I was also in that place in my dream today. I was in the "surgical room" sections. They usually finalize some installations that I am doing while practicing. That place is a sort of interdimensional medbay. Humanity at the current stage goes to that place for "healing" and "cleansing" so it took that form. Doctors/healers were priests in the past and they are "supposed" to retain that quality nowadays too and some are able despite the odds and because of that spirits manifested places in that way/appearance. The symbol of the medical world is still the staff of Hermes. No matter how mundane the IRL doctors get with their scientism they cannot escape their original inspiration.
In my dream I was on a mobile bed and a large fat guy that looked similarly as the boomer from L4D was on an another bed. I know I was talking to people there a little but it was such a small talk I did not register what it was then as I laid there I felt a metallic "wiring" "actualizing itself" which was something I experienced happening to my energy circuits while awake but not in my dreams. Then as the metallic wiring process finished I started to bleed from my dick When I noticed it I alerted the nurse and she ran to get a doctor and as I felt the blood leaving my body in quite the large quantities I realized how I can "stop it". Then as I lamented how "I have to do everything by myself because doctors are useless as always". Yes I have a slight disdain towards the way doctors do their shit nowadays because making more patients and constantly complaining how overworked they are because they are SHIT at their job is something that gets on my nerves. I have respect towards those that despite the madness of the current world still manage to keep the Hippocratic oath but most are just slaves to the system of retardation The dream ended because I figured out how to move my muscles for this energy work.
This was partly because of this >>5356 and it's continuation because I am dealing with this for a while and I am reaching deeper depths/understanding but whenever I want to word my findings I realize that it's not just inconclusive gibberish but I can still go deeper. Then I realize more things and "to write about it I have to get in touch with the energies for a better picture" mindset I have to balance myself to not release energetic anomaly overloads because I am still bad managing my creative forces. They are either too passionate or too apathetic. Apathetic writing conveys nothing while passionate one does things... Can't believe "welding" is how accurate because it is truly like molten metal but talking about it I should go into how "activated semen" works what I mean about the "dickwomb" and how different parts of the brain resonate with this whole process and how you have to understand how it gets "erect" how it "lubricates" so you don't get burnt out and other stuff... but it's still too christmas for me to write essays about it
>did the assimilation thingy >bridal things keep surging back to me as well
Also if you want some actual advice or have a question about what is exactly happening you have to describe these things a little more in detail because I am feeling how your energies are more balanced and less of "retard shitposty" and can tell you are advancing on your own path but otherwise I can't say anything precise. But I am glad it works out as it should. Currently I have to learn to "trust in the world" and learn the power of patience. I am still too hectic with my energies. This is why I write less until I reach a "balanced inspiration" again.