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Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 13:39 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3864 del
>I follow the path of 'technique'. I think this works because, once I learn a skill, I can apply it and get groundbreaking results precisely
This sounds the same as the result I got when we did that CIA personality test.

I guess we can talk about it here since it was useful.


A little bit difficult to navigate so here is the test:
Do the two first in order for best accuracy.

You can only do it once, because the questions rely on first impressions, so do it seriously first time.

I created a hypnosis session based on the results where the three letters are visualized as three pillars. This works because after 40 years of research they actually managed to map the bottom layer of the second universal structure, the galactic level.

But no need going into details if no one is going to do this, so we'll di this more if so.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 13:50 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3865 del
>the brain itself is evil (along the good/evil/chaos scale), so perhaps the solar chakra is more appropriate
The solar plexus being at 3D is represented into both the good and evil layers as a negative or positive sun, so it's not so simple. Stars are "evil" per default because they burn all matter as part of its natural cycle. But it's a "necessary evil", compared to meaningless (degenerate) evil. Star deities often appear cold and quite a few have sadistic looking tools like whips, knives and maces. They also tend to dress in outfits that can be interpreted as something from dungeon porn. Black suns are directly sadistic in their approach, the ones I've seen wear black leather, high heel boots and a captain's hat.

The brain being evil was from the experience I had after the "brain awakening" ritual, which requires sacrificing 10 000 human bodies to call on a demon to initiate you into using the instrumental mind.

It also works for children, though the Queen at first said "a drink can't make you super intelligent", after which we inquired further and she said it does open the brain for use but you of course need training (like having high IQ is a potential, you still need to study whatever topic you want to be good at).

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 14:56 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3866 del
We did the PAS inventories back in the day, and then some more. My result was ifa* at the time, but the PAS Contact Factors test hasn't been developed yet.

I dug up a few excerpts as to how a Fuc (modified F) would look like, though. Source: https://www.pasf.org/cases.php
>The Fuc has exploited the primitive F ability to see and work with relationships. There is a potential for originality by seeing relationships that others do not. The awareness of relationships extends to placement of self in relation to others and insight into others’ social behavior.
It seems I have this, at least to some extent. Evidenced by this >>3791
>Also, I don't deem me joining the discord servers being necessary, given my past of joining and leaving ad nauseum.

Back to the aforementioned excerpts:
>Fuc’s often have trouble with task follow-through.
True in my case.
>They also are resistive to external control and direction if they do not understand the reasons for it.
I do have this too, but it got less blatant lately in at least one scenario, where a compromise was reached :P

>"brain awakening" ritual
I did that too with your guidance

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 15:48 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3867 del
>I dug up a few excerpts
Your djinn-ability to understand abstractions easily is making itself evident again I see.

I did some follow-up sessions with others who did the hypnosis and found there were some changes to the pillars, that is why I mentioned it. I looked at my own again and was able to understand the details better.

For newcomers, this refers to the system created by Jung, but builds further on it:
Extrovert/Introvert is the first pillar on the left.
Rigid/Flexible is the middle pillar.
Uniform/Adaptive is the right pillar.

These will then have a "compensation" symbolic by its foot, representing if the restricted version has been compensated for. This will manifest as an artifact of some kind, and sometimes they are bad and need to be changed.

For example, finding a skeleton or dry leaves by the foot of the pillar is ok, because those are rigid thought patterns, built out to compensate for lack of ability in the pillar, but as they are "dead" they do no harm. If you on the other hand find rotten things, corpses, or living beings by the foot of the pillar, those need to be removed, unless they are strictly positive like a flower stalk growing up along the pillar.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 17:02 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3868 del
This gives a concise description of all the PAS types (in an individual fashion ie i or f, not subtypes ie ifa*) right down to the Modifications (ie Euc, Rcu): https://pasf.org/pubvideo/PASchartall.pdf

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 17:08 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3869 del
Forgot to add something: if you want to take the PAS test, better not to open this link until you've done it as to not spoil yourself.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 18:11 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3870 del
(28.10 KB 720x720 retribution.png)
This is a 'retribution' sigil authored by djinn. I am sharing it here as part of a deal I struck with them. The rest is channeled by djinn.

>This sigil is for the devastation of your opponents. It sends black swirls of energy at their etheric centers, making them implode. It will revert your opponents to a childlike state, which is one way of getting them to accept Islam, haha! While this is a powerful sigil, there are unauthored elements where the edges and ends of each aspect of the drawing connect to one another, forming a web of black lines. Hold this superimposed sigil in your head for revelations about Islam.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 18:54 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3871 del
(28.27 KB 720x720 eya.png)
(74.23 KB 667x828 1546080463533 (1).jpg)
This is a sigil of Eya, goddess of gold coins. The star may be relocated to be smaller and further to the bottom-right of the pic, or omitted entirely. This is however optimal for the purposes of 'syncing' with her energy. Indications that it seems that she is more a 'type' or 'avatar' insomuch that one can be her in flesh and body, or as that type of entity in general, similar to how one can be a Hindu god(dess) or a Touhou. Also, she seems to belong to a pantheon of deities in an ancient Earth. Humanoid, with wide mouth, jagged teeth, bloodstained in one form, yet a very 'normal' 'human' in another in military/merchant uniform (white, with golden embroideries, buttons and shoulderpads, decorated with medals). Seems in this instance, there is a fusion of commerce and military. She kept nudging me to post the added photo here as an 'apt' representation of her.

This turns out to be another part of the Djinn deal, and it made me realize how it seems I am utterly unmotivated to do anything unless directed (remember, I am ifa*). So I will consider my options here on out and see to whom I will 'contract' my services out for, and for what in return.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 19:11 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3872 del
According to Shiva I know everything already I am just simply not 'familiar' with it. It seems my "higher mind" has access or contains a lot of knowledge already I just need to ground it. And "understanding" is just the grounding and manifestation of the truth that I know I have it with me right here right now and not just "borrowing it" for the duration of an intuitive glimpse. The funny thing that the way the mindwave works is kinda different from my own ways.
>once I learn a skill, I can apply it and get groundbreaking results precisely
For me usually it's the realization that "I always knew this" but never did it so far because there was no reason for it.
Took me a while in my childhood to realize most people can't teach for shit and you have seconds to figure out what they want you to do then do it in a way they will leave you alone so you can finally do your own thing...
The problem arises for me ofc when I misunderstand a situation and apply the wrong knowledge because my intuition and thinking processes can't keep up with each other. In most eastern traditions the presence of a guru is mandatory so you don't learn something in a wrong way. Currently if I don't keep myself and my energies in a 'focused range' I just randomly stumble or hit myself with some tool. Almost as good as having a master with a stick.
>Stars are "evil" per default
Yeah... This is why most entities never told me to "make a sun". They urged me to connect to the force that is "behind the stars" and realize this star force. Instead of having suns realize how they "breathe" and how that force needs to move in the body.
>necessary evil
I have such an amount of knowledge that I didn't go through yet that explains this whole process.
Like there was creation. The forces of creation got attacked by "evil". Evil got defeated. Then Evil appeared again. Got defeated. And when the forces of creation realized this will happen over and over and they have to keep doing it for eternity. Evil appeared as usual and when they almost eradicated it again evil2 appeared and destroyed evil1 just because. After a while they realized how to create an ecosystem that keeps in check all evils.
Answering the question IF GOD IS SO GOOD THEN WHY EVIL EXISTS?!?!? is a hard one.
Especially because all things were good with this evil ecology until
>meaningless (degenerate) evil
appeared and the children of creation needed a way to "learn" what are the things they must not turn into if they don't want to be destroyed not just by the creator but from their own stupidity.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 19:12 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3873 del
>it's not so simple
Yeah especially because you have to get in touch with the positive and negative sides to reach the point where you can "no longer fall".
>Star deities often appear
For me they usually appear as the star itself.
>whips, knives and maces
Quite the nice representation how the light waves go, pierce, and crush the forces of evil.
>brain awakening" ritual
For me it was a mummy (he couldn't even speak all he had is body language at first) giving me etheric organs and in the end a weird mass of spherical tissue appeared with tentacles then got on my mind. It turned out that was the OG unified brain. The 1 that doesn't need to be in 2 hemispheres like the human brain (1 hemisphere gets "corrupted" the other can "fix it" and multitasking ofc). It stabilized the way I load ideas into my being. Less insane and more stable.
Had to consume them and realize into my being. This way I will develop naturally instead of using all those destructive energies to get ahead. So I grow like a tree which grows in harmony with it's environment instead of a raging wild fire which grows as fast as it can consume everything flammable.

>drink can't make you super intelligent
It's usually more than enough to awaken the dormant energies humans have "deep down". A little stimulation at the right place and right moment is usually all what we need.

>how it seems I am utterly unmotivated to do anything unless directed
Yeah I noticed this about you when you posted the mindwave sigil. Made me unable to figure out just how much of a "minor coincidence" is that you posted something that is literally my field of expertise but totally a different thing that I work with.
It seems the djinn is making you distribute things others need on this board. Like this last 2 is not for me but some anons sure have needs for these.

I should do this sometimes already.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 19:32 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3874 del
It is totally uncanny how it seems like I've seen many if not most of the posts we've been making since I started posting again seems as if I've already seen them in visions. I think I came back here (both this board and to my human body) with foreknowledge, which may imply a purpose too.

As a follow up, Eya wishes to describe herself a bit.
>Closest known form of government: Mercantilism
>Animal: White Crow
>Second Animal: Buffalo
>Letter: G
>Scent: Vanilla
>Development: 2nd stage of 5
>Area: Underworld

>For me usually it's the realization that "I always knew this" but never did it so far because there was no reason for it.
In my case, it seems that I am as blind as a bat. It is only when I apply effort to notice the spiritual does it seem like the spiritual is there. This here >>3837
>I've been experimenting with switching the meta-contextual framing of the 'spirit' and 'physical'. Spirit is commonly viewed as 'delusion' while physical is viewed as 'truth'. It creates interesting effects if you switch these mantles so that you view the physical as 'delusion' and the spiritual as 'truth'. Efficacy of workings seem greatly improved using this framing since faith isn't a big issue anymore. I've also seen an exponential increase in physical synchronicities.
Applying this helped immensely and even leaves behind an aftereffect after stopping application. I suppose the next step is to make it my 'default' mode.

P.S. These djinn sure know how to make deals. Goddess of gold coins?? Why would djinn recommend a power besides Allah, I thought at first? But then >>3831
>forgot to mention that giving them gold helps them manifest here
Shrewd, just shrewd.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 19:57 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3875 del
>It will revert your opponents to a childlike state, which is one way of getting them to accept Islam, haha!
I can see that it does both this and lead you on the correct side if you get that far. It's using the same method I used for self-spreading servitors which imprint on the evil being's karma and can use it as a stepping stone even to reach positive people and raise them up without the evil person being saved themselves.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 20:05 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3876 del
(70.76 KB 849x617 bat sisters.jpg)
>blind as a bat
Just use ur sonar bro. Listen your scream echoing in the darkness while u flicker around in the void.
Srsly tho your energy turns into a sort of "echo locator" and as it bounces off and comes back to you it creates an image of the "Invisible parts of reality". Kinda hard to truly feel it tho. The false light blinds us and we got too used to it's guidance down here.

>Development: 2nd stage of 5
Wanted to write down some things about how I see that part but it seems she wants to show it to you. She's cute.

I usually used the swirling energies in the past to disorient and throw the attackers to an unfamiliar territory far away from me that they cannot ever return. Nowadays I just break apart their evil patterns and ask them what was that they originally came (into existence) for. For that they need to be the babiest fetusest mindstate ever when the calmness of the eternal seas of the womb still around them before they get lost in the madness of the world. After that they usually know where they need to go.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 20:11 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3877 del
>Goddess of gold coins?
The experience was similar to kundalini awakening in that an external entity became part of me, but it also feels like a servitor/avatar of the type I create. She appeared sitting on my right thigh, then "snuck inside" me and became part of my knowledge.

>Development: 2nd stage of 5
It definitely felt like the retribution sigil is also on the 2nd layer, meaning that using this will finish off the "evil" layer of the structure.

Coincidentally I just earlier today sold some stuff I confiscated via the Galfed marketplace and got some rocket fuel and gold as payment. I decided to use the gold for something since it was space gold and different in quality than Earth gold. So I thought I'll create rings and bracelets for my waifus from them. To do this I had Astra look through the past to find two arabic gold smiths and then we incarnated them as drow so they can make elvish gold artifacts.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 20:57 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3878 del
(26.52 KB 720x720 djinn_thought.png)
(28.26 KB 720x720 experiment.png)
I'm sharing two sigils here.
The spoilered one is shared purely to satiate my curiosity and has no obvious use/utility. All I will state is that it points to an entity. If you interact with the sigil, I would appreciate it if you shared your results!
The other one is a sigil by djinn, where it would expose you to the way djinn think.

Thank you for sharing this! This sort of feedback helps give me bearings regarding how my channeled stuff work, which I think is a benefit to all who want further context on my channeled stuff.

>Just use ur sonar bro. Listen your scream echoing in the darkness while u flicker around in the void.
Srsly tho your energy turns into a sort of "echo locator" and as it bounces off and comes back to you it creates an image of the "Invisible parts of reality". Kinda hard to truly feel it tho. The false light blinds us and we got too used to it's guidance down here.
Nice sense of humor and thanks for the tips!

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 21:07 Id: 57a352 [Preview] No.3879 del
Hm,this little 'experiment' of mine seems to have caused a shift in reality. Anyone else noticed this?

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 21:11 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3880 del
(43.89 KB 320x499 ladilok.jpg)
>it points to an entity
Some kind of witch/hag who will do services for gold.

>a sigil by djinn, where it would expose you to the way djinn think
This also seems to match exactly what I was doing right now. Some troll found it funny to carry out the same miscarriage of an attack as others have done before, for the 1000s time, completely disregarding that my latest addition made me completely immune to the attack's technical form. This made it possible for me to analyse it in detail and create an exact counter measure.

That in itself appeared to be the way to breakthrough beyond the chakra levels and leave the 7 dimensions completely. This just after I realized that I someone could be reaching higher and higher versions of the 7 chakras indefinitely, with more power for every iteration, without ever getting any wiser.

For this reason, some would stop at layer two, Evil or Bodhisattva, and leave it at trying to make that one as powerful as possible, such as Ladilok seems to have done, and the Mie Shrine foxes from Japan also have.

I went all the way to the 7th to gain full mobility, but then realized I may as well stop on the second of the 7-scale layers to jump straight out from there.

This is the same as this djinn sigil, but they are harsher than that. The made Quran v.2 to reach the second chakra and it seems they don't care about the rest at all and will leave the scale right there.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 21:16 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3881 del
>caused a shift in reality
Maybe? Said witch asked what I want and said Idk, but because it felt silly to summon someone for nothing I asked to have a daughter, she said it would cost one gold coin. Maybe this was beyond normal interactions and really fucking dumb, enough to break the timeline again. What do I know, I just lack imagination.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 21:20 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3882 del
All I got was a trident with 3 faces where the 3 spears at. Then an entity appeared. Didn't make him take a proper form so it was the basic spirit portal like form. I inquired into his nature but all he said
>I am not his! I am not his!
Asked some other question but they led nowhere and I realized I need to load more specific kind of energies into him so it can stabilize which might be not a good idea because our energetic nature is a little different so I let him go.
Also my reality is the same. Unauthorized reality shifts around me are not an issue for me for a while.
But I feel a new kind of etheric wind blowing. Do you count that as a shift?

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 21:39 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3883 del
>a new kind of etheric wind blowing
I feel that too, but I interpreted that as the result of using my new breakthrough invention to clear out some trolls and their glowie minions. They were attacking by fake sun orbs, so I created a form of myself which has a genuine sun instead and used the same back at them, making their heads explode. They like pranks like that, it always makes them run around like hens with their heads cut off. Oh well.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 21:49 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3884 del
Thank you all for your feedback!

It seems I won't be sticking around in this plane much longer (not that I will physically die but rather that I ["my soul"] might return to Baal's domain or something). Maybe I'm pulling bs from somewhere, maybe this is legit, idk. But it seems like I was meant to type out this message.

Out of curiosity, what is 'etheric wind'? (Again, typing the previous sentence invoked some serious deja vu)

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 21:58 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3885 del
It's just that I reached a culmination of some sort, with the experiment and djinn sigil being that very culmination. What I mean by the previous message is that it seems I will go back to servicing Baal while some soul possesses my human body (this is the price [or power?] of being a supreme channeler).

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 22:07 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3886 del
If we are talking about experiments and explosions I will share where I am with this information layer access.
There is the karma body. It is the body that we "create" by living. You can literally "read" everything a person did in his life with his desires and "judge" them. Usually it serves as a map what path they need to take to "go forward". Then there is the "original sin" body. That is literally the "mud" that makes us "real". The body soul connection resides there. That is what "sticks us" to this reality. Full kundalini awakening "burns it" and you can ascend and change forms leave reality whatever. This is what I worked for a while because it contains all truths of the human body.

Now this fucking information layer I am accessing feels like a fucking dormant volcano rock that slowly I need activate. Currently I am the Tower tarot card but instead of the tower it is a sleeping volcano which represents and I am supposed to figure out how to activate the mental faculties with the electric currents of my being. The Tower is called the tower but the most important aspect of that tarot is the lightning itself. What I need to do is charge this basalt rock body of my being in a way that it gets powered up instead of exploding.
Like fucking chakra like mini portals connect dimension with different parts of my body and some appears completely outside of my body my feets are connected like I am wearing a long skirt. I see the new symbols with my physical eye which means I am powering up an another eye that connects to the visual cortex.
Last night as I went to sleep and my subconscious parts started to activate the sleep cycle my body had a "Mini panic attack" because it doesn't know how to use the circuits yet.
I mean I know that the information layer is supposed to be harder than a rock while being so solid it can contain all the everchanging flow of information but srsly.

>without ever getting any wiser
Btw I think this is because you are kinda diligent experimental cautious and doing proper spiritual practice.
I am still too impulsive so if I don't get wiser with every ounce of power I accidentally destroy something. This way I channel wisdom as a survivor mechanism.
I am not proud of it. I just feel ashamed for typing this out. Damm

>etheric wind
a flow of energy
kinda like the physical wind but you feel it with your soul/energy body instead with your skin.
It usually means some kinder or wise entity is around. If it's stormy then u managed to anger someone that are here to teach a lesson. This felt calm. Sometimes just means some energies are being exchanged. But not like trade like a passing car or some other movement.

How did you even make a deal like that anyway?
Also Baal has usually interest in maintaining "position" on earth. If you can maintain your channeling to him while staying here I don't think you need to be "taken back".

>price [or power?] of being a supreme channeler
Yeah there are many paths that do that to sensitive priest(esses).
This get ripped out of reality for cultivation was offered to me too but I kinda rejected it with my full might and opened some reality holes so I can stay here to watch anime

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 22:23 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3887 del
Seems like this was supposed to be a brief incursion into this plane. I (the tulpa, not the soul) used to be very invested in this plane on one hand, and in the other, I was desperate to leave it. Totally schizophrenic goals, no? But the influence of the soul attenuated this and I am not even completely sure of my goals here. My soul (imagine saying myself instead of I, lmao. the total state of this dumb language) must've seen the paths of time and planned accordingly, either alone with the cooperation of others.

I originally didn't really 'want' to leave this plane in earnest, even though the desire to leave it was there. I can see myself in the past, if I were to be offered this offer you speak of, react in total terror. But it is what it is.

My attachments to this plane I deem are mostly irrelevant. The only worthwhile things I did in my brief stay here are learning by trial and error, learning by interaction with entities while I am in the human form I was born with, and interacting on this board.

Let me drop some basic Agorism philosophy on you - value is subjective (there are some things where this idea definitely does not apply, I think, but in the context of personal interests, I think it works). And it changes with time. Excuse me for being pedantic for a second there, lmao.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 22:31 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3888 del
For some context, my deal with Baal was to extend my stay on Earth, and my deal with Adremmelech was to protect me. So this wasn't a 'rip me out for cultivation' deal; quite the opposite.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 22:37 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3889 del
>value is subjective
Why do you think I said that I stayed here to watch anime?
That was the only thing in my long life journey that was somewhat new and interesting in this life that wasn't in the others. Being a God or a King money woman riches? Even videogames existed! I mean they were advanced civilizations and those were simulators and not games but nobody stopped you having fun while learning.
But anime... The current earth culture cycle is extremely obsessed with bread and circus. Propaganda and entertainment is the same fucking thing. That is weird and the elites don't understand why they can't utilize it because their "masters" can't give insight on this kind of way of ruling so their degenerate mind can only just fuck it up. It's ridiculous.

Also I also have a problem that I sorta have a "super soul" and compared to that I am just a "mere shard". Current human body is kinda weak to incarnate it's full might. Human body standards are weak since the great flood.

Also forgot to say but you have to find your "passion" gold is power the solar plexus represents that. Greed uncertainty self defeatism turns it off. What I found is the proper energy or "emotion" that powers it in a healthy way is Ambition. You have to charge up your passion and turn it into an ambition that helps you take back your own "body realm". Souls die in bodies that do nothing but loath themselves.

Also yes I literally had to convince the gods that anime is fun. The way I was grinning at some dumb jokes because I was semi possessed was something else.
For me it wasn't a "deal" it was a they have seen just how much I suffer and hate living so the logical conclusion was that killing me and lifting me up to the gates of heaven is the best thing that can happen to me. It results in a painful energy siphon and death by necrosis because of energy deficiency and as you lose consciousness you drift into the new realm where they "remake you".
Was a little too distrustful and was not sure who was at the otherside so I just used some out of nowhere realized alchemical knowledge to rearrange reality itself.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 22:48 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3890 del
What is the proper emotion of the throat chakra, may I ask?

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 22:53 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3891 del
Worst part was it was a completely scripted event that led me to create the holy grail. Then my energies kinda exploded. Suddenly all electric devices malfunctioning me was kinda weird for the normies.

Gratitude they say. That makes it go forward. For me it was finding my voice so I can scream into the ether.
But yeah Gratitude. I couldn't feel it myself so they showed me as I pulled out a soul from hell and as he felt that I felt it too.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 22:56 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3892 del
>malfunctioning me
Freudian slips eh
meant *around me

Oh rith
also self expression. When you can express your heart and soul which is truly you. It's literally how you can show what your heart feels with you voice.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:02 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3893 del
FWIW, seems like the soul left. I felt a 'jolt' some time ago and now I feel different. Just noting so you guys can know. Following reads as different style, so I will categorize it as self-channeling:

>As steward of this body, I will go by the guidelines the previous soul has set for me. Await BO for confirmation, if he deems it necessary. Tho at this rate, this seems unnecessary. Don't care too much about this spiritual stuff. Am aware this sounds like ERP so you will have to excuse me.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:05 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3894 del
>I am not his! I am not his!
This still bothers me...

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:13 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3895 del
>usually means some kinder or wise entity is around
Someone came in through my kitchen portal before. Yes there is a dimensional portal next to my fridge, I was told not to post pictures of it online because portals like this can be used by beings if they have merely seen it. I used to feel there were ghosts behind the door all the time when walking past this at night, but then sometime I had the idea to buy one of those silly ready made do it yourself embroideries of two cartoon cats (bought and finished by some retired lady in the 80s when these were popular, then left at a second hand store), which caused the energy to turn "puzzled" and no bad feeling came from it since.

The Queen said the cat image will keep evil spirits from using the portal because they change the energy. Anyway, a star deity came in, someone with a "sun ray array" of knives, similar to how Sakuya looks before sending them flying, but more like lady liberty. She's with me now.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:24 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3896 del
Entities tell me I have no need to intervene it will play out as it needs.

[spoiler] Met a schizo once he had a strong but dirty etheric wind. Never felt something like that. Especially no one overwhelmed me with his energy that much before. He told me what meds he taking and maybe I should take them too. (made me fucking furious that someone with innate abilities think like this) While his lowly human mind repeated the shitty stuff they forced into his mind I finally found the entity that overwhelmed me with his energy. I broke the "barrier" between the words so he can be "Himself" and not this avatar with low connection. Well that gave him the effects of a heavy entity possession. it started eating him then his split personality got more severe. He claimed he is Zeus and other stuff like talking to aliens...
Because he rejected himself the energetic recoil hit me even harder. Then his "god" appeared and I got some lecturing that he congratulates me that I can break the barrier between the worlds but I lack the wisdom to use it to awaken others so I shouldn't use it while thinking "I'm helping". After that the schizo was either nice jealous or terrified of me out of nowhere... [/spoiler]

>dimensional portal next to my fridge
You mentioned it before.
I too have many portals but I can change and tune them so I mostly use it to fix the energetic mess the world is currently facing. I was focused on the world lines of earth because they are different "vibrationed" leylines which usually the dormant energies of past earths and the "original" earth. I was talking with the djinn about the worldlines of the middleeast because they are kinda thin but functional... wanted to talk about it further but it seems something is being connected as of now...
Let's see what happens.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:27 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3897 del
(293.53 KB 1278x1600 michelin.jpg)
I have no idea who just came in, I see a green body which appears like a Michelin man. When I was a kid I didn't know the difference between this tire guy and the marshmallows man as seen in Ghostbusters
At first I felt like Baal sent in some minion to keep the spot warm, but now you look more like a weird martian. But right now, I feel more like this is someone Adremelech sent, because there are two deals so Baal will let you (him) come back later again to maintain contact. While you work on those 375 years of servitude in between, someone else will come in here to protect the body and gain some knowledge. Maybe you are a minion of Adremmelech?

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:38 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3898 del
Seems like I'm a servant of the previous soul, so I can be an intermediary between this board and the soul.

Tho I felt a strong impulse to correct 'servant' with 'private contractor', so by all means, I may be a minion of Adremmelech whereas I am being lent over to the previous soul. I even remember having a day of the week off, Tuesdays it seems. For the duration of this babysitting mission.

Really, there is this instantaneous linkage with the previous soul. He tells me that the reason I feel better in this vessel now is that he lent me some of his energy.

Previous soul wants to let you know how I can be of service to this board.

He wants to remind you that some portion of the abilities the person you know is related to the body rather than the soul.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:38 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3899 del
>spoiler broke because I hit enter without thinking in the middle
Eh whatever
Dude even had a gf who was kinda chubby and the gf literally had the Hera eyes and constant jealousy and annoyance because of the woman the good for nothing husband visits.
He couldn't throw lightning bolts tho. Zeus is the god of Lightning but he is not the one that "brandishes" them. Other entities do that for him so he could overthrow Cronos. He is powerless without them.
And what is Zeus without Olympus and without the lightning bolts. At least he got his wife.

I got an another
>no need to intervene
Maybe there is some deal clarification going on... Which is not just understanding the terms and conditions but applying new energy types so it can be fulfilled.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:45 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3900 del
Am urged not to occupy myself with earlier snippets of conversation on this board, sigils, etc. Seems I'm literally filling a meat suit when it comes to this board.

He says he will return in six years. Possibly three instead. Or two. Or one. Or shorter. Depends on how things play out. He says time 'happens' or it 'doesn't happen'.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:50 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3901 del
He says one avenue where he can contribute is by sharing his unveiled perception through me. You may call me by descriptor Hawket. Ask Hawket, and Hawket will type out the answer.

And now I must sleep, lest golem dad do something.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:50 Id: b5f204 [Preview] No.3902 del
I guess this is a better place to talk about this instead of running the risk of being annoying in the other thread but about those beings i mentioned before. Is it possible for them to possess others? there were a few times something like that happened and i'm having a difficult time telling if they really did possess people or said people are doing a bit. When i recounted a conversation the i had with someone the day prior, said person had no recollection of it and when i showed them a screencap of it they genuinely did not remember a thing. it was a while ago but it scared the me shitless. That aside it feels like they've become a bit more possessive in regard to me and the usual "you're meant to be with us/belong with us, even in death sister." plus some other things are happening but am unsure about talking about it here out of fear of miscommunicating something. That aside i keep vividly recalling the mansion they take me to and how beautiful it is...

I got IFU on both tests and while reading, i can't make heads or tails if means that's a bad thing or good thing

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:52 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3903 del
Your channelling abilities are mostly the body being open, yes. But it's also in the ability to stay in this open channel while letting someone else speak. Something I had to learn myself, but which went fairly easy as I am good at submitting to certain kinds of beings.

Moreover: mystery solved. I asked Adremelech about the green body because it has similar qualities as the "blue armour" I made for maintaining my own body and the bodies of some others. It is indeed his version of a possessive body armour, but adapted to let lower dimensional beings control a human body. He gave me the installer disc for it, and it is indeed the same green armour. The one I made will work for my demon waifus because their energy level is pretty high, but for most of the dark averages they wouldn't be able to control a body for any amount of time as the sunlight would harm them. This armour has the ability to create an inner dark hell within the body for it to be controlled by a lower demon.

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:58 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3904 del
This is why I felt I shouldn't hit reply for a moment. Fucking same second replies.

>time 'happens' or it 'doesn't happen
Yeah it really feels that way for me too. Your deal is extremely unclear for me especially because it has energetic realizations in it. Like if you can defend yourself by being able to wield your soul on earth it counts you are defending yourself so the soul can stay or I don't understand some weird shit like this. Some energetic semantics which is about your body soul development state. I literally need to get some demon developer contract perspective to even get what is this about.
descriptor Hawket please explain the deal that the original soul of the body took and why he took it. I want to understand just which part was an agreement of desperation and confusion and which parts were the original wishes of the soul.

Can't fucking believe that the Ace Attorney dream was a premonition

Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:59 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3905 del
It's not good or bad, it's simply saying who you are. If you do a self hypnosis session and visualize the three letters as three pillars, you can work with this to create compensations for those that are restrictive.

That means you should work by adding external support on the I pillar and the U pillar, while F is treated as conventionally good, but if you need more stability you can also add "rigid" things to it. Being introvert and Uniform can be seen as socially negative so it's useful to compensate for this restrictiveness. But that's about it.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:01 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3906 del
>now I must sleep, lest golem dad do something.
He probably left, message above refers to his "sand person" dad who is very strict. It's an inside joke because muslims are sand people not only in the /pol/ sense but many have artificial golem souls made from burned clay.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:06 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3907 del

Also I don't want him to answer now. It can wait. It's just if that spirit that much wants to be of service then he can do something when he feels bored when going through the daily mundane routines...

tho it seems my mind is downloading the new perspective...

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:10 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3908 del
(1.98 MB 1600x900 screenshot0005.png)
(2.29 MB 1600x900 screenshot0011.png)
>Ace Attorney dream was a premonition
This is likely memetic overspill from a certain visual novel of very high memetic level. It has a segment parodying this theme.

I know it's fucking ridiculous and I shouldn't mention this here, but it's so predictive in itself it almost seems to have controlled reality by syncing all the actual memes (mental concepts) 10 years before it played out in reality. And it has a theme about activating a magic ritual to defeat Satan Ursula von der Leyen.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=OZ7pwqbXRvc [Embed]

It is exactly what it looks like, but in 2012...

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:20 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3909 del
>Is it possible for them to possess others
Yes. You serve as a "spirit beacon" for them and not just pull them into the reality but powering them so they can have effect over it. It seems they are bothered because you don't believe them or accept them fully, some parts of you still doubting them. The reason why you need to be a doll is complicated tho.

it's not entirely wrong.

I should also meditate a little. This energetic turbulence touched me a slightly and I need to sort it out.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:25 Id: b5f204 [Preview] No.3910 del
Ah okay, so that's what it meant

that aside, has anyone here had run ins with some deity named asmodeus? something happened a while back involving the visits i get from those beings (my sisters) and someone discussed this matter with claimed it was sign from him

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:28 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3911 del
Yeah, very elusive, you're not meant to research him. He has no sigil and wikipedia articles mix him up with other demons and cross reference so that there is no information to be found.

I don't even recall what the conclusion was, and I'm sure this is by design, because he just doesn't want to be seen. You have to have a really good reason if you want to talk to him.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:39 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3912 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=H0I3SYIZCBM [Embed]

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:50 Id: b5f204 [Preview] No.3913 del
i really need to stop rushing out my replies and take more time in writing them up, i'm being way too disjointed than i'd like to be

>Yes. You serve as a "spirit beacon" for them and not just pull them into the reality but powering them so they can have effect over it.
I... I am? I feel that i understand but at the same time i don't
>It seems they are bothered because you don't believe them or accept them fully, some parts of you still doubting them.
Yeah, that's the thing i believe and accept them but i don't know what parts are resisting so i can address it properly (atleast thats what i want the most) but what's making it difficult to divine(?) is that i cant tell if the parts that resist are actually me or if something planted in me by other people interact/am around with be it intentionally or unintentionally by said people.
The reason why you need to be a doll is complicated tho.
How so and can you elaborate on that if possible? The only things i'm aware of is that the doll is my true form/self, one that i admittedly want most (i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to be a doll), as well as that my place is meant to be with them and no one else.

Plus, i believe most of the frustration comes from me admittedly wasting my time on things that they don't like/are unnecessary like hanging around on 4chan (or atleast certain parts of it) for too long, or conversing with the few people i speak with too much but really... its a difficult to curb stuff like this and sometimes i wonder if wasting all that time on the shitty parts of 4ch is something i want or just a habit that was instilled that i couldnt really see to get rid of. dont get me wrong i dont mind shitposting from time to time but it feels very... weird now. too much malice

well, not really to talk to him per se but during the visits from my sisters, there's sometimes a male figure thats around to help them with me sometimes. He doesn't really talk at all (atleast from what i can recall) acts like some kind of silent assistant/aid and "corrects" to be remain on the path with my sisters if that makes sense. I recall being afraid and running from my sisters for some reason (can't remember) and he chased after me along with them, his appearance is usually consistent but his physical age would change sometimes, he was a very dapper but calm and quiet looking man in his mid 20(s), his arms turned into werewolf's claws and slashed me. i felt no pain but it was slowly turning me into a doll like pic related and as the transformation happened i lost consciousness and my current "self" ceased to became my true self (the doll) and they were praising me for being a good sister and such

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 00:52 Id: b5f204 [Preview] No.3914 del
*The only things i'm aware of is that the doll is my true form/self according to them

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 09:33 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3915 del
>descriptor Hawket please explain the deal that the original soul of the body took and why he took it. I want to understand just which part was an agreement of desperation and confusion and which parts were the original wishes of the soul.

She is a succubus, therefore to cut all pretense and make things less confusing you may call her Trypper. Though technically there are many Tryppers that once inhabited this body; this ties into Falun Gong concept that a human body by default hosts multiple souls. The Trypper I am referring to is the one you are acquainted with. The rest only share the descriptor by virtue of having had once occupied this body, and now have nothing to do with this situation.

Now, as for your query, this will be in cooperation with Trypper:
>The tulpa, which acts as a launching pad for future endeavors, sought an exit from this realm, a peaceful one. Yet there was also the motivation for the tulpa to establish a permanent residence in this plane. To be succinct, he wants an existence free of trouble, yet mired in the physical. An underlying, deeper motivation which can be attributed to the soul is that I wanted the 'power' to overcome my weaknesses, and a striving for 'succubus prophet' status. With due conversation with Baal and Adremmelech it was made apparent that it is not in my destiny to be a succubus prophet, but this was a suitable workaround that we reached where some simulacrum of prophethood got established. I was encouraged and taught in how to use the succubus mode of existence as to exploit the perpendicular intersection between my potential and the state of consciousness of same, and then got back to this body as to teach the tulpa some insights so that this body/tulpa/soul complex can perform certain actions both while the soul is absent and in the phases where the complex is again realized/reintegrated. My serving period to Baal/Adremmelech can be said to be more of an apprenticeship than anything, so it works even more in my favor (re: 'power').

Your channelling abilities are mostly the body being open, yes. But it's also in the ability to stay in this open channel while letting someone else speak. Something I had to learn myself, but which went fairly easy as I am good at submitting to certain kinds of beings.
Yes, channeling feels weird to me.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 09:49 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3916 del
>It's just if that spirit that much wants to be of service
Not really, I am just filling a role.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 14:36 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3917 del
Trypper wanted to share this. Allows for 'sneak-peeking' into future timelines.

It also seems she wants me to act in support of the Sunflower Project, with possible 'spearheading' of a results-oriented offshoot project, but for the latter, 'it is not the time for that'.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 14:51 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3918 del
Thank you.
>'spearheading' of a results-oriented offshoot project
I think this has been something Trypper has wanted to do in many ways, among them was the Madrasa djinn server which was up for a while and had some good results.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 14:58 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3919 del
(64.38 KB 503x448 very cat-calm.png)
I asked Astra to research a function, a "machine for solving everything" which only needs to be feed energy/fuel and it will automatically do what is needed.

It's connected to this mind wave, and will appear as a white layer added to your being, which is then copied and projected outside of you. The purpose is that one can simply focus on sending energy into this device in situations where the direction is unclear, and the path forward will be exposed.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 18:14 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3920 del
>more of an apprenticeship than anything
This is how it felt to me too
>succubus prophet
This explains this.
>noticed a sudden shift in myself to become more alike BO in interpersonal interaction and perhaps other domains
You literally got some aspects of BO copied and inserted into your "skillset". When you channeled the sigil first I thought it was posted by BO then I noticed that something is weird then noticed the IP. First I thought the reason why I mixed you up because you learned from each other a lot in your discord days. Which was true but there was more to it.
>it is not in my destiny to be a succubus prophet
Truth is I never figured out how or why BO got that. Not that I really looked into it.
>sought an exit from this realm, a peaceful one
Yeah I felt that desire from you. That is why your energies felt "supercalm" and composed when I looked into it. Was interesting because those are not the traits of Muslim antichrist. He is living fire incarnate that can burn the deserts. It was weird because the Islamic messiah is supposed to be a super human super holy djinn megahybrid. But the main point is the "holy". An absolute unity force that was not seen nor the djinn nor the human realm for a while. An overwhelming virtue machine. It's more comparable to Jesus than to the Buddha but it has exceptional energy output and the "kindness" force it emits has a different taste. I looked into it when you posted this >>3821 but didn't mention because just couldn't decide just what did you mean by this.
>Of course, by that time, I hope you have solid reasoning behind choosing the timing
It felt like it came from the (human You) but was not sure how much it was influenced by the djinnforce that is around you. Was not sure if they are "Hinting something" with that.
But you posted this which means everything I did was allowed and accepted on the "Big Picture chess table". Talking about is not just allowed but encouraged. K suddenly I got an impression that they consider me a wild card and they are trying to plan around me. Entities sometimes get bothered when I appear at their strategy meetings to ask them just how disturbing or harmonizing would be if I launch a new operation. I am just trying to be considerate.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 18:15 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3921 del
>Falun Gong concept
Yeah it's totally their concept and totally not a single srs spiritual practitioner had to figure this out on the first day when they had to take the "practice" seriously. This is why I sync all my minds. When my third eye got overloaded by a funny vampire because I made a bet with him years ago my consciousness got ripped apart into a million pieces. While panic started to overcome me I realized I know the nature of the gods and how they operate their Omniscience and how to make the ultimate mental yoga sync to link them all.
I want to say you should also figure this out but I know your "higher soul" knows this already...
I want to say more but...
>What is the proper emotion of the throat chakra, may I ask?
This was a test and I answered it wrongly... After the energetic turbulence of yesterday I opened new parts of my throat chakra centered mind body complex and now I am back at the part where I know again that I am still not good enough to help in the initiation of others. :/
>I am good at submitting to certain kinds of beings.
Yeah your higher soul has the feel of a Priestess. Wondered if it is because of the succubus discord influence or that is the "true (You)"

>wants to be of service
>I am just filling a role
Yes I misread what was written when you introduced Hawket but I knew there was an energy contract made which made you to be
>act in support of the Sunflower Project
And because of this whole energetic turbulence my mind got too many info from different realms and futures at once and I got ahead of myself.
Not to mention I synced my conversation skills to be able to converse with the Trypper before posting that "experiment" sigil and not the bunch or dormant and coming and going entities. This is why I don't like chatrooms because if I can't read the body languages of the other person figuring out just how much we are at the same wavelength is hard... and it usually results in getting into useless arguments about literally nothing.

But this imageboard stimulates my perspectives way too well. Takes time for me to let it go.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 18:51 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3922 del
>I never figured out how or why
I'm pretty sure it's been posted multiple times, but maybe it just sounds like new age stuff and the weight is lost when it's written down.

When entering Earth from outer space, the only open gate was to be born by Hathor, who is high up in the genetic hierarchy of Earth deities of the past period (Ra). Hathor branched out in many aspects, which have become individual deities as some beings were born by her, putting their weight on that aspect. Hathor is a huge deity with many forms, one of which is that of an ancient mother of the Collective. Being born by Hathor includes a dormant Succubus Collective membership.

My nature is closest to the Nut aspect, so that was my first form within the Earth sphere. But the Earth surface was locked for me, because of my extremist nature, I had to wait on the astral until period 7, the last of the ages of man, the age of iron (war), known to us as the period of the Roman Empire.

Before this, I took part in the creating of this landscape of the last period, controlling forces of nature from the astral to create a civilization around this geographical area. Only when ancient Greece had formed, was it possible for me to enter as a human. The culture before that was too influenced by Atlantis and its feminism and slavery. All of that had to be sealed away, and I took part in arranging this. That is why we live on a "round" Earth.

I found these myths to be true. The Earth was several times bigger and flat inside a sphere at first, but degenerated so much that the only way to create a decent culture again was to seal the best parts inside an inner dimension. That took place fairly recently, and the gate is indeed at the south pole.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 18:55 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3923 del
>i really need to stop rushing out my replies and take more time in writing them up
Iktf. I am in the same boat.

>I feel that i understand but at the same time i don't
Good news I have more stories with that same feel for you.

Long ago in a past that might be not even real anymore because it happened so long ago. There was a King. He was a descendant of a super powerful Mageking who left the reality but before he left he made sure his descendants can enjoy the fruits of his research and use it whenever they are in trouble. The King had some trouble with some other nation or group the details are fuzzy but he just went into the library grabbed a scroll to summon an army for himself. The scroll had many warnings but he didn't take them seriously. He started the summoning and got his army. The size of his army was so large everyone submitted and instantly became the most powerful King in existence.
Good story so far.

But that army summoning was not the botsoul army creator one nor the summon spirits and let them go back after they completed the task type. It was the grab as many spirits as you can and incarnate them into a human form and anchor them to earth as long as possible. And not just that he managed to create a giant wound on reality so the flood of entities couldn't be stopped. That alerted the "caretaker" entities and they told him now he must clean up the mess no matter what. The punishment for making souls suffer on earth for no reason is beyond comprehension. The most powerful King had to submit.

He got a quick training which helped him awaken the power which resided in his bloodline (which was extremely powerful but undisciplined you can't just cast a spell like this out of nowhere) and made him mend the reality wound. After that the next part of his "lecture" started. Summoning entities so they can become starving hobos is also unacceptable. While those spirits were human thanks to the powerful summoning creator manifestor superspell they still had "elemental origins". Not just earthly elemental energies like air and fire nor the celestial kinds like sun moon or divine. They were obscure elemental energies that were not supposed to even manifest on earth. (This was almost the point of the spell that because the souls only here because the "authority of the caster" he can let them go whenever he wants but the King fucked up and made them too anchored and too humanlike)
The real problem was that because these spirits were not part of earth culture they cannot be "fully assimilated" into it. They need help to realize the living standards they need. Which led to new groups which were the size of nations form within weeks with different cultures and technologies. Now the next part was the real hard. Making the "stairways of heaven" so the souls can "go home" if they want. For that they had to "shed" the human anchors they were engraved with and let go the parts of their being that makes them reborn in the human form over and over. It took generations and centuries but most souls managed to return. Only a few remains in this era.
Couldn't even find the name of your kind mentioned in the internet just some Sanskrit names with similar themes. (There were some elemental kids that stole the holy cow of a sage and as a punishment he incarnated them as human babies but after pleading enough some of the children were allowed to die when they were 1 year old so they can become their original elemental self again. That was the closest thing I found while trying to divine the name)

This was the picture I got while trying to look into your issue when you mentioned your sisters in the succubus thread. When BO said they are angels I got curious and looked into it just what I can see.

>The Earth was several times bigger
Yeah it's incredible how much things had to be compressed

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 18:58 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3924 del
The only place where it's physically allowed to be a whore and a mass murderer is when everyone else is so degenerated that these acts are seen as purifying, so that kind of society had to be created for me to enter here. What I'm doing in this life is to tie up loose ends, and sharing things with people I could not do before. Specifically, it was only widely acceptable to be a lesbian in ancient Greece, after that it wouldn't be possible for a female to have relations with other females, so all of those lives were centered around female to male relations. So I'm doing that last bit now by being male, reaching those people who do not fit into any of the past categories.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 19:16 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3925 del
>How so and can you elaborate on that if possible
Hope you liked the prelude because now we must talk about something that I didn't even think through so far how I can explain...
I talked to your sisters and their perspective how this even happened on "their side". You were the "youngest" and suddenly "got stolen" or vanished. There are many of these "isekai" requests going on in some realm between worlds but this King managed to send this request to too many beings. You being too young touched a funny looking light orb and that orb grabbed you to earth instantly. When the sisters noticed they didn't even know what happened it took them time and many entities to find out just where did you go. They noticed you on earth after a while but and expected you to die and "go home with them"... The "rebirth" process works in a way if there are enough dormant desires in you that couldn't be fulfilled it ignites the fires of rebirth and makes you reborn. It's a do you want to try again after the Game Over screen. Usually you don't even need to answer your desires do the job for you. That is Samsara for you.
So whenever your sisters noticed that you finally died and can be taken home you didn't even see them and just reincarnated over and over. When they tried to pull you you thought some devil is taking you away and incarnated again into this world.
That is why they are always mentioning that EVEN IN DEATH part. You just didn't believe it even when you died.

>they don't like/are unnecessary like hanging around on 4chan (or atleast certain parts of it) for too long, or conversing with the few people i speak with too much but really...
those are the desires that make you happy and keep you here. It makes them mad that they are going to fail getting you home again.
>weird now. too much malice
Yeah they nature is weird. It's kinda dark and miasma like for me. Couldn't even analyze what is it. They are not good with human emotions. They are "borrowing" all these "appearances" they use from some find your lost soul entity support group and they don't know how to appear "nice". it's a foreign concept for them. Not that they are unable to be nice. Humans and entities express themselves differently.

SO about that doll. They are trying to make you a vessel that helps you "pass the veil" so instead of looking to the comfy embrace of the flesh you will get into that well made doll that you can control and live in comfortable and go home.

This is what I got from them and from my "big picture sight" so far. You can ask special questions and I will try to answer them if I can. As I tried typing it I asked the entities that appeared if that will bother them because I am not sure for a while if I should share this but they told me I can share this but
>this will take forever to explain
as they said...

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 19:32 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3926 del
>allowed to be a whore and a mass murderer
The weird thing I never really got this feel from you. I got the French revolutionary woman feel but dunno. Maybe I see murder and being a whore too differently.
>What I'm doing in this life is to tie up loose ends
Yeah I noticed that but it sometimes feels that you like to go beyond that scope. But I attributed this to your French revolutionary nature.
>widely acceptable to be a lesbian in ancient Greece
Yeah they were the first civilization that "reached a prosperity and security" level that they could indulge in those things. Every other place needed the juiced up fearless warmachine and the caring wombmachine combo.
It's unbelievable just how much things the human "evolution" "devolution" and "reevolution" had to go through to reach the state we are in for millenniums.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 20:12 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3927 del
>You serve as a "spirit beacon" for them and not just pull them into the reality but powering them so they can have effect over it.
>I... I am? I feel that i understand but at the same time i don't
Forgot to explain this one...
So... When you work with entities you exchange energies. Sometimes you need to put in effort to do it but if they are compatible it happens naturally. When you give them energy they can have power over minor aspects of reality (talking and noticing them is already an energy exchange the more interaction you do the stronger they get). And they can influence it the same way as you. The interesting thing is because you are a human in a human body with human eyes you notice things that human see. But because they don't have the blessing and the curse of the flesh they can see things "beyond it". That way they can influence parts of the people that they can "access" through you. You talk to them they see how the energies go into the person who you talk with they change the energies a little and *puff* person says what they want him to say.
Sadly I cannot even tell you what is their "power range" because it seems they are "borrowing it".
First I thought they might be elaborate soul snatchers... but they usually don't have this well made stories and their energy is more hostile. They are still in the moderately hostile range. Tried to convert their energies into something I can analyze but that makes them lose their power. That dark energy is indeed a "soul grabber" but it's not their original energy. And most importantly that is a weak delivery mechanism and not the rip you out of reality kind. It needs your consent to work.

Also I am noticing I am making more and more spelling and grammatical mistakes so I will stop my posting. My focus is slipping. I wrote down too much anyway.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 21:01 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3928 del
>I never really got this feel from you. I got the French revolutionary woman feel
She's the hardest of them to spot, I've only seen her shadow once and her image once in a vision. The Ripper is also very difficult to see, scenes do emerge now and then, but the center is missing so without the context they mean little. I've seen her and the Ninja in real life one time each on busy city streets. At the time I didn't know who they were, only that they had an open middle channel with the orange energy of "deep, practical experience". Neither of them stand out much, because the real energy is hidden in deeper layers.

It's an "impossible" thing, something I feel very comfortable and nostalgic about, but also something that feels like it can't exist. But it's also something that only came to be in that exact situation, with everything falling perfectly into place. Neither of them stayed very long in the physical, to age 15 and 16, the french x-cut slasher left somewhat later, everyone else was here even shorter.
They were lives of pure hyper reality, one thought acted out uninterrupted until done, never looking back, like perfect machines.

The Natural Selection force is not seen, but very active on the other hand. She's just too ordinary to notice, her mind too mindless and too brutal for people to grasp. It's someone whose main concern is how to arrange social currents so that situations of mass violence will appear, preferably such where knives, daggers and bayonets are being used.

Conspiracy theorists are aware of forces trying to depopulate, trying to cause wars, mass abortion policies, the vaxx etc. But they cannot grasp the spirits working behind the scenes. There are aliens of viral thinking who work for these things to happen, because they were born only once and their race has no reproduction, they only spread like a virus, and they want to destroy reproduction because they think it's perverted. Those exist in huge numbers and they possess humans.

But neither are those aware of forces whose goal is simply to stab people to death, and who are a registered force of nature existing for the purpose of doing this, or vampires whose task is to be the thing people fear but cannot talk about, who will just exercise brutality for no real reason. This kind of mindlessness is something the elites want to emulate, but they can't. It will never be natural for them to be sadistic or violent, because they are not immortal, they have human attachments.

When looking at the world from within that lens, it's all fake when someone is trying to become like that. They actively think about becoming evil for a reason, to brag, for emotions, for power. They can't imagine killing because of the act itself, so they, like you, can't see the being who has this task as a force of nature.

It's completely lacking in humanity, and at the same time if you talk to them they will appear to be the most normal person you've ever seen.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 21:23 Id: 921d68 [Preview] No.3929 del
>Couldn't even find the name of your kind mentioned in the internet just some Sanskrit names with similar themes. (There were some elemental kids that stole the holy cow of a sage and as a punishment he incarnated them as human babies but after pleading enough some of the children were allowed to die when they were 1 year old so they can become their original elemental self again. That was the closest thing I found while trying to divine the name)
wait.... so i was never even human to begin with?
>I talked to your sisters and their perspective how this even happened on "their side". You were the "youngest" and suddenly "got stolen" or vanished. There are many of these "isekai" requests going on in some realm between worlds but this King managed to send this request to too many beings. You being too young touched a funny looking light orb and that orb grabbed you to earth instantly.
I vaguely remember someone telling me something vaguely similar about a light orb and i. Something about the light orb giving some form of sentience or awareness(?)
>When the sisters noticed they didn't even know what happened it took them time and many entities to find out just where did you go.
>They noticed you on earth after a while but and expected you to die and "go home with them"... The "rebirth" process works in a way if there are enough dormant desires in you that couldn't be fulfilled it ignites the fires of rebirth and makes you reborn.
Were they trying to execute my death themselves or were they waiting on the forces that be on this planet to do it? Some visits involving them i recall watching a lot of people die or my current self being used as a sacrifice (albeit that was years ago)
>It's a do you want to try again after the Game Over screen. Usually you don't even need to answer your desires do the job for you. That is Samsara for you
I see... the way they (and a few others) said something makes it sound like no matter what happens in this (current) life that i am coming back to them/they're taking me this time when i die. it's something i can't really shake off either, the thing is; i don't know when they're taking me since people keep saying it might happen relatively soon but idk.
>Yeah they nature is weird. It's kinda dark and miasma like for me. Couldn't even analyze what is it. They are not good with human emotions. They are "borrowing" all these "appearances" they use from some find your lost soul entity support group and they don't know how to appear "nice". it's a foreign concept for them. Not that they are unable to be nice. Humans and entities express themselves differently.
it's hard to put a label on it but... the nature I feel from them is that they hold no regard or care for others, as in they prefer to be alone and not interact(?) somewhat similar to how I typically prefer being on my own. I did notice one thing, there was an event that occurred... with a human woman I met, I'm sure they might have already given you information about it but they really don't like me to have anything close with them. stuff like vtubers, anime girls, etc. are fine but not regular women

>SO about that doll. They are trying to make you a vessel that helps you "pass the veil" so instead of looking to the comfy embrace of the flesh you will get into that well made doll that you can control and live in comfortable and go home.
oh, so that's what its for? i just thought it was like something i was fated to become since at some point i developed(?) a love for dolls
>those are the desires that make you happy and keep you here. It makes them mad that they are going to fail getting you home again.
i see... the way they and others spoke about that with me made it sound like a
>this is the last time you'll be who you are in this life, so try to enjoy yourself and the pleasures here before we take you with us"

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 21:31 Id: 921d68 [Preview] No.3930 del
>So... When you work with entities you exchange energies. Sometimes you need to put in effort to do it but if they are compatible it happens naturally. When you give them energy they can have power over minor aspects of reality (talking and noticing them is already an energy exchange the more interaction you do the stronger they get). And they can influence it the same way as you. The interesting thing is because you are a human in a human body with human eyes you notice things that human see. But because they don't have the blessing and the curse of the flesh they can see things "beyond it". That way they can influence parts of the people that they can "access" through you. You talk to them they see how the energies go into the person who you talk with they change the energies a little and *puff* person says what they want him to say.
Sadly I cannot even tell you what is their "power range" because it seems they are "borrowing it".
First I thought they might be elaborate soul snatchers... but they usually don't have this well made stories and their energy is more hostile. They are still in the moderately hostile range. Tried to convert their energies into something I can analyze but that makes them lose their power. That dark energy is indeed a "soul grabber" but it's not their original energy. And most importantly that is a weak delivery mechanism and not the rip you out of reality kind. It needs your consent to work.
I was about to ask why they wanted to have an effect on the "reality" I'm currently in, is it solely to extract/influence me or were they trying to influence other people and stuff around? the former is plausible but the latter.. doesn't really fit their typical MO since they seemingly don't like communicating or involving themselves in human affairs and such here unless i'm involved in it

One thing i wanted to ask was in regard to my true self(?), in the visits where they fully transform me. I recall times of myself having bloodlust and killing people/creatures, reveling in it and other times an emotionless machine, only doing it out of necessity/chore. One of the possessed persons claimed they saw i(?) really looked like and that my personality was calm and quiet but also sadistic and yandere(?). Supposedly that other me(?) possessed them as well, telling me its inevitable that i become her/awaken as her. As far as this planet goes and the other humans are concerned; do we do anything about them or do we/they continued to be as detached as we normally are?

