Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 21:28 Id: d238bc No.4920 del
Further additional information (Hi, this is the public information team):

Some of you will still experience physical sensations which you will relate to the same state of physical sensations as when being the target of banned attacks. We urge you to pay attention; these are your natural bodily reactions which the attackers were trying to stop. When a humanoid body is being energetically refined and the inner alchemy is activating, we call this the inner revolution or personal revolution. Counter-revolutionary forces will attempt to block these movements in your body by attacking those areas. This will cause the revolutionary force to build up, causing tension as the blockage is kept in place through external means. When we ban and remove such forces, the external blocking force is not present, but your inner blockage is still there. This is not an attack against you.

You will now be able to open these energy channels, but the experience can be initially similar as what you relate to an attack, because the attack by counter-revs was motivated by your changing bodily state.