Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 23:11 Id: 43e343 No.5171 del
>so ummm... i think i got abducted by an female cult
>(this hasn't happened for like 3-4 years now)
Now you have to describe how those happened so I can see a link between or something.
>recall being in the same school they took me to before
Okay this is a lead.
>in terms of scale
I too had times when I was in magic school astral realms and such but I was not abducted. I was there as an observer and tried out spells and talked about how I should specialize and the sorts.
>and be really weird
Describe that weirdness pls. At magic forums weird~ "weird" (((weird)))) and weird have different levels and meanings.
>which is genuine wtf tier
Why? I mean at some "wild" places it's sometimes... well... normal.
>had to avoid men for some reason
Am pretty sure that "some reason" is not getting raped after this. If a woman has no anti rape magic or knows how to keep distance then she was asking for it. I am pretty sure this is the reasoning but I don't have a clear image of your academy yet.