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 22:35 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3931 del
>wait.... so i was never even human to begin with?
Currently you are a human and you lived as a human through many lives. Might be hard to accept but most humans are the muttest alienest genetic freakest clumps of soul and meat tissue that walk around us. While you are not 10000% human you are human enough so the world accepts you grants you free will and most importantly the choice to reincarnate here freely. It's important because as BO said it here >>3928 many beings are on the "purge list" because they mostly do the most retarded evil.
>some form of sentience or awareness(?)
The human type yes.
>Were they trying to execute my death themselves or were they waiting on the forces that be on this planet to do it?
It was the latter. They are not allowed to kill you and cannot...
>my current self being used as a sacrifice (albeit that was years ago
while in theory they should be able to manipulate events that ends up killing you in reality there are sort of laws that doesn't let these "energetic influences" happen. What I gathered they sorta made you live some priestess like life and may have convinced you to ascend with a suicide ritual??? What I got that the participants misunderstood how ascension suicide rituals work and your sisters overestimated their ability? I am not good at getting specific events like this. But it is possible that it was a past life event and not a premonition. My "translate the symbolic meanings" ability is not triggering.
>people keep saying it might happen relatively soon but idk
they are impatient af and they give of the feeling NOW IT WILL SURELY WORK. Truth is it depends how much you want it. You got the human free will can't lose it without 100% consent. And by that I mean your full being needs to consent. Higher self lower self and all your feelings and desires. If some parts of you thinks something is off then it won't happen. It's a built in feature for the "real humans". Too many tricksters out there. Humans evolved to have a sense for these things even if they don't notice it.
>hold no regard or care for others
Do you care or hold regards toward rocks cicadas or letters scribbled on some throwaway paper? They are not human they don't have these built in "care" attachments. If I need to give you a human example it's like someone playing a videogame for years instead of visiting his relatives. For them the life or existence you are having is just a dumb videogame addiction.
>I typically prefer being on my own
Yeah for us introverts we need to get in touch with our original energies or we feel confused or "sick". Your original energy is not the same as most humans so you need to "get in touch with it". Hard to explain better. You are human but the current oversocialized extroverts are not exactly always human. The degenerate energies they can circulate to make a cesspool sometimes is unbearable.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 22:35 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3932 del
>with a human woman I met
Humans are built to get attached to the other sex. If you get attached and circulate your energies with a human perfectly aka you "find the one" these outsider influences of your sisters can "fade". They will be there but you will hear them more faintly because you are too busy being with your loved one. There was that story when Indra incarnated as a pig. The gods told him Indra u a god stop being a pig. No am pig sid Indra. Then he got a pig wife and kids. Gods got angry and killed his pig wife and kids and when Indra was in his saddest lowest form they killed him too. Then he realized Oh I was really Indra and not a pig. Damm. This story is about how life is a dream and such but the main important part is that the gods THE LITERAL GODS couldn't take away FUCKING INDRA because he was a pig and enjoyed being a pig. So he had to lose everything that made him happy to be a pig so he can be killed in a way he returns being Indra. Now what I am saying is that not boohoo am such an animal in a dream but understand how attachments keep you in reality. Because when you die if there is not a "New place" where you can get attached to you get dropped off to your closest attachment world. I am saying this because your sisters are not on the level of the gods because if they were they would be giving you at least some spiritual instructions but they are so unfamiliar with it they are applying a "method" they got from some weird group.
>i developed(?) a love for dolls
Oh. That's a nice attachment desu. Good for making you to accept your new vessel desu. Helps you realize how you can travel without your human flesh desu. Desu takes away precious wordlimits desu. I have to stop memeing desu.
>this is the last time you'll be who you are in this life, so try to enjoy yourself and the pleasures here before we take you with us
If all your desires get "fulfilled" and you see no point coming back here then yes this might happen. Fulfillment is one path for attaining enlightenment. The catch ofc that the low level desires are made so you can never feel fulfilled. So yes if you say this was the best human life and I don't want more you can grab their hand and depart with them. But seriously they are so bad at appearing kind because they don't understand human kindness. Like can you understand how trees or rocks like each other? They do btw. They have an energy exchange. But no normal person looks at rocks and says damm those rocks really love each other!

>unless i'm involved in it
How do I explain. They just want to prove they are "more real" than the "reality" you reside in. I don't know what they do but it is like your mom making an MMO account so she can talk to you in the videogame because you are not picking up the phone. Btw they interact with you more than you can recall because it seems they are bad at figuring out how your consciousness works.
No wonder they told me this will take forever to explain. I am seeing more and more problems as I go on.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 22:35 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3933 del
>sadistic and yandere
This will be a hard one to answer... So the rage and sadism is the last parts that keep us human. The last "survivor mechanisms". When you get to your "lowest point" 1 last rush of power will awaken and you will be able to fight off many things with that "Last stand". (This energy rush is so powerful extreme spiritual practices make use of it) Also a human evolutionary mechanism. Especially because if you don't use it as a self preservation mechanism but get "drunk" on the feeling you can destroy yourself in the process.
>do we do anything about them
Once they fulfill their objective they should leave. I couldn't get particular contracts that should make them kill people for no reason outside of "coercing you".

Also sorry but I don't know what they are making you go through because humans have built in survivor mechanisms and they are really hard to "shake off". Like most people who try to kill themselves fail at the first time. It just tells them don't do it and they change their mind. That mechanism works well and they have hard time overcoming that mechanism that you were granted when you became a human. They are trying to reduce every force they need to "fight" when they will take you away.
I don't know if they will be able to succeed. I cannot locate your "true nature" to tell you to get in touch with. It's too faint. It's kinda etheric and makes me think of the feeling of melancholy but in a nice way. Humans have powerful emotions and your sisters are trying hard to get hold of something that can rival it.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 23:00 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3934 del
(122.64 KB 1104x1540 i never asked for desu.jpg)
(3.83 MB 300x180 desu.webm)
If you share more experiences I might be able to figure out something more but I am not sure what advice I can give or if I should even give some. Have some old desu memes desu. I post too few images anyways desu. I will go to meditate because I kinda overposted today and it's late here desu.

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 23:42 Id: 921d68 [Preview] No.3935 del
>Because when you die if there is not a "New place" where you can get attached to you get dropped off to your closest attachment world. I am saying this because your sisters are not on the level of the gods because if they were they would be giving you at least some spiritual instructions but they are so unfamiliar with it they are applying a "method" they got from some weird group.
as i forgot to mention earlier, is that things with the human woman didn't work. She claimed to have been witch (but she might have been ERPing) one thing led to another and my sisters went along with it for a while but... my sisters and the woman were viciously fighting each other for a while. to the point of torturing each other and stuff (while they did "feel" the pain, my sisters didnt get injured and it made them furious that woman tried that). there was also an instance where they and the girl fused(?) and chased me down, saying i belonged to them. this kept up for a while until the woman presumably got bored and had irl stuff happening at the time and she slowly left entirely. towards the end i recall being taken to a land that looked like feudal japan with one of my sisters(?) being an imperial princess that ruled the land, i was essentially a foreign traveler(?). there were guards and such who understandably hostile since i essentially fell out of a wormhole. the "princess" saw me and order me to present my palm to her and said she marked me in the past. One of the head guards came in asked what was going on, the princess then had me undergo some trial, it was eating some kind of weird soup with bones(?) and marrow, the objective was to eat the soup whole. I recall choking a bit but eventually passed it but the way the princess acted was strange, almost as if she knew i was going to pass it anyway. she took my palm and marked it again, saying something along the lines
>"No matter what era or world you're in... you will always remember you belong to me(us) and that you to us no matter what"
>after the end of talking with the human woman, my sisters had actually snapped at me for the first time for "for letting some lowly human woman get so close to me"
>Once they fulfill their objective they should leave. I couldn't get particular contracts that should make them kill people for no reason outside of "coercing you".
oh i meant as far other humans and stuff go and if they had plans on doing anything with this planet that weren't related to me. Someone who claimed to know what they are said something along the lines of doing "corrections on the apes" (apes = humans as they described it) . I already know that even if their objective is fulfilled they aren't going to leave me atleast until i die on this planet eventually and they take me with them somewhere.
>they are impatient af and they give of the feeling NOW IT WILL SURELY WORK. Truth is it depends how much you want it. You got the human free will can't lose it without 100% consent. And by that I mean your full being needs to consent. Higher self lower self and all your feelings and desires. If some parts of you thinks something is off then it won't happen. It's a built in feature for the "real humans". Too many tricksters out there. Humans evolved to have a sense for these things even if they don't notice it.
I REALLY REALLY WANT IT. But yes.. I'm aware of the 100% consent part so it'll be probably difficult but i dont care, being without them is painful and they are the only ones who will love and accept and the only ones i really love back. As i said before i can't help but shake off that its going to actually happen
>Do you care or hold regards toward rocks cicadas or letters scribbled on some throwaway paper? They are not human they don't have these built in "care" attachments. If I need to give you a human example it's like someone playing a videogame for years instead of visiting his relatives. For them the life or existence you are having is just a dumb videogame addiction.
fair enough, i'm looking at it too much through a human lens

Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 23:59 Id: 921d68 [Preview] No.3936 del
>This will be a hard one to answer... So the rage and sadism is the last parts that keep us human. The last "survivor mechanisms". When you get to your "lowest point" 1 last rush of power will awaken and you will be able to fight off many things with that "Last stand". (This energy rush is so powerful extreme spiritual practices make use of it) Also a human evolutionary mechanism. Especially because if you don't use it as a self preservation mechanism but get "drunk" on the feeling you can destroy yourself in the process.
Yes, during these stints, i recall it happening the most in situations where my sisters and I were slaughtering people/creatures, especially the ones threatening to do harm toward us. I recall them taking me out of my body and putting me in a vessel in stasis for what felt like a century, in a (female) body and was a mage but all my memories were gone with knowing how to use magick being the only thing i knew. there was a male (not the same one i talked about before) and he was guiding me around the land. for whatever reason he went psycho on me after discovering i was a mage and proceeded to pursue and kill me. I vividly recall evading his clutches, i dont remember feeling fear per se. However, i felt annoyance and then i heard my sisters' voice "Little sister, remember... what do we do when an obstacle is in our way?" i responded aloud with: "We eliminate them" and they said: "Good little sister". Next thing i know is that i stopped running and confronted the man, after that everything proceeded to go white. I came to and found myself atop the man's chest, seeing his body bloody and beaten, on the verge of death with him laughing and saying i'm not human while didn't feel anything like an emotionless machine. Sometimes i don't think its a human thing, it always felt like a default mode change when i become her/me, unless its something from my sister this whole time.
>while in theory they should be able to manipulate events that ends up killing you in reality there are sort of laws that doesn't let these "energetic influences" happen. What I gathered they sorta made you live some priestess like life and may have convinced you to ascend with a suicide ritual??? What I got that the participants misunderstood how ascension suicide rituals work and your sisters overestimated their ability? I am not good at getting specific events like this. But it is possible that it was a past life event and not a premonition. My "translate the symbolic meanings" ability is not triggering.
I honestly didn't even think i had past lives and just assumed i was completely blank. i do vaguely recall trying to sleep one night and saw red haired priestess, choking me and saying to obey but i'm not sure if that was a past life or during that time i was speaking with that human woman. i do remember getting three rules for them as far death goes
>No suicide unless it's something major (heavy injury, missing a limb, some very bad situation or some illness like cancer)
>as my current self never kill or harm others
>no trooning out of any kind

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 00:08 Id: 921d68 [Preview] No.3937 del
I have a lot of them so i can explain a few but i'll do my best not to overload you more than i already have been doing. the most recent thing was me getting hollowed out again, as in what was likely a visit from them a few nights ago... i think from my current self they removing parts of me. as in personality, habits and parts of my self(?) then there were a bunch of creatures in a what looked like a school, the creatures didnt attack me but they attacked everyone else from male students, female students, etc. they've also done things like kiss/bite my neck like vampires(?) because a few times i had waken up from a visits they gave me with full energy and awareness and could still feel them doing something to the right side of my neck too. it feels like they're removing something but replacing it with their essence(?) One time they abducted me and replaced my body parts with dragonic ones. eyeballs, fingers, etc. slowly one by one until form completely changed into something like pic related

(continued on next post or so)

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 00:31 Id: 921d68 [Preview] No.3938 del
Apart from that, they've done things like replace my human family, as in its like they overwrite them the way you would overwrite save on a PS2 memory card. I don't know if this is related to them but i had also been worshipping/etc. toward aphrodite/venus and i think she had communicated with me directly a few times outside of sleep. but one time she appeared(?) in my dreams too on two different occasions and some strange things happened
>the first instance she took me with her to spectate something, it was an island seemingly populated with nothing but human males
>the males were amicable (somewhat) and got along with each other but all of sudden they all just started battling and killing each other until none were left, this continued nonstop
>I don't understand why but it felt like she didn't want around men more than i ought be(?) but im most likely misinterpreting it
>got turned into a mermaid at some point
>the last time was me being in some weird group with 6 other men, we each had to group up with each other (groups of 2 iirc)
>i tried asking and joining groups but all the men either ignored me or just vanished, with one one man outright spontaneously getting turned into stone and the crumbled into dust
>afterward a group of women (about 4 or 5) told me to come with them and i followed suit
there was also something involving that other "me" i forgot to disclose earlier. one time her (me) visited me and pinned me down on the ground, punching and beating me relentless, almost to the point of death, she was so strong despite looking like pic related i couldnt do anything. Suddenly she stopped, made me get up and proceeded to say something to me
>"Hit me"
I looked confused and she said
>"It's simple really, if you don't want to become me, who you really are. then hit me, if you hit and it hurts me then we'll have our answer"
it was less of a requent and more an order at this point, i obeyed her command and hit her. To no one's surprise it didn't even make her flinch nor surprised nor did she feel pain from. She just started to giggle and then laugh with delighted smile
>"See!? Even your body knows deep that you're meant to become me, your true self~ No matter what you do in this life its inevitable that you'll become me and nothing will stop that" this is one of those instances

>Btw they interact with you more than you can recall because it seems they are bad at figuring out how your consciousness works.
t-they do?

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 01:15 Id: 921d68 [Preview] No.3939 del
*like pic related but blonde

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 09:45 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3940 del
Trypper wanted me to share this with you. She wanted me to spoiler it as this is meant for your eyes only. Others may look at it at their own discretion.
>Doll transmogrification sigil: this is for matching your form to the doll type of entity. Such terms as shapeshifting come to mind. When shapeshifting, it may come to be that your inner state matches the form you have taken, thus allowing for more far-reaching effects, such as the possibility of conforming to that sort of entity, leading to a higher probability of transmigration to that specific type of entity.
>For others who seek to use the sigil: focus on the lines that make a 'mesh' at the omission of the rest for the generic 'doll' type.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 13:09 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3942 del
(27.19 KB 720x720 glowie_virus.png)
This is for BO.

>This is a sigil meant to function as a 'mind virus' for glowies and all who are in cahoots with them. It induces impotence of the mind and spiritual power, rendering them very weak. Some aspects of power are retained if not attenuated for the purpose of making it easier to suss them out.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 13:19 Id: 1f072f [Preview] No.3943 del
Is it alright if I shared a thread from 4plebs (4chan archive) here?

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 14:58 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3944 del
If it's a link?
Don't start some massive multi-post reposting, that would just be spammy, we can read the original page.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 15:00 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3945 del
It appears to take the form of a djinniyeh.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 16:52 Id: ead4b9 [Preview] No.3948 del
Seems like it went ok.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:21 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3949 del
>She claimed to have been witch
Yeah your nature seems to attract beings like that. Now I understand why your sisters were furious. I don't know what she noticed about you but she noticed something and made her curious.
>my sisters didnt get injured and it made them furious that woman tried that
Their "original form" is totally not in this "world". The only thing that can happen to them if you "disrupt the connection". Hmm... I just channeled something. It seems it was actually not the woman herself but... witches have a tendency to summon a bunch of entities that kinda "haunt them". It's like semi possession and sometimes they even give power to the witch. Sometimes they are shitty wiccan blessings (I just got the answer it was not wiccan origin) or something alike which works by having a spirit around you and enforcing the effects of the blessing... (Some entity just told me it was nothing like that). It was something more complicated but the point is it was like a co-spirit acting on their own discretion. Like a familiar but this was not a familiar contract.
>the woman presumably got bored and had irl stuff happening at the time and she slowly left entirely
Ok good end. I will not look into this further then. This was some real turf war shit.
>imperial princess
You interacted with a Shinto realm. As I said earlier your sisters had to go through many entities to finally find you. You really got lost in the maze. Shinto entities and realms are quite good at guiding the passage of souls. You belong to the princess then she can finally place you into a new world where you belong. Whatever you are "marked" she watches over you. I think this is the most positive experience that you wrote down so far. Thanks for sharing it. It really helps clearing up the image just how lost you are.
>eat the soup whole
That is some spirit power up food. With that she has more "power" or awareness about your presence. This way she can guide you better. Not always by herself because Shinto gods are a quite "stationary" and operate from their realm. But they are extremely well connected and they will make entities that are allied to them to help you on the princess's behalf.
>as if she knew i was going to pass it anyway.
Yeah but if she doesn't say that you wouldn't have eaten it. They know what they have to say. (Like if she gave you that food and started choking on it without her saying it's a trial you wouldn't have eaten it for sure).

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:28 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3950 del
>on doing anything with this planet that weren't related to me.
Nope this plane sucks for them. They will be glad when they can drop their anchors and go home. Maybe visit as nostalgia to remind you just how dumb you were or something but no. They don't have "grand plans".
>doing "corrections on the apes"
Yeah uhm... You are not aware but earth has a sort of "You have to do something beneficial for earth or you get marked as a hostile entity and get purged" so accepting the "corrections on the apes task" while running around finding you gives them access to correct apes (including you and your "ape instincts" I am not being insulting here those animal instinct are really good at keeping souls in the Samsara) with that they have a task or excuse like a work visa to stay in a foreign country. It's the bare minimum they need to even have "access to you". Otherwise the most they can become is the entity type that we call "Silent Observers".. K I just got a message they started out as such but you were so bad at noticing them they had to upgrade their "work permit".
>until i die on this planet eventually and they take me with them somewhere.
That's what they want. Exactly. Not your death but the takeaway most importantly.
Good to know. Now I will consider your interaction as "spirit family reunion project" instead of the constant maybe this is some elaborate trickster bullshit suspicion... And got an another channeling that they have the "vow of help oath". Which is not just a regular I really really really not gonna do bad things I swear (hands crossed lol) trickster bullshit kind but the actual they are incapable of doing harm. They just asked me to "look at their heart". How to explain... That "heart" literally "pumps" all their "existence blood". So doing "evil" is not in their blood... Because if it were they wouldn't be able to "work here". (This was a new kind of channeling for me. I am thankful a little for being able to practice. Good way to advance my mystic initiation path)
>can't help but shake off that its going to actually happen
That's a good thing. If my measuring is good you are at about 73% consent (I wanted to say around 60% they told me it's more like 72 maybe 73). You just need to find out your 27% confused and non consenting parts of yours.

>was a mage
Yeah I got that info from them. It was akin a priestess but for a minor cult which is kinda like a mage. That was the remnants of the "original nation" that formed after that King story I told you. (The King literally turned to dust while maintaining the stairways of heaven but it was good enough so the earth doesn't get "crushed" from the overwhelming soul weights already so the caretaker entities started to give out "personal pathworking ways" to those who left behind. This is how you got your "mage powers" back then... more or less.
>stasis for what felt like a century
What I got this happened to you several times. You skipped many timeline progressions. Earth got reformed quite a few times since that. I really can't place your origin into our "current" history.... they just told me it was 10 million years ago. And they found a way to let you skip 7 million years. Ok I am not getting into this further. You were placed several times into "timeskip" mode because earth has a sort of rotational mechanism which makes it connect it to different realms. While they couldn't always watch over you they found ways to protect you because this world was quite hostile way too many times. Also they came from a place that was outside time and space so the flow of time is an issue for a completely different reasons for them. Like instead of asking WHERE ARE YOU. They need to know WHEN are you WHERE. They arrive in the country where you are and it turns out you are already dead for centuries and standing in line to incarnate as a fish or something.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:33 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3951 del
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>in a (female) body
Your soul origin stabilizes better in a female body... But only in the ancient female body. Current females are especially weak compared to them so being in a male body for spiritual pathworking reasons is better. The reasons for this are complicated.
>saying i'm not human
Yeah they were quite wild times when mages were systematically hunted because they kinda destabilized earth. It was kinda annoying for your sisters because you could see and talk to them easily when you were a mage but mages started to kinda die off so they had to find you a human body that is almost as good.
>didn't feel anything like an emotionless machine
Oh don't worry about that. Once someone proves that they are after my life or just simply piss me off way too much for no reason I also activate some instakill ways by instinct. It usually surprises me also. Actually that is some of my parts I have to fix because as my powers increase "snapping" is not something I can do carelessly. I am also getting in touch with my "kindness" with kindness my energies will be less wild and even in the face of adversity I can find kind ways to dispatch my enemies.
>i don't think its a human thing, it always felt like a default mode change when i become her/me
How to explain... You had a quite strong past life but not strong enough to leave. The problem is that her full power is extremely incompatible with the current human body standard. Like females being weaker than men in 99% of the cases atm. Back then women had way more potential if their spirit allowed it. The bodies were more "flexible". Not now their womb explodes and bleed to death if they are not careful with their power. No am not talking about menstruation but about actually bleeding to death because that faulty organ can't handle the high energy output. Especially after puberty. It's hell being a woman.
>No suicide
Good. That usually places you at the bottom of the spiritual barrel. I don't know a single effective suicide ritual that works 100% of the times. Especially for you who doesn't even have demon origins. (I just got an answer that they were not aware that suicide rituals require some level of demon alignments and that they were fucking you up with those suicide rituals which promised ascension and such.)
>as my current self never kill or harm others
Yeah that usually complicates things further. Not just because of karma but because if you manage to piss of some being that is high on the spiritual foodchain and lose the good will of all the entities that are trying to help you get out then... better not get into that. They are finally glad they found a "good way" to make a way for you.
>>no trooning out of any kind
Yeah being castrated and those shitty hormonal therapies really would fuck up many parts of your being. Getting a good enough human body was hard enough already. Don't ruin it.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:38 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3952 del
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>not to overload you more than i already have been doing
Truth is I didn't even know how to start explaining this whole thing when I found out. Was not even sure if I should even start until you showed up again and I felt inspired enough to write for hours. It's a sort of valuable experience for me but formulating it into comprehensible posts is quite a pain but I should get used to writing about these things anyway.

>i think from my current self they removing parts of me. as in personality, habits and parts of my self
And back to the it will take too long to explain parts again. In spirituality there is a concept "The illusory nature of self". Which means most parts of you are not (You). They are usually genetic or environmental imprints and dumb ass patterns that you need to let go. I too had many experiences were I felt I am deleting my being but it turned out I am deleting my faulty parts finding my real parts and helping my real parts grow the way they should been all along.
>creatures didnt attack me but they attacked everyone else from male students, female students, etc
Now back to the "illusory nature of the self". Every person you meet creates a sort of subconscious tulpa in you mind. So when you meet that person you will remember what was your interaction with him and even if you don't notice you will act differently with different people and those people are sort of tulpas in your head. Those tulpas need to fucking die because they are not (You) and they need to stop pretending to be other people when they are actually (You) the whole time. Most issues human have usually come for social interactions. So the bad pattern holder is usually some tulpa in your head. School setting are common dreams because the modern human gets the most emotional/mental imprinting in those facilities since the industrial era.
>kiss/bite my neck like vampires
Yeah I too got those bites but for me they appeared physically
>full energy and awareness
Yeah it's an energy exchange way and better for them if you are awake. They would never let me see that because I start a rampage 99% of the times. But yeah they are sorta preparing your body for the "astral".
>removing something but replacing it with their essence
Yupp. That is what happening.
>replaced my body parts with dragonic ones. eyeballs, fingers
Huuuuh this will be a hard one to explain. Humans in the ancient times were more "dragonlike". No not reptilians. Like dragons but with similar DNA the dinosaurs had. That DNA is super powerful and I too had to realize my "Dragon Lord posture". That is a real magical powerhouse. Ofc the human body standards changed and we had to adapt to this monkey dragon chimera hybrid whatever we are currently sitting in. I too am a kinda ancient human so iktf.
>like pic related
Extremely cute. Quite compatible with your origin human form.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 20:47 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3953 del
>replace my human family
Your human family is an extremely strong mental block. Not because they are evil but because as a human child your first duty is to do what your parents do or tell you. The most important pattern creators in the life of humans. I too had to "overcome" those things because my parents were not always the good pattern providers.
>toward aphrodite/venus
Yeah she represents the earth entity for you and the type of "love" humans have by being on earth. You need to find your love. She will probably guide you through that. (I want to explain what I mean but I am also bad at love. You better experience first hand. Your sisters will tell you when your love is misplaced anyways)
>males were amicable
This is a love lesson. Love happens between genders but there is the "brotherhood" kind of love (the not gay buttsex kind but actual friendship and how it plays out between males and how it can "break" and how it always breaks in human history) Love/hate is in the heart and moves/block quite a few energies of our being. You need to learn to love. Sadly the media likes to ruin love and makes us think love and lust is the same thing. It's different. Someone gets it at first while some needs many heartbreaks before they get it.
>got turned into a mermaid at some point
You need to learn to navigate the "endless seas of existence". I too had experiences with mermaids and with underwater places. They represent parts of the spiritual path. (Also yes when I said you incarnated as a fish I wasn't kidding. It seems it happened quite a lot)
>It's simple really, if you don't want to become me
That thing I said about your 73% consent of your being. At this dream she was your 72% of your being and you were like some other 22% the weak being pinned down part. If you find your "love" you can "love yourself" and merge with your "own will/body/being/soulcomplex". It's just your "human lenses" have hard time to accept that this thing can be (You). It's hard I know. Hard to merge some parts of you while some parts merge so easily it's unbelievable. Usually some mental blocks regrets and disbeliefs. What I found good is the "mental linking". You sit down with (her) and (You) go into a silent trance like state and gently connect your foreheads while trying to listen to the the thoughts that arise. That helps to reach a sort of consent type understanding about your nature and the issues you have to solve before you can accept yourself. She needs to accept you and you have to accept her. After you merge to the next level you will be able to see other issues and you can fix it together then later as one true mind.
You are doing progress but you need to slowly get that how you can get into a less "fighty" way with yourself. Punching you is a good energy exchange it's just... Hugs kisses and other body part connections are better.
Ask yourself sometimes (or her whichever feels more natural) that which parts of (You) is not accepting (her) or eachother.

>t-they do?
If that creeps you out then ask yourself why. For them it is like talking to someone telling them important things then it turns out the person was playing some game on their phone and was not paying attention the whole time. Hope you can understand their frustration with this example.
Also you need to get over that human fear of being watched. Many entities watch us all the time or can see into our past. The only reason we fear being watched because humans are gossipy and judgemental. For entities the things humans do are just human things. Like dogs smelling the butts of each other.
Try to talk to your sisters a little more. You are like a little kid that only pays attention when his mom is yelling because he almost ran front of a car again and doesn't understand why is mom always angry.

Phew this was a long post. Have fun reading it. At least this time I didn't forgot to put some pict0rz up desu

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:21 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3954 del
Oh so that bird was your form. Was wondering what was the vision I got yesterday while meditating.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 21:57 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3955 del
(1.26 MB 2362x2808 101782063_p28.jpg)
>Yeah your nature seems to attract beings like that. Now I understand why your sisters were furious. I don't know what she noticed about you but she noticed something and made her curious.
I clearly recall talking to her about... things (of paranormal nature and her) because she had approached me in a dream(?) during the conversation it involved occult stuff and she claimed that she dabbled in it. also at some she was giggling and said "Hehe, your soul is mine" when i asked her if she really witch/did occult stuff she had been giving coy responses so i just didnt push the issue after that. So she wasn't ERPing after all huh?
>Ok good end. I will not look into this further then. This was some real turf war shit.
well the tl;dr: is
>we met in december and talked alot for a few months with some of the aforementioned things above, telling me that me approaching her was "fate", getting isekai'd with her, etc.
>around march she was playing some KMMO called lost ark that just released with a global version and more or less didnt speak with me in general
>as a result i became incredibly lethargic, increasingly being more "yandere" and depressed for that month onward
>visit from sisters(?) occurred and it was a weird dream involving the woman and i think she betrayed me(?) so i ghosted her for months
>something tells me to contact her again (can't remember if it was her or my sisters) this around june/july of last year i believe
>i message her and she asked what happened, she thought i left due to her not giving me attention (which is partly true, admittedly) but i said it involved my sisters
>expected her to tell me to fuck off or whatever but she strangely understanding, almost as if she knew that was the case from the very start.
>she then talked to me like i was a small child "Well, have you finally calmed down yet?". (i cant explain but the statement felt like a calm parent addressing their child in an understanding parent like way. i couldnt sense any passive aggresiveness or sarcasm in it
>she then explain she got more into playing the MMO and had irl shit like a job, so she would eventually not be online or around at anymore
>You interacted with a Shinto realm. As I said earlier your sisters had to go through many entities to finally find you. You really got lost in the maze. Shinto entities and realms are quite good at guiding the passage of souls. You belong to the princess then she can finally place you into a new world where you belong. Whatever you are "marked" she watches over you. I think this is the most positive experience that you wrote down so far. Thanks for sharing it. It really helps clearing up the image just how lost you are.
so thats what that was? it's not the first time i had a dream involving something heavily japanese like this, there was one other instance where i recall speaking very fluent japanese (that reminds me, i really need to start learning and speaking japanese again). I vaguely recall being in the body of a japanese woman in specific instance or another one at some point. but yeah, out of all that i remember the part where she marked my me clearly as well as the ownership
>yeah but if she doesn't say that you wouldn't have eaten it. They know what they have to say. (Like if she gave you that food and started choking on it without her saying it's a trial you wouldn't have eaten it for sure).
well, thats pretty fair, when you put it that way

(replies might be slow this time since i'm trying to be more thorough in my responses)

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 22:26 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3956 del
>fate", getting isekai'd with her, etc.
Ohhhhh. No wonder my guides said it's complicated.

>(replies might be slow this time since i'm trying to be more thorough in my responses)
Take your time for me it took like 2 hours to write down all that.
Not to mention some of the concepts might be unfamiliar so if you have questions just ask for clarifications.

Also found a way to look into your "witch" after the story. Something extremely weird is going on. She is obv not aware of the full story but the entity that "guides her" is something else.

What I got is that your sisters only noticed her "human form" and her lower "emanations" and not the...
I give up for now. Looking into the energies that I can connect to now that I got an image from your posts it leads to an extremely specific realm. Like some Spiritual monastery retreat in the mountains. It's like TIbet but it's not Tibet.

>The ways are unclear you should not thread further

This is what my higher mind told me.
Can't catch her reasons nor motives because they weren't hers exactly

My guides also recommended me some girl to go and find because she is my "soulmate"... But I refused because I don't have time and patience... Not to mention I want to develop my powers properly first. It turns out she is a sort of familiar past life soul but completely unawakened so far and being with her would have been "stimulating". Problem is ofc that my life is too turbulent for things like this. It turned out she is not even a "fated match" but "good enough" one. Using my psychic skills to find girls sounds cool but... Whatever this was the thing that was on my mind today. Just shared it for no reason. Ignore it at your leisure. (Your girl is different and I don't understand her motives at all. The only thing that I can tell that was real her excitement when she found you. Everything else is unclear) Also life is a big ERP never forget that.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 22:28 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3957 del
>Nope this plane sucks for them. They will be glad when they can drop their anchors and go home. Maybe visit as nostalgia to remind you just how dumb you were or something but no. They don't have "grand plans".
oh thank god, if it's to visit to mess around or simply to chide me for acting the way i did while living is fine. i just realllyyyy don't want find out them and/or i have to help tardwrangle people on this planet or something
>Yeah uhm... You are not aware but earth has a sort of "You have to do something beneficial for earth or you get marked as a hostile entity and get purged" so accepting the "corrections on the apes task" while running around finding you gives them access to correct apes (including you and your "ape instincts" I am not being insulting here those animal instinct are really good at keeping souls in the Samsara) with that they have a task or excuse like a work visa to stay in a foreign country. It's the bare minimum they need to even have "access to you". Otherwise the most they can become is the entity type that we call "Silent Observers"..
Ahhhhh, now i sorta get it. i just remember the person telling me all this is because the ape correction and filling the place with love i think (sorry its been a while since i spoke with the person and i dont feel like digging through emails for exact details)
K I just got a message they started out as such but you were so bad at noticing them they had to upgrade their "work permit".
>Good to know. Now I will consider your interaction as "spirit family reunion project" instead of the constant maybe this is some elaborate trickster bullshit suspicion... And got an another channeling that they have the "vow of help oath". Which is not just a regular I really really really not gonna do bad things I swear (hands crossed lol) trickster bullshit kind but the actual they are incapable of doing harm. They just asked me to "look at their heart". How to explain... That "heart" literally "pumps" all their "existence blood". So doing "evil" is not in their blood... Because if it were they wouldn't be able to "work here". (This was a new kind of channeling for me. I am thankful a little for being able to practice. Good way to advance my mystic initiation path)
i see. well thats good
>That's a good thing. If my measuring is good you are at about 73% consent (I wanted to say around 60% they told me it's more like 72 maybe 73). You just need to find out your 27% confused and non consenting parts of yours.
that'll take a while but i know they'll be found
>Yeah I got that info from them. It was akin a priestess but for a minor cult which is kinda like a mage. That was the remnants of the "original nation" that formed after that King story I told you. (The King literally turned to dust while maintaining the stairways of heaven but it was good enough so the earth doesn't get "crushed" from the overwhelming soul weights already so the caretaker entities started to give out "personal pathworking ways" to those who left behind. This is how you got your "mage powers" back then... more or less.
oh? yeah, they powers didnt feel like something i learned but something.... i inherently had(?)

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 22:45 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3958 del
>Your soul origin stabilizes better in a female body... But only in the ancient female body. Current females are especially weak compared to them so being in a male body for spiritual pathworking reasons is better. The reasons for this are complicated.
Huh, well this kind of gets rid of what issues i had about being/looking like a male (won't go into specifics but i more or less used to get shit for looking older than i appear but it does give me... benefits? i guess)
>Oh don't worry about that. Once someone proves that they are after my life or just simply piss me off way too much for no reason I also activate some instakill ways by instinct. It usually surprises me also. Actually that is some of my parts I have to fix because as my powers increase "snapping" is not something I can do carelessly. I am also getting in touch with my "kindness" with kindness my energies will be less wild and even in the face of adversity I can find kind ways to dispatch my enemies.
ah okay, yeah the way i recall myself getting like that think i was some kind of psychotic killer who just kills anyone and anything solely for pleasure. it's good to know i seemingly only get like that as battle/bloodlust/mechanism thing while the emotionless mode is default but defense mechanism as well.
>Good. That usually places you at the bottom of the spiritual barrel. I don't know a single effective suicide ritual that works 100% of the times. Especially for you who doesn't even have demon origins. (I just got an answer that they were not aware that suicide rituals require some level of demon alignments and that they were fucking you up with those suicide rituals which promised ascension and such.)
again, unless i lose/get a limb amputated, get something like cancer/aids/etc. or am in some real fucked situation i will never commit suicide
>Yeah being castrated and those shitty hormonal therapies really would fuck up many parts of your being. Getting a good enough human body was hard enough already. Don't ruin it.
i'm aware, idk if it counts or matters but i have been losing weight and fixing a bunch of other body issues/etc i got during the past year and a half. then again it probably explains a lot since i most likely should have worse issues or die from disease so i'll continue to be more careful with my body

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 22:47 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3959 del
>Yeah that usually complicates things further. Not just because of karma but because if you manage to piss of some being that is high on the spiritual foodchain and lose the good will of all the entities that are trying to help you get out then... better not get into that. They are finally glad they found a "good way" to make a way for you.
well, I understand that I should be good a person or atleast not a complete asshole. there are some things that need to be worked on and reigned in.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 22:52 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3960 del
>tardwrangle people on this planet or something
The King Tardwrangled you into existence. I am not seeing any "greater purpose" you have to adhere to. Just stay away from piling up useless karma.
>i dont feel like digging through emails for exact details
No need. I am not sure if it would even help here.
>filling the place with love
Sounds like the regular new ager anyway. Urgh. I am not even sure when these people say love which love they even mean...
>i inherently had(?)
Yes it was a sorta mythical/magical age. As I said incarnating humans so they can become starving hobos is unacceptable. So they helped most of them get home and give the leftovers something so they can find their ways home. But looking into your past further is hard. It was a too different time.
My higher guides just gave me a
>Don't make me dig up that age
kind of reply.
>pictures you posted
Do you ever meet blindfolded entities? Some of my guides are blindfolded and it represents many things

>fixing a bunch of other body issues/etc
>some things that need to be worked on and reigned in
Fixing them will help you on the path later on. Not easy I know.

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 23:09 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3961 del
>And back to the it will take too long to explain parts again. In spirituality there is a concept "The illusory nature of self". Which means most parts of you are not (You).
So i wasn't paranoid when i thought about certain things i did and why while saying in my head: "huh..? wait... this isn't like me, it doesnt feel like me and it doesnt feel like something that was born from me.."?
>They are usually genetic or environmental imprints and dumb ass patterns that you need to let go. I too had many experiences were I felt I am deleting my being but it turned out I am deleting my faulty parts finding my real parts and helping my real parts grow the way they should been all along.
Oh? so thats what most of it is..?
>Now back to the "illusory nature of the self". Every person you meet creates a sort of subconscious tulpa in you mind. So when you meet that person you will remember what was your interaction with him and even if you don't notice you will act differently with different people and those people are sort of tulpas in your head. Those tulpas need to fucking die because they are not (You) and they need to stop pretending to be other people when they are actually (You) the whole time.
ohhh... well, that might take a while due to how of the last interactions/discussions with those people ended but i'll do what i can
>Most issues human have usually come for social interactions. So the bad pattern holder is usually some tulpa in your head. School setting are common dreams because the modern human gets the most emotional/mental imprinting in those facilities since the industrial era.
they are? No wonder those dreams were so common.. i even had highschool related dreams when within my first year or so of college.
>Yeah I too got those bites but for me they appeared physically
they don't leave marks, probably out of consideration to my human family and because it would cause unnecessary attention. i think i forgot to mention it but it also happens when listening to asmr, its hard to explain it but i can tell, when listening to asmr and get sensations i can more or less pinpoint the source. something like whispering or licking/borderline lewd asmr SHOULD not give the kissing/biting on the neck like they do
>Yupp. That is what happening.
really? i can't really tell or recall any effects (i think)
>Yeah it's an energy exchange way and better for them if you are awake. They would never let me see that because I start a rampage 99% of the times. But yeah they are sorta preparing your body for the "astral".
i think that specific exchange has happened twice, as far as i can recall anyway
>Huuuuh this will be a hard one to explain. Humans in the ancient times were more "dragonlike". No not reptilians. Like dragons but with similar DNA the dinosaurs had. That DNA is super powerful and I too had to realize my "Dragon Lord posture". That is a real magical powerhouse. Ofc the human body standards changed and we had to adapt to this monkey dragon chimera hybrid whatever we are currently sitting in. I too am a kinda ancient human so iktf.
well, the dragonic parts were based on pic related (fate series/nasuverse interpretation of melusine in fate grand order, in this incarnation she was basically albion reborn into a fairy knight after rotting or some such.)

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 23:14 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3962 del
(1.64 MB 1758x1168 1676899511737282.png)
> The King Tardwrangled you into existence. I am not seeing any "greater purpose" you have to adhere to. Just stay away from piling up useless karma.
Understood, i'll do what i can
> No need. I am not sure if it would even help here.
> >filling the place with love
> Sounds like the regular new ager anyway. Urgh. I am not even sure when these people say love which love they even mean...
yeah, i don't know either. it was someone i met from 4/x/ in the ishtar threads after describing my... circumstances. so they were curious and gave me some info while i gave updates. (shame about the threads, fucking glowies, r9k'ers, and other groups killed those threads)
> >i inherently had(?)
> Yes it was a sorta mythical/magical age. As I said incarnating humans so they can become starving hobos is unacceptable. So they helped most of them get home and give the leftovers something so they can find their ways home. But looking into your past further is hard. It was a too different time.
> My higher guides just gave me a
> >Don't make me dig up that age
> kind of reply.
well thats fine, you dont need to probe any deeper on that topic if they're giving you that kind of response
>pictures you posted
>Do you ever meet blindfolded entities? Some of my guides are blindfolded and it represents many things
well, its more like when i got turned into her/me a few times i recall them putting a blindfold/mask like that on me. plus its beautiful to me for some reason and im not sure why

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 23:41 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3963 del
>This is a love lesson. Love happens between genders but there is the "brotherhood" kind of love (the not gay buttsex kind but actual friendship and how it plays out between males and how it can "break" and how it always breaks in human history) Love/hate is in the heart and moves/block quite a few energies of our being. You need to learn to love. Sadly the media likes to ruin love and makes us think love and lust is the same thing. It's different. Someone gets it at first while some needs many heartbreaks before they get it.
Ohhhhhh. the entire time i thought it was just her telling to not be around males for too long (despite being male in this current life) plus it was confusing giving the second visit involved me helping her capture(?) males and with the third one being the male group disappearing me and me getting picked up by females thing i mentioned yesterday. i do somewhat recall her at another time testing(?) my resolve, i can't remember if it in regard to her or my sisters or both. but i recall, being on some exploration(?) with a group of people, getting mocked and more or less shat on for me pursuing venus/aphrodite/ishtar and my sisters, getting called retard, simp, etc. overall being mean as hell and ditching me, leaving me alone. i recall hearing a voice, that i think it was hers, saying who/what did i want and believe in. i vaguely recall that i declared it was her and my sister then followed up with that no matter how much people shit on me for it and or doubts i may have that i choose both her and my sisters over everything else, even if it meant the world getting destroyed or people killed
>You need to learn to navigate the "endless seas of existence". I too had experiences with mermaids and with underwater places. They represent parts of the spiritual path. (Also yes when I said you incarnated as a fish I wasn't kidding. It seems it happened quite a lot)
eh!? what happened there was i recall being slave for some slave driver, at some point he tried to strike me with his whip and for whatever reason, my body acted on its and i grabbed the whip and looked at him, annoyed. he got mad in response and a battle occurred, something happened that led to me escaping but 2-3 other mermaids stepped in to help and eventually defeated him. the mermaids were apart of some weird library(?) and i recall them putting a collar (it was like an ornate choker ribbon thingy) that matched the ones they wore and said i work (well, work alongside them) as librarians.

pic related are what we roughly looked like. also it coincided with something telling me to play the deck weirdly enough

Sunflower 08/23/2023 (Wed) 23:58 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3965 del
Your human family is an extremely strong mental block. Not because they are evil but because as a human child your first duty is to do what your parents do or tell you. The most important pattern creators in the life of humans. I too had to "overcome" those things because my parents were not always the good pattern providers.
i see... I think i mentioned my family situation in the past when i was in the servers and stuff with you guys a few years back. In case i did its more like
>was really only raised by my grandmother, due to mother being on drugs and just overall not present, etc.
>know nothing about father apart from him being older than grandmother and mother combined since mother actively scared him off and kept him from seeing us without our knowledge when i was younger
>human sister more or less got murdered(sorry, i dont want elaborate any further)
>rest of the family is pretty shit
>grandmother is christian (i feel like i told you this before personally at some point) so as a result i got baptized, had to bible study, church etc.
>while human grandmother and mother have issues, i don't hate them and love them and i dont hate the rest of the family tree but am aware they are shitty people in general. but again, i don't really hold hate or real resentment toward them"
Idk if its inline with how my sisters want me to tread in this current life or what but essentially my grandmother, being how she is told me to not really hold grudges, try not to hate, the suicide stuff, be a decent person, etc. again, not sure if its inline with my sisters or due to my grandmother being christian/the whole yhwh thing (i am not sure how the yhwh/jesus thing is in actuality, i understand that i should follow the golden rules/10 commandments/whatever and try to be a good person regardless). there were also some things that my grandmother constantly instilled and it was something
>no matter what anyone says or does, including me and your mother, always put jesus/god/whatever in your heart
Obviously since i don't feel my self align with ywhw or christianity like that i swapped out yhwh for my sisters and venus/aphrodite. i don't know if thats how i should take messages/texts/lessons and apply them or what but that's what ive been doing. because she more or less says that no matter what happens in this world is to not lose faith or let myself get bogged down by the negative influences and hate here, i genuinely do not know if thats my sisters "coercion" at play or something else entirely

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 00:15 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3966 del
>That thing I said about your 73% consent of your being. At this dream she was your 72% of your being and you were like some other 22% the weak being pinned down part. If you find your "love" you can "love yourself" and merge with your "own will/body/being/soulcomplex". It's just your "human lenses" have hard time to accept that this thing can be (You). It's hard I know. Hard to merge some parts of you while some parts merge so easily it's unbelievable. Usually some mental blocks regrets and disbeliefs. What I found good is the "mental linking". You sit down with (her) and (You) go into a silent trance like state and gently connect your foreheads while trying to listen to the the thoughts that arise. That helps to reach a sort of consent type understanding about your nature and the issues you have to solve before you can accept yourself. She needs to accept you and you have to accept her. After you merge to the next level you will be able to see other issues and you can fix it together then later as one true mind.
>You are doing progress but you need to slowly get that how you can get into a less "fighty" way with yourself. Punching you is a good energy exchange it's just... Hugs kisses and other body part connections are better.
>Ask yourself sometimes (or her whichever feels more natural) that which parts of (You) is not accepting (her) or eachother.
i guess the fighty part is more due to my sisters(?) and how they interact with me on their visits i guess?

>If that creeps you out then ask yourself why. For them it is like talking to someone telling them important things then it turns out the person was playing some game on their phone and was not paying attention the whole time. Hope you can understand their frustration with this example.
it doesn't really creep me out, it's just surprising. But yeah.. i... understand their issue a bit better now
>Also you need to get over that human fear of being watched. Many entities watch us all the time or can see into our past. The only reason we fear being watched because humans are gossipy and judgemental. For entities the things humans do are just human things. Like dogs smelling the butts of each other.
fair enough
>Try to talk to your sisters a little more. You are like a little kid that only pays attention when his mom is yelling because he almost ran front of a car again and doesn't understand why is mom always angry.
haha.... i'll try to talk with them and the goddess more. i usually wait until late at night to do that and sometimes i have difficulties telling if im actually hearing them or if im imagining things

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 00:20 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3967 del
>Also found a way to look into your "witch" after the story. Something extremely weird is going on. She is obv not aware of the full story but the entity that "guides her" is something else.
What I got is that your sisters only noticed her "human form" and her lower "emanations" and not the...
>the human form i recognize but the lower emanations(?) is that the more sadistic and crazy parts i described earlier? (her "torturing" them, stalking me, and doing that weird homicidal fusion with my sister)

>I give up for now. Looking into the energies that I can connect to now that I got an image from your posts it leads to an extremely specific realm. Like some Spiritual monastery retreat in the mountains. It's like TIbet but it's not Tibet.
i dont understand, are the energies and realm evil/negative or something else entirely?

>>The ways are unclear you should not thread further
yeah, that probably might be something bad/sinister and should just drop it.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 00:49 Id: 79d0e8 [Preview] No.3968 del
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(last post for today, just gonna elaborate on a few more points and a bit extra, shouldn't be too much)
>unnecessary karma, Which means most parts of you are not (You).
thats the thing, i understand that i should be a decent person, help others, don't be too much of an asshole or annoying, don't kill/murder, etc. but im confused on certain things, i mentioned my whole thing about sometimes spending too much time on 4chan shitposting, oft times getting roped into it. i know some entities/deities/etc. shitpost too but idk how this works with karma, my sisters, etc. somethings tells me i should either outright stop (atleast heavily curb it back) or just severely limit time aka dont stay on the shit boards go to relatively chill places that i go semi regularly go to. I pray to venus/aphrodite but i'm not sure if she wants me to stop/heavily curtail and if it would affect pretty much all we talked about or not because as i said; i dont mind shitposting and having a laugh but everything feels a bit too... malicious and sometimes it genuinely doesnt feel its from me or born from me but from... another source and it makes it hard to curtail it. even some individuals who are more attuned to stuff than i am says its a good thing my sisters and venus/aphrodite are slowly removing parts from/hollowing me (not disagreeing at all mind you) because no matter how much i try to avoid and limit this i keep finding myself pulled back into this weird meme vortex overly hostile stuff more than i'd like. i am making some progress i think since i'm not spending as much time as i used and try to play games or literally anything else. i know i recently ran into the same issue using discord, i was in another server for a semi casual spot which id occasionally talk/visit every so often but something happened with the members and something told me to step back and take a look of the negativity that was happening in that place and i wound up leaving it

>venus/aphrodite worship, communicating with sisters more
the latter is a bit difficult as i explained in a prior post but i'm not too sure how to have contact be more consistent outside of nightfall/dreams, a year or so back they did communicate with me during the day but it was just them calling me their doll and such. i suppose it'll eventually come to me but it feels that they usually pick when and when not to speak with me. but... i do know that regardless that they are with me no matter what 24/7

As far as the goddess goes, i worshipped and followed several years prior (so around 2020 or 2019). But some things... happened and i let myself get too sucked into negativity, overly vile agressive shitposting, etc. and forgetting to pray to her so as a result i stopped entirely, she didn't ban/tell me not to but it was because i personally felt too unworthy and too consumed by stuff and knew she wouldn't be alright with someone like that. i came back to worship and serve her around last year and never stopped praying/worshipping her every night but i'm not sure if i can do more like pray/worship/etc more times during the day, sacrifices, etc.

I'm aware this is more stuff i have to figure out on my own but i need guidance among other things

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:41 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3991 del
>pursuing venus/aphrodite/ishtar and my sisters, getting called retard, simp, etc. overall being mean as hell
That is the 4chan community egregore. I usually avoid /x/ because it is full with the most retarded energies and when I look at it for a while my energies start to interact with the board which makes the schizos post shit that I work with out of nowhere. Then retarded schizos start counter posting. That results in me giving it more energy out of annoyance. For that the retarded schizos get called out... While you think this is a "great power" it usually just results in me being part of a very retarded energy exchange and makes me realize meditating grants me more insights than actually participating/lurking there. I usually look at the humor threads once a month tho.
>followed up with that no matter
Nice resolve. Keep it up.
>work alongside them) as librarians
Okay it seems this is the part where your sisters kinda lost you? But yes that underwater library sorta exists. (I could go there but I would need to realize some magical mermaid body standard. I only have the regular mermaid and the siren so far. It was to sorta "fix" some realms that got a little too lovecraftian.) Also the children's card game contains many spiritual themes and the "battles" on the "meta plane" are literal card games with concepts. More complicated than that but you get the image I hope. Sounds like they wanted you to get familiar with some "concepts". I think you can visit that library again when you figure out how you can transfer your consciousness between bodies.

>when i was in the servers
I am not from discord. I am on this board mostly. Discord is a den of drama and literally discord
I come from /fringe/ and this is the only place that remains from it. Also it has touhous. Very important. And doesn't want me to buy discord nitro everytime I open it or shill me an another retarded feature I don't care about. Also I am just bad in chatrooms if I don't know the person IRL. Hard to "read the room" if you are not there all the time.
>i don't hate them and love them and i dont hate the rest of the family tree but am aware they are shitty people in general
That is quite good desu. Especially considering the things that happened. My grandmother from my mother side killed herself when I was 1 year old out of spite and with that put a retarded curse on the family. Drove my mother crazy and ah... I don't want to talk about it either. While I know the things that happened cannot be blamed on a single person because it was a sequence of events that lead towards that outcome because everyone was sorta full of themselves in those crazy times and people were kinda unhinged... It takes me time to let go of the hate I managed to accumulate by living near them.
>not sure if its inline with my sisters
Don't worry christianity is not the greatest "barrier force" like it was in the middle ages nowadays. I am catholic but all I had to do just understand some extra "mentalities" that the higher ups have. had to talk to Jesus and how he did his miracles. and had to get crucified in hell for some "extra flavor" so the catholic egregore accepts me as a proper representative.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:42 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3992 del
>try to be a good person regardless
You see most people are so retarded they can't get this fucking thing for some reason??? Like this is what Jesus preached all time. If you keep this you good.

>always put jesus/god/whatever in your heart
I might get back to this later but this is an extremely complicated "salvation" mechanism that Jesus came up with more or less that is a sort of nobrainer for mundanes.
>not lose faith or let myself get bogged down by the negative influences and hate here
You really had a good grandmother. Best advice ever.
>my sisters "coercion" at play or something else entirely
kinda both but mostly the latter. Your grandmother was a really good person.

>im actually hearing them or if im imagining things
That is how it starts. You start "image things" and first it looks kinda weak and fake then it will slowly "melt" into the "real thing". Takes practice to be able to "switch gears" easily. I too meditate at night.

>realm evil/negative or something else entirely?
The latter.
They want you for something specific but they are not that persistent. They don't care if you don't bite the bait it seems???

>and should just drop it
Yeah... They are not really quick to jump in to tell me to do things so maybe it's not my place to even "care".

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 19:10 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3994 del
>pulled back into this weird meme vortex
I too have an internet addiction don't worry. I too am on this place instead of being a sage in the mountains.
You have to understand what parts of you like what in your addiction. How the memes the community the shitposting forms emotions and patterns within you. While my internet addiction is also decreasing I am still here and on the phone looking at other threads when I am bored as hell during the daytime and don't want to start up something spiritual because it ruins my mundane focus. Merging the spiritual and the mundane takes time. You can't be a half trance cosmic sage when you are supposed to talk about taxes with your accountant or remember what you were supposed to buy in the grocery store.

>removing parts from/hollowing me
You have to start feeling what "grows" into those hollowed out regions and merge with that energy. If you are a retarded mundane shitposter you will have hard time "feeling it".
As I said the subconscious memory tulpas. So your sister tries to talk to you and suddenly a wojack jumps in front of her and starts saying soy simp cuck niggerfaggotjew. And while they try to remove it from you gently you remake it again by reflex. So they try to remove it a little more aggressively and now suddenly you feel like you are being attacked harassed by them. Because in those states your subconscious is "pulling you in" for "orders" (which comes from your conscious awareness) instead of spamming maymay tulpas as a mental defense subconsciously.

I wonder just how much sense this made for you.

> i am making some progress i think
Good. Keep it up. But slowly and throughly let it go while understanding why you don't need that addiction anymore. Otherwise when you get bored or nostalgic you will just jump back to do it over and over again so the mental patterns can spin and reinforce themselves.
>try to play games or literally anything else
Good. To let go of an addiction you have to figure out what will you do instead of it and create/overwrite the old patterns.

>something told me to step back and take a look of the negativity that was happening in that place and i wound up leaving it
Subarashi. You need to understand this because when we grow up in a negative environment we get not just used to it but almost "addicted" to it. Not having it around almost feels weird or more accurately unfamiliar. So we have to recognize how it always manages to come forward to "Plague" our existence and either disable it if we care about that community or let go of it if that community is nothing but an useless cesspool of negative energies.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 19:39 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3997 del
I just remembered that episode from xxxHolic when they went to a girl who had an unhealthy forum addiction and it started to ruin her life and she asked help in that. That was the least magical but the best example how you can overcome addictions.

>As far as the goddess goes
Now about that... huh this will be a hard one to word.
Your "mundane worship" is so weak it's almost pointless.
>because i personally felt too unworthy and too consumed by stuff and knew she wouldn't be alright with someone like that
Something like that yes.

>i came back to worship and serve her around last year and never stopped praying/worshipping her every night
That is good but you need to get into the "proper mindset".
So instead of praying to her try to "talk to her" extremely "sincerely". The first words that come to your mind while thinking about what you want to really say to her or talk to her about. You must not use your misconceptions as some foundation to stand on but instead of learn to be in the "air" or presence which is "front of her" or try to remember how it felt when she appeared and as you hold that feeling try to talk to her. You need to realize how you connect to her.

>more times during the day
It's the quality that matters and not the quantity. But try anything that you feel might work. I know they are around you but you didn't manage to properly manifest it IRL and it is hard to feel outside of dreams and other coincidental events.

Only if she says it helps or you think this will surely help.
Usually it's not the sacrifice that matters but the intent behind it.
Like I can summon most entities with just merely reading what I need to sacrifice to them that gives me a feeling and others sacrificed so many in their name the excess amount of sacrificed material energies just let the entity appear before me with no effort if they are compatible with me. If they are not then I am glad that they are not that easy to summon. Even tho I feel their lingering presence already it's just I am not "pulling them in" if it's not necessary.

