Sunflower 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:56 Id: 43e343 No.5607 del
>he occasionally got high off cough syrup
Greatness huh. I know some people who know some people like him. Yeah not easy to be around them.

>at it being an american egregore, a bit suprised? sure. I genuinely thought it was something else entirely honestly
It was the alternate NPC path of you. You are what you eat. You "eat" the energies or that egregore then you become the person that makes that egregore. Imagine if you cut off the common denominator from everyone and used that to make a single being. That single being would be that.

>He handles black holes
Yeah my lower back started to tingle but I have a feeling we completely use different meanings how suns work and how blackholes operate and what counts as "burning". Is a sun burning? Is plasma a materia that burns by default or only if it touches something that can be consumed via burning? How does a blackhole "burn" it is the "opposite" of the "sun". The reason we "see" blackholes because the light around it. That is the light it did not absorb yet. Also I hate the concept of blackholes and suns because they are dimensional tears caused by the false understanding of "gravity". Yeah I am not making sense what I am trying to say. Maybe later.

Great now my back hurts because I am tensing my back muscles for no reason. *sigh*


Yeah it's getting late.