12/25/2023 (Mon) 15:36
Id: d238bc
I made it through the same standard as I've seen my past life bodies in, when I met my personas from London and 900s Japan once (at individual times) on a city street. The middle channel was strongly orange, and there was a feeling which was hard to explain associated with it. In retrospect it was because I know what it is, but at the time wasn't able to understand this, it was way before I knew anything about these periods.
Orange here means the energy of having deep physical experience of something, of having performed or practiced something. The MMO way is still relevant. Things take immense time and effort compared to how it sounds in ancient scriptures or when taught, and the effect seems much lesser than its description seems to hint at. But when done, it's solid and the value is experienced first hand, which changes the understanding of it. Real power is minimalistic.
I also see that this does mark "leaving hell" in the same manner as the "from Hell" letter manifests the infernal mindset. It's easy to understand while in it, but once out on the other side, it's forgotten. People from the past turn into shadows in memory, and their meaning is merely references to the concept of what role they played.
It feels almost as distant as when recalling memories from revolutionary Paris; I see what appears to be a family when growing up, but they leave no impact. Everything important takes place later, the image only clears at age 17. I guess most people never rise up from the shadows, and remain there as concepts only.