01/04/2024 (Thu) 18:15
Id: 325c0b
Admittedly I've been a bit conflicted reporting on this since it has same energy as that assisination I carried out for my sisters but... I don't think I should ignore this.
I was in the mansion and was also charged(?) with observing certain things like before in addition to the usual chores you mentioned before. It was some kind of sewage(?) planet where it was mostly waste but there were people who looked like early resident characters killing zombies and weird mutated human(?) They... Didn't seem like they created via a bioweapon like how RE has it portrayed but.. magically or perhaps it was something inherent? Anyways I saw these soldieresque being fight and kill them off but I couldn't help but feel that it was a Eldritch thing going on, unless I'm imagining things, the entire event was just strange. But that was mostly context, the main thing is that I was grand room with my sisters, It was a concert hall(?) with red carpet and all. I recall us having some guy on a leash and walking toward the center stage (I can't remember if my sisters wanted us to perform an execution or not) but as we got closer and closer, the person's body started... To break apart and maggots were leaking out of him. It was sooooo disgusting...! I couldn't tell if they were turning into something or just dying/ripping apart/disintegrating... I asked my sisters what's going because allllll those maggots were such a disgusting sight. They told me it was apparently due to this man not having water inside him so his body was reverting(?) And becoming rotten. I took a look at him (or rather they told me to), it felt like a weird familiarity. I... Do not if that repugnant creature was my mundane self or that... Infernal abomination I utterly brutalized for my sisters a year and a half ago or if it's some foreign entity entirely.. very very disgusting...
My body has been changing again too it seems. To pic related, outside of the doll form it feels.. much more comfortable and natural fitting..