Sunflower 11/24/2023 (Fri) 22:21 Id: 43e343 No.5083 del
>I have a drive (and ability) to dig all the way in to see the origin of things
Same but discord is not something I want to deep really into because I know those places will just cannibalize each other. I have even looked at the energetic structure of discord and how easy it is to implode it but... That would make the "destruction of the wasp hive" problem. They will just fly out and make hives everywhere. This is why /pol/ was always necessary on imageboards and why generals are allowed on some boards because you want to contain that retardation. And wasps usually eat and raid each other once winter comes. Messing with their "ecology" is just "mean" don't you think?
>just one level above this one
It literally had /younglove/ or whatever the board called. Shameless honeypots as always.
>of course relates to the people paying them not wanting them to find it
Also easy way to access incriminating material when you want to blackmail someone and these criminals always snitch on the lower criminals this is why competent authorities keep them around. Information sometimes has more value than money. Funny how our authorities keep the leash on our criminals. It's a truly fascinating system.