Sunflower 11/05/2023 (Sun) 20:19 Id: d238bc No.4879 del
>trading souls
>"soul refugee policy"
I started off with offering some souls to stay on my island after I realized they had been unjustly placed in the topmost layer of hell "for not knowing the word of God" and other sins that are valid in certain times and locations. I got them out by trading them for shrimp sandwiches. This whole thing may sound absurd but the demons simply said someone would come to get them. Later I worked at a diner and a rather bulky couple came in and ordered two large shrimp sandwiches. I took the order and prepared them with attention because I realized instantly that this was the payment. It was also a lesson on how dealing with hell works.

In the later years with people being zombiefied because it's actually WW3, it's just that things are blocked from playing out according to the worst timeline (because some people are still using the world and need it as it is) a lot of souls were ripped away and put in hell, again for "not knowing the word of God". They really apply medieval laws like this still. Just reading and memorizing a few lines of the Bible would have kept them out of hell, it's not a joke.

When I sent out the "loli-shield" with a mass casting before, it did stick to a lot of people (well mostly girls, as intended) but it doesn't protect mundane people from predetermined death events. However, those how have it were taken aside and placed in a "waiting room" like a train station interior in hell. The shield appears like a knitted pink scarf tied to them, which is telling the demons "this soul belongs to someone". It had this effect. So now and then I get a notification of some sort that someone is available for pick up from hell. It is often some news report where the person is named or shown (such as their now-zombie body being eliminated, the death event playing out, but they were already removed from the body earlier).

I will take them to my island or some other location. Sometimes I let them convert to drow which makes them immortal. Sometimes djinn will handle it, and so on.

I don't capture souls to sell, I only buy them loose from hell if needed.