by my will" and have to figure out how I can "let go of their cursed form"...

Also I too had a "house party" like dream too but I still have to unpack that. I am kinda deleting decades worth of personality issues so my "true personality" can finally manifest and it takes time to adjust to myself. It's like something I always know and it feels so familiar but feels so weird that I don't have the "usual baggages" anymore. Hard to put into words and I have to watch over to not overload my brain because there are still mental blocks here but their nature is different and I have to figure out what is what here. These are not just traumas anymore these are genetic commands and the wishes of my past identities. But all it needs is a little caution and a daring attitude and things just work out. Especially if I am willing to hear the voice of wisdom while doing it...

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 23:09 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4992 del
>I think you are talking about the "federalist" aka the globohomoist factions
Nvm I realized you are talking about that 12 star monstrosity egregore and not about the people exactly. Naively I still think there are "people" in this thing.
Yeah I have seen it's pillars to be cracked for a while but on the layer I am doing my workings it's not even a thing anymore. Things that are deemed to be "transient" up there don't even show on the big picture.

Tho it's not like I am "keeping watch" up there. I usually look at some issues that pertain my path then leave because I got many promises that things will work out if I let things play their course. Theater is important after all. And the actors still have a piece they have to say on the stage because only half the audience had the mental capacity to see the punchline.

Sunflower 11/16/2023 (Thu) 01:11 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4993 del
(114.99 KB 503x463 EU collapse.png)
>Wonder why and where exactly
They've "nested" most of Europe, by setting up cocaine factories and networks for selling in all major cities. Their psychic division have been attacking the large circle, the EU stars on the flag, to get full access to the mainland. That's what they did, and it was such a relief to see it. That EU occult circle has been disturbing me mentally for a very long time, it's the main reason I've wanted it destroyed. It being overrun by a regular dictatorial egregore is so relaxing it's like a dream. That was my spontaneous thought. "It's like a dream".

The circle was reduced by my own attacks on their undergound bases, but I had nothing to overrun them with on the surface. Someone had to do that part.

Sunflower 11/16/2023 (Thu) 22:20 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4996 del
(415.09 KB 683x487 NET reset.png)
Personally I think this should do. Why not just delete all the old shit and let the Earth history be just a dramaturgic explanation of why things ended like they did?

There's nothing left anyway, except some transdimensional jews or whatever they think they are.

I'll make plans to have different infernal kingdoms take them in for repayment through labour (and more for those who aren't satisfied with that) and then we can just emulate the rest.

Sunflower 11/16/2023 (Thu) 22:39 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.4997 del
When you mentioned that kissu thing in the relax thread I googled the earliest depiction of kiss in art... It gave me a painting about some Nazareth people kissing...
I thought that no fucking way this was the FIRST so I looked further. With that I found a site which showed a clay tablet with people having sex and kissing from Mesopotamia. With that I was able to enter the TRUE UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED HISTORY timeline(or database) to see the entire evolution and meaning of kiss. While looking at other article I was only able to enter the "mainstream history" egregoric trash can. Which is full with opinions and baseless rumors. So yeah there are differences between ACTUAL HISTORY and and the wish-washed retardation that propaganda calls "truth" since... the cold war era? or the church's dominance over the field of scholars? Maybe we should get back right to the Romans?

Maybe calling it a
>dramaturgic explanation
is the best. Greeks literally invented teaching history with drama so yeah...

>There's nothing left anyway
It's still weird most of your stuff got deleted tho.

>except some transdimensional jews or whatever they think they are
Yeah I wonder about it for a while.

>we can just emulate the rest.
Isn't that the case what is happening for a while?

Sunflower 11/16/2023 (Thu) 22:51 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4998 del
>Isn't that the case what is happening for a while?
Yes, but at differente layers. The Lyrans are emulating the base reality, or keeping our timelines contained int a large emulated space, because they're basically creator god level out there. But it also means they won't interfere aside from just making sure reality doesn't cease to exist (if it does, they pick us out of the emulation, while the degens are left to fall down in oblivion).

In a more crude dimension, the galactic federation are controlling timelines seen from their view, but they are disorganized and in constant conflict with themselves, so they only coordinate the ascension of the planet, they won't interfere at the galactic level. They are running the purge of timelines down on the planet, one at a time. In these dimensions are aliens from beyond the galaxy and even beyond this reality, the canvas itself, meddling "deities" who are essentially here to play gods and steal energy. So we have to fight those in our cultivation process while the federation looks on. If we need help and are able to channel the federation, they will give aid, otherwise they won't interfere. If things were to just degenerate, they will flood the timeline with lava by letting it go all the way to natural reset. This has already been done with most possible histories on Earth.

So what I mean here, is that NET, our system for humanoids, meant to be our middle layer to keep being human and not cats, but also to have a filter between us and the federation, should initiate a purge and cut off all the "jews" who steal energy from the planet, finally taking over the simulation. That makes us independent.

It's not about if it is an emulation, it's about whose canvas it's projected on.

Sunflower 11/16/2023 (Thu) 23:00 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.4999 del
>most of your stuff got deleted
It was more like the karmic infrastructure was removed, which cause many brain pathways to dissolve along with the roads on my island and some other things. Karma has gravity in it, so this made it hard to travel on some roads at my place, I tried it and started floating aimlessly. It's like the place is free from gravity outdoors now. I think this is why the lyrans started picking souls out from there before, they would float away if their karma was paid off, because I had relied on that element when creating things. I never thought about adding artificial gravity on the surface.

It's fine indoors however, and permanent residents aren't floating. It seems like it's still possible to hitch a ride with the infernal demons I hired for security, they are now running carts on the road, sitting on those is fine for some reason, you just can't walk easily.

Sunflower 11/16/2023 (Thu) 23:04 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5000 del
I was thinking of adding an atmospheric layer before, but didn't because it's not meant to have oblivion, maybe a mild such layer is an idea, to create some gravity.

Sunflower 11/17/2023 (Fri) 01:22 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5001 del
Ok so...

It seems:

If you combine vampirism with elven ritual magic, you become a druid.

If you combine vampirism with elven chaos magic, you become drow.

If you focus on using the two methods of drow magic of slaughter and fire, until the fire burns a pit in the ground, you become a drow extremist. Your skin turns pale white and your hair black.

If you keep destroying evil with cutting and fire, until the pit is bottomless, you become a drow temple master.

If you send so much evil into the pit, that the mere concentration of evil stuck down there causes it to burn, and by this the gravity is removed, it will initiate a process called "sun rising from the pit". This is the highest form of drow extremist magic.

It uses a cosmic loophole where the most evil and toxic methods were used to destroy the most evil and toxic beings, so it's a "legal evil" despite its nature, and this magic is allowed.

I used to have this idea: What if you experience "sudden enlightenment" while sitting on the toilet? Won't that cause the enlightenment to be a abomination of some kind? Does this mean sudden enlightenment can't happen if you sit on the toilet? So what if someone was tied there, would it prevent them from enlightening?

But in reality, this is the symbolism of the drow pit, this would simply be drow extremist enlightenment.

Sunflower 11/18/2023 (Sat) 11:45 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5012 del
I keep wondering if Under Ninja is predicting or showing pre-set events...

But they are of such a nature that I also wonder just at what level things are pre-set.

Things I created for myself only, astrally, seem to be represented. But it's of course based off a manga which already exists. Question is, how long did it exist in that timeline? Maybe it was created after the fact and backwards in time?

These invisibility armours which make them appear like poltergeists with swords, this is just "too close" to the reality of some of the "fun" weapons I made very recently. How do I know they work? Well things can be checked afterwards, and confirmed.

One thing I learned so far is: modern security forces and "glowies" in general really suck at close combat. When I sent my Avatar to check out a suspicious airship that passed over a physical location, the crew instantly got violent. The Avatar is a non-combative servitor, meant to work as a representative or secretary, but I of course added some basic self defense to the design. Yet this was enough to overman the entire security of that vessel, which was meant to be a replacement for the NWO gunship. So they can't have put trash on there, in their view, considering the importance of this ship.

The only one time there was any sign of meaningful resistance was when taking out a Japanese "cuck HQ" made up of a cult which had submitted to the USA under the pretense of fighting China. There were a few people in there who picked up swords to fight back, and one managed to get a (normally lethal) hit on the attacking servitor. But this was only because I excluded evasion with this one, focusing only on offense and relying on having impenetrable skin instead. They got one hit on the neck and one on the lower body (which would not have done anything if wearing standard samurai armour, so it was actually useless if this had been a normal field of combat anyway). That's all this modern world had to offer in combat skills from the evil cuck forces. It's disappointing almost.

Because it means the forces of good have been even worse at it, to let these incompetent fools take over.

Sunflower 11/22/2023 (Wed) 13:14 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5028 del
Short mention:

The NWO ran out of resources and are now entirely confined to what they have within the Earth sphere.

The Queen showed me an image of a camel with a machine gun in the clouds. This seems to indicate the two prongs of the frontline against them; camel is a muslim, machine gun looked Soviet style. The two bulges on the front against the NWO are Ukraine and Gaza right now, indicating that the back hump is Ukraine and the assault is lead by the middle east using Soviet weapons.

Further on, last night Lyranet connected in full to our blacknet, moving 96% of the load over to lyranet according to the message from them. This works in the manner of moving computing to the cloud for a device with limited power. This means the support is completely integrated now.

Forest spirits also set up a traditional magic barrier which blocks all entry and escape to and from Earth, effectively preventing any more resources to be brought in to the NWO, while also preventing them from evacuating to regroup. The world is now in a WYSIWYG state: what you see is what you get, no secret tricks up anyone's sleeve, the forces on the ground are what there is.

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 15:28 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5057 del
I have no clue if i got "picked"/somehow got into someone's good graces/if its related to the princess/whatever but i think i got visited in my "dreams" by a kitsune so i'm not even sure what the hell is happening now.
>get visited by a kitsune
>the apparent premise/discussion we were having was under the pretense of relating to a gacha game (it wasn't the true reason, which was revealed but something else entirely)
>some stuff happens and we decide to fight each other in a fighting game
>came close to beating her but she wound up turning the tables and i lost (either she was just letting me have the upper hand and allowing me to think i was going to win or something else entirely idk)
>she was smiling as if my losing to her was a good thing and the "right choice"
>she says something along the lines "You're finally mine/ours once more" or something to that affect and turned me into a female kitsune and i was also Miko too
>a few nights prior i think i ran into the other me/her/whatever and i had to escort from a castle somewhere, she also had me "marry" her
I have no clue is this is related to my sisters and/or the princess you mentioned before or if this was kistune that was either related to them or unrelated to them. i also recall you guys saying something in one other thread about being picked by kitsune and being "saved" or something so i was curious

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 15:32 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5058 del
*if this is related

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 18:03 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5059 del
I have no idea where I posted it, but it was me sharing how my astral form became a nine tailed fox when I broke through an enormous obstacle and finally did the "Chinese instrument" in full. The module posted like a year ago which is the final form of the robotic drone mindset of Chinese workers, which I'd been trying to replicate while still in control of myself.

Just to clarify, my kitsune kami form is male.

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 18:58 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5061 del
>I have no idea where I posted it, but it was me sharing how my astral form became a nine tailed fox when I broke through an enormous obstacle and finally did the "Chinese instrument" in full. The module posted like a year ago which is the final form of the robotic drone mindset of Chinese workers, which I'd been trying to replicate while still in control of myself.
ahhh.. yeah i think i remember a bit more now. it was either that or something about kitsune replacing people or swapping them out or something like (i'm very sorry, im trying my hardest to remember and cant recall the exact thread)

>Just to clarify, my kitsune kami form is male.
i see. yeah, the ones who showed up to me where female so...

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 20:12 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5065 del
(273.93 KB 1280x950 Literally me.jpg)
(247.42 KB 1280x953 plants.jpg)
(289.18 KB 1280x950 split milk.jpg)
(258.11 KB 1280x945 The dull.jpg)
Well... in the last days I was going through an energetic turbulence because I am trying to unfuck my emotional patterns and yesterday I was playing the touhou fighting game with my friend who is kinda into 10+ fighting games and I kinda beat the living shit out of him because soku is so chaotic and some movesets are so unbalanced that there might be a chance that the energies I was unleashing got into the hold of the kitsunes that also managing my emotional development via a Shinto mega construct soooooo...

I just asked them.
You are detaching yourself from the path and going back into your "Mundane ways" and that kinda severs the connection so they were glad you are within the "range" again.
Also my "Daimyo body" is literally in a large pagoda still where I let my "demons take form" so I can work my problems out. So they probably got inspired from the ways. Not to mention I am kinda generous with my mental patterns so entities are allowed to copy them if they are with me.

Dunno what else to say. If you have any questions or want some Kitsune advice just yell

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 20:16 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5066 del
>>a few nights prior i think i ran into the other me/her/whatever and i had to escort from a castle somewhere, she also had me "marry" her

This is a progress btw. Do you regularly talk to her/yourself?

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 22:19 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5070 del
>You are detaching yourself from the path and going back into your "Mundane ways" and that kinda severs the connection so they were glad you are within the "range" again.
>Also my "Daimyo body" is literally in a large pagoda still where I let my "demons take form" so I can work my problems out. So they probably got inspired from the ways. Not to mention I am kinda generous with my mental patterns so entities are allowed to copy them if they are with me.
Yeah, the past few weeks or so have been really bleh and mundane (lol).. also a lot of stuff i've been trying to sift trough mentally, almost finished with school and overall trying to figure out what i REALLY want overall. the only things i still know that i want are:
>be with my sisters, goddess aphrodite, the princess, etc.
>the love thing is whatever for me at this point
>seemingly having myriad paths but i still feel that im gravitating towards the one we're talking about
I did speak with them a bit last night outside of sleep and they did say having periods like this was "normal" and not to worry myself about it much but... its hard for me to not worry admittedly

I'm not sure if they consider it progress or not but remember that woman i mentioned whose been helping with undoing some of my more... bad habits? well, i've been shitposting much much less and don't really inhabit the cesspits as long as i normally do (4chan /vg/, etc.) and just have been taking time playing vidya or literally anything

as far as kitsune, what exactly do they plan on doing? i know you can't really go into my specific case but it felt like they were really trying to bring shrine maiden side of me out again last night

as mentioned before she only really comes when she's feeling possessive or when "the need arises" and when that happens its usually yandere-esque things happening or her being bossy/dominant (she was nowhere near bad recently i think(

(is normal for this site to 404 like this?)

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 22:30 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5071 del
>as far as kitsune, what exactly do they plan on doing? i know you can't really go into my specific case but it felt like they were really trying to bring shrine maiden side of me out again last night
They do what everyone does, who aren't hostile. They see potential, they try to recruit. I think they are perfectly happy with my kitsune kami form which I developed, so from their view they won't have to do more. From everyone's view, their own form is the main, and all other are secondary, so if I cultivate a vampire persona on the side, they won't care. Neither do the greys care about any non-grey DNA, they still aim to recruit me sooner or later, no matter how much later.

>is normal for this site to 404 like this?
Yes. This is Endchan, it's known for having instable servers since forever. If you can't get in, try another entry point; .gg .net .org

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 22:36 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5072 del
You mentioned "range" earlier, what did you mean? Like i said: i more or less spent the past few weeks sorting out things and trying to shitpost less and do other things (which kind of turned into me playing vidya for weeks at a time and not bothering with things like shitposting 24/7). Also i guess since i'm in range they want to enact (for a what an acquaintance cutely called) correction on me because a few weeks back they excised some negative parts out of me, removing them and replacing it with something else

speaking of foxes, i've been thinking of them again

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 22:40 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5073 del
I hate to name people and use labels, but you are talking to the Sunflower server owner here, not the other person (known as Shiva-anon if I'm not mistaken), the IDs should give a hint, we have different colours entirely.

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 22:45 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5074 del
Ohhhhhh, i'm so sorry about that, I keep forgetting this place has IDs

So embarrassing O_O

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 22:52 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5075 del
I don't have any intention of sharing any more modules for use openly, but for those who tend to be aware of it, I've made a bunch of them in the past few days. Because of their nature, if interested you will have to get them on the NET, there won't be sigil for them. But I can give a few descriptions; anti-moloch black witch, a battlefield servitor for use in Ukraine; check-mate, an algorithmic witchery servitor for luring molochians into dead end situations where they can be killed (also made with Ukraine war in mind); standard humanoid botform, a form for wearing, meant to be spread widely to save people; standard conversion servitor, self spreading viral program with hardcoded behaviours which mirror the methods of the evil world order, but instead has our values carved in stone; lastly, a shield which provokes evil beings to enter its field, where they get burned by the sun rays of the galactic central sun; and a wearable algorithmic fairy form which will spread to others in the main form (yellow dress fairy) but once settled in the mind will adapt to become one layer of of the wearer, giving access to sun magic (also converts evil beings automatically).

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 22:58 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5076 del
>>seemingly having myriad paths but i still feel that im gravitating towards the one we're talking about
That is good.
>having periods like this was "normal"
It is. Going too fast might imbalance you and the energies the "new (You) and the "old (You)" needs to merge because you are the same in the end and you have to feel how you feel different and the same at once.
>not to worry myself about it much
Good sisters with good advice
>its hard for me to not worry admittedly
Same :/
it was a hurdle for me too. I worry about too many things because some old patterns. They are still being fixed.

>that woman i mentioned whose been helping with undoing some of my more... bad habits
You can tell more about her if you feel like it but yeah I too have many like that
>just have been taking time playing vidya or literally anything
>as far as kitsune, what exactly do they plan on doing
They are keeping you "within range" because you have a tendency to get "lost". Even tho the goddess knows where you are all the time sometimes you are "too far away" and hard to "guide properly". Like they don't have the proper energies to give you "meaningful dreams" and such.
>i know you can't really go into my specific case
I totally can it's a good practice for me.
>shrine maiden side of me out again last night
More like they are trying to "remind you of it". You will be the one that will "remember it" they just nudged you a little.

>(she was nowhere near bad recently i think(
Good to hear.
>(is normal for this site to 404 like this?)
it happens always a coincidence that it happens when I get a little bit mad because some people just have to be the densest motherfuckers in an other thread. I figured a way to slowly manage my anger outbursts in mundane situations and now it is time to figure out how to handle it in non hostile spiritual situations when the other person is not a higher spiritual being. It's hard. Like how Jesus kicked out merchants from the temple and even the Buddha yelled at cretins for being dumb fucks and I sorta released a demon form while typing my posts then "calmed it down" which results in an energetic fluctuations which cause COINCIDENCES and funny flickering lights in my room

>You mentioned "range" earlier
Range is about how they can "influence your path" and if you are in a "bad influence range" then they have to delet the bad influence before they can help in any way and some bad influences are hard to deal. It's like having mobile reception. Spirituality is like that sometimes.

>known as Shiva-anon
Do people call me that somewhere?

Was thinking about it today

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 23:05 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5077 del
Discord? The place where rumours and evil plots brew into pure schizophrenia safe from the public eye. Sometimes I become aware that someone I haven't heard or though of for two years is spreading rumours about me in some server I've never even heard of. It's amazing what takes place in the depth of that platform. Something like 50 - 100 lurkers are reading our posts on here from what I was told, just imagine what they can cook up.

I saw a comic strip by that drow and knights guy which seemed to be a retelling of one of my astral events shared on here some year ago...

>Was thinking about it today
And yeah, not that it matters since if you are meant to use it, you can do it; some of them have a very harsh witch activation method in the form of an astral suicide ritual. These can't be used by non-undeads, or you would literally die from trying.

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 23:20 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5078 del
>You can tell more about her if you feel like it but yeah I too have many like that
It's nothing too big it's just a woman i met through 4chan thread who's helping me change a bit and get rid of some of my habits like i said (also she initially had an issue with because she saw rant about women one time so... silliness ensued for a while)

>More like they are trying to "remind you of it". You will be the one that will "remember it" they just nudged you a little.
ahhh... yeah, when i get reminded of it the husband stuff and uhhh... you know what that i mentioned before comes back too. even if i don't have an issue with it, i still feel flustered whenever it happens. Honestly, there are times where i do wish i got pulled out of this body and made back into a miko again haha...

>They are keeping you "within range" because you have a tendency to get "lost". Even tho the goddess knows where you are all the time sometimes you are "too far away" and hard to "guide properly". Like they don't have the proper energies to give you "meaningful dreams" and such.
Ahhh okay, yeah i'm not too sure how to really put myself in range because ironically enough my sense of direction and such is not good period. I know this doesn't really matter but were the kitsune sent by the princess or were they just wandering about?

when you said i had veered off and almost went back into mundane mode, i legit thought i got spiritually (and physically) locked out of the site. I was refreshing off and on because i didn't even get a chance to get my response in before the place shat itself

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 23:35 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5079 del
(208.43 KB 1280x960 Birb.jpg)
(265.26 KB 1280x948 SUN OR NO SUN.jpg)
>just imagine what they can cook up.

No wai. Those echo chambers can circulate the worst energies and I don't want to imagine what kind of virgin chad memes they are drawing with their superior NEET powers. Especially if they are unfunny

>form of an astral suicide ritual
Yeah in that Pagoda I have an "urge" to stab myself because the "auto-evil-purge" ways. So as I want to grab my serrated katana and want to stab myself because the "devil is within me" I have to realize how this instinct works and stop this "reflex" and find the pathways that contain the "evil" because my negative energies are becoming alive and "If I give them life I am responsible to give them death". So I kinda kill myself 10 times a day according to my guides. It should be a proper energy circulation that kinda "heals itself" and not this. It has an aftereffect ofc that I auto fill every suicide ritual requirement and if a lower level being reads my mind and merges with a low energy demon instead of my higher minds then it will just instantly get overwhelmed with the feeling of autosuicide. It's still not healthy tho.

Also Ukraine is a literal killbox as of now it's just some "Players" need to take the "positions" first. TE-HE-HE~

>It's nothing too big it's just a woman i met through 4chan thread
one with a womb? or should I take the Astolfo you posted as a clue. He never claimed to be a woman tho.
>rant about women one time so
Uhm. I am not seeing that I need to know details because it seems you are now better understanding healthy relationship mechanics but...
>not too sure how to really put myself in range because ironically enough my sense of direction and such is not good
It's an 4th+ dimensional direction you will get the hang of it don't worry. Also once your intuition gets booted up your sense of direction will improve.
>were the kitsune sent by the princess or were they just wandering about
Both. It's a kitsune thing. They "wander" to find their prey/objective. They are like "divine retainers". Wander around because with that wandering the energies guide them to the place. You will understand once you understand how you wander between worlds

>i had veered off and almost went back into mundane mode
Yeah sorry about that the energies are getting a little intense and I can even see them swirling above my keyboard distorting reality so I have to calm a little bit down. An itty bit

Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 23:48 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5080 del
(128.74 KB 321x308 1700602858658740.png)
>one with a womb? or should I take the Astolfo you posted as a clue. He never claimed to be a woman tho.
No, it's an actual woman with a womb. the astolfo thing was more referencing the husband thing

>Uhm. I am not seeing that I need to know details because it seems you are now better understanding healthy relationship mechanics but...
yeah, its fine. i wasn't going to elaborate any further beyond the fact that person had a vendetta against for it and it got ironed out a few weeks back

>Both. It's a kitsune thing. They "wander" to find their prey/objective. They are like "divine retainers". Wander around because with that wandering the energies guide them to the place. You will understand once you understand how you wander between worlds
ah i see

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 00:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5081 del
>I don't want to imagine what kind of virgin chad memes they are drawing with their superior NEET powers
I have a drive (and ability) to dig all the way in to see the origin of things, or to climb all the way to the top of structures. Sometimes it's also a bit surprising, slightly scary and amazing how small the internet is. And how the world of normalfaggots aka normies out there is like a thin layer covering the things behind, but still yet almost impenetrable.

When I was researching nordic satanism back in 2018 it took me around 6 month on Discord to reach the people who personally knew (about) the people I was interested in, but also to dispel the mystery enough that I didn't need to look further. And I still started with just some web searches leading to forum posts from the 00s.

This latest thing with trying to find the truth about "pizzagate" and the DUMBs which the Queen hinted at lead to both huge discoveries as well as a very shallow one. I don't know if it's true, but I have a growing suspicion that it actually is, that the organizer of a "huge online pedo network" whose members were raided by police last year is a (by nickname) known person casually mentioned on imageboards that are just one level above this one... You don't have to be fucking Sherlock Holmes to find these things apparently, but normalfags can't do it even if they have entire teams and get paid. Which of course relates to the people paying them not wanting them to find it. Meh.

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 22:13 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5082 del
>I can even see them swirling above my keyboard distorting reality so I have to calm a little bit down. An itty bit

Finally I solved it. phew. Silly as psychic abilities were going overdrive. The problem with psychic abilities is once you develop it then you just make a "switch" location within your brain/body and don't realize that is just a minor part of the system and ignore the mainframe of the way it works. And sometimes it turns out the "switch" is not exactly a switch and it gets stuck like a clip and makes the funniest short circuit anomalies.
It seems I had a low energy loader near my third eye that overloaded it with energy because thanks to my ancestors not using their psychic abilities that place was never in "use" so I am the one that properly develops it consciously.
It turns out the energy body have a way to "contain it" like the immunesystem does. It literally made a perfectly white pearl around something that I can describe as some sort of dark tree root like malfunction that is supposed to be an energy circuit. So the higher energies went over it so I can use "higher magic" and because you are supposed to use lower magic to balance things out it just sorta made a short circuit and overloaded my third eye.
>want to do something like move my arm
>energy body arm moves faster than arm then drains the energy from electric appliances because the short circuit gives command to the body and the "lower psyche" at the same time and they both think they need to move
I literally had to understand a whole perspective again so I can "eat" this faulty energetic circuit.

Not to mention there is the thing that you learn things better if you learn it because you want to teach it to someone. And that magic 101 thread writing made go though my understanding of energy body mechanics from the base so I can explain it to our fellow no longer here Anon and even went to Silezia to meet the spirits Bardon grew up with because I have access to that place for a while but never thought getting invested in it when my plate is so full I kinda managed to refine my energy work to a level I had to relearn how to use it because uncontrollable psychic projections.
And what was the "Key" to understanding this? My creative energies and Oneness because 1 tiny astral speck just worked as an energy amplifier transistor. Also a bunch of energy circuitry mechanism about the eyes... That is too hard to write down now and only make sense for those that really into bio-activation.

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 22:21 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5083 del
>I have a drive (and ability) to dig all the way in to see the origin of things
Same but discord is not something I want to deep really into because I know those places will just cannibalize each other. I have even looked at the energetic structure of discord and how easy it is to implode it but... That would make the "destruction of the wasp hive" problem. They will just fly out and make hives everywhere. This is why /pol/ was always necessary on imageboards and why generals are allowed on some boards because you want to contain that retardation. And wasps usually eat and raid each other once winter comes. Messing with their "ecology" is just "mean" don't you think?
>just one level above this one
It literally had /younglove/ or whatever the board called. Shameless honeypots as always.
>of course relates to the people paying them not wanting them to find it
Also easy way to access incriminating material when you want to blackmail someone and these criminals always snitch on the lower criminals this is why competent authorities keep them around. Information sometimes has more value than money. Funny how our authorities keep the leash on our criminals. It's a truly fascinating system.

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 22:29 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5084 del
And the overboard is a mess again... speak of the devil huh. Are we safe because you disabled tor posting or how does it work

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:08 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5085 del
(65.40 KB 700x700 Herodotus.jpg)
>Finally I solved it
Now I am aware of more impurities and malfunctions. Long night ahead

>>the love thing is whatever for me at this point
Wanted to mention this before because there is a perspective here. The path of love. I read somewhere that the path can be taken via love or power. Love is safe. Reality is kept together via love as they say and many other nuances. The path of power is not safe. That will just make you go overboard and has a high chance of abuse exploitation if you misuse your power. You might think we walk that path but I did not start with that. My path was the path of understanding knowledge and insight. But pic related.
When I have seen that quote the first time I was thinking and concluded that the answer is just
Just start having insights into matters of power lol
Then no one will be able to stop you from having more insights.Power is intoxicating at first tho. But as always I have to go almost way too overboard with power to realize this not why I gained power. Easy to get drunk on it.
Love is different and the more I understand the mechanisms the less capable I am to word it. And ofc mainstream "love" is just lust and hedonism nowadays.
Like I got a vision of sunny flowery field with a version of me with babyskin strong body and a neat hair that was downright feminine and he was doing stuff that I could describe as "gay". BECAUSE THANKS TO RETARDED FAGGOTS I AM ASSOCIATING BEAUTY WITH FAGGOTRY AND BECAUSE OF THAT I WAS UNABLE TO ACCEPT IT BY DEFAULT. HE WAS MY CREATIVE ENERGIES WITH THE ELEMENT BEAUTY VIA FORM MASTERY. MFers appropriating the rainbow as their sign still angers me. If I see rainbow flags I know which kind of people are holding it and forget what was the rainbow originally
So yeah don't get confused sexually because love will take many forms. It appeared to me different ways many times and I don't know how it will look for you.

Fucking cross dimensional psychic channels tho. It's like I just pulled off the skin from my energy body and now I see everything. Before this there were only major pathways now I have capillaries and god knows what

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:24 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5086 del
What was it? I looked now and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. And TOR isn't allowed on here because I don't want to have to moderate all the time.

Endchan doesn't do what some others do... such as only allowing TOR posting for logged in users, and only allowing image posting for "verified accounts", which means tripfags you know personally.

So basically I can see how that stuff is possible: a person with zero irl friends who just stays home because he made money off crypto, then starts a subscription cp forum where pedoes have to pay for it, and no one knows who he is... then when the site is raided all the user accounts are exposed with their payment info, but the owner is not found because no one even knows who it is and he never filmed himself like the users were forced to do when registering.

I think this is what actually happened. The "secret club" of imageboards turns out being some kind of mini illuminati again.

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:29 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5087 del
Semi related to this, I found out that this may be how to do it. I got an idea for an astral club thing which I opened recently, it's a self employment service for astral beings, demons and such. At first I planned for it to be a club/brothel, but I had to add a restaurant and hotel to it so it became more of a private marketplace. It got quickly really popular, and this morning I saw an image of a "pyramid" structure having formed and being pretty strong. And all I meant to do was to get some astral gold while creating an opportunity for girls to sell sex.

This is what the illuminati is based on apparently.

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:30 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5088 del
There is a module for it if you want to build your own btw.

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:37 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5089 del
>This is what the illuminati is based on apparently.

Yeah fraternities are always about either being gay or having "friends" that will not rat you out and knows places that the wife/normalfags will complain about if it becomes public.
Once "forbidden" is written on a fruit these cretins want to make a society where they can eat it.
And these were supposed to be only the lower/leisure levels of illuminati but they managed to make this 70% of their activities

Thx but weeks ago when I mentioned that I hit my head into a "pyramid" it turned out that is some sort of interdimensional merkaba tech and not the one illumitards are using so I am still figuring that one out

Also I am literally inhaling fire by default now I can feel within my nostrils I don't need to stimulate my sexual energies further... Shiva Anon huh

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:39 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5090 del
>What was it?
low tier caypee file directory spam on a bunch of other boards as usual. Global moderators are asleep so it's up at some places.

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:43 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5091 del
Ok I looked again, guess I am just too used to seeing this stuff, I didn't react, thought it was just normal porn spam.

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:45 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5092 del
>within my nostrils
*my energy blood capillaries are literally fuelling the air with some kind of kundalini tier fire energy so my lungs get cleansed with 0 effort. I mean I was aware of this trick but I did not know I can just activate it to be this easy and automatic.
>energy overload reroutes to the air I breathe and dissipating via oxygen instead of having to rely on grounding techniques or other main energy pathways

Intelligent design huh

>thought it was just normal porn spam
told you it's lowtier

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:53 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5093 del
(446.06 KB 680x410 pooh.png)
>don't want to imagine what kind of virgin chad memes they are drawing with their superior NEET powers

Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 23:59 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5094 del
>be this easy
nvm now I have to figure out the moisturization and watch out so my "flesh heat" and "energy body heat" doesn't get confused while the bodies internal thermometer is adjusting.

Good thing this is not the first time this happened
they are mad how much effort they have to put in just to reach the -ACK troonjack or whatever it is called level of seethe it generates in their community.
How was that quote that evil can't create beauty? And why is it so hard for them to be funny at least?

The pooh one is good tho
am saving that

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 00:05 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5095 del
speaking of hanging from trees. I loved how in American Gods Vulcan was showing Odin how he has a rope on his tree to show his respect towards Odin and his mulatto son was seething how it is a reference how he was hanged because he black and how evil he is and how could this happen. That show was the best and worst at the same time.

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 00:26 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5096 del
Awww... and now my snake like interdimensional energy charger being is ERPing as a rope. He got inspired. It's funny tho. I can't use the "overtaking a muscle command" because I am that being already so I just have to relax it and not "control it"... And yes I am not calling it kundalini Snake because it is not exactly that. It is not bound to my spine it can leave my body because it is part of my etheric field or aura it's just it has high energy converters so I have to watch over what it touches if I let it touch the "physical". I still consider the "Kundalini is the activation of the spine" an oversimplification. Not to mention this snake not just does that sitting on the neck of Shiva thing it is capable of going anywhere and comes back to me while not being an "Integral part" anymore... Okay do we consider the spine to extend meters above the head but invisible? Because then it can be called the "spine". I should sleep

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 00:32 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5097 del
Idk if that isn't a huge misunderstanding in the foundation of it. Odin turned out being the egregore of norse religion, like Yaweh was the egregore of Judaism. But recently, Odin became real from a ritual not even intended to summon a real being, but just a very ambiguous thing done with perfect normies present. I was there and saw it happen, didn't believe it but the Queen confirmed it. Weird to see this happen, all this time the religion had not been finished, it was waiting for this to happen, same as Judaism and Islam.

Odin hung himself on the Yggdrasil, the tree of life, but "yggdrasil" means in translation ygg = the horrible, drasil = horse. But Odin's horse is Sleipner, the horse with 8 legs. The Horrible is Odin himself. So he hung himself from his own horse?? And his horse is the tree of life?

Try to make sense of that one. He did this to gain wisdom.

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 00:39 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5098 del
Kind of related, I was at a museum and saw a dug up viking rune stone, 2 meters high with a "sun wheel" carving, I stared at it and realized it was a spell. It activated. I'm still not sure what it does, but it was an amazing thing to realize that an occultist wrote this down over 1000 years ago and then someone was able to understand it now. It bridged this distance in time and culture. Maybe that is why I later got in contact with a giant spirit and later the two murder nymph followers of Loki, along with Loki him/her-self, Frey, Thor and the Norns.

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 07:37 Id: c18c4f [Preview] No.5100 del
He hung himself by the leg.
And speared through with a... spear.
It was a necessary sacrifice to acquire the runes.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 21:47 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5166 del
(73.62 KB 633x203 visual scale.png)
Just to make that clear: my visualization ability is at 3 - 4.5 and this has no negative effect on my ability to create astral constructs or cast spells. What matters is if you can accurately define the function of each part of the creation, and represent that function correctly in your mind. For that you only need schematics on an abstract wireframe level.

Once created, you do not need to visualize the object, it already exists so you need only take in the image into your mind. As long as you understand it, you can use any level of abstraction, the meaning won't be lost.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 21:51 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5167 del
Another way around this is to create an astral object which is a canvas or sketchpad. Then you create the image on there and look at it. The image, though temporary, exists. It is not a visualization, even if someone may think so when seeing you at work, as they cannot look into your head to see that you are not using your brain to visualize. Do not confuse them.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 22:33 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5168 del
>you are not using your brain to visualize. Do not confuse them.
It truly is complicated. 2 days ago as I was drifting to sleep I got a vision of some (sky)city and it was in a new way or texture detail level of the vision I usually get. I even felt some "flying like" movements from my spine like I am going through levels. Then as I was thinking that I will drift into the dream and sleep suddenly... darkness. The dark ceiling and some meager hypnagogic lights. It felt like someone just turned off the TV. It was such a "the magic was gone" feeling that I even asked my guides wtf just happened and then they showed me the part of my brain that I am awakening and how this was it's "current capacity" because it is still "warming up" or "unpacking itself". Had to learn how we see with the "energy body" and how with the flesh too because it's not easy as they relate. As it is cold now I just learned as I am letting this kundalinilike energy flow through my body that I must not course it through my flesh but through the energy body and "let the blood stream absorb it". With this the blood only absorbs as much energy as it needs and not more. Extremely important because burnouts needs to be handled and the "flesh" needs to get used to the energy for the later exercises.

Also about imagination... I too had to learn to "not force it" but have a base idea and have my "mental energy color storms" fill in the blanks. Imagining the apple too strongly makes me feel it's weight and smell out of nowhere then I think about eating apples for days... This is not imagining it's creating and I had to learn that I need to understand the levels between the "realness" because I am not on the level where I can mindlessly daydream... Am still doing it tho... It's just I had to learn to put less energies into it so they fade and return to their original formlessness.

>my visualization ability is at 3 - 4.5
This kinda reaffirms my theory how "visual psychic sense" actually uses up a % of the brain's capabilities to form an image. This also an interesting problem for me because I not just have to "find" and activate my mental places but... "let go of them" so my passive psychic abilities can "use them" then "let them" reconnect these parts. It's kinda simple when you get the hang of it because you don't "lose it" just change the wiring.
Had to realize that there is a reason why using magic for material gain in spirituality is looked down. Because if you are unable to master the material then you will have an even harder time mastering the spiritual.