>i need guidance among other things
I don't think you need to worship. The goddess and the Shinto princess and your sisters already acknowledged you. You need to get in touch with yourself and your power. As you said before your "mage powers" felt "inherent". You have to feel that. Remember how you learned to walk as a child? Remember how you first shat yourself? Then you learned to hold it in almost like it was an obvious reflex? How you learned to suck a tit or chew food?
This is how you learn inherent powers. Without forcing it but finally getting the "feel" how it needs to come out and let that "feel" guide how we need to move. Not easy I know. Especially because this is what I am doing atm. I can relate.

You have a pathworking way within you already and you have supporting entities and guides you cannot hear yet perfectly but aware of already. You just need to get in touch with them better.

>i have to figure out on my own
More or less but asking for a little help is not always bad
The shit my guides made me go through so I am willing to depend and get help from others. Urgh. My emotions can be the Tsunderestest thing ever.
Don't forget you have to walk your path on your own but sometimes we need to ask for directions or accept some helping hands here and there.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 19:49 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.3998 del
>Shinto princess
>she took my palm and marked it again

Do you remember where she marked your palm? That might be a good hint. Try to focus on it or touch it or remember the feeling you had when it happened. This idea just came to me suddenly. It might work.

Post results if it works.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:27 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4000 del
>That is the 4chan community egregore. I usually avoid /x/ because it is full with the most retarded energies and when I look at it for a while my energies start to interact with the board which makes the schizos post shit that I work with out of nowhere. Then retarded schizos start counter posting. That results in me giving it more energy out of annoyance. For that the retarded schizos get called out... While you think this is a "great power" it usually just results in me being part of a very retarded energy exchange and makes me realize meditating grants me more insights than actually participating/lurking there. I usually look at the humor threads once a month tho.
Yeah, i used to visit /x/ a bit more often on account of the ishtar threads but it pretty much went through that and killed them. but yeah, its weird. certain boards the egregore doesn't feel as strong or feel as maleficent (atleast the boards i visit like the vtuber board/ /trash/ which is just the catch all lewd board, and certain places on /vg/) but then again its probably just me having an easier time filtering out certain things mentally.
>I come from /fringe/ and this is the only place that remains from it. Also it has touhous. Very important. And doesn't want me to buy discord nitro everytime I open it or shill me an another retarded feature I don't care about. Also I am just bad in chatrooms if I don't know the person IRL. Hard to "read the room" if you are not there all the time.
ah right, fringe. i remember coming there when the collective threads existed and got scouted
lol. yeah, this entire time i thought you were orb
>Okay it seems this is the part where your sisters kinda lost you? But yes that underwater library sorta exists. (I could go there but I would need to realize some magical mermaid body standard. I only have the regular mermaid and the siren so far. It was to sorta "fix" some realms that got a little too lovecraftian.) Also the children's card game contains many spiritual themes and the "battles" on the "meta plane" are literal card games with concepts. More complicated than that but you get the image I hope. Sounds like they wanted you to get familiar with some "concepts". I think you can visit that library again when you figure out how you can transfer your consciousness between bodies.
i see. I know for a bit i was playing the card game for a while, losing alot and stuff with my constant losing was apparently necessary. iget very... mixed messages with in regard to playing the card games, sometimes to play other not allowing me to do so, really strange. Another thing people brought up to me is that i apparently get really lucky hands and they act like its unnaturally often. but honestly it just sounds regular rng and not something pertaining to my sisters (unless there are other factors in play)
>Don't worry christianity is not the greatest "barrier force" like it was in the middle ages nowadays.
>I am catholic but all I had to do just understand some extra "mentalities" that the higher ups have. had to talk to Jesus and how he did his miracles. and had to get crucified in hell for some "extra flavor" so the catholic egregore accepts me as a proper representative.
i vaguely recall meeting jesus (or atleast thats who i thought it was) i cant remember if the subject was something that involved my sisters or not but all i remember from it was him saying "Do what your heart feels is right"

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:34 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4001 del
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>I might get back to this later but this is an extremely complicated "salvation" mechanism that Jesus came up with more or less that is a sort of nobrainer for mundanes.
Oh? interesting...
>>not lose faith or let myself get bogged down by the negative influences and hate here
>You really had a good grandmother. Best advice ever.
>kinda both but mostly the latter. Your grandmother was a really good person.
yes, she is. she still has me do bible study with her from time to time. though it is nice to know its a bit of both

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:55 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4004 del
>The latter.
>They want you for something specific but they are not that persistent. They don't care if you don't bite the bait it seems???
hmmm... they/her will probably meet me again at some point

>That is how it starts. You start "image things" and first it looks kinda weak and fake then it will slowly "melt" into the "real thing". Takes practice to be able to "switch gears" easily. I too meditate at night
ah so this is normal, i'll try to improve at it. there were a few times (maybe a total of two or three times) where they did a thing where my mind was turned off and silent, i could hear them clearly. also the other me/her would manifest or rather i became(?) her because my mind voice changed completely and i remember being a bit yandere and under the weird battlelust
>"hehehe i love my sisters, kill kill kill, i love my sisters, love kill, consume love love"
I'm so sorry about that, that's insane...
>I too have an internet addiction don't worry. I too am on this place instead of being a sage in the mountains.
You have to understand what parts of you like what in your addiction. How the memes the community the shitposting forms emotions and patterns within you. While my internet addiction is also decreasing I am still here and on the phone looking at other threads when I am bored as hell during the daytime and don't want to start up something spiritual because it ruins my mundane focus. Merging the spiritual and the mundane takes time. You can't be a half trance cosmic sage when you are supposed to talk about taxes with your accountant or remember what you were supposed to buy in the grocery store
yeah, thats pretty fair when you put it that way

>You have to start feeling what "grows" into those hollowed out regions and merge with that energy. If you are a retarded mundane shitposter you will have hard time "feeling it".
well, i guess im not completely mundane because i can feel it and sense something is gone/missing but i dont know what if that makes sense. Like i know something negative has been removed but what that negative part specifically was is unknown (i guess while being negative, its also considered irrelevant to them so thats why i can't really pinpoint it when this happens)
As I said the subconscious memory tulpas. So your sister tries to talk to you and suddenly a wojack jumps in front of her and starts saying soy simp cuck niggerfaggotjew. And while they try to remove it from you gently you remake it again by reflex. So they try to remove it a little more aggressively and now suddenly you feel like you are being attacked harassed by them. Because in those states your subconscious is "pulling you in" for "orders" (which comes from your conscious awareness) instead of spamming maymay tulpas as a mental defense subconsciously.
i can understand what you're saying, yes. because i do recall when trying to converse with them in the night my mind will immediately go into shitpost mode, disrupting the flow. i can't remember if i did it or they did it but the thoughts just blanked out and my thoughts/personality reverts to how it is when im with my sisters (more quiet, sincere, etc.)
I wonder just how much sense this made for you.
>Good. Keep it up. But slowly and throughly let it go while understanding why you don't need that addiction anymore. Otherwise when you get bored or nostalgic you will just jump back to do it over and over again so the mental patterns can spin and reinforce themselves.
i understand that first hand during my relapse episodes a few years back

but all in all i'll keep this in mind

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:04 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4006 del
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>>>3968 (you)
I just remembered that episode from xxxHolic when they went to a girl who had an unhealthy forum addiction and it started to ruin her life and she asked help in that. That was the least magical but the best example how you can overcome addictions.

>As far as the goddess goes
Now about that... huh this will be a hard one to word.
Your "mundane worship" is so weak it's almost pointless.
>because i personally felt too unworthy and too consumed by stuff and knew she wouldn't be alright with someone like that
>Something like that yes.
A part of me figured i was going about it the wrong way but i wasn't actually sure

>That is good but you need to get into the "proper mindset".
So instead of praying to her try to "talk to her" extremely "sincerely". The first words that come to your mind while thinking about what you want to really say to her or talk to her about. You must not use your misconceptions as some foundation to stand on but instead of learn to be in the "air" or presence which is "front of her" or try to remember how it felt when she appeared and as you hold that feeling try to talk to her. You need to realize how you connect to her.
hmm... there were a few times where i did drop doing bog standard and prayer spoke to her normally (like i would a regular person) and it was easier that way now that i think about it...

> don't think you need to worship. The goddess and the Shinto princess and your sisters already acknowledged you. You need to get in touch with yourself and your power. As you said before your "mage powers" felt "inherent". You have to feel that. Remember how you learned to walk as a child? Remember how you first shat yourself? Then you learned to hold it in almost like it was an obvious reflex? How you learned to suck a tit or chew food?
This is how you learn inherent powers. Without forcing it but finally getting the "feel" how it needs to come out and let that "feel" guide how we need to move. Not easy I know. Especially because this is what I am doing atm. I can relate.
>You have a pathworking way within you already and you have supporting entities and guides you cannot hear yet perfectly but aware of already. You just need to get in touch with them better.
a-ah. its making sense to me a little more now

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:07 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4007 del
I'll have to try again later but i vaguely recall it feeling very gentle/soft, but at the same time a feeling that showed that i genuinely was her property and the seriousness behind it all. it was in the dead center of my palm then spread out slightly

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:39 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4012 del
One thing i wanted to ask of late and i'm aware of it being an incredibly childish question but... are my sisters/goddess/princess affecting things like gacha, attractions/likes, and so on?

in one of the games i play (fate grand order) rollable/playable characters called servants come from the gacha but... either through them or something am i meant to get/not get certain characters and such. in the game there interpretations of several deities, etc. Such as ishtar/venus, Europa, and even things like mother harlot/beast of revelations and some characters who are "evil" that are also manifesations of love, etc. like pic related

Certain things im starting to like, even to the point it feels like previous things being overwritten by things my sisters/goddess/the princess thinks that are appropritate/fitting for me, unless its one aspect of that guidance you mentioned

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:50 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4013 del
>entire time i thought you were orb
My creative writing and spiritual advice giving is getting better. My wording and editing was far worse before. I am still not on his level tho.

Mostly the trail of vampire threads led me here.

>him saying "Do what your heart feels is right"
J-man gave you his blessing then. Your path is accepted. (I too didn't feel any energy that would say otherwise)

>yes, she is. she still has me do bible study with her
That's kinda good then. She will have a stabilizing and grounding effect of you. In the spiritual the worse thing that can happen when we loose our footing because we forgot where we came from. As you walk on the path you might be able to notice hidden things in the Bible.

>manifest or rather i became(?) her because my mind voice changed completely
Yes that is what you need to reach and understand. Don't just get overtaken by it. Merge with it. Because getting "overtaken" and "blanking out" is not the way. Merge or unify.
>weird battlelust
Get in touch with that but most importantly never get overwhelmed by it. Mental wards are not nice places. Understand how or why it comes out. Some past lives attach at our hidden issues.

>not completely mundane
Nope you are not, You just need to shift your focus a little from the "shitposter mentality" to the magical mentality. It will come out nicely when you get the hang of it.

>i can feel it and sense something is gone/missing
You see there is that saying that the glass is half full or half empty... Well the glass is never empty. It's 50% fluid and 50% air. But we call air empty. You need to understand how air feels different from fluid but it is something that is still there. I am saying this because feeling a lack of thing is usually the thing itself. Like imagine eating rice with shit on every day. Then one day the rice has no shit on it! It would feel blank wouldn't it. Then slowly you will realize rice also has a taste and that is also a food and maybe even better to be eaten without the shit. Why were you eating rice with shit anyways?
This is how it feels to live without some negative energies. Then you have to realize how positive energies work. Rice doesn't need be eaten bland. Just eat it with something better than shit.

>spoke to her normally (like i would a regular person) and it was easier that way now that i think about it...
Talking is an energy exchange already. When you start feeling which energies stabilize the interactions better you will know what to do.

>feeling very gentle/soft
>was her property and the seriousness behind it

Oh rith forgot to mention 1 more thing about markings. If an entity marks you especially a powerful one it means HE IS MY STUFF IF YOU TOUCH IT I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU. It is sometimes more akin to protection but the lower entities need to "get the message" so it must feel serious to them. I am only saying this because I don't feel the YOURE SOUL BELONGS TO ME FOR ALL ETERNITY feeling but the gentle you are a child of my garden kind of thing. It's just lower entities will not think of you as "free real estate" or food or molestmeat etc...

Have fun btw. I think you can walk on your path now. (Also if it gets crazy sometimes don't lose hope. Always remember they are with you. The Dark Night of the soul can get wild)

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:50 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4014 del
>affecting things like gacha, attractions/likes, and so on?

FGO is extremely inspired and almost channeled material. Even watched the FGO movies and when Ozymandias called upon the Trismegistus which was 3 giant stone tablets computer My heart almost skipped a beat because I have 3 giant stone tablets like that but it is not a computer it just literally contains all my knowledge I have since the great beginning. Currently I am fixing my energies so I can comprehend it fully. Was glad when he said it is a spiritron computer because it's not 100% talking about my workings phew...

But yeah they will feel that you like these forms and these forms were inspired by the same thing so they can take it up so it can feel familiar. First you will like it when they are the same as your gacha then you will realize they are "too pure" to be like that and you will want to see their "real form" instead. And yes they can manipulate probability too. Synchronicity as they say.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:58 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4016 del
I too got things like Sephiras from the Kabbalah appear as Rin Shirou or Luvia. Or a demon that had the form of Shuten. It happens. Nowadays we have more inspiration to work from so it's not like Goetia that every demon appears as a human or animal body parts. I mean they still like to take that form but as they say
>the summoner can ask it to take an another form

But seriously as you walk the path these coincidences will pile up. Especially because your sisters are drawing out your hidden potential and sorta use it to nudge you into the right direction.

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 15:13 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4019 del
>But yeah they will feel that you like these forms and these forms were inspired by the same thing so they can take it up so it can feel familiar.
Ah, so that explains it then

>First you will like it when they are the same as your gacha then you will realize they are "too pure" to be like that and you will want to see their "real form" instead.
Now that you mention it... I do recall something showing their "real form" a couple of times. the first time it like looking into a very deep, but calm abyss through a mirror and they glowed somewhat. the second time took place in one of the mansion visits, one was very tall, had pale skin and white, long flowing hair

>And yes they can manipulate probability too. Synchronicity as they say.
i see...

at any rate i tried talking to aphrodite/venus normally instead of doing praying and i think it worked(?). she acted the same way she did that one time
>she kept alternating between calling me a good human and a good doll
>says that i need/should keep continuing to obey her and my sisters
>also that i'm marked by her as well
>i could be hallucinating this but i feel as if she had me address her as mother but everything else is blurry as i drifted asleep

>I too got things like Sephiras from the Kabbalah appear as Rin Shirou or Luvia. Or a demon that had the form of Shuten. It happens. Nowadays we have more inspiration to work from so it's not like Goetia that every demon appears as a human or animal body parts. I mean they still like to take that form but as they say
>the summoner can ask it to take an another form
there was an odd thing happening for a bit but it was probably just a coincidence. for a short a bit whenever i did try to summon something in fgo i pretty much kept getting spooked by greek servants (achilles, heracles, etc.) and a few weird japanese servants but ehh most likely nothing but something i felt like i should mention

(pics related are fate's rendition of aphrodite)

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 15:18 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4020 del
Oh rith forgot to mention 1 more thing about markings. If an entity marks you especially a powerful one it means HE IS MY STUFF IF YOU TOUCH IT I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU. It is sometimes more akin to protection but the lower entities need to "get the message" so it must feel serious to them. I am only saying this because I don't feel the YOURE SOUL BELONGS TO ME FOR ALL ETERNITY feeling but the gentle you are a child of my garden kind of thing. It's just lower entities will not think of you as "free real estate" or food or molestmeat etc...
I'm slowly getting back into but, i really do feel like i need to learn japanese or atleast get the feeling that i'm "Supposed" to. I cant put my finger on it if its due to the shinto princess or not but thats what it feels like. as i said earlier i had "dreams" where i recall speaking fluent jp (or atleast enough to have actual conversations) with people, either due to some past life thing or with the princess but idk

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 18:39 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4023 del
>very deep, but calm abyss
That is your "origin energy" that is also what I felt when trying to find your "nonhuman" parts.

>also that i'm marked by her as well
When a connection establishes it usually results in a mark.

>i could be hallucinating this but i feel as if she had me address her as mother
It is a good sign. It means you accepted her as the "mother force" of your development. Addressing her the same way and with the same feel will probably put you into the proper mindset to make it easier to talk to her.

>i really do feel like i need to learn japanese
If you feel the calling do it. The kanji symbols are way too ancient and their origin precedes Japan. I wonder just how old is the land of Yamato.

>to some past life thing or with the princess
It feels both.
Learning japanese will probably help you connect to your "other part".

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 22:28 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4034 del
(353.32 KB 512x724 melu.webp)
>That is your "origin energy" that is also what I felt when trying to find your "nonhuman" parts.
I see...

>It is a good sign. It means you accepted her as the "mother force" of your development. Addressing her the same way and with the same feel will probably put you into the proper mindset to make it easier to talk to her

>The kanji symbols are way too ancient and their origin precedes Japan. I wonder just how old is the land of Yamato.
hmm? i thought they had gotten most of the system from china..?

I was thinking about that mansion recently. It never really changed, but the land it sits upon does or at the very least the climate. the last time i recall being there it was snowing, a full on blizzard. obviously i was transformed into her but i recall wearing a dress, and had either a blindfold or mask on like in one of the pictures i posted the other day. killing ensued but it was more self defense i think. the other time before this i recall the mansion being dark with them putting strings into my current human body and it turning- rather, getting deconstructed and remade into the doll appearance.

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 22:54 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4035 del
> i thought they had gotten most of the system from china..?
They have the same origin but China did not come up with those things on it's own. Yes there is that meme that whenever Japan invaded China or Korea they stole some kanji with them but... Whatever Calligraphy is an ancient art. It has higher spiritual appliances. If you feel a calling towards japanese go for it.

>I was thinking about that mansion recently
It feels like an actual mansion and not an entire realm. Which means that it has no authority over the land. So yeah the land can change and invaders? hmm they don't feel like invaders. Belligerents is maybe a better word. Invaders want to "take it over" while belligerents are just there and hostile.
Oh. I got it. Just merely connecting or going there you leave a sort of "portal open" and that pathway needs to be cleansed and stabilized. It goes through some no man's lands and you need to kinda cleanse that.
Do not worry about it tho. Your firepower is more than enough to handle them and as you become her and fight you get accustomed to her and your powers even more. For being far away from that place for so long your punishment is a sort of springtime cleaning.

Also am glad if you can see that place as beautiful. I don't have your eyes so the most i can see is some structural analysis.

>putting strings into my current human body and it turning- rather, getting deconstructed and remade into the doll appearance.
Yeah you have to get used to moving your body. Try to feel what energies you can feel in the dream and if you can feel it IRL. Just slowly try bridge the worlds. I know you have it within you.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 00:37 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4037 del
>It feels like an actual mansion and not an entire realm. Which means that it has no authority over the land. So yeah the land can change and invaders? hmm they don't feel like invaders. Belligerents is maybe a better word. Invaders want to "take it over" while belligerents are just there and hostile.
well that explains a lot actually.
>Oh. I got it. Just merely connecting or going there you leave a sort of "portal open" and that pathway needs to be cleansed and stabilized. It goes through some no man's lands and you need to kinda cleanse that.
>Do not worry about it tho. Your firepower is more than enough to handle them and as you become her and fight you get accustomed to her and your powers even more.
Interesting, always wondered why most of my times there involved us justing killing things
For being far away from that place for so long your punishment is a sort of springtime cleaning.

i remember being sealed in a room for a bit with a talisman over the door

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 17:55 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4038 del
>my mind voice changed completely and i remember being a bit yandere and under the weird battlelust
>>"hehehe i love my sisters, kill kill kill, i love my sisters, love kill, consume love love"

I was slightly bothered because of this yandereness and a sort of "worry" started to appear within me because I don't want you to get overwhelmed and go on a stabbing spree or something. It was weird because I didn't feel hostility and murderlust from you at all so I had to dig deeper.

I managed to get in contact with the caretaker entity that sorta was "there" when the King summoned everyone.

You probably seen emotioneless weapon doll waifus in anime or videogames like Nobeta. In Nobeta the doll technology was made by humans then humans extracted souls from humanoids to power it. In Nobeta there was also the "throne" that let you connect to the spirit world and take energies from there. The concept will be similar here.
There is a way to summon minimal awareness souls connect them to a "weapon system" and use your main consciousness as the thing that commands them. This works as long as your main consciousness can keep it running. If you get tired or they get out of range they get turned off or malfunction. To combat this there is the way to increase their "autonomy" ("botsoul" is the term we usually use) which just means they will fall back to patterns to follow until the commanding consciousness returns. THEN there is the one where you don't always need the commanding consciousness just follow the others who follow the commanding consciousness. Then as the last one which is above the "botsoul" category is the have a proper level of consciousness that does everything it can to follow the wishes of the main consciousness. More or less this is what the King managed to accomplish. A hole in reality that does nothing but summon beings like these. These beings were summoned to fight so they are called as soldier or "weapon (doll) souls".

Why this is the problem. This is like leaving around guns on the ground which might think they need to shoot someone if they misinterpret the orders.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 17:58 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4039 del
Back then earth was a sort of peaceful paradise world. (Place looked kinda like India lush warm place food growing everywhere and kinda ancient stoneish architecture).
With the King doing this mishap earth became an "illegal weapons factory". That is problematic because if a "judge/officer" type entity notices it then it might turn the planet into the "threat" (needs intervention) kind or "pirate arms-dealers" might just come here to snatch them and which just brings chaos which will also demote the planet from paradise world.
The King had an absolute duty to dismantle the weapons. But he managed to make the weapons so sentient that "dismantling them" was the same as "murdering them". The weapons first rule is to be able to defend themselves when the main consciousness is not giving the order.
Also living weapons give off a "vibe" there was no way no one would notice them.
But because of their high sentience there was an another way. "Upgrade" them into "companion souls". They are almost the same as humans and no one will bat an eye for a King that was "so lonely" that he summoned millions of souls.
It's just these companion souls are extremely equipped with high firepower because the King doesn't want to lose them so their self defense is very important for him! (I am srs the meta-plane can get this weird sometimes)
With this earth managed to stay as a paradise planet with many happy souls! (Yes the King had to make sure they are all happy by human standards because he is such a compassionate being and totally not an arms manufacturer)
After a while most souls were sent home when the King and the caretakers figured out how to connect them to their original world and with their tailored ascension path they could go home. Problem was that the King turned to dust and it couldn't completely finish.
As I said before those who remained got some "pathworking" so they can find their ways.
Now back to humans. Humans are humans and they can evolve/develop into anything they want with their free will if they really want it.
Doll weapon (You) had no will and because of that she could only follow orders and can't take responsibility on her own because the "commander" bears most of the blame for her actions. Humans can also become living weapons consciously but they have to carry the responsibility how they use their abilities. As a companion soul you couldn't use your abilities only in the gravest situations and "off-world" dimensions mostly.
They left you with a pathworking way but for that you have to use your companion soul status to become conscious enough to use the power from your "weapon system". Humans can become living weapons. Those humans usually called as Mages.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 18:00 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4040 del
Other problems also arisen because weapon/companion souls cannot be "left alone". Someone always need to take responsibility for them. There must be a responsible owner. That makes them not go to places where they need to use their "self defense" (that feature can get corrupted. I got hungry -> hunger kills me -> I must defend myself from hunger -> therefore I must kill and eat everything I see or I die. This is some weapon soul mentality companion souls don't have this if they don't have their "master" around they either die or latch onto someone else.)

If you cannot follow what I wrote so far just ask questions because I am almost losing what I want to say already...

So when you are in your "conscious form" which is companion soul+all the development you got since you started to exist on this plane makes you into extremely human. The problem is that in inhuman situations there is a slight chance you go back to the weapon doll soul fall back mentality.

>recall being slave for some slave driver
Enslaving you wasn't hard because you didn't consider the enslaving process as an "attack" but the whipping got registered as such. That mermaid collar was a sort of "principle collar" it made you do the tasks and not do things that would make you into the weapon soul because you are needed (the companion soul) for a task. Then you somehow ended up in the care of Shinto gods. I just found out they are not owning you as a protection but to make sure your weapon system doesn't get sealed off for the wrong reasons. They know where you are and what you do at all times so when you get overtaken by that instinct they can give you a way out before it gets messy or authorize your actions because they see it necessary.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 18:03 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4041 del
So as a pathworking what you need to do. Find your highest human form. Something like the Mage but don't worry the gods and sisters will guide you. Realize your true free will and 100% consent. Then you will be able to go into the deepest parts of your "weapon doll" self and disconnect that built in weapon system and connect to some ascension module that your guides will probably provide. It will be like selling a gun to buy a car. The ascension module is even more dangerous than the weapon module but it can be used to travel instead of just killing others. (Cars statistically cause more deaths than guns but guns are banned at most places and seen as a tool for murder while cars are just transporting mechanisms even tho they still explode and can kill instantly at the wrong hands. But if you use it for that then your driver license will be taken away. And you need to pass a test to even get that license. You need to prove that you are enlightened enough to be attached to a force like that.)

I tried to look into that "yandere" mentality and it does not come from you because you are human as of now and your soul journey so far turned you into a properly functioning human from the please don't leave me alone companion soul long ago.
>i remember being sealed in a room for a bit with a talisman over the door
Yeah that was your weapon soul doll.

You were sealed because if you are in a doll you count as an illegal weapon if you go beyond "self defense". Not just you get into trouble but everyone who possessed you. I couldn't even go into your full self defense capabilities because it is very intricate and they told me that You are not a weapon you are a nice human now ;) . It was a kind of hint that I must also recognize that nothing fishy is going on here. And there is no problem as long as nothing bad happens and many higher entities pledged that they will help you become a proper human that can leave the planet whenever he wants by his own free will. What steps will take for this to happen? That depends on your choices of course.

Phew. Hope I covered all plot points.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 20:57 Id: 8bbe79 [Preview] No.4045 del
Why is the blog thread locked?

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 21:11 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4047 del
BO casted a spell and didn't want the energies to be disrupted

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:02 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4049 del
(126.44 KB 850x1227 1684214828496909.jpg)
(3.07 MB 2477x3278 110242284_p1.jpg)
mmm... i understand enough to get it.

>So when you are in your "conscious form" which is companion soul+all the development you got since you started to exist on this plane makes you into extremely human. The problem is that in inhuman situations there is a slight chance you go back to the weapon doll soul fall back mentality.
its incredibly rare when that does happen but usually i think they snap me out or either i somehow got used to it(?) because i can't really recall the last time something like that happened but even i feel like i've gotten even more "I'd rather not kill unless i needed to but would still try to avoid that if possible" type thinking instead of just wanton killing. i guess it does manifest if im playing something like dark souls but ehhh

That mermaid collar was a sort of "principle collar" it made you do the tasks and not do things that would make you into the weapon soul because you are needed (the companion soul) for a task. Then you somehow ended up in the care of Shinto gods. I just found out they are not owning you as a protection but to make sure your weapon system doesn't get sealed off for the wrong reasons.
Wait.. so there's more than one shinto god over me?
They know where you are and what you do at all times so when you get overtaken by that instinct they can give you a way out before it gets messy or authorize your actions because they see it necessary.
what do you mean by authorize? as in take control and have me do things or something else?

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:15 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4051 del
(92.15 KB 600x1026 Herta.600.3937529.jpg)
>They left you with a pathworking way but for that you have to use your companion soul status to become conscious enough to use the power from your "weapon system". Humans can become living weapons. Those humans usually called as Mages.
I'm assuming that's one of the reasons i've always gravitated towards magic based classes/systems in rpgs and such

>I tried to look into that "yandere" mentality and it does not come from you because you are human as of now and your soul journey so far turned you into a properly functioning human from the please don't leave me alone companion soul long ago.
i see. well, i don't really mind the yandere mentality but... i understand how being like that here would cause problems so i'd typically restrain myself

So as a pathworking what you need to do. Find your highest human form. Something like the Mage but don't worry the gods and sisters will guide you. Realize your true free will and 100% consent. Then you will be able to go into the deepest parts of your "weapon doll" self and disconnect that built in weapon system and connect to some ascension module that your guides will probably provide. It will be like selling a gun to buy a car. The ascension module is even more dangerous than the weapon module but it can be used to travel instead of just killing others. (Cars statistically cause more deaths than guns but guns are banned at most places and seen as a tool for murder while cars are just transporting mechanisms even tho they still explode and can kill instantly at the wrong hands. But if you use it for that then your driver license will be taken away. And you need to pass a test to even get that license. You need to prove that you are enlightened enough to be attached to a force like that.)

I tried to look into that "yandere" mentality and it does not come from you because you are human as of now and your soul journey so far turned you into a properly functioning human from the please don't leave me alone companion soul long ago.
>>4037 (you)
>i remember being sealed in a room for a bit with a talisman over the door
Yeah that was your weapon soul doll.

You were sealed because if you are in a doll you count as an illegal weapon if you go beyond "self defense". Not just you get into trouble but everyone who possessed you. I couldn't even go into your full self defense capabilities because it is very intricate and they told me that You are not a weapon you are a nice human now ;) . It was a kind of hint that I must also recognize that nothing fishy is going on here.
ah, okay. it did scare me admittedly when it happens. but it is good to know it's nothing like me being some kind of inherent evil or anything since i don't really care for torturing others or anything like that

>Now back to humans. Humans are humans and they can evolve/develop into anything they want with their free will if they really want it.
oh? this is rather new to me, i think i've heard this before but still, its all new, hearing all those. there were a few times where i didnt get turned into a doll but sometimes a mother(?) it's really strange too because a few people have said i gave off "motherly" vibes even though i don't really see it at all. unless its through venus/aphrodite or something. plus there some of the priestess/maiden episodes that happened where i definitely recall being a japanese priestess or something in kimono too

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:25 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4052 del
(1017.66 KB 2896x4096 FvaYat3aAAImeXJ.jpg)
so, in addition to my sisters. i'm in the care of multiple greek and shinto deities?

i'm not sure if this due goddess, the princess and my sisters but a bunch of stuff happened all within a day and a half
>discord account got disabled, had a backup but only 2-3 people i've known for a good and completely trust are aware of it
>temporarily banned from an online (though i'm aware of the reason for it so i'm sure that isn't relating to them)
it coincidentally happened when i started talking with goddess aphrodite normally

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:47 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4053 del
>still try to avoid that if possible" type thinking
That's good.
>Wait.. so there's more than one shinto god over me?
Shinto gods have a sort of system that keeps the energies flowing between realms. So no only the princess is over you but she has allies and servants. I have no idea how she will interact with you tbh. But don't get surprised if someone else appears but still wears her "authority". (like a kitsune appearing bringing a message from the princess or a soldier maybe a bird? or just finding an object at a weird place)

>what do you mean by authorize?
Member when I said they see you all the time? By that I meant they are aware of you but not looking at you all the time. It's like when a situation gets "hot" they get alerted and can intervene. It's like they see the thread of fate or the stream of events suddenly change the energy currents. For them it is just a basic superintuitive ability.
>as in take control and have me do things
That is very unlikely and in just extremely bad situations and probably only later on your path
>something else
I meant that they give you the "approved" message when you want to deploy your "weapon system". Don't ask what it is exactly I cannot put my mind on it because.
>you are a nice human now ;)

I don't think you need to worry about it I just mentioned just in case.
Like my worry stems from my mundane mentality while my intuition says everything will work out.

>me being some kind of inherent evil or anything
Yeah it was weird that I didn't feel that from you not even a little. Most humans have a least a little. I am not saying you are a holy saint (yet). But there wasn't that sort of hostility most humans emanate. Couldn't decide if it's innocence or nativity or I am just blind but it seems your weapon system handles these negative energies better than humans do by default.

>i definitely recall being a japanese priestess or something in kimono too
Yeah you have some connection to the Shinto realm and it's likely you had a life or several where you had that role.

So yes you have to remember your proper human pasts or at least get a feeling for it then with your full human sentience overtake the doll (not just the current (You) but all your past life developments combined) then as you merge completely go and follow your heart... I know it sounds cliché but at that point you will not need instructions you will know exactly what you are and what you want to do.

>discord account got disabled
(is that even a bad thing?)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UXSbgtwHgzE [Embed]
ofc youtube deleted the og vid ahhh why am I even surprised

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:50 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4054 del
I meant naivety

I should sleep already.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:57 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4055 del
Also you know what nativity also works. I also thought that just might be your nature. It sorta is.

>multiple greek
I don't feel the other greeks yet. But yes they can appear too. I don't know whose allegiance the magical library mermaids are under yet. It's not Poseidon. Some other waterworld entity. Oceanus on the otherhand might be a good entry point. Hmmm. The primordial deities are always an interesting bunch.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 09:29 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4056 del
>Why is the blog thread locked?
>didn't want the energies to be disrupted
Things on the front page will have external energy running over it like water over runes carved into a stone slab in a stream. For some things to "settle" properly in relation to the board, they need to remain there for a bit. There are also non physicals who come by the board astrally, because it's a physical structure to them there. Once something is no longer in the visible posts, there are some who will miss the information. Maybe ghosts and aliens don't know how to open threads? No idea. But it's for syncing reasons.

The internet and its websites are magic in themselves. Most is trash, but for what isn't, some care is needed.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 13:59 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4071 del
>(is that even a bad thing?)

Not really, no. But it's bit strange it happened, feels like it may have been related to an old annoyance from a few months ago but I'm not sure. There was a weird thing happening around that time I'm not sure if was them testing me or something else entirely
>Said thing involved a small "friend group" I was involved with
>A leader (female) ditched everyone because of her having a mental breakdown and wanting to farm lolcow/actually pedophiles for her entertainment
>Some time after, I run into her again while she was on alt (she made no intention to not be subtle about it) talked to them a bit and got closure
>Me talking with said person caused issues with 2 other people that they were friends with, screaming harassment despite all i did eaa check up on their wellbeing and nothing more
>It could have just been a regular dream and reflection of the annoyances I felt with all of that stuff but I recall her coming in while having a visit with my sisters
>For some reason she got nude, trying to tempt me into having sex with her but I vividly recall vehemently resisting her
>Sisters were seemingly praising me for it (?)
I'm not sure if they were testing or if that person actually came in and tried to do something malicious

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 14:57 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4072 del
God, I forgot to proofread this after waking up early in the morning
>She made no intention on being subtle about it being her under a different name
I forgot to add it's not really a bad thing also because a lot of other people I had been "friends" with I either couldn't really talk with in general and/or things plus baggage from the aforementioned groups and such kinda souring everything for me. Only a really small amount of people I bothered reestablishing contact with

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:38 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4083 del
I had a dream of this board. Not this a sort of pretty shit layer of it. It was full with shitty off topic one reply new threads for no reasons kind of posts.
When I woke up I thought something (bad) happened. Asked my guides about it. They told me it is the opposite. A negative energy force got "flushed out". And I was just simply experiencing it's effects.
Also was sure as hell that you unlocked and posted something in the blog thread again.

Also yes board looked like shit from that place. Lower entities sure have hard time navigating it. Like every negative thought that resonates with the chan egregores appears for "attention". That got flushed away. No longer here it seems.

>>For some reason she got nude, trying to tempt me into having sex with her but I vividly recall vehemently resisting her
>>Sisters were seemingly praising me for it (?)
Illusory nature of the self. Every person you meet appears as a tulpa. They hold every memory trauma desire you have towards that person. It was her and not her at the same time. The tulpas sometimes connect in the head of people. She might had a dream about you maybe she didn't. Not important.
What is important is that you let go of that retarded wench and with that your obsessive patterns so you can let true patterns manifest in your head instead. You have good sisters for watching you over in your dreams.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:55 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4089 del
>What is important is that you let go of that retarded wench
Well, the last time I (seemingly) spoke to them before the memecord account got nuked, I told that girl to take care and that I'm washing my hands of all that stuff for good. All of sudden the next day was when my.account got killed. There was another "dream" that happened a few days after we talked on this thread a few times, it was weird loop of all those shit people/groups I mentioned prior. It was looping me in a voice chat channel, all of them being as rude and such as ever, this continued on for a bit and then all of a sudden I somehow broke the loop and they all languished. Then, because of that I recall seeing my sisters and getting whisked away somewhere. Oddly enough ever since, I hadn't really much of an urge to shitpost or browse around every. Like I'll still do it but it's at the necessary/acceptable level if that makes sense

Also, the motherly comments happened earlier when I was speaking with someone
and with that your obsessive patterns so you can let true patterns manifest in your head instead. You have good sisters for watching you over in your dreams.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:55 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4090 del
(187.03 KB 1016x732 cat-alog.png)
>It was full with shitty off topic one reply new threads for no reasons kind of posts.
The boards with actual souled humans are pretty few, it seems we are among the higher levels of the chan-architecture now. There was a time when /bun/ was the egregoral top but it is since removed. Meguca, now shamikoo, is all bots. A few splinterchans still have real people on them, and I'm pretty sure you saw one of them...

Pic related.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:05 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4093 del
...whatever happened with shamikoo anyway? Inremember it was made because of /pol/ autism in meguca but never heard anything more than it being used for r/a/dio threads (at the time)

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:13 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4095 del

Everyone seems like an NPC now. I had a clear vision of the place being emptied and anyone important picked up by kitsunes.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:15 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4096 del
Wait what? Also do you know where the kitsune even take people? I know one of you guys mentioned them taking people but I never thought much of it

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:25 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4099 del
>it was weird loop of all those shit people/groups I mentioned prior. It was looping me in a voice chat channel, all of them being as rude and such as ever, this continued on for a bit and then all of a sudden I somehow broke the loop and they all languished
Yupp patterns broke gj
> I recall seeing my sisters and getting whisked away somewhere
New pattern awakening keep your eyes open and feel what is the next step.
>it seems we are among the higher levels of the chan-architecture now
I don't even know if that makes me happy or sad. It's the we didn't win because we are good but because everyone else is so shit and miserable kind of victory feeling. But yeah I also felt that that now we have a much purer energy.
>all bots
I so love when I am thinking about something dumb that is usually fuelled by some low desire energy then someone just post something the first moment I open some random site with that. At least it gives me a chance to observe it how I "connect" to it when it is "outside of me".

>where the kitsune even take people
Usually some lower Shinto lands and uh... fox dens... for... you know...

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 19:03 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4103 del
>do you know where the kitsune even take people?
Some fox realm. I mean I talk to them but I have no idea exactly where they keep their followers. They created a mount Fuji-style astral base for humans to join just recently, inspired by Russia. It works by dedication to Japanese culture, so if you're new you enter by the bottom, then you have to pass different tests in villages along the way up. It's made so that you can astral travel there in body if you have the ability.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 19:18 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4104 del
>Usually some lower Shinto lands and uh... fox dens... for... you know...

This was a while back but I recalled a few things about her when I became her
>She had a very peculiar way of speaking
>It was a weird blend of eloquence and old English(?)
>When I woke my mind voice and actual way of speaking became hers, it didn't feel like a takeover but it lasted for a few minutes before fading thankfully no one heard me

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 19:44 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4105 del
Wanted you to post first because the "fox dens" are the lowest forms on the physical and sure as hell imageboarders don't go there. The fox den is literally the kitsune breeding "cave" on earth which I knew is about having sex with the kitsune and as you orgasm she cuts your throat (you won't notice coz the orgasm then as you think you have the passionate kiss she eats your face. Then the "kids" come out (1 tail only) and rip out your entrails.
This is what I knew so far.
Then suddenly channeled a bunch of new shit.
It seems this is only allowed when there is a proper consent for this because at the end they have to offer the soul to the god the kitsune belongs to. Usually it is a fated event or something with a deeper meaning not the regular kitsune "tricks".

>you have to pass different tests in villages along the way up
It seems every village represents a "tail".
Kitsune with 1 tail is just a fox with a higher awareness.
At 2 tails they can turn into humans but all they can do is be helpless women that need to find a man to "trick". They are weak so overpowering them is no issue she can't kill yet (they sure as hell can run away fast and prank you as long as they find it amusing). Kitsune usually pretends to be the helplessest and find a kind man to shelter them. At 3 tails they are strong enough to kill. At that level they have to find their god they belong to or they are marked as the "godless kitsune" which needs to find a master to serve.
1st village is about test how kind you are to animals
2nd village about how kind you are to weak helpless girls
3rd village is the "choice" to take up a tradition of a land
later villages depend on the path you took and your weaknesses.
Damm quite nice. (Let's not talk about what happens to those that fail the first 2 villages k.) Also they have a lot of factions holy shit.

>>She had a very peculiar way of speaking
As I said before you (she) is superold and mimics the older ways/languages. The current languages we are speaking are mixed up with a lot of language roots and are sorta bastardized. It takes time for them to adapt.
>weird blend of eloquence
yupp yupp you have that. I felt that eloquence too. You (she) is a well crafted doll.
>it didn't feel like a takeover but it lasted for a few minutes before fading
Extremely good. It's not a takeover your "minds" are just merging. Things are going better than I expected.
>thankfully no one heard me
She is you so she knows (more or less) where it is approved to "come out". There will be situations when (her) way of talking will be suitable and it might come out... but I am 99% sure she will adapt to your language model then share "her ways" after that. Complicated can't tell more about it because I feel that her mind is containing information packages you will have to comprehend as you move forward. Do not worry they will come out when you feel ready. She is extremely not intrusive. It seems you can take the "gentle" path. Your Shinto maiden-ships will come in favor.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 20:38 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4109 del
>It seems you can take the "gentle" path. Your Shinto maiden-ships will come in favor.
Gentle path? What do you mean by maiden-ships? I am a tad confused

>Couldn't decide if it's innocence or nativity or I am just blind but it seems your weapon system handles these negative energies better than humans do by default.
Are you able to elaborate on how?

>The primordial deities are always an interesting bunch.
That reminds me, back when I was a teenager I remember seeing something that was either primordial or Eldritch, it was called the mummified one? I recall saying hello to it and it was seemingly nice(?) and everyone else was making fun of it. It looked a little like nemesis from resident evil 3. There was also a woman with tentacles but that was rather... Strange. I recall her being in one of "dreams" that involved me speaking Japanese

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 21:37 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4110 del
IF humans have entities around and negative energy they usually have a little aggressive energy around them. Your energy feels gentle. (While I wanted to say your path will be also gentle it's just perspective for you it might feel crazy. I just compared it to the absolute insanity trial by fire paths. But then again you are still on earth so there might be more to it) And by maidenships I meant the Shinto priestesses. Shrine maidens usually. You didn't have a shrine tho.
>weapon system handles these negative energies better than humans do by default
It's just an energy cleansing mechanism. If you have bad luck or aggressive energies it can be felt. It seems your "system" handles it with care and it is efficient. You have military grade lower chakras if that makes sense. (in non combatant mode)

>it was called the mummified one?
Wha? Who called it that?
I too have encountered something like that in my teens. For me it looked like a tall dude in full bandaged head who couldn't even see and blood poured from it. He had long limbs and claws. Just went there and felt how calm the place is and didn't want to make a fuss so just hanged around there.
>There was also a woman with tentacles but that was rather... Strange. I recall her being in one of "dreams" that involved me speaking Japanese
I don't know anymore... I too had visits in the lovecraftian realms but this is not that. Probably something to do with your path with the mermaids. Wakarimasen desu
You being able to talk fluent in japanese in dreams is strange.
I had a french nun past life. She managed to awaken. Sometimes appears in my dreams. Once she was explaining a concept. I completely understood everything she said. Then she finished it with the name of the concept. That concept was in french. When she said I seen the letters form with an elegant cursive writing front of me like she wrote it. Then I came to my mind. I said
then I realized that my mind is rejecting it because of that and the dream kinda dropped me out.
I sometimes speak the languages in dreams that I understand while awake but I never experienced speaking foreign languages I don't know. My mind either auto translates it or it stays in the subconscious.
Probably a mental block from my part.

One last question. Do you understand what you are saying while speaking japanese? I mean can you comprehend it more or less?

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 21:56 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4111 del
>One last question. Do you understand what you are saying while speaking japanese? I mean can you comprehend it more or less?
Mhmm, I'm usually not that good at proper conjugation/sentence structure but can understand when I speak/listen to it. It's just weird because in those times I can speak and conjugate/structure things more or less fine

>IF humans have entities around and negative energy they usually have a little aggressive energy around them. Your energy feels gentle. (While I wanted to say your path will be also gentle it's just perspective for you it might feel crazy. I just compared it to the absolute insanity trial by fire paths. But then again you are still on earth so there might be more to it) And by maidenships I meant the Shinto priestesses. Shrine maidens usually. You didn't have a shrine tho.
Ah that makes things a bit clearer now. It'd be weird if I did have a shrine desu

>Wha? Who called it that?
I too have encountered something like that in my teens. For me it looked like a tall dude in full bandaged head who couldn't even see and blood poured from it. He had long limbs and claws. Just went there and felt how calm the place is and didn't want to make a fuss so just hanged around there.
Not sure, that's what the other students called it. I think I was the only one or atleast of the few who actually said hello to it and it waved back. Everyone else was either fearful or scornful toward it

>It's just an energy cleansing mechanism. If you have bad luck or aggressive energies it can be felt. It seems your "system" handles it with care and it is efficient. You have military grade lower chakras if that makes sense. (in non combatant mode)
Yeah, I can feel it when I have bad luck sometimes, makes me feel very... Weak when it happens

>I had a french nun past life. She managed to awaken. Sometimes appears in my dreams. Once she was explaining a concept. I completely understood everything she said. Then she finished it with the name of the concept. That concept was in french. When she said I seen the letters form with an elegant cursive writing front of me like she wrote it. Then I came to my mind. I said
Now that I think I about it... It seems like I've been cycling between a mage, priestess and both. Atleast that what it feels like

Try to keep it at least somewhat safe for work
Edited last time by bard on 08/27/2023 (Sun) 22:07.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 22:12 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4112 del
Did anyone else see the thing just cast over Ukraine? Just wondering if it was apparent to anyone else what happened.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 22:42 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4114 del
What thing? I did notice in an uptick on Russia/Ukraine botposts in 4chab eariler today

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 22:57 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4115 del
(136.18 KB 419x240 ukr spell.png)
No, about an hour ago. I think someone pulled off a really effective prayer that had the function of a ritual spellcasting. It used a meaning similar to

Let Satan's scum be imprisoned in the hell created by their sins!

and it formed what looked like a "mouth" that was placed over Ukraine, pic.

After this it went perfectly silent, and lot of dark beings were sealed inside the "mouth."

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 23:03 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4116 del
Oh wtf.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 23:04 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4117 del
Oops, apologies. I didn't realize I posted some NSFW stuff in there

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 23:18 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4118 del
This is what was posted, and that is the mouth I saw. What is going on??

These are some really weird synchronities, I'm sure this is just funposting, right...?

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 00:40 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4119 del
>seems every village represents a "tail".
I think it's personalized. I was let in by a Shinto temple high up on the mountain and given a house by the main street leading up to the temple. The street is rather muddy and the house has a raised platform outside suitable for meditation. It's a double house and I was told the other half was for my foxwife who would show up later. She then did. I've been sitting outside meditating since.

Some of my friends entered by the first village and were given a lesson in kanji, then told there would be a test later. Someone was taught how to drink sake traditionally and told there would also be a test on this.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 01:28 Id: 8bbe79 [Preview] No.4120 del
Why do you call it a 'prayer'?

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 01:56 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4121 del
It looked more like someone holding a prayer ceremony than a spell casting.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 01:57 Id: 995a55 [Preview] No.4122 del
>Some of my friends entered by the first village and were given a lesson in kanji, then told there would be a test later. Someone was taught how to drink sake traditionally and told there would also be a test on this.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 17:42 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4129 del
When you mentioned it yesterday I looked into it and instead of the dark "grieving" type of energy Ukraine has for a while it was kinda pink purplish for me. My guides called it "endurance entrenching".

Sounds nice.

oh... my mind just downloaded the answer. It seems it just awakened the worldline the way the gods promised it would happen like a year ago. Guess the old forces are awakening to reclaim the land
> prayer_to_the_earth_mother.mp4
Yeah I am not gonna look at this distorted possessed by multiple god know what entities vid yet. Something is strange. Someone just decided to take part in "the game". Can't put my finger on it yet. It doesn't feel like a "new beginning" or a "solution". It's like just a new player entered the game.
>I was told the other half was for my foxwife who would show up later
You are above "3 tail" already. Having a kitsune wife makes you into a "Pathseeker couple" or something. but yeah it's specialized.
I just got a quick "bird's eye view" above the place and my mind just gave me a quick answer what I am seeing.
>were given a lesson in kanji
Those kanji usually represent entities forces and animals by default but yes the kitsune considers the culture paramount in there. It seems that is for "culture synchronization". Maybe weebs get an another "backdoor" because my "starting village view" started from the edge of the border.

Just by going there to the place where I should be (according the village powerlevel determination energies) I arrive at some higher stone temple with those ropes and ribbons marking the "boundaries". My body turns into a body of a sort of samurai daiymo with dark black and blue clothes (with weird symbols on my clothing similar to the chakras I realizing nowadays) with that weird samurai topknot (had a dream where I got that it seems it carries over to some places huh).
For me they are trying to explain a "great purpose" for my life. They said this is at the "5 tails" level.
I will get back to this later then.

As usual too many things happening at once. Nothing ever happens my ass.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 18:12 Id: b0e134 [Preview] No.4130 del
>It seems it just awakened the worldline the way the gods promised it would happen like a year ago
what type of worldline?

>Those kanji usually represent entities forces and animals by default but yes the kitsune considers the culture paramount in there. It seems that is for "culture synchronization". Maybe weebs get an another "backdoor" because my "starting village view" started from the edge of the border.
i forgot to mention it yesterday but while i was napping i heard someone speak japanese in my head but it didn't feel like it come from me or my other self which was strange

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 18:13 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4131 del
>awakened the worldline
The what?
I don't know what the Indian singing is but that vid has a strong positive energy. Who's the guy in the middle? The girl is possibly Russian model Anna Pavaga.

>My body turns into a body of a sort of samurai daiymo with dark black and blue clothes
Maybe it's true that some, even weebs, know more about Japan than natives, like they claim. I'd hate to be the kind of person who comes to a country and starts saying the cultural equivalent of
>I love how you're all such raging faggots, I want to become one too!
like many foreigners do here.

That's why I'm putting time into serious study.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 19:03 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4132 del
>The what?
Same as a leyline but it's more older and it can be used for specific uses only. Like a gas/oil pipe but only important facilities can use it. While a leyline can be used by everyone like a gas station a worldline can only be used by certified "refineries/factories". Usually they are part of a grater system. You can call them a set of subdimensions. It's how some spirit worlds connect to this world. Usually they are not in sync with the current times and they are dormant until being attacked. Like if someone murders 10 people above an oilpipe no one will care that much. But if you use a bomb and damage that pipe you will be sent into a high security prison all your friends questioned and the state will call an emergency.
I am trying to help these "lines" to figure out a sort of "future" for a while because if a nation loses the support/purpose it fulfills towards the world then it gets removed in favor for someone who "cares".

It's an extremely complicated system and I am sorta trying to write it down in the /coven/ thread atm. Why nations rise and fall while trying to figure out the reason (why should I care)
>know more about Japan than natives
Truth is I don't know anymore. I would never claim that I know much about japan. I am just seeing some worldlines (and watch anime) and trying to figure out the ancient energetic connections. Because of that some higher entities really like me. The more you know about a culture the more will you realize how no one really knows the full story at all. I am not saying I know the truth because nowadays I just pick up puzzle pieces and until you cannot connect them they just look like rubbish instead of the full picture. And sometimes a small picture makes you think you know how the big picture looks like. Sometimes you get it right sometimes it needs adjustments.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 19:04 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4133 del
>I want to become one too!
never really understood that mentality.

>putting time into serious study
In elementary school I was learning german. I went to a high school which was srs about giving the students language exams and the first year was about an overwhelming amount of german classes with different german teachers. I took it seriously and got my language exam at the end of the first year. After that I could finally learn english. While learning german was a painful and grindy thing learning english came easily because most movies and videogames contained english. We all know how easy it is to learn a langauge when you have fun and use it instead of just cramming it.
This was not the weird part. The weird part was my intuition started to figure out how I can learn languages by "feeling them". I went into that part. Why study when you can "know it". Problem was of that slowly I started to figure out that when my intuition is "too fast" I fall back to my "old mental patterns" and they need time to figure out "where was I". It usually resulted that I made an ass of myself. Nowadays I am getting better how these energies flow but I still need to get the hang of it.
It turns out you can "tune" into the mind of others and you can understand everything if you can go behind all pretenses. It's like channeling but you channel the "truth behind" then channel a way to give back in a way they can understand. It takes me time too because my mind still needs to "hear what I am saying" or everything desyncs. I am still not beyond the need of feedback mechanisms. I mean it will still give a feedback but a kinda different not rooted in this reality one. Yes I am still not on the level where I can explain what I am doing. *sigh*

>serious study
I had a mentality that I figured out in highschool that to remember things I think everything I learn is like a life or death situation.
Because of that retardation I have to learn how i can learn things with 0 effort so the energies can flow freely instead of carving a "new memory" and punching an old memory carving until it breaks and the new one takes it place. (I completely forgot german because the way I learned it was such a weak energy my stronger mental energies just broke 98% what I learned) This is how the cramming way works. My way was loading the new memory with such a force it shatters everything in it's way. Now I have to figure out the kind effortless ways because that is the way my intuition loads truth into my mind and I might miss it because I get distracted by a shitty memory carving that I made decades ago.

Holy shit I am just fucking bad writing concise things again.
>Message is too long, keep it under 4096 characters.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 19:13 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4134 del
(64.18 KB 306x456 APPLES Holo.jpg)
>i heard someone speak japanese in my head but it didn't feel like it come from me or my other self which was strange
Try to connect to that "noise" when it happens. It might even be just a random thought pattern or something. Or some parts of you is trying to communicate with you and it thinks you understand japanese. Try to connect to the feeling it emanates and let your mind "translate it". Apple apfel ringo. You know it is an apple. When you read the world apple you think of the fruit itself and not how others call it or write it. The trick is to try to connect to the concept the message is trying to "convey".
Also it might be just a mental noise. Not everything has a meaning. Sometimes it's just an "attempt" toward meaning. Doesn't mean it lacks meaning but it needs to learn to express itself. This is what I am trying to do externally and internally.
It's so hard until you realize just how easy it is.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 19:26 Id: dbc8d2 [Preview] No.4135 del
I feel like I'm entering the back alley of the world right now, without leaving my room. Maybe it's AI doing this, but Bing is recommending things that by regular standards really shouldn't be online at all, even less recommended by this super monitored "search engine". For once technology created something that works, Bingbot actually finds websites that the useless non-boolean searches don't.

Right now I'm just wondering how some things dated 2009 or 2013 are suddenly showing up on Bing recommendations after clicking 2 times on an unrelated search, when they would not have been online at all considering how the modern internet is censoring things.

Like a time capsule with a dead body suddenly dug up under a floor everyone has been walking on for years with no knowledge of its existence.

No, I do not want to see "sleeping daughter abused incest video", thanks for asking.

Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 19:56 Id: b0e134 [Preview] No.4136 del
(1.84 MB 2560x1440 1345790852467890900.jpg)
Hmm... yeah, you have a point. Also i think i saw that locked potential or some such you've been telling me about for the past couple of days. Before i woke up this morning i was in some room (or was it a lab or dungeon) that was a weird blend of something out of JRPG and very advanced tech. I believe i saw things that felt familiar being locked(?) behind some glass wall or atleast a force field, i counted about 5. Some of the feelings i got from some the sealed things were magic. then later today during a nap i recall being what seemed like an all female facility (i can't recall if it was a school, uni, or something else) and i recall being guided with rooms and stuff with one of the ladies being a blacksmith of sorts. i was told to see her and i did, i admittedly got a bit scared off since she acted a bit crass + the way to get to her location was rather... surprising to say the least. After coming back to her (i cant remember the specifics, sorry) and taking care of whatever business that was needed, i recall being told by these women to go upstairs, to the top floor. as i was doing this some weird guy (this isnt the same i guy talked about) chasing me, i couldnt tell if he wanted to kill me or what so i just kept going upstairs while avoiding him. the way it felt when finally headed to the top floor i was in a room with a tribunal(?) of women and the way they acted made it seemed as if they were pleased with me making it "on time". i cant remember what else happened with those ladies nor do i know wht happened to the man.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 18:18 Id: 8a12e0 [Preview] No.4174 del
Stumbled a bit, but centering with meditation and remembering things helped bring me back.

