Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 00:54 Id: d238bc No.4932 del
The federation has 1000s of galaxies with countless planets. There is no "failed" communism, there are only different waves of communism. The first 3 waves never stick, they're the "storm trooper Z" who will die to break the enemy line, and no one in the federation cares one bit, because a non-unified, non-federation planet is a dead planet. In the long run, planets who can't create unity under one leader and/or join the federation, WILL DIE, no exception. So it doesn't matter if a retard called Mao killed 80 million Chinese in the process of initiating the revolution there, or anywhere. Once 4th wave communism is reached, things can start functioning, at the soonest.

George Orwell had the Big Brother agent tell the mc and his mistress that "you are the dead ones", quoting a fake revolutionary text which talked about how the resistance will not succeed in one generation, ever. Whoever starts the rebellion will not see success - this is true in the federation.

The Tea Party did the same in America, they were the first wave who would not succeed in the first election, but they were violent enough to pave the way for Trump to get in the second time. This is the main trick applied in different ways by different groups. The Molochians can't think this way, because they are atheists who don't believe in reincarnation. They can't think two terms ahead or two lives ahead.

If we're to include Ukraine in the equation, a back seat war strategist like me predicted what the generals in the west didn't. They are now talking to media about how
>a normal nation would have given up by now, Russia has had 250k losses but it has had no negative effect on public opinion
As if there were no historical examples...? Moreover, the official figure is 30k dead soldiers, the rest are Wagner or prisoners, they've released half their prison population since the war started. Solved 3 problems at once: no more nazi rebels, no overcrowded prisons, and did the job in Ukraine.

But no, western leaders can't think this way, they are mentally blocked. And they aren't faking it, they are hardwired that way. No matter how cynical they are, they can't think in several steps like this.

Oh and let's not forget about how Gaza conveniently drew attention away from Ukraine. Now western governments can silently end that costly support to Ukraine while everyone is twisting back and forth trying to criticise Israel without being anti-semitic and staring at tv image of dead children.

It's a convenient event for everyone except Ukraine and the instigators of the NATO expansion.