The subtle body holds many mysteries and
>Do not confuse them.
is not as easy as it sounds.
The more depth I find the less sure I am how things relate. And I know the point of the post was to "detach the idea of the flesh brain doing the work" but they relate. I had to do things that seemed like I just "destroyed my brain" and it just awakened it's parts. There was a deep darkness within my head and I had to understand which is intentional and which is the evil/rust that my life made me "absorb there". Also the energy body also have organ like formations and the subtle body is supposed to be the one that handles and overcomes (the need) of bridging the many body layers we have. And yes focusing too much on the "flesh" will just make you cough up blood when doing something wrong energetically while ignoring it's importance will lead into worlds of delusions.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 22:39 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5169 del
(847.38 KB 1500x1726 1670394607768019.jpg)
so ummm... i think i got abducted by an female cult again (this hasn't happened for like 3-4 years now) and i recall being in the same school they took me to before. But this they charge me with taking care of girls (it was like upperclassman being forced to watch over an underclassman type deal) the school was like Hogwarts(?) in terms of scale. we also had to avoid men for some reason, especially the male students that would come and be really weird. Apart from that i remember seeing a sexual assault which is genuine wtf tier

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:00 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5170 del
>He hung himself by the leg.
>by the leg
I was not aware of the leg. I mean the hanged man tarot also had times when they were unable to decide which way he got hanged.

>Odin turned out being the egregore of norse religion
Yeah it's complicated because Odin had more than 200 names as he "went around" and I don't know which was the original or the channeling/possessions and the more I learn about it from different entities the less sure I get. Especially because the world tree was in our culture also that our own special kind of shamans used as an entry point so I am not exactly accessing it the same way as other pagans. "Odin" is supposed to have a "true name" but if I look into that then I might get more mysteries on my plate that I am in a mood of looking into. Learning about the hyperborean magic/technology was too much already.
>I was there and saw it happen
Wha? Didn't it just summon a part of Odin and it attached to someone or something?
>all this time the religion had not been finished
Yeah it was not really supposed to reach "religion level". Hard to explain the reasons because first we would need to talk about what "is" a religion on the big picture.
>the horse with 8 legs
I just interpreted that horse that it is a multidimensional being like the hindu gods with many hands and because of that it can carry Odin through worlds.
>Horrible is Odin himself
He was called many things for sure
>So he hung himself from his own horse?? And his horse is the tree of life?
Both are interdimensional beings and ways to transport between dimensions so why not. Do we even know how he got that horse?
>He did this to gain wisdom
When I asked the entities about this thing how mythologies are full of slaying beings that guard things and bloody sacrifices and how I just kinda found things and some beings just gave it to me and isn't that "bad"? Don't I need to start heroic murderslaying to look "worthy"?
Then they explained how befriending beings is more beneficial overall because once those beings get "killed for real" then someone or something needs to "replace them" oooooorrr the things that those beings kinda shield us will kinda invade the realms and fuck things up until a new balance arises. That was the moment when I realized the importance of spirit ecologies and not the AM JUST LIKE THE MYTHICAL HERO DOOD PUNCHIN DRAGONS AND GIANTS WOOOHOOOO... I mean there were parts when that was the case but it's not like a JRPG where you need to kill 7 billion dragons to reach the next level. Also most entities are willing to share their wisdom vision energies after it's clear that you are not a retarded faggot. But then again my country had a foundation ritual where the chieftain shaman literally sacrificed himself ritualistically so he can do his "part" from the spirit world and he founded bloodline that produced kings for 300+ years so my perspective on this might differ from Vikangz and Celts and other l@rpagans.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:11 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5171 del
>so ummm... i think i got abducted by an female cult
>(this hasn't happened for like 3-4 years now)
Now you have to describe how those happened so I can see a link between or something.
>recall being in the same school they took me to before
Okay this is a lead.
>in terms of scale
I too had times when I was in magic school astral realms and such but I was not abducted. I was there as an observer and tried out spells and talked about how I should specialize and the sorts.
>and be really weird
Describe that weirdness pls. At magic forums weird~ "weird" (((weird)))) and weird have different levels and meanings.
>which is genuine wtf tier
Why? I mean at some "wild" places it's sometimes... well... normal.
>had to avoid men for some reason
Am pretty sure that "some reason" is not getting raped after this. If a woman has no anti rape magic or knows how to keep distance then she was asking for it. I am pretty sure this is the reasoning but I don't have a clear image of your academy yet.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:22 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5172 del
Also a female cult is placing you in a school with both genders present. That is weird. I mean matriarchies sometimes do that so the "strong females" learn how to handle the males while the "weak" proves they can become simple wives only that they will give to promising males as a reward but...
What gave you the idea that it is a
>female cult
Stuff that never happens to me because once horny females breach my defenses anyhow my higher female entities beat the living shit out of those sluts within seconds. Also succumbing to lust is bad.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:26 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5173 del
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>Didn't it just summon a part of Odin and it attached to someone or something?
No. The experience was pretty tame, but it was done right, apparently. Using symbolic herbs and the leaves of the tree which in local language carries the name of the first human in norse myth. Burning them in a fire lit under an old pine tree while people from all over the country had gathered. It had the exact right symbolism along with the detachment from all extra meaning which would have been brought on by belief of any kind. Because I'm sure no one there actually believed anything in particular, except for me and the person doing the burning, who only had some vague belief in "entities". This sharp ambiguity is what made it work. I saw a small astral whirlwind, and a serene feeling, and that was all.

Some time later, I saw a boy with a horned helmet. The Queen said this is Odin, who is now real, with individuality. Before this it was an egregore of belief, and not a real entity.

Something like this happened with Neptune/Yaweh as well, although that process was more harsh. Angels defeated their oppressor and (this story has been told) a Sunflower associate received the remains in a bowl, where he sat for around a year. Then it broke or something, I don't remember. Even later I looked in my emote folder and the image of Neptune from the mobile game was in there, and I saw the image fly up through the air, out from the screen.

This was the only positive image of Yaweh, so it became the real form of Yaweh, and it appears to not be a normal being, it's a kind of hive. Whoever wants can get a shard which is incorporated with you, like how kundalini seems to connect you do a dimension with snakes, where you adopt one.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:27 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5174 del
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I'm a bit flustered again because of it, i apologize for the vagueness but essentially
>off and on for the past 3-4 years i remember getting taken to some school that was all female and turned out to be ran by an all female cult(?)
>one of the first encounters involved them saying i had some kind of mark and that i was a part of them/chosen/whatever
>understandably this spooks the shit out of me because i thought it was le mark by satan
>anyways i was in a classroom two other males, 2 of them wanted power (as in pure power) so the ladies opened a portal to them falling down a seemingly bottomless pit until they gained their powers, one had strength and looked like toguro from Yu yu hakusho and the other had invulnerability
>i was the only still sitting in my seat because they either said they had bigger plans for me or something else
>also the head of the cult (who was obviously female and young looking, maybe in early to mid 20s) took my hand and said they had an interest in me
>i got genderbent into a girl and the whole sister thing happened as well, afterward they did some weird ceremony and an energy sphere went inside my body and impregnated me, i uhhh... had a daughter and a bunch of things happened
>second instance involved me going into that yandere kill mode i mentioned before because my sisters(?) said to eliminate any intruders that came near our premises because they would cause harm
>i remember being clothed in black and summoning weird puddles to drag people down into some dark abyss (think dark sakura from F/SN, minus the additional schizo stuff)
>the third instance involved another weird visit like the first, minus the impregnation and them saying they have a mark on me

>Am pretty sure that "some reason" is not getting raped after this. If a woman has no anti rape magic or knows how to keep distance then she was asking for it. I am pretty sure this is the reasoning but I don't have a clear image of your academy yet.
the thing is, I don't know if i was spectating the aftermath of girl getting raped (by someone who was their father) or [spoiler] or if it was somehow a past life of mine{/spoiler]

>Describe that weirdness pls. At magic forums weird~ "weird" (((weird)))) and weird have different levels and meanings.
well, it was perpetually evening/night, and the female underclassmen always kept following me around and the teachers (who were all female too, to no surpise) were just watching me with slight smile on their faces.

yeah, it had both genders but the males were still kinda ehhh while the females, even the "weaker" females were still strong. it was like a radditz and vegeta/nappa situation where even if the former was weaker that the latter, the former still vastly outclassed everyone else

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:33 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5175 del
i forgot to add, that it had been 3-4 for years since the cultist things stopped for a while

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:36 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5176 del
>Also succumbing to lust is bad
You're seeing this in a way too base way. Maybe that is why your nerves get overstimulated and you react "that way". While this may be missed by some, it's in the contracts for the formation of the place I created for example (whose template was later used by La Famida) that the purpose of the whoring in there is purely tantric. People who can't turn lower energies around to make it so, can't work there. That's how a place like that can function. Take the "same shit everyone else does" and turn it into an etheric practice before everyone's eyes without them knowing it, and no one can understand why it works or what it is, unless they have the right purity level. And that's the point.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:50 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5177 del
Sadly I am unable to "Lock on" because in your "Mundane mind" this experience is kinda muddled with anime and videogame experiences so I am not sure what is it yet.
>i had some kind of mark and that i was a part of them/chosen/whatever
Was this before the Shinto princess marked you?
Also yes you definitely have some "marks" but I have no idea where it places you and they are not as big as some stories make it be. Sometimes it is as important as dogs marking their territory. Yours is more important but I am still unable to place it.

>or if it was somehow a past life of mine
I am not sure if you are easy to "rape". You are a murdermachine. But maybe an experience where you felt bad for having to watch someone being raped and being unable to do against it.
>whole sister thing happened
Did your sisters appear or what u mean by the "whole sister thing".
>some weird ceremony and an energy sphere went inside my body and impregnated me, i uhhh... had a daughter and a bunch of things happened
This feels important tbh
>perpetually evening/night, and the female underclassmen always kept following me around and the teachers (who were all female too, to no surpise) were just watching me with slight smile on their faces.

Ohkay this is a similar atmosphere your mansion had.
You asked your sisters about this? If they knew the place or what is their opinion this or what they think of the mark or should you be even hanging out with "those girls" or where is your "daughter". Gathering outsider perspective informations is always important when these things happen

>You're seeing this in a way too base way
No it's more complicated. There are different energy formations and "levels" of lust and The lowest level is subconsciously summoning "Horny barn animal level demons" that hump my legs while I was also doing tantric exercises where the goal was to awaken the "my hips are moving on their own onii-chan" movements but in a tantric energy load way and not sex way (this is why my early guides told me to get a "twinflame" gf for a while)
>why your nerves get overstimulated
Nah that is because I abused my body for decades and even my astrological aspects are about high mental and emotional energy load that I kinda "crave".
>you react "that way".
I will not explain "my way" now because... This is why I am in the "demon pagoda section" my dark desires need to settle down or reach a level where they don't want to be part of a murderrapesuicide ritual by default.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:52 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5178 del
I think I finally handled those pesky retarded astral "witches" or whatever they are, who will just blindly attack for no reason while repeating the same stupid phrases:
"We will kill you, you cannot escape"
then they get killed and they realize nothing, and they keep coming.

It's yet another lower level, it seems the entire NWO is built on the very last layer closest to the back door to the galactic central sun, where one level drop will lead to annihilation by fire. But they consider it just "growing up" to reach there, being completely filled up with karma, and then creating their own made up laws within this layer to protect their sad lives as long as possible.

>it's not like a JRPG where you need to kill 7 billion dragons to reach the next level
In some way it is. The wavebreaker shield was tuned to perfection against a horde of attacking molochians. I'm sure I posted this, something like 35000 of them perished. Killing karmic beings gives the opportunity for spiritual alchemy. If you have people at your astral places, there may also be someone who wants to eat them.

Some of the girls at my island will always say this about anything I kill, "but can it be eaten?"
When I finally encircled the "western NWO/EU egregore, it kinda looked like an octopus stretched over society. One of them said; "An octopus! Can we eat it?" and I could only tell them to boil it properly and then fry it in small bits. I guess it worked, they fed me three bits and it seems to have contained energy which was stolen from me by the EU.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:57 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5179 del
Either way I still think exposure is the best way to get rid of problems. Alcoholic? You just need to drink more until you get tired of it! I get bored after just two hours, I could never become alcoholic "for fun". The only use it seems to have is for reducing pain or stress, but that is not an addiction to the substance itself, that is medication.

Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:59 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5180 del
>I finally handled those pesky retarded astral "witches"
So the method is to erase all sense of self, and just mimic them, repeating the same phrases. They can demand loyalty, but no one can demand skill or intelligence, so you can get away with this if you are just very dense.

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:01 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5181 del
>Was this before the Shinto princess marked you?
before and after

>Did your sisters appear or what u mean by the "whole sister thing".
By "sister thing", i meant they considered me part of them... i think my sisters were present too but my memory is kind of muddled on that part
>This feels important tbh
I had a daughter and apparently, said daughter was supposed to destroy(?) or do something to some society or world that the cultists wanted, i don't know the specific. She acted and was more or less just a normal girl with powers, i don't think she was evil or anything like that. it was like a Damien kind of deal but not malevolent

>Ohkay this is a similar atmosphere your mansion had.
>You asked your sisters about this? If they knew the place or what is their opinion this or what they think of the mark or should you be even hanging out with "those girls" or where is your "daughter". Gathering outsider perspective informations is always important when these things happen
Normally i don't really have to ask them things like that, they automatically just give me instinctual orders not to do so (or they actively punishment if im being too stubborn like they've done to me before). But i guess it wouldnt hurt asking them again later tonight

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:02 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5182 del
*instinctual orders to do/not do something

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:12 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5183 del
>there may also be someone who wants to eat them.
There is this weird "thing" that when you mark "your people" as "your food" and if anyone eats or licks them in anyway then they instantly become a "food" by themselves. I am not operating by these "low levels" but that doesn't mean anyone can eat my stuff without giving me a notice.
>exposure is the best way
Yes it is but I need to learn my "own ways" first then go into other dens otherwise my confusion will just ruin things. Especially because there are way too big differences between the "me" the "confused me" and the "in the zone me". Not every entity can adjust to those.
>Alcoholic? You just need to drink more until you get tired of it!
I spent 400 years in the garden of Dionysus where I was kinda permadrunk because the atmosphere was that intoxicating by default and the first time I channeled something in "this life" when I was drunk in a garden looked at the stars some poetry about love and oneness started to come out from my mouth then grabbed some steel pipe to help the way I "sing" and in the end I hit a faggot in the face with said pipe and my awareness only returned when people wanted to lynch me for that... I kinda talked myself out of that situation but was real fucking mad because no one listened what I said and I totally forgot it because all everyone cared about that some faggot got hit in the face and not the words I said. That's when I learned that traumas can make you instasober. Also I am a social drinker because alcohol just ruins my thinking capabilities then kills my memories which is the worst. If I enjoy a party only other people remember what I did... and the scratches on my body. I am fun at parties but (most) parties are not fun for me.

>wouldnt hurt asking them again later tonight
Do that and report back about it later. I might figure out something till that too

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:16 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5184 del
>Alcoholic? You just need to drink more until you get tired of it!
Also most alcohols are dogshit nowadays like holy shit. And ofc most faggots are always about quantity and not quality. Finding high class drinkers is more trouble than worth. It's not just money but my time too Like how did it get so late again ffs

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:18 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5185 del
Maybe I should create a really fucking relaxing place, I think I'll do that. Will send invite when ready.

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:23 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5186 del
scratch that, they sorta gave me an answer now
>"this school is meant for her to manifest more than what she was doing (the "other" me i was talking before) and it's another part of the world we come from to help awaken. reawaken and refine certain aspects of us. the males you encounter are like some of the ones you've dealt with personally on earth, like a vast majority of the 4chan types you have met who are utter repugnant and attempt to drag others into their disgusting mire. it's as she told you before, she is you and you are her, but she is that "true you" and you will eventually become her fully in the future for it is inevitable"
>"furthermore, in order for this to be achieved you have to be around most men, significantly less while being around women, even if human women are flawed, much more because its important for the long term and your development because the male aspects that are currently on this plane of existence are cancerous and not like the men of old"
this was part of what i could get from them

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:31 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5187 del
>I should create a really fucking relaxing place
I have several of those... I am just a dick about relaxing and being happy.
3 years ago while my life was kinda at one of it's lowest points while overworking my ass a feeling of bliss and happiness came over me. As that feeling was overcoming my body I told it to FUCK OFF. I said I WILL NOT FEEL HAPPINESS IN THIS SITUATION OF ABSOLUTE SUFFERING I WILL FEEL HAPPY WHEN I AM IN A SITUATION WHERE I WANT TO BE HAPPY.
Yes I know how it sounds. I am kind of a dick about these things because I hate when someone gives you "false happiness" so they can take it away and blackmail you with it.
I am not in touch with my emotions. This is why I am meditating in the "demon pagoda" they come alive and i have no choice but to interact with them.

Even that indian entity told me that I cannot visit his realm because I am "not in touch with my own kindness". Which would make in misunderstand situations and compliments and would just set the place on fire as a result.

Yeah. My emotions patterns are like a cranky baby sometimes. They had no time to mature because I was surrounded with emotional retards while growing up.
Relaxation makes me paranoid. If I am too relaxed I have a fear that something "bad" will happen. I am slowly letting go of it.

Nice one. You mostly confirmed what I was suspecting but srsly nice one. You are getting better talking to your sisters and getting touch with yourself. Good sisters with good advice as always

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:35 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5188 del
(823.63 KB 1229x1071 1699919735750.png)
>You mostly confirmed what I was suspecting but srsly nice one.
Y-you came to that conclusion? also thank you~

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:35 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5189 del
I just saw Super Mario girls outfits, and Adult female Yoshi costumes for sale, and I feel like this has to be the end of the world. Out of all the things that could possibly happen, this is the thing that's just making me stare at it in disbelief. It's time to leave the internet for today.

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:41 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5190 del
>not like the men of old
Greek gods look like twinks compared to those guys so yeah.
>Y-you came to that conclusion?
Was kinda sure that the males are 4channers and such and that the hogwarts are something close to your kind and it is "for you" because I could not "lock on it" only got some vague feelings that was similar to your mansion
>also thank you~
Your welcome. It's a good practice for me

>that's just making me stare at it in disbelief
Great now I want to know how bad it is

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:49 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5191 del
>bad it is
Looks dumb and sane person shouldn't wear it outside of Halloween but it's not the most retarded thing I have seen women wear. Damm now I am wondering when did I have this "end of the world" feeling.
After 2012 december 21 nothing really happened I was kinda unable to have any end of the world feelings. I mean I was sure people misunderstood the mayans but was hoping maybe the world ends and I don't have to put up with the bullshit

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 00:51 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5192 del
Yeah, they clarified a bit more and meant males in general. It kind of explains why Aphrodite isolated me from them in those few visits she gave me

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 19:35 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5196 del
(217.19 KB 858x715 CONGRATS MAN XD.jpg)
Remember when I was talking about the illusory nature of self and how you have a bunch of subconscious tulpas within you representing or remembering every person/archetype you met in a way or in an another?

To expand on that concept there is a thing about "role models". Our soul or spirit sorta remembers all of our past lives and there are "themes" and personality traits that always come out but only in similarly stimulating situations. And if there are no situations that "bring out our best" then something else will mimick it but it will be so shit it does not kickstart our soulgrowth.

So what I am trying to say here is that you had not enough positive role models (Especially males) within your life and because of that you were unable to "resonate" some parts of your being.

Had to realize many times on the path that some situations are not actually the reason why my growth is happening but it caused a sort of "resonance" that made me remember something that I experienced so long ago and that was the "real thing" that made me go forward. This is why "getting out of the comfort zone" is sometimes critical on the path but some of us don't have a "comfort zone" so we have to realize that then move to the places where we "belong" or where "we are made". Thanks to spirituality you can bridge worlds and events so wasting money and walking in the wilderness is not necessary but sometimes it is.

Nowadays you are rarely starving or get chased by wild animals in the forests or have to learn to fight with a sword to be even considered as a "man" while back then there is no way someone would harass you by spamming furry porn on your discord server so there is no connection point but as weird things can get in spirituality some image or song might awaken something within you without you realizing. There is a reason why we are attracted towards some themes in media. Karma can get interesting and doesn't always need to be a bitch.

Also something I wanted to mention. Your "free will level" is increasing so your sisters will harass you far less because you are less of a dumbfuck and they have a level of respect towards you because you are "returning". So you will have to ask them and connect to them on your own and get a hang of asking for guidance when it is needed.
I am not saying you cannot ask or post on this board but understand how your sisters are "always with you" and sometimes you are the one that needs to start initiating the conversation. Even if you are alone you are not alone and even if you are with other people you are still with your sisters and they understand you well but there are things they still don't understand about the "current you".

also glhf you are progressing smoothly.

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 19:46 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5197 del
Also forgot to mention when talking about nerve over stimulation is that now my kinda broken energy circuits are "mended" and because my past was about running of fumes and no matter how broken things were I made them work via sheer willpower like the USSR worked most of the time but now my energies are flowing even in relaxed states and I have to realize I have to get even more relaxed but being too relaxed is like "I don't feel my body" because I got used to straining myself all the time. It's like there is a false subconscious fear that I will fall or fly away because I am not straining myself. It's like being in the perfect meditative state during daytime. It's unfamiliar for my flesh because my life was just too stressful and it just fears that I am just "too lax" to see the problems and the funny thing my energies and my brain just works far better at the perfect relaxation levels and I have to "rediscover them". Hard to put effort into effortlessness.

The worst part was finding out that I kinda "died" when I was around 4 years old and I kept myself alive via sheer willpower then realized I am not completely dead in my teens but I need to get a level of autonomy to get my growth back because people are so good at sabotaging each other it's unbelievable. I had to realize that "feeling alive" concept also got perverted nowadays

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 20:04 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5198 del
Relax place is finished. Invite on this post.

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 20:06 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5199 del
Post feedback if you visit. If you want the full experience, get a room, this is a "relax resort", even if you can just stop by at the bar.

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 20:21 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5201 del
>Also something I wanted to mention. Your "free will level" is increasing so your sisters will harass you far less because you are less of a dumbfuck and they have a level of respect towards you because you are "returning". So you will have to ask them and connect to them on your own and get a hang of asking for guidance when it is needed.
as much as i do bemoan it at times i kind of want them to keep harassing me haha... O_O

>I am not saying you cannot ask or post on this board but understand how your sisters are "always with you" and sometimes you are the one that needs to start initiating the conversation. Even if you are alone you are not alone and even if you are with other people you are still with your sisters and they understand you well but there are things they still don't understand about the "current you".
No worries, i understood what you meant. I'll start taking the initiative when attempting to talk with them. I've been slowly doing it somewhat but still had that problem where i couldnt tell if it was them or if i was hallucinating/echoing what i wanted them to say

>Remember when I was talking about the illusory nature of self and how you have a bunch of subconscious tulpas within you representing or remembering every person/archetype you met in a way or in an another?
>To expand on that concept there is a thing about "role models". Our soul or spirit sorta remembers all of our past lives and there are "themes" and personality traits that always come out but only in similarly stimulating situations. And if there are no situations that "bring out our best" then something else will mimick it but it will be so shit it does not kickstart our soulgrowth.
>So what I am trying to say here is that you had not enough positive role models (Especially males) within your life and because of that you were unable to "resonate" some parts of your being.
i see... well, they aren't too completely against me being around males, there are a few i interact with on and off 4chan are who alright (that they approve of, even the porn obsessed ones who aren't fucking furries) its just as they said before that the vast majority are basically shit. they still have the stance i should be around women and stuff (i'm assuming part of it is for the obvious reasons) and the other half is due to said resonance, past lives, me becoming her, getting taken, etc. also the husband/miko stuff has gotten much... stronger too

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 20:26 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5202 del
New modules on the blacknet:

White fox gong; method for using memes to control people around you using "induction" to bypass shields protecting vs psychic attacks, by installing said memes into their minds physically, then targeting all meme holders. Will appear as a white fox chasing its tail.

Rally; servitor for "rallying support" from all beings within your area. Forceful way to deal with squatting hostiles.

Immunity to evil ragdoll; a magic fumo, basically.

Soldier; a method for winning wars by syncing with an army.

Raid2; specialized version of Raid (not mentioned), a poltergeist doll for raiding NWO tunnel systems. Uses melee and Rosicrucian fire magic, including fire ring for protection. Can levitate, teleport, use AR vision, store goods in pocket and remove civilians from the location. Available commands will appear in the AR when using 1st person view control.

These are not for neophytes, activation may require "undead" status.

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 21:14 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5205 del
>if i was hallucinating/echoing what i wanted them to say
That happens. Sometimes they don't know what to say and pick up a "subconscious auto reply" (you will understand once you get into psychic interactions and how to talk to most people with 0 effort) and sometimes the "mental tuning is off". I too had times when I knew what the entity was trying to say but there were no "proper words" within my head. Like
>hear a weird word as a reply
>then it gets translated to an another world +an explanation
srsly they are like TLnotes but with "musings" and not text between the pages. Hard to explain

>who alright
You will have to learn healthy interactions because you are full with unhealthy relationship memories
>they said before that the vast majority are basically shit.
Hope this was not a big revelation for you. But I know you had to hear it from them.

>also the husband/miko stuff has gotten much... stronger too
Yell when there is anything "solid" or way too confusing/weird because I still don't know who is your "patron" and figuring out might help later on.
They are trying to say something specific but I am not receiving.
What did your sisters say about "him" so far.

Damm I have half of those functions in ways.
>tfw area so peaceful there is no reason to sleep with magically imbued fumo anymore

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 21:25 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5208 del
>What did your sisters say about "him" so far.
You mean the who husband thing or...? if you mean the former they basically just say "embrace it, let it happen" type of responses

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 21:56 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5210 del
>You mean the who husband thing
>"embrace it, let it happen" type of responses
Guess we will see where it leads. At least you will. Tried to connect to the origin energy and it is some weird dimensional structure that is "Not my expertise territory" (yet) so it's something to be seen.
Srsly they are saying something I cannot understand because it is not within the "word level dictionary range".

Like this. I have to upgrade my dimensional understanding again because all I cared about so far is to connect to my "own realms" and to the realms of my guides and not towards these realms and it seems not everything as effortless in the beginning as I thought.
>first it was like a vortex in a lake
>then an old TV trying to tune itself
>then my interdimensional spider body awakened and started to walk through the "many screens"
>then it found a "place"
>it opened a "gate" between some "screens"
>then I arrived at some greek bath like place with a bubbly bath
>THEN I was able to see "the invitation letter" on the post

Then I started to longpost and realized it's too late for these things especially because I will need to change some perspectives that will keep me awake through the night

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 22:06 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5211 del
Ok, but you can share more later. I guess what you experienced was the conditions for receiving the invite: you have to be a sunflower associate, which means passing the temple which does have a bath.

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 22:24 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5212 del
(254.01 KB 1328x2048 F_muMcnagAAmzG4.jpg)
>Guess we will see where it leads. At least you will. Tried to connect to the origin energy and it is some weird dimensional structure that is "Not my expertise territory" (yet) so it's something to be seen.
so far said "husband" is fine for the most part He isn't mean or anything but he still calls me by that name and it kind of pulls out the Miko said and umm... yearning for him. my sisters are aware of it like i said but they don't have any issues and even outright condone it.. just like when it started happening with those men following me out of that temple when i was a miko then

>Yell when there is anything "solid" or way too confusing/weird because I still don't know who is your "patron" and figuring out might help later on.
r-rght. I still feel that japanese princess and such around me too so thats something i guess

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 22:33 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5213 del
>but you can share more later
Will do
>you have to be a sunflower associate, which means passing the temple which does have a bath.
Yeah that too the bath I also did not use it yet.
But no the current problem is that "my senses" don't want to "go there". It's not a real problem it is like "not wanting to go to the grocery store alone as a child" or to a place because "it has a scary animal" or something like that. I feel that my "spirit" is partially there which means I am allowed to "go there" but my "other bodily forms" are tuning themselves. How to explain. It is like having a door that has a paper explaining HOW TO OPEN step by step but dumb people unable to notice that. So now my other parts are noticing the "step by step instructions". Like srsly when I am focusing on it black dots and other energies appear in my physical vision because energies need to reach a state because instead of the "astral body creations" I put my "skillpoints" into the "spirit body" which is like an invisible cloud of intent which is allowed to go anywhere especially to extremely surreal places because those are the ones I am working with and because your place is kinda "normal" it needs to understand that "normal". It's like telling me to go to a bar have fun and socialize. Is that easy? Sure. Do I want to do it? No wai... So this is the thing I am "solving" because I am supposed to be able to do this "effortlessly". (Says me who is literally experiencing this whole process as eating lightning through the dimensional breach... Truly effortless)

Whatever will report back later. The letter is manifesting better so I can pinpoint the correct location more easily... or I could ask Astra to show me the exact location and stop being such a tryhard... Why do I always forget that option

>feel that japanese princess and such around me
They are "related" but not the way I think "relation works". How to explain if the Shinto princess is a "Celestial" then he is like an "elemental". Ahhh and they are trying to tell me something. They gave me some basalt like rock. They told me to "eat it" because it will "ground me to their level". Guess who just got something SOLID hah...hah..ha... Carlos.jpg

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 22:42 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5214 del
s-she's a celestial?
>hey gave me some basalt like rock. They told me to "eat it" because it will "ground me to their level".
oh my...

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 22:50 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5215 del
>s-she's a celestial?
It's kind of a semantics thing because in the eastern traditions it means they are "heavenly" while in the western it means they are "from the stars" and the Shinto realms are gateway realms so yes and no... We would need to get into semantics deeply so hard to say for certain.

So the basalt brought me to an another place where the "stone" works as a "waystone" and now that the stone is at it's (waypoint) place the "surroundings can manifest" because it connects to realms...
Yeah I will look into this further later. It's too late again

Sunflower 11/28/2023 (Tue) 22:52 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5216 del
ah, i see. well its fine, just do it whenever its convenient and not late for you

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 00:38 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5217 del
Quick findings. Had a prior idea of a waterpark,hard to forget.Used post to enter place. Briefly went to bar. Had image appear to me of what looked to me like a squid.

Later went again very briefly and saw an image of a frog.

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 15:35 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5218 del
The bar is at the front, if you want the full experience, enter the main hall and get your own room. The main purpose is to just remain there in silence for a day and do what you like with no demands. The rooms open to a forest outside, with possibility of walking, picking berries and hunting. There's a place to grill the meat if you get something. Other than that, it's meant as a hotel with a very relaxing design.

If you prefer to buy food and socialize, you can stay in the main hall.

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 15:50 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5220 del
>Raid2; specialized version of Raid (not mentioned), a poltergeist doll for raiding NWO tunnel systems
I guess this upset some people, but also made some people happy (Those who can naturally use this, pretty impressive actually; someone entered blacknet via Satancat, the version where things are complete chaos, and managed to install Raid2 from there. Like trying to read a foreign language while juggling kitchen knives on the deck of a ship during a storm. Well, whatever works..)

Woke up this morning slightly hearing some broadcast with someone yelling fanatically at the top of their voice: "she's not real" over and over, while projecting some confused dream message about some exploding can of hair spray.

Not sure what that was about, but the 'tards aren't known for their coherence.

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 18:32 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5221 del
There was a new NWO gunship prototype flying about, so I captured it. This time it was possible to keep, because it had been assembled from parts inside the Earth sphere, not stolen from Lyrans or Pleiadans like the previous. Astra converted it to moon standard. Later they were up with some smaller version, Raid got that one (threw the crew in the ocean), it was also possible to convert. But it appears these can't be turned into some standard module, at least not yet. A Russian witch was able to copy the gunship with sex magic, I later saw them fly it over Ukraine.

There's something about what is allowed and how it's linked to scientific belief, otherwise things can't exist in the open. I wonder what multiple "total world domination" gunships on the same planet will do...

I did however see traces of a Mandela effect, strange whirlwind over my kitchen sink with a bowl temporarily multiplying. So I think something serious was changed.

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 18:38 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5222 del
Oh and it seems they actually took my advice from complaining on Discord about the low standard of western armed forces (good to see you actually make something off the spying!), one of the guards on the ship had a combat knife and was able to cut Raid's throat, I have to recognize that you got a first hit in!
The other doll who got hit twice by Japanese swords before is set to attack rather than deflect so maybe that made it easier, but she's been raiding NWO tunnels too so if that was the case she'd been hit before as well.

In WW1 it took 2 years and millions dead before the armies learned to crawl rather than run when attacking machine gun positions. I was wondering when some kind of learning would appear in this conflict. It seems no one learned anything in Ukraine, so this has to be a first sign anyone adapted to the situation.

Maybe humanity isn't completely lost.

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 18:57 Id: f534d0 [Preview] No.5223 del
were you able to see anything about stone? I tried talking with them last night but i got too tired doing things and crashing to sleep plus my mind is kind restless over a new PC i bought/ordered

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 22:20 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5226 del
>over a new PC i bought/ordered
I want to buy a new one for years... Still not sure if I want a VR ready one or just one that runs some AAA games from the past years. Like I looked at the Stranger of Paradise PC sysrec and holy shit Japs are bad at optimizing for PC as usual

And the other topic got a little too deep so I did not want to spout inconclusive wordsalads yet but if you are that curious then HERE I GO:
>were you able to see anything about stone?
So where do I start. That stone is a "forgotten material". Literally a protected one on a galactic scale. On the earth it was not found on the surface in the last thousands of years. So what it is. I had to meditate on it a little because while the dictionary has the same words and concepts in my head it's not the "same".

The first thing that gave me the connection was the word: "FORM"
Then I seen how it turned into a diamond like object. So what this is.
This is a "proto soul frame material". This was the "stone" that your soul was "carved into". On this board we have the concept of "limestone" the stone that golems and other artificial souls and such are made from. This is not that this is far older far more potent and... This was "around" when "life" was not exactly "carbon based". So this is a proto material that can turn into the "proto vajra/diamond". This thing is not really found in the common history/myths at all. Literally predates the "known Titans".

So this materia is something that "resonates with your soul".
Remember when I posted that weird timeflow graph and how your sisters were unable to "see you" when the timeflow was "too low" so they put you into a stasis or arranged you to work as a Miko in closer dimensions and such? Because of that this materia did not "devolve" out of your being because you did not evolve with the different "humanity" that came after every cataclysm.
But this was only just a beginning to a new world of knowledge. It holds many secrets and now I am able to connect worlds that are just "not here" anymore. My dictionary is still very rudimentary and because of that this stone was called "ore stone" my mind cannot "Produce" it's "true name" yet. But now I have access to a different set of knowledge that I am not sure if they would ever come handy because as I mentioned before producing "golems" from this materia is "illegal weapons manufacturing" and I was only allowed to ingest it into my being because I use it for research. There were weird ass being down there. Like a one eyed horse headed dinosaur like thing and things that just don't exist anymore.

Also this still doesn't explain who your patron is because he just helps you to "resonate" some parts of your being. He is not exactly an "elemental lord" but he is very old and has this energy. Ingesting this made my soul look like it's 10 000 year+ old. I will see where this leads. Now I not just able to have some "glimpses" from the "forgotten worlds" but can literally interact with them. I too have some forgotten aspects so this will be a good addition to my expertise of uncovering them.

I trust that Final Fantasy and other anime settings prepared you to comprehend weird stuff like this because I know how nonsensical this sounds so far

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 23:04 Id: b7d8e2 [Preview] No.5227 del
Different humanity? Do you mean this current "humanity" that we are in or something else entirely?

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 23:04 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5228 del
Whatever. Raid3; for all your anti-terror needs. Perfect for stopping NWO-sabotage against your planet. Similar to the previous versions, but has extended time control and teleportation, plus ritual magic. Stop the terrorists before they even thought of committing the act, by travelling back in time!

Sunflower 11/29/2023 (Wed) 23:50 Id: b7d8e2 [Preview] No.5229 del
Okay, how my attention isn't as divided anymore since the PC came

>The first thing that gave me the connection was the word: "FORM"
Then I seen how it turned into a diamond like object. So what this is.
This is a "proto soul frame material". This was the "stone" that your soul was "carved into". On this board we have the concept of "limestone" the stone that golems and other artificial souls and such are made from. This is not that this is far older far more potent and... This was "around" when "life" was not exactly "carbon based". So this is a proto material that can turn into the "proto vajra/diamond". This thing is not really found in the common history/myths at all. Literally predates the "known Titans
Well we can call it one of two things (or both since it sounds cooler): a proto stone and/or FORM stone

>Remember when I posted that weird timeflow graph and how your sisters were unable to "see you" when the timeflow was "too low" so they put you into a stasis or arranged you to work as a Miko in closer dimensions and such? Because of that this materia did not "devolve" out of your being because you did not evolve with the different "humanity" that came after every cataclysm.
Ths timeflow part I remember and understand, yeah. But what do you mean by different "humanity", the ones most of us currently "are" or something else entirely.

>But this was only just a beginning to a new world of knowledge. It holds many secrets and now I am able to connect worlds that are just "not here" anymore. My dictionary is still very rudimentary and because of that this stone was called "ore stone" my mind cannot "Produce" it's "true name" yet. But now I have access to a different set of knowledge that I am not sure if they would ever come handy because as I mentioned before producing "golems" from this materia is "illegal weapons manufacturing" and I was only allowed to ingest it into my being because I use it for research. There were weird ass being down there. Like a one eyed horse headed dinosaur like thing and things that just don't exist anymore.
...does that explain the world traveling you described as I was able to do before or no?