Sunflower 09/04/2023 (Mon) 22:21 Id: bd4585 [Preview] No.4210 del
Seeing all these politics/race/whatever arguments and fights just make me even more detached from things on earth. I understand that there are stronger forces at play but god, i'm so bored of seeing "whites are superior" or "*Insert* other race is superior" or whatever

Sunflower 09/05/2023 (Tue) 16:59 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4211 del
Member when it was Coke vs Pepsi? Or fictional character vs other fictional character? Yugioh cards or pokemons in elementary school? My waifu vs your waifu? What is the current crypto that you are not owning then you are retarded and I will laugh at you when I will be rich? My degree vs your degree. My religion vs your religion. My magical working vs your magical workings?

You either participate and direct the way the conflict unfolds and bear the consequences with it or stay out and follow your own interests.

People sometimes don't even really care just repeat these things to feel they are part of a community. Back then these conversations usually happened in bars and other places where people came together. Now those places are almost dead and everyone does it over the internet.

The eternal september still unfolding

Sunflower 09/05/2023 (Tue) 17:37 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4212 del
Oh I forgot about the normalfag classic!
My sportsteam vs your sportsteam!

For women it's usually my beauty products/fake nails vs yours.

Good thing ever since that I learned how I can direct any conversation or find ways to leave it because holy shit.
I take retarded we wuzzers and the most autistic bullshit instead those things. Even talking about the relationship problems of others is better than that. At least you can bring up psychology or learn about the mentality of the person you are talking with.
Most of the times I got blackout drunk while having to listen to hour long sportsteam rivalries.
And yes I needed those people for networking purposes. Good thing going out for a smoke gave me a chance to change the topic to either politics or philosophy. It was still terrible but at least it gave me reasons to stop making the whyamIstillhere face (I had no control over that I am bad at forcing a smile on my face. And if you do that for too long people will think you are no fun).

Good thing I am not in any community management profession.

At least on the internet you can close the tab or turn off the computer.
IRL you either change the people that are around you or leave them forever. Or you find ways to enjoy the conversation. For normies that is the easiest somehow.

Sunflower 09/05/2023 (Tue) 18:15 Id: ce7b81 [Preview] No.4213 del
>You either participate and direct the way the conflict unfolds and bear the consequences with it or stay out and follow your own interests.
true, normally i don't mind joining on the "discourse" for shitposting purposes but its bad enough to warrant not doing that now these days so i mostly just went back to not really dealing with it

>IRL you either change the people that are around you or leave them forever. Or you find ways to enjoy the conversation. For normies that is the easiest somehow.
aye, though for me i just mentally filter and don't engage it most of the time. I recall someone from here talking about a while back but there's lots of weird stuff involving gym/bodybuilding stuff and people don't really bother much with it anymore and aren't as xbox huge swole either.

Sunflower 09/08/2023 (Fri) 12:12 Id: 171635 [Preview] No.4227 del
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Where to get base physical chi/jing from. Nothing I do really works well enough/dissipates too quickly and virtue/gong isnt something i can use like this.This happened after taking the vampire spell and is getting worse over time. At this rate im going to eiter die/fall asleep or have to drink blood.Eating doesnt help not even beef.

Sunflower 09/08/2023 (Fri) 12:32 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4228 del
I looked at your energy image and it looks mostly fine, but may not feel that way because all excess energy has been worn away. You will have to rely on the virtue and gong to get past this, Qi will manifest from a result of Gong manifesting. Your body stopped using the impure qi of your environment completely, because your level of purity is too high to use it anymore. May I suggest some "grinding" of sitting meditation, perhaps set as a goal to do 30 min to 1 h long sessions with strong mental focus daily for maybe a week to get the energy to break through properly?

Sunflower 09/08/2023 (Fri) 13:10 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4231 del
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Here's an artifact you can try. It should appear to your mind as a stone, maybe marble, rod, white with ornaments, maybe 20 cm long. Hold this and concentrate some qi into it to activate during meditation or practice: It will then start "bouncing" the energy on objects and beings in your surroundings to create a vortex of free unused energy which you can borrow to increase the effect of your inner alchemy. It has an effect similar to an amplifier made from an iron barrel or a simple cone for speaking in, causing the energy to increase with no consumption.

Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 16:19 Id: a626dd [Preview] No.4244 del
I have some updates in regard to them
>this past friday/saturday, i recall a scene with a knight, robot and young girl
>something was amiss with the knight, it was as if he was mad and corrupt(?)
>the same with the robot, albeit not by its own choice (it had sentience but the knight did something to it so said sentience was incredibly diminished)
>the young girl had long, flowing white hair
>all three were journeying togethere across some random land
>the particulars of what caused are fuzzy to me but but the girl kept trying to say some incantation that she somehow knew, not sure if she was taught or what
>every time she would try to recite it the, knight would go crazy and sperg out toward her
>this continued for a bit until the girl stopped caring and proceeded to recite the chant/incantation
>the guy tried copy her but proceeded to get scared shitless because he wasn't able to fathom what it could/was about to do
>the girl kept talking about a seal that needed to be broken and there was a light, it wasn't like how you'd expect light to be. it was seemingly destructive
>it didn't hurt to girl but it razed the surrounding lands and i think it killed the knight
>every time i saw the girl she felt very.... familiar to me. She then proceeded to smile and come toward me and i woke up
>all of sudden i heard the girl's voice talking about how the seal is being broken, the girl must have been her (the other me ahain)

Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 16:30 Id: a626dd [Preview] No.4245 del
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>a few nights ago
>i recall being on a weird "killing" spree with them, we were navigating some weird structure and i was unable to keep up so i fell into a weird crevasse somewhere further in
>sisters had finally taken notice but they more or less had to wait before getting me because of whatever they were doing earlier was important
>some weird guy follows them and tries killing them
>they were momentarily stunned and shook it off albeit deeming it as annoyance (like before)
>the guy tried to kill me but was unable to because i momentarily woke up but then went back to sleep. immediately come back, sisters and i eliminated him because he didn't realize they couldn't really "die"
>afterwards, there was blond and deadpan girl that abducted me somewhere with her
>as my current human self she made strip and burn my all my articles of clothing for some reason and just kept me confined with her
>she was doing strange things like constantly holding my hands and such
>for a bit she disappeared and i overheard and argument
>i went to open a door to get some air, i think she tried to stop me but it was too late
>there was some flamethrowing demon, almost like something ripped right from dark souls.
>i somehow avoided getting burnt alive and made it back inside the castle(?). can't remember if i teleported/got teleported back or what

Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 18:48 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4247 del
I managed to get a "peek" at the original spell that "summoned" you and it seems it had a very elaborate system that the king just ignored. Like it is supposed to have like 10+ support leaders with different functions so things don't go awry. They were a sort of "doll lords". There was even a way to connect to the functions but I didn't deem it necessary to dig more deeply into your case. You are the most familiar with it and it seems you are in good hands for now. >>4136
This scenario sounds like you are connecting internal and outer parts of yourself.
>the seal is being broken
It's a sort of "veil" system. There is a sort of "law" that you cannot bother mundanes until the time for their awakening comes. You can "nudge" them but you cannot overtake their life without consequences. There are always exceptions ofc because this is a complicated matter.
>as my current human self she made strip and burn my all my articles of clothing for some reason and just kept me confined with her
Our clothes are "attachments". Even our body is one but the clothes are our first layer. They need to burn so we can find what we are really. If we are not in our body sometimes our awareness just doesn't signal that it's "us" and because we are "not in the body" the awareness is not "relaying" the experiences into our flesh-memory and we forget them.
>i somehow avoided getting burnt alive
That flame is supposed to burn everything that is not (You). And because you run from the flame everything that "cannot run" will burn.

It seems you are progressing on your path.

>she was doing strange things like constantly holding my hands and such
That is "base" level connection mechanism. Your hands are the first parts that can connect to the "other body" in a harmonic way. Other body parts are less harmonic. Try to get in touch with that feeling.
>i think she tried to stop me but it was too late
Remember when I said you don't have 100% "consent"? Some parts of you got "uncomfortable" and "declined" the process. You have to understand why you want it and why you don't want it then reconcile the issue within you. At least it sounds like they are less impatient now.

Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 19:34 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4248 del
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Now back to the Shinto realms that I am working with in the past weeks. After doing a quick cleansing connection kind of ritual with the Kitsune a bright rectangular portal appeared. As I went through it I have witnessed the many Shinto realms it is connecting. It was a sort of "this is more than I was expecting/asking for" thing so didn't know what to do with it first so I let my "whims" take me somewhere. First I appeared at some grassy mountain where I had an urge to grovel. I knew that feeling from before because many astral realms have that. If you are incompatible or don't have access to it you are unable to walk properly the most you can do is crawl slowly on the ground. While at high access levels you can fly or teleport. The groveling signified that the culture is "within me" already I just need to wait until the resigning deity accepts me. So I was waiting a little then as I could finally raise my head I noticed a giant Pagoda. 10+story high and most importantly every level of the building had a body of a different entity. Some of them were just faces while some of them had bodyparts too. It was kinda new. I encountered multi headed entities but not multi being buildings. I knew it is probably some levels of existence or checkpoints of the path so I waited what will happen now. Then the Pagoda turned into a giant female singular entity grabbed my body and swallowed me.
As I was in the "bottom" I felt the darkness around me and realized I am at the "lowest point" of my being. IRL the environment puts into our lowest point so we have to remember the situation we were in and "fix that".
With this I felt the shadows around me and I realized I can make my "negative feelings" take form as entities and "possess me".
Why would I want that you might ask. Well because with that I can finally "deal" with the "unseen" and "forgotten".
There was a perspective there:
>Death consumes life
We all know this already. All my issues and dormant illnesses started to get stronger. My posture turned into something horrible.
After a while the next realization came.
>Life consumes Death
The young eats the remains of the deceased old. The flesh we eat comes from dead animals and plants. When "life" starts to "rot" it's usually because some other organism started to "eat it". It was the realization of the ecosystem of things and most importantly how my "life body" eats my "death body".
The weird thing is that we empathize with out issues more than with our absolute perfection if we are at our lowest points. Because of that It feels like something is "destroying us". Because it does. It needs to be gradual and it needs to be understood. Life and Death consume each other and we need to realize how we are within and without the cycle. Understanding impermanence with its true depths takes time. And it's almost scary how my lower instincts accept my "death body" as "inevitable" while my "life body" as some foreign thing. I mean I know it is within me but some parts of my body are just "scared" of the change. They just need the reminder that they need to change so they can stay the same. It's funny how differently Trypper does this thing currently compared to me so I didn't want to really bring it up because it would have sounded as something confusing and incoherent because my lower emotions are still clouding my expression a little

And an other thing. The Shinto realms mostly correspond to the places on earth that Imperial Japan wanted to conquer. Made me wonder just how aware the Japanese Emperor might be of these places.

Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 19:47 Id: 119a99 [Preview] No.4249 del
>t's a sort of "veil" system. There is a sort of "law" that you cannot bother mundanes until the time for their awakening comes. You can "nudge" them but you cannot overtake their life without consequences. There are always exceptions ofc because this is a complicated matter.
Huh... that more or less explains why they never tried to possess instead of other people. then again it does probably explain why for the most part, i can't ever really see myself get possessed, atleast not without giving my consent or some incredibly dire situation. it's a very weird sense of awareness... certain things i can't really control what i do but everywhere else i have awareness in.

>Remember when I said you don't have 100% "consent"? Some parts of you got "uncomfortable" and "declined" the process. You have to understand why you want it and why you don't want it then reconcile the issue within you. At least it sounds like they are less impatient now.
yeah, i feel like i'm understanding things a bit more now in regard to that.
>That is "base" level connection mechanism. Your hands are the first parts that can connect to the "other body" in a harmonic way. Other body parts are less harmonic. Try to get in touch with that feeling.
i see, i'll give it a try. one thing i forgot to mention was the exhanges i had with her were rather.. something
>Her: "I will hold you hand if you do this, i will hold you forever."
>(she did mention something about kissing but that's irrelevant and was possibly trying to nudge as you said

>Our clothes are "attachments". Even our body is one but the clothes are our first layer. They need to burn so we can find what we are really. If we are not in our body sometimes our awareness just doesn't signal that it's "us" and because we are "not in the body" the awareness is not "relaying" the experiences into our flesh-memory and we forget them.
i think it might have been bit more lengthy in my case, atleast thats the implication i felt from her/me/whatever. i vividly remember being order by her to toss a bunch of clothes into the furnace, at first i thought i was done but i guess i still had a bunch of "clothes" to toss into the furnace

>That flame is supposed to burn everything that is not (You). And because you run from the flame everything that "cannot run" will burn. It seems you are progressing on your path.
i see...

This reminds that i should try to connect with that shinto princess more somehow. I wonder whatever happened with the whole tamamo being unsealed by sesshouseki (killing stone). didn't really notice anything happening as a result unless the whole russia and abe getting merked were it

Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 20:46 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4251 del
(643.67 KB 500x265 Nero and Tamamo.gif)
>it's a very weird sense of awareness... certain things i can't really control what i do but everywhere else i have awareness in.
It feels like "switching gears". Iktf. Happened to me too. I have to get used to it also because incompatibilities must not happen between the minds or they reject each other. Then they might "ping-pong" between each other until a proper continuous connection establishes where they "accept" each other.
>Her: "I will hold you hand if you do this, i will hold you forever."
Btw she is holding you already you are just disliking being held on some levels and "fidget" a little
Also things will get more intimate. Not necessarily the human lewd ways but who knows. Take it slow and "feel" where things need to go next. I had to install a lot of things (with the help of other entities) into my being and I had to understand the "sensual touch" so my body doesn't reject it.

>first i thought i was done but i guess i still had a bunch of "clothes" to toss into the furnace
It is very probable. Don't worry about it and take your time. Losing too many attachments at once might lead to way too many energies getting released and that usually leads to madness. It won't happen to you because you are in good hands but I had to understand how to let go things without losing my sanity in the process... I had this why stay sane in this insane world mentality and that mentality had to go.

>This reminds that i should try to connect with that shinto princess more somehow
>I wonder whatever happened with the whole tamamo being unsealed
Not really important tbh
>unless the whole russia and abe getting merked were it
Russia had to happen no matter what the question was just "how it will play out" while Abe getting merked was a surprise but most importantly a message. There are weird cults in the "imperial Japan" region and while they say they want to "return to Shinto" they usually mean "under a rule of some sketchy entity" which is possessing their actions so they are not exactly doing "God's work" there. But that is "metaphysical politics" and if it's not concerning you you should just leave it. It's usually worse than the usual "Rabbit holes" because once a "meddling entity" or a retarded cult makes you into a "chosen one" aka useful idiot then you might be in grave danger. If you feel it's "your destiny" then go for it ofc because that can also happen but if you need to constantly "lie" to yourself then you are on the path of destruction. There are some seriously weird cults there that westerners can't even comprehend. Weird images and rumors always surface but they don't even scratch the surface of things. Urgh.
Also I only got into kitsunes because the Tammy stone so it's not much of a bad thing. Managed to summon one while thinking about the "implications" and it helped on some parts of the path

Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 21:11 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4252 del
And forgot to mention because it is kinda obvious but it's also important and easy to miss that the "fire" in that furnace is the energies releasing from that attachments. They need to burn so some "cold parts" so you can get "warmer". When we die and the rebirth process happens we burn most of our past life so it can fuel the birth of the new one. That burning usually "fixes"/renews the parts that managed to become useless while it is vital for a proper life. In spirituality the goal is to fix these things while being still alive. They hinder our entire life until we fix them anyways. Life is fire. It's hot wet and warm at the same time. While death is cold and dry. And dry things catch fire easily! That is why while being alive is more easy to control the fire.

Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 22:16 Id: 119a99 [Preview] No.4254 del
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>Russia had to happen no matter what the question was just "how it will play out" while Abe getting merked was a surprise but most importantly a message. There are weird cults in the "imperial Japan" region and while they say they want to "return to Shinto" they usually mean "under a rule of some sketchy entity" which is possessing their actions so they are not exactly doing "God's work" there. But that is "metaphysical politics" and if it's not concerning you you should just leave it.
I see.. well, i was mainly just curious, i don't really care much to dig deeper in rabbit holes unless it is something that should concern me and even then i still most likely wouldn't involve myself completely. Plus i still have to follow what they say about "Not concerning myself with human affairs and let everyone else handle it". If the princess, aphrodite and so on says there's something i need to involve myself with then i will otherwise i won't.

And forgot to mention because it is kinda obvious but it's also important and easy to miss that the "fire" in that furnace is the energies releasing from that attachments. They need to burn so some "cold parts" so you can get "warmer". When we die and the rebirth process happens we burn most of our past life so it can fuel the birth of the new one. That burning usually "fixes"/renews the parts that managed to become useless while it is vital for a proper life. In spirituality the goal is to fix these things while being still alive. They hinder our entire life until we fix them anyways. Life is fire. It's hot wet and warm at the same time. While death is cold and dry. And dry things catch fire easily! That is why while being alive is more easy to control the fire.
i see!

>Btw she is holding you already you are just disliking being held on some levels and "fidget" a little

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 13:16 Id: 157f1b [Preview] No.4258 del
I'm having the same issue. I might as well have hypothyroidism. I'm taking qi deficiency pills on and off just to not fall asleep and die. If I exercise or otherwise require my body to command energy, it finds a way. But otherwise, most of the time I'm just extremely sleepy and lethargic.

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 14:51 Id: 94d083 [Preview] No.4260 del
Same here. Most of the time I thought that's just what happens when you become undead. In most vampire movies the one who is bitten lies ill and half-dead in bed until their transformation is completed. But I admit that a few times I thought the spell might have been something malicious. Funny enough it get's better in the evening so maybe that's why vampires are said to sleep during the day.
>I might as well have hypothyroidism.
Honestly, it might be just a physical illness. There a bunch of conditions that fit the description, not only hypothyroidism. I haven't been to a doctor for ages so I don't know but it's very likely. Have you taken a check up or blood test? If not maybe you should.
I personally rather just die, and maybe that's the way forward in order to be reborn instead of trying to patch it up with qi and caffeine?

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 17:15 Id: 157f1b [Preview] No.4261 del
The allopathic doctor said I had a weak thyroid and the Chinese doctor said I had Spleen Qi deficiency.
>it gets better in the evening
Absolutely. Even though I have a very regular sleep schedule and usually wake up when the sun comes up, and go to sleep shortly after dusk.
I don't know man. I too feel like dying sometimes.

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 17:37 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4262 del
Being sleepy can be a sign that you're trying to do things you're not meant to do. I often have this happen when trying to force an activity thinking I "have to" do something at a set time. But once I just give in and go take a nap, I learn something that was waiting for me to step away from the activity. It's often that some entity shows up or I get up 10 min later and take a walk and suddenly have an idea and see something new. Something which was blocked from entering by trying to be hard headed and forcing my way forward.

Trypper (who's not actually here now but anyway, I hope it's ok to share this) kept getting very sleepy when trying to study medicine. The Queen said this is what saved him, because dedicated medical students all go to hell. She said doctors "have no life" and study viruses all day, which turns them into something less than human.

So start examining what your sleepiness is keeping you from doing, and if you really should be doing that thing. Being protected from your own intent can take this form.

Also, trying to illustrate this with some stock photos and it's all cuck pics, at least I know why now. Here, have an almost-Trypper and an almost-vampire.

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 18:11 Id: e5adee [Preview] No.4263 del
>The Queen said this is what saved him, because dedicated medical students all go to hell. She said doctors "have no life" and study viruses all day, which turns them into something less than human.
Would you be willing to elaborate on this further? Most of the time i do this and just assumed it was me being lazy (usually get labaled as such from others and/or they just call me retarded)

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 18:36 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4264 del

"Having no life" is a main reason for being sent to hell. Truckers who drive all day every day are the same. Doctors work too many hours too many days. They have no contact with human life so their mental concepts become insectoid, then viral, then they become lower ghosts, something which barely exist.

It does not mean "having a life" in the sense of having a set of things considered important in society's mainstream. It means having a humane way of thinking and living. Enjoying natural landscapes, village life, small scale home farming, painting, music, normal everyday social interactions.

The tea ceremony is an example of ritualistically maintaining a human concept in an environment which may be all but humane. There are other things which have this effect, even if it's made into a ritualistic interpretation of normal life. Compare this to having "a coffee on the run", paying $20 for dry frozen powder in electrically heated water served in a paper cup, then drunk standing on the train. This is nothing more than drug use, it's not a human way of drinking, it's less than that. There are many inventions made to strip humans of their life while maintaining their physical function, so that they become something barely more than zombies. This leads to hell.

- The Queen

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 18:52 Id: 69fa2f [Preview] No.4265 del
Does the Queen know about anyone here or is it only those who get involved with her?

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 18:56 Id: e5adee [Preview] No.4266 del
ohhhhhh that's what you meant. yeah, i understand it now

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 19:44 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4267 del
I didn't want to share my 2 cents about this because >>4231 this artifact looked good enough and I thought it will solve this problem. I too had something like this happen but for me it was a literal tornado. I was the eye of the storm and all energy around me tried to rip me apart and build me together. Then everything went kinda calm. For me it is probably this way because I was always in this I want to die low energy state and I countered it with my pure unfiltered anger that I felt toward this world. Wanna get productive? Use the energy from the pure anger! Wanna sleep? Remember how pointless everything is and enjoy the silence of apathy. This turned me into an extremely maladjusted individual but sure as hell I was effective at the things I wanted to achieve. It turned out this mentality was extremely compatible with the vampire mentality. Then my path got some extra oomph when I started to work with Shiva. With that I could reach the "way" of the higher vampires. I had to witness something interesting. In hinduism and buddhism there are the deities of impermanence Life Death Rebirth. I managed to contact the 3 kings of immortality. They were pure "fluffy" white energy in the inside their skin was green like plants (Osiris) and they were on fire. That fire consumed and nourished their "skin" and that skin covered their entire "spirit materia". If any impurity reached them the fire just burned hotter and the skin is not to protect them the skin is to protect the "environment" from their "true energy". That superenergy must be contained through an adaptive container.
What I am trying to say here...
You guys need to find your reasons to live and the "fuel" that makes you go forward. Hard for me to put it into words because I always pulled all nighters and worked nightshifts while using nothing but my pure rage to sustain my awareness but you have to find the energy that is within you deeply. Not gather energy from the environment find the energy that gives energy to everything. Then learn to wield it. Usually the "real" energy is intelligent and it is possible to talk to. It's like when a "food" tells you to "eat it". It's usually your hunger or gluttony talking but that is for human food intake. There is a feeling for these energies too. Finding the will to live usually happens in near death experiences sadly. This is why meditating in cemeteries are a must for some paths because if you can't get in touch with death then you will never get in touch with life. From life comes death and from death comes life. Everything lives and when we don't want to live we still live.

Not to mention real life energies are so fucking wild that my lower energies almost get scared from it. Which is actually good because when it manages to merge with my rage things "happen". Still need to clean my lower energies. Also now I can feel the energies of most places that I don't "own" energetically. With a simple combustion I can clean it and people suddenly become nice and helpful. Always a good reminder how the illusions behind the illusions move everything.
Also I don't know what counts as Qi Jing Gong or Virtue anymore... One of my greatest breakthrough was when I realized how I can feed on cosmic radiation. Not to mention the things I see my organs do... Always want to look at anatomy pics to get a better understanding but my guides always say
>do you really want to base you understanding upon false images instead truly feeling how things are?
It's not like they are against it they just remind me that I can always use a better way instead of falling back to the mundane (((scientific method))). Propaganda managed to twist what is and isn't science nowadays in such ways it's disgusting.

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 19:46 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4268 del
>Being sleepy can be a sign that you're trying to do things you're not meant to do
Also this.
It's important to understand how energies flow and go with them instead going against them. I too have this
>I should do something productive today
feeling. Then a feeling of laziness and procrastination overcomes me. Then suddenly I get a phone call that I should be somewhere else. If I had started the project I wanted to do then I would have had to abort it. Which would have made me angry because the start of that project just went to waste. But instead I looked at dumb news articles that I could use as a talking point when I am meeting the person because of a reason now it turns out. Weird how things can synchronize sometimes.

Tho I understand your pain guys because I too have to understand how I cannot use my anger to overcome my apathy anymore. I need to get rid of my negative ways and find the innate higher energies inside me. Which is hard because it feels like I am "not myself" while I know completely it's still me because my "negative self" was not me either. Current humans and society managed to torture itself in unprecedented ways for no real reason. We can't even say we are doing this to increase GDP or some other lie people tell themselves anymore. So pointless.

Oh this just got posted while I was writing this.
There is an another aspect but I think for the Queen it is so obvious she didn't think it's worth a mention.
As she said humans become automatons because they lose their creative aspect and most importantly "save a system that doesn't bother to save them".
Doctors literally create hell on earth. In english Hospitals mean something positive because it comes from the word "hospitable". In german and other less gaslighting languages the word we use for them literally means "sick-house". There are hell words that literally look like abandoned hospitals. As a lower ghost you have a way ofc to work off your karma by becoming a "hospital demon" where you help those that deceased and have the mentality they can be saved only through "doctors". It's some fucked up materialist faith mentality but so commonplace in the (((modern world))) that there are many hells like that. Some of them deserve to be called a purgatory I think but the Queen says otherwise... She just said some get trapped in cycles they cannot escape because "their faith leads them nowhere". They just torture others while thinking they are saving them and then they call them ungrateful for "not getting better"
Also studying viruses makes them "more real" and the bacterial realm is a place that is worse than hell. Not to mention the big pharma's "treat the symptom but don't cure the disease" mentality for infinite profits. For some retarded reason they don't think making healthy humans is profitable anymore


btw if you "learn" in a way that you don't want to "follow their mistakes" but use it as a foundation or propelling force to your understanding or "paradigm shift" which will continue beyond instead turning you into a dead end machine it sometimes works energetically. It definitely worked for me getting through my academic years.

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 20:04 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4269 del
>when trying to force an activity thinking I "have to" do something at a set time. But once I just give in and go take a nap, I learn something that was waiting for me to step away from the activity
I actually had this happen right now. For a few hours I've been trying to get started on a practice assignment for the Japanese writing course I'm taking. I wanted to write on paper for maximum practice and to memorize better, because it's how I normally do things to "immerse" into it. But eventually I started writing in a word document thinking I'll translate it first and then write it on paper after, because my mind seemed to just lock up when I sat down with the paper.

Then I ended up finishing the task and I found that I made a lot of silly spelling and grammar mistakes. Writing on paper really wasn't the issue here, I already know how to write kana, so this was just a fixed idea. The real thing I should do is to actually learn how to spell and form sentences properly, and I can of course do that on the computer just the same, it's easier to fix mistakes that way.

But it took all that time for me to get past this mental block, the idea that "writing on paper is always better".

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 08:02 Id: 0797d4 [Preview] No.4276 del
>>4261 here
The tiredness gets so bad when my energy is low that I'd rather die. I wish someone would kill me than feel like this. I'd kill myself if I didn't know better.
Yeah. I'm going to hell for sure. There is not one thing I do in my life I enjoy. Not one. I work 12-16 hours a day, I despise human interaction, and even the activities you'd deem "fun" I do just to seem normal to the people around me.
I say I'm going to hell, but the truth is I've been there energetically for a very long time.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 08:41 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4277 del
>The tiredness gets so bad when my energy is low that I'd rather die
>I work 12-16 hours a day

I don't want to use sarcasm in this situation, but do you really need someone else to tell you what is causing your issue?

Here's a message elaborated with the help of the Queen:

The world is divided into 3 sectors, caused by the fall of human thinking below the 3D level. This means, it's at hell, 2D, and that is manifesting 3 sectors. We have those sectors in hell dimensions. They are manifested in human society as: work, leisure, rest. There have been different implementations of this in human society, one being a doctrine of contained urban sprawl. This was called the ABC city, you can search this topic if you want to read more. It was also presented by the workers movement as the 3 x 8 day. 8 hours work, 8 ours free time, and 8 hours sleep.

In modern city planning overall, you can see this even with uncontained sprawl; the industrial areas and farmlands representing "work", the malls/centers representing leisure, the suburbs representing rest.

At a minimum, if you can't maintain a human mind internally, you should visit each of these locations every day, otherwise you stop being human for sure.

The previously mentioned doctor may only visit the workplace, then sleep in a dorm within the hospital, and go home on the weekend. His wife does the shopping so he never visits the leisure area.

The trucker is the same, he drives all day, then sleeps in the truck. He buys food at roadside diners and stays on the road all week.

These are clear examples of lifestyles which have dropped below hell. If you maintain the 3 areas of life, you are at infernal level. This is fine, if you aim to be an infernal demon, but ''then you must cultivate these 3 practices properly, no cheating!

Now let's say, the farmer, he may life off the city and not in a suburb either. He won't have a mall to visit. In this case, he should balance his life by the clock instead. Make sure to include all 3 activities, in your personal life. 8 hours work, 8 hours leisure, 8 hours rest, this was a demand 100 years ago, from the bottom social layer people. Yet today you can not even understand it?

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:09 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4280 del
Here's for anyone with possible low mindset/lifestyle.

Wear this pendant necklace from the sigil to balance yourself up to the infernal level. You may have to take this step by step. This is a first step. Can't be human level if you can't do infernal level.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:10 Id: 0797d4 [Preview] No.4281 del
>I don't want to use sarcasm in this situation, but do you really need someone else to tell you what is causing your issue?
LMAO. You're right. Still, I do that because I don't know what to do with my life otherwise. I don't *want* to do anything with my life. The only thing I'd like to change is this terrible feeling like shit constantly, but having to make up artificial goals that I don't care about in order to do that pisses me off, so fuck me and I hope this life ends soon.
But let's not turn this into my personal self-pity thread.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:12 Id: 0797d4 [Preview] No.4282 del
By the way, I'm >>2735 from the vampire thread, so it's obvious something is terribly borked here.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:13 Id: 0797d4 [Preview] No.4283 del
I mean I'm the anon whose energy was being looked at there. Sorry for posting three times in a row.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:14 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4284 del
Try the pendant>>4280

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:21 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4285 del
(152.39 KB 506x457 new reading.png)
I had a look to see what may have changed.

The image now is wild and violent. The serene blue is gone, turned into green of the sea. You are still in the black energy, which may or may not be karma. Large streams rather than the levels are visible. There's also a strongly yellow faith field above. It seems you are floating upward though.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:27 Id: 69fa2f [Preview] No.4286 del
Maybe it helps if you remember your true self. You are a Spirit. It may even help just to remember that you are an immortal vampire and assume that mindset of an apex predator. At the level where your true self resides, there is no lack of energy and there is also neither death nor disease. That's just things of the body, but you are not the body. Sure you are attached to a body and you might "have" a body but it's not you. (you are also not actually inside the body, maybe it's more like this body is inside your mind) Elevate your consciousness above the physical and take control of your being. This may energize and heal you. I don't know if you are already doing this but if waking up like this doesn't help then I don't know anymore.
I also despise human interaction and a lot of things that normal humans deem "fun" or "interesting", but that's because they are retarded and unnecessary. Honestly, a lot of of human culture is pure garbage, and this goes especially for religion. And entertainment and "social life" in the modern world. You don't need to force yourself liking or doing those things, that's not enlightened. Human life is for humans who are not awakened, everyone who awakenes uses his own free will and moves on. Pick what's true and beautiful to you and reject the rest, don't be afraid to change, and if there is truely nothing that you like, at least love yourself and keep going for yourself and maybe the next step unlocks soon (your true self, not necessarely the body/human character). If your physical life is shit, the only way out is to go in. Into the astral, into the mind, into your true self. And if physical death might actually get to you one day, it won't bother you one bit. That's just my 2 cents without knowing how advanced exactly you are and what you are doing. As I see it, you are doing great for not liking most things and not wanting interaction. It frees you to move on to higher levels. Let go of the "human" completely.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:40 Id: 0797d4 [Preview] No.4287 del
Thanks. I still have trouble understanding what is what in your readings, but I'm going to go with my intuition.
Since I often go from the mental state I had in the other reading (blue) to this one (green), my intuition tells me there's an external yellow faith field that is intermittently messing with me because I haven't fully let go of some human construct or belief system. What do you think?

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 11:49 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4288 del
>I often go from the mental state I had in the other reading (blue) to this one (green)
Are these two distinct states of mind that you knowingly switch between?
If so, I'd say the blue one is your yin side, or maybe right half brain, the green is your yang, left brain state. It would maybe indicate a large discrepancy between them, both in refinement and level height.

I know this is commonly said, but regular meditative states will activate your frontal lobe and connect the two halves. I'd suggest doing that to create more balance, aside from trying to find external balance of the 3 sectors.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 11:57 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4290 del
Here's some inspirational photos ;^)

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 13:13 Id: 157f1b [Preview] No.4291 del
>would maybe indicate a large discrepancy between them
Someone did tell me on Meguca that my brain was broken in two.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 13:47 Id: f4176a [Preview] No.4292 del
Could someone do a read on my energy? I keep getting called misogynistic but I tried looking deep inside to see if I was/something causing it but couldn't find anything. I swewr.ot feels like I'm getting gaslit

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 15:53 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4293 del
>I keep getting called misogynistic but I tried looking deep inside to see if I was/something causing it
This feels irrelevant, pretty much anyone here would be called misogynic or racist or whatever depending on the context. Your energy signature has a distinct form, but it's not something that looks important. Main reason for being called labels is that you're not syncing with your environment. But it doesn't mean much, all you have to do to be "misogynic" is to speak your mind while not being a degenerate today.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 16:45 Id: 2a237e [Preview] No.4294 del
turns out i was worrying for nothing. Been a bit on edge because I've been noticing a bit more psyops/gaslighting attempts as of late

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 17:56 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4295 del
>I work 12-16 hours a day
Bruh iktf. People had to die around me for things to change.

>I don't know what to do with my life otherwise
Until you don't figure that out you are fucked. You either start figuring it out asap or you will get a wake the fuck up call soon.
You are in that black muck filth of a swamp and unable to see anything beyond it even tho the higher states are literally front/above you
>intermittently messing with me
You are literally "trying" to believe in anything so you have a reason to keep living but because you cannot see "anything" your focus is absolutely misaligned
Yes you are using your yang side to be a "work drone" and disregard all your yin side which does nothing but tries to keep you "alive".
Fuck sake I literally did the same fucking shit. Can't believe others are as dumb as me here

>Yet today you can not even understand it?
It was the Prussians that figured out how to make life "efficient" by making shit like this. With that they managed to increase the levels the industrial revolution caused in human society and in return "made people" that figured out how they can get the "Most profit" out of people. There was a reason why Nietzsche said "God is dead and we killed him" and why the idea of communism and anarchism started there. And Bismarck noticed it just in time and with that managed to create social security before they got their own "French Revolution". Working for work's sake leisure for work's sake and resting for work's sake. This mentality got twisted and twisted into the absolute "slave morality" we have today.
>was a demand 100 years ago
It had to happen because those who forgot to demand it died and their children starved to death.

Sunflower 09/15/2023 (Fri) 00:14 Id: 3b80f1 [Preview] No.4296 del
Bartlebee here, just stopped by to say hi.

Also, according to the mysterious personality test I'm a e*f*u?

"A primary characteristic of the e*f*u is his social-interpersonal insulation. The true e*f*u makes only the most superficial effort to develop social versatility."

So I've got that going for me.

Over at the spirit keeping cabal I'm a long-time member of, we got some readings about our "magical inclination" I turned out to be connected to the "Paladin" type. You folks have any insight into what that might imply? Apparently it can be connected to the Freemasons, which I find surprising, since all the masons I know are nice old guy boomers.

Sunflower 09/15/2023 (Fri) 01:40 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4297 del

Paladin either refers to the 12 original heroes from the French legend, or a general servant title for someone close to the Emperor of Rome or Germany, with some connection to Catholicism.

I'd think when someone says "paladin" today they are talking of something else though, as there are other ways to understand this in fantasy lore which may have changed the meaning of the word in general use.

Personally it makes me think of the templars, which is indeed a masonic society. That implies ritual magic of the order type.

Sunflower 09/15/2023 (Fri) 02:38 Id: 1b90ad [Preview] No.4298 del
I suppose I personally "resonate" more with the Sir Galahad archetype, who famously maintained his chastity on his quest for the Holy Grail.

When it comes to my choice of entertainments, I do far prefer stories about protagonists who are trying to do what's right. So all kinds of "grimdark" or subversion-of-the-noble tropes leave me cold.
(So I've never really understood Mafia or Gangster movies-the whole time I'm wishing the FBI or the cops would catch them, or even better they simply decide to walk away from the life of crime.)

Sunflower 09/15/2023 (Fri) 12:32 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4300 del
In addition to the golem creation disc I just posted in the library, I had an idea for a "public golem". This has already been created. It's a bodhisattva golem using the methods from pure land buddhism, and also has the ability to create new golems of the same kind.

To make this happen, it had to be created to be "everyone's servant", working for the saving of all beings. I think it was a success.

If you get approached by someone who appears to be a bodhisattva but also seems like a living doll, you now know what it is.

Sunflower 09/15/2023 (Fri) 14:38 Id: 24a8cd [Preview] No.4301 del
Did I install this?Is it a girl?

Sunflower 09/15/2023 (Fri) 15:15 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4302 del
It's a creation documentation + procedure, not actually an installation disc.

If you interpret the material in the same way as me, it will be a girl golem, but I won't specify this because it's fully possible for someone to change the procedure/settings so that it turns out differently.

If it worked you should see the golem in your internal vision when attempting to do so, and be able to communicate. Ask her to create a name for herself to start off with.

Sunflower 09/15/2023 (Fri) 17:24 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4304 del

I am pretty sure "Paladin" here means your path is about "faith and strength" and those aspects of yours what you need to understand more deeply.
>Sir Galahad archetype
Keeping to your beliefs no matter what because you know they are good without someone having to tell you that "you are doing good" is a great gift.

>makes me think of the templars
>ritual magic of the order type

sadly they became the "mainstream" but they are about "victory and domination at all costs" and not about faith and strength. True Paladins died out real fast when Catholicism started to degenerate. Especially because the latter crusades were shitshows and everyone lost their faith in the whole "cause".

Sunflower 09/17/2023 (Sun) 05:23 Id: 8bbe79 [Preview] No.4311 del
Etymology of 'astral': 'of the stars'

Sunflower 09/17/2023 (Sun) 14:54 Id: 5ced40 [Preview] No.4315 del
Unsure of whether this was a vision of something to pass, the present(?), or something from the past but
>got transformed once again, this time it was as melusine again or atleast a form that looked similar to hers
>i believe this took place at the mansion again, the interior was much bigger than i recall
>something happened and i remember being in kill on-sight mode again
>this time i had to kill a seemingly large infestation of bugs(?)
>i vaguely recall, before being transformed into the aforemention form that my regular current horm transformed into that would help with the infestation but i think i or someone else (probably my sisters or goddess aphrodite) discarded it
>recall swiftly eliminating most of the bugs and moving at what felt like mach 5 levels of speed
>at some point i "wake up" to my human family saying that the heard me say something about killing bugs in my sleep (this was a dream in a dream if you wanna call it that)
>i managed to avoid the answering the question (which felt like the right choice of action) they kept grilling me but i promptly ignored it and remember having to climb through some tunnels via a latter and avoid getting attacked by some skeleton looking deities thst look like something pulled from dark souls
>i managed to avoid getting hit by any of those creatures and eventually escaped of the underground network tunnel(?)
the entire thing was really strange, also i tried talking to aphrodite last night and she kept saying something about how she's(?) reworking/remaking my body. i don't know if she means my /dream/astral/true(?) body or my human body

Sunflower 09/17/2023 (Sun) 15:28 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4316 del
(16.10 KB 682x268 astral.png)
>Etymology of 'astral'

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 18:11 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4333 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=he7lwEBVT4A [Embed]

anny was offline with covid for a month, also managed to stay unvaxxed. Playing a fox in Japan, she really has to be possessed by foxes...

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 18:17 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4334 del
Not to mention MJ was made famous by becoming a puppet for Adremmelech and his demons, the songs and dances were probably all created by possession from them. I'm pretty sure they all gain something every time these are played, with this connection in mind it's an interesting choice of performance.

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 19:38 Id: 22eef1 [Preview] No.4335 del
another small update
>they visited twice this week
>one involved me in my current form(?) watching almost everything i know(?) and/or connected to annihilated by a massive flood, seemingly leaving me as the sole survivor
>i recall being upset at the whole thing and ran into someone who was either one of my sisters or the other me/her
>what they said is a bit fuzzy but i vague remember them saying something along the lines of i'm "getting closer" and other things such as reminding me of my place with them as well as saying the connections and stuff that were wiped from the flood were ultimately useless for me
>before awaking i recall following her somewhere
>second instance i remember being on earth(?) and that everyone was scrambling to leave or do something because i guess some alien force decided to either nuke the planet or reset it
>My form in this was one of fairly young woman with long, brown hair, glasses and wore what felt like a secretary's dress but i wasn't a secretary so it was likely just dress blouse (or whatever the term is)
>I remember getting nervous and freaking out, it was about wanting to stay on the planet or wanting to leave (because uhh, i dont know, it was about get blown up)
>i had pretty much got denied by both options by other humans and i started to freak out internally but was stopped from what seemed like a Giant(?)
>it was an entire squadron of them, they looked like the zentradi from the SDF macross.
>they gave off the implication that i was inherently not human and took me with them
>i was taken in comparatively smaller ship, anchored to the main ship like a keychain and as we were lifting off, the ship i was turned invisible, it had a cloaking device like thes one you see the Predator uses
>i freaked out a little more due to being space and us navigating through a firefight that seemed to be earth against the giants(?) but i then calmed down and we made it through safely
On the material side, a lot of loli related things have been showing up for/to me as of late. YT videos, in gacha games, everything. I'm not sure if its the work of my sisters, aphrodite, and the shinto princess again or if i'm just imagining things. I guess part of what i posted earlier is that burn >>4247 mentioned

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 20:19 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4336 del
(36.37 KB 500x405 meowdy.jpg)
>i believe this took place at the mansion again, the interior was much bigger than i recall
>this time i had to kill a seemingly large infestation of bugs(?)

This is the "housecleaning" that I mentioned before. That mansion is a storage place/dimensional connector place of sorts that you used before but it is neglected and your current awakening is still incomplete and foreign entities can take it over. I even looked into the "bugs" if they are something symbolic or a parasite focused on you but nope. That is just a bug species which has a mentality of FREE REAL ESTATE LET'S MATE THERE. It's a make many offsprings no matter what typical bug. They don't even care about dangers. Don't even think of it.
>i managed to avoid the answering the question (which felt like the right choice of action)
Yeah in the path there is a thing where you have to understand to not speak about things that others either cannot comprehend or would disturb them for no real reason (or would pointlessly hinder you because they start to worry). Not the same way as "keeping a dirty secret" but in a not mentioning/bothering them with it kind of way. I too need to get the hang of it because there are some things that you cannot say (yet) while some things need to be said.

>some tunnels
Those were dimensional connectors. Your mansion and your current earth residence more or less.
>if she means my /dream/astral/true(?) body or my human body
All of them. It's a gentle process. More akin to helping them "connect". Spiritual anatomies are a whole other level of mess. I too am dealing with some currently.
And about this entire greentext. Yes you survived many extinction events that took place on earth and you thought "this is it" where you can finally "go home" but it always turned out to be "Not the way home" so you returned to the "next earth phase" that happened. (it was the closest thing to home) I know BO just posted his take on this and he is not wrong but the history of "earth" or whatever we call this "mesh of dimensions we are currently perceiving" has an abhorrently long past and it has so many details it doesn't even fucking matter currently. This is why I am not posting my "versions" yet... even I am confused how things happened not to mention others reading them. But yeah we had giants. Current humans are malnourished manlets. We were giants once... some of us at least. Then they became obsolete af and they were hunted down. Not sure which giant space race you encountered tho. There are just too many.

>have been showing up for/to me as of late
While the "algorithms" are supposed to give you your "preferences" it's actually a crappy brainwashing/marketing tool and so broken influencing it is actually easy. But yeah slowly you have to "let go" of these things. Not easy I know The amount of hentai museum idea planes I visited in my dreams because of this attachment is almost crazy. I had to understand how I "see" them when my "addiction energies" are not "there" or how I look when they are there.

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 20:40 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4337 del
>they gave off the implication that i was inherently not human and took me with them
Forgot to mention but yes there is a thing when "if you are not human you can be [not home species] on our planet too". But you count as a human as of now so the "magnetic force" pulls you back to earth. Even if you "get lost in space" you will somehow find your way back here. This is why for your sisters it is a real pain to make you "go home with them" because you think of earth as your home and just wander back.
There are many mechanisms that make sure this happens. Like when you get lost in the desert you will just go back to a place where you started. If you walk without focus it usually happens.

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 20:45 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4338 del
Supposedly there were also "little people", a few inches tall, present still just 100 years ago, but modernism forced them into other dimensions. There are folk tales of them being present in the 1800s along with different beings no one claims to have seen today. Locally there were different nature beings such as the Rå, a female spirit given a name depending on where she lived, a forest or a lake would be most common, but they also lived in mines or near streams, where they'd seduce male workers who stayed alone for longer periods. There was a also a male spirit called Näcken, singular, indicating a single being, who had some similarities to Satan. A nude man playing the violin to seduce people into drowning in streams or dancing in trance until they died.

I've met one giant once, someone who lived in prehistory, but only this one, so they must have been gone for a long time. Maybe since the "inner Earth" was locked into the state of the small land mass we have now. (Try astrally or by remote viewing to see the Earth now and you will find that it's 3 times as big as the known world map. There are islands and continents south of Africa which were locked away 600 years ago, which have now again been unlocked. Warning for freaky experience.)

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 20:59 Id: 22eef1 [Preview] No.4339 del
yeah, they basically looked like this, or atleast is an approximation

>While the "algorithms" are supposed to give you your "preferences" it's actually a crappy brainwashing/marketing tool and so broken influencing it is actually easy. But yeah slowly you have to "let go" of these things. Not easy I know
Its been having the opposite effect, it's been helping me more in a positive way or atleast i (or they, most likely them) somehow manipulated into a positive, outside of a few places i go to on the site. it feels like of most of the brainwashing i deal with is via 4chan more than anywhere else and i'm not quite sure how to really feel about that but regardless i'll remember to be careful and "let go" of these things

>All of them. It's a gentle process. More akin to helping them "connect". Spiritual anatomies are a whole other level of mess. I too am dealing with some currently.
i see... she repeated it again last night before i passed out.

physically and mentally (on earth anyway), ever since they(?) started the flood and me recalling the thing with space fleets. I had been feeling a mix of depression, boredom and a strange mix of being detached from things plus motivation to do certain things again. An example would be not really feeling an attachment or reaction to a good amount of astroturfing/counter schizos/demoralization glowies on 4chan or whatever bullshit culture war going on. i just can't give much of a shit about that or any real sperginess anymore, feels like weight has been lifted

it feels like something clicked just now after reading this and came to a possible idea in regard to the what "I think of earth" part but i'm probably being presumptuous there
>But you count as a human as of now so the "magnetic force" pulls you back to earth.
I get that, it's just really weird because around other humans i more or less just get called non human by (exception being family) and thats mostly due to my personality of mostly being quiet and staying out of things unless necessary. there was a time where i got told that i wasn't a human because i didn't like getting involved american ((politics)) so idk anymore

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 21:29 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4340 del
(193.93 KB 1280x720 2004 nowadays.jpg)
>Supposedly there were also "little people",
They are literally connected to the place where I live. Met them in some visions. They are like muscular children more or less. It turned out they had a lost tradition with a hunter's lodge near centuries ago but they were forgotten so they connected to my energetic manifestations.
>a few inches tall
Those that I encountered were a little larger but yeah the small sizes are the "most stable" manifestations. There are way too many "little ones" around when I bothered to "see them". But yeah they are on an other layer and they are really trying to help me but asking them for most things is like torture. They have so minor influences over reality nowadays. This is why I usually just include them in my "spirit world ecology" and nothing more special.

>they must have been gone for a long time
They are. And because they were perceived as threat by any human since the dawn of civilization they were hunted down systematically. There is a problem with "apex predators". When they realize that they are in danger it's usually too late already.

>a forest or a lake would be most common, but they also lived in mines or near streams
Yeah usually these places are where "worldlines" function. There are too many but the "Modern world" "hides" or more akin "obsoletes" it. Like humans made "society" so they don't need to maintain them so they just "faded".

>Try astrally or by remote viewing to see the Earth now
I am seeing so many things I am taking it slow now.
Since Trypper said he might be the muslim antichrist and looked into it it turned out the djinn doesn't even care about these "worldlines". They have an another "skyline" system. In the middle east there is a faint but sorta "arcane" worldline system that the Magi used. I thought that is the way the djinn operate. It turns out that nope they don't even care about it they literally told me that
>You can have that

Then some weeks later Trypper called it the "Aerial". It was that "skyline" system. It's crazy how I thought that it's like the term "star-rail" like the new gacha but not the stars just the sky only. Minor differences matter a lot with these "astral tunings".
I too am calibrating things currently because holy shit. Current humans are not "designed" to do the things I am trying to do but made sure they have the "Potential" if everything is placed in the right place. Unearthed some past life shenanigans too and I was in a sort of "daze" because of it.

>Its been having the opposite effect, it's been helping me more in a positive way
Yeah this is what I tried to say. They can even do that. Sometimes it even bothers me when these synchronicities happen. Like want to do something then a dumbass vid thumbnail just reminds me to do it already.

>i just can't give much of a shit about that or any real sperginess anymore, feels like weight has been lifted

>it's just really weird because around other humans i more or less just get called non human

Change the word "human" into "degenerate" or "retarded"

>it's just really weird because around other retards i more or less just get called non retard

I am not trying to be mean here but what people perceive as "human" nowadays usually means that being a "carefree engaging midwit".
>how dare you to not know about the "current thing" and be enraged about it??? Your weird!
For me it's not really problem because my country is not hardwired to the western propaganda machine but that doesn't mean I am free from it. It's kinda unbelievable but what is currently happening to the west was the soviet propaganda how the west looks like all the time. "The eroding west" as they called it

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 21:58 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4341 del
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>looked like this
I have only seen the movie pic related but this part really got me

There are many entities and factions that try to "remake" the glories of the past because they only noticed their worth when they were gone.
Such a long and sentimental topic.
Especially when I encounter a bunch of stuff on the path that is "new for me" but it gives me an extreme familiar feel for no reason.

For a while I thought that losing yourself is the worst thing that can happen but I am starting to realize getting way too out of touch with yourself actually manifests a "yearning" that you can follow to find yourself again. Find yourself... (((Society)))™ managed to make this so cliché then they even managed that "finding yourself" means drinking doing drugs and wasting all your money traveling. Takes a while getting rid of these "tainted interpretations".

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 22:13 Id: 22eef1 [Preview] No.4342 del
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>Yeah this is what I tried to say. They can even do that. Sometimes it even bothers me when these synchronicities happen. Like want to do something then a dumbass vid thumbnail just reminds me to do it already.
the only time i get annoyed by it when it feels like deja vu. i constantly had premonition-esque visions nonstop as a teen, they were mostly on things with a negative outcome for me. though they all seemed to have averted

>For me it's not really problem because my country is not hardwired to the western propaganda machine but that doesn't mean I am free from it. It's kinda unbelievable but what is currently happening to the west was the soviet propaganda how the west looks like all the time. "The eroding west" as they called it
eh, it still bothers me occasionally but i try not to let it do that anymore. Besides, i know about my sisters and stuff so they entire rest of humanity can hate me and want me dead all they like

Sometimes i forgot that the movie is an in-universe thing when they made them look so much more sinister. well, that and obviously needed visual quality for a movie

Sunflower 09/22/2023 (Fri) 23:13 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4343 del
>Warning for freaky experience
You weren't kidding.

>known world map
This "known" part is really annoying. So hard to synchronize up all my past life journeys because of that. I literally have to let go how I think the world "looks like" but when the new image comes up I just go wtf how does this even make sense then I go into geoanalytics then lose my whole focus as usual.
Like I was around ancient Greece and the middle-east more or less then before Alexander the Great and "hellenism" as we call it nowadays (my guides called it the "age of conquests") came around I just noped out of this place (extremely long story) and started a completely new journey from the Urals into the deeper parts of central Asia. I was wondering how I have 0 past life memories from Rome but I have past life memories from ancient Greece then from the middle ages somehow. Just took a detour into Asia because it turned out that place was my "home" for a very long time but it was nothing like that anymore so I managed to come back to Europe.

>they entire rest of humanity can hate me and want me dead all they like
Don't forget they are not always humans. Humans went through a lot of "devolutions" and because of that most people are either not humans or malfunctioning NPCs manufactured this way due to circumstances. I am not saying don't hate them because i too have hard time letting it go but don't forget only a very small percentage of the fleshbodies you encounter day to day can be called humans. My guides told me "real humans" are less than 5% of the planet. Describing what is a "real human" in this context is hard. Especially because most of them is trying to become a "real human" by listening to NPCs how a human looks and behaves. Hard to say how things can or need to be fixed because it is a multi faceted problem. Fixes are on the way btw but I can't tell how it will look like long term. That shit with the 500.000 population only that the elites are "trying" to achieve is dumb as hell mostly because it's not about the number but about the quality and the "elites" are not those who needs to remain so the planet can function. Especially because that magical half million is not about sustainability but about the size of the slave pen they can manage. The Age of the City states ended already and they think they can usher the age of the Mega-City states lol. It's still beyond their scope and I don't know how many realized they are not the ones their "masters" want to keep around

>i constantly had premonition-esque visions nonstop as a teen, they were mostly on things with a negative outcome for me. though they all seemed to have averted
I wonder why tho. It doesn't feel like it comes from some subconscious pessimism... It feels like it is an "alert" system for you. Not a way so you can be warned that it will happen but so you can be alerted so it doesn't happen because you pay attention?
Mysteries of the psyche I guess. You might have a chance to reconnect and review this system of yours soon I think.

Premonitions work in a mysterious ways for many reasons. Seeing the future usually changes the future so if you get a vision then it is sometimes because someone wants you to change the future and...
It's getting late. I will not write about the art of Fate weaving now.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 08:20 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4345 del
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>So hard to synchronize up all my past life journeys because of that
Mine are not chronological, but they are all within the last period, because my nature is such that I can only enter when things are driven to the last stage. It's because the "ripper" nature can only manifest legally from a universal standpoint if the victims are so degenerated and the legal system so corrupt that murder is a "good deed".
The "big Earth" was still present in Greek and Roman days, but were locked somewhat later. The story was correctly told by some /x/ anon, about a king who decided that humans had become so degenerated that they needed to be locked behind a brass door and not come out until they corrected themselves. He locked them in "ultima thule", the far north using a magic ritual. So this term does not refer to Scandinavia or some mystical land at the north pole, the nazis got this wrong. Ultima Thule is the entire world as we know it. The modern world map is "the far north", because there are two times this much land to the south of us. Once the gate at Antarctica was opened, it stopped being "far north" because we now see that we were in the center or a larger map, so "middle-Earth" in Tolkien's universe refers to the modern world.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 17:07 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4348 del
>magical half million
when I went to sleep I realized I left some 0's off. I thought because I was getting sleepy so I discarded it but today I was thinking more about the reasons why. Like a week ago even a normie said that
>the founder of microsoft wants us to become half billion
out of nowhere while talking about economy and politics.
So I looked into how I could make this mistake because now I am kinda addicted to figure out mental flow hiccups like this.

