01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:42
Id: 325c0b
Called out for dinner, im back now
>I forgot so either link the post pls or rewrite the experience if you think it's, i can rewrite it, i dont mind
>one night i was with them>they wanted me to do an assassination on someone or something>obviously i was in doll form but i was more dressed up like kunoichi, with stealth, weapons etc.>i happily accepted because i'll do anything they ask>i go through a birdge, forest and several random places until i find the target>it was some huge fat blob man thing, not exactly like jabba the hut from star wars since this... thing could move around and walk, it was more like cartman from that episode of very early south park where he got super fat from eating those beefcake supplements>things happen and were said then the engagement began>the fight was more or less at a stalemate because we both had the stamina to withstand each others blows>at some point he started saying things to me>specifically about my sisters, trying to sow doubt and many other things>tried to say they didnt love me, i am nothing, i will die to him, etc.>out of all of that when that thing said something about my sisters... something snapped me in me>something akin to [Embed] happened and horribly brutalized him, i kept slashing, breaking, burning, stunning and blasting him until he could no longer move
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