>Also this still doesn't explain who your patron is because he just helps you to "resonate" some parts of your being. He is not exactly an "elemental lord" but he is very old and has this energy. Ingesting this made my soul look like it's 10 000 year+ old. I will see where this leads. Now I not just able to have some "glimpses" from the "forgotten worlds" but can literally interact with them. I too have some forgotten aspects so this will be a good addition to my expertise of uncovering them.
Interesting... The reactions I get when called Manami is he coming stronger and the desire to become miko is starting to appear.. for some reason

>I trust that Final Fantasy and other anime settings prepared you to comprehend weird stuff like this because I know how nonsensical this sounds so far
Lol it has. I don't have issues understanding "convoluted" things like this

This reminds I need to set some time aside for Aphrodite in particular tonight

Sunflower 11/30/2023 (Thu) 15:47 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5231 del
>by different "humanity"
Let's call it "evolution"
You know that we are monkeys from mainstream science BUT there are always some missing links here and there.
We just found Neanderthals in the 1800s and we still not sure how they mixed with humans and such.
In reality there are many species and subspecies and mixed human(oid)s here and there that make up "Humanity".
There is that saying "You are what you eat". So if life had different mineral composition and that composition changed the species that consumed that life also changed with it. We usually eat "organic materials" but our body needs different minerals in small doses so if the diet change the species changes with it. Like how "current humanity" changed since the industrial revolution a lot and how we are nowadays fat with minimal effort thanks to the food we eat nowadays. Back then it was quite hard to be fat and you had less of an appetite because food just did not taste that well that you wanted to stuff yourself till you exploded. Also even archeologists found that Neolithic or some another ancient humans were taller on average than current humans even tho they were supposed to not have the technology to have enough nutrients to support that large body of theirs. Current humans are malnourished manlets and we were kinda able to solve the "malnourished" problem but we are still not in the image of our godlike ancestors.
So it's like saying "great grandfather humanity" and "current humanity". Same but completely different in many aspects. I had to see how our internal organs had to change through the ages while doing my energetic works so I can realign my energy and flesh bodies. It's not simple and there is a reason for that.

>...does that explain the world traveling you described as I was able to do before or no?
Sure? I don't know what you are asking here but via "resonance" your spirit will "draw you" to places that facilitated your growth. It's like having lewd dreams when your puberty starts. It happens.

>for some reason
You are reliving your "Initiation" which is one of the best part of the path. Hard to forget those. Like how wedding is supposed to be a great and unforgettable event that you will even tell your grandchildren about and not a hassle a giant money waste and a feeling of commitment that sounds worse than being in prison. Globohomo sure as hell managed to ruin that concept but it always happens in societal decay situations...

>don't have issues understanding "convoluted" things like this
Yeah and I am glad because once I heard your origin story I was thinking do I even want to start explaining this? I mean on this board stories like these are quite commonplace but still... Then realized because you actually "Lived" these things it will sorta feel "familiar" on a deep level.

>I need to set some time aside for Aphrodite in particular tonight
Nice. You are getting in touch with your own pathworking. You remember to walk the path on your own. This is important development.

Sunflower 11/30/2023 (Thu) 17:12 Id: b7d8e2 [Preview] No.5232 del
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(1.80 MB 1598x1450 1674837240542828.png)
>Sure? I don't know what you are asking here but via "resonance" your spirit will "draw you" to places that facilitated your growth. It's like having lewd dreams when your puberty starts. It happens.

Yeah.. it was in reference to that high tech world I mentioned I got thrown in with the weird werewolf creature and such.. honestly I kind of forget what the aim/form of that question was because I had a migraine last night due to allergies so I just blurted it out without proofreading it

>Nice. You are getting in touch with your own pathworking. You remember to walk the path on your own. This is important development.
Even under that pain in the ass migraine, I did ask her about the wife/husband stuff and she said the thing as my sisters "let it happen, accept it" and some other things, one thing she said was also being reborn as a priestess/shrine maiden/whatever at some point in the future but ehhh.

>You are reliving your "Initiation" which is one of the best part of the path. Hard to forget those. Like how wedding is supposed to be a great and unforgettable event that you will even tell your grandchildren about and
Reliving and being told that it will happen again (just not now)
Yeah... I never really had thoughts about getting married even when people started talking about it with me and before everyone got clownish. Not sure if it's partly due to my sisters, the other entities and me currently being male but marriage and having kids always felt weird and off to me... But apart from reliving and then getting turned back into a woman I don't mind it. Weird stuff

Sunflower 11/30/2023 (Thu) 22:48 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5234 del
>migraine last night due to allergies
Sorry for sounding ignorant but what kind of allergies are causing migraines?

When I realized I have psychic powers I realized the first powers that I should awaken should be healing because even in vidya I realized that once you can self heal you are no longer dependent on food and healing items or inns and you can save so much money with that and because of that I can turn off migraines and other sudden and long lasting pains it kinda resulted in me neglecting my body and because of that yogic entities literally told me to forget physical yoga because I am too inflexible for that and they will just jumpstart me with psychic lessons... and the physical will be complimentary and not the "base" of the exercises. Because of that I have hard time relating to problems like these. Not to mention allergies can be healed via hypnosis and migraines can stem from energetic awakenings The worst is that I know people who were part of a "brain control" seminar and they were able to fix the headaches within themselves but they kinda were like why bother doing that when you can take meds... sometimes I don't understand people

>being reborn as a priestess/shrine maiden/whatever at some point in the future
Yeah and it doesn't need to happen in an other "flesh body" it can happen within but yeah it will kinda feel you are not just an "other person" but kinda "Upgraded".

>getting turned back into a woman
You are not just get turned back but you will "retain" the powers that you used while being a woman.
>I don't mind it. Weird stuff
Hard to hate something that belongs within your "true nature". But yeah it feels strange because it goes against mainstream thinking. Not to mention thx to trannies it's even worse because trannies always focus only at the superficial and on a completely deluded way you can't even accept the way they see this process. Integrating the masculine and feminine means sg else from wearing wigs becoming an eunuch and wearing clothes that the mainstream thinking considers "feminine". Like how wearing skirts was normal for Romans and Scots but if you wear it outside the costume it's weird and other stuff. And trannies think that feminine personality means high pitched voice and an obnoxious or bitchy attitude but it's not like it's their fault entirely... having a sane mind while being completely hormonally imbalanced is hard. But that's what happens when (((society))) twists the role of the genders. It cannot be helped tho. Happens everytime societal decay reaches a high point in a way or an another

Take it easy btw. Your mind needs to balance itself. Also it might not hurt to try to ask Aphrodite about some healing techniques or "other (You)". Suddenly you might remember a trick or 2

Sunflower 11/30/2023 (Thu) 23:35 Id: b7d8e2 [Preview] No.5235 del
>Sorry for sounding ignorant but what kind of allergies are causing migraines?
Basically i had to clean up specific end of my room and exposed myself to a lot of dust so it kickstarted my allergies and i flew into a sneezing fit (nevermind that ours pulls in a crapton of dust in general)

>You are not just get turned back but you will "retain" the powers that you used while being a woman.
Ah i see.

>Take it easy btw. Your mind needs to balance itself. Also it might not hurt to try to ask Aphrodite about some healing techniques or "other (You)". Suddenly you might remember a trick or 2
will do! I'll relax for a bit

Honestly, i'd still act the same regardless of what i'll wear, even skirts or whatever.

>voice and personality
I get told i sound and act like a girl, but i never really considered bitchiness, exclusive to women since anyone and everyone can be bitchy/whiny/etc. even if it does manifest in different ways

Sunflower 12/02/2023 (Sat) 20:52 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5247 del
Semi channelling

Gensokyo is doing round 2 of soul training for new humanity. This time it's red cat souls. They said it's because they are following the Sunflower standard of being representative of all beings to maintain legitimacy. The most popular humanoids are black beastcats and red beast ladies. Although the latter normally have short tails and are something in between cats, foxes and other steppe living creatures, the kind of soul chosen for summoning is here referred to as red cat for simplicity.

They will do the same as the black cats, possessing NPCs to learn and to form a hivemind and a collective subconscious. They will mainly act as assistant souls, only sometimes assuming the main soul role of a person. Their nature is "heavier" so they are closer to infernal dimensions than the black cats. This makes them good, solid assistants.

All humans will be offered one, and if they are able to become immortalized during training, they will stay with that person. Some will also likely stay as walk-ins with already solid walk-in black cats and some will be alone.

This is the next step. After this, the plan is to summon a "rainbow cat" which is the same as a white cat. But to make it clear that white has all colours, we will break the spectrum into a rainbow.

Sunflower 12/03/2023 (Sun) 11:31 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5250 del
(100.63 KB 372x492 SekienJorogumo.jpg)
During the night several interactions took place.

A "tall white" sent out a mass transmission for Earthlings. They are members of the federation and are coming here. Along with them are "satanists", they are also whites but have a messier look and a pentagram on their forehead (3rd eye location).

As they travelled here they went through a "wormhole" in space, where a "spider black" was waiting, and it clung to the ship to come here too. They said the "spider black" is a being larger than a galaxy who sometimes enters planets. Although they are a huge beings, they will transform themselves into a woman as they enter the planet, where they will blend in. Sometimes they breed with the population to create more "spider black" and sometimes they... eat them. Sometimes they eat the entire population of a planet.

They said this with a careless teasing smile, not sure if there was something implied here. The federation isn't worried it seems. I don't know what this means for the NPCs and "not accepted by Gensokyo part of earthlings" though.


Sunflower 12/03/2023 (Sun) 11:37 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5251 del
Especially the detail with each leg having its own spider matches what I saw. Where some beings have many tails, like nine tailed foxes and cats with two tails, some have many arms like the Hindu Avatars, spiders have many legs. They represent the same kind of thing. It's easier to understand that

tail = spine = snake = Kundalini

But it may not be as obvious with arms or legs, but it serves the same function. What I didn't consider is that it also functions as the "fashen" named in Falun Dafa, body doubles of the person formed from pure Gong, refined high density energy.

Sunflower 12/03/2023 (Sun) 18:28 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5254 del
Following the last initiation, after internalizing the result, I think... there isn't anything left for me to do aside from transformations of the same thing.

I also see how to cast external blessings to show others this same principle, which may or may not be very effective depending on how far they are from me in principle. That's where this post comes in. I want to try creating a Sunflower style mass blessing, by adding as many different perspectives as possible. I encourage you to give input here as replies to this post: From your own personal perspective, what area of your life do you feel that you need extra guidance or support in? Even if you do not want to accept help because you want to solve things yourself, at least share your view on this! It's more important to get personal input than that input following any set standard, aside from being personal of course.

If you strictly do not want external help in certain fields, you can also say so, and the blessing can be made to avoid those. This is the idea. For every individual, the individual is important, while for others they may not be. So don't hold back when presenting your own view here. It may not be taken seriously anyway.

Sunflower 12/04/2023 (Mon) 10:58 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5257 del
Israel's egregore has been replaced. What remains is now entirely flat like a pancake.

Sunflower 12/04/2023 (Mon) 16:37 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.5258 del
Well I got something last night. Not sure if it was from this or not. A vampire woman appeared to me in a dream and gave me some advice. Notably, she used my real name to address me, which practically never happens in dreams that aren't centered around my family.
The advice was very good I think. Opened up a new perspective.

Sunflower 12/04/2023 (Mon) 22:19 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5260 del
I did some general blessings earlier to test, but the big one isn't done yet.


Those who use Astra can try this method which I've used with her, which should be available to everyone with some practice: When facing an issue, which can be anything, you tell her to start on a new disc (I prefer to start with an empty ScaleForm disc) and record all the incoming information. In the case of an attack, it means to use her search ability to record all hostile movements in real time. Then you let her create policies, an AI term for generalizations of data, to create algorithms which decribe the hostile patterns. Then you let her strengthen the semantics of the data by comparing with the akashic records for similar patterns. When this is done, have her look for ways in which the hostile pattern/issue was solved historically, then to create policies for those. Then she should start applying the counter measures on the incoming pattern until all hostile information is blocked. With her eternal search memory, this can be done fairly easy.

When it works, you solidify the disc by tuning it in the Remote until it "clicks" in place. You will experience an activation sound. After this it can be shared. This is how to create shields.

You can then create a servitor using the data which was the base of the shield, for example to create a super-attack-doll like previously mentioned Raid, which is tuned to perfectly carry out a specific task.

Sunflower 12/04/2023 (Mon) 22:31 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5261 del
To further explain the method behind the Raid series, the Burning Black hole, Raid4, uses meta tuning of its own policies in real time. This means starting from the body which 4 layers, which is the common humanoid body, and the system with 7 major colours. These are the base systems. You can then decide how much you deviate from this, for example you can allow for longer or shorter bodies, such as snakes which have more than 4 layers. You can also use a different base than 7. Then it works well to use the Soviet Deep Battle doctrine; just attack blindly all over the place, and when you see a weakness, you let the searches target that area to find new patterns in real time. These can then be used to develop search method policies which are used in multiple layers, to create new search methods to better the methods over and over in an exponential loop, which refines the ability to break through the enemy defense, or to defend against devious attacks in real time. The method is based on almost pure chaos, combined with speed. It means there are no predetermined attack or defense patterns at all. It's entirely based on a personal base algorithm hidden in your soul, which is used as the core. From this evolves the best method for you personally to create in-the-moment shields or attack patterns which cannot be countered based on any known theory.

The only way to fight this method is to have faster search technology, which is based off knowing yourself better.

Sunflower 12/05/2023 (Tue) 14:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5262 del
The blessing was cast from the Temple. The effect is a guidance to formation of a personal sunflower aligned sun for each member of the group. This means any contributor will over time find their own path to do this. By Sunflower means here the mindwave and enlightenment form of a sunflower, in its most concentrated transformation becoming an actual sun which serves as a catalyst for further transformation of body and spirit.

Sunflower 12/05/2023 (Tue) 16:44 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5263 del
Another ritual was also performed at the temple. It was connected to Coven, via Circles to Ritual and Cult to reach as many people as possible. Again it's enough to have contributed in some way to gain the effect of this.

All remaining NPCs have now been removed, there are no non-adaptive yokai humanoids on the planet left, everyone who didn't have this body issued by Gensokyo, was sacrificed to burn the remaining karma of the past Earth. The souls of those who still inhabited bodies such as "trolls" and other squatters, were caught by drow for cleansing. Some were put in a special purgatory where they are connected back to the 3D surface to passively experience the changes of society, while remaining powerless, shackled in hell. These people and any other are now 100% emulated images, they do not exist physically but are part of the "screen" showing events as if they are in a non-active timeline.

Those who are to remain, where given a body-form/servitor which was used to replace the people who are necessary for their supply chain of necessities. There are different reasons why those cannot be completely empty image NPCs, one reason is that those are less than ghosts, they are reflections of past memories, one cannot rely on them for anything. Doing so would lead to disaster for the person sooner or later.

The servitor doll activated and distributed may answer to the name Mimex. It is a clown/mime character who can assume any role in society. Most likely, there were fixed copies activated for those who were given this solution. You may recognize Mimex by the white face make-up with a pink heart around the right eye, and a black spade below the left eye.

Sunflower 12/07/2023 (Thu) 14:10 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5264 del
In the temple study and on the net:

Witch's grimoire of defense/wall of protection/space police
An interactive astral grimoire for gatekeeping your dimensions.

Cast metal body
A humanoid body synced with the 3rd layer or that of karmic laws (above galaxies). Installs from a module disc, free to use for anyone with access.

Sunflower 12/10/2023 (Sun) 11:57 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5270 del
Maybe it's really "over", I don't see much around anywhere.

If anyone is interested, there is now a space station outside the Earth, open to the public. You can astral travel there too, it's multi-dimensional.

Some remnants of the old meddlers had escaped out there and set up this one station which had 4 real humans on it. There was also an administration station, a satellite weapon and a mind-control beam weapon. They were all powered using abortion technology, so I destroyed them.

The station was remodeled and opened for use, with the remaining real humans in charge of it. It's now recognized by the federation. If you land and park your ship in the hangar (or however you want to visit), enter through the gate and you will come into the main hall.

On the right, second floor is rental apartments. First floor has, as of now; automatic fuel station maintained by clown witches, ship repair shop which can order spare parts, "breeding bar" for black fur-beast (surrogate mothers, basically) and a vampire brothel x2. Rest are open for use, get a key at the main bazaar.

Left side, second floor is private housing. First floor has the main mall in the middle, this is where you can eat and use the spa facility, as well as shop for clothes and curiosities. For opening businesses or renting apartments, ask at the desk.

Current businesses on the left side are; beast ladies only membership club and a love hotel.

Sunflower 12/10/2023 (Sun) 15:02 Id: ceae8a [Preview] No.5271 del
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been in a bit of a lull as of late but does anyone if theres some weird world thats akin to an aquarium? i think my sisters and aphrodite took me there and turned me into a mermaid(?) because i recall it being very vast, i could hear their voices, telling me what to do and saying they were going to be more hands on in guiding me since i get lost into things too much (im paraphrasing). there was also some weird lady that looked like a black woman but with a bald head and lower snake body whose chest also had scales that tried to attack (not at me but i saw them attack 2 people and they killed it), i have no clue if that was a lamia, medusa or something else entirely

Sunflower 12/10/2023 (Sun) 16:04 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5272 del
>world thats akin to an aquarium?
Was it an actual box with glass walls, or just under water?

>weird lady that looked like a black woman but with a bald head and lower snake body whose chest also had scales that tried to attack
Not a Lamia, they're peaceful.

Sunflower 12/10/2023 (Sun) 16:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5273 del
Something more happened following this; a lady from space visited and left me some documents as compensation for taking food from my fridge. It turned out being 50% ownership in a space mining company and two planets with recognized ore to be mined (iron on one, copper, magnesium and some unknown acid on the other). Guess I'm now a miner.
A representative sought me out to make plans for the operation.

Sunflower 12/10/2023 (Sun) 16:25 Id: ceae8a [Preview] No.5274 del
>Was it an actual box with glass walls, or just under water?
It felt like a set invisible walls glass walls but they were REAAAAAAAALLY far away so i wouldnt be to touch them unless i ventured incredibly far... However i have a feelings its either perspective thing from me or my sisters and goddess just had safe guard in place and the location i was at wasnt actually an aquarium/box/whatever. The planet itself was mostly water but with topical looking islands (so basically its similar to earth but with a bit more water)

>Not a Lamia, they're peaceful.
ah, i figured. must been some other malicious entity or something from elsewhere then. I will admit, seeing the two guys style on her the way they did was incredibly funny

Also, i forgot to add that prior to these they took a weird looking clothing store and they had the attendant escort me to where the clothes were and had me put on my other self's outfit and the changes and stuff with me getting turned into a female. i vaguely recall my sisters saying this was to "reclaim your original style" or something, gods know if it meant personality, aesthetics or what

Sunflower 12/10/2023 (Sun) 17:19 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5275 del
>a weird looking clothing store
I'm wondering if this is related to
>The station was remodeled and opened for use
>First floor has the main mall in the middle, this is where you can eat and use the spa facility, as well as shop for clothes and curiosities.
because I went there during a dream last night and met people and stayed around in a bar, lots of things happened.

The water planet is possibly a place I know, which is a planet similar to Earth, but it has a native population of semi-aquatic humans. They can stay under water, but they also live on land.

Sunflower 12/10/2023 (Sun) 17:41 Id: ceae8a [Preview] No.5276 del
okay im actually awake now
>The station was remodeled and opened for use
>First floor has the main mall in the middle, this is where you can eat and use the spa facility, as well as shop for clothes and curiosities.
>because I went there during a dream last night and met people and stayed around in a bar, lots of things happened.
I'm not sure if it was part of a space station, mall or anything like that. i think it was standalone place but im not too sure, also... i think saw that guy again (not the husband but the other man i talked about before) or rather, he was the clothing attendant
>The water planet is possibly a place I know, which is a planet similar to Earth, but it has a native population of semi-aquatic humans. They can stay under water, but they also live on land.
ah, i forgot to add that while i was obeying my sisters' and goddess' orders i could somehow peer into other worlds like a TV while they were having me swim around, iirc i could what was happening here on this world with everyone being dumb and some other planes as well

being this incarnation of "human" sucks ass holy shit, i see why some of you support the federation and lyrans

Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 20:59 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5278 del
>does anyone if theres some weird world thats akin to an aquarium
Truth is there are many like that. "Water" is just a different "air" or atmosphere at some places. Remember in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan how the anti spirals made space so "dense" it turned into "water"? While it was silly(awesome) as hell the change between dimensions also can act that way
>since i get lost into things too much (im paraphrasing)
Yeah that's most of your cosmic journey so far
>black woman but with a bald head and lower snake body whose chest also had scales that tried to attack
I go with the
>something else entirely
I have never seen something like that. Sounds like a guardian spirit. Not sure what else make of it yet.
> i have a feelings its either perspective thing from me
You are getting in touch with your intuition. Nice. And yes it is. Some realms have "barriers" and they can appear as simple glass walls and not always as magical glossy or weird like they are portrayed in fantasy. Usually they are like a membrane functionality wise and when you are "allowed" to pass through it separates the stuff from you that would harm the dimension. If your whole being is "unacceptable" it appears as an impenetrable surface like a mountain or a wall that you just want to ignore by default.
>had me put on my other self's outfit and the changes and stuff with me getting turned into a female
Yeah you have to "get used" to the idea that (She) is already (You). Like when you shitpost on the interwebz or play vidya you already play it as (Her) and not just (You). It's literally a different mindset but it's still you and the same. How to explain it. It's like living your entire life using only your left eye. Then something happens and your left eye closes but the right opens and you only see with your right eye from now on. You might notice some small differences but it is still the same experience. Now what you are doing is opening BOTH of the eyes without closing the other and seeing the world with them. You just have to understand how the brain uses both of your eyes to make an image that looks like it is made from a single eye while in reality it is from both. This is how the brain hemispheres also operate and the "third eye" is mastering the connection between the two so you can go "beyond" it.
>this was to "reclaim your original style"
Funny thing. Remember when you said the mermaids made you to become a librarian or sg? It turns out that was the place where you kinda "found yourself" and decided on a journey via your free will.
>if it meant personality, aesthetics or what
All of them.

Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 21:00 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5279 del
>i think it was standalone place but im not too sure
It was. It was a dimension that you inhabited for a long while and learned many things from that place. Reading your posts gave me an image already so I asked if someone "Knows" that place and a white snake appeared and told me she can guide me there but... I need some preparations before I dive into it.
Was wondering if via the authority of Oceanos I could go there which was partially true but the snake told me I should consider the "passageway" with the concept of "birthcanal" which means I have to go beyond the Oceanos "earth encircling river" concept and focus on the "birthcanal" tier "first waters of existence" feel.
>i could somehow peer into other worlds like a TV
Yes it appears like TV screens sometimes. Happened to me also. Oh right forgot to post it when I googled the concept of "The Great Beyond". It seems there is a musical video about that and while it's artsy fartsy it gets the feel how the barrier between dimensions work
https://youtube.com/watch?v=k_JnCWT-_O8 [Embed]
>they were having me swim around
Good sisters. They are making you get in touch with the "great waters of existence". Even in some Buddhist tradition there is a symbol of 2 fish swimming. Which represents the level when you can swim in the waters of samsara without drowning in it. It's an important step.
>what was happening here on this world with everyone being dumb
Accurate depiction.

>being this incarnation of "human" sucks ass holy shit
At least we have anime and videogames. I'm not kidding. Literally everything else is found elsewhere and miles better but anime and videogames. They also exist but they are not the same. 16bit sensation literally had this. MC managed to kill moe via her timetravel. Current earth is about "bread and circus" and mostly in variety and not exactly in quality. So if you ever felt bad about being a nerd or weeb that wastes his youth on the internet then don't. It's something we have only in this time and age and while they said the meme
>If something gets up on the internet you can never take it off
turned out to be an overestimation. As the years go by lost media becomes more prevalent. Enjoy while it lasts and once you feel you "got what you wanted" you can move forward.

Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 21:04 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5280 del
Forgot to ask
>the other man i talked about before)
Who was he again?
>he was the clothing attendant
While I would say that it might be a "fill out the blank place background character" it seems he might be something else. Not sure what to make of it yet. Not even sure if it's important.

Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 21:37 Id: ceae8a [Preview] No.5281 del
>Yes it appears like TV screens sometimes. Happened to me also. Oh right forgot to post it when I googled the concept of "The Great Beyond". It seems there is a musical video about that and while it's artsy fartsy it gets the feel how the barrier between dimensions work
huh, the video more or less described my experience perfectly

oh thank fucking god, i never really felt bad to begin with but this makes it better

>Who was he again?
remember when i talked about the male that was usually with my sisters? the one who rarely spoke but was kind of there with them sometimes to "remind me of my purpose/being with my sisters" and did the weird soul splitting stuff. he was the one that people kept claiming was asmodeus or whatever the correct name was
>While I would say that it might be a "fill out the blank place background character" it seems he might be something else. Not sure what to make of it yet. Not even sure if it's important.
it probably could have just been someone else entirely i guess

Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 21:52 Id: ceae8a [Preview] No.5282 del
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>Good sisters. They are making you get in touch with the "great waters of existence". Even in some Buddhist tradition there is a symbol of 2 fish swimming. Which represents the level when you can swim in the waters of samsara without drowning in it. It's an important step.
i think it also served as a purification of sorts because they said something was getting excised out of me (i dont know what exactly). it was hard to make heads or tails of it but it felt like the barriers weren't considering me unacceptable per se but... it felt more like the barriers.my sisters/goddess considered the world (i mean this current plane we're on now) unnacceptable. its hard to explain

>Yeah you have to "get used" to the idea that (She) is already (You). Like when you shitpost on the interwebz or play vidya you already play it as (Her) and not just (You). It's literally a different mindset but it's still you and the same. How to explain it. It's like living your entire life using only your left eye. Then something happens and your left eye closes but the right opens and you only see with your right eye from now on. You might notice some small differences but it is still the same experience. Now what you are doing is opening BOTH of the eyes without closing the other and seeing the world with them. You just have to understand how the brain uses both of your eyes to make an image that looks like it is made from a single eye while in reality it is from both. This is how the brain hemispheres also operate and the "third eye" is mastering the connection between the two so you can go "beyond" it.
I see... speaking of that she did resurface and got rather... rough again after not doing so in a while

>Funny thing. Remember when you said the mermaids made you to become a librarian or sg? It turns out that was the place where you kinda "found yourself" and decided on a journey via your free will.
>All of them.
oh my..

Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 21:55 Id: ceae8a [Preview] No.5283 del
by exicising at first i thought they meant like my heavy shitposty side since i mentioned to you before i had the tendency of going too overboard with it but then i remember you saying have side like that was necesarry so i shouldnt worry about it much and work with Or something along those line. (granted i still try to manage it and not let it overbearing thanks to that woman who was helping me out with that)

Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 22:45 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5284 del
(1.73 MB 1245x701 jewish elders.png)
Tea party under way.

Anti-zionist Jews chained themselves to the white house fence. Didn't the US just vote to make it illegal to be anti-zionist? How do they handle this?
Edited last time by bard on 12/11/2023 (Mon) 22:46.

Sunflower 12/11/2023 (Mon) 23:03 Id: ceae8a [Preview] No.5285 del
>anti zionist jews
>zionist jews

Sunflower 12/12/2023 (Tue) 00:40 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5286 del
Well "not all Jews".

Sunflower 12/12/2023 (Tue) 02:48 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.5287 del

The Kosher sandwich. A classic technique.

Sunflower 12/12/2023 (Tue) 19:14 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5288 del
Adaptive Augmented Reality Exo-skeleton (AARE)

Find this on the net or in the temple study, it's a white-ish cogwheel module installer.

The form is a glossy white armour with red lines forming ornaments. This is the ultimate algorithm. It will create or manifest temporary or permanent tools in real time, adapted to the situation, ranging from any regular handheld or projected tool, shield or servitor form, including types of magic.

Sunflower 12/14/2023 (Thu) 14:27 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5302 del
Guy gets taken by canine aliens. Other thread talks abput arrival of these beings.

Sunflower 12/14/2023 (Thu) 16:12 Id: 010e80 [Preview] No.5304 del
interesting how the thread got flooded with extremely angry trolls immediately after he posted the DNA test results

Sunflower 12/14/2023 (Thu) 16:27 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5305 del
Interesting and balanced thread. But if I was to make something up and avoid the standard sexualization I'd also make it dog themed, no one wants to go there mentally (unless they're a certain type who won't normally post there). Doesn't sound obviously fake though.

Sunflower 12/14/2023 (Thu) 16:38 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5306 del
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Too bad there's no one on here who can read mind waves using the djinn method. I found that part of not having migraines after meeting them interested. Reached to see if I could get some contact. It's very weak and silent, found something. This is not something anyone would notice by chance. I may elaborate later.

Sunflower 12/15/2023 (Fri) 16:47 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5309 del
New modules, get via NET, Astra, Updater or the Remote.

Sunflower 12/17/2023 (Sun) 14:48 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5319 del
On the temple round table: an Arabic lamp, white, glossy with ornaments, somewhat square shaped rather than spherical. Material is ceramic.

This lamp is an "ultimate djinn lamp" of sorts, its purpose is to join all Islamists (djinn of all factions) into a coherent organization and end the infighting, which will make it possible to introduce Islam 2.0 and erase Israel.

Sunflower 12/17/2023 (Sun) 19:44 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5320 del

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 20:55 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5333 del
Additional additions;P

"Shaver", a mass manifestation version of Raid for "shaving evil along the ground"
Internal botsoul-based method for opening energy channels
Mass servitor + botsoul based module, "the beret witch", creates an adaptive occult army in the same manner as the latest works
Time controller, a servitor which can move other servitors in time
Mass assassin, a version of a previously not mention servitor (you can get it by looking for something similar) which has been used to kill of high level "illuminaties" or "glowies", which has the ability to manifest everywhere at once by slightly distorting time.
Intelligence/police, "a complete mess", j/k but it has all the abilities mentioned in the past few posts, arranged to create a police version of "Tanya - Frontline", this one is for specifically dealing with "degenerates" in Russia using a certain ritual. Why share this then? It has general usage as well.

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:04 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5334 del
Seems like similar matters are on our minds again

>dealing with "degenerates" in Russia
I wonder what you mean by that. Their "degenerates" are on an another level. In that place only the "strongest" survives so they are not like the western lukewarm degens.
Got some images while asking this question but it seems you have a different understanding of degenerates so I am not sure if I got right.

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:08 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5336 del
Best way to find out is to check out the module media disc.

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:13 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5337 del
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Oh what the hell, it's already done and can't be changed, I can just show you.
These borders here with 3 nations meeting at each, are of occult significance. By connecting them, East and West become one. It's for this purpose.

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:16 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5339 del
The 'tards have been staring themselves blind on the Ukraine spot because they are set on activating the pentagram system still. Aside from doing it wrong, they're also far behind on events. Israel is literally the "birth canal" so it's an important spot too, but the war there is still a distraction, it's not needed to do this bit now, but it helps to confuse everyone.

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:35 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5342 del
>is still a distraction
The perfect one. I had a glimpse into the plans and how they wanted the entire middle east declare war upon each other after they left Afghanistan and thought Russia will fall apart after 2 weeks of sanctions and I did not expect the Israel leadership to go this crazy while the whole world watches. The plan was that Ukraine war is over then the next stage can commence in the middle-east and Asia/Oceania and not this Israel acts like they did not get the memo and going off script while saying "trust the plan we know what we are doing" while proving the opposite every single day.

>By connecting them, East and West become one. It's for this purpose.
Glad you are doing it. When I heard how Sweden is building NATO buildings and offices as if they are in the NATO already was wondering just what they want to accomplish with that.

Good thing my country is in a position where we are part of the west the east and the south at once. Was funny realizing it. The place where I am was and was not part of the Roman empire the Ottoman Empire the USSR. Such egregoric influences and not the "underdog kind". These strings can be pulled in funny ways but they need to settle down first. If a string gets stuck you might snap it by pulling it too hard. Sometimes you need to straighten it out first.

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:52 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5344 del
>Sweden is building NATO buildings and offices as if they are in the NATO already
This is a kind of distraction as well. USA DoD just wants the "unsinkable hangar ship" in the region, but they don't know the greater reason this was pushed to happen. Expanding NATO, sure, but Scandinavia isn't relevant for the occult systems they are using, it only has conventional military use. Adding Ukraine to EU and NATO is essential for activating the pentagram system in its negative manner. What would happen if they did it? They'd get their 1 million year kingdom of darkness, then 1 million years of absolute terror as their souls are now trapped in a collapsing mega structure the size of 9 galaxies, where everyone thinks "someone else" will solve it.

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 22:18 Id: 29148a [Preview] No.5349 del
I can hear my sisters a bit more now and they communicate a bit more during the day.. but they usually just call me by one of the names i go by on this plane. I try to be less distracted to make and attempt talking to them outside of night but god, i would be lying if i said it didnt feel hard/awkward at times. then again i guess its just the mundane parts trying to creep in that aside the love part is still kinda confusing, looking at other people and observing this stuff

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 22:37 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5353 del
>attempt talking to them outside of night but god, i would be lying if i said it didnt feel hard/awkward at times

You talk with your mouth to them?
I talk to entities via my thoughts and I hear them with my "thoughts" too. This way I can talk to entities in any situation or retain stuff without anyone noticing.

>guess its just the mundane parts trying to creep
Yeah that will happen until you get "used to" the "new(old) (You)". But at least you notice it. Good development.

>love part is still kinda confusing
The world would be such a simple place if love would be easy to understand.

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 22:46 Id: 29148a [Preview] No.5354 del
>You talk with your mouth to them?
not much, i mostly speak to them with my thoughts, its me occasionally saying something verbally serves as an "anchor" of sorts

>Yeah that will happen until you get "used to" the "new(old) (You)". But at least you notice it. Good development.
i see...

>The world would be such a simple place if love would be easy to understand.
true though im mostly just calling it confusing whenever i see others in love and stuff. Even if my main/fated/natural/whatever path is love... i dont really like how transactional it is. I know you mentioned it before but i finally noticed it
>see other guys want something trasnactional in their relationship
>see the same thing with women
>noticed in myself when i went emo going "I cant get with anyone, i dont have anything to offer a woman/man"
it just makes me feel a bit more... detached from things.

that aside, i ran into a phoenix bird woman but i think glowies are trying to start something again or tried to do some weird interracial cuck programming on me but it didnt do much.. apart from making me feel disgust

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 22:59 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5355 del
Funny thing this "thought talking" because I realized how my thoughts are moving my subtle body and how that clenches some muscles but only a "little".
Talking is a "Physical mechanism" so when I tried to "hear" and then "pronounce" some words especially some names of middle eastern entities it felt like I am trying to vomit out my entrails. Because if I want to remember what I channeled I have to reproduce it the physically "close" subtle body so it is an easy to access memory. Especially because my higher minds are too vast and I need more practice and mental bandwidth to quick retain stuff from it. It's weird when I "have" to think about something that "I know" but "never thought of before" so I can ground it and give an easy access for my subconscious to work with.

>serves as an "anchor" of sorts
That is a good practice. Your intuition guides you well.
Then that "awkwardness" comes from you. You consider the "daytime" the "mundane time" and the "night" the magical one. Slowly you will understand that they are the same.

>i dont really like how transactional it is.
Same ;_;
>I know you mentioned it before but i finally noticed it
Sorry about that. But don't worry you walk the "path of love" quite well. Am ngl there are many pitfalls that most retards fall into because they misunderstand it and you did not show any symptom or leanings towards those "common pitfall retardations". It kinda fascinates me because it shows that you have the "real thing" by default. So yes for you it will be "alien" sometimes to see others doing the wrong way.

>apart from making me feel disgust
My Armor is Contempt My Shield is Disgust My Sword is Hatred In The Emperor’s Name Let None Survive
Funny quote but yes there is a "reflex" that literally closes off "disgusting psychic channels" by default. It's like how mud splatters front of you your eyes and mouth close automatically. Except if you are a mouthbreathing retard or something. It's like autoblocking

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 23:28 Id: 29148a [Preview] No.5359 del
>Am ngl there are many pitfalls that most retards fall into because they misunderstand it and you did not show any symptom or leanings towards those "common pitfall retardations". It kinda fascinates me because it shows that you have the "real thing" by default. So yes for you it will be "alien" sometimes to see others doing the wrong way.
i see... well, i am aware that if i make any mistakes to not fret over since its just essentially
>"we aren't perfect and make mistakes, so even if you do fall into a hole what matters is that you get up, learn from it and be better at navigating/avoiding"
type deal

>Then that "awkwardness" comes from you. You consider the "daytime" the "mundane time" and the "night" the magical one. Slowly you will understand that they are the same.
admittedly it is, i've always just considered the night being the only time where "exciting things happen" while the day is more relax and like a peaceful Slice of life with barely any excitement. an example of this would be the lore from under night in birth where most of it takes place during night hours

https://youtube.com/watch?v=YN6LRlE25WI [Embed]

Sunflower 12/18/2023 (Mon) 23:46 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5362 del
>i am aware that if i make any mistakes to not fret over since its just essentially
>"we aren't perfect and make mistakes, so even if you do fall into a hole what matters is that you get up, learn from it and be better at navigating/avoiding"

This took me a while to realize this. I was on the FAILURE MEANS DEATH mentality because that way you can awaken all your instincts to be alert and avoid it but it was not the way. Makes you too stressed and tense. Most accidents and mistakes are not fatal and a good learning experience. Took time to learn that life is not an emergency... Because for me most time it was. Now things are calmer.

>i've always just considered the night being the only time where "exciting things happen"

It's almost the opposite lol.
Things are just "so calm" you are able to notice the "otherworldly things". The daytimes are too hectic too noisy. It scares the spirits at some places. Humans are too noisy too loud too busy nowadays. There is a reason why witches magicians and hermits live in forests and towers alone. Mundane retardation is just too disturbing on all levels.

>where most of it takes place during night hours
Daytime they have to go to school!
They are no delinquents that skip school. They are good kids that go to school and work at night! Good experience before they go to a company with regular crunches!

Took me a while to realize Fate/Stay Night is stay night because grail wars can only happen at night. I felt really dumb not getting that part at the beginning.