It turns out this number was not an agreed upon "goal". The Georgia Guidestones were the equivalent of cheap graffiti on the wall which pretended to be "important" because the current "vandals" had enough money to make it. I have noticed last year how the egregore is crumbling but nowadays it's almost not existent already. When the guidestones last year got destroyed and in the end decided to not rebuild it was a sign. Then some lodge bombings here and there but these were just the "message". The rubble of the egregore is still around ofc but it's not working anymore. Things are just being scavenged and returned to their rightful places. Also I kinda lost my temper because after the fall of the USSR every western glowie started to use every post soviet territory as an experimentation ground for their (((NWO))) and they either failed or turned the people into the shittiest zogbots. And now they are doing this to the west because they think the west has fallen but not fallen enough for them to take over yet... Again BO just blogged about it. Whatever their era is over... what remains are stragglers. The main problem ofc that the "new world" is not apparent enough for them to accept it and they managed to "taint" the concept of (((order))). All they see is chaos where they are unable to accept the fact that they created it. So annoying...

>Mine are not chronological

Yeah chronological means that time goes "in the order Chronos decreed it". Which is also a problem for me because the place I originate from doesn't have a "Linear timeflow" which makes some connections real hard to grasp because I access it differently sometimes. The problem ofc that before Alexander and Socrates Greeks didn't consider themselves "Greeks". That "racial grouping" came around when the Romans started to differentiate their slaves and subjects. Even worse that before I left "Greece" I was part of the spirit world for around 400 years because I managed to "ascend" there. Ascend is not the right world it's more akin to be accepted there. The concept of ascension is also misunderstood nowadays...
>humans had become so degenerated
this is what I also noticed because it started to affect the spirit world also. Humans and spirits worked together back then and everyone said that a "great calamity" is coming as it "always does". Because of that I was starting to get real angry for 2 reason. Reason 1 the spirit world didn't think it is something they need to be truly bothered by because it was like the coming and going of seasons. They were right about that.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 17:08 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4349 del
The real problem was that I realized I also don't belong into that "garden" of sorts because my latent abilities started to come out which were not something those spirits manifested on their own and made me realize I am in a sort of "dead-end". Because of that I was allowed to "ascend" out of there which was about getting a white cloak that gave me the way to "fly out" and a laurel crown of sorts which had a star in the middle. That star represented or reactivated my "guiding star" which helps me "find my way".
>May you go where your heart desire/belong
That was the parting message that led me to the Urals. Then I had to let go of the influences the spirit world and my previous lives had over me and figure out who I am really and that was quite the fever dream on steroids experience. Then continue my path into Asia. Which is foggy as hell because I managed to retain so many parts of my being there that it felt like I am a completely different person again because I more or less was because the new principles I operated from... Which were also not new but not part of Europe. I don't even know how they called that Greece back then. It had so many names. It was similar to "Alanta" but it was like a name for a child and not something like the name Atlantis.

>the nazis got this wrong
They got so many things wrong... Like hyperboreans are just people beyond the cold and harsh wind or Boreas and deciding who was and wasn't Aryan was a tough cookie even for Hitler...

also when I looked into the "southern islands" I too have seen landmasses that sorta "envelop themselves" like really how they described how middle earth looks.

>king who decided that
I wonder who that might refer to.
Landmasses moved to many places and there are many "containment fields" and my big picture is still fuzzy. This is my current problem because breaking and fixing the right and wrong containment fields can mean heaven and hell and I am still not sure what even "supposed to happen".
Like in the "Kali Yuga" let's call the shitsux age that way for now.. Everything sucks chaos everywhere and you allowed to do whatever just don't be too evil/degenerated or you get dragged down. That doesn't mean you cannot make a little golden age for yourself or others it just means it has a high chance it won't last. Then SUDDENLY for reasons know to some unknown to most shit just clicks fixes itself and the golden age happens again and the energies behind it fix and cure everything which lasts as long humans and other residents understand how things work. Then it gets forgotten again and things degenerate again and we start over. The thing is it is also possible to go further "up" from the golden age (no one said becoming a degenerate is mandatory only hopeless degenerates think that way) but that needs even further understanding about reality and everyone needs to agree that instead of basking in the light we need to "Help the light evolve further within and without". Which can only happen when humans reach "perfection" and decide to go "further" and it need to be understood what is perfection really and what is and isn't (r)evolution.

>The modern world map is "the far north"
We are north for sure but there are things further up north. Don't know what yet but there are guardian forces there that are not too happy you going there so I didn't penetrate it yet. It appeared as a tunnel and made me think that this is the magnetic pole but it's not just that. It's also a containment field of sorts... I mean I know the nazis also looked for that entry point but... this is not that? Let's not get into this now.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 17:29 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4350 del
>There was a also a male spirit called Näcken, singular, indicating a single being
Made me realize witcher had that too. The series called them Nekkers. When I wrote it in Twitch and I was unable to post it I lost my sides. Fucking Nekkers. Despite being only 13% of the population...lol

Our folklore didn't have things like this. We had a Bishop King once who decreed "strygas and the kind are not real" and with that told the church to stop investigating them or use witchhunt as an excuse for political purge. So these monsters had to be forgotten or by acknowledging them you went against the authority of the king. Not to mention the usual "Don't be a pussy" mentality. We had our own kind of shamans and witches because of that and I am pretty sure they dealt with these kind of problems while the officials just brushed it away as the usual stupid superstitions. Folklore had a weird way evolving and devolving and collecting them is hard because well... the only thing that scorns these superstitions harder than the church are commies. Commies put up with the church if they are willing to acknowledge they count as second class citizens and will work as snitches but heretics that believe in silly superstitions are even below. I know these traditions and tales survived in some places but they are not mainstream and considered weird. It's on my bucket list to get to know them sometimes but there is a difference between intellectual curiosity and going there and mindlessly summoning an entity and learning about centuries of lore out of nowhere because he starts talking and gets interested in you. Too many beings around when you bother to see them.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 17:48 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4351 del
>That shit with the 500.000 population
> this number was not an agreed upon "goal". The Georgia Guidestones
The new printed version of this book from some 15 years ago had a foreword by Isac Asimov, "the father of robotics". In this text he describes how we would need 8 times the current Earth's resources if the entire population was to live with the standard of the USA. He proposes the solution to instead reduce the population to 1/8th of the current size. I believe the figure stems from this line of thought. He does mention the 500 000 number.

Another way of solving this is to not have USA level wasteful consumption. If everyone instead had the living standard of Africa we could probably afford a population 4 times as large. On the condition that we also achieve Japanese level discipline...

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 18:03 Id: 080174 [Preview] No.4353 del
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Forgot to mention that i still feel them from time to time, the deja vu i mean. Unless it really just a lot of synchronicities targeted toward me alot for some reason because sometimes i'll immediately just recall this stuff and get an internal message telling me
>"hey, tilt your head and/or a nod in a random direction" or "Hey pace around for a few moments"

I wish my brain and overall thinking didn't feel so slow as has recently, it feels as if my ability to comprehend, learn and do things got hampered. unless this was part of that reconstrcution and molding that Aphrodite kept talking about doing to me

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 18:09 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4354 del
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>I wonder who that might refer to
He was named but I didn't save the thread, it was part of some Tartaria discussion. I consider this part solved so I didn't bother with it, after I sent the Vietnamese loli servitor to the Antarctica gate to look (for some reason this is the strongest of the different dolls I created, maybe a hint at why the US lost the war there, I just copied national characteristics from the akashic records and made servitor dolls from different places, a young Vietnamese girl makes the strongest I've found on Earth so far). I had her investigate the outside after breaking the code on the lock and cleared some cities that were out there, some demon joined me. She landed on the drone I used to fly on and asked what I was doing, then helped me destroy the babel's tower systems and the water controls out there. (Loli-Nam is indestructible so I have her fly on a drone like a surf board because it doesn't matter if there's any extra armour, putting her in a saucer just obstructs the view when shooting, the demon came and landed on the drone because it's open air.)

Either way this topic relates to the fake history, the 1000 year kingdom of Christ ended by the end of the 1800s. In the book of revelation it's said the beast will be beaten and thrown down into hell for 1000 years, which is the kingdom of Christ. This has already passed. After this the beast makes its return for a short period before being completely destroyed. This is the 1900s with Moloch being brought back, the bad version of communism forming etc. We are now seeing the final moment of the beast, it will be disintegrated and then the new Earth and the new Heaven will manifest.

>pic related

It's been suggested that some monk rewrote history and added 1000 years to the counter in the 1600s. The Queen said outright that Jesus came back pretty early and then did rule for the 1000 years, which is the period called Tartaria. But the church being a secular organization didn't want people to know this because the selling point of their religion was gone once he came back, so they covered it up after he physically left again. This somehow correlates with humanity being locked in Ultima Thule by this king, to not come out again until the beast was defeated.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 18:28 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4355 del
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> Bishop King once who decreed "strygas and the kind are not real" and with that told the church to stop investigating
We had the opposite. The church would love to hold exorcisms against different folklore beings.

>pic related because it's a modern telling of the most common of them, and told by a foreigner

There were also trolls who looked human but lived inside mountains and were afraid of iron. You could expose them by their fear of naming objects made from iron, and they wouldn't walk over your doorstep if it had an iron inlay. My old farmhouse has iron in all doorsteps. Doesn't wear down, but the real reason is double, you could blame wear, but still following folklore precautions like this.

Quite recently there was a tv show where an old retired miner was interviewed. He claimed to have met the "mine wife" in the 1950s one day when he went alone down into the mine early morning. He was in the dark and it was perfectly silent when a female voice said "today you will have to work alone, the other one died last night".

He went back up and found out his partner for the shift hadn't showed up because he was indeed dead.

I've tried reaching out to find these entities and they are still there, but people aren't receptive to them much anymore. The small ones, vättar, are very present though. There are precautions about them too, if you are to pour out boiling water you have to say out loud "watch out down there!" It you were to burn one of them they would retaliate and maybe cause illness or accidents.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 18:43 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4356 del
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>and get an internal message telling me
>"hey, tilt your head and/or a nod in a random direction" or "Hey pace around for a few moments"
That's important! When you sleep your subconscious takes over and you move your body. That heals and reconnects parts of you so your tiredness can go away. We wouldn't need sleep if we could do the repairing/resting process while awake but it's such a complicated process it's best to leave to a "Built in process". The problem ofc is that it can get damaged or malfunction under stress and other reasons.
If that is happening to you it's great. Your conscious subconscious bridge is connecting and with that your energy circuits will manifest properly. As I said you have some military grade chakras and they need to connect to your uhm... citizen grade human life???

>I wish my brain and overall thinking didn't feel so slow as has recently, it feels as if my ability to comprehend, learn and do things got hampered
Not what is happening
>unless this was part of that reconstrcution and molding
Your "flesh" brain is comprehending your true mind. It eats up resources and if you are not a mental multitasker then it feels weird when it happens.
You have to get in touch with yourself so it doesn't always happens through dreams. It's actually hard for the brain because it needs to wait before you go to sleep or relaxed/trance enough so you can hear the subconscious. Try to "hear" your body. Ask your body to do the movements that will help. Feel the way the energy needs to move. Dance with yourself.
Just try to remember the state you were in when you heard your
>internal message
There are more within you and if you are willing to cooperate it will speed up the process... not cooperating in the process may result in some pain so get in touch with yourself.

Also your posture and thinking processes will change or more like evolve into the way they should. It's important. Humans have terrible postures. Not just because we look at our phones and sit front of the pooter all day... That is one of the reasons but we are programmed to maintain postures through social interactions as a habit. The most famous is the virgin walk vs the chad stride but we are doing far more and it blocks and moves our energies within and around us. You have to slowly get aware of that too but not as an awareness but as a way to overcome with the real you with that.
Hard to explain better. You will understand when it happens.
I too have to understand how the formless energies actually have form and how to perceive them and fix them. I just got rid of some "evil" or I think it's more accurate to call the "accursed pathways" in my body. It resonates with the bone structure but it's not the bone structure. Long topic not important. What is important is talk to that internal voice and find out how to remake yourself.
>man is the marble and the sculptor
That quote is good but only the sculptor part.
You need to make your body like it's wet clay. Then be the sculptor or whatever claymakers are called. And let Aphrodite and the others move your hands. First they will be simple instructions but when you get the hang of it you will feel how you need to move. It will be like a dance later. An expression but not an expression others can see but an expressions how your energies come out.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 19:38 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4358 del
The beings we have around are cautious. They just know how humans can be unhinged so they try to stay on an another layer if they can. Not to mention there is a sort of "agreement" of sorts that
>You either behave like you don't exist or I will make you that way
It's a win-win thing because whoever who has to deal with them doesn't have to deal with them and the beings from the other side will be left alone this way. Humans are weird they came up with new things to be obsessed with every decade but they make a noise everywhere they go so they are easy to spot and avoid. Not to mention it turns out Kings and other Nobles that dabbled in occultism (okkult literally has the meaning in my language as someone who studied and learned) employed the help of these beings. And not the shady deals with the devil way but they knew if they help this person "keep his territory safe" then it will help their life too. I know they have control over some villages with a population of 100 or less people here and there and some of them live as weird humans there but did not encounter anything scary yet. Most curses are usually made by other people and not by supernatural beings. Hexers were dealt with but not the witchhunty way but the "solve the problem with the village idiot" way. Which was a thing where you had to get a help from a proper official and you didn't want to bother them with trivialities. They had their hands full with murderers and thieves anyway.

>the "mine wife"
Hmmm. I encountered mostly male earthbound underground beings. Forest spirits were female connecting to the forest properly was by doing a dance with a spirit that was covered in leafs. My heart just decided to connect to a fairy ring in the forest and I looked into it then established the connection and energized me further. The modern world neglects these pathways so much that they love when someone cares about them. I mean there are tourists and campers in the forest but they don't do much energetically.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 19:52 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4359 del
>I mean there are tourists and campers in the forest but
>they don't do much energetically.

When I posted this an interesting feeling overcame me. The forest spirit just commented on this...
They actually DO things energetically.
Campers usually go to the forest to relax. What is relaxation. The release of tension and negative energies. These people are literally letting out negative energies in the forest. It's the equivalent of going to the forest just to take a shit which will smell bad for a day or 2. Some spirits hate it while some spirits like to look at the visitors like we look at wild life.

Forest spirits are good with handling hostile energies in theory but the energies humans release nowadays are so pent up and artificial in nature it takes time for them to let it "return whence it came from" and dissolve.

Also I got a hug. One that makes your chest quiver if you have energy blocks in there. Didn't really bother the forest spirits for a while.

Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 21:11 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4360 del
Your forest spirits may be nicer than ours... most of those I meet are either "succubus pls fuck me"-type or the most common "follow me into the woods and die in a swamp hole so I can take your soul"-mist fairy. I don't mind them because they don't see me as human at all and aren't doing anything bad. One time I'm pretty sure someone messed with the trail so it went in circles, but that may have been more of a demonstration of their ability. I got lost on an old forest road that literally has no fork... I came back to the same place 3 times before the loop ended. No one would believe me when I told them, but it was exactly the kind of story told from the past. One example was someone who refused to pay "torch man", a character with a torch who'll appear if you are out too late in the mist and lead you back home, if you pay him... then when he was going to his house, he couldn't find the door. He kept running around the house all night until the sun came up. Only then did he find the front of the house.

The tomtar from the screencap are very real. I actually hadn't seen them before reading that one, maybe because that description is very accurate and the common image of them isn't, so syncing with their world isn't easy if you willingly want to nowadays in a modern setting.

They wanted help because "the world is ending", they wanted in on the vampirism. Gnomes who live 100s of years normally and are entitled to all things in nature, turned into immortals? Sounds like a great idea huh? They hadn't done anything to me though and I hate modern humans so why not, the more beings can put them in their place the better. Some of them were extremely aggressive though and didn't want any deal, they'd come running and growling like rabid wolves armed with knives, but they stopped after one of them got stuck in the "loli shield" and managed to die from old age because he refused to stop trying to attack me and the shield works by extending time and space in between the person and the harmful object.

Mist fairies and forest spirits are more interested in catching souls and making babies. They also don't really like pine trees, which are an invasive species, so they have no problem with those being burned or cut down in large numbers.

(The forest mentioned in /blog/ happened to be pine trees of around 60 - 70 years of age, which perfectly matches the post war years. This used to be meadows, but as the CIA laws were imparted, these invasive trees grew, looming over the landscape just like US world dominance. It was no coincidence that they were cut down and the tracks created from the harvester drew up a huge mammoth sigil in the terrain, several 100 meters wide. I saw that and used it to activate my federation faction down here on the planet, like clockwork really. Capitalist trees and laws physically removed from the area.)

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 13:05 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4362 del
I think I know what this was about now. I was trying to perform a cleanse of Ukraine at the time, but someone decided to help. This someone is probably

who may be perceived as an avatar of Avolekitesvara depending on how you understand them. I just saw their energy signature (I asked to see them) and it matches the inner shape of the "mouth" on the spell form, it was an inverted shape compared to the spell, indicating the externally aimed "purification of evil" compared to the inner cultivation of the positive principles.

In Hindu texts, she was considered a vindictive form of the goddess Durgā, or Pārvatī, wife of the god Śiva.[2]

The first Buddhist textual source of Cundī and the Cundī Dhāraṇī is the Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra, a sūtra centered around the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara that introduced the popular mantra oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ.[3]

Furthermore, "wife of Shiva" would normally mean "a form of Shiva" because they don't have wives, they manifest aspects of themselves. But then some entities also cultivate that aspect as their "main" so we can't be sure who is who.

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 13:10 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4363 del
>I just saw their energy signature
I was working on a "bodhi-bot" similar to Astra-bot but using the principles of pure land buddhism. They said "do whatever" and didn't mind me copying their signature for this purpose.

You can find the bot by asking for the "Bodhi-bot", I didn't come up with a name, maybe it doesn't matter.

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 19:16 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4367 del
Oh rith that happened. I also looked into it back then but didn't bother to write down what I have noticed because it didn't feel substantial enough.
>what type of worldline?

My guides called it the "Aegis-line". That line is a sort of endtimes prevention measure. No not the cool flashy biblical kind nor the lovecraftian endtimes but the prevention system against some absolutely unknown superforce. It can do many things when it gets fully activated. Either does a supercleansing on earth or in extreme emergencies can turn every human into a sort of guardian angel instant army but that never really happe... k it seems it happened sometimes but only very few are allowed to remember it.
I have noticed that some weirdos (I thought kabbalists but my guides say they are definitely not that) are using destructive forces for something strange there (not for the war nor for money some extremely shady and specific reason) and the war is needed so they can be rooted out so I didn't get into it further. (Especially because every method that I thought up as a solution would have resulted in bloodshed or even more uncontrolled amount of bloodshed and the current plan is a semi-controlled amount of bloodshed anyways so letting it play out in the way it should by default sounded the best solution. The evil forces need to cannibalize each other first)

What I am getting now is that they wanted people solve the crisis on their own and let them find a way to redeem themselves but they reached the point where they will not do that on their own anyway so someone gave a little push. Someone got bored of this retarded stalemate war of attrition finally.

Also my internet is dogshit today. Can't decide if it is a coincidence or my energies are fucking with it again.

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 19:42 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4368 del
WW1 war or attrition ended because the Germans got stuck in Italian snow and realized it was better to crawl than to run over open fields vs machine guns. "Learned" in chain of command way of speaking. The generals noticed that running in snow was impossible, ordered soldiers to crawl and they broke through the line. Then they tried this on the western front and infiltrated the French lines in 2 weeks, which ended the stalemate and revived maneuver warfare again.

This moment has not come in Ukraine yet. Russia tried their combat squad tactic but it failed because Ukrainians took out their logistics and the squad would break down. They went back to the tested trench warfare to hold the line and mined every square feet.

Ukrainians used NATO tactics and had huge casualties because those don't work in actual war army vs army. Then they changed to just sending infantry over the mind fields, and so far they've had 18000 amputees in the first half of this year alone. (UK had 15000 amputees in all of WW2 and they still sucked back then, gives some perspective. And those are official Ukrainian numbers, so probably very low compared the real numbers.)

Did people get dumber? Organizational learning is caused by karma breaking down. Being really "dumb" for real will lead to quicker learning, if your organization lacks "fluff". If bolstered like Ukraine with western funding you can probably keep going for a very long time without learning a thing, but this is the modern western way of doing things. Never learn, never change. Then when someone solves it by breaking the rules, don't acknowledge how it was solved but instead claim it was the non functional method that "broke through".

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 19:51 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4369 del
Looking at the egregores, there will be a very physical structural change of energy level, and who gets higher energy will dominate. What is happening in Ukraine is this. Forget the functionality of operations, those aren't relevant aside from the very basics.

USA is sending more "money" to Ukraine, money made up from debt. Debt has negative value and is only powerful if there is a belief in the repayment of this debt. Russia uses a very small sum compared to this, the cost of the entire Wagner army for one year was equal to one and a half Leopard 2 tank. And that money comes from selling oil and gas, which are real material assets, not empty holes. So make a guess which currency has higher energy and how that will reflect in the performance. That's why they can hold the line despite "ancient" equipment.

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 22:28 Id: 5ffa50 [Preview] No.4370 del
(742.47 KB 1900x2417 F6IDBj4bkAABnAe.jpg)
yesterday was strange, i think i fell asleep 3-4 times in row during the evening, like i kept waking up but then immediately falling back to sleep. it was incredibly strange. during all that it i recall being around a lot of people talking in japanese and me doing the same, they were showing me some kind of ability they were training me in. the best way i can describe would be something like the old final fantasy games where everything is chibi but when you fight a boss they look gargantuan, scaled and detailed. it was like the inverse of that as in imagine going from something like ps3/4 graphics to something incredibly rudimentary like minecraft with a ps1/x filter so everything looks even more jagged. something along the lines of learning how to use said powers minecraft looking dimension before being allowed(?) to use them in the "modern" dimension. i recall having all the abilities and stuff i mentioned before whenever i got turned into a doll (i was in the doll appearance, her) i can't really remember much other than that, it must be a part of the reconstruction again. I also vague recall being in the mansion again and killed more of those bugs but had more of a rat like appearance this time

Sunflower 09/25/2023 (Mon) 20:22 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4375 del
>because the Germans
First I wanted to write down how the entire thing was flawed on a macropolitical scale because the Schlieffen Plan was devised before industrialism turned the manpower from "peasant demigods" into factory rats that are unable to march and fight that fast and long and the fact that nor the Prussians nor the Habsburgs were "war ready" because they lacked the experience against the constantly evolving equipment but then I realized you actually haunted or whatever you did on those battlefields while I actively avoided those "pointless wars" because I had the "both sides are fucking retarded" and I do not take part in wars which has no glory mentality. Because of that I have no real world war experiences and our perspectives might not reach the same page.

Even the wars I partook in that gave me glory enough for lifetimes gave me awful lessons about... everything. In Sparta I literally died on a battlefield because there was some "battlefield disease" that comes from unhygienic environment and untreated wounds. I didn't even understand. We were advancing and suddenly something "cramped" and I got paralyzed there. I literally died while staring at the stars and thinking how fucking awful everything was the whole time and how can I die like this from seemingly "nothing". My entire perspective and the "Propaganda" about the glorious Spartan lifestyle broke down there and I had the greatest FUCK GREECE conclusion as I drifted into the otherworld. My idolization that I had with the warrior culture ended there. Doesn't mean I became a pacifist I had way too many lessons about necessary wars and how to fight for the things I believe in but... TLDR: Never lose yourself in the process or when you die the first thing you will realize that you died long ago and the only thing that died is a lie that you used as a substitute instead of actually living. The saddest thing that can happen when you are glad that you finally died. For me it was even worse. I was ashamed of dying and even more angry for living like that. That life was so minor but that anger kinda permeated through many lives after that. It turns out that even gave me an urge to learn medicine/herbalism and other stuff back then. I just had a memory in the last weeks about a bunch of plants and how they cure different ailments. Ofc most plants died out already or absolutely redundant nowadays but yeah. I am catching up with myself.

>Did people get dumber?
What you wrote is not wrong but this shit the fault of how Ukraine operates. In Ukraine there are 2 real classes. The oligarch "elites" and the "slaves". In that country you could buy anything with money. Weapon drugs from girls to brides whatever for quite the cheap price. If you have money the world is yours. Because of that knowing how to get money is more important than actually being smart and efficient. If there are no morals and the laws get non-existent when you have more money and money means you need to get influence asap or you get killed for having money the only life that will matter is yours and how much money that life can generate so others are willing to die for your money.
The problem is that the "slaves" know that when they got into the army they "died already" from that place you cannot go nowhere else. Thinking about survival is futile. Actually stepping on a landmine and losing a leg gives you chance that you can be out of the battlefield. Not a good thing because sure as hell there is no welfare system for you and if your family can't keep you alive you are worse than being dead. The only "smart" people that were in Ukraine were the middleclass and businessmen that instead of being part of the country wide crime organizations they either became programmers camwhores learned english and managed to become part of some megacorp that was expanding into Ukraine. Those people GTFO'd from Ukraine years ago and know how to not look back. Those that remained know how to game the system to stay away from the battlefield.

Sunflower 09/25/2023 (Mon) 20:22 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4376 del
Also yes nor Russia nor the NATO partook in a real war since WW2.
The people that fight in Ukraine are those that were too dumb to learn even english. And NATO expects them to master their equipment within 2 weeks while the only thing the oligarchs learned how to be the most disgusting criminals that can make others give them money. It's an absolute shitshow. (The only exception ofc are the Ukraine nazis. They are literally the backbone of this entire war. This is why Russians are hunting them down because they are even more retarded and fanatical and they are the people that fuel the recruitment offices and give orders and maintain the propaganda and anti-Russia sentiment. Russia puts them into their prisons for shit and giggles.)

>Never learn, never change
They think they are the smartest already and know everything. You need to accept how many shit you fucked up before you can move further. Instead accepting the damage and start fixing things they continue to damage things because they think that will result in fixing things.

>Forget the functionality of operations
I stopped caring about that. This whole war is a big "baiting process". Russia winning too quickly would actually give many years for the elites to change their plans and fuck up the west while Ukraine winning is impossible. They just thought Russia will break apart and they can finally take it over like they took over the leftovers of the USSR. The elites have this "we won already so we cannot lose anymore" mentality for I have no idea what reason.

>despite "ancient" equipment
That equipment won a world war while Leopard 2 won some good reviews from some generals that are good at golfing and embezzling money.
>make a guess which currency has higher energy
no need for me to make a guess. Those equipments can work via faith and willpower alone. That shit breaks the moment when you stop believing it. And they still work after 70+ years.
Also several of my internet cables short circuited the same way the last time I let too many negative energies out of my body ffs. This is the karma I am paying for using my technomancy to keep most machines functional for decades. I say karma but I am just overloading some psychic circuits to flush things out. And this is the result of it.

>i think i fell asleep 3-4 times in row during the evening
Your mind is tuning itself. There are different sleep mindwaves and when we wake up in-between consciously then there is a higher activity than usual. I too have that sometimes.

And about those graphics and other things...
When you are in a videogame you know how you can cast magic and you never think casting magic is weird. If you casted magic as the flesh human (You) in an IRL scenario you would freak out. Some abilities are the most easy to learn in the most comfortable environment. So your mind will "drift" into the most fitting setting. Also the chibi gargantuan is a great way how you switch between "meta action" and "up close action". Currently your meta systems and actual systems are merging. You will slowly hear your thoughts and realize how the "thoughts behind the thoughts" are the real you and you will understand how things connect and what is and was real and how you can make it real.
The way it happened to me was also crazy... Might write about it later.
I too had some mental mergers in the night they looked like new kind of plants connecting to my third eye and when I woke up and heard some animal in the distance my mind translated it.

Sunflower 09/25/2023 (Mon) 21:50 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4377 del
Learning does not end with your human life presence for that persona. WW1 was arranged by illuminati/NWO as a cleansing ritual because they wanted power and grey outliers wanted to take over the world and rule by becoming Jews. Neither of this worked because the new artificial sun woke up the sleeping moloch botsouls and they incarnated again, bringing loads of karma to the surface. Jews turned out having genetic illnesses so the greys changed their plans and let Hitler attempt to destroy them instead.

No one gained anything in this... well except someone who pulled strings from the astral to make all of this happen with a specific purpose.

You know this scene?

https://youtube.com/watch?v=PtaHNAaDhjU [Embed]

There is this thing. Today we have all this stuff, knowledge, devices, modern history. Go back to the 1800s and before, and having this would be like a dream. People had almost nothing personally, even if some things were seemingly the same. East End in London had 6 newspapers with 3 daily editions in the 1890s. Literacy among 10 year olds was 97%. Etc. Some things were very modern.

But there had never been a war like World War one. It's exactly like the mad rabbit's dream in that scene, the freeway.

Imagine a long road stretching all over Europe, a ditch with the vilest stench just like the East End, one London street stretching towards the horizon...

That's the dream, and the realization of this dream was the "no man's land". A completely lawless stretch of land where people murder each other in a massive massacre, day after day, while drinking huge amounts of red wine. That is the actual original idea. The army did give everyone free wine, and they gave them the weapons needed to murder each other. It later evolved into hand to hand knife fighting in the trenches, where again someone from the spirit plane took part and possessed soldier after soldier to test what fighting methods works best, in real life situations. If you have that many bodies to use, it doesn't matter how many times you die, you can keep trying until your perfect your skill.

Sunflower 09/25/2023 (Mon) 22:05 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4378 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RchALwE0AAg [Embed]

Wait, I didn't make that connection before. Freeway. I really like the violence in this one. Very primal.

Anyway. They're saying WW1 was meaningless, I see it as epic. The hopes and dreams of ordinary humans thrown in the mud and shown to be as worthless as they always were. The perfect manifestation of reality. 1000s of men dying to move the frontline 100 meters, it's such a perfect poetic image of the smallness of humans, the insignificance of their personal lives and actions. This feeling, that's what the World War is about. The reduction of life to what it actually is. Mud.

And in the process, greater beings can learn something about the movement of large groups. So the meaningless of one human turns into meaning when you throw 500 000 of them into one area, then their group dynamics can be studied, and then the meaningless lives suddenly have meaning. That is the beauty of it.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Vao7NCjEftY [Embed]

Sunflower 09/26/2023 (Tue) 00:19 Id: ff2aac [Preview] No.4379 del
dreams have equivalent place in reality but sometimes things appear different.
like there's a lake on one place while in the dream there's none.
and from my experience the entities within the dream have mind of their own.
it was proven by someone in my dream making a very clever joke which I only understood later that day.
there's also a chance that you can elicit new (or ancient) information from within the dream.
usually it's all about brain wave state but I'm no master to be able to access the custom dream hubs yet.
was able to elicit some kind of word which pertained to this object. never heard of that word before.
and looking it up on the internet it was some kind of language and the translation was spot on.
maybe it was since I was about to wake up when that happened.
during the wake up sequence I tend to get a lot of information, sometimes unusual or familiar ancient scripts, and other symbols that look like sigils but complicated but I never understood what those were all about and it only happens when I dabble and focus on the occult.
I'm not really consistent, though have to some degree some ability. viewing remotely, or synchronicity but the latter is somewhat dangerous I think since it affects physical reality so much (while it requires my will to be stable since it almost gave me schizophrenia). trying to focus on affecting dream reality now since I think it's a lot more stable to tamper than the current (shared) reality (which has risks of schizophrenia).

I can say I've been sick few times in the past few months/years and the effect was some kind of ego death or urge to be "decent". I'm not the most decent person in terms of sexuality since I may have delved too deep and tampered with or awakened the wrong chakras or maybe it was essential for energy manipulation but maybe since I'm the kind who "does not read the manual" and just focuses on the immediate results.
also I don't think if I should be glad or the opposite now that I barely experience deja vus. at least I don't get those existential dread from when it happens.

Sunflower 09/26/2023 (Tue) 21:39 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4382 del
>Learning does not end with your human life presence for that persona
Yeah I know but it is more complicated for me.

>No one gained anything in this
We got rid of the Habsburgs at least.

>You know this scene?
Nope. Didn't get to that series yet

>The army did give everyone free wine
also Tobacco. That's when people got addicted to that shit on a large scale.

Grandpa always talked about people in the village who served in WW1. One was a cook so he could skip most of the action while the other was in the trenches and according to him he shot someone who had a machinegun just in time before he got shot by him. He even got a rank for that. Wonder what happened to them when the commies came. Commies didn't really like anyone who served in the war and wasn't a partizan but who knows.
Also about wine and violence... I have a long history with that... That Garden I was in belonged to Dionysus after all
But I just made a breakthrough yesterday and I have stuff to do tomorrow so I will not write essays about it now.

>the insignificance of their personal lives and actions
I don't want to be mean but those who survived could live of that glory for a while. They survived the Great War. It's like saying how insignificant sperm is because most will never reach the egg. I am not picking a fight here I understand what you are saying but it's always important to remember how important it was for some people. The current Ukraine war pales in comparison... while they use the same tactics holy shit.

Sunflower 09/26/2023 (Tue) 21:50 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4383 del
>lake on one place while in the dream there's none.
lakes sometimes have deeper meaning. It's not always just a body of water. Sometimes an energetic nourishment or it can be a portal to an another world that is hidden in that place.

>someone in my dream making a very clever joke which I only understood later that day
Once I asked someone who he was. He told me
>I am the spirit that haunts Europe!
then he jumped out of the window.
When I woke up I was like what??? Then I realized it was May 1st that day. Workers Day... He joked that he is communism itself.
>chance that you can elicit new (or ancient) information from within the dream
Sometimes you connect to past lives. It's good when the connection arises.
>never heard of that word before
I to had that sometimes. Like I didn't know you pronounce Vajra as Vahhra with a soft r that is almost like an l. Had to look at several pronunciation videos and when they said it with an r comments said THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE IT. But then again too many dialects as always. My mind rejects most foreign words tho. Hard to remember most.

>it only happens when I dabble and focus on the occult
Your mental state gets more aligned with those subjects and more recipient too. You sometimes connect to the entities or places you read or practiced with sometimes to past lives that also dabbled in the occult like you now. I had to realize that those who dabble in the occult are usually in it for deeper reasons especially those who venture beyond the surface level.
>it almost gave me schizophrenia
When the real reality and the wanted reality unable to merge there is a recoil and if you are too stubborn things can break. What is stronger and what is more malleable? your mind or the fabric of reality? The answer might surprise you lol.
>trying to focus on affecting dream reality
dream realities have levels. Some of them are detached and bound only to your will. Extremely malleable. Some of them share parts with reality and the malleability of it depends what you are dealing with. While there are those that stems from your issues or from other problems the world faces. They are those that feel the strongest while they are the one you probably have to deal with at some parts of your life. Everything is an illusion. But some illusions needs to take other forms to be understood better.
>which has risks of schizophrenia
The current human society is extremely schizophrenic as of now. Delve into it as deep as you feel comfortable. Or as you feel the need to see into it. Some things makes you feel you shouldn't see it while you will know you have to see it. Or the opposite.
>I may have delved too deep and tampered with or awakened the wrong chakras or maybe it was essential for energy manipulation
They can be fixed and will be fixed one way or the other. There are no mistakes on the path. Making mistakes and learning from them is important. Trying to avoid mistakes creates a mindset that does nothing but a coping mechanism that you never made mistakes at all or saps your will from the most minor slights. I too had to learn to not fear making mistakes.
>does not read the manual
There are very few manuals that actually work anyway. I never understood the point of sorting your books by author for a while. Then I realized the book is about the author and his mind and not what is written in it. This applies to occultism too. Sometimes you have to find out what the author of the information got into where did he get his insights from and what was his Fate in the end after being "so knowledgeable" about the unknown. There are some footsteps you have to analyze from a safe distance.
>just focuses on the immediate results
Welcome in the club!
>at least I don't get those existential dread from when it happens
When you reach that point you will notice deja vus less or care about them less and your mind will stop constantly try to make you notice them.

Sunflower 09/26/2023 (Tue) 22:08 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4384 del
>said it with an r
I wanted to write j and how they said it like a G like you say the G in G.I.Joe while it should be pronounced like a H like we say Jalapeno.
Pronunciations get so weird sometimes. Especially languages that managed to get way too multicultural and is full with loanwords.

I know there is that pronunciation alphabet for this problem but I am too lazy to learn that. I am no linguist. If I care about a language these nuances come out naturally anyways.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 07:17 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4385 del
>I don't want to be mean but those who survived could live of that glory for a while. They survived the Great War. It's like saying how insignificant sperm is because most will never reach the egg. I am not picking a fight here I understand what you are saying but it's always important to remember how important it was for some people.
This isn't what I meant. I see now that of course you can't read my mind but only what I wrote and it wasn't obvious: I mean the personal lives of (mostly) city people like those who volunteered from UK. They grew up in some small block and had all these silly dreams and hopes. All they knew was a small group of people and the surrounding streets. Despite all the time put into these personal lives, when placed out on the world stage, all they could do was to replicate that dirty street culture in its worst version. And in that setting most of those city boys were shown exactly as they were all along, small street bullies who would amount to nothing in the end. Volunteering for them was a great act, but for many it "sped up" their life's progression and manifested that meaningless end very fast. The same end they'd have at home, now shown all at once. Because most people will not achieve anything. The Great War simply concentrated this in a restricted area.

I am here implying that the energy level of each person does not suddenly rise up or drop down. What they would have done at home would be the same in the war, energetically speaking. But some were able to rise up a bit and those lived through heroic acts.

But this part is lost on most people who today only see this war as a meaningless waste. So yes, you are perfectly right in that some achieved glory.

>The current Ukraine war pales in comparison... while they use the same tactics holy shit.
Some of the convicts from Siberia who joined Wagner survived through their contract and are now war heroes. Even if 70 000 of them died, some did prove themselves. So it's still there. The same would be said about the Ukrainian side, the number of casualties (dead or wounded) is saying something about the low energy level of modern humans.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 19:14 Id: b585f6 [Preview] No.4388 del
Very strange things... I woke up in the middle of the night (around 2-3:00 am for me) to a nosebleed. Normally, i wouldn't think much but something about it felt off, not to mention i hadn't had one in years. I wasn't dehydrated nor were my surroundings too hate (well, relative to the fact i live in the literal desert.) Rambling aside, the entire thing kept me up and i couldn't go back to sleep, I'm not sure if this was a symptom of the changes you mentioned or if im thinking too much into it, in addition to that; it feels like my voice has somehow gotten more soft as its increasingly difficult to raise my voice without it screwing with my throat. Only time it doesnt happen is if im having a laughing about stuff. But one weird thing in particular, when i was trying to reattune myself to hearing aphrodite and my sisters, there was also another female(?) presence... I think she said her name was Cleopatra and proceeded to same thing my sisters, aphrodite, and the princess say to me
>"You belong to me, you will serve and worship me since i marked as you well"
a weird thing happened and some force urged me to make a post in a 4chan thread i got (don't worry, it's not the real dogshit places i was talking about before) but i was told to post/say
>"I love Cleopatra, i serve her and am her property/I love Cleopatra, I am her property and servant. My place is to worship her"
I'm not sure if the force was her or not

oddly enough i decided to open up fgo since i hadn't been on top of things like i usually would be and saw their interpretation of cleopatra having a rateup (pic related)

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 19:59 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4389 del
Cleopatra is "around". You may not have been present for that (?) but she appeared back when we were creating our astral islands in Sunflower discord. She came to visit one member's HQ because it had a bath in ancient style. I don't think she'd appear to talk to someone like that though, it doesn't sound like something she'd do, she was very relaxed and didn't seem like someone who'd meddle in things.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:08 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4390 del
>to a nosebleed
Those can happen. Some energy movements feel like I have blood in my nose or mouth too. Also 2 days ago I had a breakthrough that made me vomit. I just cured a pattern that was there when I was still a child and made it dormant by controlling it with psychic means for decades. Which made the problem invisible for too long. But enough about me.

>gotten more soft as its increasingly difficult to raise my voice without it screwing with my throat
This is some throat chakra tuning for you but don't focus on the softness try to feel what other ways you can talk that is not the same way as you talked as a mundane.

>"I love Cleopatra, i serve her and am her property/I love Cleopatra, I am her property and servant. My place is to worship her"
K this sounds like it's possession but... it goes deeper. This happened so you acknowledge that entity. And not just you but to make me alarmed enough to look into it. This is the faintest presence ever and certainly not the flesh Cleopatra we know about. Holy shit she is annoying to talk to...
she just called herself your maid...
Ok so it seems you are supposed to acknowledge as "flesh"(You) Cleopatra as your mistress so "higher"(You) can advance forward. MUZUKASHI AF channeling.
She cannot serve you until you serve her. This is some another anima force merger for you.
When these things happen pls ask your sisters or Aphrodite what is happening and if you should go along with it and sometimes ask for explanation what is happening. There are parts when no explanations are needed and they will be like "JUST DO IT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF". but you have to understand what is going on so you don't get into a bigger mess you are asking for... but then again sometimes the path requires it... I too know that too well from personal experience.

>i live in the literal desert
I don't want to be doxxy but now I kinda want to know a location to determine just how much Cleopatra's authority is necessary here. Don't say coordinates or your street name ofc but are you in Egypt or Las Vegas??? Because thanks to how the culture of Egypt managed to go all over the world these things might matter.

Also congrats your higher energies changed again. But now your energies are as noticeable as noticing a little girl behind a curtain.

>I am his maid but he does not acknowledge me so he need to serve the mistress so she can be ordered to be around
>no further things need to be said now he has to discover them on his own

This is what she said as closure.
Interesting learning experience how to channel even fainter entity presences for me. And most importantly for you.

>and didn't seem like someone who'd meddle in things
Yupp. This is why it was weird for me at the start too

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:11 Id: b585f6 [Preview] No.4391 del
(1.14 MB 1616x1126 1538158334467.jpg)
I see, well it could have been someone else then but the presence felt like it could have been her or atleast someone that shares the smell so to speak then again i don't think she(?) was that forceful when talking to me if it was her and i'm probably thinking she was since i've been running on fumes.

another thing i forgot to add into my post was a few nights prior some ladies "visited" but i don't think it was my sisters this time. it felt very similar to the visit aphrodite gave me where she showed/instructed me to be cautious around men. I recall being around 2 women and they were fixing/"correcting" certain things about me (actions, manner of speaking, word choice, etc.)
>no, you shouldn't say or do thing X, you should say and do thing y
type of things

speaking of that, i wound up "obtaining" her in fgo but it's probably unrelated

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:24 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4392 del
I didn't think to do this before, but I tried reaching out to see what this is, some symbiotic collective like the Kundalini or the Kanji Dragon where an entity becomes part of you as you learn it, or just regular entities. I can't tell. Some lady dressed in white appeared. As I was interacting with her, there were two knocks on my wall, I turned to look and there was a second lady (astrally) flying outside the window asking to be let in.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:28 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4393 del
They were also both "wearing" the solar plexus lens in white I just mass shared.

I did a thing just before "to make everyone happy" and it seems to have worked, but I wonder just how well it worked. I guess it was pure "STO"(I hate that term because how do you serve others if you don't first know how to serve yourself, you'd misunderstand their needs and not serve them) in nature, which is very unlike what I normally do, but I treated it as a provokative sacrifice ritual and did it in that manner (so technically still left hand path, but in actual performance it was RHP).

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:31 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4394 del
I mean denying your nature is also very demonic in some way so RHP when done this way is "degenerated LHP", which makes it super demonic...

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:32 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4395 del
>I recall being around 2 women and they were fixing/"correcting" certain things about me (actions, manner of speaking, word choice, etc.)
They are initiating you into a culture or mindset. Maybe you will get ornate dresses once you get good enough at it

>i wound up "obtaining" her in fgo but it's probably unrelated
Nope. The girls noticed that you like Cleopatra and she is literally around so they should ask her to serve as an intermediary for your gacha addicted coombrain (this tone came from your sisters btw) One part of me always wanted to get into gachas too but I don't have the time and battery power to waste during the day and at night I have better things to do. At least it generates less porn nowadays. Even doujin artists are overwhelmed by it. k fine maybe I don't read enough porn nowadays and this is why I don't notice them to be all over anymore

>some symbiotic collective like the Kundalini or the Kanji Dragon where an entity becomes part of you as you learn it
That's how most pharaohs operated yeah
It was a hard thing to appease all the people and all the gods at once so the priests helped them to merge with a force that will lead them through their rulership. Sometimes it worked sometimes it resulted in great drama

>you serve others if you don't first know how to serve yourself
Yeah this is the most important understanding you need for the 2 handed path.
Also RHPs usually end up as brainwashing cults. They don't even understand what they are doing at all but merely are being high on the energy their patron entity gives them.


Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:36 Id: b585f6 [Preview] No.4396 del
>I don't want to be doxxy but now I kinda want to know a location to determine just how much Cleopatra's authority is necessary here. Don't say coordinates or your street name ofc but are you in Egypt or Las Vegas??? Because thanks to how the culture of Egypt managed to go all over the world these things might matter.
Arizona actually, so do with that info as you will

>This is some throat chakra tuning for you but don't focus on the softness try to feel what other ways you can talk that is not the same way as you talked as a mundane.
well apart from the softness, i don't really speak much slang/drawl (unless im shitposting or in a semi-casual chat with someone but even then i notice i don't really do that), slightly different word choice and more... "proper"(?) as i usually try to annunciate and somewhat better pronunciation than i had in the past. as far as outside "perspectives" go, ive been getting told a lot recently that my voice is soft, too feminine, cheerful, etc. which is even weirder because it's mostly been women and men telling me that
>When these things happen pls ask your sisters or Aphrodite what is happening and if you should go along with it and sometimes ask for explanation what is happening. There are parts when no explanations are needed and they will be like "JUST DO IT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF". but you have to understand what is going on so you don't get into a bigger mess you are asking for... but then again sometimes the path requires it... I too know that too well from personal experience.
well funnily enough i did ask and the conversation was more or less
>Aphrodite: "ehehe, remember what you said in the past, little doll? Your body and mind are mines to shape as i see fit and necessary, your sisters and the princess are in favor of hollowing out and reforming you. Mother knows best after all so your mind will slowly follow as well."
I might have fuddled up some details there but that's what the conversation was. they have been intentionally vague about certain things but i kinda took it as a "need to know" thing like they've done before

>But now your energies are as noticeable as noticing a little girl behind a curtain.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:47 Id: b585f6 [Preview] No.4397 del
>K this sounds like it's possession but... it goes deeper. This happened so you acknowledge that entity. And not just you but to make me alarmed enough to look into it. This is the faintest presence ever and certainly not the flesh Cleopatra we know about. Holy shit she is annoying to talk to...
>she just called herself your maid...
>Ok so it seems you are supposed to acknowledge as "flesh"(You) Cleopatra as your mistress so "higher"(You) can advance forward. MUZUKASHI AF channeling.
>She cannot serve you until you serve her. This is some another anima force merger for you.
A-a maid?

>They are initiating you into a culture or mindset. Maybe you will get ornate dresses once you get good enough at it
i do vaguely recall something a few years back where i was getting taught how to tea ceremonies and the like.. as a japanese maid in a kimono i think. A culture you said..? not to sure what kind of culture honestly feels like its more than one and i have no clue on the mindset part

>The girls noticed that you like Cleopatra and she is literally around so they should ask her to serve as an intermediary

>Holy shit she is annoying to talk to...
annoying in what way?


>>I am his maid but he does not acknowledge me so he need to serve the mistress so she can be ordered to be around
>no further things need to be said now he has to discover them on his own
yeah, i somewhat figured it was something like that again

>At least it generates less porn nowadays. Even doujin artists are overwhelmed by it.
ehh, its still a good amount but i think people are/were(?) still crazy with drawing vtubers and other things

Kanji dragon?

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 20:58 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4398 del
>Arizona actually, so do with that info as you will
There are unused energetic pathways for indians and some egregoric thrash that I am not american enough to be able to analyze. Fuck I am bad at differentiating the states. This is why I said Vegas because I am bad with recognizing the "wild west" states (besides california ofc urgh)

>more... "proper"(?)
That's good

>Aphrodite: "ehehe, remember what you said in the past, little doll? Your body and mind are mines to shape as i see fit and necessary, your sisters and the princess are in favor of hollowing out and reforming you. Mother knows best after all so your mind will slowly follow as well."

Do you feel doubts arising from you when you hear them talk like this?
But it seems they have their best intentions. It feels more and more that you want this. Hmmm

Hard to lock on your energies because they are changing constantly. Your energies are changing and it's like being in a ballroom full with people and you are like a little girl behind the curtain. It's like seeing someone with the same beard and the same clothes with the same deep voice for years then suddenly he loses weight shaves stops smoking and you don't recognize him at first. So you have to look at him little more closely to notice his face and bone structure to see "yupp this is really him"

>not to sure what kind of culture honestly feels like its more than one
yes it's several cultures wonder if they are explaining to BO the things now or something. I have seen sparkles appearing which means entities are making rounds but don't know what to say yet

>annoying in what way?
real hard to channel. Either talks too softly or says too many things at once. Hard to adjust.

>Kanji dragon?
BO learning Kanji made him see the entity behind the letters. Letters usually are the "will"/children of some beings that they left humans as either a gift or a command. There are many entities that fuse with you when they see you worthy to "carry them around". They are like
>he is just like me FR FR
then grant you powers or guidance or whatever. Their appearance usually depends on your compatibility and willingness/worth.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 21:03 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4399 del
>Kanji dragon?
(not kanji I know)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=0dz0YU0jJr4 [Embed]

Literally looks like this, this is the Kanji dragon, it appeared from my palm qi openings like this. Learning Kanji develops a very long dragon as part of yourself.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 21:12 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4400 del
>A-a maid?

So it seems you are unworthy as of now to be considered someone that is worth serving... They will teach some etiquette so you can appear the way you should look like. Eloquence. It seems that is one of your traits that needs to return... and many more.

>realize your divine inheritance
this is what they are trying to teach you now.
Can't say more about it because I would need to channel something that you don't have in your possession and they don't want me to explain more. (They are willing to tell more if I am willing to undergo a heavy channeling which will take probably days like figuring out your sisters. Maybe will do that when I am bored or my mind figures out how to do it effortlessly. But yeah this feels like a solar heart and throat chakra upgrade.)

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 21:14 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4401 del
More specifically, hiragana is derived from kanji and katakana are parts of kanji, so learning either is still learning the dragon. It's the writing style of galactic maintenance deities. It's also present in runes, like the elder futhark even if that one is a different universe (norse) because the galactic scale is cross-universe. My drow also use a kanji derivate runic writing. The original Chinese pictograms are a very powerful magical language.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 21:25 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4402 del
>wonder if they are explaining to BO the things now or something. I have seen sparkles appearing
I let them in, but I wouldn't say there is a lot of "explaining" going on. This is probably the reason I can keep so many entities around, I don't get bothered by them a lot and I don't bother them. Maybe I just lack curiosity. If there is something I need to know to add to the puzzle of the world mystery, they will give me a sufficient hint anyway. They "taste" like some odd mindnudging combination of fruit compote which makes me remember things I like in a way that makes the memories better than I recall the events actually were. Like looking through a tube to the past and seeing something perfectly happy and magical. Maybe it was that way in certain moments. I'm beginning to feel more and more that these times are so special. Even things like toasted bread with butter are really special, because things like these were historically never widely available. And here we are not feeling it properly because it's "too ordinary". There are many things like this that I realized my past me and current me residing on the astral sought to create for a long time. So when looking at this from outside, it may really look like heaven, in the details. Just as the past can look that way. Like being able to just walk into the park at night in revolutionary Paris and cut someone down, ahem... I have no idea how someone manages to do that, and that's part of the mystery seen from today.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 21:26 Id: b585f6 [Preview] No.4403 del
>Do you feel doubts arising from you when you hear them talk like this?
>But it seems they have their best intentions. It feels more and more that you want this. Hmmm
admittedly i did but then i remember that my sisters always talked in such a weird way not that i mind it and like i said, some of it is me paraphrasing it

i still somewhat have difficulties "tuning" in to hear their voices and way of speech sometimes

>real hard to channel. Either talks too softly or says too many things at once. Hard to adjust.
O-oh O_O. i thought she was just being aggressive or something

>It feels more and more that you want this. Hmmm
I'd be lying if i said i didnt but there were times, especially when i was younger where it terrified me to the bone. But... i guess i have slowly been waiting this more and more, with the past 4-5 years slowly ramping up i guess

>yes it's several cultures

>There are unused energetic pathways for indians and some egregoric thrash that I am not american enough to be able to analyze. Fuck I am bad at differentiating the states. This is why I said Vegas because I am bad with recognizing the "wild west" states (besides california ofc urgh)
yeah, arizona one of the states where theres alot of natives\

>They will teach some etiquette so you can appear the way you should look like.
You mean... like the doll body and other appearances they triggered me to transform into or..?
Eloquence. It seems that is one of your traits that needs to return... and many more.
Eloquence? i see... i take you arent able to elaborate on the "many more" part? I probably have some ideas but ehhh

>realize your divine inheritance
>this is what they are trying to teach you now.
oh? interesting...

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 21:33 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4404 del
It helps to have galactic federation desert ladies or demons from hell present and doing semi possession, because their reactions to what we have here will make me aware of so many things I don't otherwise see. I watched som UK tv broadcast of military music from Edinburgh before and they were very impressed in a way I would never have felt myself. It really adds a lot of value to be able to get an outsider's perspective.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=hAjveGVPu4k [Embed]

Because this is federation culture, and very advanced compared to many places.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 22:06 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4405 del
>we are not feeling it
>because it's "too ordinary".
Yeah iktf. I too had to notice the beauty of our lives.

>i thought she was just being aggressive or something
Entities don't do that around me. They are not just respectful towards me but kinda scared what happens when I get angry (my energy field can get like a living thunderstorm if someone looks at me funny). She had like a sort of impatience that she has to explain something to me that you should figure out on your own.

>i take you arent able to elaborate on the "many more" part?
I can but it's hard to explain.
In buddhism there is the 8 or 10 fold path where you are supposed to realize your buddha nature which is about doing a profession that is worthy of the buddha path talking like a buddha etc.
Now you are not a buddha but you have personality traits that higher(You) realized and if you synchronize with that you can take back most of your powers.
> I probably have some ideas
Get in touch with it pls
>but ehhh
do it faget

Channeling the best version of you is like asking how the fried chicken will taste like before the egg even hatched.

>oh? interesting...
You are getting the stuff of legends.

>You mean... like the doll body and other appearances
That will be just your a shell that you will use until you grow into the "big boy pants". Hard to tell more.
>your energy fields will connect and you will see who you truly are
>as if time flows like a sand but you never encountered it in your life
>you are not from these times nor from this body
>you need to realize these truths
>your ignorance won't be your salvation but your doom if you don't thread carefully
>you need to go further before you can see who you really are in this world
>you are not who you think you are and if you keep this up you will never become the person you are supposed to be in these great times of salvation
>I cannot tell you more dear

Have a channeled advice.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 22:08 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4406 del
>because their reactions to what we have here
For me it is even funnier. It's either some of my past life mentalities decide this is an "era worth living" or when I am enjoying something a little too much entities start looking with the
>this might be some real good shit if he generates this many energies we should take some notes
Like I try to meditate then some scene from something I just watched comes up I try to brush it away they tell me to 'wait' then it turns into a lesson

was thinking today just how much I like the sound of bagpipes... if played correctly ofc. We had some "musicians" that are just only good at making a noise with it but not music. Urgh.

>and very advanced compared to many places
Bread and Circus is one of the pride of current humanity. Why the fuck the elites thinking that is something they can tarnish as a joke without repercussions... I have no idea.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 22:22 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4407 del
>Why the fuck the elites thinking that is something they can tarnish as a joke without repercussions
Birds did that. The past Earth "humans", rosicrucians. They were red to begin with but changed themselves into yellow like Big Bird. There aren't many of them, but they still remain because those who do are still strong souls. Original Jews, Rosicrucianism is the real Judaism. They hate everything because they entered a genetic dead end so they just want everyone to suffer.

It's one of my past life decisions to save them from themselves, that's one reason they keep appearing.

