11/02/2023 (Thu) 20:23
Id: 43e343
>>4853The poultry industry is a mess in europe as of now. There are many factors why. 1 of the reasons the effects of bird flu that can decimate thousands of chickens within weeks and migratory birds and humans can be carriers easily. Because of this "prison type" industrial poultry farms are the only one that are the "effective" 90% success rate of return investment ones. They are usually fully automatic and 1 or 3 person can operate it till the entire population gets sold out. Open area chicken farms are the "most humane" but they usually die from bird flu. Not to mention if any authority that handles the spread of diseases finds out you have bird flu you are obliged to cull your population. Because of this if you want "bio chicken" you have 2 options. 1. overpriced "utopia chicken" that are somehow not count as "Industry farm chicken" because some buzzword tier green shit that decides "what is good for the chicken" or 2. you keep them and raise them at home. Some globohomo pro countries are trying to ban your right to keep chickens in the last years for SOME REASON.
Not mine tho I have homegrown chickens and eggs Also the crazy thing that there is a breed of superdumb chicken that literally dies if the food is not within 20cm to it's living space. Even if you let them go they would not go anywhere they would just stay in place and die. They are the Broiler chickens if I'm right. They reach slaughter age after a month.
But then again I am not big on the poultry industry. That is something you only do when you have the technology otherwise you get fucked. Homegrown chickens are comfy tho. They eat seeds grass bugs and
shit everywhere if you have a proper chicken pen and
foxes are unable to get into it then you are golden.