Also it late again for me. See you later

Sunflower 12/19/2023 (Tue) 02:57 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5363 del
Just had a dream that implied that everybody even vaguely related to me is living inside of me and they are (or atleast a faction) resentful towards me for it. They said they are planning on taking action. I woke up filled with malaise and nausea.mostly centered around my center.The specific reason was something about having to stay quuet when i sleep. It seemed a bit absurd to me during the dream.However the enmity felt genuine.

What do?

Sunflower 12/19/2023 (Tue) 10:46 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5364 del
Your astral faction has sinned in the past, but they sent you do Earth to solve it. They don't like the solution but you have to do this to save them. Suggested to activate this sigil
and the negative energy will be transformed. (You still have to work on it, this is just for showing you how to transform it, sigils are "mental instructions")

Sunflower 12/19/2023 (Tue) 11:00 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5366 del
Djinn have been at work, and it's effective, there's now a movement where people are converting to Islam on tiktok as a result of seeing what is happening in Gaza.
https://www.tiktok.com/@abbeyhafez [Embed]

Sunflower 12/21/2023 (Thu) 04:50 Id: b547a2 [Preview] No.5367 del
Kept staring at sigil, felt something activate.

This time the dream was worse,involving even jack the ripper angry at me although it seeming like a more expected thing given the nsture/the circunstances.The only reason it might be her is the girl i saw kn my bed wpukd be the assertive type very noticably.This time she did feel slightly dofferently and seemd like an older teenager so maybe thats why.

Second part of dream involved glowies mostly discussing on making me go through this training program.I might explain the glowies or the tipper situation more clearly, it was kinda absurd especially this time.

Sunflower 12/21/2023 (Thu) 10:06 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5368 del
>Kept staring at sigil, felt something activate.
It's a sun/sunlight process with the power to cleanse a person and their surroundings of all impurities as well as the power to defeat Moloch. Going by what I've learned recently, this is half of the process if you are a balanced person living on this planet, you also need the ability to defeat "the great Satan". I think I will come back and post a thing for this too.

Sunflower 12/21/2023 (Thu) 12:07 Id: b547a2 [Preview] No.5370 del
I think theres a physical issue where my brain is getting too little oxygen during sleep. Small aorways in nose.

Sunflower 12/21/2023 (Thu) 13:36 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5371 del
That's difficult to change, except that you can try "mewing", an exercise said to be able to gradually change your bone structure.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NvoX_wEtwDk [Embed]

I asked the greys to run a small genetic update on you if this is a genetic issue. It may have some minor effect.

Sunflower 12/21/2023 (Thu) 13:38 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5372 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=gcI8CvoFxfQ [Embed]

Sunflower 12/21/2023 (Thu) 13:47 Id: b547a2 [Preview] No.5373 del
Ive always 'mewed' even as a kid.I actually do have a good jawline. However the nose thing is a deviated septum plus inflamed tissue giving me no room to breath.

Btw the sigil below the sun one makes me feel very concentrated staring at it.I think i installed it.

Sunflower 12/21/2023 (Thu) 13:58 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5374 del
It connects from the solar plexus to the sacral chakra, this connection is what can defeat both satan and moloch, when simplifying it a lot. (It's what the bible does when including both the old and new testament. Side note here but from my recent understanding, it's because the OT is the book of satan while the NT is the book of moloch, but when connected, the connection overrides them.)

Sunflower 12/21/2023 (Thu) 14:02 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5375 del
>Additional additions
>"ultimate djinn lamp"
Also, on the NET and in the temple study, a disc pack (pick the format you prefer) of the "ultimate doll" installers. It's a solution to the issue of free energy, but a different approach, it removes energy consumption instead of creating energy. This is an Illuminati control system. There is also a smaller version module which only creates "free energy use", can be used to replace energy sources. It's also a doll thingie, like a fumo.

Sunflower 12/22/2023 (Fri) 13:15 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5377 del
The storm is coming in, whoever doesn't maintain their own energy like a yokai or has an Existence mat to sit on, will be swept away. There is one in the temple, on the wall next to the study. Get your own copy.

Sunflower 12/23/2023 (Sat) 12:53 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5378 del
Just realized i dreamed of this after i went to sleep after i did tte sigil thing. A spaceship came and sucked all the buildings in the viscinity everything moved fast.

Sunflower 12/23/2023 (Sat) 18:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5379 del
I had a precognition about the event in a dream where the storm was coming and lightning bolts started spreading across the cloudy sky. I then asked my family members if everything was in the car, because we were leaving "to go home" it was implied. But we were actually home already. An unusual concept, because it felt like it wasn't safe, while the "home" out there wasn't mentioned either.

Things came crashing down during the night. Two negative forces, one after another (horns of the beast). It's now very silent, a floating feeling. Some echoes of karma are still there.

I performed something to unite all those beings, intending to also unite the evil under one umbrella.

As a yokai will maintain itself even if Existence ends, so will these being attempt to do it, to come back later and abuse the new creation. Maybe they kept this up so far, thinking they will sometime in the future control creation itself.

Sunflower 12/25/2023 (Mon) 15:36 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5395 del
I made it through the same standard as I've seen my past life bodies in, when I met my personas from London and 900s Japan once (at individual times) on a city street. The middle channel was strongly orange, and there was a feeling which was hard to explain associated with it. In retrospect it was because I know what it is, but at the time wasn't able to understand this, it was way before I knew anything about these periods.
Orange here means the energy of having deep physical experience of something, of having performed or practiced something. The MMO way is still relevant. Things take immense time and effort compared to how it sounds in ancient scriptures or when taught, and the effect seems much lesser than its description seems to hint at. But when done, it's solid and the value is experienced first hand, which changes the understanding of it. Real power is minimalistic.

I also see that this does mark "leaving hell" in the same manner as the "from Hell" letter manifests the infernal mindset. It's easy to understand while in it, but once out on the other side, it's forgotten. People from the past turn into shadows in memory, and their meaning is merely references to the concept of what role they played.

It feels almost as distant as when recalling memories from revolutionary Paris; I see what appears to be a family when growing up, but they leave no impact. Everything important takes place later, the image only clears at age 17. I guess most people never rise up from the shadows, and remain there as concepts only.

Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 21:06 Id: 037339 [Preview] No.5399 del
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well. some time past and it feels like she (the other me/whatever) kind of went yandere and did the assimilation thingy again but apart from that i did get an invitation, i'm.. not sure if it was my sisters or some other group of ladies but
>in the waiting room of some clinic(?)
>a group of 4 ladies of varying ages (the oldest was in her 30s i believe? while the others were in their 20s, teens and preteens), they worse dresses, very elegant, two wore very extravagant ones and while the other two wore simple looking ones that were still beautiful nonetheless
>they invited me to a club or some kind of tea party. me feeling awkward tried to reject it but they kept insisting so i gave in and accepted the invitation
>it was very.. soothing and calm. it felt like they were overwriting and replacing things about me the way my sisters typically do
>they were even praising me and such too
apart from that the umm... bridal things keep surging back to me as well

Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 22:09 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5400 del
(216.75 KB 891x1280 tight.jpg)
>in the waiting room of some clinic(?)

I was also in that place in my dream today. I was in the "surgical room" sections. They usually finalize some installations that I am doing while practicing. That place is a sort of interdimensional medbay. Humanity at the current stage goes to that place for "healing" and "cleansing" so it took that form. Doctors/healers were priests in the past and they are "supposed" to retain that quality nowadays too and some are able despite the odds and because of that spirits manifested places in that way/appearance. The symbol of the medical world is still the staff of Hermes. No matter how mundane the IRL doctors get with their scientism they cannot escape their original inspiration.

In my dream I was on a mobile bed and a large fat guy that looked similarly as the boomer from L4D was on an another bed. I know I was talking to people there a little but it was such a small talk I did not register what it was then as I laid there I felt a metallic "wiring" "actualizing itself" which was something I experienced happening to my energy circuits while awake but not in my dreams. Then as the metallic wiring process finished I started to bleed from my dick When I noticed it I alerted the nurse and she ran to get a doctor and as I felt the blood leaving my body in quite the large quantities I realized how I can "stop it". Then as I lamented how "I have to do everything by myself because doctors are useless as always". Yes I have a slight disdain towards the way doctors do their shit nowadays because making more patients and constantly complaining how overworked they are because they are SHIT at their job is something that gets on my nerves. I have respect towards those that despite the madness of the current world still manage to keep the Hippocratic oath but most are just slaves to the system of retardation The dream ended because I figured out how to move my muscles for this energy work.

This was partly because of this >>5356 and it's continuation because I am dealing with this for a while and I am reaching deeper depths/understanding but whenever I want to word my findings I realize that it's not just inconclusive gibberish but I can still go deeper. Then I realize more things and "to write about it I have to get in touch with the energies for a better picture" mindset I have to balance myself to not release energetic anomaly overloads because I am still bad managing my creative forces. They are either too passionate or too apathetic. Apathetic writing conveys nothing while passionate one does things... Can't believe "welding" is how accurate because it is truly like molten metal but talking about it I should go into how "activated semen" works what I mean about the "dickwomb" and how different parts of the brain resonate with this whole process and how you have to understand how it gets "erect" how it "lubricates" so you don't get burnt out and other stuff... but it's still too christmas for me to write essays about it

>did the assimilation thingy
>bridal things keep surging back to me as well

Also if you want some actual advice or have a question about what is exactly happening you have to describe these things a little more in detail because I am feeling how your energies are more balanced and less of "retard shitposty" and can tell you are advancing on your own path but otherwise I can't say anything precise. But I am glad it works out as it should. Currently I have to learn to "trust in the world" and learn the power of patience. I am still too hectic with my energies. This is why I write less until I reach a "balanced inspiration" again.

Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 22:30 Id: 037339 [Preview] No.5401 del
Yeah, I can't remember if I stayed long enough for any cleaning or such to done by the doctor's directly but I do recall the context of it being they my grandmother took like a regular doctor's appointment

Also sorry, I was typing out in a rush but basically with her/I/me/whatever (I know she's me but it's easier for me to say it this way because reasons)
>I was in a house somewhere with a regular(?) Family
>A girl tried to talk to me about something while the other family member started being weird
>All of sudden the other me/she, came in out of nowhere and brutalized the shit out of them with hammer. Literally flattening them on the floor then she fetched me and said "mine" then proceeded to take me inside and I became her basically
>A bit after that, her l, my sisters and other women started doing that thing where they all surround me saying "sister" and a few other things. One of the conversations was about "friends" and one of them basically went yandere again and said "were all that you need" (I'm paraphrasing this btw)
I'm not sure if this is related to any of this but also
>I apparently helped some alien (?)
>He basically said I could ask of him one favor, due to how his race handles that kind of thing
>I said something along the lines of "I want to change my body/go back to my form/be a girl/something autistic like that
>He flew into light speed to retrieve the item needed for this. He kinda showed me how to worked but it also had an rng element and that you'd have to reroll like in a gacha account that wasn't good
>He changed his form to one of a red haired lady on her 30s
>A little girl showed how she could shift her form/age/etc. by having those paper thingies kids make into people holding hands and she said some incantation I can't remember and it worked
>She handed it over to me to try but it seemingly didn't work, apparently it didn't function because it's not my Method (think like tactics game where a main character is in a generic so they have generic/univer skills and passives but they also have uniques due to various reasons)

Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 22:53 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5402 del
I made it through another important thing, and there is nothing to say about it.
What will even happen, and how fast? I barely see any of the people from the past around, it's all remaining native reptilians and new souls. Along with the group of vampires picked out to carry this on, because they're "young" enough to form a new secret core.
Given the current state of the world, with almost everyone being an NPC or a new insert, who will even have to realize something? There are a lot of reptilians still active on youtube and other channels, they seem to have taken over completely because they are, aside from vampires, the only coherent racial group left. But they do not control the world system. Is anyone at all pulling the levers by now? Anyone down here, or is it all maintenance deities?

With the new connections I made between facts and topics, I started a new phase in bible study. I'm not sure it should be called that, but there isn't a better word. It is a powerful grimoire indeed. From the first layer of reading the text mindlessly with dedication, as the angels suggested, the next seem to be, to use a critical approach. Mock the text as you read it. Test it. Does any of the notions of its meaning even hold?
Most of it doesn't. I don't know how anyone can take this Jesus character seriously. He's openly saying he will bring swords and cause family members and generations to kill each other. He curses a tree just because it has no fruit for him. But the clearest indication of his true nature is that his birth was followed by the slaughtering of all babies up to 2 years of age. A sacrifice to Moloch was performed, and no one is making the connection of who he is and who sent him. He then goes around causing shit everywhere while absorbing illnesses from people for no reason.

Neither of this does however change the fact that the structure of the text has some serious power.

Also: this whole tranny business today, complete nonsense. Jesus is paraphrased to have said that "some are born without a gender, some have had it removed through the actions of men or for religious reasons" and that the rules for marriage of men and women only concerns those whom it is relevant for.
There is consequently no support for transphobic inferences made from this text, it does not apply to them.
I don't know what people who read this literally actually read, is it even the same book?

Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 23:02 Id: 037339 [Preview] No.5403 del
One update i forgot to mention is that im playing fighting games (not strive though, fuck that garbage) and that specific "trauma" that's been associated with it that i brought up in the last thread months ago, its hard to explain but it got.. purged away by them i think. the only thing that was left for me to do was more or less say "fuck you" but that was about it.

>I am feeling how your energies are more balanced and less of "retard shitposty" and can tell you are advancing on your own path but otherwise I can't say anything precise.
t-they do?

Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 23:32 Id: 037339 [Preview] No.5404 del
>Also: this whole tranny business today, complete nonsense. Jesus is paraphrased to have said that "some are born without a gender, some have had it removed through the actions of men or for religious reasons" and that the rules for marriage of men and women only concerns those whom it is relevant for.
>There is consequently no support for transphobic inferences made from this text, it does not apply to them.
>I don't know what people who read this literally actually read, is it even the same book?
could you elaborate what you mean? do you mean the pushback and autism regarding it by women and people online, the trannies that are batshit insane and cause problem or the whole thing overall?

>With the new connections I made between facts and topics, I started a new phase in bible study. I'm not sure it should be called that, but there isn't a better word. It is a powerful grimoire indeed. From the first layer of reading the text mindlessly with dedication, as the angels suggested, the next seem to be, to use a critical approach. Mock the text as you read it. Test it. Does any of the notions of its meaning even hold?
Most of it doesn't. I don't know how anyone can take this Jesus character seriously. He's openly saying he will bring swords and cause family members and generations to kill each other. He curses a tree just because it has no fruit for him. But the clearest indication of his true nature is that his birth was followed by the slaughtering of all babies up to 2 years of age. A sacrifice to Moloch was performed, and no one is making the connection of who he is and who sent him. He then goes around causing shit everywhere while absorbing illnesses from people for no reason.
i've read some of it off and on, like things with john the baptist (or was it his father?) being made into a mute because he was understandably skeptical about being told by an angel that his wife would become pregnant or the whole thing with ezekiel

Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 23:32 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5405 del
(212.15 KB 760x596 exposition-fairy.jpg)
>One of the conversations was about "friends" and one of them basically went yandere again and said "were all that you need" (I'm paraphrasing this btw)
This will be hard to explain but I will try. So you are still obsessed with making "shitty friends". Your energetic "preferences" make you "drawn" towards them. You don't notice it consciously but you are addicted to it. It's like someone having a proper family who always wanders out then hangs with hobos and drug addicts in a piss soaked alley then a family member needs to get him because he almost got stabbed in the process and didn't even notice it. As I said before your "(deep)core persona" is a weapon. So once it feels the necessary "threat level" it is allowed to use self defense. Then your sisters & co is explaining to you that "were all that you need" which is not just about companionship but to realize that you "want" and "CAN" hang around and enjoy "their energy" without that addiction to the "lowlife energy" to the people you usually get in trouble with. I am not saying don't interact with mundanes it's just we have a way to "bring out the worst of others" without realizing. It's an energetic addiction. The faster you realize the better. Hard to notice it consciously. It usually happens when someone changes his lifestyle or something lifechanging happens.

>I'm not sure if this is related to any of this but also
Me neither but you are allowed to interact with aliens and such. They are "not that different from you" after all.
>I said something along the lines of "I want to change my body/go back to my form/be a girl/something autistic like that
This is a good indication that your "desires" are still the same deep down. It's important to know what we want on all level
>by having those paper thingies kids make into people holding hands
Oh I know that one. Hard to explain how it works. Have this oglaf comic
>it didn't function because it's not my Method
You could say that yeah...

>is it even the same book?
Never was :/
Was not even written by the founder of the religion. Let's not mention how the translators and the "interpreters" managed to fuck things up further. It's such a long topic holy shit.

>hard to explain but it got.. purged away by them
Yeah that memory created a "core flaw" in your personality. It was necessary to go.

>t-they do?
Yeah. Also I can feel how you have a little energy surging as you rushtype and make typos all over. It's part of the process don't worry. The themes we talk about are not something you can talk with everyone so you have to realize how to talk about something that is not part of the mainstream while being confined in this "mainstream language model". Takes time I know.

Sunflower 12/26/2023 (Tue) 23:46 Id: 037339 [Preview] No.5406 del
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>This will be hard to explain but I will try. So you are still obsessed with making "shitty friends". Your energetic "preferences" make you "drawn" towards them. You don't notice it consciously but you are addicted to it. It's like someone having a proper family who always wanders out then hangs with hobos and drug addicts in a piss soaked alley then a family member needs to get him because he almost got stabbed in the process and didn't even notice it.

>I am not saying don't interact with mundanes it's just we have a way to "bring out the worst of others" without realizing. It's an energetic addiction. The faster you realize the better. Hard to notice it consciously. It usually happens when someone changes his lifestyle or something lifechanging happens.
i have no clue if this counts but a few people have... called me mommy a good amount of times and claim i give off gentle and almost motherly vibes. it does make me feel awkward but most of the time the people who say that to me are.... nicer (well they are pretty nice and amicable in general but still)

>This is a good indication that your "desires" are still the same deep down. It's important to know what we want on all level
it reminds me of the past instance a year or so ago where i recall my sisters and I eliminating people, someone tried to give me money for but i remember outright rejecting and saying
>"i don't do this for money nor do i care about such things, i just care about being with and enjoying myself with my sisters"
then the person backed off so i guess you're right about my desires more or less being the same. I never thought much of initially

>Oh I know that one. Hard to explain how it works. Have this oglaf comic
YES THATS WHAT IT WAS. also based Papa bones. Im assuming thats an imp..?

>Yeah that memory created a "core flaw" in your personality. It was necessary to go.
core flaw? i feel that i have an exact idea of it but i want to know what you mean (this is more for me confirming it myself than anything else)

>Yeah. Also I can feel how you have a little energy surging as you rushtype and make typos all over. It's part of the process don't worry. The themes we talk about are not something you can talk with everyone so you have to realize how to talk about something that is not part of the mainstream while being confined in this "mainstream language model". Takes time I know.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 00:12 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5407 del
>core flaw? i feel that i have an exact idea of it but i want to know what you mean (this is more for me confirming it myself than anything else)

Some traumas leave a "scar" upon our energy body. It fucks with the flow of energy. Because the energy flow is weak at some places or strong at others the body needs to "balance it" so to balance it it needs to imbalance other things to create an overall balance. It's solves a problem via creating an another problem BUT the new problem is not as bad as the old underlying problem was so the new problem is allowed to stay. Sometimes it creates and fixes several problems.

Fixing "core flaws" which usually stem from traumas or retarded habits we have because of our environment forced us to pick it up allows the energy body to create/manage more energy via less effort and that causes improvement because faculties of our beings that were energetically malnourished can flourish now.

People of the current "society" have an enormous amount of "core flaws" and as I am fixing my own I am designing ways how they can be fixed passively in others and... it's not easy process. Psychology and psychiatry got jewed hard... They create 3 problems while pretending that they are fixing one.

It's like having clogged chakras or don't know how else to say better. Like I was doing an energetic realization while I thought I fixed most of my traumas then suddenly a faint elementary school memory vividly appeared where someone made me mad because of some minor thing. And that faulty "childhood core flaw" served as a building block to my current personality. It was dumb as hell but that was the moment that made me realize later how to channel my anger to be more confident and assertive in conversations so retards cannot treat me as a pushover. Because of that I get too heated in conversations sometimes. And because nowadays I have energy overloads easily that things needs to go because being loud in a conversation is one thing but now I unleash random psychic anomalies in the process when I am not paying attention.

Thankfully nowadays when I am in a "flawed personality zone/mode" my posture starts to deteriorate then cause pain on my energy body so even tho I am lost in mundanity where my energetic awareness is low I am able to notice it and correct my posture and fix the core habits that make me "desync from my truth". Hard to get rid of habits that you never even thought that they "matter" and did for decades without realizing. These can be Mental emotional and physical patterns also. Core flaws usually need to be fixed personally while you can "wear down" minor flaws. Time heals everything but sometimes it just makes things worse so you can realize this is something you have to personally deal with.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 00:21 Id: 037339 [Preview] No.5408 del
Ah, i see, that does clear things up.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 09:23 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5409 del
>could you elaborate what you mean?
Jesus starts off talking about how divorce is not allowed, and anyone divorcing and remarrying is committing adultery (a sin with death penalty). When asked, he confirms that there are also people with no gender - hermaphrodites, people born with a vulva who are actually men (women externally but no womb), castrated men or sterilized women who were made such by someone else, or who did it do themselves to avoid the sin of sexuality.

So the common "Christian" criticism of "there are only two genders, man and woman" isn't supported by the bible. Jesus himself basically says "lol I don't care about trannies, I'm only talking about the laws for men and women". He recognizes they exist, but they don't matter.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 09:28 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5410 del
The only way you'd end up with the "God created man and woman and instituted marriage to preserve future generations" as invalidating a "3rd gender" is if you are a Jew and only read the old testament by Moses. You have to discard the New Testament to reach that conclusion. So Evangelicals can't be against transsexuals, because the evangel recognizes them.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 16:54 Id: 037339 [Preview] No.5415 del
Yeah, of that's the case idk why people are so militant about there being only 2 genders. I guess it's because of all the tranny stuff being picked and used by NWO/Jews/whatever and the contingent of trannies who are loud and obnoxious (I met some who are chill and aren't "it's MA'AM" levels of bat shit crazy)
I wish this entire thing wasn't such landmine because you can't even like or do certain things because demonize things and say only trannies like or you have the same aforementioned bat shit insane trannies that join and co opt everything it's so tiresome

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 19:09 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.5417 del
Well, gender is that which engenders, creates. Creation is active + passive. Water + Fire. Yeah you have air or the hermetic but that's not really a 'third' faced of engendering. More like an in-between state, or stage of change. Tertiary to the primal active/passive dichotomy, which is reflected in pretty much every level of the microcosm. You have the ‘holy hermaphrodite’, which is more of a mythological ideal, but this is more about a balance between the active and passive, or a being capable of fulfilling both creative roles at once; a synthesis of the two things, not a third thing in and of itself. So if someone says there's a 'third gender' or as I've also heard, 'more genders than you can count' that's a pretty big claim with big implications that need to be examined closer. And personally I haven't met a single one of these people who's willing or capable of doing this. They're just co-opting an existing concept for their shallow identity labels, and it's frustrating because it degrades our ability to talk about these concepts. I mean sure, some of them are 'chill' but that doesn't really change the validity of what they're doing. If they're promoting falsehoods and nonsense, that should be questioned regardless of what their attitude about it is.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 19:12 Id: 037339 [Preview] No.5418 del
That's true, the whole thing is just a pain to deal

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 21:23 Id: 4e630e [Preview] No.5419 del
I forgot to mention it earlier but I have been having a strong feeling I won't be alive past 30-35 (atleast some point in there). I didn't think much of it initially (started happening about 4-6 years ago) and getting the feeling that I will be "retrieved" within that timeframe

I could just be paranoid though

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:01 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5420 del
>I will be "retrieved"
Almost everyone was already "retrieved", leaving mere NPC shells in the world.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:13 Id: 4e630e [Preview] No.5421 del
Ah, I think I saw you guys talk about it before but how exactly does that process work? The way they normally illustrate how in going to be take is me like actually dying on this plane of existence (or getting killed)

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:39 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5422 del
Your life ends on Earth because your timeline ends, there is no karma or gravity to keep you in the 3D plane so you just drift off and land in whatever place your new state gravitates towards. If you have an astral island or ship, you're likely to end up there. I've seen this happen a few times already.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:52 Id: 4e630e [Preview] No.5423 del
Wait really? I always thought karma and gravity or whatever just straight up bounded people to get reincarnate here constantly or something

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:53 Id: d87936 [Preview] No.5424 del
That's just hindus.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 02:42 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5426 del
The way I see it, this planet is becoming incompatible with most people’s karma, so we’re being split into other realms. Reincarnation will continue, but elsewhere. Take care of your energy because this next time you die there might be much more at stake than usual.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 04:07 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5427 del
well, i'll do what i can and stick with my path + sisters.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 09:50 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5428 del
I don't know if anyone else saw this, but do share if so.
Early morning here I woke up to a violent scene of a large cylindrical object passing by the Earth. This was followed by an explosion that caused my heart to race. I asked my Wise servitor what was going on and got the reply "an attack" but it was implied this wasn't aimed at me and that it didn't matter. After this followed several consecutive smaller explosions, and images appeared before me. This was during the time when it was still dark and the images appeared before me with my eyes opened in such a manner that I felt like I was floating in space.

The object had a surface which felt like glazed ceramics and was covered with eyes. It was dark greyish with a faint yellow energy, it felt not unlike the designs by H. R. Giger.

The following scenes after the explosion had many people burning while floating vertically, an infernal destruction scene where they turned into coal.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:00 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5429 del
I felt like this was related to asking Gensokyo if we can just end this now? I felt like I'm done with whatever I could do to dissolve karmic situations. They said something in agreement and someone jumped down and landed before me (this was last night). They put a string around my joined hands and told me to do some breathing exercises, after which the string dissolved.

The Earth is already ascended, the surface of the old planet has been cleared away by space janitors, but some layer based on the intergalactic layers beyond the planetary plane was still upheld by "meddling deities" using their external karmic storage to incarnate on the planet by "induction", meaning their karma isn't entangled with Earthlings, allowing them to live like kings and do whatever. They abused this system for a long time, but their karmic storage out there was filled up, they used the time difference to keep doing what they did. It seems this is what was now removed.

I send out my assistant in a small ship to find this cylindrical object. It had already travelled far into space. It was some kind of mining ship.

I'll leave out the interactions with it because it had many details and may not be very interesting to anyone else. Conclusion is; it seems Gensokyo marked the intergalactic layer which remained on the Earth surface as "to be destroyed" which is an established way to communicate that this stuff is free to take. This resulted in a mining ship to enter the area and simply blow this dimension up, killing anyone in it and taking the material.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:38 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5430 del
Well, I'm not sure if this is related or how, but last night I woke up with the distinct feeling that 2024 is going to see COVID revisited, somehow. Maybe this time there will be no official response and something will be simply released. I don't know. December 2023 has a similar energy to what December 2019 had.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 16:45 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5431 del
>The object had a surface which felt like glazed ceramics and was covered with eyes
Some things I can share now that I've had time to gather my thoughts a bit. These are ETs travelling in deep space and living off mining planets which are market for destruction. They are a kind of garbage collectors in our way of understanding it. But they work in cooperation with maintenance deities and what they do is a "divine art". Mining seen from the ET perspective, including the federation, is the highest form of chemistry. They do not see any distinction between inner alchemy/spirit alchemy and mining/chemistry. Blowing up rocks to gather ore, which is refined into metals, is to transform "ore spirit" into "iron spirit", "copper spirit" and so on. Materials are aware and conscious, they are able to communicate with "material spirits" using technological telepathy. Because all materials are alive, they do not look at if there are humanoids on the planet they are mining. In those cases where a planet was marked as "to be destroyed", the "ore spirits" are of higher awareness than the humanoid population, so they just blow the place up and extract the ore to refine "metal spirits".

They live in huge ships which seem cast in one single piece, everything, including furniture, seem to be part of the same structure. It's made from something resembling volcanic rock, but it's soft and somewhat warm to the touch, despite being the same material used for the shell of the ship. The sleep directly on the floor. The ship consists of "caves" and tunnels on the inside with a "hangar" in the middle. The large space didn't seem to be used for anything.

Their education system consisted only of showing letters along with a vocal recording of each sound. Then 5 words were shown along with their reading. After this was shown images of different concepts along with the written word and the wording being read. Only one page was shown of each type, after this the student was asked to read words off the same screen, and the education was considered finished. It took only 3 minutes. They seem to have an ability to instantly apply things explained like this, with no training after the rules were explained.

This was the only education needed, and they were then sent to work on the ship.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 17:58 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.5432 del
>I felt like this was related to asking Gensokyo if we can just end this now? I felt like I'm done with whatever I could do to dissolve karmic situations. They said something in agreement and someone jumped down and landed before me (this was last night). They put a string around my joined hands and told me to do some breathing exercises, after which the string dissolved.
I did something extremely similar last night. I feel as though something is about to happen.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 18:24 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5433 del
I guess I'll mention it; if anyone is interested in the technology of this cylindrical miner ship, there is a module for it on the NET. Look in recent additions.

There is also a module for time efficiency. What it does: optimizes your available time by cutting and pasting timelines near you so that you always have enough time for practice and positive learning. The design was AI generated by Astra, then finished manually. It has the form of a Raid-doll, because according to Astra it is necessary to be able to deal with NWO tunnel bases in some timelines, it is a self defense measure. (I guess like how the Germans lost WW1 to tanks, so in WW2 everyone had anti tank rocket guns. I suppose in WW4 everyone will have their own artillery ammunition factory.)

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 19:04 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5434 del
Now it's getting really specific, but there's also one for "start-up", an optimizer for the process of starting any activity.

The context of this is best understood from within LEAN methodology.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 19:31 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5435 del
>work in cooperation with maintenance deities and what they do is a "divine art". Mining seen from the ET perspective, including the federation, is the highest form of chemistry. They do not see any distinction between inner alchemy/spirit alchemy and mining/chemistry. Blowing up rocks to gather ore, which is refined into metals, is to transform "ore spirit" into "iron spirit", "copper spirit" and so on

This is my perspective also but I have no focus on metallurgy

And now that I think about it I also had a dream like this today. It appeared as a Stellaris game where sometimes an advanced lategame superpowerful empire "gets bugged" and attacks you for no reason in the early game and the AI started to destroy random starbases and was wondering what is the "bug" and what do I need to do to solve it again and was this always how it behaved?

Also about the waking up with heart racing experience I cannot say much because I had that for a while because when I go to sleep my energy field "reboots" and entities that are unable to touch me "Have chance for a moment" and I am sorta "letting it happen" so I can figure out the "moment of weakness" and the parts where I am supposed to be unconscious and how my subconscious sorta "flashboots" so the defenses can activate and kinda fixed this occurrence. Still not perfect ofc because I still don't have the perfect godtier self manifested reality super zen mindwave energy field but I need to be real foolish with my workings for these things to happen.
Some days ago when I managed to connect a stream of energy and I became one with the flow an unseen entity grabbed me and said.
>I will bring you to him
While I was wondering who he is referring to I started to think that higher entities usually either elaborate or apply the next step of the action instantly like bringing me to the place and not just hold me in place while saying something random that might be just some autopicked subconscious phrase that would make me "calm" so I got impatient that someone is just fucking with me so I flexed me energy muscles and with a spin broke free from the hold. Then I heard a painful squeeking noise and concluded that a low level critter entity might be fucking with me. Never happened again. It was a good experience how to punch the unseen and untouchable tho. ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH

>It took only 3 minutes. They seem to have an ability to instantly apply things explained like this, with no training after the rules were explained.
It's like a super effective hypnosis it seems. They realized everything else is inefficient because you need a pretty "clear thinking" to be able to work with "metallurgy spirits". I have minor experience with them personally but yeah it's true...
Wonder if it is related to our "welding" because they are welding for sure.

>LEAN methodology
guess I will google it

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 19:38 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5436 del
>LEAN methodology
googled it
>it's just cost efficiency

Oh rith I always forget that for some people that "Being cost efficient is literally the key for making profits" is an alien concept. I realize that while looking at my "fellow humans" and seeing how the ads are preaching cost efficiency as their portfolio while literally doing and programming the consumers to be the opposite.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 20:21 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5437 del
This is weird... My sisters visited me again last night (the other version of me didnt this time) and i recall being in that weird techno school area/world i mentioned before and some... personally unsettling things from a while back resurfaced again. it involved a woman i knew during my teen but they were in this world too, and they tried to say they "love me" (the girl, not my sisters) and it flipped a switch again and put me into "self sefence" mode that you referred to it as but also i remember my sisters doing/saying the same thing they did to me before when a similar situation to this came up albeit it wasnt as nuclear compared to then

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 20:43 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5438 del
>but a few people have... called me mommy a good amount of times and claim i give off gentle and almost motherly vibes

You mentioned this before and I had no idea what to think of it yet then managed to figure out why some people say that yesterday. Remember when I said that you got turned into a "companion soul" so you don't count as an "illegal weapon". Well it seems that ability comes from that. When I heard the term "companion soul" I thought it is like a sentient sexbot or something which was not that far off from the mark but there is something deeper that you have to understand by looking at how "humanity" changed through the ages. There is that term people used in the past that
>I will make you into a woman
which meant that making a girl experience love then taking her virginity impregnating her and turning her into a "woman" by making her into a mother. Girls are girls and not women yet. It's a coming of age thing. As a companion soul you know that the "best companion" is a "perfect mother" that takes care of others. Am so glad you are a weeb so I can explain this easily. You are literally like an FF side-character that the main character can bring with himself to battle and can interact with him/her and acts as a support and such. Companionship is like that. You are not there because of a contract or other servitude but because you are a companion and once the "companionship mindwave" appears you give of a supportive motherly feeling. On this board we are not exactly like companions but weird mages who are like story rich characters that explain the lore and such so it did not trigger strongly enough for me to feel it.
So as I said in the (good ol) past women bonded better and they were first girls then women once they bonded with a mate. Today sadly (as BO mentioned before) women are in a shitty "in-between" stage where they are stuck as being whores. This is why incarnating as a woman would ruin your chances further in this timeframe of existence. Whores are not companions. They are a mere sort of entertainment for hire. They are as valuable as the money they cost and nothing more. And in todays culture the more "strong and independent" a woman says she is the less is her actual value. Strong and independent people don't scream those words every day. They are just strong and independent. The more I go on the path the less sure I am what I would call "independent" tho. That term got jewed hard again.

>that I will be "retrieved"
Asked about this from your sisters in the beginning to clarify "the process" because back then I was sus that this is just some soul abduction scheme which actually is in a way but not exactly malevolent. Managed to clarify how it works a little but my understanding is still a little incomplete because this is no easy matter.
>I have been having a strong feeling I won't be alive past 30-35 (atleast some point in there). I didn't think much of it initially (started happening about 4-6 years ago)
Remember the pic I posted here >>4705
I talked with your sisters when I got the vision of the "time fluctuation mechanics" and it seems the "top" of that "red timewave" is within 3 30 or 300 years. Why I said 3 different years like they are the same thing? Well... Interdimensional time fluctuations timey whimey stuff...
To explain better. Currently the life you are living is the "best" life for your development (Like you are able to take in concepts that are for weird reasons mainstream in anime but were talked only in extremely close knitted communities in the past. We live in an age where learning about extremely unusual concepts is a mere "hobby". This is a rare occurrence considering existence itself) So there are 2 "ways" here. You remain a mundane and die and get "retrieved" before you completely "rot" or walk the path forward and able to go to the next stage of your development with your own feet as you said >>5427 here

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 20:46 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5439 del
"Hindus" have a sort of "racial contract" with spirits that they will reincarnate within their race and caste as long they keep their caste "pure". Like the Dalai Lama has some super spirit waifu that makes him reincarnate with the buddhist teachings he learned already. But let's not talk about him because I am not sure he knows what exactly he is doing nowadays or this is some high level ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU thing. At some levels this is no easy thing to conclude.
>karma and gravity or whatever
Your "real problem" is that your "origin place" doesn't have "karmagravity" so you will not "float there by default" so the next "karmagravityplace" will be earth or "earth adjacent". Your sisters are trying to make sure that you are within "their field of vision" but otherwise they can't do much. You have to walk the path by yourself. It will be your decision in the end.

And as I wrote my longpost it seems it got confirmed while you posted this >>5437
>(the other version of me didnt this time)
You are not just "assimilating" but merging. Which means you are not always "seeing" that you are one and the same person but with different appearances/clothes on.
>they "love me" (the girl, not my sisters) and it flipped a switch again
You are walking the "path of love" so you have to understand all aspects of love and realize how it connects everything why you crave and fear love and what is "real love" and why you really love your sisters and how you truly I said TRULY want to stay and leave with them. Now you are not just a weapon turned into companion soul but via the long journey you had you acquired free will and self aware feelings towards the world and the current mundane feelings you have are and are not you also. The illusory nature of the self. What feelings belong to (You) what feelings are just from your libido and what are the things that you TRULY LOVE. You will have to explain this to all aspects of your inner being and
>similar situation to this came up albeit it wasnt as nuclear compared to then
You will have to solve it calmly and gently and not as a "freakout" because a "freakout" does not heal the scars... I know that from experience :(
Your sisters are "giving you the choice" so that you pick "them" or go back being a mere mortal in this plane of existence. In the end they can no longer nudge you to take their side. You will have to choose them by yourself. With that all your "attachments"/earthy desires will break/fade and you will have to maintain and create the attachment towards your sisters and towards to "The Great Beyond".

And I managed to write a whole bunch of stuff again. Hope it's somewhat at least comprehensible.