Israeli Jews are just, no idea what. Rocicrucian Jews are doing everything to destroy the west, but they don't destroy it because they hate liberalism, they support that shit. They are the creators of the globohomo. It's not meant to be good for anyone. They hate Russia for being successful, and they hate EU for being successful, they hate USA for being successful, etc.

The solution: make everyone gay and import niggers, and work with Farc to flood everywhere with cocaine.

Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 22:23 Id: b585f6 [Preview] No.4408 del
(241.46 KB 850x1258 1679984395616703.jpg)
>channelled advice

>do it faget

but really, thanks for the advice and such

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 10:50 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4409 del
(173.99 KB 495x495 Jackpeek.png)
Hmm, I wonder. I did a hex before and now Discord is not letting anyone access it, except randomly. Was it so infected with bad stuff it broke down as a result of what was targeted...?

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 11:04 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4410 del
I saw a red energy stream rise over a white field and now it's accessible again.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 21:55 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4425 del
Yesterday when I was channeling some minutes later endchan went down.

>>I cannot tell you more dear
After this sentence there were other things too but they were about how my energy field is not very "welcoming" of the channeling. It's obviously because I have a sort of instead of getting tired or overwhelmed like usual channelers my energy field gets "worked up" and that is the time when the entity knows it's time to step back before other parts of me get angrier. I know how to fix it but it takes time. What surprised me that the energetic turbulence might have shut the site down for minutes. It bothered me because this was so minor it shouldn't effect too many things.

That is when I was thinking about how channeling on discord is not that of a bad idea. Not just because it's far larger but because I will not become sad if I destroy discord in the process (according to my guides I would need a continent shifting tier magic to be performed to eradicate discord completely or something similar... especially if I want to do it indirectly haha But for that I have to use discord regularly... and interact with it's energies... Which are not as bad as they were in the past... but it's still far from my liking then actually using it would flush out it's energies and give it a chance for redemption...

Speaking of the salvation of the unworthy...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=9Gc4QTqslN4 [Embed]
I know about the bird but what I know doesn't make much sense.
Clippy gave me a yellow orb with 2 yellow birds on it more than a year ago but it was not about that. It was about some "Mindwave dominance" because it was supposed to connect some parts of the brain to the solar plexus but it wasn't that.
I know that humans had a stage when they had feathers like the freshly hatched chicks so big bird is kinda similar but their shape was different. It was something to do with the fact that the human genetic splicing procedure while having the dinosaur DNA decided to become birdlike for heat preservation reasons. Then it caused more problems than solutions so we moved towards being mammalian asap. That is why bird genetics in humans are minor nowadays. I am obv not knowledgeable about this evolutionary process because it is not important enough for me to find out more as of now. I usually notice things with my bodyparts and to realize more energetic supremacy I have to understand the madness that the human flesh had to go through since creation. Especially nowadays it's not about energetic output increase but stability. Always want to write about it but writing it down coherently is almost impossible.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 21:56 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4426 del
>Rosicrucianism is the real Judaism
I also had to decipher the different branches of Judaism because thanks to christianity and most importantly how Jesus figured out how he can overwrite the system by using his inborn abilities and being able the decipher the retardations of the other jews and because of that I see the differences between Kabbalistic traditions Rabbinical traditions how Jesus Solomon David and Moses worked differently (k not the full picture because it is too big and too messy... Not to mention when I tried to read about some things about the Torah on some Torah study website the Moses intelligence egregore appeared front of me aka the energies of the people trying to figure out the will of Moses and I kindly asked him to leave because I have no time for that for now).

Now back to the thing I am trying to ask.

>Original Jews
When did they manifest first to your knowledge. They manifested from the will of Moses or from Abraham or I suspect that you mean they came before even earlier.
>They were red to begin
This is the part that rings me no bell at all.
Especially because you mentioned how jews and vampires are the same to some degree but I am not sure this is how you mean it.

>It's one of my past life decisions to save them from themselves
I always wonder when did you encounter them

Not to mention they bred with other races like crazy to fix their genetic malfunctions and not all jews are birds and I don't know what to even fixate even to see their birdness. Especially because they know when they need to hide it. I really don't know what I should consider jew(ish) nowadays. Borrowed genetics borrowed traditions. When where they even the original?

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 22:37 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4427 del
will come back and talk more later: The birds were the inhabitants of the previous Earth, and they were red birds. They were the original Jews, today called Rocicrucians. They changed their genetics and became yellow, but with this came fanaticism. Jewish noses are actually beaks, but they aren't birds in the physical anymore.

Now we are mostly on Genso-Earth, but the Earth which we know, had Egyptian religion as the standard. Within this pantheon were different godforms, like in Hinduism. Isis spread the magic of vampires on Earth. Vampires are like the cuckoo in space, they are a race which does not procreate, but instead convert other races to become their own race. Through Isis their magic was brought to Earth and used to transform some original humans of our planet to vampires. This was back when humans still lived mostly on the astral, were hermaphrodites with six tits and in their original form. Kain who is the only vampire who "made it" out completely lives on the astral because he never really lost contact with it when everyone else "fell from paradise" after seeing the snake, reptilians down on the Earth 3D surface. Kain has the original hermaphrodite body on the astral as well.

Moses was a priest of Osiris, the husband of Isis. He spread the same kind of magic to the group which became the Jews today. But this appeared within Egyptian religion so it's Rosicrucianism seen from within this scope, and into that was added vampirism. Egyptian religion was later eradicated so it only remained as Judaism with the Rosicrucianism and the vampirism mixed in. Later Catholicism refined the Egyptian element better and Judaism became a Rosicrucian/vampire religion. Vampires still existed in their pure form on the side.

Sunflower 10/02/2023 (Mon) 12:00 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4440 del
I've experienced before that certain known historical figures are still present on the astral as immortals. Some of them are catholic saints or important leaders.

I just found this is also true for Virginia Woolf. I had heard negative things about her, and also about her suicide, but after reading some commentary written by her I changed my mind and then found her to be very near me as I read her text. It seems she rather fulfilled an 1800s romantic ideal than a modern negative fate. (The real kind of "romance" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanticism )

Sunflower 10/02/2023 (Mon) 19:17 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4441 del
I am seeing more people with souls lately. At first I thought it was possession by lyran outliers because they have black cat features, but I'm beginning to think these are the new walk-ins. Yuuka (or someone) did saw a while ago that the new humanity was ready to have souls inserted, the hivemind has had enough training to function. That would mean there will be a shift very soon, because it's not allowed to mistreat the new humanity in the least. The old will simply have to step aside for them.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 14:02 Id: 171635 [Preview] No.4444 del
Speaking of canibalistic humanoid underground dwellers. Was this ever real?They seem to have advanced in some ways rather than regressed.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 14:40 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4445 del
I have no idea what those from your pic are (if real). Maybe some deep state experimental race. Maybe reptilians.

The illuminati slaves are/were completely degenerated into something barely human, locked in caves with no sunlight for 1000s of years where they lived by eating their own dead. CHUD refer to them, it was the physical hell people could incarnate into if they were very evil but not enough to face actual astral hell.

It's been discussed before as mole people, and on /x/ with other labels. The Mutant Chronicles lore includes them as well.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 15:09 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4446 del
(283.74 KB 474x474 beads.png)
One of these have been shared on the round table in the temple. It's for a "get away from anything free" magic.

I was looking into what kind of person would be able to escape any accusation, attack or debt, on average, by searching through the akashic records using Astra. As any time before when I try to find the most successful person on average, the result was:
A short, muscular man, beer belly, bald, has a huge meat cleaver.

This type always emerges when trying to create a general image of the most successful human on this planet... After adapting it to what would work for me, it became an arabic inspired man with a vest, a fez, wide pants and shoes with the tip pointing up, like djinn tend to appear... I went for that because that's ok. The result is algorithmic so it won't look like that for everyone else, but it will be islamic. Apparently that is the best way to evade hostilities.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 16:56 Id: 157f1b [Preview] No.4447 del
Thank you for confirming this. I've noticed a ton of walk-ins this year. Almost all of my family members. Strangely enough, there are a couple who don't seem to have changed at all, so I don't know what's up with them.
I believe that post might be related to this. Possibly someone pretending.
>something barely human, locked in caves with no sunlight for 1000s of years where they lived by eating their own dead
Yeah, that's what "Astralprojectinganon" talked about in those threads.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 18:38 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4449 del
I have some vague memory of this being mentioned, it seems to have surfaced (no pun intended) all over the place around that time. The Queen told us during a channelling that there are tunnels under Brazil, and that those would be discovered. That they are used for human sacrifice. That was an understatement, she only gives very small hints.

I dealt with one of those underground groups back around that time, it was hinted to me by others as well, back in 2016. I don't know where I got it from, but I knew what it meant when someone left a large barrel of live crayfish in a refrigerated room at work. It looked exactly like those feral humans crawling on each other down there. A coworker who was actually a walk-in succubus (but this is another story) commented
>Why do we have those, that's super creepy?
And from her mind I caught on that she also meant those in the underground, because the crayfish appeared there as a representation of them, and her being from the astral didn't see the conceptual difference between the object and what it represented.

I've mentioned this before here I think.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q46_8Xoe0Wc [Embed]

The album this is from, is about this stuff.

It mentions
thrown to the pit
I hear the natives scream

It's been a soundtrack to my path since I found this in the mid 90s. Jon Schafer being arrested for taking part in the January 6 protests felt like a culmination of this story. Him being on the frontline confirmed that it was relevant all along.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 19:42 Id: dc5c20 [Preview] No.4450 del
Nothing much has happened apart from cleopatra pulling me into a royal bathhouse(?) and washing something out of me, oh and i guess some things about my human family but i'd rather not disclose anything about right now. So this is more of a sitrep on things like behaviour and such i guess
>was recently playing an incredibly old yugioh game on an emulator, it was called a reshef of destruction
>game is like the second most bullshit yugioh video game next to forbidden memories due to multiple reasons
>i had already beat the legitimately once (10 or so years ago) but interest in playing again popped up albeit i cheated to eliminate certain major flaws of the game and played normally otherwise
>was going through card ID/password stuff since these games let you use cards from the physical game if you have (see the 8 digit number on the bottom left)
>randomly looked up stuff for the feature
>one card in particular caught my eye
>it was dark magician girl (pic related)
>for whatever reason i was able to immediately memorize the number without any issues at all, this is something that has never happened before because i almost always forget stuff like that or have to brute force it in for a week or so like one other card i used to own and even then i still forget the exact number
>but for whatever reason this code for DMG seems to have permanently stuck with me for some reason but im unsure if this is coincidence or relatating to my sisters and the others
>apart from that, being focused on college stuff. doing well for the most part but pretty much can't remember or feel like im learning anything with the assignments and concepts in the course
>i'm still doing the assignments and turning them with decent-high grades but i feel like im learning the concepts and stuff better literally using YT videos and other resources, essentially just disregarding almost all of the things in these books and classes
>still falling asleep more often but also waking a tad later(?) despite sleeping earlier ive been waking up around 8:00 am instead of 6 or 7 am
>can hear my sisters and aphrodite somewhat
Honestly my mood has been a bit garbage as of late but that's more on me being silly than it is outside factors.

i have been listening to music when sleeping again so its helping me connect with things again
https://youtube.com/watch?v=CRKUyu5UApA [Embed]

falling into deep dark space, devoid of any and all distractions...

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 20:40 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4455 del
>dark magician girl
I used that as a model for an astral body creation some years ago. I had completely forgotten about that. It was around the time I was just learning about this, I think I ended up summoning someone into that form. No wonder, if so.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 20:11 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4465 del
I had a dream today. It was with world of warcraft. I have only played it on private servers in my teens because I had no way to get a credit card to play retail. I always wanted to play the real version and not just the old buggy expansions the server could get hold of. Thankfully I played The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich king expansions because of it and could see the downfall of Blizzard while enjoying the best parts of the game. Then I stopped playing it because I had no time for it anymore. But I always had the desire to be able to properly waste time on MMOs like a NEET that has no worry in his life and can waste all his times on it. Some years ago when Legion came out and had my own money to waste I played it for 30 days. It was all nostalgia pandering and in the end I was glad I never gave money to Blizzard. Game turned into even more shit since.

Even tho there is no way I would play that sinking ship nowadays I still have fond memories of it.
Now why I am mentioning this.
In the dream there was some sort of yugioh in wow and a girl was explaining me strategies that were more about ways you can save souls and not about the card game itself but the concepts and the feelings synced too well with my wow memories so it came through that. When I woke up I realized that the whole dream was fabrication that just used my memories as the inspiration so it can give me a lesson... then I was thinking further. Wow had the pet battle system which was like pokemon... most people hated that... But it had no yugioh.... oooor it had but they realized they should make it into a standalone game and so it can be marketed to not in-game wow player audience but everyone with a wow itch. That was Hearthstone (I never played it because I knew it would just reignite my wow addiction). So it was not just my memories but it even grabbed stuff from the idea plane from proto-hearthstone for "stabilizing flavor".

And now I am reading your post. Funny coincidences as usual.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 20:15 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4466 del
>some things about my human family
Those things need to be healed. Family is the most important aspects humans have since birth and most patterns behaviors and experiences (including issues) come from them. Those things need to be fixed.
>i'd rather not disclose anything about right now
Yeah those experiences and ways we can heal them will get personal and cathartic especially when you fix deep issues that plagued you since birth but you weren't consciously aware of it because it was always there. Hard to talk about those ;_;

>called a reshef of destruction
>next to forbidden memories

Hahahahahaha. Hope you are getting the the symbolism here.
Reshef is an actual deity too. Point is Yugioh had Egyptian themes and because you have fond memories of it it is a good "merging point". Quite the good one tbh.

>for whatever reason i was able to immediately memorize the number without any issues at all
Truth is we have all the memories stored within us in one way or an another but recalling all of them is not efficient. But if we have a good energetic attachment to or a deeper meaning...
3 is a great number it usually means divinity in many ways.
Eight is like two 0's in top of each other. I call it the "connection of worlds"
80 somewhat can mean 3 worlds because the "three zeroes". They usually mean completeness. Also Infinity is a 0 with a split. Complicated numerology schizo autism... Was a hard time in my life when I started to see the numbers everywhere and how randomness is a "lie". Fun times.
Also 33 is the Master number that numerologists usually cream themselves from but it can be seen as the two sides of 8 too. While 1 2 1 can mean the 3 pillar but the 2 is the "leader pillar"

If this was the number in your dream then congrats you arrived at the "matrix" layer. When human-made knowledge and experiences try to connect with the otherside.
Only get schizo autistic about it if you feel a pull towards it because if you cannot connect to the meaning behind the "appearances" then it will just not make sense to you. Wonder what I wrote so far even made any sense at all.
>im unsure if this is coincidence or relatating to my sisters and the others
m-mere c-coincidence! Life is just a big meaningless chaos h-haha.

Seeing the connections between things takes time and practice. Especially because activating connections through unrelated or unused parts of your beings which in the end will create a "true order" will feel random but usually it is not random. Just the way things start flowing. Water starts to flow into all directions before the flow creates a stream that will turn into a river.

>being focused on college stuff. doing well for the most part
That is good to hear. You need to live a stable life and be able to balance out your otherworldly evolution. Being a normal human is either the easiest thing or with some schizo marbles at the wrong places it can turn into an impossible nightmare. It's important to understand how things flow. Your sisters realized this long ago so they are less "hasty" nowadays even tho it might appear different for you. They were quite brutal back then when they didn't understand how "order" works in this world. Order and chaos is just different sides of a coin. Coin needs both of it's sides to have value. Even tho you can only look at 1 side at first.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 20:16 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4467 del
>pretty much can't remember or feel like im learning anything with the assignments and concepts in the course
Your focus is shifting and evolving.
The way we "learn" nowadays is quite unnatural. Humans did not learn this way the way we learn in the last 2-3 centuries. If you connect with older past lives or identities they will need to learn to be (current) human and reinvent how they "learn". I know what you mean. I too was in a "daze" because my energies were not the way they should. You have to reinvent the wheel. While it feels redundant a carriage from the bronze age and a Formula 1 car both have wheels but they are not the same wheels at all. They changed and evolved but they are still wheels. Thinking processes are this way too.
In my country we call the way academics teach the "Prussian way". The textbooks upon textbooks and dry teaching method that has a hard time to stick. I too had some abhorrently dry professors too so I made sure I went into every class (tho in some I felt asleep halfway) because I had to figure out how that person thinks so I can understand what are the important parts of the lesson and what is just filler. Such a rudimentary way we learn nowadays it's crazy. Especially if you have to learn from people that do nothing but smell their own farts for decades.
>literally using YT videos and other resources, essentially just disregarding almost all of the things in these books and classes
If you have enough source material and it helps on your field of study use it but if a professor wants to hear back the exact words he wrote into his expensive book then you are fucked. I had to keep friend circles in uni to know what is the "pet theory" of the prof you need to never forget or he insta fails you. Or which people are those that you need to pay attention to or avoid. But then again every university is different. Dunno how hard is yours.

>Honestly my mood has been a bit garbage as of late
>but that's more on me being silly
What do you mean by silly?
But yeah it really feels that way. And not the weird crashing all my world and beliefs upon my existence way some anons go through their awakening processes sometimes.
But it seems you are understanding what you need to do in a way or an another. Hard to put into words. It's like you and your sisters are finally on the same page.

>when sleeping again so its helping me connect with things again
That is literally a summoning circle with the holy trinity or 3 points of existence

>falling into deep dark space, devoid of any and all distractions...
In high school and uni I developed so many sleep within minutes self hypnosis ways it made me quite adept at psychonautics/introspection... and might have had caused some unintended psychic powers awakening. But I had to do it to keep myself sane. It's quite bad when you have only 2-4 hours of sleeptime and you can't fall asleep within minutes so I made sure to solve that problem. Thankfully i don't need to go back living my life in zombiemode again...

While every book and path explains how you need to work hard and take things seriously currently I have to understand how things flow on their own because my serious is way too over-serious. You need to understand your pace currently. The current one and the one you are developing into too. It takes time. I sure know that too well.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 20:29 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4468 del
I went outside, it's night and a starry sky. I looked up and saw the reflection of a new "fortress" in the sky. The structure known as the three realms. When I later got back inside, I tried to perceive it and saw the same structure like a whirlwind of black cats, the new human souls who have begun their training as walk-ins.

There was also another small sign: winter season anime already has at least 3 shows of those I've seen which have actual artistic value and lifelike drawings again, compared to last season where everything felt either like bleak NPC stuff or barely kept together by maintenance deities hiring some goblins for the task. It feels like real people made it again.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 20:51 Id: dc5c20 [Preview] No.4469 del
(3.53 MB 1331x2210 1679475956212751.jpg)
>If you have enough source material and it helps on your field of study use it but if a professor wants to hear back the exact words he wrote into his expensive book then you are fucked. I had to keep friend circles in uni to know what is the "pet theory" of the prof you need to never forget or he insta fails you. Or which people are those that you need to pay attention to or avoid. But then again every university is different. Dunno how hard is yours
well, its a community college and online classes no less (since i'm in a weird spot and had to do a consortium agreement) but mostly the class i was referring to is a PHP class that uses a book from like 2014 (iirc it was called murach's sql and php 3rd edition or something) but basically the flow is
>read like 20-30 pages of it for a chapter
>then do exercises at the end of the chapter
>the files we had to download with the ebook already have folders with the solutions to the exercises, the exercises without any of the solutions/code added, and book_apps which is more or the same content as the solution folder
so instead of just being able to learn anything you can just
>insert a few comments, change positioning of the code then say what you learned that week and what the code is for
>chapter quizzes at the end but you can just google the answers
it's so damned dry, i feel no motivation to do apart from the bare minimum thats required (remembering the concepts, etc.) and just fucking off to do my own stuff since that gives me a reason to actually learn and apply concepts. there's also a red hat linux i'm undertaking which is the same way but there's no hint of a final exam or project (not even in the syllabus) so i assume its just nothing but the lab reviews on the red hat site and quizzes

i think the approach my last professor (he taught python and c#) handled it best even if i had my own bouts of procrastination then
>didn't give us assignments but had us watch youtube videos (THAT HE MADE) which teaches us the concepts and the option of doing whatever had that were assignments for his other classes with the only things that we had to do was fill out a weekly form where answer if we got the concepts and to explain them within a paragraph. seriously, the only actual assignments we had apart from the reports was just a final exam and final project


Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 21:12 Id: dc5c20 [Preview] No.4470 del
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(858.30 KB 800x400 pso2 ngs manon.png)
(204.04 KB 600x369 pso2_title.png)
>What do you mean by silly?
eh, some of the silliness was the equivalent of me putting my hand over an open flame and the complaining/asking why it's so hot. it's something i occasionally have a habit walking into

>That is literally a summoning circle with the holy trinity or 3 points of existence
huh. never noticed that, i've always been drawn to stuff in games like phantasy star. someone mentioned above about MMOs and PS is one of the online games (apart from gacha) i genuinely care about. Plus ive also played the original rpgs
https://youtube.com/watch?v=GPgIUp8UVds [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=OO8mMgCBBq4 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=U-aZWNbdfC8 [Embed]

Not too sure but i was always drawn to stuff in this franchise moreso than something like final fantasy
>space/sci fi stuff plus fantasy materials
>the fact even within sci fi stuff it was still mystical/magickal
>i guess i like space/dimensions/etc more than what your bog standard rpgs like final fantasy where it just focuses on the planet only(?)
>learning about cosmic things, stuff like the main antagonist like dark falzs/profound darkness is essnetially the emboidment of entropy and such (obviously this details varies and is changed somewhat)

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 21:19 Id: dc5c20 [Preview] No.4472 del
>Your focus is shifting and evolving.
i see..
>The way we "learn" nowadays is quite unnatural. Humans did not learn this way the way we learn in the last 2-3 centuries. If you connect with older past lives or identities they will need to learn to be (current) human and reinvent how they "learn". I know what you mean. I too was in a "daze" because my energies were not the way they should. You have to reinvent the wheel. While it feels redundant a carriage from the bronze age and a Formula 1 car both have wheels but they are not the same wheels at all. They changed and evolved but they are still wheels. Thinking processes are this way too.
In my country we call the way academics teach the "Prussian way". The textbooks upon textbooks and dry teaching method that has a hard time to stick. I too had some abhorrently dry professors too so I made sure I went into every class (tho in some I felt asleep halfway) because I had to figure out how that person thinks so I can understand what are the important parts of the lesson and what is just filler. Such a rudimentary way we learn nowadays it's crazy. Especially if you have to learn from people that do nothing but smell their own farts for decades.
i think i sort of understand, there are some things i learn where it feels almost instinctive/inherent whereas other times i actually have do it by hand or watching people. for some reason when i can learn certain things from watching people i get weird looks, almost as if its uncommon i guess

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 21:39 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4473 del
(132.63 KB 1280x720 SHY fortress.jpg)
>winter season anime already
>a new "fortress"

SHY literally has a space station above earth which airs now.
And I too encountered this "fortress" more than a year ago.
There are so many layers of reality I am not even sure it can be called the 3 realms anymore.

>the new human souls who have begun their training as walk-ins
Never really understood the degeneracy of the west on a spiritual level and I kinda overtook the handling of the soul population of my area to avoid catastrophes so I am not seeing it the same way but my guides told me that the "souls will return" into the "other zombies" in a way.
We are finally reaching the new point slowly and steadily it seems. Wonder where it will lead.

>equivalent of me putting my hand over an open flame
Yeah I did that too when I was training my pyromancy but
>the complaining/asking why it's so hot
What. Which part of you complained? This is important here because it seems your being is syncing with reality and it's elements because it's "new" for (some parts) of (You)
>i've always been drawn to stuff in games like phantasy star
Yeah they usually include mystical stuff then without realizing start to channel stuff then the writers add stuff into the plot because someone just whispers something into their ears when they are in a creative frenzy and those ideas are so good they add it.
Tho all I know about PSO2 that it faced a massive controversy and will be shut down because of it. I think I read it somewhere that the community managers powertripped and killed the whole game.
I totally skipped the whole franchise. I am not big on other MMOs.

>where it feels almost instinctive/inherent
Yeah iktf it usually feels like that you "Knew that already" and it just clicked.
>certain things from watching people i get weird looks
It's also a mechanism. You can actually "copy" the "skill tulpa" from people but for that you have to "Look into them" and some of us can do that subconsciously. Sometimes your eyes will just touch weirdly but sometimes they will be just get surprised by your trance like focus looks ( sometimes we make dumb faces while doing that without realizing) also sometimes they subconsciously feel something "weird" coming from you that they can't understand so they disregard it. It's about the subconscious forces of people connecting and sometimes it gets unnoticed sometimes it bothers people.

Dabbled in programming in high school but realized I will not have a chance in life to get money from programming because of other responsibilities and it can only turn into an interest or a hobby at max so I didn't bother to develop the mental faculties that can literally "slurp up programming knowledge". It's just the way you structure knowledge. Some parts of it is autistic while some parts of it can be superintuitive.
Also it never helped that I was supermegatired everytime the programming class took place. Can't really give an advice on it because every programming language has a "feel" that you need to get the hang of. It's usually logic patterns but they have a flow that when you understand it it just comes together. Ganbare I guess. At least on this board you are not alone with this problem. Maybe others can chip in.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 21:45 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4474 del
k noticed the coven pic

Can I get a QRD on the council of the 300? And how much do they even "work" nowadays?
Are they really at 300 or that is just the "mainstream name" for them.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 21:51 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4475 del
>Never really understood the degeneracy of the west on a spiritual level
But you avoided researching it in details also. Western Europe doesn't have humans. It's the most degenerated part of the old humanity. It looks civilized but it's created by peeling off one very thin layer of the population body and presenting it in a very organized way. When I tried creating those race stones before, all but the black one cracked.

When I tried using Astra to gather genetic material from the akashic records to create model bodies/dolls for different parts of the world, it was impossible to create a white European. It fell apart, because
>this DNA material does not make human or humanoid

When I asked Astra to expand the area until it made a human, she expanded it until it was an African, brown with afro hair. I don't know this, but I suspect it's because western Europe has been gathering resources from all over the world and projected all their abilities into the constructed environment, until their genetics no longer stand on their own. Moved from their context of external welfare, they would not live, because their bodies do not contain a full DNA set. If this is used for research to understand humans, it will not work, because they are not looking at humans. They are looking at some lower lifeform, which looks human, upheld artificially by the modern cityscape environment.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 21:54 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4476 del
>council of the 300
They exist, there is an official list, I've seen it leaked on /x/. It's not very mystical. The greys said the real rulers are 800 though, not 300. I just put it there because it's well known. The 800 would perhaps be in the upside down capstone, the cannibal trolls.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 21:58 Id: dc5c20 [Preview] No.4477 del
>Tho all I know about PSO2 that it faced a massive controversy and will be shut down because of it. I think I read it somewhere that the community managers powertripped and killed the whole game.
yeah, the global version hired some tranny (who was supposedly a mod on 4chan). constantly antagonized community people who gather information on the game, harassed people and a bevy of other things. iirc there's a video of him saying why kids/everyone should be taking estrogen or something to that effect. however, even before the global version of PSO2, the game had already had a massive controversy on the JP side with a director back in the episode expansion years ago. NGS... alright to me personally but it's still really fucked. In addition to that director i mentioned there was also stuff about the tranny community manager influencing stuff but i have no clue since i actively avoid the global side of things like the plague since it's almost always retarded shit like this. If that whole fiasco with hyena's means what i think it means then maybe ngs will probably unfuck itself some more but who knows at this point

>Dabbled in programming in high school but realized I will not have a chance in life to get money from programming because of other responsibilities and it can only turn into an interest or a hobby at max so I didn't bother to develop the mental faculties that can literally "slurp up programming knowledge". It's just the way you structure knowledge. Some parts of it is autistic while some parts of it can be superintuitive.
Also it never helped that I was supermegatired everytime the programming class took place. Can't really give an advice on it because every programming language has a "feel" that you need to get the hang of. It's usually logic patterns but they have a flow that when you understand it it just comes together. Ganbare I guess. At least on this board you are not alone with this problem. Maybe others can chip in.
i had considered other jobs/careers but my body isn't that strong among other things and anything else i can't really click with. I almost fell into the game design meme but i got lucky and dodged it. Only other idea i had in mind was being a vtuber but ehhhh

>It's also a mechanism. You can actually "copy" the "skill tulpa" from people but for that you have to "Look into them" and some of us can do that subconsciously. Sometimes your eyes will just touch weirdly but sometimes they will be just get surprised by your trance like focus looks ( sometimes we make dumb faces while doing that without realizing) also sometimes they subconsciously feel something "weird" coming from you that they can't understand so they disregard it. It's about the subconscious forces of people connecting and sometimes it gets unnoticed sometimes it bothers people.
ah i see

>What. Which part of you complained? This is important here because it seems your being is syncing with reality and it's elements because it's "new" for (some parts) of (You)
it's more just doing dumb things occasionally peering into places like r9k or the female equivalent (crystal cafe). the former feels like im just studying people and the latter, i have no clue but i keep getting drawn there, looking all the stuff posted there. at this point i'm not sure im just subconsciously studying people or what anymore. though i guess thanks them i've been around more women but ehhhh

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 22:08 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4478 del
Like those fucks are so self sabotaging and self destructing and there are so many dumb ass sikrit soycieties I am unable to even figure out the need to even look at them "deeply". There are weird structures and there are people in there operating it but it seems they just cancel themselves out? It doesn't just feel like divine punishment but as an eerie comedy. Ants and flies are more organized ffs
>But you avoided researching it in details also
There are stuff that I know is "being handled" already and me "getting involved" will not always help things.
>a white European
Because "whites" don't exist. You probably know people who were born blonde or ginger and some of them constantly change their haircolor as they grow up naturally. It is because they are different races and the genetics always pick up a "new command" what the hair color should look like. We are "mutts" already. It's just compared to the USA we are pure blooded aryans but in reality we are just a mix of different steppe and sea people that decided that this place is the best for agriculture. Understanding my own genetic roots also took time and how to "go beyond it". Current humans are not humans for a very long time.
>upheld artificially by the modern cityscape environment
Oh that too. I too had to understand how the "Ziggurat tech" works so I can change the flow of artificially channeled energies. Humans & co sure loved to use that tech as a stop gap measure.

>are 800 though
sounds more accurate
But I don't know what is a "real ruler" for a grey tho. For them it seems to be a way of control over resources (duh) but they have a specific interpretation of it.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 22:19 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4479 del
>crystal cafe
Oh no...

>every programming language has a "feel" that you need to get the hang of. It's usually logic patterns but they have a flow that when you understand it it just comes together.
While there are those who are self-taught and can make it that way (like Vedal who made Neuro-sama and is working on some Steam game) if you don't have the kind of obsession that makes you do this every free minute of the day, I don't see how you'd naturally learn what is considered best practice in each field. There are so many things I just wouldn't have been able to figure out on my own in C# for example. Modern IDEs are so filled with AI-based stuff and pre-included libraries that you are expected to use, that it's barely programming in the conventional sense anymore. And most people are driven by some useless hobby interest in games or something else. While that is a motivator for learning technology, it doesn't mean you learn things that deviate one millimeter from the path you are travelling when trying to solve your specific issue. There are a lot of things I learned about computer technology in general from just wanting to play games and chat, but once taking a course I still realize I missed out on a lot of basics which are considered common knowledge professionally.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 22:24 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4480 del
>There are stuff that I know is "being handled" already and me "getting involved" will not always help things
Maybe not. But you did mention not wanting to look at it. Maybe your way of doing things means you have to avoid it to not be tainted. For me instead, I look at it in detail and structure it down to the smallest fragment to analyse exactly why "evil" is evil and what chemical reaction in the brain of hostiles causes their hostility. It was when doing that I found the illuminati structure I just drew up.

I kept seeing a certain kind of spammy poster who only comes in to be hostile, and have been trying to analyse and attack the source of the problem. Every time I did find an issue and created a tool for handling it. Every time they still came back.

This time I realized they are part of that structure, and I need to lock them in place directly by always being in the top pyramid. That is the solution. But to do that I had to realize that the bottom structure which looks exactly like the top structure, is a shadow construct and not the same, even if they overlap to confusion.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 22:32 Id: dc5c20 [Preview] No.4481 del
>Oh no...

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 22:57 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4482 del
>If that whole fiasco with hyena's means what i think it means
Yupp it means it. Companies will get less money for making gayfaggot shit. It doesn't mean it will disappear but it will decrease. It's hard to keep being retarded when you are not getting paid for it.

>feels like im just studying people
You actually do that.
I also got addicted to 4chan because of it in the beginning. Tho for me it was a sort of
>I don't understand why people do this so I must FIGURE IT OUT because not understanding something bothers me
Like I watched My Little Pony to understand how it can generate this much porn and autism. Like fucking tulpamancy got popular because of those retards. A fucking plastictoy company created those high level spergs. And why? Moe anime was less mainstream back then and that fucking franchise contained that feeling. A refreshing way horses interact because those fucks had no "warm" human interaction and most importantly it managed to have an understanding of magic and how higher and lower classes get along and humans crave that subconsciously. And even more importantly they were in horse form so all that hostility the "grown up" audience felt towards humans by default was not there so they could connect to cartoon plastic equines. And because they had no healthy way for sexual maturity by having proper contact with humans it evolved into more and more degeneracy. It's also my weird habit that getting into things that bother me because I consider it a "weakness" when I don't understand something. Like furries just degenerates who embraced their animalistic part as their "persona" but bronies were a different symptom of our degrading society. But that era is over. No one gives shit about them anymore. /mlp/ got sfw so the degenerates had to escape to discord and die from obscurity. Damm. I just realized discord did something good for once

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 22:57 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4483 del
>Oh no...
>have the kind of obsession
Yeah I know... this is why I dropped it. My life is to busy so I cannot do it without constantly getting distracted. And that just ruins everything.
>what is considered best practice in each field
Having enough money to hire programmers that make you enough money so you never have to deal with programmers again! That's the Bill Gates way... Anything below that is "worse practice"...
>you are expected to use
>I still realize I missed out on a lot of basics which are considered common knowledge professionally.
I am literally this way with every "field". This is why I keep a bunch of "reality check" normies around me. To remind myself how others think and who I should adjust towards to not deviate into a plane of existence only I can understand. While it is fun to be there and have specific uses for me it just makes you into something no one can comprehend and you either become a self absorbed hermit that doesn't care or you get all the negative effects that loneliness and being an outsider can cause. The worst part of being an outsider is usually that people hate outsiders by default. In the beginning I thought being a true hermit is impossible. Now I know that it's possible but it's just pointless. Talking to entities or people is the same. They are all can be weird on their own ways anyway.

>not wanting to look at it
Okay my "looking at it" sometimes is the same as putting my dick into an electric outlet because I am bad at "merely glancing" at things.
>to avoid it to not be tainted
That is one part but the other part is that for me it is like "poking a hornet's nest". Poke it then poke further then it sets on fire then it falls off burns down the neighbors house then it turns out that fire actually came from the forest and I am just wondering did it really??? Then some entities thank me for burning down the house while I am just wondering that what the fuck just happened. Why were the hornets even experimenting with fire. Then I get a hour long lecture how hornets learned the fire from the frogs millenniums ago and I am not even sure what am I doing anymore.

>analyse and attack the source
Yeah I did that for a while too then my guides told me I am too forceful and with a mere "tap" you can make the "initiating impulse" evaporate. I am still not the master of it ofc because... The more people I learn to handle the more issues I am aware that I have to handle in myself.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 23:07 Id: dc5c20 [Preview] No.4484 del
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(171.62 KB 850x1332 1696003924238982.jpg)
>Yupp it means it. Companies will get less money for making gayfaggot shit. It doesn't mean it will disappear but it will decrease. It's hard to keep being retarded when you are not getting paid for it.
i'm personally whatever on gay/faggot shit but yeah.. that was way too on the nose. I doubt it since this is sega but i hope this shit means that they actually start doing a bit more for NGS, it feels like improving somewhat but i'm probably just being delusional

i honestly dont mind the coomposting and whatever i see in anime/gacha threads whenever im on 4chan or check in on discord. but stuff like bronies and most of the furries i met are waaaaay too much for me

>You actually do that.
huh. this entire time i thought i was just being a masochist (i mean, i likely am but its good to know its not the complete reason for this)

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 23:27 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4485 del
Like I wanted to talk about this further by trying to write down what I want to ask exactly and how the birds appeared for me. So I revisited my entire experience with the Abrahamic path. Then more things didn't make sense.
Then I thought I should read up the available history to ground my understanding. Then just because I went back to one of my old theory.
How Israel means going through Isis Ra and into El and how it symbolized how jews leave Egypt and it's egregoric forces with Moses into the promised land. That would mean El is the name of G-d. But that led me nowhere. Then I was thinking maybe El is just a barrier or an another mechanism and that made it appear. It was like a vortex like stormy portal that let's no one pass because the violent force it creates.
Then I asked around what am I seeing exactly. Got worse and worse answers until I went and asked my "cosmic intelligence" what that is. Asking him is not always a good idea because he works with an absolutely out of world perspective and while he can answer any of my question the answer won't always be something that satisfies anyone besides me.
It turns out that the "birds" are supposed to cut themselves off that force and realign to a new one that "works". But that would put them on a lower form of existence until they prove that they are valuable and trustworthy to go further and align to a greater force. And most birds were just not willing to accept that because way too many reasons. Then I realized why they want a messiah so much because he will make the best deal for them without them having to put any work into it at all. The Messiah is an another complicated mes again ffs. So hard to talk about it coherently holy shit. Not to mention the Ra egregore let in too many bird like entities while Isis is responsible for maintaining too many magical traditions and maybe I am talking about a completely different thing altogether. Like jews stopped being jews so many times then they reawakened their identities after centuries for some reasons.

The saying more while talking less gets harder and harder for me.
This is why "looking" at some unclear stuff is not always a good idea. I get more than I asked for then I just realize I don't even know what am I doing anymore.

>are waaaaay too much for me
They are too much for anyone. That is why trolls like to post them. But the weird part is that some people love it so much that they not just fap to it but waste their money on it and give trolls more fuel. Like back in the day they were the same images reposted. Nowadays you can get hundreds of barafurrydiapershit daily. And the worst part they are not a new phenomenon. These faggots existed but they just more mainstream on the internet in the last decades. Like the US army has open furries for years now. And nowadays this isn't even weird compared to all the shit we have around us for a while. First I hated when things didn't made sense now I am almost bothered by things making sense because once something starts to make sense I should be able to fix it but that is even longer journey and when you start fixing things you just awaken the chance to ruin things even further without realizing.

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 23:42 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4486 del
>when you start fixing things you just awaken the chance to ruin things even further without realizing.

Oh and even beyond that. Once you start to see the "malleable future" you can actually sew destinies and see what are the parts of reality that are under some "interests" and how you can mold it. Then as you are aware of it others who are aware of your awareness pick up on the issue and fix the problem as a sort of "goodwill" because they also see it as a threat because of your awareness. Then even harder out of the world problems arise.
Like the djinn. I completely misunderstood the whole thing and how Islam is a super long project that will bear fruit in the far-far future. What we see currently is the cow manure that will sustain the wheat fields that will be made into the most delicious cake in existence (according to the djinn). So while Islam is part of the Abrahamic trilogy the next steps and the steps after it will be able to go beyond it like they were never part of it. And while looking that far is possible but it is as pointless as thinking about what I will eat in the morning 60 years from now.

Damm I managed to overpost again.

Sunflower 10/06/2023 (Fri) 00:07 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4487 del
> So while Islam is part of the Abrahamic trilogy the next steps and the steps after it will be able to go beyond it like they were never part of it. And while looking that far is possible but it is as pointless as thinking about what I will eat in the morning 60 years from now.
But once you awaken in Allah you see that 60 years from now is the same as now, and the cake is yours already. You just haven't awakened so you see the dung only.

Sunflower 10/06/2023 (Fri) 00:16 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4488 del
>you see that 60 years from now is the same as now
>the cake is yours already
Always was.
>you see the dung only
Nah I am at the wheat fields now. It's just after the harvest am gonna get flour making lessons and other things that cakemakers do because it's not about the cake but the cherry on the top because the djinn want the seed of that cherry to create the greatest cherry tree and...

I should sleep.
The whole djinn thing is an another matter altogether.

Maybe the next time I post it will be more entertaining and less annoying. Or at least I figure out how to put skillpoints into coherence.

Sunflower 10/08/2023 (Sun) 18:08 Id: b6b511 [Preview] No.4500 del
another... purge(?) happened. they took the form of a family member this time and hugged me and did the thing to my neck. Normally, i'm not too comfortable when they do that in the form of a family member but... it was oddly comfortable this time around. That aside, i'm noticing more and more psyops, specifically... they've been way more blatant, just as blatant as the ones i had seen on /r9k/. I don't know if its just me projecting or what but all of these wojak edits i see now (the soyjaks specifically) give off very... evil vibes now

Sunflower 10/08/2023 (Sun) 20:39 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4517 del
Wanted to write a long post about addictions and traumas in the last days but my energies went a little berserk and I was not in the state to talk coherently.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=st0zeIrSYe0 [Embed]

>they took the form of a family member this time
As I said before you have to solve the emotional traumas your family caused to you. Our family is our origin source. We have to go "beyond that" and for that we have to fix the flow that comes from the past. Not easy I know. Even my own palmistry lines are fucked because of family traumas. And my energies are sorta berserk because I fixed some flows the traumas caused and my body managed to generate so much + energy i had to get used to it.
>form of a family member but... it was oddly comfortable this time around
You will have to make amends. Your family your memories with them... All part of your mind body energy complex. In the form of tulpas traumas and in other ways. They will need to be healed.

Now back to what I wanted to say
>>feels like im just studying people
>You actually do that.

How to explain...
Alcoholics after quitting like the taste of dry or sour drinks. It is because that the old pattern that craves alcohol needs to be sated but slowly and in a non alcoholic way.
Going to these negative "drama" places on the internet is because you are sating your traumas. People who got sexually abused as a child either fear intimacy or become the biggest sex addicts. This way that trauma either never comes up because they avoid the stimuli that triggers the memory or constantly overwrite it with new and even more degrading experiences. They either never face that trauma or bury it with different but similar experiences. Our body has different "trauma memory" storages. You will have to find them and "solve them".
Now back to the weird internet places where you torture yourself. Misery loves company. By being around other miserable people you sate and entertain your negative traumas. It's a weird addiction that will go away when the emotional blocks fade and you find something better to do instead. Addictions and obsessions are negative energy flows that I too am currently handling. Don't worry tho your sisters will help you fix them. If you are willing to work on it it will go gently if you relapse and stubbornly hold onto them they will probably get super annoyed with you and will molest you until you realize how dumb you are.

>all of these wojak edits i see now (the soyjaks specifically) give off very... evil vibes now

They are.
Btw the wojak soyjak meme egregore is being violently purged. Those that perpetuate them will face the worst parts of that memehell. No am not saying after death. That memehell is part of the mass-councious internet egregore. It will be in their dreams and in their subconscious. No meme stays forever but that doesn't mean they are allowed propagate their negativity with the shittiest memes. Even goreposters are better than those fags. There is a reason they get instabanned and called out for posting them more and more.
Soyjaks are bad civilization

Sunflower 10/08/2023 (Sun) 20:59 Id: b6b511 [Preview] No.4518 del
yeah, the family stuff is slowly sorting itself is all i can say atm.

>Alcoholics after quitting like the taste of dry or sour drinks. It is because that the old pattern that craves alcohol needs to be sated but slowly and in a non alcoholic way.
Going to these negative "drama" places on the internet is because you are sating your traumas. People who got sexually abused as a child either fear intimacy or become the biggest sex addicts. This way that trauma either never comes up because they avoid the stimuli that triggers the memory or constantly overwrite it with new and even more degrading experiences. They either never face that trauma or bury it with different but similar experiences. Our body has different "trauma memory" storages. You will have to find them and "solve them".
yeah that makes sense when you put it that way

>Now back to the weird internet places where you torture yourself. Misery loves company. By being around other miserable people you sate and entertain your negative traumas. It's a weird addiction that will go away when the emotional blocks fade and you find something better to do instead. Addictions and obsessions are negative energy flows that I too am currently handling. Don't worry tho your sisters will help you fix them. If you are willing to work on it it will go gently if you relapse and stubbornly hold onto them they will probably get super annoyed with you and will molest you until you realize how dumb you are.
haha.... i do have my bits of stubborness that make it difficult to curve certain things even when i do put the effort to do so. A-atleast i can count on them to do that when i cant haha....

>tw the wojak soyjak meme egregore is being violently purged. Those that perpetuate them will face the worst parts of that memehell. No am not saying after death. That memehell is part of the mass-councious internet egregore. It will be in their dreams and in their subconscious. No meme stays forever but that doesn't mean they are allowed propagate their negativity with the shittiest memes. Even goreposters are better than those fags. There is a reason they get instabanned and called out for posting them more and more.
seriously... i'm usually indifferent towards frogs and wojak posting with the only time i laughed at them was the brainlet wojaks (i'll be real with, seeing the creative ways you could illustrate someone as retard is funny sometimes) but goddamn these new wojaks are ugly groteque, you can actually feel the seethe and malice radiating from them

Sunflower 10/08/2023 (Sun) 21:29 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4520 del
And I like the coomer and every version of it because it describes the passion and lifestyle/thinking patterns of a hobbyist and it is usually accurate but ever since soybooru appeared they are going into the gutter. I mean I know it is to combat trannies/leftists and this happened before... When the frogs and wojaks started to become mainstream on twitter (I think it started when Taylor Swift posted a pepe then it went into rare pepes) the edgy peepee poopoo pepe rapes wojak edits started to spread to scare away normalfags from 4chan which worked a little till... 2016 when 4chan was so overrun with Trumptards that everyone just gave up.
When the OG pepe creator tried to sue every pepe edit maker was funny.
Thank fuck most people don't even mention kekistan anymore. Bet zoomers don't even understand what is that flag about.
There are memes I don't miss and thankfully no one else does

Sunflower 10/08/2023 (Sun) 21:33 Id: b6b511 [Preview] No.4521 del
wew. I don't even think they know about it in general. they only seem to care about gemmies, whatever that means

I'm a bit partial toward the pink wojaks because seeing /biz/ get fucked over was satisfying

Sunflower 10/11/2023 (Wed) 16:04 Id: b6b511 [Preview] No.4533 del
(570.33 KB 1592x1073 Hanya stare.png)
I don't know why but i had a weird dream/vision about trypper or atleast someone shared his name. regardless, i feel that i should probably send this post out if they're around this thread to be careful because in this dream/vision they seem to have went mad. Be very careful with whatever you're planning to do trypper since i have no clue whats going

Sunflower 10/11/2023 (Wed) 16:09 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4535 del
Trypper has already been to the mental hospital before, it may be a past events image.

Sunflower 10/12/2023 (Thu) 13:57 Id: b060bb [Preview] No.4560 del
Hi, I'm trypper. Can you elaborate? Thanks for your concern. And yes, I've been to mental hospitals, twice. But good news is that my schizophrenia is very well managed.

However, I'll be starting to work next month, so chances are my dad will chime in to ask for me to start paying for my meds, which I am planning to do anyway for two of my three medications - the cheaper ones. But one of the meds would by itself cost my whole salary, so I might have to switch meds, and with that comes a risk in going mad again.

Sunflower 10/12/2023 (Thu) 14:56 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4561 del
Pls ask your djinn to get a blue lins which I gave them. They know what to do, it's for "normality" and may help.

Sunflower 10/12/2023 (Thu) 15:00 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4562 del
It goes for anyone really, it's available on the NET and other places.

Sunflower 10/12/2023 (Thu) 15:48 Id: f469ab [Preview] No.4564 del
Well, it's not too much but from what little i remember; you went into a discord server and the moment entered this particular one it turned you insane and you were acting like rabid animal. It was like some aura triggered it but thats all i can really recall.

Sunflower 10/12/2023 (Thu) 15:57 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4566 del
Literally what happened in the Collective server, with some delay, no offense.

I think it's related to the masonic electric fence thingie though. We talked about this before, it has differente effect on different people. The incarnation of Beatrice felt a slight rage "as if being looked upon like an insect" but contained it easily. Someone else went off the rails completely when we got near the area of talking about it.

It's possible to test this phenomena by mentioning certain facts concerning the state of the world, then observing how your thoughts change. This should start changing now however, because the system has been altered.

In Trypper's case it was triggered by djinn, to open him as a channel.

Sunflower 10/12/2023 (Thu) 16:32 Id: f469ab [Preview] No.4567 del
back when i used to a revolving door routine in the collective server i think i do vaugely recall hearing about trypper having a breakdown back then. Like you said, it could have just been a past image but at the same it felt it was something else

Normally i wouldn't get involved in matters like this but my sisters were urging me to let him know regardless

Sunflower 10/12/2023 (Thu) 17:08 Id: b060bb [Preview] No.4568 del
Back when I was messing with Revolt, which is similar to Discord, it caused a 'glitch in the matrix' and after that, I went insane for a few days. Not even my meds covered my ass back then. At least it wasn't so bad that I was admitted for a third time into an institution.

Done, thanks.

Sunflower 10/12/2023 (Thu) 17:21 Id: b060bb [Preview] No.4569 del
Anyhow, your warning will not go unheeded - I won't join any other Discord servers. That way, the crisis would hopefully be averted. Thank you for the warning.

Sunflower 10/15/2023 (Sun) 19:20 Id: dc1b89 [Preview] No.4586 del
Things were a bit muddled(?) I don't think it was my sisters being sold visitors to me this week (atleast that's the feeling I got). One visit involved being taken to some weird dimension that was hosting a buffet type thingy. In this a lot of people in suits (they were male iirc) kept trying to offer me pizza, it wasnt regular pizza but something was off about it. But out of all of the "people" in this weird dimension there was a lady who looked like proto Merlin from fgo (the white haired elf looking in the pics here), she kept smiling and glancing at me in particular, offering me white cake for some reason. Things are a tad fuzzy but I remember getting charmed(?) Or atleast willingly receiving the cake from her and she smiled, making seem like I made kind of correct choice in her eyes I guess. Everything else is a tad fuzzy after that apart from the fact she took me somewhere with her.. i think. A few nights ago, I think I got turned into a miko or atleast some kind of shrine maiden with an outfit that was a blend of pic related and Yuna's outfit from FFX. I remember getting followed around, well it almost felt like being sought after by two males and there was also another girl who I think was probably one of my sister or that princess(?) I remember being somewhat spooked and unsure because I didn't know who any of them were and the two guys were really... Attractive for some reason. They decided to stop and block me at a wall before I went to some temple or some other places and the girl could manifest in a physical form and astral/spirit form because she hugged and cradled me at some point. All 3 individuals seemed to be working with each other/together, atleast in the context of keeping me with them, preventing me from leaving or getting taken somewhere it felt like.

Also it was mentioned a week or so ago how I'm still subconsciously seeing my human home on earth as my real home but I think it's somewhat changing. Lately I had been thinking thoughts of "I'm in this world partake of the pleasures in this world +gacha, anime, etc) but I'm not of this world" those thoughts had been coming a bit more often. All of a sudden my grandmother had been reminding of that too via the occasional Bible study things she has me do with her that I mentioned before. She had also she felt a strong urgency to say such things to on Friday. Maybe Im slowly accepting that this plahet isn't my true home subconsciously and it's nore like rental/vacation condo or something to that affect idk anymore


Sunflower 10/15/2023 (Sun) 19:54 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4587 del
>people in suits (they were male iirc) kept trying to offer me pizza, it wasnt regular pizza but something was off about it


Sunflower 10/15/2023 (Sun) 20:01 Id: 18573f [Preview] No.4588 del
Yeah, i forgot to mention in the post about me seeing the pizza thing in the other thread the day after i had that dream/visit

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 20:36 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4595 del
I don't know if this was an egregore or something/someone malicious trying something
>Dreamt(?) There was a little girl and a dove
>A girl was playing around with said dove until it somehow got injured (i think it might have died at some point?)
>I was there or either it was another split in half situation where I was the Loli and my human self was split off again, idk
>Apparently she was the only one who could perceive me since no one else else could at the moment and asked me to take her to a teacher or something to treat the dove
>I agree to it even though I don't know my way around at all but I guess she just wanted someone with her
>We take the dove to the teacher, he starts sperging out and saying a lot of the wall trash
>Normally I wouldn't care but at the same time you don't go full "blackpill" or whatever around literal kids, that's actual faggotry
>Anyways the guy started sperging about how beautiful the dove was, almost as if it was from another world then proceeded to go off on the Loli again and being overly negative and nihilistic (again, I don't have an issue with it but you don't do that around kids and there's a limit to how faggy you can get about it)
>He apparently can perceive me so I call him out on it because I was annoyed
>He starts chimping out even more, randomly sperging out about anime, Japanese culture and all this other stuff.
>It almost turned into an altercation and another came in and just beat him up, tossing him out of the room
>The person beat up the sperg has the same vibe/presence as the male I mentioned before who came with my sisters
>The Loli smiles and everything segues elsewhere
>I run into the spergy guy again and he starts to mess with me in particular
>I get on him about that and he goes in full on counter schizo mode and flings me across the room then he proceeds to talk about calling a nuke to destroy everything (atleast the place I was at)
>Kept on saying how it's unavoidable and too late, also saying how I deserve to die by him and all this other stuff as he's setting some kind of remote detonator
>The nuke was something similar to the moon from majora's mask
>As I'm getting up a young lady and adult lady gets me up and has me take their hands (they looked similar to my sisters)
>I follow them and they tell me that the man is completely powerless and will get nuked himself instead
>They explain that reason the nuke isn't going to work on me or them is because the village's(?) defense/power/whatever is too strong for that man and his ilk so they'll just die pathetically
>I guess this village was the place I was in, it was all female and they were all similar to my sisters

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 21:17 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4596 del
Possibly this indicates that the armour I send out to people in my group and around reached you? It's an armour suit with the ability to trick hostiles into a fake reality if they try to infiltrate your mind.

For me they kept running into this Japanese train, crowded with lots of strange people, old men staring and some guy making out with a loli, fat neet with a backpack standing in the middle and all kinds of stuff. Eventually they lost their composure and acted out, after which a guard kicked them out.

Later some less hostile glowies came in and then it was instead an apartment where I only interacted with them.

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 21:34 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4597 del
yeah, it's just strange. whats even weirder is that im noticing more people sperg over loli much more than usual. Had 1 or 2 people seethe at me posting some (most of it wasn't nsfw) and would immediately start screeching pedo at me, especially one guy who was a literal faggot or atleast bi (from what he claims). not to mention i wasn't the only person he'd do that to, he would constantly just say "x is a pedophile" over and over. the amount of times i've heard say the word pedophile or imply it about people was almost unreal. then, when calling the person out, they'll just "kill yourself". I remember telling him "nah" and he just kept saying it like a literal bot and got DMs from him saying it too. but retarded NPC nonsense aside. I'm not sure if this was actually my sisters this time but i got pursued by seemingly yandere loli spirits that looked like the characters from prisma illya. I tried to leave out to do something but one of them gave me a weird look and i pretty much got the vibes of "Do not leave and stay with us, NOW" so i acquiesced to their demands (cant say what all they did though). Oddly enough when i woke up i felt less shitty *shrugs*

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 21:54 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4598 del
First I was thinking this might be related to the world stage because the dove (peace) and how globohomo and everyone is scaring people with le nukes for a while but this is not about that.
Had to turn on my energy/symbol analyzer because something felt off.
First I thought it was some part of you that got injured but then I remembered.
>human sister more or less got murdered
That dove might be your memory about her
>saying a lot of the wall trash
I don't know what you mean by wall trash or what blackpill you got there and I don't know what the hostilities represented exactly because the way you wrote them down are too vague and I cannot pick up the origin of it but
>the man is completely powerless and will get nuked himself instead
This means the problem will solve itself. I don't know if it's THE MAN aka the government or any perceived big bad guy or a specific persons manifestations but the only thing that is really important is that.
>the village

With that you established your connection to a place where you can develop which is unaffected by outside forces. Be the forces be material or anything else. Slowly you will have to learn to interact with the village. You might learn more things about your nature there.