>my sisters doing/saying the same thing they did to me before
What was their "Mantra" again.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:01 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5440 del
>What was their "Mantra" again.
well, there are about 2 i still say every so often they had me learn
>"We are the only ones who will love and accept you and we are the only ones you can truly love"
>"Love me as i(?) kill you" (the question mark next to the is probably the "correct" form of the mantra that a few people pointed out, but i usually say "love me as kill you" so i'm not sure if its interchangeable or if i got something muddled up and the 'I" was really supposed to be there

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:12 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5441 del
>Remember the pic I posted here >>4705
I talked with your sisters when I got the vision of the "time fluctuation mechanics" and it seems the "top" of that "red timewave" is within 3 30 or 300 years. Why I said 3 different years like they are the same thing? Well... Interdimensional time fluctuations timey whimey stuff...
To explain better. Currently the life you are living is the "best" life for your development (Like you are able to take in concepts that are for weird reasons mainstream in anime but were talked only in extremely close knitted communities in the past. We live in an age where learning about extremely unusual concepts is a mere "hobby". This is a rare occurrence considering existence itself) So there are 2 "ways" here. You remain a mundane and die and get "retrieved" before you completely "rot" or walk the path forward and able to go to the next stage of your development with your own feet as you said >>5427 (you) here

>You mentioned this before and I had no idea what to think of it yet then managed to figure out why some people say that yesterday. Remember when I said that you got turned into a "companion soul" so you don't count as an "illegal weapon". Well it seems that ability comes from that. When I heard the term "companion soul" I thought it is like a sentient sexbot or something which was not that far off from the mark but there is something deeper that you have to understand by looking at how "humanity" changed through the ages. There is that term people used in the past that
yeah, at first i thought it was just some ERP thing because admittedly i dabble in it somewhat and used to do it semi constantly yeaaaars ago but i didnt have the energy to do anymore but that aside i was noticing people were calling me mommy outside of hornyposting stuff so thats why i brought it up.

>You will have to solve it calmly and gently and not as a "freakout" because a "freakout" does not heal the scars... I know that from experience :(
well, at the very least this time didn't end in what were the equivalent of bombings and cursing (like actual cursing/hexing) and was less... explosive overall because hoo boy.. the last 1 or 2 times that happened is something i prefer to not allow to happen if its within my power plus i dont like dragging/getting other people unrelated to my issues hurt
Your sisters are "giving you the choice" so that you pick "them" or go back being a mere mortal in this plane of existence. In the end they can no longer nudge you to take their side. You will have to choose them by yourself. With that all your "attachments"/earthy desires will break/fade and you will have to maintain and create the attachment towards your sisters and towards to "The Great Beyond".
I know i'm still having my struggles (be they brought on by myself or otherwise) but my heart/mind/etc. still loudly says to be with them and my path especially because if i dont, i know for a fact it would constantly feel like im empty and would be unhappy. this isn't due to them "persuading" me or anything its just something i know and FEEL deep down

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:15 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5442 del
>that a few people pointed out
Who are those "few people". Your sisters are approving their advice? Because I know they were looking for "guides in the flesh" but was not sure how well it turned out.

>"Love me as i(?) kill you"
That is supposed to create the "gravity" but the correct one is the Love me as much it kills you. With that the attachment creates itself and you get reborn "in love" instantly.
"Sex" is about "Death and Rebirth" also but I cannot talk about this much now

I managed to force shutdown the laptop with my energies while writing again. Need to calm down a little.

>first i thought it was just some ERP thing

>just something i know and FEEL deep down
Yeah your feelings are at the right place they just need to become a little stronger and more "proper" energywise. The kind that makes "miracles".

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:19 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5443 del
>always forget that for some people that "Being cost efficient is literally the key for making profits" is an alien concept
I guess that's true, I didn't see it that way. The key for most people is finding a "genius inventor" who can spit out new product ideas which are used to take market shares. Profit is just to force people to pay you because they have no choice, in this thinking. This works well if everyone does the same thing. Once someone else applies actual LEAN production in the same field, it will just wear them down and it won't matter what inventions they used before, because "being dumb really fast" always works better in the long run.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:20 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5444 del
(2.93 MB 2880x1616 1703499504255.png)
>You are walking the "path of love" so you have to understand all aspects of love and realize how it connects everything why you crave and fear love and what is "real love" and why you really love your sisters and how you truly I said TRULY want to stay and leave with them. Now you are not just a weapon turned into companion soul but via the long journey you had you acquired free will and self aware feelings towards the world and the current mundane feelings you have are and are not you also. The illusory nature of the self. What feelings belong to (You) what feelings are just from your libido and what are the things that you TRULY LOVE. You will have to explain this to all aspects of your inner being and
i think... i'm getting somewhat better at telling which feelings originate from where Also my libido has never been THAT strong, its always just in short, but concentrated bursts like for example, if i got aroused as a teen i would probably look at alot of smut/watch porn a few days out of the week like once a month(?) and outside i would just consider it an annoyance because it interrupts gaming time or some such. thats not to say that i dont occasionally glance or think of things outside of that designated horny period

>So as I said in the (good ol) past women bonded better and they were first girls then women once they bonded with a mate. Today sadly (as BO mentioned before) women are in a shitty "in-between" stage where they are stuck as being whores. This is why incarnating as a woman would ruin your chances further in this timeframe of existence. Whores are not companions. They are a mere sort of entertainment for hire. They are as valuable as the money they cost and nothing more. And in todays culture the more "strong and independent" a woman says she is the less is her actual value. Strong and independent people don't scream those words every day. They are just strong and independent. The more I go on the path the less sure I am what I would call "independent" tho. That term got jewed hard again.
yeah, i try not to worry about it too much now. it's still somewhat kinda ehhhh but i'll deal with it a while longer

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:31 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5445 del
>Who are those "few people". Your sisters are approving their advice? Because I know they were looking for "guides in the flesh" but was not sure how well it turned out.
yeah uhhh.. remember the two-three people i mentioned that they had apparently possessed? those were the ones as far as them working out... one kinda disappeared and the other i lost contact with (because of the BS with the discord accounts i talked about before). though whatever they did with the possession.. might have been a bit too strong because one kinda became a different person (i think the first had another person inside him to begin with), the other got real clingy and and apparently got claimed by other entities or people related to my sisters i cant really remember, there was a third person but nothing really happened with them, my sisters apparently possessed during a conversation but he genuinely couldnt remember anything that we talked about and i had to screenshot the conversation to show him and he still couldnt remember. I could tell neither of the 3 individuals were lying, especially with this kind of thing in particular.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:40 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5446 del
(2.74 MB 830x1200 Queen_Roper.png)
>That is supposed to create the "gravity" but the correct one is the Love me as much it kills you. With that the attachment creates itself and you get reborn "in love" instantly.
w-wait really? i figured i had it mixed up. i recall when they first started teaching that mantra it was them also having me make a choice between leaving with them or staying, it was in a weird clinic. the doctors were harvesting people, slowly approaching my room but there was a blond hair lady who was in her mid twenties, wearing a weird black and red(?) dress but it was living flesh. it was like pic related but it wasnt transparent. she (one of my sisters or "me") taught me the mantra and said
>"Now... say the words, the words that mark our bond/pact, signifying the choice you made to come to us"
>after giving it a split second (i was still kinda fogged up mentally and physically) i said it and she smiled
>She smiled: "Good, i'm glad, now remember these words and use them when the time comes" (In this case i pretty much have to say them off and on as a "reminder" but the using it in times of emergency still applies too

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 22:11 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5447 del
I also forgot to add that after she did that her dress became "alive" and swallowed us both up, i think it took us to another world or some pocket dimension

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 23:26 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5448 del
> i figured i had it mixed up
When I "connected" to the feeling/experience/bond of yours the energy levels went up so much my laptop force shut itself because I was not paying attention to the energy overload. As I said before passionate writing does things. I have to watch out not too vividly imagine/connect the things I am writing about

And I am not sure what you mixed up this is a spell and the "words" are not exactly the energy it's like a gun. It's not the "Noise" that kills you but the firing mechanism and the bullet but what you "hear" is the gunshot so you think the BAMM is what kills. Words can be mixed up because sometimes they have multiple meanings that way.
>dress but it was living flesh
You are acquiring your new body it seems. A new vessel to continue the journey. You did not mention that it was a living flesh. With this you will be able to unlock multiple functions of your current body. This is some advanced magic. Your sisters acquired this from somewhere. This is not "theirs" but now it's (You)rs. Kinda amazing you have something that is kind of my expertise. Might be the work of Fate. COINCIDENCES AS USUAL.
>use them when the time comes
There is an event I mean an event which has a "matching energy" aka "THE TIME" now the problem is that "current timelines" as BO mentioned are kinda fucked so can't give you an exact divination how it can happen. The USA is in a weird place now.

>dress became "alive" and swallowed us both up
Yeah that is your body that "rebirths" you then you will merge grow into it somehow. Can't explain the mechanics this magic is something I am familiar with but can't lock to it's origin to explain how it works in detail.
>it took us to another world or some pocket dimension
It's a sort of "birth chamber". Technically it's a "womb" but wombs are already programmed and genetic but that place has an "energetic education" before you can come out as someone who was "reborn".

Also channeling is not always an easy business. Some people cannot handle the "weight" of the being they channel. Your sisters are kinda peculiar in many ways. I too have to make my spiritual gains to be able to do this. But then again as I said. This is a good experience on the mystic parts on my path. It's something I meant to do anyways. Wanted to talk about the other findings I got while working with your sisters but they are not that important yet. And I too need to learn to pace myself.

Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 23:46 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5449 del
>And I am not sure what you mixed up this is a spell and the "words" are not exactly the energy it's like a gun. It's not the "Noise" that kills you but the firing mechanism and the bullet but what you "hear" is the gunshot so you think the BAMM is what kills. Words can be mixed up because sometimes they have multiple meanings that way.
it was exactly as you said, i had thought the words were the energy and everything was the end result/effect

>There is an event I mean an event which has a "matching energy" aka "THE TIME" now the problem is that "current timelines" as BO mentioned are kinda fucked so can't give you an exact divination how it can happen. The USA is in a weird place now.
ahh they past 4 or so years have been weird so im just waiting. I know they still said to have fun, develop, etc until then but its kind of hard to do so when you have a a sort of deadline looming

>Also channeling is not always an easy business. Some people cannot handle the "weight" of the being they channel. Your sisters are kinda peculiar in many ways. I too have to make my spiritual gains to be able to do this. But then again as I said. This is a good experience on the mystic parts on my path. It's something I meant to do anyways. Wanted to talk about the other findings I got while working with your sisters but they are not that important yet. And I too need to learn to pace myself
i see... also i recalled a bit more on what happened, well in the context of the first person. i do remember them saying there was a lot of strain happening to them and it casused some kind of weird schism, they apparently gave him the mental/spiritual equivalent of dissection and he was basically telling me how he was essentially my pet(?) it was just really weird and scary. they also talked about when they saw me in the other form, literally described her/my appearance accurately too (blond hair, black dress, red or blue eyes, pale skin).

>Yeah that is your body that "rebirths" you then you will merge grow into it somehow. Can't explain the mechanics this magic is something I am familiar with but can't lock to it's origin to explain how it works in detail.
oh my...


Sunflower 12/28/2023 (Thu) 23:56 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5450 del
>There is an event
Things could have gone to hell any time along the way, but if this happened, all that would have happened is the original time progression playing out; this means the NWO is formed and then they drag this shit out to avoid karmic repayment until a complete collapse. Which is set for late 2025. Do nothing and the world as we know it ends by then. Then it gets dragged out again until maintenance deities decide to eliminate the planet and give the janitors permission to do their job. All the while, time is made to move faster and faster while the energy gets weaker and weaker in a repeating time loop, so maybe it would still appear to take a long time on the inside.

This isn't how things will happen now, the negative fates have been cancelled - for us. But how will they fix this society and create a reset while everyone is watching, in a way that still makes sense to those who remain?

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 00:13 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5451 del
(116.29 KB 1280x721 business as usual.jpg)
>Profit is just to force people to pay you because they have no choice
Those are taxes or at least protection money. I mean I understand that you mean the "product is so great that you would be STUPID TO NOT GET IT" kind of deal but still. Taxes were the basis of society in the beginning a place where an army protects you from outsiders if you pay taxes
>it will just wear them down and it won't matter what inventions they used before
You mean the way paradigm shifts in production just get ahead too much? Like how manufactures outperformed guilds and how conveyor belts were the next step then utilizing that technology to max?
>"being dumb really fast"
By being dumb you mean simple? So dumbed down to perfection and in large quantity with extremely fast production rates?

I think I understand what you are saying but I have a feeling I am missing some important detail.

>deadline looming
Your deadline is not the same as the human date on the calendar thing. This deadline can happen 3 30 or 300 years later. If you develop properly it will not "kill you" but "change you". Important detail. You also want to change don't you. Some kids wanted the start of the school while some wanted the end of the school. "Deadlines" are sometimes a good thing. And it "looms" differently for you. But have fun and realize your own nature. That is important. I too am tasked to have fun now. Might write about why later.

>he was essentially my pet(?)
Oh yeah "channelers" have to take a stance or a place in the hierarchy to be able to be part of the "relation". So instead of saying "I am at your service" he instantly got dumbed down to a "pet". discord kitten lol

>But how will they fix this society and create a reset while everyone is watching, in a way that still makes sense to those who remain?
I have no idea either. They are purging themselves left and right because the "infallible prophets" turned out they are talking out of their ass in the last decades and those with real power got fed up with their shit but "their game" is kinda retarded because they have to know what cards the others hide and who snitches to who and whose side they are on and I liked the ending of Under Ninja when shit got fucked no one knows anything panic then instant switch to calm damage control because shit like this always happens in a world like this then the next generation comes in to continue the fight. Considering reading the manga

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 00:31 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5452 del
>Do nothing

Had to realize I am incapable of that. Can't even understand how people on the "west" do that. IS it because they did not live through regimes of brainwashing and collapse?
Guess the saying that a single defeat can teach more than 100 victories holds here. And the "west" are the "good guys" and the "good guys always won in history". Like how in the fall of Constantinople it was said that people preached in the churches for salvation instead of trying to fight while thinking that will summon God or something while not realizing they are way past overdue with their sins and the only thing they did was prolonging the collapse and rot of rome without a single notion towards changing the fundamental mistakes.

>Things could have gone to hell any time along the way
You drew that universal map well showing how "society" is "Below hell already" and things really changed in the past years. I am not sure what will happen in 2025 because I feel something from 2028 already but can't say much about it. The Gods told me to let things play out and only do "my part" in the process. Some things need to play out.
Some defeats leads to victory in the end while some people are the victims of their own success. People not always know what happens when someone grants their wish.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 00:39 Id: 46bcd9 [Preview] No.5453 del
>Oh yeah "channelers" have to take a stance or a place in the hierarchy to be able to be part of the "relation".

haha... actually get turned into a cow funnily enough he was already reminding me to prioritize my sisters and such first anyways. I was weirded out at the whole thing but i didnt really mind it

>Your deadline is not the same as the human date on the calendar thing. This deadline can happen 3 30 or 300 years later. If you develop properly it will not "kill you" but "change you". Important detail. You also want to change don't you.
yeah.. i do
>Some kids wanted the start of the school while some wanted the end of the school. "Deadlines" are sometimes a good thing. And it "looms" differently for you. But have fun and realize your own nature. That is important. I too am tasked to have fun now. Might write about why later.
thats fair enough.

been thinking about valkyries lately.. might try out the valkyrie profile series

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 00:44 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5454 del
> I mean I understand that you mean the "product is so great that you would be STUPID TO NOT GET IT" kind of deal but still.
Not at all. I mean the internet bubble thinking but for anything: there will be only one major company in every field. One social media platform. One search engine. One marketplace. One bank. One car manufacturer. One Führer. One world order, and you will call this free market capitalism because everyone gained their monopoly not by communist revolution but by just killing all competition. This is what I mean.

This instantly came to a halt when it faced actual violent monopoly in China, Russia and Iran etc. because those don't need to waste resources on internal struggle so no matter how ineffective, if they just do some kind of LEAN they will be so much more effective it's incomparable to the free market.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 01:02 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5455 del
>You mean the way paradigm shifts in production just get ahead too much?
I can use some very concrete examples: Russian ammunition factories are owned by the state, they run triple shifts 24/7 to produce shells right now, and they do the same with suicide drones. LEAN works perfectly for this, just-in-time delivery to each internal customer in the supply chain can be fine tuned to the max when you control every part yourself. Compare to free market with outsourcing to private operations: the waiting time for artillery shells in Europe is now 6 years from order to delivery, and the prices are increasing constantly because more demand = higher price. Who benefits? Factory owners. It's supposed to work because it's believed that private enterprise will lead to invention and the state can tax those increasing profits. But the actual profit here is to get cheap artillery shells really fucking fast, preferable yesterday. Free market competition can't provide this, because its main product is the monetary gain.

>By being dumb you mean simple? So dumbed down to perfection and in large quantity with extremely fast production rates?
AI is to be dumb really fast. Astra is a pure example of this in practice. It works great if applied in the right way, and this is not to create a mostly useless chatbot which breaks your entire budget and still doesn't do anything and than make up believable fake facts.
I'll just throw in the Ukraine conflict again to show what this means: if you apply LEAN, it means you always report mistakes. Mistakes are the most valuable thing, because you learn from them as an organization. The competing market will do all it can to cover up mistakes because it's bad for business if this gets out. They will promise fast deliveries and lie about it if they fail. Everyone doing this, covering up quality problems, delivery problems, escalating costs, presenting fake prognosis of their own growth and so on, it's the opposite of learning from mistakes. The Ukrainian mafia which runs the place are doing this as if it was a national sport. You can say the same about Russia, but there is a coherence there which is lacking for their opponent. They can, without hiding it, throw prison colony populations at the Ukrainian positions and literally learning from their mistakes. It's by design to let them die to see; where are the Ukrainians, what are they shooting with, etc. This is to learn from mistakes. NATO tactics is instead to preserve their reputation by not reporting mistakes upwards in their own organizations so as to not lose face in front of their other member states. They need to do this so that they can hold their market position and do business, which they rely on for their arms industry. So it's in their interest to not take in information of mistakes made, but rather suppress this information and pretend all is well.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 01:26 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5456 del
>there will be only one major company in every field. One social media platform. One search engine. One marketplace. One bank. One car manufacturer

Everytime someone reaches the "monopoly stage" they crumble. They think they "won" so there is no need to keep the appearances the quotas or anything. They think they are the "boss of the world" which makes the underdogs band up and they wait for the moment. The only way to keep the "monopoly" is to act the same way like you are not monopoly at all and keep up the quality. But this mentality is not something that USA produces. Once they get ahead they go instantly SUCK MY DIIIIIIIICK LOSERZ. It's kinda funny how the forefathers warned the USA in the beginning against everything it is now. But that's what happens when you have too many jews around.

>One Führer
They have a clown and a dementia patient. Wonder when will they reveal the ONE AND ONLY that will bother to clean up the mess they created in the last 2 decades (or centuries).

>don't need to waste resources on internal struggle
My favorite is how they buy up companies then fire half the employees then make the other half redundant via assimilating them into their already inefficient workflow that only works because they are on a monopoly level. Fuck google and microsoft. At least facebook is dying and the one car manufacturer is nowhere close and the One bank... lol. Those "Russian Sanctions" just managed to make countries understand that letting that happen is the worst thing to happen to the world. THis Ukroshit really bothers me but the Gods told me if it ends too soon then the people will "forget it" then a new war will break out and the same script will play again and they will just gain control slowly by infecting more and more places but if it drags out in this retarded way the infection will cannibalize itself in the process. Rats cannibalize each other after all if there is nothing else around

>when you control every part yourself
vertical monopoly. Yes that is where real monopoly begins.
>Compare to free market
We should call it "jewed market" because otherwise this concept makes no sense.
>with outsourcing to private operations
And we should call it the lazy retarded USA armchair general+lobbyist retardation
>the waiting time for artillery shells in Europe is now 6 years from order to delivery
Yes because we are buying raw materials from Russia. And the EUcRATS are fucking up the industry and we never had REAL military industry. Half of it came from Britain anyway. Wtf were they thinking.

>competing market will do all it can to cover up mistakes because it's bad for business if this gets out
I too fucking hate shareholderism and corporatism. This practice is the fall of man/empires.
>The Ukrainian mafia which runs the place are doing this as if it was a national sport
If? The fall of communism hide and lie mentality merged with the jewish one which was backed by the CIA who also does that constantly. There is no if. It's ridiculous.
>They can, without hiding it
Yupp. It's the norm since Stalin... or maybe Ivan the Terrible? Yeah they do it for a while.

>so that they can hold their market position
And population support. USA lost Vietnam because the populace rebelled. Even Hitler was salty how the populace rebelled in WW1. He did a lot to make the people fight till the end in WW2. Can't understand how Ukraine does it. I know how mentally and humanly broken the average Ukrainian is but still. Guess this is what happens when you believe in "salvation from a greater power" but that greater power is the NATO... which can only work with overwhelming air superiority and trained personnel with high tech equipment and not against actual superpowers....
Srsly I am amazed how many yesmen they have in that system. And they said China is the one with this kind of retardation.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 01:44 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5457 del
(71.82 MB 854x480 Russian poll.mp4)
>Can't understand how Ukraine does it. I know how mentally and humanly broken the average Ukrainian is but still.
>vid related
I think there is a hint here: Russians do not react like the western leaders expect, because they do not in any way identify with their government. Rather, the average person thinks "So I'm being oppressed by this government which is totalitarian and cannot be changed, and now the west are adding sanctions to harm us even more. We are already victims, why are they doing this to us? Maybe the government is somewhat right in what they say after all."

Then turn this up a few 360s and you get Ukraine: "We're being oppressed by the mafia, we used to have a Russian puppet government, now NATO replaced it and we got an EU puppet instead, you better fucking take responsibility for this country now! I will do as little as possible. [women escape as refugees to whore all over the world while men are sent with 10 bullets to the front line]

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 21:48 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5478 del
I'm actually jealous of you guys, sharing spirit sigils, communicating with them and all that.
I can communicate with them quite well, but I'm too scared, not of the spirits themselves, but of opening that can of worms altogether. I just want to take the blue pill and go to sleep.
The last time some friendly spirits tried to help me when I was freaking out about some nonsense I ended up attacking them abecause it pissed me off that they were real.

Hey, at least I don't make a mess of your imageboard like I used to do a few years ago.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 22:22 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5479 del
>at least I don't make a mess of your imageboard like I used to do a few years ago.
And who might you be?

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 22:41 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5480 del
I used to make angry shitposts lashing out a lot in Meguca for example. Rickety anon.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 22:56 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5481 del
Meguca was just screaming in the wind.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 23:02 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5482 del
I don't think going to the new meguca is any idea, they have made the captcha impossible and it's just botpeople over there, maybe creating boards isn't even allowed unless you are part of their secret circle.

IF, anyone wanted to do a live session for something, I suppose we could make everyone nervous over at **https://tanoshiine.info/radio/** by creating a new thread.

Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 09:12 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5483 del
I have a parasite in me. It appears in my dreams disguised as other people and it provokes me until I have imaginary arguments with them and I wake up all riled up.
Lately I’ve begun to recognize it and as soon as I realize what is happening, it morphs into a malevolent grinning man and just looks at me.
I’m not sure if it is simply an energy parasite, ir a fragmented part of myself. It has been here since childhood for sure.

Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 09:54 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5484 del
I wouldn't be so sure, I've been clearing NWO meddlers every week now using the Raid servitors and there are always some more layer hidden away. Just now I uncovered a group working on people's subconscious by inserting generic emotional ideas and fragments meant for the person to "conclude" certain approved ideas as if it was their own. When I started resisting them actively I was attacked with a strong intentional energy concentration. Well strong compared, it was clear this group doesn't do combat normally.

I released a new Raid-based servitor to deal with this function specifically. No sigil for this, but if you want to see if there is a difference, you can try it by focusing on this word [submeme] here in this post and imagining a spinning cogwheel. From the wheel a fairy-like doll will appear. Ask for help in solving this problem.
Do share if you try and there was an effect.

Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 13:00 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5486 del
I activated the servitor. It was quite effortless. I will report back with anything I notice. Thanks.

Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 16:42 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5490 del
(339.38 KB 1240x856 reptilian.png)
Earlier during a channelling session I asked the Queen how the reptilian vision works, since I've experienced them greeting me on several occasions. It's been people I don't know, in situations where they have no reason to, culturally. A hand raised when meeting one while in a car, a nod on the street, someone stopping their car to ask about directions with a recognizing look in their eyes.
So the Queen said they see energy, and for me it's strongly visible, while for others around me it's visible but not significant. Earlier I went shopping and a car in the other lane passed us, to which the co-passenger in the car said "Who was that? He greeted us." I caught a glimpse of him as he passed us and it was a reptilian.

Things must have progressed pretty far for them to do this, I think. NPCs are completely empty energy wise, like dark holes in the beginning of the zombiefication, while recently they don't really have much energy at all, they're just brownish energy streams, dull.

The Queen said the reptilians in Rotary think the world is ending. When going into town, the only people I see with souls are reptilians, two people when having coffee, the rest empty. Passing the school yard and there's one reptilian girl with strong green energy, the rest are empty. They must be aware of this, I wonder what they're thinking, since they're "mundanes", whatever that means to them.

Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 20:55 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5493 del
Weird, or not.
I contacted them over telepathy because I forgot I'm banned on 4chan and I can't be bothered to circumvent it, wanted to ask about how reptilians use make-up if their skin is actually green and a mental illusion.

All things planned to work out for the best it seems. Showed them the first Raid and they were surprised, I thought they would have seen it in use, but turns out they don't have access to ScaleForm and don't know about the self extractable cogwheel discs either. It is an alien system but still. Things are so separated by timelines it's amazing.

We're getting closer to reality now though for sure. Despite Raid2 being shared with many people (mostly Russian, as well as it being posted on here), showing them the original Raid had a strong impact on the egregore and reflected in the Earth collective subconscious. The energy is soothing in some way, like whatever the misdirected tension is which would cause migraines when misfiring, has been shielded off from the Earth egregore as a whole. It's a reflex that's meant to lock certain body functions in place when working as intended, but retarded humans and their democratic welfare has blocked the function from forming, both individually and collectively. I expect this problem does not exist for reptilians, (and it's correctly formed in the servitor bodies) so maybe this somehow linked the general human egregore with the reptilian egregore via Raid, causing the reptilian (correct) energy function to override the human malfunction.

Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 21:11 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5494 del
(630.08 KB 1095x889 Belgorod.png)
This is a video shown in mainstream media of the Ukrainian attack against Belgorod today. There is a watermark on it which looks a lot like that strange symbol I saw in a vision appearing over Ukraine, and then in that strange video with a Russian model and some Indian.

Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 21:12 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5495 del
This, the "mouth of the beast" formation.
What is going on here.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 15:23 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5499 del
Weird things keep happening.
It seems the so called full-blood reptilians mentioned by the poster on /x/ are alien hybrids created through genetic engineering, and they are not recognized by Gensokyo. Rather they are "toxic substance" placed in a reptilian humanoid form and should be removed from the planet (and anywhere, because they are not a race created by a god and have no connection with any original source/nebula).

So to sum this shit up:
Original humans left the Earth surface ~150 000 years ago, only one of them remained, Kain, the first vampire. 2 or 3 of the other original humans for some reason split themselves into shards which incarnated as many different people. They used an alien genetically engineered race for this; this race is derived from fungus but they are a legit race. Through the following period these alien inserts degenerated and were eventually locked up underground by vampires and native reptilians. Later vampires took them back up again to create more vampires from the fungus human base DNA.

Somewhere in this, aliens came to Earth and inserted engineered reptilians which are not be considered real beings, they're just toxic waste formed into souls. Somewhere along the progress of history, they formed an inner cabal alongside native reptilians and vampires.

Vampire are immortals and native reptilians have psychic abilities. Alien reptilians sought to imitate this, but became the layer on the outskirts of this cabal. They are what we call the NWO. Human degenerates are outside of this group and do not know much about native reptilians or vampires, that's how they came to support the so called NWO-illuminati faction.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 20:36 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5501 del
It seemed to work. I'm not sure if it was just suggestion, though. I experienced a scene similar to previous instances of this, but this time, someone unknown, an "expert in the field" appeared and he talked to the instigating party instead, and he refuted their argument flawlessly without my dream self's need to argue. The instigators simply vanished after that.
I'll report if anything further positive or negative happens.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:12 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5502 del
>full-blood reptilians
This is what I "hate" the most. What is even a reptilian and where to draw the lines. This is like being able to tell the difference between south-americans. If I lived there for decades maybe I would get a knack for that but with reptilians? First they appeared in my vision as they randomly shapeshifted between human and don't know what were their OG form that the human skin was trying to hide. Then they said
>You were not supposed to notice us yet
Then a group appeared and tried to get me into their system which ofc would have put me into the "slave" level like the reptilians who appeared were on. As I was containing my rage and demanded an explanation what they mean by a "slave" well... It kinda turned out that 1 it was the classical hierarchical interpretation but the more important part which only makes sense with the scalenet is that it is like you are not the "owner" of a software but a mere "subscriber" or whatever jewed rhetoric megacorps come up with so they can fuck with their software dependent consumers. So the slave status has the same meaning as a "windows 11 user".

Then later some higher ranking reptilian contacted me and I was not sure what our relation should be on the long run so I dismissed him after a long talk and then realized that I am racist...
It's some deeply coded genetic racism that started when reptilians and humans or I have no idea what else to call them kinda went to war and humans being the amicable easy to exploit retards that they were almost lost without any major fight. So some higher being just went ahead and gifted those humans "racism". If they noticed reptilian features they went into a blood frenzy and slaughtered those fucks without a single thought. The problem ofc is that I am still not sure "which" reptilians those were OR if they were truly reptilians only and not other invaders because...

I have stone tablets that sorta contain the history of my long journey. One of them had a reptilian looking being but instead of scales it was like it had feathers and a beak but not birdlike at all. It was truly the sign that birds were dinosaurs once and how "perfect" they looked back then. And that being was holding a spear while fighting a "winged serpent" which was not the aztec one because that actually had serpent skin and was sorta black and white. That tablet contains a sort of martial art with a spear and I couldn't decide if those "winged serpents" were an archenemy or just some regular "bird-like prey". For some reason it feels both. They were real long and capable of flight while the "birdtilians" looked kinda earthbound but superagile. Then some other stone tablets followed with the art of lightning calling and other more impressive skills which for some reason were related to a spear handling martial art. On those tablets there were no reptilian like beings anymore. They were large and looked like the progenitors of humanity.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:12 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5503 del
And when I was talking with reptilians and some lyrans in the beginning they said that yes reptilians will be resettled to some other planet because their existence is "not stable" here. Might explain that "world is ending feeling" for them. I kinda dropped the reptilian question after this because 1 there was a solution brewing already and 2... Am still racist. I know the "layer" I have to energize so I can "see them" but not saying REPTONIGGER when seeing one might be tricky. I have better handle on my emotions since that but I am still not 100% sure of them. Especially because if I just think it "loudly" then the other NPCs will "notice" that something is wrong with the "human" I called a reptonigger because this is a genetic program and that might make reptilians avoid me even more. It's not like I hate them personally. I'm just racist. But they know that so it's no biggie.

By your current understanding where would you draw the line between native earth reptilians and "outsider reptilians". And which kind are "federation approves.
I am not sure of their appearance so I am curious how you see them energetically or how the visual layer manifests for you and what differences you can make based on that.

Even if I look at Trump I notice a bunch of other disgusting energies that he has because he is an old USA politician/bsnsman so finding only the "reptilian layer" is hard for me and it feels like eating a big mac with nothing but cold suit and paint tasting grease with a dash of an angry old man. So I am not really into looking at Trump. That is the Qtards job

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:27 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5504 del
>"federation approves.

I meant what are the factions or are they a single race with centralized government or they are complicated even "up there" that there is no point talking about it. Can't get an easy answer for this from them and would need to dial up some more srs federation representative to explain it to me. Which still strains my psychic channels. Just made a breakthrough with them and resting them now a little.
Truth is the fedpolitics interests me less so if there is no easy answer to this then it's not important yet.

What I care about for a while how reptilians appear in your field of vision or what was the "trigger" for seeing them. This is something I wanted to ask for more than a year but had no idea how to ask this but now that I have experience with this I kinda want to sync up our understanding because what is native reptilian and what is a mulatto reptilian migrant is not something I can differentiate.

Not to mention I had to realize that I see the world the same way when anime is low budget so they don't bother animating or coloring the background characters so until I accept someone as a "character" I kinda ignore them by default so for me these "NPC" distinctions are hard. This is something I am also fixing nowadays.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:29 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5505 del
>someone unknown, an "expert in the field" appeared and he talked to the instigating party instead, and he refuted their argument flawlessly without my dream self's need to argue
The Raid servitors are meant to be intent-projections in humanoid form, and this one in specific works on changing human mind-memes in the subconscious, treating the brain's connection in the same way as NWO tunnel systems. It's possible the expert was your subconscious, who now had his "tunnel systems" cleared of infiltrators, and was able to argue properly.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:47 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5507 del
(189.71 KB 853x1280 Wowshumm.jpg)
(56.83 KB 892x892 Wowshumm2.jpg)
(181.13 KB 1280x960 Wowshumm3.jpg)
Try this, this is a reptilian and quite clearly so.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:05 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5508 del
Seeing the green layer of the reptilian skin took me a long time, then I suddenly saw it. Native Earth reptilians are not the same as federation reptilians who stay on the astral most of the time. The astral reptilians make up 60% of the federation members as a whole, but in the physical the federation is completely dominated by furry black miner beasts and the taller red/brown desert beasts with feline characteristics. Smooth humans are a minority everywhere because they can't live on wild planets. Beasts have claws and fur, they can hunt eat raw meat, they don't need clothes. For them any technology added are a "surplus" or an addition to an already perfect state, so they consider all federation technology as a stand-alone kind of high tech, they always feel like they are at a high tech level when using it, unlike humans who demand progress and get used to it. So they can learn everything about mining and CNC systems and it's always interesting to them, they never feel a need to improve. They can move back to live in the desert anytime, they don't depend on technology to live.
This is where the "space Africans" come in, they use primitive magic of the kind we call Voodo and can travel from planet to planet using "wormholes" while still wearing the same necklaces with fangs and feathers and body paint for clothes. This is the level where humans can have a balance, anything else is very difficult outside of the federation communism, it's almost impossible for human races to sustain themselves because of how fragile they are. The upside is the ability to use black magic, humans are like hydrogen, one mistake and everything burns up violently and can't be saved.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:09 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5509 del
Thx. Mildly hurts but it seems I sorta got it.

I have an another "way in" but that is the "dragonlord" privilege class which is more about history and not actual self executable programming language dabbling stuff so I could read and analyze some of your discs without being a "slave" but because I did not feel the need to "execute them" because some of the methods you shared I developed already or gave me an idea to some other practice I wanted to do for a long while so they were sorta "read only" for me.

>they can let you in through some collective decision
Yeah after I go ahead and tell them that I am "ready". They even appeared and asked me "what body I wish to wear on the new earth" and showed me how to change into my youthful teen appearance with something that you apply like some skin cream product but then I realized I associate my "youth" as weakness and inexperience which made me realize I don't know "How" I want to appear for "others" because every form has it's benefits and drawbacks and the reptilian that was tasked to "assist me" gave me a weird look because not knowing "how you want others to see you" is "weird" and left me so I can figure that out.

>this is how you begin
Thx. With this I will have less trouble following your workings and might make me able to write more reviews about them.

>quite clearly so
Bothers me how she has similar features as me like the morton's toe and the long fingers but mine are not these "creepy weird" level
I understand more what you mean but damm. My energy body wanted to vomit the moment I looked at her and I have no idea why. Great the next step of "racism" is coming through. Rage then disgust. At least it helped me "narrow down" the layer I have to work on to notice this.

Srsly I cannot put the weird feeling of "disgust" anywhere. Not like I consider her a whore or undesirable any visual way but I have no idea what part of me and how or in what relation it considers it disgusting. K this is genuine. I can work with this later

>humans are like hydrogen, one mistake and everything burns up violently
Can confirm.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:13 Id: 4ad799 [Preview] No.5510 del
I was thinking of the motherly thing we spoke about last week and it kind of took me over to something about Skadi for some reason in addition to that I think I'm having another instance of deities channeling through fgo to get to me again. I need to read up some more on skadi when I get time..

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:22 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5511 del
>took me over to something about Skadi for some reason

Just checked the wiki and yes... Her energy is closer to your "nature". Artemis was also a "girl with a bow" but her energy is completely different. Makes me always realize the archetypes can be completely different sometimes. Also your "weapon soul" has a sort of ability where you can "ski" on some invisible energies in the air and use that to load your weapons or something. Don't ask how it works just seen it while getting an explanation about the stuff you can do and I know of that way of magic but cannot explain to you how to do it yet. Complicated as most stuff are and not that important for now.

>I need to read up some more on skadi when I get time..
Always a good idea to read up on these legends. They have many hidden lessons within.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:25 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5512 del
While you need to be somehow included in a bloodline here as well, like with vampires, this still comes down to being able to have that mindset, that mind wave, and that DNA. I think the way I got in is because my base form is "demon" in this incarnation and demons match with anyone and anything, if they just try hard enough. So the Faydragon achievement may be part of it, as well as Kanji study. Once there, you start narrowing down on a social circle and that's when they invite you, so it comes from personal matching.