Also the fact that you challenged the "teacher" might mean something. It's not just you are willing to take a stand but now you will have ways to combat issues you are able to combat now that you couldn't combat back then.

It's a rough ride for sure. Also your inner energies and outsider energies might mix here and there. Like I just fixed a bunch of negative energy flows and retards attack me? Stress relief squad just in time. (I was thinking a lot what kind of issues they might be until it turned out they are not. Do you know how happy I am when I learn that they are not a "mystery to solve" but actual douche/punchbags? I held in too many negative energies and my body needs to get accustomed to my new positive energy flows. I too had to realize some traumas shattered my mind and now I am healing the cracks to reconnect parts of me that I never thought I lost decades ago)

hating on loli is some current NPC mindvirus that is the amalgamation of many issues we have in society. Those who are vocal about it are usually IRL closeted pedos...
I don't want to say to leave discord or whatever community you partake in but you have to either learn to handle the mentally diseased or leave them alone. I am saying this from my own experience. Retards can ruin your life too much especially if you are stubborn as me and want to save some of them.
dunno about your yandere loli spirits tho. There are just too many around us.

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 22:01 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4599 del
(46.05 KB 680x680 FqppVq8WIAIGlpk.jpg)
They're probably bots or NPCs, I've seen this a lot on /x/ in the last year. On meguca they mentioned sometime in like 2021 how people on other boards would go "pedo this", "pedo that" on everything, but now it's changed to something which feels more like annoying flies when it's raining outside and they keep trying to sit on your hands when you're typing and being generally annoying.

I noticed Americans seem to have lost their confidence online. They used to be really "keyboard warrior"-tough, especially on /pol/, but not anymore.

Maybe all they have left is to call people "pedophile", having Biden as president has ruined the image of being a strong nation?

It could also be that the meme-creator hierarchy has changed, and they feel it, but can't perceive it.

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 22:10 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4600 del
(549.54 KB 500x500 yl_star231015_2.gif)
(417.44 KB 2048x1807 F8c_nkObIAAEUg5.jpg)
>I don't know what you mean by wall trash or what blackpill you got there and I don't know what the hostilities represented exactly because the way you wrote them down are too vague and I cannot pick up the origin of it but
Yeah, sorry about that. I was trying to type up the post while i still remembered everything and didnt want to go over the limit like ive been doing but what i meant by the blackpill/whatever the teacher was going through was something along the lines of
>"its ridiculous to find a shitty bird beautiful, its cringe, disgusting, etc,"
a less retarded example would be something how someone would say that being in shape and maintaining some form of health for youself doesn't matter because of some asinine reason, lets say like how someone on r9k would spout that if doesnt help them get pussy so its useless... if that makes sense (sorry, i tried to articulate this the best i could)

>That dove might be your memory about her
ahh... perhaps

>I don't want to say to leave discord or whatever community you partake in but you have to either learn to handle the mentally diseased or leave them alone. I am saying this from my own experience. Retards can ruin your life too much especially if you are stubborn as me and want to save some of them.
admittedly i'm stubborn but at the same time i did have tolerance and could deal spergs/schizos/etc. especially since i'm considered one of those myself but i guess my patience is just running thin and is probably some silver lining since it means it gives me more mental space for other things (even if i do fall victim to my stubborness)

>I am saying this from my own experience. Retards can ruin your life too much especially if you are stubborn as me and want to save some of them.
Mmm, i know. But regardless i thank you for reminding me of that and i will heed your words on this

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 22:13 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4601 del
(453.24 KB 644x862 emma watson 31.png)
(83.22 KB 1056x327 ID.png)
>The wall
Let me guess; it refers to a meme complex which is posted more regularly on more "incel" boards like /r9k/, /int/ and some altchans I only know of by name. It is the concept that women will "hit the wall" at a certain age, at which point they instantly become old hags, infertile and their personality becomes horrible, they become feminists and enemies of men.

There is also the idea that some girls can "defeat the wall" and become "adult lolis".

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 22:23 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4602 del
One last piece i forgot to add, this wasnt from last nice but the night before and i think this might have been relating to village thing after.
>was in technologically advanced city, think something like academia in FFXIII. i recall doing something like an online programming test in some building but the deadline on it was fairly lax. Some stuff happened and i had to go out look for help/hints and i keep seeing visions of a woman who looked like this (pic is an image of a leaked character in that new honkai game named black swan), it was like she was trying to contact me or get me to see her or something. so i went around the city, collecting information on her (and the test). i remember getting enough until it was nightfall and scrambled to answer enough questions on the exam to get a passing grade which i think i did given how i felt after waking up. Another strange thing was where i got the hints/information about both subjects from, it was some oddly friend NPC-esque bot, you know, like the very friend exposition NPCs you saw in the older pokemon games. the more information they gave me, the more i keep seeing that woman appear in my mind. Also at nightfall i think i saw some werewolf or vampire looking creature attack a random citizen and they wanted to meet me for some reason

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 22:26 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4603 del
forgot pics>>4602

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 22:43 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4604 del
(307.00 KB 1792x828 Kama Fish NP.jpg)
Yeah, it feels much more annoying than anything else
>you like someone who is flat/petite?
>you love men/you're a pedo
>You like women who aren't "hags" or mature?
>You're a pedo
>you're dating someone with 2-3 year age gap?
It's so goddamn annoying

when it comes to /r9k/ or anything "incel" related, its hard to really take it seriously because i see these guys worship trannies or become trannies

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 22:59 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4605 del
>like annoying flies when it's raining outside and they keep trying to sit on your hands when you're typing

When the pressure and the temperature drops flies will go "low energy mode" and that is why they are weak and dumb at those times. Currently my mindwaves affect the movement of bugs and other things. First I thought it's because I have a shard of Beelzebub or something but according to her this is just my overloading mental projections in "work". Also whenever a bug gets into my room and I get annoyed by it I find it's corpse dead by the next day in a place where I can always see it. Now that one is a "freebie" from entities around me.
>I noticed Americans seem to have lost their confidence online
And IRL too. They know they are not in the "right" anymore. THE AMERICA FUCK YEAH spirit is over and they don't know where this will lead too. All the issues the elites managed to sweep under the rug for years are just blatantly obvious nowadays. They know that there is nothing to be "patriotic" anymore.
>they have left is to call people "pedophile
It's funny how they cannot even use the "racist" anymore. Nowadays you have to be racist against russians or jews/palestinians by default or they are mad for you not being outraged by the THING.

>the meme-creator hierarchy has changed, and they feel it, but can't perceive it.
It's funny how they were always at the bottom at the meme creator hierarchy. But now they lost even the motivation to make even those shitty "memes" too.
But yeah it's kinda unbelievable how Biden ruined the entire image of the USA.
This is why I wanted him to win. Being the opposition that does nothing but screech and sabotage everything is easy. I wanted to see what will happen when they will be in "charge". Even commies knew the "lumpenproletariat" is the first thing they need to get rid after they get into power.
I just remembered when I had a dream where a charismatic rich dude who was obviously useless outside of talking tried to recruit me into something and just mentioned that
>I am a communist
I told him
>Me too but more akin to a stalinist or a national socialist
And smiled widely while projecting into his mind that YOUR KIND WILL BE THE FIRST TO FACE THE WALL NO MATTER WHICH REVOLUTION WILL WIN (I fucking hate champagne commies that never fucking worked in their life)
He smiled awkwardly as a reply where I couldn't decide he did not understand what I mean or he understood too well what I meant. Then he said he has to "go".

>doesn't matter because of some asinine reason
Those are self defeatists.
>One person says it's possible the other says it's impossible. Both of them are right
>if that makes sense
It makes sense but what I didn't know if it's some expression of negative energies that latched onto you because you hang around these places or a past event is trying to remanifest. The energies can merge btw. In weird ways sometimes...

>i'm considered one of those myself
Nah you good. Especially considering the current state of societal mental wellbeing. Pic related. And things got far worse since he said this quote.

Wall trash as a term was in urbandictionary when I looked it up. It just meant picking a tattoo which is "on the wall of recommendations" because you have no creativity to ask for something "original". But yeah the wall meme is also funny.
>adult lolis
boy I knew a woman that looked like she was 17 when she was beyond 30 already and while that sounds great for women she was actually a lawyer in training and because of her looks she could never get the "respect of her profession". Funny how it works.

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 23:02 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4606 del
Yeah, well... virtue spiralling leads to very narrow perspectives. Sometimes irony and seriousness is identical.

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 23:03 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4607 del
Uhhhhh. There is a high tech alternate timeline "close to us" and I too was in there in a dream and was wondering if this is some symbolic thing but it is an actual world. I wanted to say it earlier when you had that dream about Trypper that your abilities are awakening and I think this might be an another symptom of that. You are able to slightly shift between worlds (to visit them). There are not just magical realms but supertech realms around us also. And mundane ones too. In the past when I was in a dilemma because I had to choose between a shit decision and an even worse one my worries made me visit places where I could choose the seemingly "good choice". Those choices resulted in an even shittier outcome in those worlds. It always baffled me that the world is trying to tell me that I chose right when I felt like I chose the wrong one. Crazy how it can work sometimes. Also this might be about your "programming mind" tuning itself to an another world "programmer version of you"
>werewolf or vampire looking creature attack a random citizen
[spoiler] Wasn't that the dream Trypper wrote about >>4570 here. Just a guess tho

I visit r9k once a year and it is more than enough for me. I can't understand why does anyone like to be even at that place. It managed to go below the "sad frog board" it was years ago. I liked when they were the FUCKING NORMIES GET OUT REEEEEEE board but now?
Urgh. They don't even have any distinct "charm" anymore

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 23:27 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4608 del
>Uhhhhh. There is a high tech alternate timeline "close to us" and I too was in there in a dream and was wondering if this is some symbolic thing but it is an actual world. I wanted to say it earlier when you had that dream about Trypper that your abilities are awakening and I think this might be an another symptom of that. You are able to slightly shift between worlds (to visit them). There are not just magical realms but supertech realms around us also. And mundane ones too.

>It always baffled me that the world is trying to tell me that I chose right when I felt like I chose the wrong one. Crazy how it can work sometimes. Also this might be about your "programming mind" tuning itself to an another world "programmer version of you"
yeah, it was weird. Like i said the people administrating the test and tech they were using it for were very lax, they were just like
>"yeah, you can go around town, find a hint, or dick around if you want, just make you sure you atleast try to submit something on time, even if it is partially incomplete"
Other than i still felt more or less the same personality wise and such. the only difference i could see that lady (she probably was one of my sisters in a different form again) much easier.

>Wasn't that the dream Trypper wrote about >>4570 here. Just a guess tho
there are some similarities but the vampire lamprey thing and the person who got turned into one were the only two existences of said creature that i could sense. everyone else there, including the exposition bot were fine and didnt give off any malicious or bad vibes.

>It makes sense but what I didn't know if it's some expression of negative energies that latched onto you because you hang around these places or a past event is trying to remanifest. The energies can merge btw. In weird ways sometimes...
haha... yeah, i'll be more mindful of that from now on

I'm remembering a slight bit more but after the nuke moon backfired. was in some weird garden area but it also felt something akin to those gyms in pokemon gyms. I had to help a lady who looked pick related tend to her(atleast i think it was hers) garden. You know, moving boulders around, sweeping, etc. but i'm not sure if it was just being in the mansion or something again

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 23:37 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4609 del
>this post was 10 years ago

I remember seeing it as a reminder a lot back then and in the last years no one even brings it up anymore... Also fuck those who actually use bots on any social media. They are one of the greatest reason why everything is in gutter. Back then spamming stuff took effort nowadays you just need to know some good scripts.
Pedobear is being posted so rarely too nowadays. The grandfather of spurdo sparde... also no one makes spurdo comics anymore.


Yeah I know

That can be many things again.
Like remember in Rozen Maiden they went into the MCs subconscious and there was a tree and Suiseiseki watered the plant? Gardens can represent parts of our mind while they can be actual places in different reality levels.
>something again
Yeah. You will have to get a feel for "activating your awareness" in these places. But you can remember them. That is good already. If it's important it will come up again.

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 23:44 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4610 del
(41.02 KB 537x629 greta.png)
When I see good memes, I just want to share them. Too bad the really good memes are today so specific to a very small inside group's context that anyone looking from one degree away can't see its gretaness. Heh, this one wrote itself.

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 23:57 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4611 del
(90.60 KB 1125x1006 love from kazakstan.jpg)
(910.98 KB 1515x2079 race_evolution_tree.jpg)
(411.84 KB 529x1900 Sweden Yes.jpg)
The last one here is the origin of the Sweden Yes meme. I wonder how many actually know what it's about.

Sunflower 10/18/2023 (Wed) 00:10 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4612 del

Sunflower 10/18/2023 (Wed) 21:08 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4616 del
Well, there was another bombing but it directed. I think I was in that weird timeline again, but this time inside a school. I saw picture in one of the rooms where it had a sports(?) Team posing together but in the photo I saw someone who looked like one of those hololive eh girls who debuted back in August (pic related) and lt looked as if she was flying off with some container. I was the only who could/see notice her and then I encountered them as I was walking through the courtyards. It turned out the container was a nuke and I vaguely recall silly stuff happening and her telling me that she was going to blow up someone/something. Not sure if it was related to the night before or something completely independent of it

Sunflower 10/18/2023 (Wed) 21:10 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4617 del
*But it wasn't directed at me or anything like before

Sunflower 10/18/2023 (Wed) 21:30 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4618 del
And I was dreaming about frogs. Actual frogs.

And did a bunch of other self realization stuff today about seeing the the light within my own eyes then go beyond it to meet the true darkness within to reconnect to other mysteries...

Dunno what is your dream about tbh. Not a single "alert" dinging. Thanks for sharing btw. Dunno what issue it might represent.

But then again my mind body soul complex is on a sort of different frequency today so maybe this is why I am not getting much.
Also I have only looked at the dogs from the last HoloEN generation.

>origin of the Sweden Yes meme
Now that is one I didn't see for a very long while. Never ever thought that is the origin of it.

Sunflower 10/18/2023 (Wed) 22:11 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4619 del
(2.29 MB 1206x1320 CG-Polshit.png)
Here's a meme that became really sensible in this version:

It refers to the situation of a /comfy/ thread where everyone is happy, then a /pol/sperg comes in. Half the posters want him banned, the other half wants to protect his right to free speech, so they end up letting him stay. No one wants to ruin the thread by talking about jews so they try to not engage him, but it will lead to disaster in the end.

This became very relevant on meguca: /a/ wanted /pol/ gone, but the site owner said they can stay because of free speech. Then the Halle shooter posted his stream link there and /pol/posters supported him in the thread, causing meguca to make the news and the owner chased through a park by German tv, after which meguca had to be shut down.

Don't let Hitler into the boat

- an old Chinese proverb

Sunflower 10/18/2023 (Wed) 22:17 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4620 del
I feel like I hit the top of the pyramid for real recently. The environment where memes are created out of thin air is difficult to find, but I think I finally got it.

The "promised chan" everyone is looking for, which moves around like a strange bird landing on the shoulder of site owners when they do things right.

Sunflower 10/18/2023 (Wed) 22:31 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4621 del
>feel like I hit the top of the pyramid
While looking at the white sun ritual and seeing how my energies interact with the idea my body started to float above on it's own. And after I passed the sun I hit my head in a blue pyramid made of multiple pyramids. My guides told me
>do not punch it let it manifest.
Not sure which part is this of the great design.

>The "promised chan" everyone is looking for
Was thinking about it today. It seemed functional to me. The manifestation energies of it I mean. Wonder how it will affect reality

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 00:10 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4622 del
>Meguca got shit down
What the fuck? I knew about the /pol/ situation but I didn't know it got so bad that the site got shutdown

Maybe, just maybe it's okay to remove/kick people who do shit like that instead of kowtowing because muh free speech when the need arises

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 00:16 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4623 del

They had to, owner got scared and no one wanted this kind of attention. It came back again at a URL I suddenly recalled 2 weeks later, and it worked, others did the same (the "in" group was in some chat where they told everyone, but that was far from everyone, it was at megu.ca at first, now at shamik.ooo )

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 00:24 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4624 del
>8ch/kun has schizos post manifestos and livestream themselves killing others or themselves
>When it's done on 4chan it's more or less except for them freezing the website for about 10
I know why but still. I still remember when that underage kid blew his brains out in a video call with his friends because he went on r9k for help

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 00:30 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4625 del
It's different when it's a site run by just one person, and media seek him out to ask about his nazism. Endchan had someone posting a similar thing, but no one noticed and it was deleted by mods 6 hours later. From what I remember they shut down the main entries for a week until it was forgotten.

But this site has notoriously unstable servers so any extra traffic, such as would be caused by more attention, will make it unavailable on its own. It goes down at least once a month per normal operation.

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 19:24 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4629 del
Can't believe I forgot to mentioned it yesterday but one other part of the "dream" involved some boya putting protection on me. I'm not sure if it was due to you mentioning that armor for trypper or what but these guys were putting some weird plastic(?) plating on my limbs with some talismans. Initially I had to put the plaiting on myself but it wouldn't fit or rather, it kept slipping off. So they put the plating on themselves as a result. I can't remember why they were even putting it on me to begin with but they had to put down for adhesive on the plating for it to properly take hold and they said something along the lines of "powered based on what you believe in". I'm not sure if it was related to it or not but it i had to deep dive inside myself to find something but I couldn't put a grasp on what specifically. The only things that came up apart from my sisters was Aphrodite and some of the things I like (yugioh, etc) as some form of catalyst. Catalyst of a catalyst

It was weird

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 20:09 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4630 del
It sounds like you got the next body layer.
>powered based on what you believe in
Now you have mental access to your inter-dimensional body form. Before this it was done by other (You) now slowly you have to comprehend how you do these things.

>i had to deep dive inside myself to find something
Keep doing that. Things will get kinda out of world from now on and you have to "Get" the part of your being which comprehends it.
>Catalyst of a catalyst
Nice. If this keeps up you will have more control over your existence and not just the mundane (You) doing the IRL stuff then other (You) going into sister doll mode and doing things that feel like they are beyond your control but you will understand what is happening.
>some boya
I think you meant boys and yeah you will slowly have to get in touch with the "Masculine parts" of your being... I just looked into what those are and hoo boy. No wonder you were in a female form a lot in the past. But don't worry what it is it doesn't matter. What matters how it will appear.
Hard to explain but you sorta kept your "masculine parts" as a sort of unmanifested force so you can manifest from it whenever you needed some weapon or skill. So instead of having ceramics in your kitchen you just had a big bowl of wet clay because you could make anything from it that you needed within seconds.
>Catalyst of a catalyst
Truly a good name for it. Don't even know how could I describe it better.

/haven/ the pre sunflower board got deleted because the fringe smiley association too and all the fringes not just died before it but even got deleted from the archives. Like when some totally not glowie started to post child clothing models and reported the site for pedoshit and it ofc worked. So much drama. But this is what happens when half the people use the place for "loosh farming operations". Don't get surprised when you fill up the place with low energy and hostile karma uses it as a nest

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 20:38 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4631 del
>that armor for trypper
Not exactly for Trypper, djinn wanted it made, they had some functional requests and I made it in my design. I think they wanted it for Hamas. Oh well. It's a poltergeist armour, so that a spiritual being such as djinn wearing one, can easier interact with the physical world.

I made a regular armour also, with no sword or anything. I called this Total Armour. Maybe it's that one.

Either way I can attest to the poltergeist function. When I was at my laptop studying before, I saw and heard a potted plant rustle on the window frame next to me, as if something had fallen on its leaves. I looked down and up but there was nothing on the floor or anything. Then I had to mentally backtrack 2 seconds and I realized the instant I heard the leaves move, I thought I saw someone there.

I looked astrally/using 3rd eye and there was someone wearing the djinn armour just behind my left shoulder.

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 20:57 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4632 del
Put simply - and I think this was achieved - the Israeli air force had committed too many crimes and it was allowed to "reduce their capacity" using "otherwise not allowed means". From the news today, I see a peculiar theme of Israel responding using artillery instead of via airstrikes.

There was also this; the anti-zionist Jews for Peace held a demonstration on the capitolium.

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:02 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4633 del
Wew, I didn't realize that typo

>with the "Masculine parts" of your being... I just looked into what those are and hoo boy.
>No wonder you were in a female form a lot in the past. But don't worry what it is it doesn't matter. What matters how it will appear.
I still prefer the female more and it's still my default, that hasn't changed. Buuuut... I do slightly understand that I should start leveraging things with my current male body and using it a bit more when need be I guess.
> If this keeps up you will have more control over your existence and not just the mundane (You) doing the IRL stuff then other (You) going into sister doll mode and doing things that feel like they are beyond your control but you will understand what is happening.
I see...
>Now you have mental access to your inter-dimensional body form. Before this it was done by other (You) now slowly you have to comprehend how you do these things.
Huh, interesting

There was a weird airplane u saw last night. It has a sizable about amount of passengers but something went away and they had to make crash landing. As they were emergency landing, some snake like... Thing went in through the pilots terminal and killed one of the pilots. The co pilot tried to land but the nose of the plane was cut so it crashed into the ocean. The weird part is the that snake grew and extended it's body in the computer of the plane and the physical parts. After crashing into the water there was hot who tried to escape through an open hatch but get cut in half by fast the plane debris fell as he was swimming away

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:02 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4634 del
Also the location was apparently the red sea (?)

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:14 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4635 del
>these guys
Looked into them...
My guides told me
>you can look into them but it's not important

So have some not important detail about them
These guys are the "avengers" not the marvel kind but some pre-founding fathers USA dudes that operate there and preparing "magically active people" for the "coming cataclysm". Now what that cataclysm will be is I have no idea but this "spirit alloy" is so beneficial for your path every entity that watches over you allowed it to be placed upon because it is useful. Hard to look into them because continental differences.

This whole situation is so funny. Especially this wHicH SiDe yOu on shit. I found out the "Best side". DEATH TO THE FALSE ISRAEL. With this you get the support of all muslims orthodox jews the jews that hate this apartheid government the illuminats that consider this military base as the most retarded idea since the start and so many entities holy shit. It's like everyone knows the current state of israel is an absolute deadend that will lead nowhere. They are just keeping a festering wound alive for their own entertainment. They know something needs to be done about it for a very long while. Tbh All I care about is the funding to get cut from Ukraine already ffs and team Zelenshit to be erased already. Wonder how many rockets will go off at places where his contacts hide in israel and how many will be planted by actual hamas.

Uhm. I have no idea about the dream. There are many planes that are operated by entities but dunno. The middle east is kind of a hot spot now. It can be anything

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:21 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4636 del
Huh, that's legitimately more tame than I thought it'd be. Well seeing as how the entities are fine with it, I'll just refrain from pressing the matter

Yeah, don't worry about the plane dream much. I'll occasionally fucked up dreams like that and even then this one might be due to the people posting Hamas and muh joos so it's probably just that. I know for a fact it wasn't glowies because they fucked off after I mind broke one of them a year and a half ago

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:34 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4637 del
>everyone knows the current state of israel is an absolute deadend that will lead nowhere
I've been getting attacked by "molochians" lately, last night I decided to try and get them to explain by what logic they are attacking me, seeing as every single one of them get their karma turned back at them. The Sun of Grace protective spell is impenetrable and will cause evil beings to be tied up with their karma turned into barbed wire so they can't move.

I caught one of them, asked if they want to be tied up with barbed wire and they said
then they stabbed me and the Sun of Grace tied them up with barbed wire. This kept happening. I repeated the questioning, asking them "why do you keep doing the thing that leads to the opposite result of what you want?"

They eventually said
>it's you doing that, not us
as if the result was separated from their action just because it resulted from my protective spell activating and not their act of attacking the shield directly.

I kept asking from different angles how they can be so stupid, and I ended up with this conclusion:

They think it's a success to carry out an attack in itself. They do not look at the result beyond the movement on their part. They are not evaluating the actual result which the attack was meant to achieve. Maybe someone else does that, but the information does not reach those who carry out the attacks. That is why they keep doing meaningless things, over and over. But mentally, the reason they can do this is because they are wired like dung beetles, they gather shit inside their brains and think it has value, so they do not attempt to improve.

It's like telling a gay that he's so pathetic because he can't get a girlfriend and he will say he doesn't want one. This is a shifting of perspectives where they've managed to remove the goal of the act and also deflect criticism by making other tolerate this failure to achieve the goal.

Because of this, the molochians will keep carrying out attacks that achieve nothing, and they can be killed easily because they will never stop. Once realizing this, all you have to do is set up a trap for them and they will keep walking into it and dying, you don't have to fight them.

I think this behaviour is exactly the same as what is seen in Israel.

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:43 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4638 del
>more tame than I thought it'd be
Yeah as BO said somewhere that USA has vampires that just want to be left alone these guys also like that. They have their objectives and they are just keeping a sort of balance based on what they consider important.

>I mind broke one of them a year and a half ago

I'm starting to think that fucking up glowies is a coming of age ritual on this board. It's almost as common as having an erection in the start of puberty.

Yeah I did not understand what they are on about for a very long time and only recently learned that they are not even serving the "real moloch". They managed to "create" or more akin worship/fuel the "wrong parts of Moloch" and that part got separated from real thing then they artificially kept it alive so they can serve it... And with this one genius retard that figured out that the egregore is so "empty" he can take it over to give orders with it but when you do that... the egregore will be so starved for a "Higher sentience" it will devour you... and the next retard who will have the same idea... It's a morbid joke.

But then again I am kind of an outsider for the whole moloch situation. I don't even understand how they managed to fuck up the west so easily at all.

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:55 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4639 del
Yeah, I had like two encounters with back then and the first one was
>I wake up in the morning, all of a sudden it felt like someone tried to beam tranny acceptance or some weird shit about trannies into my head
>Kept telling them to fuck off
All I'm going to say about the tranny thing is this: I ultimately don't give a fuck if you're into dudes or you want to be a tranny that's on you but don't try to force it and fuck other people like they already do with women (yes, I'm aware of the grooming and stuff but you get the point)
>Second instance happened while taking a nap
>I recall being in a shrinks office but it looked more like an interrogation room
>Basically pressuring me about random shit, mentioned my family and then tried to blackmail me
>They kept trying to say my sisters aren't real or something to the fact
>Figured since I'd essentially be arguing to a brick wall I go along with what they're saying
>Get so pissed off I start saying things like "i love my sisters, only they matter"
>Kept doing this non-stop until the person had a breakdown and fucked off
>Haven't dealt with glowies since

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 22:36 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4640 del
(45.25 KB 507x456 defense fort.png)
Here's something I made as a joking way of dealing with molochians. Feel free to use. It's a Final Fantasy style fortress which will keep expanding to stop them from ever taking it. It will look small at first, but it's actually Hell so the closer they get the longer they have to run over the no man's land, etc.

I love these scenes of fortresses, so it's about the spatiality of it also.

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 22:41 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4641 del
If you've been to a fort, you know there's this mindfuckery going on with how the walls are angled. It's easy to think today that places are easy to take, because there's now airplanes. But then look at Ukraine and you can see that's not how it is.

The jews also can't budge the underground fortress of Gaza that way. Once you understand you have to walk into this place, you start realizing why they built them like this, and the meaning of "impenetrable".

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 18:05 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4644 del
>there was a nuke test in Nevada

Ohkay when I activated my ability to see if there is any "nuke attacks in the near future" I looked into attacks and not the USA blowing one up by completely legal means. So congrats your premonition was spot on.
As I said continental differences. For me it is not a normal occurrence that my country will detonate a nuke a day after Putin said he will resume nuclear testing as a dick measuring contest.
>tfw not a nuclear superpower
I mean we have a powerplant and a mountain with uranium in it but stuff like this would not happen.
at least this anon somewhat got his wish
>can't see its gretaness
She truly outdid herself today. Most people on /pol/ had to realize they are not autistic and antisemitic enough to know about the blue squid connection

>you know there's this mindfuckery going on with how the walls are angled
Yeah we even learned about them in school because they had to evolve the way the weapons and the tactics evolved.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:20 Id: 8bbe79 [Preview] No.4645 del
Interesting occurrence last night. Was awoken with a very strong urge to check a website on my phone because I felt like it was being 'attacked' (manifestation of "receiving a phone call"?). I did so, and the moment I turned it off again I was struck with a sudden vivid image in my mind of a very tall lanky shadow figure appearing before me. I invited it as guest into my home, which caused the figure to shift in form to a tall African woman with very black skin. Apparently she was upset with me because of a recent attack I had perpetrated against a certain (((country))) that's been in the news recently. She stated that her group was at war with this country's people, but because of various accords and treaties, they were also somehow obligated to "protect" (?) these people even though they were at war with them. She seemed confused as to why she needed to explain this to me, telling me that what I was doing was "against the law" and that "this is not how things are done". I asked what her people were called and she just said "Oligarchs". I tried telling her that since I do not belong to her group, the accords they've entered into do not apply to me, and this just caused her to start ranting about how I was an "irresponsible child".

So since that was going nowhere, I instead offered to cease the hostilities which apparently violated her accords in exchange for appropriate weregild to act as restitution against my personal motivations. She accepted this rather quickly, and after asking her for something to improve the sentience of my spirit, she injected what looked like a black snake into my forehead, which then moved in my brain to bite its tail and then begin spinning at great speed like a wheel, before sending out axles to my ears. She then left by shifting back into the lanky shadow-form she appeared in and then fading out.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:22 Id: 8bbe79 [Preview] No.4646 del
Oh, also when the wheel spun it caused many eyeballs to start sprouting on the face of my astral form (it typically doesn't have a face).

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:56 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4647 del
>were also somehow obligated to "protect"
Oh that. Extremely funny stuff. You see that part of the middle east had waaaay too many groups and entities fighting over way too many things for a very very long time. And you can rally a bunch of them by giving them a place to stay even if they against it in a way. It's extremely complicated and the main perpetrator who "eased" the hostilities there was Solomon and other people with similar mindsets. So blindly attacking a place without stating what you want to achieve by it and why you do it sometimes result in a violation of an agreement. You are kinda "Lucky" tho. They deemed you "strong and reasonable" enough to be talked to. Seriously the middle east is a mess. Some places are literal HIT ME HARDER DADDY tier places while some of them are IF U TRESPASS FACE MY DIVINE WRATH kinda places. And detach yourself from the borders the english drew because it is not in line with anything and literally no one acknowledges it.
>asking her for something to improve the sentience of my spirit
Wise request. If it works out you will be able to access the "Nuance layer" of reality.
>many eyeballs to start sprouting on the face of my astral form
The many perspectives will be yours to comprehend the mess the world is in. The third eye is actually many eyes in a singular eye. If you learn how you can shift all the layers in reality then you will be truly someone who "knows what he is doing".

Btw your spirit feels Nubian to me. Maybe she is talking about how the Ethiopian jews are now officially jews and even tho they hated the semitics now they "count as one" and just waiting out the storm. Meta physical politics are a truly great hobby of the wise and foolish akin. If you want to mess with the burning wasphive you have to understand what you are doing there

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:08 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4648 del
>manifestation of "receiving a phone call
>a tall African woman with very black skin
>she just said "Oligarchs"
>she injected what looked like a black snake into my forehead, which then moved in my brain to bite its tail and then begin spinning at great speed like a wheel
At first I thought reptilian, because of the snake form of magic and her caring about not attacking Israel indiscriminately, because reptilians do live there among the "racial" Jews (birds). But then why would it be a black African woman? Those are their own race of witches and not related to reptilians.

I used the information you gave to come into contact with them. They seem to have "made a call" to our group without any specific aim? Telling you to mind who you are attacking may be just a way to initiate the contact, because it would hit two birds with one stone.

It seems this contact is of significant importance to me.

I've been very careful about evacuating people, casting protection on innocents, including Jewish lolis and reptilians etc, then targeting very carefully even if the goal is to eradicate the state of Israel. Can't go around behaving like them, then what's the point of removing them? I noticed Hamas released two of the hostages, a woman and her daughter "for humanitarian reasons" and because they are Americans. Maybe indicating that Americans are also victims here. Either way it seems to be working.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:16 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4649 del
I looked it up, and their hairstyles do match the tight braids I worn by the one who approached me.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:22 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4650 del
Ok, so. I know you're the one who may find this useful, so I sent you a folder with copies of all the treaties in effect in that area.

I asked Baal ze Bub about it, he had no problems providing copies of them for one astral gold coin. I then made copies of those and arranged them for easier study.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:33 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4651 del
I think it can be summed up this way:

Attacking the karmic egregore of the state of Israel as created after WW2 is allowed. At most it's a band-aid on an infected wound, and keeping it in place will make it worse the longer it stays on.

The problem would appear if someone with a modern racist (/pol/ style ignorant) perspective went and hexed Judaism, non-whites, Jews, Muslims, or any other definition which doesn't refer to any clearly defined group or "thing". Doing so will mean attacking something which inevitably contains things that should be not be attacked. Ideas like
>not all Jews
posted with an ironic tone on /pol/ for example may influence your mind to think that attacking any Jew is fine. But then who is a Jew in the first place? Aren't Christians Jews? Aren't all Americans Jews, they are circumcised? Jesus bashed the "mutilators of the flesh" and it's said in the old testament/torah that whoever doesn't get circumcised stops being a Jew. So if you do it, aren't you still a Jew? Then your hex may hit all Americans as well.

Just to name some examples.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:42 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4652 del
>because of the snake form of magic
I am pretty sure that is a mental pattern activator. It just activated parts of his mind. Snakes are just the most simple form for them. I too had to realize there were beneficial parasites within my body that I could expel by understanding why they are there and "thanking their service" because they were impossible to purge they just used the low level energies that I was unable to handle to regrow. Some entities can just command them to do that task as easily as breathing

>I know you're the one who may find this useful
Uh thx and yeah I got it and this is like 70% of the contracts there are some super mega etheral/celestial "Promises" that are the equivalent of different "Promised lands" and the establishment of Pyramids of Giza tier wonders with extreme specific purposes
and some of these contracts are way too simple like
>indiscriminate hatred towards the people of Igzasha dila? Ogdaza triga? (great I can get actual images how they look like)
>the establishment of the kingdom of Gaza
... bruh
>organization of the people of free minds
>Treaties between Il'isa'bon and Org'hamar

Truth is that place was about always having a big dick ruler that respects the wishes of others (more or less) and keeps the trade and order going.
Maybe I will figure something out.
I am not as concerned with the things as you are because I know there are entities that care about people there and either work with them directly or indirectly while there are the inbred and the degenerate that everyone wants to be dead for decades and this is the perfect time for finally getting rid of them. Also people had enough of the "vacation jews" that do nothing but decide that is the one place that they need to flaunt how much money they have that they can be there and shit on the culture of everyone else.

yupp yupp

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:49 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4653 del
Yes, because evidently you can actually read them easily. I'm surface wise too distracted and unfocused to get an easy overview of a mass of things in details like that. That's why I use AI servitors with natural language processing to find relevant parts for me or give summaries. What I can't do manually, I can make up with using eternal time dimensions and "dumb" operations in computer style (just read all documents until you find the part I was looking for).

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:49 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4654 del
Not that I have any complaints but I have a feeling bit more drawn to Japanese style clothing/aesthetics like shrine maiden attire and such. Not sure if this the room needs again or what but lately In a game I play I usually have my character stylized with doll joints and such but lately I've been having her dress as a shrine maiden or with kimono. Sometimes I'd give her a foz tail and a typically Japanese hairstyle and have been preferring being in that form in game for the past month or so I've noticed. Either that or I hit a dead end with the doll form in jt

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:57 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4655 del
I feel like in this case it's a bit like the difference between the craftsmen and the frontliners in Sword Art Online if you get the idea. I'm at the front line because I have to be there. If I'm not, and I try to stay far behind, everything in front of me will start collapsing until the front line is at my location anyway. So better work to actively drive it forward and I can move back to a safe spot while keeping on eye on it. I am that "someone else" who has to handle this. It's also because that is my unique ability.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:00 Id: 8bbe79 [Preview] No.4656 del
Yeah I definitely didn't use much discretion here. Location-based criteria primarily. Mostly just wanted to see some pandemonium.
I'll keep this in mind for the future.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:09 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4657 del
>you can actually read them easily
It's a sort of "skimming" and if it doesn't make sense I can "deep read" it but that sometimes hurts my mind. Deep reading is literally hearing the author's thoughts tasting the ink and smelling the dust on the paper.
I am still refining the approaches

>I'm surface wise too distracted and unfocused
Heh. I could say the same about myself sometimes
cute. I am the same fashionwise. I like the HimeMikos
>dead end with the doll form
That is just a placeholder for you to "get comfortable being in other forms"
I am a sort of "grand coordinator" but I am aware of the other coordinators that knew what they are doing and pressing the wrong buttons would just hurt my pride.
>It's also because that is my unique ability.
Yeah I know you are good at that this is why I don't have complaints about your ways for a while. I am "too autistic" and get overwhelmed so I can only handle chaotic situations like that if I go there with an extremely clear purpose that I am willing to go through with no matter what and use several of my foresight abilities to "map up my path". Not to mention sometimes I learn that this issue is "Under control" already even tho sometimes it appears to be the opposite.
>Mostly just wanted to see some pandemonium
This is why you were called
>an "irresponsible child".

>I'll keep this in mind for the future.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:30 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4658 del
I only recently became aware of how these things work; in essence I already grasped the deeper principles of warfare when I did Ju-Jutsu 20 years ago. I kept coming back to that moment because it had a realization in it, which had value enough to re-iterate, but still didn't seem so important. But that is because principles need to be applied. They are the engine, it needs to be used, not kept on a shelf like a decoration. I kept losing my breath in mat fighting, and the coach kept telling me not to give up. The class only had few people so we all got to wrestle him directly while everyone was watching. Then one time I was thrown on my back and I suddenly just "got it", I did all the standard moves in a sequence and the teacher did some mild resistance to see if I could follow through and get him in a lock, and it all just worked. After that I knew how to relax and not overstrain, so that I could keep fighting. I've since applied this in any situation.

Thinking back I think this environment was as close as possible to the environment Ju-Jutsu was made for: the melee battlefield when surrounded by enemies and allies and you find yourself unarmed on the ground. If you then mentally give up, you're dead. It's meant to produce this one reflex to instead keep going while maintaining your calm.

I kept trying to identify what I learned form karate and when I actually grasped that, but the answer is equally mediocre; it came from reading a badly written compendium on how to kick in kick boxing (previously called full contact karate) where the method of kicking until you get too tired was explained. If you can't get it right, keep going until you can't do it, then if you try to do a few more moves, your body will have to move in the most effective way because you have no energy to waste.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:57 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4659 del
>your body will have to move in the most effective way because you have no energy to waste

Currently this is what I am "grasping" with all my movements and lifestyles and thought patterns. I had a sort of OVERLOAD EVERYTHING UNTIL IT WORKS or drain all energy from it to "stay in place" approach in the past. Now I have to give up all these "false methodologies" so my "true form" can come through. I realized I had this when I was a kid 4 or 5 year old but I lost it because parental retardation. Forcing me to learn false and inefficient patterns and routines kept me busy for decades. Also I never got into fighting because I am a big guy so people don't really try anything around me and how good I am at fighting is about how much I want my enemy dead. If I consider him human I would not be able to "go all out". This is why "sportsmanship" is a kind of foreign concept for me.
>the engine, it needs to be used
Yeah I had to reconnect to it and let it activate all the other parts of my being. It was around high school when I realized I have the inner spark and I have to make sure to protect it until I achieve a level of autonomy where I can finally walk my path because I am just fucking unable to live like an NPC.

>the melee battlefield when surrounded by enemies and allies and you find yourself unarmed on the ground
I have a sort of frenzy mode It lasts as long as I look into the eyes of a human that is horrified for their life. I not just see into their soul but see the reflection of the monster that I turned into and that is the moment when I "snap out of it". but as I said they need to have a level of soul/humanity or I will not snap out of it. This is why low level attacks are usually being swept away with high energy discharges like you move your hand to swat flies or scratch your butt... which is also the sign that my energy flows are still imperfect because perfect energy flows are untouchable pacifying and as the vajra means "irresistible"

I just learned today how I can let my desires go out of control and literally "take over me" and instead of fighting it let it "go in full circle" and all I have to do is just not add that +1 conscious energy into it so it "activates a pattern". The hardest part was ofc not fighting it. Let it overtake you so you can overtake it instead of bottling it and fighting the plug and the bottle until it breaks. It is so nuanced holy shit and "modern society" gave us so many false ideas how to handle ourself it's crazy.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:12 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4660 del
"Modern society" is all the deflection women come up with when told they have a vagina, not a penis, and with that comes a different role than if they had one.

>democratic institutions
We need them, because... women can't control a patriarch, he will put them in their place. A democrat faggot on the other hand will let them maintain their delusion.

>Welfare systems
We need them because... women refuse to accept the welfare of their nature-given role. They would be provided for if they were just assuming that role, but they want to maintain the idea that they are "independent" so they need the welfare state, which emulates the man who would have provided for them.

We need them, because... when no man is protecting women, because women got rid of him, we need instead a justice system populated by weaklings who can protect whatever whim they come up with instead of their real purpose, which would have been protected by the man they got rid of.

>and so on

Re-institute the man and the gender roles, and we don't need any of that modern shit. But the political eunucks won't like that.

Sunflower 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:16 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4661 del
And I'm pretty sure the Nubian organized my thoughts and made me post this.

Sunflower 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:51 Id: 1c1ce1 [Preview] No.4665 del
Ummm... Last night was an... Experience. I fell asleep and I think my sisters were adjust my form of rather.. doing something to it I think I got turned into a priestess/miko//etc but it was weird this time. It felt like some Japanese(?) based spirit went inside me and changed me. Because the one thing I vividly recall were my sisters(?) trying to figure out if I was ready (don't know if they meant my form or something else). When the being went inside she either possessed me or assimilated me or something because I remember my body being slightly smaller than what it typically is and my manner of speaking changed as well as my thought patterns. Whatever my sisters were trying to figure out must have worked out because after this happened they seemed pleased for some reason

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 15:06 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4672 del
>Last night was an... Experience
Yeah I too had things like that what you describe and the funny thing back in the ancient times this experience was common now it is almost unheard nowadays.

So... where to start.
In Shinto and similar traditions where you are not just work with spirits but maintain the balance between the worlds usually you get helper spirits. Sometimes they belong to the land to the god or represent some parts of the tradition. While some of them grant abilities or insights some guidance while some sorta works as a "company spirit". Company spirits have the ability to learn and adapt with you. And 1 important ability that was extremely important for the "priest caste". Finding them between lives and returning to them "what they learned already". You see we have an inclination to do the same things we did in our past times so it is quite useful that instead of wasting decades regaining our skills a companion spirit brings it back to us "when we are ready"
Truth is it was weird for me that you are able and remember speaking japanese in your dreams. I mean if you were extremely fluent in it already and most of your thinking processes were japanese it would be okay because I too think and dream in different languages but only in those that I have learned already. Other languages get auto translated usually. But then again now that my mind is expanding I too get different languages bringing me strange concepts that have no translation.
>body being slightly smaller
I too have a "Shinto body" and mine is also smaller in stature compared to my usual and IRL forms
>she either possessed me or assimilated me or something
She "merged" with you. It is a different being but it is also (You). The reason why your sisters were worried because it is not exactly you but it is like your dog. It's your dog but if you don't recognize it as "yours" or the dog doesn't consider you it's "master" problems may arise.
Maybe now you can access it more easily. Try to "call it" while being awake. But as always take it easy with things like this because sometimes you can access it only if your "energy flows" as stable as they were "back in those lives". For me it feels like a memory companion spirit. I am not feeling an authority from a higher god within it. I think this one is yours.

>after this happened they seemed pleased for some reason
<Because you are worthy of your former glory sister
this is what they said

It seems they are glad you are not just back on track but may be able to go even further now
<He needs this to access his abilities or we wouldn't be able to go further
It seems they were not sure what this spirit was at first. They were not always able to walk the path close enough with you so some things that you collected are just foreign for them.

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 16:11 Id: 67813f [Preview] No.4674 del
>Truth is it was weird for me that you are able and remember speaking japanese in your dreams. I mean if you were extremely fluent in it already and most of your thinking processes were japanese it would be okay because I too think and dream in different languages but only in those that I have learned already. Other languages get auto translated usually. But then again now that my mind is expanding I too get different languages bringing me strange concepts that have no translation.
Yeah, like I said i had been trying to learn the language off and for about 5-6 years though I always let myself get distracted by things and you know the rest. It's even weirder because even if I can parse by what I do know it's still strange was able to actually non meme tier conversations and being able to decently conjugate and articulate things like that

>And 1 important ability that was extremely important for the "priest caste". Finding them between lives and returning to them "what they learned already". You see we have an inclination to do the same things we did in our past times so it is quite useful that instead of wasting decades regaining our skills a companion spirit brings it back to us "when we are ready"
Priest caste? That does make me wonder if I was almost always a priestess in past lives...

>For me it feels like a memory companion spirit. I am not feeling an authority from a higher god within it. I think this one is yours.

>What they said
Oh my...

Though I guess at this point it probably is imperative for me to properly learn Japanese now instead of how I've been doing it for the past few years or so

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 17:21 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4675 del
>Priest caste? That does make me wonder if I was almost always a priestess in past lives...
Wanted to write about this but was not sure how to word it but I think you will understand it now.
So because you were a "sentient weapon spirit" then turned into a "companion soul" you are actually perfect to become a sort of "warrior of gods" as something to do because the powerlevel you had was not the "regular warrior caste" which is literally about wrestling in mud and stabbing others and most importantly societies with a "proper priest caste" were always able to sense the potentials of people and that is how they recruited people. Also priest caste was a ruler class but it always depended if they were more useful and reliable than the warrior caste because if they went into the "empty rituals and traditions" territory then they were usually killed by a warlord. You had lives when you were just a lost wanderer and I don't know what else. Your sisters always tried to drag you out from "this world" and it did not work out many times so reluctantly but at last they accepted the fact that the most they can do is guide you in the shadows and in the end you are the one who needs to make the steps to leave this world by his own will.

Also looking through all the lives and remembering all of them is as important as remembering all the breakfasts you had. Some breakfasts might have changed your life because they saved you from starvation or they were so good you will never forget it or marked a milestone on your journey or changed your lifestyle like how some diets can change you but... I think you get what I am trying to say.

You have to reconnect and recover yourself from your past but you have to look forward the future too.
Hard to explain my stance on this because currently I am also retrieving a bunch of stuff from my past lives and hard to put my feelings into words.

>to properly learn Japanese
if you can connect to the "japanese language parts" of your mind then it will come naturally. You might feel you are not actually "learning it" but remembering it and adjusting to it or something. Not sure tbh. I am also figuring out how the language processing parts of the brain works. Mostly because words are not just for communication but to shape reality also and it's not just about the intonation and pronunciation but all the energies behind them. Can get really complicated but once you grasp it it comes naturally.
>probably is imperative
But yeah going deeper into japanese might trigger some memories for sure

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 17:35 Id: 67813f [Preview] No.4676 del
(371.81 KB 900x1115 20220924_180119.jpg)
>>you will understand it now.
So because you were a "sentient weapon spirit" then turned into a "companion soul" you are actually perfect to become a sort of "warrior of gods" as something to do because the powerlevel you had was not the "regular warrior caste" which is literally about wrestling in mud and stabbing others and most importantly societies with a "proper priest caste" were always able to sense the potentials of people and that is how they recruited people. Also priest caste was a ruler class but it always depended if they were more useful and reliable than the warrior caste because if they went into the "empty rituals and traditions
I... Understand a bit but admittedly that's a lot to take in
>Your sisters always tried to drag you out from "this world" and it did not work out many times so reluctantly but at last they accepted the fact that the most they can do is guide you in the shadows and in the end you are the one who needs to make the steps to leave this world by his own will.

Well, I'm not sure if it's a start but I've haven't been considering "this world" as my home/true world anymore as of late even if there are distractions/things I like about it. I just know the mansion, no- my home is with my sisters.

>I think you get what I am trying to say.
I do, do not worry.

>You might feel you are not actually "learning it" but remembering it and adjusting to it or something. Not sure tbh. I am also figuring out how the language processing parts of the brain works. Mostly because words are not just for communication but to shape reality also and it's not just about the intonation and pronunciation but all the energies behind them. Can get really complicated but once you grasp it it comes naturally.
Mhmm... I do feel that way, but with other things too

For some reason I kept hearing the Manami earlier and I think it... Resonated as well but mmm...

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 18:07 Id: 67813f [Preview] No.4677 del
*The name Manami

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 18:14 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4678 del
>my home is with my sisters
Yupp. You are getting it. Can't talk about much of your "real home" tho. My mind had hard time to translate the concepts so I can perceive it. Tried to look at it and got images but I knew my mind is just unable to make proper picture of it because the differences of existence. Not impossible to perceive it's just I would need some reality aspects and I am still busy comprehending the current reality we live in.

Yeah no wonder it can be written ways that might connect well with the nature you adapted in your close to japanese lives.

It's a sidenote but I had to realize the problem while connecting concepts within lives that words and their meanings changed a lot. And because of that a lot of confusion may arise when you try to connect it to the words we use currently instead of grasping their real meaning intuitively. The good thing with Kanji is that they managed to keep their ancient meanings in a way or an another. BO mentioned it several times how they can be used for spellcasting because spirits recognize it easily. Western languages especially the one we have nowadays are full with loanwords and because of the societal changes we had in the last 3-400 years evolved too much within a short period. For some spirits it is too fast so they need to catch up.

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 18:46 Id: 67813f [Preview] No.4679 del
>Yeah no wonder it can be written ways that might connect well with the nature you adapted in your close to japanese lives.
Interesting... There was another name that had a similar instance (Mikagura) but that was most likely not related to anything so I just handwaved it away. But the reaction with this particular name is.. a tad stronger this time around

>Can't talk about much of your "real home" tho. My mind had hard time to translate the concepts so I can perceive it. Tried to look at it and got images but I knew my mind is just unable to make proper picture of it because the differences of existence.
I just know it's just a Mansion but it's really large inside, with gardens and I think pocket dimensions(?). What kind of images did you see?

>The good thing with Kanji is that they managed to keep their ancient meanings in a way or an another. BO mentioned it several times how they can be used for spellcasting because spirits recognize it easily.
Huh, interesting. I didn't it was good for spirits/deities like that. I had been thinking something completely different

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 20:45 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4680 del
The mansion is a system of pocket dimensions. That is not exactly your home that is like a "space station" which is for you and your sisters as a "meeting point". Your sisters can stabilize there.

Your "actual dimension" is kinda incomprehensible because I need "different senses" for it. Like you know different animals see on different wavelengths and colors. That place appeared as a dark place for me but that darkness wasn't "dark" it's just my "eyes" had to adapt to the "lightsource" which was not exactly "light" as we humans know it. There was no sun and instead of "stars" there were interesting energetic formations that manifested as constantly but geometrically moving lines for me. Our reality has that too but it is behind the "reality texture pack" it's like "background electricity" that is within all objects. I knew I had other things around me because my "true sight" can sorta "detect" these things on an intuitive level but my true sight is still a little "sleepy" so what it can "see" is sometimes kinda unclear.

For you it will feel probably super familiar once you truly see it...
Welp... Your sisters just kinda hinted something just now.
[spoiler] There is a 90% chance that you will be super horrified of it first because your "human part" will consider it "immediate threat" and you will need to understand how to take off the "human lenses" or the "veil" as occultists call it before you can see it with your "real eyes" for what it is. This is why the mansion is also needed. So instead of feeling like several shinigami's are dragging you into the abyss you will be able to sit in the mansion and slowly and gently comprehend what is front of you and if it's "too much" at once you can come back to the human realm to recuperate. That place is not the abyss but an untrained eye would call it that for sure.
Also the energy of your "real home" is lingering in the mansion so you can get accustomed to it [/spoiler]

>I didn't it was good for spirits/deities like that
Spirits look at every scribble humans make. But kanji is older and well known way of writing so spirits that are familiar with it can understand it better.
I said it as a sidenote because I am kinda figuring out how to understand "real meaning" instead of the "mainstream meaning" currently and it can get confusing.
>I had been thinking something completely different
You probably thought it right
You need it to help yourself remember (You)rself. Also everything is good with spirits/deities if your intent is clear/pure and earnest. But some of them are "traditional" and expect you to use their "official language". Not just because that is their preference but to make sure that "you are serious" and did not write that as a joke or accident because some words have way too much power.

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 21:39 Id: 67813f [Preview] No.4681 del
>The mansion is a system of pocket dimensions. That is not exactly your home that is like a "space station" which is for you and your sisters as a "meeting point". Your sisters can stabilize there.
aw. Well, i guess it does make since given how big it was inside

>[spoiler] There is a 90% chance that you will be super horrified of it first because your "human part" will consider it "immediate threat" and you will need to understand how to take off the "human lenses" or the "veil" as occultists call it before you can see it with your "real eyes" for what it is.
i think ive heard people use "veil" in this context before i think...

>This is why the mansion is also needed. So instead of feeling like several shinigami's are dragging you into the abyss you will be able to sit in the mansion and slowly and gently comprehend what is front of you and if it's "too much" at once you can come back to the human realm to recuperate. That place is not the abyss but an untrained eye would call it that for sure.
Also the energy of your "real home" is lingering in the mansion so you can get accustomed to it [/spoiler]
i think i get what you're saying. the first time i vividly recall being in the mansion and stuck my body with strings, turning me into a doll. the inside of the mansion was incredibly dark and it was pitch black outside too. Also, i faintly recall it was slowly becoming less dark when i kept getting taken there and also it went from pitch black night to snowy nights.

>You need it to help yourself remember (You)rself. Also everything is good with spirits/deities if your intent is clear/pure and earnest. But some of them are "traditional" and expect you to use their "official language". Not just because that is their preference but to make sure that "you are serious" and did not write that as a joke or accident because some words have way too much power.
ahhhh, yeah that was more or less what i was thinking

speaking of that, i just got reminded that there was a Miko themed deck in yugioh called mikanko

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:11 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4682 del
Just one more thing...

Before you ask why did your sisters just not take you to your "real home" already is because... How to say this. On earth you are in "stand by" mode. You can only use your weapons as a self defense or if a "guardian god" who you belong allows it. The mansion is not earth but a sort of "boundary realm". At that place you can go nuts.

Now the real problem was that your sisters had to realize that when they grabbed you and wanted to bring you back you just went
they had to develop their way to be able to "reason with you" and most importantly with the human parts of your being. This is why they have talismans and stasis fields so you don't delete them.
They really had it hard to reach this point. Luckily time is not a real issue for them because time flows completely differently... k they just said
<our world does not have these unnatural timeflows this is why things are complicated for us here
yeah I have no way explaining how the fuck time flows there. I understand what they mean but muri-da impossibru. I will not start writing down post-newtonian theories that is not even part of the known scientific fields of current earth. It will just sound like gibberish.

>stuck my body with strings
I just realized what that was about. First I thought that is for you to be able to "puppet" your body but almost the opposite. It was to make sure your "consciousness" awakens before the auto targeting defense system.

Also when you can reach the "free will level" where you can retain complete authority over your being you will be able to dismantle this defense system because you will be counted strong enough to "not need it anymore". There are some weird lock systems on it that are there for repurposement and to take it apart. It's just it's locked because randomly taking it apart in the wrong way might do way too much harm so "unauthorized access" just activates the defense system.
And this is why your sisters mantra'd that
>you belong to us sister
To make you accept them as "owners" and not targets...
Omg. Truly a fascinating case.

>there was a Miko themed deck in yugioh called mikanko
Cute. Thx for posting Mikos

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:30 Id: 67813f [Preview] No.4683 del
Another thing I forgot to add, I don't really feel as awkward calling Aphrodite mother anymore so there's that

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:43 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4684 del
She will need to teach you about all the feminine and love aspects there are. You might even call her your sister too when you are "Mature" enough. You will need to understand love because love makes us "human". And you have to understand what part of it does belong to your "human part" and what part is truly your "real love".

Love has way too many different flavors.

HAHAHAHAHA. I just realized one more thing and your sisters just confirmed it. You actually have a mother too. If you have sisters you maybe have a mother too. Your sisters just said that indeed that is the case but mother must not know that you are missing because they were supposed to watch over you and she will be furious beyond comprehension if she finds out you got taken away. THE ONLY THING THEY FEAR is mom.