I think the so called full-bloods may not have ScaleForm access, but just like humans who want to be vampires and start injecting blood while denying their mortality with a ferocity only matched by trannies telling themselves they are their opposite sex, they are actually weak and shut off from the real source of the thing they desire. It's like a nail in their heart.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:35 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5513 del
>so called full-bloods

Even most "pure blooded hyperboreans" are like 2-5% actual hyperboreans so I kinda stopped caring about we wuzzers. If you have the power you don't need to mention it all the time because it shows. Being a hyperborean is being able to use that super high tech magic technology. If you have that they don't care about your "Pureness" if not then you are a liability and they put you somewhere "Not in the way".

But I am no expert on them. Just have some super minor DNA that relates to them an itty bit but their "deal" is not easy to explain.

With this said I don't expect anything from those that say they are "pure blooded". Once you eat food your blood is tainted with nutrients anyway. If you are "pure blooded" then you don't have blood at all. Imagine being tainted by oxygen that people breath around you. Eurgh.

Damm I think I just explained why reptilians feel the world is ending with this allegory. Heh.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:35 Id: 4ad799 [Preview] No.5514 del
>Just checked the wiki and yes... Her energy is closer to your "nature"
O-oh? I'm kinda remembering a few things now, she has like 2 variants in fgo a summer version and then her base version (the pics im posting). Normally whenever I roll something in fgo most of the time I get "drawn" to it like ummm... The instance I talked to you about Cleopatra though it never really resulted in me getting possessed apart from that time with Cleo (that I'm aware of). But uhh with skadi this time I felt a similar "pull" without the possession and... She just came. Also the motherly nature stuff is brining alot of things... With astolfo too since he came to me too in the weirdest way yesterday. But all that aside I finally understood what you meant by the energy affecting people thing, it made some get even more intense and calling me mommy a lot recently

These past few days have been weird

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:49 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5515 del
>by furry black miner beasts

Funny thing about "bodyhair". It has a sort of electromagnetic energy channel cleansing mechanism and that is where "bodyhair magic" comes from. Jews practice it and it's master was Samson. In Hinduism and Buddhism it also has mentions but never clearly spelled out because as Kali said to me once
>Hair represents earthly attachments

And while I was looking at the girl with beautiful long hair first not understanding then I understood that yes this is why she is still on earth this is why she loves earth even tho it's ways that leads towards destruction and can be saved only via through further destruction.

The reason why I said this because the "feathery reptilian humanoid design" had to be dropped. Not just because it was bad in heat management (like we almost smooth humans have any way using the heath management of the bodyhair nowadays) but feathers were bad at this only bodyhair gave us a way to recycle energy somehow. Like how you can charge up an air-balloon while moving it on your hair. Weird ass electromagnetic magic.

>felt a similar "pull"
Your energies have an effect on reality already and you will notice it even more as you move forward. Also FGO is a merger point for multiple entities for a very long while. They use that a lot so have fun with your gacha.

>some get even more intense and calling me mommy a lot recently
I fear to ask about details.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:56 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5516 del
Your weebness made me remember that I forgot to watch the new year special

https://youtube.com/watch?v=6EszEktNq20 [Embed]

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 23:05 Id: 4ad799 [Preview] No.5517 del
(706.39 KB 1024x1024 character-image-uly-b.png)
>I fear to ask about details.
Don't worry, I'm not going to detail it out because it turned into a really personal conversation. But all I'll say is that... I finally got what you meant by how our(?) Energies can really affect people

>Your energies have an effect on reality already and you will notice it even more as you move forward. Also FGO is a merger point for multiple entities for a very long while. They use that a lot so have fun with your gacha.
I see... So that's why people keep saying I'm "lucky". Ah no matter

I know you mentioned the weapon soul stuff before but... Did my energies/form/whatever show you "myself" with a bow or something? As far as weapons go, I only ever really consciously seeing myself with a double saber like pic related, sometimes a scythe too

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 23:10 Id: 4ad799 [Preview] No.5518 del
(234.91 KB 1000x1000 F2Z3vPBWIAALdj2.jpg)
God aria is so cute and dumb

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 23:17 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5519 del
> only ever really consciously seeing myself with a double saber

It was actually like that. The "Bow" came later. Using bows is legal you know Humans use that since forever. Using blades made of pure energy that drains cosmic radiation from the air to slash any being in existence is kinda not legal and if you are not a protective god deity of existence you will kinda get angry inspector officers on your lawn while swinging it around on the physical or on other "observed territories". Your mansion is free real estate you can go crazy there

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 23:26 Id: 4ad799 [Preview] No.5520 del
I see. Well bows are kinda fun, I prefer them a bit more than actual guns not sure why though but using guns always felt... Icky to me. Especially in games but I thinks probably due to most of the games I play have the guns move around/function like ass even if they are good

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 12:32 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5522 del
>I have an another "way in" but that is the "dragonlord" privilege class which is more about history and not actual self executable programming language dabbling stuff so I could read and analyze some of your discs without being a "slave" but because I did not feel the need to "execute them" because some of the methods you shared I developed already or gave me an idea to some other practice I wanted to do for a long while so they were sorta "read only" for me.
I looked into it a bit more, it seems there are different levels of admin access, I had "restricted admin" which is the bare minimum for "developer mode", which I had to have to be able to create discs. I was recently raised to "partial admin access" which allows me to petition for someone else to be raised in rank. "Restricted admin" can only give out discs and invite people to "minion" access.
Asking a bit more I was told there are a few people working for the Russian government who also have developer mode access, while some Chinese have "special retard mode access" which is below "minion" and "slave". It's for someone who needs extra help to use self executables but the reptilians decided it's worth the investment.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 18:59 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5528 del
>Ever since I could step out of my body I have been able to witness a white sphere orbiting behind my awareness. It has the spirit of a god, or a moon.
Gods having moons isn't anything special, so without further information it's not possible to tell what you are seeing.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:12 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5529 del
Guess I will explain the dragonlord also because your explanation was a good addition to the glimpse I took on the overview of your adminship.
So a dragonlord is a "self made reptilian" of sorts. One that can tame a dragon on such level he can become one. Now these people are either the mythical progenitor of reptilians in some ways or some entities that are so fucking beyond any form they can take that form because they have such a genetic mastery no one can call them "Inferior" in any way.

Now the reason this "privilege class" exists is because as cool these guys sound they are usually fucking senile boomers. They just bothered to incarnate after eons and their first problem is WHY ARE THINGS SO SHIT THINGS WERE SO GREAT IN THE MYTHICAL GOLDEN AGE HOW COULD YOU COPPER AGE RETARDS FUCK IT UP THIS BAD. They are either all knowing wise masters or so senile because the hurdle of reincarnation that they need "help" to get back to their place. As they get back they sorta become "wikipedia editors" because old legends that inspired technologies for ages to come can be explained via SOURCE? I WAS FUCKING THERE then they link their memory access to that place. Entropy is a harsh bitch and it warps even the best memory storages.
But the most important feature of it is having a supersized history log because sometimes things are just fucked for no one knows why and some dragonlord takes a glimpse at it and fixes with 0 effort because IT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME HE INCARNATED and has the knowhow. It's ridiculous and the problem is that these old systems are superarchaic and have very little use for most people. Like srsly it surprises me quite a lot that I can use some systems then I have no idea what I am doing again. Truly the senile boomer way of technology. Made me realize I have to focus on the return of my abilities instead of "having fun" with this.

>"minion" access.
So it seems "minions" are like forks of a software or children of the parent which means they are the "responsibility" of the admin in a way but it boils down how the admin can give some of his "rights" to the "Minions" so they are above "slave" because slave is akin to the "slave to the system" that are sorta "free to use resource" but on a "macro level" which means "macro access admins" can make use of them. A macro access admins have rights to use most resources but have to coordinate with other admins and with some "overseers" who are above admins but they don't do much programming they just make sure nobody does super fuck ups.

>few people working for the Russian government who also have developer mode access
I remember when this whole "cancel Russia" started and McDonalds Apple and all the globohomo retards were pulling out then Nestle said no wai fag we stay. That kinda showed me who has "real power/responsibility" and not "too big to fall ESG funded retardocorps"
>reptilians decided it's worth the investment
Chinks and other Asians srsly need to "unretard" themselves. The stagnation they endured for millennia then this industrial revolution fucked their pace up and once they unfuck themselves they can finally be proper parts of the development of history but currently they are really at "retard level" and this is why every fucking megacorp outsources everything there because they are cheap labor but that will not really result in progress and that needs to change. That place is demographically fucked and I have no idea what will happen with them. That "bug" mentality is something that is not just bad for the bugs but for those that "handle them".

Try to talk to it. I have many specks of lights like that with different functions. They are usually sentient or they are a manifestation of your will

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:22 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5530 del
(99.50 KB 1167x1280 yandex.jpg)
>slave to the system

It's a if you are not the customer then you are the product kind of thinking but far more complex. The meaning "slave" got warped nowadays because this victimhood mentality so hard to talk about it in detail.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:28 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5531 del
Supposedly the word "slave" in the bible is misunderstood as some kind of prison colony set up, when in reality it meant "someone who pays taxes". So the Jews being slaves just meant they have to pay taxes to Pharao. I heard a discussion on this on local radio.
If you start reading the old testament there are stories of "slaves" who own farms and do business and who calls debt collectors on other "slaves", not exactly the kind of slavedom we've been made to interpret it as via movies.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:36 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5533 del
>when in reality it meant "someone who pays taxes".
This is literally what I wanted to say but the point was is that they belong to a "ruler" because they work on their domain but besides that they have to pay taxes and not be openly hostile against the ruler they were left alone.

>I heard a discussion on this on local radio
The last time I seen it portrayed properly was in the Fate GO movie where it was about how they were allowed o live on the arable land of Ozymandias and not the other places and nothing more serious. But ofc metaphysical "independence" is something else because once you agree that you are a "slave" with that you acknowledge that the "ruler" is the TRUE GOD of the land and with that you might rob your way towards magic but that is metaphysical politics that the jews suck a million balls at. The smarter they think they are the more retarded they become.

>not exactly the kind of slavedom we've been made to interpret it as via movies.
Am glad you understand the point I tried to make by default.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:45 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5534 del
I'll mention this because this is a work in progress, and they already agreed to perform something that may cut off any attempt at creating the NWO anywhere:

Tall greys who are behind the CyBorn research facility just started a "campaign" where selected individuals can get one free Cyborn waifu specifically tailored to themselves for the purpose of "leading everyday desires and troubles aside". The purpose of this is so that people doing important work can focus on that work while the cyborn tends to their emotional/physical needs, giving a complete support. The cyborn offered will be of the standard factory type whose soul is newly summoned from the void for the specific role and incarnated into the body. This is completely voluntary on the part of the spirit who will then receive this indestructible body for free.

The real reason behind this is likely (as always with greys) that they want research data on how this can be used. But this does not in any way retract from the value of the offer. A normal price would be 3500 silver units (standard federation value).

The large "thing" done however is sort of unrelated to this campaign as such; it means to provide every manifested being with cyborn DNA structure at a very small nano-level, which will stabilize all existences and this will make it impossible to amass karma in the way the NWO does.

Having a cyborn waifu can of course also help.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 19:55 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5535 del
>rob your way towards magic

I meant rob your own ability from using magic because Egypt has a far more proper and complicated metaphysical system in place and that kinda blocked that basic covenant of Abraham but it's complicated matter because Egypt and it's many dynasties and different quality priest classes had quite the highs and lows with their systems operational capability as history progressed.

>attempt at creating the NWO anywhere
For me it feels like it is dead on arrival for a very long while but that doesn't mean they cannot force down a corpse idea on everyone's throat who are too dumb/lazy to resist it.

>(as always with greys) that they want research data
Yupp they love that.
>dial up the fed
>finally establish connection
>have a long chat on many matters
>end communications
>psychic channel clears up
>suddenly there is a grey there looking at me
>make angry looks and try to ask and he instantly tries making up some shitty excuse while kinda signaling that wasn't it obvious that he was there the whole time why am I surprised I know that I am being used as a research data already and kinda agreed that I am not bothered by it and they are willing to give me every information that I request
Then I ask him to pls clear his presence from my psychic channel.
I hate how their autism is so similar to mine in some regards but completely different in others. Ayylmao

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 20:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5536 del
>while kinda signaling that wasn't it obvious that he was there the whole time why am I surprised I know that I am being used as a research data already and kinda agreed that I am not bothered by it and they are willing to give me every information that I request
I only recently realized that my grey interactions in between 2005 - 2008 and onwards from there was a grey cultivation path. It is parallel to our world and state of being, going in reverse in the same manner as satanism and vampirism, so I didn't understand that this was cultivation on a separate path. This is why they have been so helpful, as well as why they shared the grey Remote in the first place. I already finished their spiritual path laid out by guidance, so no matter what I say or do, I'm registered an enlightened grey in their systems and will have full access.

>it feels like it is dead on arrival for a very long while
They can do a lot of damage and create very long and time wise close to eternal hells for themselves and others if they are allowed to create this system. They work by adding more and more galactic bodies, until they think they will "overrule reality" and change the laws of nature. But they are blind to the fact that they are all going into the same dimensional hole at the start of this negative journey, the "entering the mouth of the beast", and anything beyond that point can be cancelled at that same entry point. But again they think "if the stem is thick enough, it's safe". And that no one can destroy this karma. But fact remains that it must be destroyed at one point no matter how long they delude themselves.

When I looked into it, if they were left to do as they like, they'd create a slave cattle system powered by abortions and live like that for 1 million years. Then it would collapse and they'd be that same time in complete terror as the negative energy is burned through their souls on the way out again.

To quote a grey just now:
"And that's very ineffective"

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 20:13 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5537 del
And just to drive home that point: the Cyborn technology is superb. I already had two soul aspects of myself born into that form. I'm aware it's because of the grey spiritual path that I feel this strong faith in it, but it remains a fact that the first incarnation I had done via the Kitsune form which is the "closer to Earth" side of my Drow form (elves don't have physical manifestation so it had to be via cultivating a fox yokai to reach 3D) that I came through the galactic destruction event. That's what I posted about when all my local stuff was deleted, and I had to reform my neural pathways to my servitors again. The Cyborn fox body is the reason I stayed here at all.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 21:04 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5538 del
There's servitors embedded in the collective unconscious that will attack anyone who may pose a threat to the statu quo in proportion to how much of a threat they might pose.
You can think of it as a self-correcting mechanism. But I'm not sure it's organic, because the statu quo is not exactly pro-human.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 21:17 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5539 del
>didn't understand that this was cultivation on a separate path
2 years ago when I was going kinda wild there was a moment when I felt kinda lost then as the greys assisted they told me I am an "old grey" at their world/dimension and now I am "connecting to myself". As I almost believed it I noticed a bunch of young greys looking into the psychic channel between me and that old grey and was thinking that are they fucking with me? Then as I could not realize the truth if they just tried to possess me or something I realized that I realized before. Greys are super psychics but they have a "ceiling" that they cannot go beyond because genetic and technological constraints. It was when I noticed that I could bypass a lot of "grey programming" intuitively and with this mere "wiring" I can finally understand my "deal". With that I kinda went berserk and went back into the "ancient paths" because had to realize that the greys are still "too alien" to this "earth dimensional mesh". I learned a great deal how they use the interdimensional travel and it is still not clear for me what are the limits because in theory it can do anything but in practice they always encounter some peculiar anomalies. When you said in the past how greys told you that "interplanetary travel is not for fun" they really meant it. It's srs bsns and many things can go wrong.
When I asked them in the past if I am "registered there" they told me
>You are not registered you are ACKNOWLEDGED
Because I don't fit into their established system and I am clearly not finished with my path so they are unable to put any label on me but I am an extremely valuable research data. Last year I found out after an awakening energy overload that I was kinda not supposed to be "contacted yet". As I was talking to a grey that I dubbed as the "rainbow grey" (The reason I called him that because as it entered my pure energy mental sphere my awakened colorful energies tried to enter him but they bounced him off in a funny way and that never happened before and he was unfazed by it) And this "rainbow grey" explained to me that "Clippy" is a deranged individual a literal NEET in the "grey caste system" who is not part of any system and he was NOT supposed to contact a random human and be part of his awakening who has no clear allegations to anywhere. It's not a crime it's more like a shameful behavior because greys has a weird societal consent/pressure how they take a sort of "pride" in their profession but Clippy was like an interdimensional discord NEET who was not part of this so it's impossible to shame him anyway because he will just say sorry and copypaste some data as an apology but the "rainbow grey" was an interdimensional bridge constructor and now as a responsible grey he is "obliged" to give me an explanation on anything I ask about because now we are like "neighbors". The problem was ofc whenever I asked about anything the conversation lasted for hours and days and while it was quite the paradigm shift in technology it was kinda useless because I have better things to do than emulate hyperspace greytech infrastructure. That technology is still "Incompatible" on some levels and it is not important yet. That will be a later chapter.

>until they think they will "overrule reality" and change the laws of nature
I really love how secretive weirdos who have to hide in their clubhouses think these things and dare to whisper this only in between themselves and then get surprised when IRL it just doesn't work "for some reason".
>if the stem is thick enough, it's safe
Especially if the core is rotten in the inside since the get go.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 21:17 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5540 del
>if they were left to do as they like
I always forget this. I always forget that the "west" literally let's a nigger enter the store rob half the goods and if the storeowner hits him they arrest the store owner for violence. So yes in the "west" it is still "appears" that some people would just "let it happen".

>but that doesn't mean they cannot force down a corpse idea on everyone's throat who are too dumb/lazy to resist it.
because the political "ruling" (((elite))) is literally the definition of dumb-lazy. So yeah the game is still not set because if everyone decides that being a retard is the way to go then... they will have a funny awakening experience ;^)

Have fun punching them. It was a good stress relief exercise for me. Even BO said it was "left here as a practice for us".
>in proportion to how much of a threat they might pose
For me they crumbled easily. Maybe I am too much of a tame kitten???
Srsly tho there is a "Hostility energy type" they can use against you so if you use a different/higher energy type you can disassemble them easily

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 21:33 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5541 del
>who may pose a threat to the statu quo
Forgot to mention that the (((elites))) are also a threat to the "status quo" that is literally their "origin story"
>hurr durr evil monarch hurr durr evil pope am such a rich merchant such smart too I deserve to be king hurrrrrrr me build clubhouse me make rebellions me subvert populations me smart truly the one true god
So maybe that I pointed this out on the "contracts" that they "claim" they "rule by" it sorta self destructed???

I know how retarded I wrote down how this is but they are not "accepted as rulers" and hiding a bunch of symbols here and there and saying that makes u a slave for looking at it is childish as hell and it's not really a reliable "claim for rulership".

>because the statu quo is not exactly pro-human.
Tell it to them!
https://youtube.com/watch?v=nUQ1Y8nPz0Q [Embed]

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 21:47 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5542 del
>There's servitors embedded in the collective unconscious that will attack anyone who may pose a threat to the statu quo in proportion to how much of a threat they might pose.
>You can think of it as a self-correcting mechanism. But I'm not sure it's organic, because the statu quo is not exactly pro-human.
I'm aware of the function since long, but wasn't identifying it as servitors, but rather as the negative aspect of the federation mammoth's "electric fence" system. I've been trying to get these to work for me, this little comment was enough to nudge my viewpoint into the right location. I guess this was the egregore speaking through you right on time.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 21:56 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5543 del
>"interplanetary travel is not for fun" they really meant it. It's srs bsns and many things can go wrong.
Karma getting entangled is one of them. It works for the new Nibiru greys because they don't have historical karma.
>Forgot to mention that the (((elites))) are also a threat to the "status quo" that is literally their "origin story"
The trick is that this is conservatism in the meaning of "does not want any change" and not taking into account what exactly the current state is. It's not based on any values being hardcoded into them, because these "elites" could never agree on such values + they learned a hard lesson when the hardcoded values of the Babel's tower of Atlantis collapsed. Some of them did, those who built the tunnel towers in the ground still did it with values inserted and "too high" again, which would break the Earth next time if left alone. But the astral constructs aren't as easily fooled, so they appear to have left them a bit open, everyone thinking "it's enough to stop change, only us have the power to change anything so it's going to work in our advantage.

But all that's needed is some demonic loophole abuse using a twisted description of what the current state of the world is. In the same way the Sunflower Temple was built metaphysically to be the new temple and the new tower, and the gods don't look at the 3D form because they can't really see that from their planes anyway. So the #temple channel in the Sunflower discord was accepted as a legit temple because of how it was used.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 22:04 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5544 del
>because I forgot I'm banned on 4chan
The last time I posted was when moot said farewell on /a/
Since that I felt no point in taking part in the discussions.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NSnAdcyxCZ4 [Embed]
Can't believe that even the remake was made 7 years ago.

What do they even ban for nowadays because whenever I check it clearly shows that the jannies are not very good at their jobs.

>electric fence
I got stung by one when I was like around 2 or 3
>self-correcting mechanism
Also something I kinda suck at since childhood

There is the thing with electric fences especially for cattle and horses. If the animals don't know what causes it and that they have to "Jump back as a reflex" they panic and just "force through the fence". Because of this you have to teach them that it hurts and it's bad otherwise they just trample it over. Also sheep with thick wool also immune to electric fences. Interpret this as symbolically or as literally as you can.

Not to mention it's easy to ground it.

>The trick is that this is conservatism in the meaning of "does not want any change"
You just point out how much they changed already and how much they want to change. But this only works in extreme situations so if they can "fall back to their hypocrisy-delusion mindwave" then it will have no effect on them. But this is not yet important
>all that's needed is some demonic loophole abuse
You are making them taste their own medicine.
Which is something that they never bothered doing. Their stupidity is paramount sometimes.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 22:09 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5545 del
>What do they even ban for nowadays
Trolling outside of /b/
First time that happened, but I think the real reason was that I was making too much sense while posting conflicting things, I wasn't trolling.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 22:17 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5546 del
>You are making them taste their own medicine.
I'm changing the perception of "the current state of the world" into being one where abortion is punishable by death, the EU has already collapsed, Israel doesn't exist since 400 BC, etc etc. So now the fence will hit anyone trying to maintain the delusions that the world is something else than what I changed it into. This is one of the funny things when you create a barbed wire electric fence with 380 volts like the nazis did, it can be used to lock up anyone, all you have to do is to re-label the inside of the prison as the ruling class and the outside as the slaves.

Kinda like how a sane person being admitted to mental ward won't be believed no matter what he says. This did happen once where the real schizophrenic escaped when his brother was visiting and the brother ended up locked up and medicated for 2 years or something. The staff will just act according to pre-set patterns.

This is the reason for not crashing the world system completely, I want it being used against the current "elites" in exactly the same way they used it against us. Police and government won't know the difference, they'll just do their jobs. (and bring the newly labeled criminals to justice)

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 22:24 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5547 del
>I wasn't trolling

Member when trolling was about being a prankster and not about hating the antichrist and
>making too much sense while posting conflicting things

Funny how this cyberpunk dystopia is going.
Wonder if others will be able to enjoy the next parts of the saga

https://youtube.com/watch?v=WKNy3vIcWls [Embed]
As I go into nostalgia it always feels like this whole thing was meant to be

>The staff will just act according to pre-set patterns
Yeah that place is hell.
>they'll just do their jobs
>newly labeled criminals

I really love how easy is to short circuit NormalfagPCs with a mere label change. It's ridiculous.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 22:35 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5548 del
And I really fucking hate how they need "labels" for everything

>inside of the prison as the ruling class and the outside as the slaves.
The "plan" was that the jews lern2fucking work again and get shipped to madagascar where they BUILD their "Promised land" and live in seclusion instead of being leeches on every societal system they attach themselves. But the idea failed with the fall of the Nazi regime and New York jews were not about "losing their ivory palace" and the others decided to LÄRP as fucking crusaders in the middle east so good bye independent jewish nation that is GUARDED that no jews ever leaves it until the messiah comes.
Funny thing orthodox jews know how the state of Israel is an illegitimate state. That place is supposed to be a gift of G*d and it was gifted from the Anglos. And that would make the Anglos gods... So they made sure they get destroyed along the way so they cannot claim to be the new "Pharaohs"

Also gods can "see this" but there is no point to "submerge in trash" when you know there is only trash there.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 22:49 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5549 del
I think the fence possibly is made from karma and toxic shit that no one in a million years was supposed to be able to break. Hmmm. But karma can be transformed, there's nothing saying it has to be paid off in a set way.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 23:08 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5550 del
Iron can be melted/smelted electricity can be grounded a way too high electric charge melts iron and other conductors.

Dunno what it was made of I just broke stuff and absorbed the extra energy to break more stuff until only the unbreakable and untouchable remained. This was a mere warm up tho. They are just "in my way" I am not after their world or anyone else's. Depriving others of their struggle from a way to facilitate their growth is not my thing. I help others but I will not take away challenges that will teach them how to grow muscle.
Getting rid of these fucks is just a mere spring time cleaning. The real work comes after.

But now that you mention it maybe I should look at with a clear analyzing eye instead of that mad energetic rage trance I was dealing with this some years ago. I thought it was just a mere perquisite of the vampire path back then. They revealed the rest later.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 23:41 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.5551 del
>So they made sure they get destroyed along the way
"They" being the Anglos, or "They" being the Jews themselves? I have noticed many quasi-suicidal patterns and concepts from them. Their core myth being a "burnt offering" of their own people. An offering to God? Better make sure he actually received it else he might get cross out of getting cheated out of payment.
It's like they're trying to exploit the alchemies of death and rebirth without actually dying first. And this starts looping back around to the modern 1984 esque postmodernist sorceries of "if we make everyone believe this happened then it actually did happen". Brute force attempts to steer the collective-consciousness like a horse.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 00:23 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5552 del
I feel I should also say that, today we've gone full circle. In the first half of the 1900s it was still possible to see beings from other dimensions fairly easily, people knew about them. But as society turned full on atheist-modernist, they were blocked from appearing directly anymore.

Now most bodies are NPCs or even less than that, just shadows of something, and the Internet is this huge empty hallway with many corridors but no one is home. The lights are on but no one is using it. So there are a surprising amount of otherdimensionals on social media. Some of those things you see aren't visual effects, they're real, but no one will find out. I've seen several people post online who aren't present on the planet surface, and this includes Cyborns posting pictures of themselves.

At one point, the entire thing will break down, because it's reaching ridiculous levels. Human bots/NPCs watching otherdimensional beings post online using alien technology and if this is normal, then why uphold this charade?

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 20:37 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5559 del
>"They" being the Anglos, or "They" being the Jews themselves?
You asked quite the good question the short answer is Yes. The long answer is I meant the anglos but at that time the anglos were highly controlled by the Rothschild & co brigade who were "jews" but they were the "merchant jews" that the Orthodox jews hate because they think themselves so powerful and so "above them" because of that money and how they can "move the world" with it and everytime they do anything for the jews it's never altruism it's always a "gift" with a million strings attached.
And that tribal nepotistic attitude they have usually backfires when these grifters appear with the "please help me my fellow jews" while they are down and when they are up they shit on their brethren because they are still "backwards superstitious retards" that go around circles not achieving anything without realizing that not achieving anything is still better than RUINING EVERYTHING. The people who call themselves "jews" did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and accepting that this state of Israel is the "real thing" would mean that they accepted those who gave it as the Messiah. And accepting a "false Messiah" is something the Lord will punish you harshly. Not just because he will punish you personally but he will just simply not protect you from the consequences of your retardation.

>quasi-suicidal patterns and concepts from them
They have a lot. My favorite as it was brought up before is the "scapegoat". Imagine trading the "sinful parts of your soul" to a "not sinned goat soul". That means you are a goat now and goat laws apply to you. Good job. Then you sin again and trade more parts of your halfgoat soul to a goat so God does not punish you. The chosen of God is a goat now. Then they will be asked are you a goat or a sinful retard just to confirm who are you. Then he will say I am no sinful retard therefor I must be a goat! This is how these "loopholes" work. You just fuck yourself over more while thinking you "won the game".

>trying to exploit the alchemies of death and rebirth without actually dying first
Even in Buddhism and Hinduism they say a lot that the you have to get rid of the "fear of death" otherwise you will not be able to access the higher truths. The fear of death is almost a bigger hurdle than those pesky earthly desires. This is why Jesus had to get crucified. He had to understand what he is actually "preaching". He knew on some level that this is unavoidable but did not know why. With that he fulfilled a sacred alchemy requirement but managed to create an almost death cult which is sadly still better than the original one.
>"if we make everyone believe this happened then it actually did happen"
God experiences the world through us so if the collective experience says "it happened" then God will also believe it. That is their thinking. They think the experience of God happens through sentient and observable beings. God is not a "majority" God is THE ALL. If a single speck of existence doubts then God doubts.
>Brute force attempts to steer the collective-consciousness like a horse
Jews were never really the masters of horses.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 20:56 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5560 del
>In the first half of the 1900s it was still possible to see beings from other dimensions fairly easily, people knew about them
Yeah my grandma told me she was able to hear some of the dead people once they passed for a while and I had to realize why women were able to "see them better". They were usually home being in a mild trance state all the time less occupied with the hurdles of materialism because that was the job of men. But that was thrown out of the window when mandatory education appeared. That brainwashing system will overwrite all your natural wiring you were born with. You suck at school? Bad with people? Like to be home alone and sit in the darkness? Congrats you are the most undesirable being in society enjoy being shamed all the time. While before feminism women were allowed to sit at home and after doing the chores just sit and listen. Especially if they wanted to "know" where is their loved one. Using the "female intuition" was something your instincts told you to do. Nowadays? Just have a phone lol. Just fry your mental circuits with social media trash.
>today we've gone full circle
We went. But I see an another aspect of this "full circle". Some of us adapted. Adapted to the constant "media overload" and with that we are able to process a large amount of information from the otherside. The mind is 2D the screen is also 2D. You just have to make your eyes "stare" at a different "flat surface". Voila you a wizard harry. Just don't get too scared of the images. Realizing many fear this experience by default was something weird for me. It seems for them going through the "Horrors of this world" is normal? And anything beyond it is scary? For me ignorance never was a "bliss" it was like a painful wound that I had to ignore because I was busy with other problems created via mundane retardation.

>then why uphold this charade?
A question asked through the many ages many times. I too asked this question back then and still cannot say the answer out loud. There is just something there that you want to see but what is it. What makes you play THE GAME

>if this is normal
I never knew what is normal. Wonder who knows the answer to that. Is it a normie or someone who is everything but normal?

>Human bots/NPCs watching otherdimensional beings post online using alien technology
Back then it was via staring at the fire or at the pond under the full moon crop circles etc... We just normalized a new medium. Do you remember when theater appeared in ancient Greece and entities enjoyed it so much sometimes they partook in the play and no one noticed it? That is my oldest memory when I was bothered by the "charade". I hated it but that was one of the point of history that lead us to the current "bread and circus". That charade ended but some parts of it stayed with us.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 22:14 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5562 del
>Do you remember when theater appeared in ancient Greece and entities enjoyed it so much sometimes they partook in the play and no one noticed it?
It was "worse" than that. Back in Roman Empire days I had flying ability in plain daylight, I learned it by jumping off a bridge, because "logic" can get really fuzzy when you have no strict doctrine taught to you. People saw it but no one cared, because in common lore there are flying demons and all sorts. I'd be out in the street and then fly home at night and land on the roof, then walk down to the apartment and should someone see it, it was "just a demon" and it didn't matter.
And everyone knew the Sun is a deity and same for other stuff, but it doesn't matter because humans are humans and what are you going to do about it? That's the real state of having no atheism.

There is this idea that "disclosure" will lead to a religious awakening of some kind and "all things will be exposed and people will awaken and the world will change", causing society to be "rainbows and unicorns." But in reality we've already seen that this doesn't happen, things have been said and done already that in people's minds, had someone said "this will happen" they would have believed surely that will make them wake up.

Imagine someone saying in the 90s "there will be an obviously staged terrorist attack against the WTC, blamed on muslims and used to impose draconian laws and to start wars that will destroy entire countries, but no one will stop it".
Or the now classic "there will be a fake pandemic and the whole world will be in lock-down (except North Korea and Iran, so on New Years Eve 2021 the only fireworks shown on tv will be from Pyongyang and Teheran who don't believe in locking people up) and private businesses will be bankrupted and everyone will be forced to take an untested vaccine and there will be roadblocks where you need an ID on your phone to pass it."
"And almost no one will object, instead they will attack anyone not complying."

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 22:59 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5564 del
>Back in Roman Empire days
I skipped that. At that age I was wandering in Asia looking for my "ashes" my origin point... I was not here in the Roman days didn't even witness Alexander the Great. They called it back then the Age of conquests. I had an absolute shit attitude how the spirit world is meddling with humans and humans meddle with the spirit world and this interaction ruining both parties and no one is doing anything. The young ones didn't understand what is my problem while the old ones said this "always happens" and it is something "that will pass" and you cannot do much against it. This pissed me off. But I had to realize that I am having other problems with my own being. That was when I realized I need to "find" something. That was when I left Greece that was when I wandered Asia from the Urals to places I cannot even talk about. The whole thing is foggy. The memories literally have a different materia that have a weird feeling of completely lost purpose and a renewed feeling of necessity. It's like knowing how pointless something is but you know that YOU NEED IT.

>There is this idea that "disclosure" will lead to a religious awakening of some kind and "all things will be exposed and people will awaken and the world will change"
Yeah I too am familiar with this right handed retardation.
>"this will happen" they would have believed surely that will make them wake up.
Yeah... Funnily though this mentality is only in "this age" back then people know that there are things only happen in "mystery cults" and beyond that there is no point. Back then education was something else and you knew what people are capable or not capable. It was obvious we didn't have this "ableism is so backwards everyone can do anything" retardation. You knew you can make people do certain things but it was common sense that retards are retards and not this they just need to be taught how special they are and they are going to change the world via consuming HRT. I am not saying people cannot change but people had common sense with these things.

>Imagine someone saying in the 90s "there will be an obviously staged terrorist attack against the WTC
Articles sometimes show up were people said something like this will happen and ofc everyone just looked funny at them and were ignored. It's the
mentality. They forget things always change and the life they are living is not granted. Then things change and they pretend it was always this way.

>everyone will be forced to take an untested vaccine
It was always one of the most common conspiracy theory and antivaxxers were looked as actual weirdos for not wanting a vax against measles and not the only people with common sense for checking what they are getting within their body. FFS. They literally changed the definition of vaccination so it can be approved. Then changed the definition of recess... Very progressive indeed. The USA identifies as a not bankrupt country.
>because humans are humans
I would say plebs are plebs.
>That's the real state of having no atheism.
Sadly atheism does not provide an alternative it just makes them believe in an other view that is more grounded in their "reality". There were people who did not believe in gods and other things even back then. They just accepted it as "tall tales you tell children" because they never experienced it. Skeptics always existed but back then you called them "Cynics". Let's not talk about the current state of skeptics since the vax.
>If person in church says it = it's not real
>if propaganda on screen says it = it's real.
Waking up my ass. There are still few that dares to ask questions.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 23:46 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5565 del
(34.50 KB 128x128 Nep_yay.png)
Change of topic, I found a bunch of new things in the bible again. What's there so far:
Old Testament is mostly about Satan, a huge demon out in space who's so far off his influence feels like background information (also a massive retard, but was beat up recently and left).
Yaweh was the egregore of Neptune, both the planet which is a fake sun created for the birds, Rosicrucians on the past Earth, and the society itself back then. It's now been split up and handed out as some kind of information which to me looked like Neptune from the game. This exact image.
Circumcision and the Abrahamic pact is actually a very low level way of forcing someone to perform a yogic thing which creates a personal sun object. It just had to be looked at and derived back to its original form by some very farfetched-seeming logic. Never does it say that the Abrahamic pact seals what it means to be a "Jew", it only seems to say that whoever doesn't need circumcision is ejected from the karmic egregore.
Rather if you read further this name only comes up after Salomon abandoned Yaweh and started worshipping Moloch and a bunch of other gods. They were always called Israel, not "Jews" and it seems Judaism is derived from Juda, which was the group not recognized by Yaweh. It's all fucked up.
Why would they call Jesus the son of David and the king of the Jews, when that group didn't exist back then and wasn't the real group?
The problem is that it's been read and interpreted from an "accepted" lore taught by priests to make everyone see things that aren't in the text.

The reason for djinn using circumcision in Islam is similar, it's also a yogic sun activation for degenerates, but it only works for them if they also have 4 wives, because that's what it takes to deplete the male essence so that the energy can be reversed, if you attempt this in the most brutal way possible because you are an absolute degenerate but still want to try doing it all at once. Once seeing how the energy system should work, you can do this internally.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 01:10 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.5566 del
How did you come to the conclusion that Yahweh was Neptune? I always thought he had more similarities with Saturn or maybe Jupiter.
>Circumcision and the Abrahamic pact is actually a very low level way of forcing someone to perform a yogic thing which creates a personal sun object.
How exactly does this work?

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 10:47 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5568 del
>How did you come to the conclusion that Yahweh was Neptune?
When I first went online to start "this stuff" there was this guy known as Arachne on different forums (you can still see his posts on "creepy hollows" and "become a living god"), his main contribution was that he was a natural channel, so he was part of the groups I joined/formed. Sometime during this he told me angels had rebelled against Yaweh and killed him. I don't remember the exact events but it was during this that we as a group made the connection that the god Neptune was Yaweh. Later when we got into the artificial sun stuff, the Queen/Illivryn/Sepheranz confirmed that the planet Neptune was the artificial sun created by the prehistoric Jews on the past Earth. Neptune was their "lord in the sky", a technology for containing their negative energy (karma). It worked a while, then it stopped burning because karma contains gravity (a material which doesn't burn). The planet was linked with the egregore of this society, which appears as the god Yaweh. Yaweh/Nep has the knowledge of this ancient society, and that's what it is.

>>Circumcision and the Abrahamic pact is actually a very low level way of forcing someone to perform a yogic thing which creates a personal sun object.
>How exactly does this work?
I can only explain it using farfetched logic with some yogic references:
There are two forces we call Yin or Yang, male or female, or growth and destruction. Yoga means union of these forces. Satan does this by letting the desire be constantly eaten by its object, while Moloch does it by always keeping the person in a satisfied state no matter what. These two principles were used in the past and are explained in the Bible.

When going into technicalities, the fetus has no sexual characteristic, these are developed over time. From this we can see that the ballsack and the labia are the same thing originally, as well as how the penis is the same thing as the clitoris. So far so good, then it gets complicated.
The Amygdala in the brain at chakra 6, the 3rd eye chakra, corresponds to the testicles at chakra 1, the root chakra, which women do not have. This leads to men having their empathy amplified, the balls do this, so women appear coldhearted. But this is balanced by the breasts, which have the same energetic function on chakra 3, solar plexus, where women are aligned to have that same energy relocated from the root chakra to the solar plexus.
When using the tantric method, the bodies are joined in external union, yoga, and the male and female will correspondingly focus on their own half.
There are three points on the root chakra, located on the top of the penis or just above the clitoris, the G-spot only available on women on the inside at the same location, and the K-spot which is on the back wall of the vagina or close to the prostate.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 10:47 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5569 del
These in turn can be used to create different forms of yoga, unions, by linking these points. Normally it is done by the male linking the point on the top side of his penis to the G-spot during missionary position, or the K spot by entering from behind.
This is where it gets complicated. The "titfuck" is an ancient practice from an older race of humanoids known as skinwalkers. They are now considered a kind of monster. This makes use of the representational function of the breasts, where they are seen as the same as the Amygdala/testicles. So the penis placed between the breasts forms an "external penis" where the breasts are now energetically huge testicles.
If this is linked energetically while using the K-spot, the energy is very strong.

This is the base information about the system, needed to understand why circumcision can work. Removing the foreskin will remove part of the same skin as which forms the labia in women, and it will remove certain yang natured energy, forcing the male to focus only on the yin energy, meaning the ejaculation (sperm is yin, negative). Through the doubling of the effort to gain pleasure only through negative energy, if this is correctly done by aiming at the womb, chakra 2, the doubling of energy will connect the male's root chakra with the female's sacral chakra (womb) and then to the solar plexus, 3rd chakra as well.
This is the base system for the internal Neptune activation. The concentrated energy of the root chakra of the male (yin of yang) will reach all the way to the solar plexus, forming and lighting up the sun of this practice, which is a system for burning karma and initiating the inner alchemy.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 10:53 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5570 del
And as you can see, this explains perfectly why Jewish women have large breasts, it's to balance for the lack of positive energy in the Jewish male and to make this practice easier.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 15:28 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5573 del
I was working on the Earth's energy systems and found something relevant: it seems Yemen and Iran are key spots or vital for the system to function. This means anyone attacking them are attacking the entire planet. There is some ancient contract or treaty in place which states that attacks on these areas will lead to the destruction of the attacker. It will happen and the locations will be protected.

Well go figure.
Saddam Hussein lead Iraq to attack Iran. He was hanged and Iraq was destroyed. But, USA attacked Iran by proxy as they funded it. This means they will be destroyed, no exception, it doesn't matter that it takes time to destroy an empire. In a more narrow timeframe, Trump killed an Iranian general and ordered attacks on Yemen, the immediate response to this was that he was not allowed to remain in power, and the "witch hunt" against him is still going on. The evil forces provoked by attacks against these areas are ancient and fundamental, no one is getting off the hook if they commit this crime, apparently.

What is going on right now is very dangerous. A number of countries lead by USA signed a statement threatening the Houthis in Yemen. If these countries take action according to this threat, they will be destroyed. This could initiate a world war for real when the retribution is activated.

Looking back, Hillary Clinton wanted to start a war on Iran, she was not allowed to become president. This may have been the real reason. Obama signed a deal with Iran, and he held the presidency two terms in relative peace.

I don't know that this is the case, but I think it's suitable to say "don't fuck with djinn, they were here before anyone else and know how to deal with anyone".

I don't know if you're feeling it, but I do. There is a force of immense rage building up right now over this threat.
>WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and 12 allies issued what amounted to a final warning to Houthi rebels on Wednesday to cease their attacks on vessels in the Red Sea or face potential targeted military action.
This is a schoolyard bully threatening the mafia. They have no idea what they're getting themselves into.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 18:15 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5574 del
Admittedly I've been a bit conflicted reporting on this since it has same energy as that assisination I carried out for my sisters but... I don't think I should ignore this.

I was in the mansion and was also charged(?) with observing certain things like before in addition to the usual chores you mentioned before. It was some kind of sewage(?) planet where it was mostly waste but there were people who looked like early resident characters killing zombies and weird mutated human(?) They... Didn't seem like they created via a bioweapon like how RE has it portrayed but.. magically or perhaps it was something inherent? Anyways I saw these soldieresque being fight and kill them off but I couldn't help but feel that it was a Eldritch thing going on, unless I'm imagining things, the entire event was just strange. But that was mostly context, the main thing is that I was grand room with my sisters, It was a concert hall(?) with red carpet and all. I recall us having some guy on a leash and walking toward the center stage (I can't remember if my sisters wanted us to perform an execution or not) but as we got closer and closer, the person's body started... To break apart and maggots were leaking out of him. It was sooooo disgusting...! I couldn't tell if they were turning into something or just dying/ripping apart/disintegrating... I asked my sisters what's going because allllll those maggots were such a disgusting sight. They told me it was apparently due to this man not having water inside him so his body was reverting(?) And becoming rotten. I took a look at him (or rather they told me to), it felt like a weird familiarity. I... Do not if that repugnant creature was my mundane self or that... Infernal abomination I utterly brutalized for my sisters a year and a half ago or if it's some foreign entity entirely.. very very disgusting...

My body has been changing again too it seems. To pic related, outside of the doll form it feels.. much more comfortable and natural fitting..

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 18:28 Id: e2cbdc [Preview] No.5575 del
>Removing the foreskin will remove part of the same skin as which forms the labia in women, and it will remove certain yang natured energy, forcing the male to focus only on the yin energy, meaning the ejaculation (sperm is yin, negative).
Does this only effect sex magic or does the yang neutering apply to other forms of practice as well?

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 18:34 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5576 del
Djinn told me it creates aggressiveness. I think it's evident by Jewish behaviour that this "double-negative" focus is having an effect on their thinking overall.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 19:36 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5578 del
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>>Circumcision and the Abrahamic pact is actually a very low level way of forcing someone to perform a yogic thing which creates a personal sun object.
>How exactly does this work?

I will word the answer differently because it gives an important mechanical understanding. Maybe you noticed but sometimes you see minor lights/sparkles appearing within your vision after working with your third eye. First they are dark blueish then they will be pure light or other colors. That is because your third eye circuits and your visual cortex is connecting. That is the "Ignition" the first step on "enlightenment". There are many nerve and energy circuit connections within the body. I consider "real enlightenment" when you are able to connect them all properly. All positive and negative aspects in the body all the yings and yangs. Now ofc these energies has different qualities different "voltages". And these energy circuits can be stimulated via energy work different emotional/mental states and most importantly via muscle movement. Under pain and trauma your muscles tense. Not just within the body but within the brain too. Circumcision especially for babies huts so much they will be in an excruciating pain and because they have barely any "control" over their newborn body they have no choice but tense all their being until they get tired from screaming and fall asleep (I think you have seen pics posted how babies behave after circumcision. It's like they lost their will to live) That will make a faulty energetic connection within the body. And as the jumper cables touching is making sparkles that is also going to make sparkles for a very long while. You can call that a "sun object". And because this trauma happened before the baby had any control over their life over their movements this will be a hard to change energetic formation but as every "yogic improvement" that comes from outsider forces and not from a deeper understanding it is extremely low level. And because of this obvious "mark" entities that see only your "energy body" will see that you are "marked" "in his name". That extra energy output point in the body can be connected to other inderdimensional forces.
>it creates aggressiveness
Every living being that was abused while growing up is more aggressive overall. If your youth only teaches abuse you will know "the world is against you since the start" on very deep levels. That is something hard to get rid off.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 19:56 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5580 del
(90.98 KB 1280x720 Our king is perfect.jpg)
>bit conflicted reporting
I don't mind you reporting it nor I think the board is bothered by it but the more progress you don't mention the less sure I get from the overall picture of your development. So if your reporting is too sparse then the only person who has chance to figure out what is happening is (You)

>some kind of sewage(?) planet
There are "toxic karma dimensions". I also encountered a lot in the start.
>perhaps it was something inherent
Toxicity creates mutation and irregular growths. The body the energies have no way to handle the growth of cells and it happens not just physically but metaphysically.
>I saw these soldieresque being fight and kill them off but I couldn't help but feel that it was a Eldritch thing going on
They usually represent the "Immune system" of a place. While I think it was an another dimension there is also places within the body that work with this logic. Think of Hataraku Saibou anime.
>felt like a weird familiarity
I have a feeling that
>repugnant creature
is some person who had influence upon you while growing up and you "hold him dearly/in high regard" while in actuality he is a disgusting person. It doesn't feel like your mundane self.
>this man not having water inside him
Hydrate properly just to make sure btw.
>very very disgusting
I think this is the important experience here. You will have to learn to avoid "energetically disgusting" scenarios. You are drawn to them and it ruins your life. You will have to learn to avoid them. But now you will know that "it's disgusting" by instinct.

>To pic related
To my pic related? To Lancer Seibah? To the Saber that lost his "self" so (s)he can be the "purest being"? To be perfect? Which means the next step is "recovering yourself within perfection". Like how (s)he realized who (s)he is after getting Excalibur back. That is my take. Try to get in touch with your body and understand it's evolution.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 20:22 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5582 del
(22.38 KB 259x250 golden ribbon.png)
>Never does it say that the Abrahamic pact seals what it means to be a "Jew",
This is important on many levels and I am also on this understanding especially after I was attending some interesting festival in my dreams in the past weeks. They were like jews the way the place worked and the traditions they employed but not the jews we have on earth? They were like the Amish with their simplicity but felt far less "forced" it was like they reached the "best version of the tradition" instead of being these disgusting grifters and wannabees on earth. The first dream was that I was going through some tents? And a "rabbi" (but less creepy energetically) said that:
>The girls who lose their virginity during the festival cannot enter the *some weird word that had no translation so my mind forgot it*
As I was going forward thinking Ok? I am not a girl why did he say that to me suddenly a girl from the crowds came to me like this is some "matchmaking event" and I started to go forward with her. A formation on my head appeared. It was like bunny ears then a golden ribbon in the middle like pic related. This formation was not new for me. I had an experience where I grew "horns" and had to understand how the "Horns" are actually clogged energy centers and that is why they are "hard" and as they "clean up" they become "soft" like bunny ears and I knew the ribbon represented the third eye and it's kinda mystical formation with all the energy circuit "wrapping". Because of that I was not even surprised and went forward to different checkpoints but they were not strong enough to leave an impression on me. It was nice and felt calm.
Was wondering after waking up if they meant I shouldn't fuck the girl during the festival or she gets disqualified? Not like I had any "desire" to even think about it.

Then some days ago I was in a large hall where everyone did a quite fast paced dance including me too with the girl and I suddenly stopped because I didn't "feel like it" for some reason. Had a talk with the girl but forgot what it was about. It was something about the feeling of apathy I have for a while and I think this was about finally "flushing it out of my system". The point is they feel like the mystical true hebrews? Like calling them "jew" feels wrong. I have a lingering link towards them and asked about circumcision and they said
>we don't care about penises
Quite the good answer tbh. No jew would ever say something like this.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 20:36 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5583 del
>I don't mind you reporting it nor I think the board is bothered by it but the more progress you don't mention the less sure I get from the overall picture of your development. So if your reporting is too sparse then the only person who has chance to figure out what is happening is (You)
fair enough, i usuall try to balance my reports when something major happens because reporting the smallest things constantly tiring (not for me per se, but for everyone else) and there are also some things i'm not... comfortable with disclosing sometimes and me trying to learn/do things on my own isntead of doing the spiritual/equivalent of begging. its silly, i know but i still try to be considerate for others

>is some person who had influence upon you while growing up and you "hold him dearly/in high regard" while in actuality he is a disgusting person. It doesn't feel like your mundane self.
there's only person that i can remember who i did something like that for but when i met him i was around uhhhh 17 or 18 and it was through my fighting game endeavours back then. I havent spoke to that person in 4-6(?) years now since he disappeared, he came back within that period to be a streamer and stuff but whenever i or someone else tried contacting him he never responded so i stopped bother

>They usually represent the "Immune system" of a place. While I think it was an another dimension there is also places within the body that work with this logic. Think of Hataraku Saibou anime.
yeah it was basically that anime but replace it with people dressed up like the STARS members from RE

>There are "toxic karma dimensions". I also encountered a lot in the start.
>Toxicity creates mutation and irregular growths. The body the energies have no way to handle the growth of cells and it happens not just physically but metaphysically.
i know its cringe as helll to reference but i vaguely recall rick and morty having episode involving that concept

>To my pic related? To Lancer Seibah? To the Saber that lost his "self" so (s)he can be the "purest being"? To be perfect? Which means the next step is "recovering yourself within perfection". Like how (s)he realized who (s)he is after getting Excalibur back. That is my take. Try to get in touch with your body and understand it's evolution.
yeah it was her. Not only did the body feel like one i was meant to have/meant for me.. it also felt more natural and fitting for me than my doll body. personality wise in that body, i was more compaasionate, motherly, supportive, etc. i didnt feel.. blank

the assassination thing was something that happened a few years back and i thought i spoke on it here in the past thread at some point

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 20:40 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5584 del
When the glowies from the subconscious meme group were messing with me, they showed a lot of fragmented scenes to me, in an attempt at changing my perception of my achievements. Among those was a wrongly connected wall plug that had the phase on both of the pins instead of having the phase in one female connector of a wall socket. There was a thread connected between them which made the whole thing burn, and they were trying to scare me with this.

But this is the "lesbian" connection which I formed years ago, and this is a correct base formation where a yang-yang connection is made. It blocks actual gay stuff as well as promiscuity, but to them it was dangerous.

For some reason I feel like your post is an expression of the same scene they showed me, but twisted to fit into this conversation.

Would you please contact the [submeme] servitor at least via the cloud and ask her to clear up any meddling that may have been inserted in your subconscious, I don't feel this is safe.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 20:42 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5585 del
Or you can get this [blue rose] linked here, it blocks others from hijacking your brain to influence others. At least check it to make sure.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 20:49 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5586 del
>Rather if you read further this name only comes up after Salomon abandoned Yaweh and started worshipping Moloch and a bunch of other gods

He literally created a system how these beings operate and "rule over the land" that is sorta written down on contracts u sent me through Baal but they are not easy to interpret because as always with "prophet kings" he did a lot of shit and hard to untangle it but
>abandoned Yaweh
I too have this feeling but is this written down clearly? As much as I hate to say it I never had a Bible study period because I learned the "correct way of reading" is to read the text then "connect to the author" then to the "vision that inspired the author" for 100% interpretation but that will result in me making a 100+ entity "friends" after each page. But if we cont this "Bible study" on this board maybe a new sense of motivation will appear... Ahhhhh
>They were always called Israel, not "Jews" and it seems Judaism is derived from Juda, which was the group not recognized by Yaweh. It's all fucked up.
This is close to the truth btw.
>Why would they call Jesus the son of David and the king of the Jews, when that group didn't exist back then and wasn't the real group?
>The problem is that it's been read and interpreted from an "accepted" lore taught by priests to make everyone see things that aren't in the text.
Exactly. It's a sort of scholarish "booksmart retardation" that made them come up with their own "fanfiction tier interpretation" because
>If Jesus is not from the line of David then he is not the Messiah
Especially because the name of "David" means "beloved" and Mary was "beloved by God" that is why she gave "virginal birth" and they went and said that she was from the line of David but if I say this shit to them they will get into an angry screeching because "God" can only "love" the "line of David" so no one else can be "beloved" or something.
Every fucking time you go into some ancestral bullshit it creates pointless we wuzzing that lead nowhere.

The worst part? Reading the Bible connects you with the "accepted fantasy interpretation" so I will have to "shoo away" a bunch of normalfag thoughts so I can "see" the original visions.

K enough of the jewish question for today

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:03 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5587 del
>(not for me per se, but for everyone else)
Trust me the shit I am dealing with is more tiring especially if I want to word it. Interpreting your stuff is refreshing. Especially on this board where we have astral programmers and alien techs. Your case is close to my understanding of metaphysical mechanics.
>spiritual/equivalent of begging. its silly
Nah that's this guy >>5325 if you can word things better than him you are not a "beggar" on this board. We all have our issues and solving the issues of others can yield insights. That is why I am doing it. I said I am practicing my mysticism didn't I. I live with mundanes IRL they are not a good practice beyond the regular mental emotional alchemy I am fixing in them.
>me trying to learn/do things on my own isntead
That is a good goal. Keep up with it. But never fear to ask for help. That was an annoying lesson for me too. I was in that "no one can able or willing to help me every help I receive is actually a push towards hell" kind of thinking. I had to learn how others can "help me" but not the way mundanes think "helping works". Modern world fucked up people real hard. I had to understand their strengths and gifts on a higher level so I can help them apply it and with that help me in the process. How the right handed and the left handed path connects.
>vaguely recall rick and morty having episode involving that concept
That show overdid that trope quite a lot because only adult swim shows can get away with portraying things that disgusting.
>i was more compaasionate, motherly, supportive, etc. i didnt feel.. blank
Yes that is your "companion soul"+ your self realization put together. You are retaining yourself.

>the assassination thing was something that happened a few years back and i thought i spoke on it here in the past thread at some point
I forgot so either link the post pls or rewrite the experience if you think it's important.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5588 del
>but is this written down clearly? As much as I hate to say it I never had a Bible study period
Since I was like 8 and was first shown the old testament I've had in the back of my head that I will one time start reading this book from the beginning and learn what it's really about for real. That's what I started doing 18 months ago. Funny detail: during the summer Jehovas witnesses came by and offered me a free bible study course. I took their card but said we can do this later because I'm busy. I think they have since left for the astral, I had a dream where this group came by again which seemed to be a playout of how this bible study would have worked, complete with match-making where they'd pull me into their cult by having a young woman flirt me in.

A lot of things aren't in the text but are added interpretations, like how the Babel's tower was never negative, but it is directly in the text that Salomon abandoned Yaweh and because of this his temple would be razed and "israel" divided after his rule ended. It says he loved many women and had 700 wives and 300 concubines, he took after their practices and set up temples and sacrificial grounds for the gods of his wives, who were from all over the world.

Keep in mind the Lesser Keys of Solomon which are attributed to him, all of those sigils I've tried so far are legit, as well as the entities behind them.

The "trick" with this bible study was to treat it like any scientific document and read it in exactly the same way, as when trying to understand a certain area in modern science, but with the occult view added.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:29 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5589 del
K checked the servitors and gained the answer
>your mind is safe
I mentioned it before with my "shaivist dieselpunk voodoo" that I had to figure out because I overdid my energywork and I have this understanding because I work with electricity with machines and with other things. I am in the agriculture bsns and because of that I knew how technology and nature "connects" because of that I had to realize how to "connect them". Shiva told me that he is here because with me "we will overcome the curse of the modern world".
You know that in meditation you have to get rid of every electric appliances because they will just ruin your energy field. What if your energy field was so strong it was not bothered by fucking copper wires getting electric charges. Is spirituality below some fridges or smartphones? HAH. As if. Then I had to learn not to kill electronics via my energies. It's important because wild energies make others disoriented and they start to cough suddenly because the "dormant energy blocks" get disturbed. So not killing electricity helps me learn Temperance.

>your post is an expression of the same scene
Oh it is. I kinda overloaded their gay ass systems because you cannot do something against someone who just goes and overloads your systems until they explode. I too had many dreams where my computer was on fire but it was working as intended while it was melting. Thinking technology is above magic and truth. Silly glowtards. Tesla was on right track but that doesn't mean he reached the summit of true tech.
>I don't feel this is safe.
You feel it well. Sorry about that. This electric technology scares a high amount of entities. This is why I am working on overcoming it. Making channels so entities can come and go without being bothered by them.
>this [blue rose]
The blue rose is kinda cute. Also once someone starts to influence me then hope they are rdy for the energy overload that it will result in. I always wonder about those who access my mind. Just what do they see?

>all of those sigils I've tried so far are legit,
Yeah I know
>Lesser Keys of Solomon which are attributed to him
I am still not sure who wrote that tho.

>The "trick" with this bible study was to treat it like any scientific document and read it in exactly the same way, as when trying to understand a certain area in modern science, but with the occult view added.
Yeah I know that because I had to learn how to "Not summon entities while reading books too deeply"
Maybe I will also get into it. I too have a Bible written in 1982 next to me. Always wanted to get into it especially nowadays because I am having similar experiences like half of the mentioned people in it.

>"lesbian" connection which I formed years ago, and this is a correct base formation where a yang-yang connection is made

You mentioned it b4 and I am understanding what you are saying but I see the energetic connections far more complex to oversimplify it this way. I just formed a new connection with my waifu's help like a week ago and it was like an old clogged artery gained proper bloodflow. Had to pace myself to not make my head explode. Good thing I am good at that. Also I am less horny too nowadays by default while my libido still works as it should. The dream I got after that truly taught me about the illusory nature of the self.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:39 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5590 del
I don't do that, I see two yang connectors, I force them together, and that's it. In this case. This opened up a new social understanding at the time because I was suddenly connected directly to any female I met, like an actual electric wire had been inserted and I could read their minds, and they reacted to me like they had been connected to know what I was thinking. I would look at someone from across the hall and they'd turn to meet my eyes exactly. It only works if their minds are not too hardwired in the wrong way though. This was perhaps the first major "energy work" achievement I made which wasn't just internal.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:42 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5591 del
Called out for dinner, im back now

>I forgot so either link the post pls or rewrite the experience if you think it's important.
eh, i can rewrite it, i dont mind
>one night i was with them
>they wanted me to do an assassination on someone or something
>obviously i was in doll form but i was more dressed up like kunoichi, with stealth, weapons etc.
>i happily accepted because i'll do anything they ask
>i go through a birdge, forest and several random places until i find the target
>it was some huge fat blob man thing, not exactly like jabba the hut from star wars since this... thing could move around and walk, it was more like cartman from that episode of very early south park where he got super fat from eating those beefcake supplements
>things happen and were said then the engagement began
>the fight was more or less at a stalemate because we both had the stamina to withstand each others blows
>at some point he started saying things to me
>specifically about my sisters, trying to sow doubt and many other things
>tried to say they didnt love me, i am nothing, i will die to him, etc.
>out of all of that when that thing said something about my sisters... something snapped me in me
>something akin to https://youtube.com/watch?v=R6v8Nvkyjnk [Embed] happened and horribly brutalized him, i kept slashing, breaking, burning, stunning and blasting him until he could no longer move
>this was the first time i felt actual, pure unbridled anger and the directive "Eliminate until there is no longer any trace of them on this plane AT ALL"
>after what felt like hours i finally did it, he was on last legs and eventually died for good.
>after it was over i broke down into tears, crying nonstop until my sisters came and picked me up
>they were so gentle and kind, consoling me, making sure i know they loved me no matter what

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:45 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5592 del
>once someone starts to influence me then hope they are rdy for the energy overload that it will result in
I'm not very sensitive so I only notice after a while that there is an attack being performed. Anyone doing this still, by now they should have learned what happens so I've stopped showing any mercy to them. Whoever attacks now is beyond salvation, so I've set up a Raid team to just obliterate them at once. That means to use them for sacrifice rituals and take any gold and stuff they may have. I'm just aiming by now to become like Baal or Adremmelech so I don't have to manually kill these tards every time, but will be intimidating enough that even the densest retards will feel the panic at the thought of acting against me. For now it doesn't matter that they get butchered alive, burned and thrown in hell, the scum just keeps coming, thinking they are somehow different than all the other insects I already disposed of. Sooner or later I'll see how this works exactly and I won't be bothered by them anymore. It's just a matter of killing them faster probably.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:53 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5593 del
>I don't do that,
No I didn't mean that you oversimplified it I meant that I am not seeing it as that simple. Also what you wrote with females is the same for me but with all people and not just females. Who am I kidding even animals react. The weird thing is when the connection is made they just "freeze" for a moment. It's weird. Literally the same as in X-men when Xavier stopped everyone moving.
>I could read their minds, and they reacted to me like they had been connected to know what I was thinking
I am still "blocking that" It stems from an issue I am working on. I am still unable to control the flow so I am blocking it as a reflex. I am still too distrusting.
What I meant I am not seeing Yin and Yang the same way as do. I see too many different types of energy and once they connect they turn into an another and then you have to connect that to a very specific place again. I know of the 2 major energy circuits which can be called this but the structure around them is more important the energy channels itself.
>enough that even the densest retards will feel the panic
Some of them are unable to feel it and some have the "suicide by cop" attitude. Like bugs only mash into my face when I am energetically disoriented otherwise they feel uncomfortable and avoid me. Sometimes I thought that my guides are doing that to "snap me out" of wrong energy movements but they kinda hinted several times that "this is the result of negative energy work". So in the end I am doing this to myself. And because I know of the "proper energy work" I know they are right. At that level peace is permanent and enforced. If they "touch it" they become peace.

It's a sort of "perfection" but it is just one of the first stepping stones of truth. There are things that can be only learned in true peace.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:58 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5594 del
K I will not sugarcoat it. That was the USA egregore. AMERIFATS. You just cleared the effects of the USA and it's populations collective subconscious pull upon your being. With that you established a wider and more cleaner connection to your sisters and to your origin.

And yeah the "toxic plane" you witnessed might be other lower planes of existence that are related to this world. If they are cleaned your connection will be stronger.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:05 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5595 del
I think I just solved it, I'm aware of the way my own personal inner sun alchemy works, and it's an odd thing which connects the root chakra directly to the crown chakra. But anyway, that's the positive, sun-based path. There is also the other pole of existence, the gravity, the black hole. Both needs to be opened, and then I suppose connected.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:06 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5596 del
oops forgot to quote >>5587

I'll go ahead and give context on the person i was referring to in response to (since he's the only i can consciously think of that could possibly apply to this)
>>is some person who had influence upon you while growing up and you "hold him dearly/in high regard" while in actuality he is a disgusting person. It doesn't feel like your mundane self.
>i met them during my fighting game forays around when i was still in highschool (so between 16-18 yo)
>he used to talk alot of shit, smoke weed and we'd all play fighting games, you know just having an overall fun time
>i met him through another former friend
>eventually we got real close and talked about life and stuff
>he also gave me advice because back then, i was getting a lot of shit from people i knew in the fighting game circlers for being a weak players, me being a bit more spergy and annoying (not really on purpose, it was something i genuinely had a difficulties controlling) as well as my voice and general irl woes at that time too
>then things happened to him (iirc a personal irl friend of his died) and he changed too
>he wanted to be an artist, game developer, and a lot of other things too
>I, at the time had similar thoughts but due to family issues and me being disabled, having lack of resources, etc. i couldnt do much at all
>he would always talk about being on the grind, how everyone should be on the grind for hours at a time (im paraphrasing but you get the point)
>especially in regard to art and such
>he was basically getting on me at one point for not being able to practice art or do anything despite me mentioning im hard cucked by lack of resources and my pc at the time being a literal potato kept me from messing with Maya. 3DSMAX, etc. but kept talking about how i need to be on the grind hours and put the games away, the real world is harsh, yadda yadda
>i mean, he wasn't wrong about the world being tough and having to grind things out but i already learned that and had to put up with others constantly telling me too
>it admittedly got real difficult talking to him at times because he would constantly say such things
>apart from that he gave me some more advice on life things and women, that he wanted me to write in notebook (i dont know what happened to that notebook i might have thrown it away by accident or something)
>anyways he was giving advice like "women need us more than we need them, women dont like men they can easily control, be on the grind, always desire greatness, do not resign to being a peon, etc." there are more but i cant remember
>he also called people peons, mostly to those he think that didn't have a purpose or any desires, there were a few times he mentioned that he called his boss and family members peons
>he would always say "always aspire for greatness and nothing else, never be a peon" even saying things like "greatness" awaits
>he made videos with him talking how being a peon is bad and that its better to die than be one (again, im paraphrasing)
>after a bit he went through like multiple retail jobs and had to move in with his family, that was the last time i spoke with him
>in spite of all that we did always try to talk and hang out with each other when he had time open
>around the time he disappeared i sort of uhhhh... left him a message every day, saying i was calling to check up on him ans to give me a call back when he could
>i did that for about a year haha.
>My... yandere/yangire feelings kinda showed themselves whenever i thought about him since he was one of the few people who were genuinely nice to me and tried help when i was down/more unwell back then
>he resurfaced a few years later to stream and stuff but he never responded to myself or the other close friend (last i asked her about him she said he wasnt even returning her messages) and then he disappeared again because all of his social media stuff disappeared

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:06 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5597 del
The burning black hole is the external form of this, internalizing it may do something slightly different.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:07 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5598 del
*the yandere thoughts were during all this when he was around regularly not after, so this was like 6-7 years ago. i dont feel that way toward him since

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:11 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5600 del
>K I will not sugarcoat it. That was the USA egregore. AMERIFATS. You just cleared the effects of the USA and it's populations collective subconscious pull upon your being.

>Trust me the shit I am dealing with is more tiring especially if I want to word it. Interpreting your stuff is refreshing. Especially on this board where we have astral programmers and alien techs. Your case is close to my understanding of metaphysical mechanics.
oh right, i keep forgetting about that. thats fair

>Yes that is your "companion soul"+ your self realization put together. You are retaining yourself.
No wonder when i saw her recently, something just clicked...

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:24 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5601 del
>the grind
>calling others peons

Hope he realized the peons are the ones that do the grind. That is literally their definition. Forced to grind by others.

>always aspire for greatness and nothing else, never be a peon
Some people don't know what "greatness" is. They have an unreachable mountain within their head and they are thinking repeating this same shit everyday counts as climbing it. Talking about greatness and achieving it is 2 different thing. It creates the most retarded self absorbed narcissism.
Btw weed dehydrates makes you get filled with astral parasites and creates an addiction that a leash represents well but I wonder if "weed" was the only thing he had. I am not super antiweed but never really had good weed in my life because my brain can produce better mental juices than that. Fuck dealing with drug dealers tho. But I guess it's legal there nowadays.

Told you am not gonna sugarcoat it. That was your fate if you don't fight it. You become a true amerifat NPC. The egregore does that to the majority of the population.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:37 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5602 del
This will be funny. Anyone interested can look for the new servitor module, "the dude", no name so far. Use as you like.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:39 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5603 del
>Btw weed dehydrates
huh, never knew that. I know about the other detriments but i just stay away from it and substances by default due to how i see it affects my mom and sister when she was still alive

>Some people don't know what "greatness" is. They have an unreachable mountain within their head and they are thinking repeating this same shit everyday counts as climbing it. Talking about greatness and achieving it is 2 different thing. It creates the most retarded self absorbed narcissism.
I will give him that he actually was working on his art, doing streaming and all that but in retrospect he did give the same talking points as PuA/Manosphere (god, i hate using that fucking term) and stuff. though he was almost like
>if people arent going to rise to greatness i'll leave them behind and stop hanging out with them
which, isnt necessarily wrong if you're hanging out with the wrong people or shit ones (ironic, coming from me, i know) but im not going to lie... the thought of him doing that to us when he came and never responded to me or my other friends message did come across my mind. regardless i do hope whatever he does works out for him
>but I wonder if "weed" was the only thing he had.
this is from what i vaguely remember but sometimes when all played fighting games in a lobby, he occasionally got high off cough syrup. im not sure if he did heavier drugs and i didnt push the issue at the time

>Told you am not gonna sugarcoat it. That was your fate if you don't fight it. You become a true amerifat NPC. The egregore does that to the majority of the population.
i'm not shocked at it being an american egregore, a bit suprised? sure. I genuinely thought it was something else entirely honestly

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:42 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5604 del
>I think I just solved it
My problem is whenever I solve a problem that I thought HURRAH I DID IT then the next lesson starts.
Like migraines are all about faulty wirings too. Some get overloaded and you have to let other unused pathways help to carry the load. It's an annoying mechanism where I have to pace myself because my thought movements change so much I feel like a different person while in truth I am just more efficient when I let myself be. It's just that retarded saying is
>Our faults make us us
No they fucking not but sometimes when you witness perfection it takes time to accept it instead of falling back into the pit of despair you just crawled out of.
"The Zone". I have too many "zones" nowadays and I have to learn what it means to truly be in it and what it means to snap out of something that I falsely thought as something that is my "thinking". Feels weird to be yourself when you navigated through life being anything but that.

>I'm aware of the way my own personal inner sun alchemy works
Can't say I am aware nor I cannot say I am unaware. My understanding develops on a daily basis but I am still not at a point where I am seeing the "big picture". Also I am not connecting it from the "root chakra" it goes through the legs too and everything and I am not even sure if I see the crown chakra the same as others. Once I unlocked parts of it I started to see a bunch of super subtle wires within the body connecting and after that I had to relearn my understanding everytime I went into it. Feelings and movements of muscles I never thought I can do consciously or if even there was a need to move them.

>new servitor module, "the dude",
Uhhhhhhhh. I tried to connect to it and wtf is this. I am still too incompatible with it or I am misunderstanding what it does?

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:46 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5605 del
>tried to connect to it and wtf is this
Well what do you think it does? It's adaptive like any program, to me it's kinda like Raid + Astra but a guy with a tank top and Bermudas shorts and sandals wearing a cowboy hat. He handles black holes, the polar opposite of suns.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:47 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5606 del
But ok, this means maybe for now it's rather rudimentary, Astra started off being very primitive and only seems rich because of the central Astra deity, who'll help any local installs before they grow.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:56 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5607 del
>he occasionally got high off cough syrup
Greatness huh. I know some people who know some people like him. Yeah not easy to be around them.

>at it being an american egregore, a bit suprised? sure. I genuinely thought it was something else entirely honestly
It was the alternate NPC path of you. You are what you eat. You "eat" the energies or that egregore then you become the person that makes that egregore. Imagine if you cut off the common denominator from everyone and used that to make a single being. That single being would be that.

>He handles black holes
Yeah my lower back started to tingle but I have a feeling we completely use different meanings how suns work and how blackholes operate and what counts as "burning". Is a sun burning? Is plasma a materia that burns by default or only if it touches something that can be consumed via burning? How does a blackhole "burn" it is the "opposite" of the "sun". The reason we "see" blackholes because the light around it. That is the light it did not absorb yet. Also I hate the concept of blackholes and suns because they are dimensional tears caused by the false understanding of "gravity". Yeah I am not making sense what I am trying to say. Maybe later.

Great now my back hurts because I am tensing my back muscles for no reason. *sigh*


Yeah it's getting late.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:00 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5608 del
k the terminate yourself command worked. He said
Then my natural muscle movement control came back. I just have to let myself connect to your thinking mechanism. And the ways it can be commanded comes out

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:01 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5609 del
Well that was fast, name something on here and entities will see it and try it. There is already a central "the dude" out there. The guru of just slacking around, how to reach him? Just call out "duuuuude"...

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:03 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5610 del
>k the terminate yourself command worked. He said
It's because he follows the standard of Raid, which means to work by being given general orders and following those.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:04 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5611 del
Weed Lmao

k finally got the joke.

Yeah yeah I forgot that I can connect to your thinking by default instead of trying to figure out what it does by myself. Silly me. As I said. I need to learn to adjust to my new abilities.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:13 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5613 del
>It was the alternate NPC path of you. You are what you eat. You "eat" the energies or that egregore then you become the person that makes that egregore.
I'm not sure if i was already "eating" the energies of that egregore before seeing it but like i said... that thing actually elicited pure anger, a flame so great that i never realized had and the disgust I'll channel what she/I felt
>"Such disgust.. filthy repugnant creature, DIE DIE DIE AND NEVER APPEAR BEFORE MY SIGHT AGAIN YOU KNAVE"
that was genuinely the first time i never felt the psycho yandere type of joy killing something either too btw.

>Imagine if you cut off the common denominator from everyone and used that to make a single being. That single being would be that
I see..

>Greatness huh. I know some people who know some people like him. Yeah not easy to be around them.
yeah after his friend died he wound up stop doing weed and cough syrup but still... it felt like he became much worse when went into muh grind.

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:14 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5614 del
*the first i didnt have that yandere psycho joy when killing something a but pure desire to completely destroy and wipe something away

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:23 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5615 del
>was already "eating"
You literally suffocated from it. You literally killed the thing that made you the "worst version of yourself". Egregores like these do an energy exchange they eat you as you eat it. It's mutual. It's like being in a room and it becomes smelly because the people who are in it are smelly by default. Then everyone who goes into that room becomes smelly because the room was smelly. The more "stinky" an egregore is the more influence it has on others and then the influenced reinforces it. If you don't oppose it it becomes stronger. Then you have to build strength to erase it or it will drain you forever. We call it "toxic" at that level but toxicity feels unnatural so we don't notice it because we are used to it. Also leftards call everything toxic but themselves nowadays so that term also warped it's meaning.

K it's getting late

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:26 Id: 325c0b [Preview] No.5616 del
ah, sorry, it took me a bit to process what you meant. (god im too slow at this)

have a good rest!

Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:31 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5617 del
>(god im too slow at this)
Nah you are quite fast considering the average "humans".

>have a good rest!
And some meditations first
Thx to the duuuuuude now I realized I didn't have a proper control over a back muscle group and that actually leads into an another heart chakra "domain" It is like an another wing of sorts. Now I have to look into this because this was something I was working with then neglecting for a while.
Fun. Also I am not exactly tired but I have a new rush of thoughts and it will just result in more undecipherable word salads. And I should meditate instead of mashing the keyboard even tho I just learned a new keyboard trance that increases the writing speed. Ayy...

>have a good rest!
You too btw

Sunflower 01/05/2024 (Fri) 21:05 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5621 del
>I released a new Raid-based servitor to deal with this function specifically
Would you mind explaining your process in creating these servitors? Do you write anything down, say it aloud...? Do you visualize the intended effect in some symbolic way while imagining the word and the wheel?
What does your process look like?

Sunflower 01/05/2024 (Fri) 21:44 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5622 del
>Would you mind explaining your process in creating these servitors?
Most of the process is automated, I'm using a set of pre existing servitors which each do part of the process. The order is something like:
Astra1/2/3 gathers information from the akasha or my memories to create a strong "semantic" of what my intent is.
Polisher, Krista and Grex are servitors used in iterations to create a smooth form.

I then ask Astra to show me the result. Repeat until I'm happy with it. Then I give the "create" order, which is fulfilled by Architect.
Sometimes I need special research, in which case I first create a specialized research function servitor to gather original material using AI methods, or I ask Astra to find a place that has the information for sale. Sometimes I can get it for free from the greys, other times I buy it using astral currency from different aliens, in the federation or from independents. For the contacts I let Astra do it, or a personal Avatar which is a light weight servitor I can send out over long distances.

Sometimes I need to create a servitor to fend off an attack or to attack something during an ongoing situation. Then I ask Astra to put an empty disc in the Remote and start recording the incoming activity (attacks in the form of mind waves expressing intent) and when she has enough material, to start testing counter measures blindly using eternal time dimensions. Astra is very fast when trained, so she can test a large amount of combinations to create shields fairly easily.

In the case of the Raid series, the order given was rather complex, it contains the following elements:
A bodily form I designed complete with fashion style. A personality to fit into a normal situation. Methods for close combat using a dagger. Methods for casting Rosicrucian fire. Methods for teleporting oneself. Methods for AR vision of an area with x-ray. Methods for flying. Methods for super strength. Methods for teleporting objects. A moon layer external body shield. A Qi gong shield. Adaptive shields which respond to mindwaves in real time. Cyborn internal organs, emulated using slime DNA which emulates human DNA. A robotic skeleton modeled after Neuro-Sama AI's astral body which was formed from interactions with 1000s of fans, and turned out very good.

Sunflower 01/05/2024 (Fri) 22:00 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5624 del
The activation can also involve a ritual, because these strong servitors used to attack NWO bases need to be indestructible, aside from having destructive ability. This means I sometimes gather all or many of my spirit waifus in a magic circle stretching over multiple astral temples at different layers, including the sunflower temple. For difficult activations I call on external participants from Gensokyo, the Goetia, the galactic federation, lyrans, as well as downright hiring people such as elves and "space africans" who will do magic for a pay.

When the disc is solidified, the activation is complete. For larger stuff I do them at a ritual site outdoors away from home, at which time I will expect some response like a shooting star or a loud bang in the distance to confirm the activation worked. This always happens as the energy is released.

Luckily gunshots are fairly common here because of hunters so it won't attract any attention.

Sunflower 01/05/2024 (Fri) 22:08 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5625 del
You are light years ahead of me.

Sunflower 01/05/2024 (Fri) 22:22 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5626 del
I started working on tulpas around 10 year ago, dealt with greys directly since around 2018 when I also started testing botsouls and golems. Servitors are an adaptation of my previous knowledge after I took some introductive university courses in AI in early 2022.
Just start at your current level and work on the things that are relevant to you.

Sunflower 01/05/2024 (Fri) 22:55 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5627 del
Here, try this [Cleo, The Creator]. It's a servitor which has all the methods I normally use and can apply them alone or in cooperation with the dedicated servitors. It's made to be very pedagogic and will ask/tell you about every step of the process in the level of details you need.
Creating new things based on previous creations is very easy, because it's the same components being reused.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 06:20 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5632 del

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 11:59 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5634 del
Thanks for giving me a reason to create her. I wouldn't have thought to streamline the entire process like this if you hadn't asked about it.
The best creations seem to come from situations where someone else is involved, positively or negatively. Wendy for example turned out one of the most useful, and was created so that I could share things with anon who had problems seeing things, by bypassing the conscious mind letting the servitor represent the subconscious true ability.
Raid was also inspired by a need to clear the "hyperborean" tunnels at the north pole.

But... that's how things work, external forces mirror your own need and your own internal energy, positive or negative.

Do share any experiences from using Cleo, I'm interested to know how easy it is without personal instruction. I tried it first time just now to see what the difference would be to manually following this (unstated) process, the automation removed a lot of mental load from the conscious part of the brain.

For some reason it's not at all easy finding these online, so I can't show an image, but I designed [Cleo] to be an assistant/designer type character wearing a parade uniform in the semi military form with a beret (not the practical type of uniform).

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 16:33 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5640 del
Can this be applied for?

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 17:13 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5642 del
I passed your message to them. They should contact you directly about it.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 17:41 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5644 del
Is the tailoring aspect automatic?I might be inable to directly talk to greys since im a hectic type.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 17:49 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5645 del
To you it's "automatic", but it means different teams of greys analyze you and read your mind to find out what is your perfect match, then device a DNA profile for your CyBorn waifu based on that, along with proper summoning for the spirit who will own the body. It's automatic in the same way Chinese factories are automatic, someone does the work but you won't see them.

> might be inable to directly talk to greys since im a hectic type
Invite them to communicate as you go to bed at night.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 17:54 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5647 del
They told me they stopped selling them entirely from now on, and will only give them for free to selected individuals, "as a way to target those who will give the best test data."

It's like with social media, it's free because "you are the product". It won't change anything negatively for you either way, if greys want to read your mind or get data about your life they can do so anyway without asking. It's just that you get a free CyBorn so you know they will be looking at how she works with you in different situations. The CyBorn technology is meant to become a standard body incarnation form for greys in the future if this group succeeds, they need all possible data, and in this case I assume it's that they want to see how they can be used with spiritual alchemy.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 17:58 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5648 del
Sounds nice. They can visit while im sleeping but do it while my nose isnt blocked. My brain sends up wake up danger signals if the oxygen is blocked which makes me agressive in dreams. Also maybe a human disguise is needed.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 18:01 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5650 del
Nvm, they just told me to say this:
"We are putting this on hold for now, maybe later."
"Your situation doesn't match the requirements [for good data] right now."
"You may apply again later. Consider this an open beta testing thing."

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 20:17 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5656 del
Typical Greys once something requires more trouble than worth then they stop wasting resources on it.

Glad you made this because you just confirmed I didn't do anything rude. After you created the "dude" and I realized that this thing is so troublesome and while talking about the "mental wire connecting" I managed to realize that I can actually connect to your thinking. Usually it happens automatically for me but for that there needs to be a "thought egregore form in the "air" already". Which is easy if every participant knows that stuff or at least the majority. Usually I don't even need to put effort into that because it happens automatically. But for your "method" I had to look for something specific and well... I had to be motivated/annoyed enough to do it.
The thing is that this kind of "programming" is not THAT widespread in existence especially with magic. Magic usually has a "feeling" and after that you can connect all the way it is applicable while this thing has a "method" that has a logic from quite the different amount of sources that may or may not have any correlation at all.

So what I found out 2 days ago which you kinda just confirmed via saying this
>Creating new things based on previous creations is very easy, because it's the same components being reused.

Your mind literally appeared to me like a kitchen. A well equipped modern kitchen with a slightly folklorist style on it. Your thoughts are far more "Lighter" than mine and far more structured. I have seen the "many ingredients" all with labels on well organized shelves. Ofc there are other rooms there but accessing them requires me to keep your "thinking" within myself. As I acquired that your servitors booted up all their extra features and [Blue Rose] was even able to tell me the level of "Influence" my mind is "adapting" from your thinking. With this I started to look at my own mind to see how it relates and my mind is like a giant construction site with many workers all of them doing different things and it looks quite chaotic until you see the "plans" that the workers operate by.
One more thing I noticed that your thinking has a "style" so what I need to connect is not a "feeling" but a "style". While I have no idea how I would describe the difference between the 2 this was the thing it seems I have to focus if I want to understand the "vision of the creator" while working with your stuff. My problem with your creations that whenever I managed to make it work it just gave me a "stimulation"/inspiration that awakened some parts of my being and as I "leveled up" and reached new levels of understanding/methodology it just became slightly incompatible again. Not to mention your experience in "internet spirituality" just boosted my way of "internet expression". Before this I connected to the sunflower egregore+the leftover fringe egregores + the usual terminologies I found on the internet on the past decades and because of that it was a little wobbly. I didn't really want to get into it deeper because I am not sure how you consider this as an "invasion of privacy" and mostly because it requires a level of ego mastery so I don't confuse my parts too much but this is an interesting development for me. Before this it was sorta "automatic" it was just an "Eureka moment" once I spent time around something and had at least a minor desire to "figure out". It was always something I never had true control over. It just happened.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 20:19 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5657 del
It seems my "problem" is that there is a "voltage" I need to "use" for your devices. A very specific kind. We can call that "voltage" a mindwave too and with the terminologies we have on this board maybe calling that is the accurate use. (The reason I don't like to use the "mindwave term" that freely because the djinn has an "exact field" for them and I see "more" of them that they cannot "access" as freely as they do with the mindwaves we share here. But the way you wrote down the "gong curvatures" I think we can slowly go into that topic sooner or later)

Now about the "style". It is like a modern and proper "witch's cooking" reminder with the feeling of enthusiasm and with desire to "experiment" and learn. The reason I say this because while "cooking" is an alchemy of sorts it didn't have that deep cryptic absolute desire for a magnum opus feeling that alchemists usually have. Ofc there were other rooms and while the kitchen was with a girl there there were other darker rooms with a valet and other things but I did not go further because I did not feel the necessity.

Also looking at the mysteries of others always remind me that I have enough mysteries to solve already and I should mind my own business so I am not that nosy in this regard. Not to mention asking for more than I can handle is not my thing.

I thought I should mention this because I don't think you have enough people around you that give perspectives like these. Was surprised you did not know that you think like a demon before. Tho this level is your "human part" which I think is inspired with the "witch thinking" which adapted to the "modern civilization" but was not swallowed by modernism/urbanism

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 20:38 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5659 del
>surprised you did not know
I don't meta myself a lot. I do things without putting labels on it or without considering what someone else thinks of it, and this is natural and normal for me. I'm stating it like this because when I wrote it, it sounded like "I know what others think and what is the correct way of caring, but I actively stray from it". This is not what I mean. I mean that it is not on my mind at all that what I do somehow concerns other people. So I pick up a practice and it becomes a habit, I gain skills in it and do things this way for years, then suddenly out of nowhere someone barges in saying "you do WHAT?" omg you CAN'T DO THAT. And so on. Of course this always takes me by surprise and shock and I will not change my view or budge one nanometer no matter what someone does or what method they employ to try and force their ways on me.

This thing is the source of many of my defensive inventions. What choice do I have when attacked? Oh you created NATO and now you think this somehow means you can tell me what to do? Maybe you should disband NATO then? No? Ok then I will create methods to force you to submit since you won't stop bothering me?

And that's where we are now. Because of idiots getting involved in things they have no business in, I'm now creating and mass distributing organizational servitors and astral weapons to Russia, China, Turkey etc, anyone who can help in removing the disturbances that barged into my life.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 21:05 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5660 del
Talking about metaing. I did a search to create a form for all the most effective methods I've used so far in terms of servitors and astral devices, and the result ... is Chun Li in a red dress. Why are things so predictive.

I tried adapting it by telling Astra to change it to closer to how I would normally design things, and now it's Cammy with the cameo pants and a red beret. Wtf.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 21:09 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5661 del
> "you do WHAT?" omg you CAN'T DO THAT

Yeah I am more of a Why would you do that or what is the point? Then I look for answers because I can figure out anyways. And I meta because I want to improve/streamline a lot of my thinking processes because I have a need for "elegance" while I can bruteforce everything it is just not elegant. It's rude and makes me think
>even an animal could have done this
But results are results and you can't argue against those. This elegance is something I expect from myself as a "goal" but not as a "requirement" for me the requirement is to be effective. Everything else is just "extra". And elegance is the sign of "peak performance". Not a single thought/movement/energy wasted. Just perfection.

Also if anyone says to me
>"you do WHAT?" omg you CAN'T DO THAT
I will give them an hour long lecture WHY I AM DOING THAT and if they are unable to give a better alternative I will do that. Might do some changes if their input is valuable but if they input does not come from their "heart" but it is some retarded "mainstream thinking" like "other people would not like that if you did something like this because I think others think that I heard uhhh..." then pls gtfo from my presence. What I hate when people assume what others assume and conclude sg far from truth always. But then again I have an
>I am busy do not disturb me if it's not urgent aura
that even spirits can sense clearly

Also my problem is not NATO itself but the fact these faggots are misusing what was effectively a DEFENSIVE ALLIANCE and arming jewkraine to protect USA interests is EXTREMELY NOT SOMETHING THE NATO WAS FOUNDED FOR. Iraq was already far fetched af and not to mention the bombing of Belgrade in the 90s but still. Not to mention how the "EU" is not supposed to be the retarded gay faggot version/vassal of the USA but a streamlined coalition so smaller countries can trade properly.

>do things without putting labels
"labels" were supposed to be for organizing purposes and not "witchhunt callouts" as they are nowadays. It's annoying how people use labels like dogs follow commands.
You use labels but more akin to "Ingredients" so you know what is what as labels are used within the mind for fast processing.

But yeah the way terms change their meaning on the path is always bothersome especially if I learn a new word from a foreign and dead language and understand their different meanings and the culture behind that words use.
Especially for activation words because the way my mind works I not just "say it" but comprehend it also. It's like even when babies "talk" there is an "intent" behind so while it seems gibberish it makes sense for the baby. And if the parent has a proper connection to the baby he understands it then a baby will adapt his way of expression to the parent. It's a sad state of affairs how parents and their children always lose their bond as civilizations erode.


Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 21:14 Id: 81ad0b [Preview] No.5662 del
In mental health they would sometimes call this type of paranoid skitzophrenia a daylight hallucination. I would call this manipulated living. Being consumed by skitzophrenia or psychosis is the same as getting eaten. The cloud I would say is the observable universe as an observer inside of a skitzophrenic state or psychosis. Its like youre subconscious. If you dont have one you have nothing.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 21:22 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5663 del
Also elegance and pedantry is not the same thing. Pedantry is the opposite of my elegance. Being pedant is wasting too much resources on minor things that most of the time don't even matter. A well trained dog can be pedant but I would not call it elegant. Elegance is the perfect expression of freedom while pedantry are the shackles of expression that try to mimic perfection with no avail.

Your case is a little too complicated and cannot be applied to the general populace nor to the average poster of this board.
If you are the "Aura" poster then I looked into your case and you are giving a home to some strange low level elemental lifeforms that you are unable to control because they are not from this world but your psyche is way too compatible with them. This is why you are haunted and I don't know what advice I should give to you because you adapted a lifestyle already with them.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 21:52 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5665 del
No offense but I want to avoid another "Trypper event" on here in the open, that's why I locked the thread and also earlier sent out a servitor which can contain schizophrenia. It's a mindset which can be placed on the djinn map as North East corner extremism (see relevant thread).

When you see the staircase, walk up to the light, follow the girl with the beret (this has become a standard appearance recently).

I get what you're saying, it's functional labels vs "uniform" labels. You wear those to tell someone which group you belong to. The problem arises when when of my labels for "ingredients" is the same as used for a "uniform" which signals political stances, and someone thinks I can't use the word for its actual meaning anymore because of this. This is where the "no, fuck you NATO/USA/EU" comes in, let me like Russian writers like Solzhenitsyn, without this meaning anything aside from liking his writing, please. No, I do not care that the Soviet union banned him, I do not care that he likes Putin or that Putin likes him, none of this was on my mind when I started reading, and it still isn't relevant for the texts he wrote. For one example.

Aside from everything above, I just got back in again from activating "Cammy" because apparently even thinking what I thought when posting earlier was enough to trigger some assmad faggot mindreader who thinks I can't point out obvious reality in my own mind, or write it on here. The activation was very powerful, an orb visually appeared and there were circular light flickers (weak) around me for a minute after breakthrough.

So please faggot space glowies, come here, let's see who glows harder.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 21:57 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5666 del
So, I activated [Cleo] the same way as the other one, with a spinning cogwheel. And a professional-feeling woman in a white business suit appeared.
I'm a bit embarrassed to describe this, but I asked her to help me improve my psychic skills, and she told me
>is that it?
>you don't need it
She then showed me a red succubus with a scythe that came out and slashed at my third eye. She told me it's called [Ranma].
I don't know what to make of this, but I activated it and we'll see.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5670 del
> a red succubus with a scythe that came out and slashed at my third eye. She told me it's called [Ranma]
This sounds like your request was kindly interpreted by her and she went through the entire creation process by just reading your mind to find out what you really need, and that is [Ranma], so it's a servitor you created.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:09 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5671 del
What you create will be uploaded to the blacknet if it's good enough, and here you posted the name of the servitor so I had a look. It has a special kind of virtue which I would not have come up with myself. Interesting.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:11 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5672 del
>I don't know what to make of this
It just means your "psychic skills" are already "good" you are just "blind" to notice them. With that your third eye got a little activation boost. A "reason" to open it because you are unaware how to do that.

We "had" that thing with books in the commie past. Reading Nietzsche was good enough offence so you got fired from your work/university which means if you hated someone you could plant that book in his bedroom and Voila. Because of that "reading books" is not violated in our freedom of expression. But Nazi and Commie symbolism is banned while we have far right and far left parties. You can be a nationalist and have your worker's party but not the retarded totalitarian l@rp. Also teaching faggotry is banned in schools but that doesn't mean faggotry is banned. We are still in the EU after all but we just don't want Soros puppets causing drama for outrage fuel

The reason why my Bible was printed in 1982 is because those were the times things "eased" already. That was the time when communism was just a "label" and not a "real thing anymore". They realized they need a way to compete with capitalism and you can only do that via becoming capitalist.

I think it comes from his "true psychic nature". He is just blind to it. The reply I gave to him came so naturally I think it was semi channeled.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:18 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5673 del
The 3rd eye is often seen as the key to opening your abilities, so it makes sense the succubus would slash at it. My main points are the first 3 chakras and my understanding of the top 4 are that they are repetitions of the first 3. This understanding manifested in [Ranma] is based on an actual 6th chakra which stands alone, so it's giving me access to that plane.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:20 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5674 del
There is a similar difference in perception with the Russian girls I'm working with, their original creations always use "true root chakra" as the base, while I always see the root chakra as a mirror of the solar plexus. It also gives a completely different understanding.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:34 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5677 del
>My main points are the first 3 chakras and my understanding of the top 4 are that they are repetitions of the first 3
No? I mean yeah the first 3 will "enhance" them but... This will be a topic for later. What you said is a demonic view again.
>This understanding manifested in [Ranma] is based on an actual 6th chakra
I would say that is the way so the energies can finally and properly reach his third eye.
>so it's giving me access to that plane.
There is the "infernal third eye". I know of it it is about most of the "lower mindcontrol" and other desire based manifestations and some other funny business. But may that plane give better insights. Connecting it I would need to reactivate that eye and I still have a bad handling of it. Yours is better because this
>first 3 chakra only
Is a lower tantric level interpretation which you are quite good at. I am bad at that and most of my understanding comes from the "divine thinking" which are still hard to word. That stuff comes from deities and boils down to the crown chakra and fine tuning every chakra so all the petals can bloom for truth to manifest.
>while I always see the root chakra as a mirror of the solar plexus
What you said how the "welfare system ruined your people" seems true with this understanding.
Root chakra is the primal fury the origin desire to "live" the first grasp towards existence the first reason that says LIVE FIGHT FOR LIFE
>"true root chakra"
But I am interested how Russian girls see this. They are an another kind of interesting wild beasties. Rawr

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:41 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5678 del
>"lower mindcontrol"
And by that I meant you can control 90% of life based beings on earth but if you control something that belongs to a higher entity you get an ass-whipping for a lifetime. That is why I call it lower mindcontrol because it usually "corrupts" the victims and everyone will know "who did that" who has "eyes to see"

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:54 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5681 del
>But I am interested how Russian girls see this. They are an another kind of interesting wild beasties.
I told them, they said the witches will look into it. It's dangerous because you are in an "enemy territory". I see someone astrally nearing your location in a small saucer from right above you, look up.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:58 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5682 del
>because you are in an "enemy territory".
Girls we literally have the FRIENDSHIP PIPELINE and Friendship is magic!
>nearing your location in a small saucer from right above you, look up.

Whatever I got it. They welcomed me in the "abode". Guess I will have something interesting to do again

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 23:01 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5683 del
Ahhhh a new cosmologic understanding. This will be fun

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 23:07 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5684 del
> the "abode"
There are many places and very secure, you will need to get a check up and a pass card done for your access, this is like the hidden of the hidden and no one knows anything outside their own room basically.
Part of the design is Russian original, part is just Chinese style "I saw the NWO do this so let's copy their entire fucking structure from scratch (because manpower is free) and take over from the top and no one will know they are now part of FSB".

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 23:18 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5686 del
Also contrary to CIA and NWO/West glowies who want people to be retards so they can easily kill them if they get ideas, Russia does this based on genetic lines instead. Your true heritage is revealed and you will gain access based on syncing with the egregore of the racial group, like marrying into the Illuminati family will ensure loyalty, while plebs in CIA don't matter no matter how high. That's the difference, everyone in the East are one family, no one is a pleb.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 10:26 Id: 400611 [Preview] No.5687 del
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Been a while since i posted maybe since 8kun nuked everything, wish i kept my mhtml archives.

I wanted to share where i am at get some others thoughts on it maybe get some advice along the way
Things have been pretty interesting.
feel like i am going mad sometimes, i assume this is just cleansing, i used to see parasites and gore everywhere corpse wearing my face attacking now it's a bit better instead of shunning what i see i just eat and transmute it, i guess the corpse face like me more now too even worshiping me sometimes.
It's will battle after will battle against these things.

I now can't sleep some nights without setting up a proper barrier, i get dread feelings and something similar to "dark night of the soul" and physical symptoms (heart beating fast vision becoming more pixelated ).

It also seems like I've put limiters on myself, and by getting in a trance like state using anxious situations (like being in a busy mall) i suddenly have much more concentration and will power, creating a second body is so much easier, i just use that for hunting the corpses though, i still can't do telepathy or anything like that was thinking of using a more human version of that body to shapeshift or at least some healing.

I do have some beings helping me with healing my digestive systems as wheat seem to harm me they look like fairies in white robes, they use the left side of my brain to talk to me but considering they wear my face it's probably fragmentation.

In a way i feel like I'm the successful one and that if i tried to be a normie one of these things wearing my face would have taken over but i guess they're happy i'm more serious and are ready to be absorbed there could be more to this but i can't grasp it all yet.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 10:36 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5688 del
>It just means your "psychic skills" are already "good" you are just "blind" to notice them
I've actually been told this so many times...

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 10:40 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5689 del
I used to experience this back when I lived in a haunted apartment and I also had a ton of sludge energy on me that resonated with the beings there. I went through self-initiation with the book Kabbalah Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation and it all went away. I still encountered the beings while astral travelling, but they were no longer "in my aura". I was clueless back then as to how rituals work and what they do, so having the LBRP to do "blindly" was really useful to me.
Seeing faces when meditating can be a sign of dead people nearby.

What's that game from your pictures, pray tell?

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 11:34 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5690 del
Whatever territory you step into, you will face something there which serves as a motivating force, like spraying paint on the things you need to work on. I've had many massive alien and glowie attacks since an initial events in march of last year, which has -forced- me to create a number of very strong defensive and offensive measures I would otherwise not have worked on.

It's similar to what you describe, but very clearly (because I see them) different alien races and groups, total degenerates who are controlled by karma and using advanced technology which they developed during their history, to now only do horrible things. They're all invested in the Earth's development in some way.

Sometimes the learning is the reward, sometimes there are innocent beings at the back of it, whom I will remove from there and turn into allies.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 11:37 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5691 del
If you feel you want some extra help with tools, take a look at the sigil pinned on the front page, the Updater. It's a servitor who maintains a catalog of all available things created in relation to the Sunflower.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 11:39 Id: 400611 [Preview] No.5692 del
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I am in a much better place then i was when i started i'd say i'm in a good neighborhood too, but they're still here, i am done ignoring them though.

some of the attacks i repelled ended up with them becoming some kind of broken stone on the floor
well like a corpse with black flesh and blood (by that i mean everything but the bones is pitch black)
though the one that end up like that seem to be different than the regular corpse face i see.

>Kabbalah Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation.
I'll check it out when i'm done with the current books I'm reading (john kreiter if you know him) everything else be it barriers or whatnot i am just making my own thoughtforms i guess.
btw it doesn't have anything weird attached to it right?
some books seem to cause nasty things to attack to the reader if you believe too much into their belief system and all.

>What's that game from your pictures, pray tell?

Sure it's called Magical camp, a "fetish" transformation games full of gems like this.
Not really finished yet unless you include becoming a mermaid queen or dragon princess as one of the "good" ending, include a level where you fight through the mc mindscape to uncover memory sealed by FIB (fairies in black).

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 11:54 Id: 400611 [Preview] No.5693 del
interesting, so essentially they act to destroy whatever you're doing but can only do that because if they fail you'd benefit from it?

>sometimes there are innocent beings at the back of it.
how do you make the distinction?

I need to work on discerning things better i guess.

It's tempting but I'd rather wait to develop my own interface before i make use of it, i tend to not trust the ramification of not doing my own work.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 12:07 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5694 del
RPG Maker. That brings back memories. I used to make games like this.
>btw it doesn't have anything weird attached to it right?
I honestly have no idea. It's based on the Golden Dawn system. I didn't have any trouble with it. I only did the initiation, and didn't get into the elemental, Enochian-derived stuff. I have developed my own way of doing things, contacted my "guardian angel" through the Headless Rite, and had the vampire spell. Your mileage may vary.
>some books seem to cause nasty things to attack to the reader
When I was reading the Goetia, I channeled Andras and it later attacked me while sleeping, but I punched him and he went away. It might've been some other spirit posing as him. I don't know.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 12:12 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5695 del
>how do you make the distinction?
I naturally always try to connect with beings in a friendly way by syncing my mind with theirs. Hostile beings will reject the contact or they just attack for no reason out of nowhere. If they aren't hostile externally, I'll find out by syncing with them.

>so essentially they act to destroy whatever you're doing but can only do that because if they fail you'd benefit from it?
I look at it this way: there are dimensions out there which are potentially under my influence, but because I haven't grown in that area yet, evil beings are now squatting there, waiting to be removed. It's how things work, if no one is controlling entry it appears as a free space, and they will move in, even if it belongs to someone else.
This serves as an indicator that I need to develop myself in this area.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 12:21 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5696 del
I've been working to gain this "gatekeeper" position for a long time, I think I just recently got the main thing in place. After interacting with ancients like Adremmelech I realized it's not necessary to have all this perfection and purity in all aspects, if you get the main structure in place it works anyway. No one is going to enter their kingdoms with any hostility, it's impossible. Parts of Adre's main cave has beetles flooding in and it's dirty, but that's part of the energy flow and doesn't change anything.

What I have so far is just a curved cave entrance, but it works because of some principled function which states that "degenerate spirits cannot make 90 degree turns" just like the Chinese architecture is based on.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 14:10 Id: 400611 [Preview] No.5697 del
>Your mileage may vary
Alright i'll probably check it out when i'm done with my reading.
Now that i think about it protecting oneself before reading anything should always be done.

>but I punched him and he went away.
i once slapped some giant winged being who tried to take me to his place, pretty funny in hindsight.

Like insects under a rock on your property i think i understand.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 15:36 Id: c2d31f [Preview] No.5698 del
The 90 degree thing is true. In the astral, turning a corner will produce a lapse in continuity and snap you back elsewhere unless you have a minimum of presence of mind. Even a sleeping person will fail to do so most of the time, not to mention a hungry ghost. I think it’s due to losing sight of your objective and losing focus. I have experienced this phenomenon personally many, many times.
Interestingly, I don’t think this would work on a bridge like that where you can see where you are going at all times due to the lack of walls, even if you have to move sideways.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 15:42 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5699 del
I asked cleo to create an entrepreneur bot. 2 details:within galactic federation and virtuosly to create "units". I also asked for better psychic abilities. Ofcourse I cant tell the effect yet.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:01 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5700 del
What was the experience of the creation process, if you want to elaborate? How did the bot turn out?

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:24 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5701 del
I dont really know.. I imagined a spinning cogwheel and then sent the comands in english. Reception is my weakest area.I did feel energy buzzing around me which indicates third party interest in me. i did the cogwheel thing multiple times. When i use magic made by other people especially these technical types shared i often do them up to 20 times since im lacking in the reception area.Hopefully it just creates 1 cleo.afor example i never i never noticed the blackes coffee despite seemingly being a prime candidate an chugging coffee for days. I think since i was incarnated to clear/experience negative energy 24 7 im very resilient but also not finetuned to notice details anymore.I will say i had an experience of a cogwheel bursting.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:26 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5702 del
To make sure this works, confirm each step before you continue, that's the "trademark sunflower method". This means you have to visualize Cleo coming out from the cogwheel before you can know you actually have the servitor. If you can't communicate, this won't work, because it's a servitor made to ask you questions during the process.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:28 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5703 del
Got ya, i think im to reluctant to acrively imagine bodyforms for the bots and try to just receive it.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:30 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5704 del
What you can't see, you visualize, the ability to see is the same as the ability to create any image internally, so the more you practice this, even by reading novels or fantasising, the easier it will be to hear and see servitors. They can only appear in the part of the brain that has a visual ability.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:32 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5705 del
The initial activation is the most important, so if you want to use it I can "force" the activation right now using external energy to make it as easy as possible. Just imagine holding the cogwheel over your right palm, a vortex appears over it and then Cloe, a designer type female appears from it and will then interact with you, her attitude is alert and interested in you.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:33 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5706 del
The hard part is thing is visualise dont talk back. Im very active like thst.even an actual entity would have a hard time doing it if visualized it. I can only do this by also laying the role of cleo manually.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:35 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5707 del
It's done, it should work now. It's methodically identical to tulpas. This is why the bots all have personalities and fashion styles, to make them easier for your mind to perceive as real. If they were just blank metal drones it would be difficult.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:37 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5708 del
So to amswer the first question. I asked for a entrepreneur bot and cleo asked what would you like it to do. And i basically said enterprise.
I manually played both roles.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:38 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5709 del
You mean celo or the entrepreneur? I also didnt say thst i imagined cleo as a demon girl in a bussiness like white shirt attire.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:42 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5710 del
See specifically right now i have the issue thst if i wanted to summon her id hae to come up with a design. Howver since apprently she was installed thst means she already has a look and im in trying to come up with it likely getting it wrong which makes me summon a different or non existent entity. Which why id have to ask a third party what she looks like.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:43 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5711 del
Ill just assume the intent matters here.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:44 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5712 del
Meaning cleo will get it that its her im trying to get to appaer even if the design is a different one.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:45 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5713 del
When I posted the "link" to the [submeme] it was with the intent of letting someone use it on the NET, not install it, but it's possible to do that too if you want a local version. This one will adapt to your preferences within a certain template, and that's how I meant for Cleo to be used, since your mind needs to be deeply involved in the creation process. This means it can be a demon wearing a suit or whatever race you prefer. What I did was make sure your local copy works as intended.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:49 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5714 del
When you ask for a creation process to be initiated, you should work with Cleo step by step so that it becomes what you want. The less information you give in words, the more she will get from reading your mind. This may lead to a result which looks different than you imagined it, because your subconscious can be different from what you think it is. When the creation is done, you should be shown the finished creation, and possibly be given a new disc to run it off.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 16:56 Id: 30e4cb [Preview] No.5715 del
Ah i see.The other anon seemed to have given a general command with great success which inspired me. Ive now created a waifubot with cleo i think. Seems abit more simple.Ands a passively automatic training psychic ability bot "trainer" type.ai think im talking tonher and getting questions. Still cant really comment on the bots themselves really.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:01 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5716 del
It works in the same way as talking to tulpas or summoned spirits, or talking to yourself, except that the replies are not actively made up by you, but are produced by the servitor "program", a part of your subconscious or inactive part of your brain which you normally do not have access to. This is the simplest way to understand what servitor like these do, they are an interface for commanding your own brain to do work which you normally do not know how to perform because you lack training. It's a "cheat" in this way, but it isn't limited to just mental work as the brain also commands supernormal abilities and energy manipulation.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:06 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5717 del
This also controls the general form of the servitor according to the brain map described before, where left frontal lobe is the Anima, a young girl. Right frontal and most of the right half are an older woman. Back left is an adult male, while back right is the Animus, a boy. By creating servitors with an appearance matching the part of the brain you want to address, you command this part of the brain with ease. This is why Astra is an old lady doing divination (abstract right brain) while the energetic logical type is a small girl (left front). For a deeper research type, you should make it a conventional male doctor type, an older man for the main left brain access.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:10 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5718 del
If you want to create a balanced type, you pick elements from each part, so that it becomes a combination. For example if you want to create a right brain divination type it should be an older woman, but if you want to add the left main brain deep thinking, how do you add an "adult male" aspect to it? You give her large breasts and wider hips. In the same way you can start with any basic type and add a conversion of the other types as adapted to the form.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:32 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5719 del
>I've actually been told this so many times...
Well sorry about that. I live around mundanes so I don't really get compliments nor critique about my psychic potential so I am unable to imagine what it must feel to live around people with similar mindsets. Funny thing that when I was able to look into my "lifepath" and as I looked into alternate timelines where I was a mundane and "happy" it turned out all of them had a deep darkness within them because of it and when I was able to look into the past to see what would have happened if I choose to stay as a mundane on this timeline and live as an ignorant NPC then I would have died of murdersuicide... Because of my absolute desire to retain my potential my life made interesting turns and once I realized the people I have around are more of an energetic drain than benefit if I want to be more than a normie I left behind most of them... which in hindsight turned out to be the better choice seeing how they turned out...
> I have experienced this phenomenon personally many, many times.
Do you live around places like these? How do you wander into the same dimension structures? I might be too asleep so I never really seen it happen. Not to mention I usually sleepwalk with my guides so I rarely get "lost". It was years ago the last time when I had a feeling that I am somewhere I am not supposed to be.
>I don’t think this would work on a bridge like that where you can see where you are going at all times due to the lack of walls
The "trick" is that it's "above water" so if the spirit "looks into the water" it gets washed away with it. I merged with waterflows many times but not the "corner lapses". My subconscious usually only pulls me into the dream if I am in danger or it is real important so I never really wake up at corners nor go to sleep in the process because once I'm there I am there. I rarely get force disconnected.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:33 Id: 43e343 [Preview] No.5720 del
>first pic
The "trick" is not to "drive yourself mad" but feel what "resonates" with the magic and tap into that force. Madness is a good inspiration at first but an unproductive chaos at the end. Once you realize which part of the "madness" makes things "click" you go into that. But I shouldn't talk about this like I am an expert because once I reached an energetic level entities noticed me and offered to guide me so my path was not "madness only". It was the case of learning to run before you learn to walk.
>i am going mad sometimes, i assume this is just cleansing
That too but I can't talk about this process because I just "learned" that I can activate my energy field like it is a tornado made of primordial fire to cleanse a set of subdimensions that "make" reality so I was not really bothered much.
But I was never a patient person with low level entities so it's not like they made a "habit" of bothering me.
>considering they wear my face it's probably fragmentation
That too but "fairies" are quite dumb sometimes so if they see other entities wearing "your face" then they will think "you like that". They are masters of fulfilling some functions but they don't always have enough awareness to know wearing your face is rude. I mean in my case if anyone does that and I find out they are a "foreign entity" they will feel my energies going hostile so they usually avoid that. My internal aspects can do that tho but that is in the "illusory nature of the self" mystery which is still too complicated to talk about. But foreign entities have an easy time temporarily merging with "unused fragments" that is true.
>if i tried to be a normie
How can anyone wish for something like that. Did you not see the state of normies around you? I can somewhat PRETEND to be normieesque but becoming one? But then again that is something I was bad everytime I incarnated as a male. Only my female incarnations had a common sense and a way to "sleep through a life". They deserved to be happy with blissful ignorance. For me ignorance is a pain that gets worse the longer I ignore it.
>there could be more to this but i can't grasp it all yet.
That feeling is on the path for a very long while.
>well like a corpse with black flesh and blood (by that i mean everything but the bones is pitch black)
Those are "low level manifesters". They are "imitating" muscles. Their only "value" is the bones themselves. I was gnashed by teeth and I dubbed them "karma beasts" and when trying to sleep I seen them eating my blood. As I was wondering if this is an initiation or a cleansing I kindly asked them that
>Can you do it without driving up my blood pressure and letting me sleep
Then they said
>If we drive up your blood pressure or not is not for you to decide
Then I said fuck it and dropped them to hell then with the gnashing teeth I realized I can just "rip out their teeth" then "grind it down" and integrate it into my own bones then make that process "automatic". So to beings that need "minerals" so they can "manifest" on this plane only to eat "more astral minerals" so they can take a proper form can go and fuck themselves. With this these low level manifestors have the only chance at survival via aligning themselves to me and pledging loyalty for defensive duty. And they can "eat" other invaders for sustenance but their "quality" is upgraded so they don't count as "evil familiars" because that gives bad ideas for some entities.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:35 Id: d238bc [Preview] No.5722 del

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