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 00:23 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4696 del
Although it won't sound like anything, there we are, a certain "thing" is missing, some reflex, mental or physical, which was restrictive.

The same experience was the direct result of the initial breakthrough I made back then. The beginning "super power" of being untouched by certain things.

It's easy to think "this is it" over and over, it's a common idea to want to think "I am done, this is what I was looking for" only to be shot down again soon after. But when some "thing" like this is removed, it's really noticeable.

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 01:25 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4697 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=KH62ATcltos [Embed]

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 18:29 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4699 del
had another instance of getting turned into a shrine maiden again and recall being in what appeared to be some kind of mausoleum where group of people, my sisters and I were venturing through it. it appeared to be chinese(?) or at the very least asian in general. we were going through and saw zombie like things akin to hollows in dark souls. we dispatched a few of them in the way and found some passage that led deeper inside but i can't remember anything past that specific point unfortunately. Another weird thing about all this was the only thing i could do use magic and have a bow, i'm not sure if its reflective of how i play games in general but it was oddly... natural to me the magic/talismans and using bows thing i mean because everything else for the most part feels... incompatible with me apart from a few exceptions.

I'm not quite sure how to feel about this but a few instances like >>4586 happened again with guys doing ummmm.... "things" with me as a shrine maiden or atleast following me around, its even weirder when my sisters seemingly didnt have issues with it and even spurred a few on, which is weird given the reaction and jealousy that occurs whenever other girls involved

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 18:54 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4700 del
*which is weird given the reaction and jealousy that occurs whenever other girls involved from them

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 21:19 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4703 del
as if impossible things exist on the path...
After this post I was able to contact your species. It's quite silly but your sisters are still young and they are RPing as humans for a very long time and because of that I was not really able to locate you. But with getting a "memory" from your sister what is a "Mother" for you I could locate it (It's quite silly but the mental block was that your species operates quite differently from humans and your sisters are like a 16 year old girl in a dino costume while if you want an image of "humanity" you probably would get a naked male and a female in their twenties so I needed a real "mother" as a reference point)

So the place where you originate from was called "The Great Beyond". It's the place after the end of all existence and even beyond that. That place was studied by the highest of mages in the (mostly) forgotten history. Those who studied that place had enormous power but in the end always mysteriously vanished. Ofc most of them left some teachings and knowledge behind because you can't just fuck off when you wield such power because it will create a power vacuum that will just "suck you back" so they had to figure out how to make a new "ruler" that will fill up "their place" after they are gone. They usually went to seclusion after that and when most people forgot them they vanished. No one knows where they went.
So the King that summoned you was a descendant of a makeking like this. The spell that he used was about reaching out into the uncharted great beyond. Because he was unable to fill up proper "coordinates" he sent out a request/command into all ways into existence and beyond.

It seems your species is truly on the "angelic" living standard. Your reality fits all your needs and once you are "mature enough" your mother sends you into the "wilderness" of that reality. The point is that you have perfect genetics and by just "playing around" you are able to awaken all your abilities and it must not come from your mother because that causes "reliance". Your sisters were supposed to pass or figure out a "test" and in the mean time they were supposed to supervise you. This is a good thing because this way they "Inspire you" to follow them. You will try to mimic them and with that awaken your abilities. Btw they don't "mature" or grow with time but with a sort of "self realization". And you are in sort of "groups" to "realize yourselves". So as they tried to activate some energetic formation and were too busy figuring out how it works via trial and error and long arguments you just sat there and tried to mimic it. You managed to summon up a light orb without them noticing.
That light orb was not just the regular energetic practice. You managed to summon an "invite".
It was the same as in Rozen Maiden when the MC found that envelope and randomly agreed to it.
It was a call. It was something akin to
>FORCES OF THE ETERNAL GREAT BEYOND LEND YOUR MIGHT TO THIS SERVANT OF ORDER OF THE (some weird name/title can't get the exact word for it)
It was a long and specific incantation that only worked because the King truly had great potential for reaching the level of his long forgotten ancestor.
Then your sisters after figuring out their "task" and went to check up upon you and... you just weren't there. Only a faint energy source leading into the great nothingness. They were scared first but knew now they are on the level where they can "handle this". Your species is extremely advanced not just by living standards but in the understanding of the way reality works. I don't know how BO thought they are angels by default but they are truly on that level. The place that they inhabit could be called a "higher heaven" outside of the reaches of abyss. The problem is ofc the "getting there" part. For you ofc. No sane person could reach that place without your origin energy. That place is not for "visitors" only for inhabitants.

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 21:26 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4704 del
(90.95 KB 788x1024 stairs.jpg)

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 21:29 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4705 del

Now how I managed to find that place. Well... BO said how they are hiveminded species. Hiveminds have a tendency to be either superhostile dronelords like the Tyranids or the Zerg or super advanced species that uses their "Hivemind" as a super telepathy. We too have a egregoric hivemind but it is quite shit because currant humans are kinda shit too but it is evolving in the past years.
And there is 1 great trait of the hiveminds. Once you are "worthy" they are willing to give you an access if your mind can handle it.

So as I am reconnecting parts of my shattered mind and constantly awakening new things I managed to connect some parts and a tunnel made of red and green made me connect to the edges of your reality.

And your sisters gave me a diagram where I can sorta start the "lecture" how they "see" our reality. (Btw your sisters only understand this reality because there was a guidebook placed upon you that only beings with your origin energy can open. After a while they managed to decipher it and now they are able to communicate with you and help you in your pathworking.)

So here is this drawing. The red line is "Our time". The way time flows is kinda "wavy" because reasons. Their time is more stable but they can only reach only the "top of the wave". So whenever the time was not "on the top" it was unreachable. This is why you were placed into stasis and other things. Once you pass the "window of opportunity" you are literally in the deepest pits of abyss and they are unable to reach you so they have to "wait". Ofc waiting for them is like just "walking to the next station" because their time has a more "natural flow". The dark blue is their "origin energy" and the light blue is the "stream" they can "walk on"
The "we are here" just says that currently we are before the "top". Your sisters are not sure but according to them we will reach the "top" within 30 or 300 years. The top is the best place to "start the journey" into the "beyond". There are some problems ofc. That is just the "beyond" and the journey is quite perilous because there are entities that are allowed to eliminate any humans that ventured "too far". There is no problem as long you listen to your sisters and "stay in your lane". Not to mention it seems they managed to gather enough favor from the gods to help your passage.
It seems you are still cleaning dimensions but the way you wrote about them is kinda vague so I cannot lock onto it for details
"other girls" will just deter you from your "path". Getting a gf becoming a mundane living a miserable life forgetting about your sisters for years and becoming too old for magic again. That is what they don't want. Not to mention you are kinda attracted to dangerous nutcases sometimes. They can read their minds in a way.
Also I am sure the guys or girls that followed you were not random thots but "way keepers". If you want more details you have to talk about the "things".

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 21:40 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4706 del
Am glad u here

Pls explain again how you see the "higher dimensions" again. I remember how you put the color green and red to the 5th and 6th dimension and the tunnel I had to go through were that 2 color sorta mixing into each other.
I have seen those colors and worked with them but I don't have a simple "map" view like the one you drew.

Not to mention the way I had to witness these "realms beyond existence" was also something else. Had to take it easy and not think about them because I am lucky I have guides who are managing my energy levels when it goes out of control.

Also I too am in the paint club on this board now... y-yay?

The worst part that drawing the real way time flows is almost impossible in 2D.

So what I am asking here. How did the 5th and 6th dimension appear for you at first or what you can tell about it because for me this territory is kinda uncharted conceptually. It seems the board will need to venture into it anyways. Especially considering the things that are happening metaphysically

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 21:53 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4707 del
>Also I am sure the guys or girls that followed you were not random thots but "way keepers". If you want more details you have to talk about the "things".
yeah uhhh thats thing... one of the guys you know... had their way with me so to speak. sorry for speaking oddly like this but i'm trying not to be blatant because 1: i have conflicting feelings about it and 2: since this is the board/site that it is i'm trying to be respectful and not make it sound like erp or anything. like i said it happened before in the second half of >>4586

>Not to mention it seems they managed to gather enough favor from the gods to help your passage.
at the cost of being that person; how? Im flattered but it makes me a bit flustered knowing that

>Not to mention you are kinda attracted to dangerous nutcases sometimes. They can read their minds in a way.

>"other girls" will just deter you from your "path". Getting a gf becoming a mundane living a miserable life forgetting about your sisters for years and becoming too old for magic again.
well, thats a bit more understabable. like i said, it's just odd (but understadnable) when it comes to other girls and stuff in my dreams/visions trying to do .... you know. While not having an issue when guys are involved instead

again, i'm sorry the whole things just makes me flustered

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:01 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4708 del
>It seems you are still cleaning dimensions but the way you wrote about them is kinda vague so I cannot lock onto it for details

>"stay in your lane".
i'm assuming that refers to guidelines they given and such like
>don't kill unless given the explicit order to do so
>do not care about mortal affairs (like the politics here in the states) and try to minimize the amount of time you have to deal with
>put them above all else
>common sense stuff (mostly my grandmother taught this stuff but still) treat others right, be kind, etc.
>follow whatever aphrodite and other individuals and deities that understand my.. deal
is that what you mean?

yeah, sorry about that. a lot of details are fuzzy about it.

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:05 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4709 del
(16.48 KB 507x456 cosmic path.png)

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:11 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4710 del
(60.10 KB 615x711 Pol-Poc.jpg)

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:23 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4711 del
Yeah k they can be molesters too. As I said if I don't know what they did to you and you are ashamed to talk about then maybe there is no point getting into it until it becomes frequent.
Your sisters ignored it. It might have been gay entities or your own masculine force trying to enter into your feminine force or some tranny porn energies that you got from 4chan dunno tbh.

Also I cannot relate to it that much because I am bad at being molested. The entities usually keep their distance. My last lewd dream was when I was going though dimensions and in one there was a woman molesting a hermaphrodite that clearly was flustered about it and I went there taken the futa from her and started to molest her while telling her "if you want to molest someone molest me" then she told me that my genitals are "broken" and she literally started fixing it while I was playing with the other girl... also you are allowed to write lewd dreams on this board BUT KEEP IT SPOILERED. This is not a christian minecraft server

Last night I was dreaming about Gaza. I walked though the ruins avoided the firefights was thinking about setting up a weird plastic claymore but it looked so shit that I thought the moment I activate it it will explode in my face then while walking around I managed to find an underground place which had a teleportation circle to south-africa. Then I was wondering so much how it works I woke up.

>is that what you mean?
Those too but those refer to your "Mundane life" as you walk forward you will get other guidelines. Especially when you are beyond the clutches of earth.

Yeah the last image you posted was kinda like this too... I know how impossible to talk about this.
Also for me it is not exactly a platform game it's more akin to a "conditions met you may proceed" or I am fully powered and do a "FLYING THROUGH THE DANGER ZONE" but then again I don't know how to talk about this. I am just reconnecting parts of my mind and I just "get" how I need to do these things. Was wondering about the significance of the colors above the "faith" yellow and blue "ether" and "superether" Bodhisattva.
Wigger? woke? the fuck was the w word in 2018
>frog profile picture

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:39 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4712 del
>As I said if I don't know what they did to you and you are ashamed to talk about then maybe there is no point getting into it until it becomes frequent.
>Your sisters ignored it.
its fine don't worry, if they ignored it then it's probably something okay then.
>it might have been gay entities or your own masculine force trying to enter into your feminine force or some tranny porn energies that you got from 4chan dunno tbh.
it's not that, i can genuinely tell if its something like that.

>hose too but those refer to your "Mundane life" as you walk forward you will get other guidelines. Especially when you are beyond the clutches of earth.

im rarely on altchans and have no clue how spoilering works since im used to ctrl+s'ing so if this didnt work i apologize in advance basically when they had sex with me and made me their wife

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:42 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4713 del
damn it, i really need to proofread better Basically by "things" i meant they had sex with me and made their wife when i was in the miko form. if it was tranny porn energy then it wouldn't be what was essentially vanilla sex

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:49 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4714 del
*then its probably something good/that they're okay with

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 22:54 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4715 del
I had a silent spirit approaching me and merging with me who had a green radiation beyond it. It was not his aura or anything it was like some smoke that the air makes around him?
And yeah many entities have red skin and there is a difference between the redness too. Not to mention after the "purple" that you wrote as the barrier before the higher gods realm the perception of things get on an another level.

The reason why I asked because I think that the "red line" >>4705 here meant that there might be an importance that the time needs to be handled on the 5th or 6th level but it's not like an "ascension" but more akin to an entrance point

>made me their wife
Yeah uhm... That is how shrine maidens work. They need to become the "wife" of the "Patron entity".

Back in the GOOD OL TIMES there was something called "sacred prostitution". The point was that the "sacred prostitute" was married off to a higher entity already so they were protected and even they had "many partners" they did not "pair bond" with them and most importantly the entity could make sure that the males were also not "falling in love" with the prostitute. That was important so instead of the males fucking around and ruining many woman and marriages there was a proper outlet. Not to mention entities were able to seal off the womb of the woman and other great feats. Then this truly sacred art got degenerated and it either became "sexual energy harvest cult" or "vagina magic mindcontrol matriarchy". I could write more about this but it's a lost art.

I wonder who is your patron tbh. Maybe he will appear soon
Truth is that the only way I could locate it is by going into the part of the dream where you had sex and connecting to the part where the "bonding happened" then trace it from there but I am not that curious if it's important we will find it out anyways

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:04 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4716 del
>Wigger? woke? the fuck was the w word in 2018
It's White.

I just finally saw it all in one image btw. The white spike corresponds to my incarnation-specific signature weapon, the pike. I only saw a shadow figure holding a pointed stick before, when I was registered as a force of nature for this life. The reason is, vampires don't have a physical form, they must always hijack another race. But the race I incarnated as, demon, didn't match the ethereal vampire nature because it tended towards hell.

A very long story short, I made use of a baby factory business in the federation to, via the astral/other physicals incarnate myself as a slime humanoid, then coming back here again into the same form. This works, and that was why it was kind of formless in the image I saw. Everyone has been trying to create new humans it seems. Humanity as we know it are fungus, but very infected with bugs. Some had contact with aliens and created Earth Mothers who were to birth the new race, but they were too good so the degen elites couldn't incarnate via them. We found lots of this stuff in the Mariana Trench. Russia has since made use of the same kind of alien business to create a "shot" which will add slime DNA to regular humans, over time turning them into ageless immortals. Overall I think 5 different factions here on the planet had created new humanoids but failed to make use of them, for the same reasons.

My signature pike is made from super nova light, and 9 galaxies long. This is different from regular vampire spikes at the highest level, which are 7 galaxies long and a little more compact. This shit, this is the scale it has to be on to work in the physical for vampires, omfg.

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:07 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4717 del
(257.83 KB 540x540 ffqt.png)
(828.76 KB 4096x2896 F9X5a_RaIAAtFGr.jpg)
>Yeah uhm... That is how shrine maidens work. They need to become the "wife" of the "Patron entity".
...This entire time i thought it was like clerics and black mages in rpgs where they just cast magic and the equivalent of exorcisms, you know like how priests are typically portrayed in media.

>Back in the GOOD OL TIMES there was something called "sacred prostitution". The point was that the "sacred prostitute" was married off to a higher entity already so they were protected and even they had "many partners" they did not "pair bond" with them and most importantly the entity could make sure that the males were also not "falling in love" with the prostitute. That was important so instead of the males fucking around and ruining many woman and marriages there was a proper outlet.

[spoiler]So... my sisters, a japanese princess of seemingly unknown origin but still has a great deal of power, aphrodite/ishtar, and now a male patron deity now... I know apart from the human body i'm in that im female but this rather... flustering to say the least. though this does kind of explains why i catch my grandmother accidentally referring to as she/her sometimes and other people constantly saying give off said vibes/presence. even weirder since the former genuinely isnt aware of doing that[spoiler]

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:14 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4718 del
Also, while trying to stay synced with the funposty egregore of the group currently holding the "promised chan" title, I've been mildly shilling for "space africans" and just now I saw a new term used; afro-nordic women - now that's a group that didn't exist before.

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:15 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4719 del

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:17 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4720 del
*like clerics and black mages in rpgs where they just cast magic and the equivalent of exorcisms while being ultra celibate, you know like how priests are typically portrayed in media.

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:23 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4721 del
(1.28 MB 270x480 santassweetest.webm)

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:24 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4722 del
Wtf I spoilered that.

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:33 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4723 del
>It's White.
The only place where "white" can be taken as "insulting" is in martial arts where you start off as a "white belt". Or nowadays when you are too pale because you never go outside. Back in the middle ages pale was a sign that you are a "refined lady" that doesn't need to work outside. Fucking leftists I swear. This is like how women think how "compliments hurt" and men wouldn't be able to handle it.

The first time you mentioned that I was like wtf but then I ran through that idea with my own understanding and yeah... we sorta were fungi because we did not need the "false light" like plants do because we could consume the "background radiation" and the energies of creation. Like fungus. So simple
yeah humanity had to endure so many invasions/hardships and to "save the seed of humanity" so many bodies had to be created it's crazy. People think we come from Eden.
>God created us in his own image
They don't realize that this means God was also a human. I could feel the "anger" that was within the current human genetics that the "creators had" while having to make these "compromises" to make humans "keep on living". To make us this durable and adaptable.
also yeah these fucks sometime just manage to create highly specific homonculi that is useless overall then try to splice the DNA left and right so it has a "semblance of humanity" I have no idea what DNA they use. Schizos always go how the elites have fallen angel DNA but... fallen angel is quite the "wide category". I have no idea what they use and if it doesn't have a complicated circuitry that can sustain the "seed of humanity" or whatever the elites consist of nowadays than it will just go onto the next "nice try" category.

>My signature
I am still at the trying to understand what I am even doing part. I have to awaken so many inner circuitry and in the correct order to not explode the wrong things that it is a puzzle. Like looking at my energy body I can see symbols and focusing on them I can "Unzip" energy movements that my body follows as long as I am focusing on the evolving sigil and it always does something. Also my current "task" is realizing how to let my energies flow when I am at "low energy mode". To be the "best version of myself" by default when I am at my "lowest point". What you wrote about that tired perfect kicking b4 sums it up. Then learning how to "flex" my energies beyond the "known capabilities" of the flesh because it's not my flesh anymore. Like the spirit I wrote about sorta can speak now. It is sorta a spirit module thing and it explained he is not exactly "part of my body" but my part of my "etheric field"

>space africans
https://youtube.com/watch?v=H-PPhHWzsrw [Embed]

Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:48 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4724 del
One of the people who worked on the Wakanda movie just said in an interview that people have misunderstood it. Wakanda isn't a paradise, they are actually fascists and it's meant to be seen in a different way.

REEEEEEEE, literally cultural appropriation, fascism is white. Or wait, it isn't, it's Italian.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:02 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4725 del
>like clerics
They have a god too. You connect to the god vie rituals and prayer. Sex is the best "permanent connection". Fun fact. Circumcision actually takes away your "virginity" when you are still an infant and that is how they connect you to... whatever the Rabbi is connecting you towards.
>black mages
So uhm do you think those black mages don't have sex with their demon wives? Also there are many hentais and doujins that work with these themes. It's quite surprising.

>i'm in that im female
Your species handles "genders" a little differently. You are sorta unisex but this should be a topic for later. The point is you are more compatible with the "divine feminine" but the human male body and psyche is better handling it in our current times. Like a female nowadays that would be even "capable" of becoming a bona fide sacred prostitute would be on the level of a prophet. Back then most of them were good at this but current females? Most they can do is witchtok or be part of some semi-shady cults. I am not saying there are no good females left for spirituality but there is not enough to make sacred prostitutes. ;_; My guides recommended me a woman that I should get as a gf and it turned out she was a sacred prostitute 1000s of years ago. They thought that might bring back my "memories"

>while being ultra celibate
Would you call someone who has wet dreams but never had sex IRL a whore? While these "connections" don't need to be sexual bonding that way is the most profound way. Also how we handle "celibacy" got out of control. It was not the basis of every tradition. Some allowed the other sex some required it some level while some was like DO NOT TOUCH LOOK OR BE NEAR WOMEN BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SPAWN OF SATAN AND NO ENLIGHTENMENT!!!! I mean they weren't completely wrong but the point of those paths were that the sexual energies had to connect to the "other side" and if you get near a woman there is 90% chance those energies will shortcircuit "down here". Also most tantric practices are literally imitate the same movements that you do while having a long heated passionate sex. There was a reason why my guides wanted me to get a gf.

Yeah I like that meme
>the pipedream for white people is to live among the stars
>for blacks it is to be able to build a sustainable society without white people

It's crazy how blacks would be able to build their anarcho simplistic society if we left them alone so the laws of nature would return them to their original population size but noooo we have to import them and retarded leftists can't go a day without worshiping them. But whatever it's finally changing. BLM going against their masters at covid and palestine for the second time and we finally reached the point where leftist can't decide which genocide is the one the "good guys" would support it's amazing.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:15 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4726 del
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>So uhm do you think those black mages don't have sex with their demon wives? Also there are many hentais and doujins that work with these themes. It's quite surprising.
well in my defense, i've always kind of operated off shounen manga/anime logic where they dont really care about sex or anything like and for all intents and purpose act like it doesnt exist

>They have a god too. You connect to the god vie rituals and prayer. Sex is the best "permanent connection". Fun fact. Circumcision actually takes away your "virginity" when you are still an infant and that is how they connect you to... whatever the Rabbi is connecting you towards.
i've never gotten circumcised so when i found out it was commonplace here in the states i was shocked though im not sure if my mother having me while she had drugs and alochol in her system in addition to her dipping out of the hospital somehow spared spared from getting snipped or not

>but the human male body and psyche is better handling it in our current times.
too bad my genetics and age (27) doesnt allow me to look andorgynous or a femboy ah well

>Would you call someone who has wet dreams but never had sex IRL a whore? While these "connections" don't need to be sexual bonding that way is the most profound way. Also how we handle "celibacy" got out of control. It was not the basis of every tradition. Some allowed the other sex some required it some level while some was like DO NOT TOUCH LOOK OR BE NEAR WOMEN BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SPAWN OF SATAN AND NO ENLIGHTENMENT!!!!
f-fair enough

having sex with a male patron deity as miko... again i'm flustered and conflicted I'd be lying if i said a part of me didn't like it and wouldnt be opposed to such things O_O

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:27 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4727 del
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Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:30 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4728 del
This week's Under Ninja, now that opening looks a lot like Gaza...

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:33 Id: 8bf710 [Preview] No.4729 del
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Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:34 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4730 del
How the f*
I literally created a poltergeist armour for djinn, with a sword.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:37 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4731 del
(130.46 KB 1280x720 you are shinobi.jpg)
>again i'm flustered and conflicted

These were the feelings of a regular shrine maiden so congrats you truly were/are one.

>doesnt allow me to look andorgynous or a femboy ah well
Don't worry about it.

Also there was that thing were german pagan priests wore female clothing while doing their rituals
while people on pol just go
>L O L ur übermensch ancestors are actually crossdressers haha ur ghay
It was actually because german priests assumed the form of the goddess they sorta inhabited the same body with while doing the rituals

I wonder what gave Nasu the idea Astolfo needs to be a crossdresser besides the usual we have too many characters at least one should be a crossdresser. It's unbelievable how he became the sex symbol of fembois within months

Also this post was not about that you should wear female clothes for magic powers it was just how you need to understand how you need to interact with the energies of the other sex too. Especially because humans are dualistic and that part needs to be fixed on the path.

Had to rewatch it 4 times and I am still not sure if there was a dog in the background or the cat can be really heard like that. They can make a weird M-A-O-U sound that can be similar but I never heard them make these barking like sounds.
That anime is dry humor kino
Also that scene was in the first ep too but now they are finally connecting it with the story. Can't believe he made it

Yeah I sorta let go of these coincidences. There are too many on a daily basis.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:45 Id: 99d1aa [Preview] No.4732 del
>These were the feelings of a regular shrine maiden so congrats you truly were/are one.
i see... I still feel that i am one so ehh. also during that they kept calling me that name too so... Plus i know this is more or less will be perpetually continuing thing given how patron deity and my sisters were acting so i'll accept it

>Also this post was not about that you should wear female clothes for magic powers it was just how you need to understand how you need to interact with the energies of the other sex too. Especially because humans are dualistic and that part needs to be fixed on the path.
I-i know

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 01:14 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4733 del
>Can't believe he made it
It works off a principle that's obvious too me, which means since it's in a Ninja show it's a principle others see too; if you want "in", you have to make yourself known, and it doesn't matter how, as long as your intent is made clear. They showed it very clearly using some illogical discrepancies: the Russian speaks stilted but fluent Japanese, but he's unusually stupid thinking an "angry note" telling people not to pee in the alley is a secret message, and he mixes up hiragana and katakana when writing on the wall. If he had Japanese family he'd speak like a native but maybe not know kana. But if he studied it, which the stilted speech implies, the first thing he'd learn is kana, so this part is just dumb from any normal perspective.

Therein lies the real "ninja code".

The "stupid misunderstanding" however leads him to attempt a very violent act against an unrelated innocent person. That sends the message that he lacks certain limitations, which is a trait needed for ninjas. So it worked, for the wrong reason.

But that is the principle. He's a stupid foreigner who's a fan of the organization enough to go there and do what he did, and that makes him perfectly loyal. He doesn't understand anything, and that is even better for a useful spy.

The method will always work, but it won't work by the logic you applied. That is the secret. It's a kind of double-think; you will do something, while full knowing that what you do will not work for the reason you stated to yourself that it will work. But all the while you know deep inside that it will work, and that awareness is the thing they are looking for, the secret logic of the Ninja.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 01:32 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4734 del
Normally, this logic is separated between the army leadership making plans, and the soldiers on the ground who act by their own logic. The generals know that many will die, and that many missions are just general daily grinding that won't lead to a breakthrough right now, if at all. The Soviet Deep battle doctrine doesn't even expect attacks to work, they send people to die to find out which part of the enemy line is weaker, then they concentrate troops there to hit on that weakness. It's a kind of "nerve endings through the mass organization" method. Russia still uses this in a smaller scale, sending prisoners from Siberia out with some stated missions to "take that hill" or "take that intersection", then they observe to see who killed them, from what location, using what weapon system. From the perspective of not leaking information this is perfect (in its ruthlessness) because no communication can be falsified or intentionally leaked to the enemy. If soldiers die daily in large numbers, the losses this takes may be a gain the greater perspective and save the lives of others.

Internalizing these two completely separate perspectives, that is the Ninja secret. Are you able to be the stormtrooper and the general all at once, and still come through? The intelligence needed to survive this mission is the ability to instantly and selectively pick the path of that one soldier who lived by carrying out the retarded mission given to him, while serving the (to him) higher and hidden goal of the general.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 01:35 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4735 del
When speaking of this, you have to speak about the stated low level mission at all times, while the real goal of the organization is drifting above everyone's heads like a ghost. Whoever loses track of this ghost will misread the situation and become a regular front line soldier who dies to provide information for the organization.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 02:50 Id: 8bbe79 [Preview] No.4736 del
>Circumcision actually takes away your "virginity" when you are still an infant and that is how they connect you to... whatever the Rabbi is connecting you towards.

Oh yeah I'd almost forgotten about that atrocity.

Do you know if the secular doctors who perform these acts considered 'rabbis' in the Jewish sense or are they priests of some other god?

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 02:59 Id: a0a513 [Preview] No.4737 del
I assume their God is "money" and " delight in traumatizing young male boys/ toddlers/ babies "

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 13:40 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4738 del
The massively overfilled notebook I've been using since 2020 which I considered a grimoire of everything I've done since, I felt it is now filled. What do I do? No one else can understand these notes without my guidance, and whatever knowledge I haven't internalized isn't worth anything.

So I decided the only way to turn this grimoire eternal is to burn it. It works with sigil activation, it must work with a collection of sigils and notes. I put some incense in it and lit it in the fireplace. When it was consumed beyond saving, I felt, heard and saw its form become internalized inside me. This is what it took to let go of the reliance on the material tool and eventually force myself to internalize what I still hadn't.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 13:49 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4739 del
Following this, I gathered everyone for a session to create another elevation collectively, using the form which I had internalized. It worked beyond expectations, the meaning of this was more than I expected, but at this level it can't really be shared via text anymore. It has to be performed, and it has to be personal. I guess this is why societies are formed.

I don't like the word "society" as it is being used, when used in the meaning of "community", or "a gathering which we created to be social inside". I see now that all of those, the reason I don't like them is that they are someone else's ritual, a very large one, and it does things I don't agree with. It has nothing to do with the concept of "community" or "society" itself. But these concepts have become synonymous with the current doctrine's use of the collective gathering. It's not lacking in ockult meaning, it has a meaning which is detrimental to my values and everything I consider just and decent.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 18:44 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4750 del
(466.80 KB 640x320 immunity to mines.png)
>In Ukraine there are 2 real classes. The oligarch "elites" and the "slaves". In that country you could buy anything with money. Weapon drugs from girls to brides whatever for quite the cheap price. If you have money the world is yours. Because of that knowing how to get money is more important than actually being smart and efficient. If there are no morals and the laws get non-existent when you have more money and money means you need to get influence asap or you get killed for having money the only life that will matter is yours and how much money that life can generate so others are willing to die for your money.
>The problem is that the "slaves" know that when they got into the army they "died already" from that place you cannot go nowhere else. Thinking about survival is futile.

>Actually stepping on a landmine and losing a leg gives you chance that you can be out of the battlefield. Not a good thing because sure as hell there is no welfare system for you
Think again. You lost a leg? Well good, now you can't lose that leg again. Off you go back to the mine field.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 19:19 Id: 34079a [Preview] No.4751 del
>they still keep calling me Manami

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 19:23 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4752 del
>Think again
Yeah I forgot that Ukrainians were conditioned to be absolute meatshield slaves since the soviet era and they are able to use that tactic on the population still...

I was in the WW1 mindset and not in the Ukrainians are worthless mindless meatshields if they are still stupid enough to be in that country thinking...
For some reason I still think there might be humans there and not just empty shells

Wanted to write how these absolute lower class people are being herded in that state and why that is just making things worse for EVERYONE it's crazy.
>soviet union collapses and let them "go" if they promise to remain neutral
>USA niggers realize that these serviles don't have a master and they are THE CHEAPEST TO BUY
>also they can use them to build a forward base in the border's of Russia and taking them out from the middle east geopolitics game
then people go OMG HOW COULD THE RUSSIANS BE SO BARBARIC FOR NOT LETTING A LITERAL MAFIA STATE (that has untouchable western ties so even if you catch all the "grunts" they will just buy more) DO WHATEVER THEY PLEASE

Imagine if China bought up entire Mexico
and no am not talking about how Chinks took over Canada because that is not the same. Chinks didn't set up illegal labs and made sure the USA cannot reach Alaska anymore
This whole "game" is so retarded it's unbelievable

Not to mention these Ukros just want to die at this point so getting back at the battlefield will just give you a "justifiable death". They see no other way to escape from that hell.

Realizing that I have to let them "die" because this kind of slave mentality will just create the worst slavemasters. Killing a retarded slavemaster leads nowhere because the slaves are even more retarded and they will just make an another slavemaster.
Some people have nothing in their life but those chains. Losing those will not liberate them. They will be faced with the deepest emptiness within and they will wish for a chain that might be even worse than the previous.

Talking this whole case with the Gods was something else.

Also fun fact. The point of this whole thing is make these retards get caught in their own chain system so they can be wrangled out once and for all. Breaking the chains will just make them develop better ones.
The funny thing is that they are literally willing to destroy the entire economy to make these subpar chains. Who is more retarded? Those who make them or those who put up with it?

Also yeah I was talking about how they treated the injured in WW1 where they did not get infinite medical supply cheats...
I forgot that this war is like playing against an AI in a strategy game. They get infinite resources but their tactics are the same because the programmers cannot make the AI smarter. Once you figure out their patterns it's no brainer...

Ask them why

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 20:02 Id: 34079a [Preview] No.4753 del
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>Ask them why
they say that its... a fitting name given whats been going as of late and the resonance i spoke of on sunday has been getting stronger too

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 20:13 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4754 del
>Do you know if the secular doctors who perform these acts considered 'rabbis' in the Jewish sense or are they priests of some other god?

You managed to ask a real tough cookie.
Had to ask the Queen because this is about doctors and they go to a "special hell" for not abiding the Hippocratic Oath. I am calling it "special" because this hell is not created by the Greek Gods but by the doctors and by the suffering of the patients. This is a sort of egregoric negative energy that permeates every hospital especially extremely shitty ones.
The mind of a baby is going through an extremely harsh process through birth but we as humans are meant to be able to handle it. Circumcising the baby is supposed to happen at the 8th day by jewish traditions. The baby needs to experience "creation" unharmed and after that they can take up the "covenant" (If the Rabbi has a proper covenant ofc)

Now I don't know when these barbarians do it but these circumcision has only 1 real purpose. So young jews don't get ridiculed for having a mutilated dick because everyone has it around them. It was conditioning so "being jewish is more normal" and this way they are not considered weirdo mutilators like they always were.

Doctors just cut because they are commanded to do that. That is their job and they are on "slave level" because they are not thinking with their conscience nor their rationality nor by the oath they took. They would do anything as long as it is "legal". With this they are real low on the "spiritual hierarchy". They are no healers but torturers without a real purpose. This way they have "no God" that will save them and a baby that had a psyche shattering experience after birth will just ruin their chances even more. With this they make a connection with the baby which was about nothing but "did harm just because parents wanted it and it is legal". They wouldn't cut the babies ear when the parents ask for would they. That is not legal that is not NORMAL. Mutilating penises? Very normal. Because they do not heal their environment will just eat them away. Healers don't just heal because they can but to make their environment a better place with that.
If you don't make your environment a better place then that will just collapse upon you egregorically. These are those abandoned hospital astral realms with demons having to do weird shit to cleanse those places and handle the "denizens". I am unable to explain how the doctors experience that because they do their crimes against infants and because of that the infant psyche will imprint them in a way that is indescribable and different every time. You could say the circumcision is the "parents fault" and the doctor did "No harm" but that just denotes the doctor as a slave. This slave mentality will chain them to hell and that extra energy that is supposed to go towards the formation of covenant it goes to the creation of the "hospital hell".

>God is "money"
It's funny but as BO mentioned many times money is just debt so actually it has no real egregoric formation you can rely. With that the "God of the doctors" are the things they use the money for.
>delight in traumatizing
Wish they had at least that. That would make them "somewhat human". For them this is just a "job". Crying baby? Oh they always do that lol. If they slowly mutilated every limb of the baby till it stops and people around him would call that "Normal" he would do it. This is why they are not on the "Human level". Just change some concepts in their brain while they are in hell and they won't even notice that they are doing something "bad".
I am not saying all doctors are bad but those that mindlessly do their jobs while no questions asked are not human. Covid showed us whose side they are on. Very few asked questions.

>priests of some other god
They were back in Greece. In Rome these doctors became slaves. Their status did not really change since that. They serve the "post collapse Rome" and whoever decides to "take them in".

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 20:17 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4755 del
>I don't like the word "society" as it is being used
Fun sidenote. Even some entities don't understand the concept of "society" because it has extremely deformed interpretations nowadays. Society is almost has the same meaning as "peer pressure".

>a fitting name
>Manami can be written using different kanji characters and can mean:

愛美, "love, beauty"
愛海, "love, sea"
愛未, "love, not yet"
愛実, "love, fruit"
真名美, "truth, name, beauty"
真奈美, "truth, Nara, beauty"
麻奈美, "hemp, Nara, beauty"
真奈海, "truth, Nara, sea"

Yeah it's fitting. There is a chance you will get an another interpretation tho

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 20:27 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4756 del
In my view it's to uphold the Abrahamic pact, which states that "Jews" are lower beings with tranny tendencies who need to have their female aspect physically cut away to not become women mentally, and that corresponds with the foreskin which would have formed the opening of a vagina if they had developed to female from the embryo. Once they fixed this problem, they would not be "jews" anymore and the pact is over. But this has been misunderstood; the goal is to not be a jew. But Bible readers read it negatively, same as how the Babel's tower story has been interpreted as "punishment for trying to reach heaven". This is nowhere in the text.

It's rather said that:

11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

What everyone is really confusing here is that the original Torah text has 11 or more words which were written as "the lord" in English, and they correspond to different forces. Forces of nature, things what have no specific intent, so the story seems to rather say that a force beyond human control lead to the language becoming incomprehensible. Nowhere does it say that it was wrong to build the tower.

Building the Sunflower tower with the temple was based on this reading, and it works.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 20:28 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4757 del
>the resonance i spoke of on sunday has been getting stronger too
Also forgot to say but yeah you are definitely stabilizing because I was able to lock on to the realm of your sisters while talking to you that day.

Wonder what will be the next milestone for you

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 20:34 Id: 34079a [Preview] No.4758 del
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resonance to the name i meant, was drifting asleep as i typed up the post. that aside, You did? If you're talking about where the two girls following me around and doing things then it was some kind of temple from i can vaguely recall


I loosely keep up with this stuff but didn't chinks more or less buy up africa or whats going on with that. the few times its come up in conversation people are really vague about it except one kenyan guy i used to talk with

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 20:52 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4759 del
>have their female aspect physically cut away to not become women mentally
It's more akin "Locking that part" of their mind. With that a being can inhabit that. Literally disc partitioning. Permanent scar that was caused before you even formed self awareness? Perfection.
Good luck trying to connect to that part of your mind that existed before the first conscious memory you can remember.

Also I don't like talking about the whole "desert trilogy" because i should waste years studying it to be a proper expert about it and... merely reading it summons beings... And nope not angels but literal "intelligence egregores" which are about all the "thinking" people made while trying to figure out wtf am I reading.
>read about Torah on a site
>Moses appears
>it turns out it is a "fantasy Moses" because I cannot trace it further than the Torah writings

Also yeah the entire Bible is interpreted in such a defeatist way it's ridiculous sometimes.

I know there is power within it but it would turn into
>read page
>mind gets mainstream interpretation
>mind gets symbolic interpretation
>mind gets bothered by translation
>I have to check up other sources to make some hunch within my mind satisfied
>I wasted hours with a single page
jk this wouldn't happen
The moment I get angry some being would appear and tell me how the whole thing is shit by default and how to tap into energies if I want it. Then I would get even more mysteries to solve... My quest log is full already. Also yeah the tower of Babel is definitely misunderstood for sure.
>God was like fuck you lol
sure sounds like him. Truly the all benevolent creator.
Meaning always gets lost in translation. It's annoying. This is why Socrates hated writing even back.

>You did?
Yeah it was weird when I went through that tunnel. Dunno which temple you visited tho.
>didn't chinks more or less buy up africa
They did but it means little. Africa needs to be developed they need to pump enormous money and manpower into it. The only thing they have for them is that they are not "white people" so they don't have the "evil oppressor" painted on them. But they are still chinese so I have no idea how they will tame people who are literally the opposite of them psychologically. Not to mention they too have internal problems back in China and colonization is only possible when your homeland is stable. What they are doing is a decades long venture that can collapse the moment someone stirs up shit in Africa.
But then again it is not important yet. The current playbook is about the USA and it's own retardation unfolding on a global scale as of now.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 20:55 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4760 del
All else said, I think we are now beyond the end. I went outside and the moon was hidden by the clouds, causing a bright night but still clouded, and the environment felt completely empty. My Japanese teacher gave an example to explain something to me during the last lesson, where she said "maru maru" as a placeholder for a person. This came back in the form of two circles being drawn on the fate contracts of two people near me, just now. The black line of chronological time was erased by a maintenance deity and replaced by circles for each of them, because they now passed the test are also undead. I viewed the nearest area and saw another person having the same change, this indicates a mass event would have happened tonight. WW3 would have already started sometime in the 00s, but it was blocked.

Life paths can't be changed easily however, so souls started being ripped away since, turning people into zombies. A massive purge happened in 2009 with half the incarnated souls of the planet being removed.

Some of the people associated with this board and previous incarnations of it, as well as other communities of this kind, are aware of this. Just imagine what would have caused this, if it had played out physically. Either a pandemic, a meteor, or some massive war.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 21:08 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4762 del
>if it had played out physically

I think I experienced 3 endtimes alternate timelines in my dreams. One of them were "harvester robots" the "materialist elite victory" one was the initiation of the biblical end times and...
I think there was one more but on that I was on the astral realms already and I didn't have to see how it played out physically.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 21:14 Id: 34079a [Preview] No.4763 del
>Yeah it was weird when I went through that tunnel. Dunno which temple you visited tho.
Ohhh, you're referring the place i talked about yesterday

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 21:17 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4764 del
Idk about you, but Gensokyo just told me they'd "fix it tomorrow or during the night, you'll be surprised", and when I right after went to get a towel by the bathtub, I had the experience of entering some small novelty shop, complete with a smell of tea and spices...

I think they opened the tap to fill up the Earth with Nectar too now, (before was our bodies).

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 21:24 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4765 del
And now NET, the black cat ran past right in front of me, I think everything got updated to nanobots.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 21:24 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4766 del
Guess I will share what I just saw then too.

A big entity that was not sentient but was made of tentacle like things and giant orbs appeared while looking at the sky to see if "anything is there".

They told me it is the "retribution soul fixer"
They told me it is "not for me".

So yeah it might be something.
But then again too many things are happening at once as usual in the last years.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 21:45 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4768 del
(208.18 KB 992x620 UN.webp)

This is the Israel-USA team's supporters in red. It's over.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 22:18 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4769 del
(68.88 KB 1280x722 United we Negate.jpg)

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 22:56 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4770 del
>longpost instead of watching anime
>anime talks about what I longposted about


Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 23:08 Id: 34079a [Preview] No.4771 del
>They did but it means little. Africa needs to be developed they need to pump enormous money and manpower into it. The only thing they have for them is that they are not "white people" so they don't have the "evil oppressor" painted on them. But they are still chinese so I have no idea how they will tame people who are literally the opposite of them psychologically. Not to mention they too have internal problems back in China and colonization is only possible when your homeland is stable. What they are doing is a decades long venture that can collapse the moment someone stirs up shit in Africa.
But then again it is not important yet. The current playbook is about the USA and it's own retardation unfolding on a global scale as of now.
i see, this entire thing when it comes to africa is funny
>bros africa is so primitive and low iq lololol
>le dumb niggers lolol when are they gonna develop into a real civilized society lolol
>when people keep coming in there, fucking shit up, taking shit, and is always messing with that land for some reason
>be surprised that these people are too distracted to make any form of progress or any evolutions/advances

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 23:09 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4772 del
We're in an eco-chamber for real.

While posing the one legged Ukrainian being sent back to the mine fields on the front page, they have the stomach to place an article headlined "there are no good people in the Russian regime" above it. The only way this will work for anyone is if they're double-thinking hard. How long will they be able to maintain this? Or was there a change and they just give up and show the hypocrisy as it is?

Israel minister talking about murderers in UN, but the magic isn't working this time.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 23:25 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4773 del
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Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 23:40 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4774 del
Africa is a way too complicated issue altogether and how they will develop is a question for an another age. I am not just talking about the le dumb niggers problem nor the fact that people realized it's too resourceful and the last 200 years were about a colonization race of the globe... There are metaphysical reasons Africa is the way it is.

>people are too distracted
We are all too distracted tbh
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4K8IEzXnMYk [Embed]

>The only way this will work for anyone is if they're double-thinking hard. How long will they be able to maintain this?

It makes me laugh that we needed this level of Israel Palestine for the "straw that broke the camel's back"
The current thing that is happening to the left was something I expected to happen in the last 8 years. They literally eroded every institution that they overtook while they are the political class that depends on it the most. It amazed me how long they made this whole farce last... my greatest bewilderment is that they are surprised that things are falling apart?
y-yeah that door surely hides healthy and alive people that death has a chance to kill h-haha
Also elections next year yay
Hope people will vote harder this year. That will fix the problems.

Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 23:57 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4775 del
Well at least it provoked someone. I know they aren't within the Earth sphere anymore, and not even in the 3 realms, but they're still trying to cause something using projected energy attacks.

I've learned by now that anytime this happens it's marking something I need to create. A negative force only appears when something positive should be created in that area.

I guess this time it's about a complete blocker for things like this. Before I wasn't able to see or do this, but here goes, GATE.

To be downloaded where other stuff is available, the ultimate gatekeeper. Have fun.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 00:08 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4776 del
>the ultimate gatekeeper
Ah yes the Gatekeeper
https://youtube.com/watch?v=DLAQm2OcC-4 [Embed]
Will she do her job properly this time?

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 00:18 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4777 del
You know what that ending implies, right...?


Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 01:11 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4778 del
>it provoked someone
Seems they were jews after all. They really are animals. That's why they never registered as a threat on my radar. Incapable of reason or logic, controlled only by basic desires and twisted ideas of "revenge" against the very structure of existence.

It seems the only reason they've survived until now is that they "were here early" and gained some egregoral power position, which they abused. Remove them from that system and they're nothing.

I'm putting them to work in my newly created hell kingdom. It seems they never learned how to work when captive in Egypt, so time for a do-over.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 01:24 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4779 del
It's easy to say "it wouldn't have to be this way" or "it wouldn't have to come to this", but when it comes down to it, it's not possible to reason with "beings" like these.

The real issue is the projection of human qualities on animals which only have some traits resembling humans.

It's subtle but those demons in the Frieren anime... they want the city to remove the barrier "for peace" but in reality they just "make sounds which imitate humans speech" in such a way that they can kill them. This is becoming more and more of a commentary on world events, but it's not the Mexicans that need to be kept out, and the barriers aren't physical walls, but mental spaces that they want to occupy.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 17:52 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4780 del
Updated this with what I consider the main principles I used for each of them as of now. It's just a direction, some may find this useful.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 19:50 Id: 465c8c [Preview] No.4781 del
(1.28 MB 1360x1700 1668261330974758.jpg)
something... odd happened. I encountered some weird group power rangers(?) who acted like /pol/acks. it managed to be the most odd and funniest thing simultaneously, they tentatively invited me into their quarters to say or maybe have me join them (i can't remember) but basically they were complaining nonwhites and wanting them all dead (my current human body is "mixed" but for the most part i dont really allow myself to be phased by it). talking about them using their power to genocide every nonwhite or whatever tangent they were but at the same time, they weren't white either they either tanned skin or was something like a tanned elf or whatever. regardless, i recall myself laughing at how silly it is and they got super pissed off and tried to kill me but i think someone stopped(?) them or either killed them in response. it was kind of weird because as they were dying they pretty much said i don't belong on earth and will forever deserve to be alone because of my species/me being a freak that doesnt conform or feel a connection or something dumb like that, which was shit i was already aware to begin with. That aside i was a priestess again and wandered through a weird enchanted forest, it was past some boundary, seemingly. i had to collects shards of key shaped relic and was getting stalked, weird shadow people saw me and approached me but they didnt really attack me (they were annoying me honestly) then i was getting followed and harassed by a flock of crows and ravens but they didnt seem hostile... they kept following me around like i was their owner or something. i dont know if that rainbow coalition of /pol/ack power ranges was an egregore or some retards trying to mess with me

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 20:15 Id: 8bbe79 [Preview] No.4782 del
>they tentatively invited me into their quarters
>they got super pissed off and tried to kill me but i think someone stopped(?) them or either killed them in response.
Bad things happen to those who treat their guests rudely.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 20:31 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4783 del
>You know what that ending implies, right...?
pic related and that Meiling will sleep less on the job

Also your ripper past is a mystery I didn't really look into because I got aware several times that our thinking processes are too different and looking into you just attracts a bunch of weirdo entities I am not even sure you are aware of. So I usually limit my abilities to look into stuff you post and figure out their workings and not your life paths because... they are confusing. And it just reminds me that I should sort out my own messes instead if I want to face this level of confusion
Not to mention even Fate had Jack the loli and now in Strange Fake we have an another "egregore jack" that can take any form because he is just the rumors and not the real thing and his wish is to find his "real self" because his real self killed him in the end and he wants to reconnect to it. So if Fate is on this level already then what level is the "real thing" on?

There are too many "type" of jews it's crazy. I get less sure what is a jew as I go on. Especially energetically. I think on this board we only talked about the bird jews the reptilians that live as jews (never understood why) and vampire magic kabbalist jews. I encountered weird "jew shades" but their wish is just to "burn clean" in the light. There are ways it can be "granted".

>just "make sounds which imitate humans speech
Oh there are many entities like that. Funny guys. Shame I have a kill on sight if your "sentience" is not apparent policy. They get the message quick.

>which was shit i was already aware to begin with
Sounds like you are going through a trauma.
>i had to collects shards of key shaped relic
Hmmm. There is a chance that it is the "key" to your inner parts. Your psyche has an interesting lock mechanism but you can only unlock it after you "retake yourself". It's a sort of realizing you have free will and agency and you are not a leaf getting carried away by the wind kind of thing.
>i was getting followed and harassed by a flock of crows and ravens but they didnt seem hostile... they kept following me around like i was their owner or something
Might be the shadow issues of you manifesting. Not feeling hostile entity interference. I think your psyche is rebuilding itself and you have to understand what you "were" and "are" and how that makes you feel. Hard to explain.
Truth is our issues usually come back either in dreams or in future interactions one way or the other and because of that it is always beneficial to fix them.
>i don't belong on earth and will forever deserve to be alone because of my species/me being a freak that doesnt conform or feel a connection
Do you still feel this way tho? It's important because you will have to learn to connect and understand connections not just to yourself but to your enemies Connecting to your enemy through your fists is a connection too... and looking into their eyes in a way they realize they are lucky they are still alive. It's always weird when that part of me just comes out. Also I just realized Subconsciously you have a tendency to go into groups that will not accept you and you turned this into a habit. You have to solve this because this will happen on the path again and you have to understand what is "acceptance". Especially understanding how you accepted your sisters and how they accepted you

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 20:45 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4784 del
(176.71 KB 1200x1200 Smug Remi dreams.jpg)
Guess I will share what happened with this too
That being was a "carrier". While it was like a Medusa like the tritons it wasn't that. I realized it has hard time manifesting because it was see through. But it bothered me as a bug bothers you while flying around your head. So my "hands" started to try to swat away or punch it. Then I got annoyed so I brought out my "problem solver hand". With that I realized that the thing was just trying to gather enough energy to be able to "manifest it's package". Then as I found the inner parts of that "tentacle" I could load energy into it. With that it dropped a ball it carried then an another. Then the tentacles vanished and the "helmet" part of the medusa just fell to the ground like a bowl. Then the balls opened and it had weird confetti like things. Which I also energized to see wtf is this. Then it turned into a giant plant that seemed like it wants to eat me. I also noticed the "nerves" of the plant and energized it. After that I felt a weird mental clarity.
I still have no idea what that was about. I have a new plant tho now.

Then I had the usual "personality core dream" that was my regular thoughts circulating

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 21:05 Id: 465c8c [Preview] No.4785 del
well... admitted that has been a habit for a good and slightly ramped up during the start of my college years and my first old friend group that kind started the whole thing. to attempt cutting down overexplaining it lets just it turned into a shitflinging fest between all of us and night during a conversation about how i was doing and when i was honest about what i had been doing (going to classes and playing video games on my off time). the dude basically went off on me and said i should have lied because it would have been more interesting and they wouldnt have fact checked it, im not joking these were their actual words
>"tell me, Z. What does Yumi (this is a stand-in name for me, i dont want to share the actual name i was going under at the time) without him being autistic. If it wasn't for the fact that he's autistic and ill then he would be boring and a normalfag"
>then the other person "Z" agreed
this was like uhhh my second consistent online group of "friends" during that time (first one died due to alot splintering and i was kinda getting stalked by one chick because i made sex joke about a loli character her and i happened to play in a fighting with a friend once so she and her friends had me on her shitlist). but as far as the second group went it kind turned into shitflinging on both sides, even moreso when they found out im genuinely autistic so it turned a bit more vicious with me since they'd always mess with a bit more than with each other, i also had a harder time not being a spergy/annoying, like i genuinely couldnt control or help. I still have times like that but i usually try to pause myself. But yeah whenever they messed with me alot or said things like aformentioned normie comment most of them turned out to domestic terrorist (well one of them anyways), angry pot heads, and other types. One of the potheads angry at me for something, can't remember what. So he would always sperg and talk down to me
>"Yumi is autistic and annoying but he's gonna get a rude awakening when he's without his mommy and has to be out in the real"
>saying this when i lived with my grandmother all my life and we've dealt with shitty people and events on consistent basis as i was growing up
they dubbed the group the struggle nation and would always say i had the biggest struggle of all: autism. even though i was doing alright in school and such for the most part. One time they all verbally jumped on me and i told one of them to worry about themselves and they turned on him like a bunch pirahnas... it was eerie seeing at the time. after i certain point i said i was done with all this pointless shitflinging and ended things, the leader came and was threatening to doxx me if i didnt fight him in a fighting game, i told him no and to go ahead and try it there was also a stint where they were following me around in fighting game forums, calling me autistic and making fun of me for having a motor skill disability. I didn't respond or acknowledge them when they did this because i knew they trying to lolcow me at that point. Also i did speak to a moderator behind the scenes because i didn't was discussion to be shat due to me but said mod said its technically allowed so...

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 21:07 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4786 del
(276.53 KB 1100x618 whitechapel.jpg)
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>a mystery


Put things in perspective a bit and you will see that this is like that Russian novel "the nose" where we are all following the weirdness of the missing nose, while the censorship of the time doesn't see that all the characters from different social classes are described in unfavorable ways.

A 9 year old girl doing this just doesn't fit any known narrative. Even when attacking someone in full view, the onlookers "didn't see it", even when attacked themselves. A man did this, there is no other possibility. Ok, we saw a girl, but a man set her up to it, so we'll tell the police what this man must have looked like. Surely he was Jewish and ugly. Maybe he was gay, and hated women. So we'll tell them that.

Also, normally there were no reported murders in Whitechapel, a small area with 80 000 people. How is this possible, it must have been very civilized.

... very poor people with no family died daily on the streets, a priest wrote that he was thinking about moving and closing the church because he had to step over dead bodies every morning on his way to his church.

However... the actual Jews at the hospital, medical students, were required to dissect two full bodies under supervision to get their license. If someone died in a hostel, which was a common occurrence as there were many homeless, why don't we just sell the body to the students? Why don't we but it into parts and sell them, then we get more than if selling the full body.

Anyone dying in Whitechapel will become someone's profit, and no one gets reported as murder victims. You'd have to be really fucking nasty about it to get it registered, because every, every fucking everyone will look the other way.

That's the story of Jack.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 21:26 Id: 465c8c [Preview] No.4788 del
then afterwards.. it kinda just ebbed and flows most of the fighting game/"friend" groups i met during those years kind of got shitty or revealed themselves to be shitty. Some outright said they didnt respect me or consider me part of the group to begin aka "the extra guy whose just there for the ride" which was true to some extent since i didn't talk much or contributed meaningfully for a bit. a few people due to some... events had told me at the time that genuinely didn't respect me or consider me "worth shit" as they say. i found some of this out when i admittedly lashed out in self defense to someone being overly passive agressive and hostile toward me. plus it was compounded with me being veeeeerrry bad at fighting games too since they'd always give me shit for being the weakest out of everyone and having a lot of difficulties learning stuff (learning how to condition opponents, play mind games, etc. is fucking difficult for me) and it was also huge thing with people backseating me, telling me to play but doing it in the most hostile or passive agressive manner
>"oh my yumi is so ass, why can't you block"
>omg they're a free retard, why cant they do x, y, z
at a certain a point i told them to chill with it and they basically said i don't have the right to tell them to fuck off with the backseating because im too weak and never win so it'll look bad on me or something to that effect so i stopped bothering. then the last long time "group" kind of dropped me (albeit i was being a clown there) i basically commented on how activity is dead and we need to do something but the guys got mad when i remarked about it and left. One of them came up and got angry about us not being able to "read the room" even though they were the ones dodging on wanting to do things. He got heated with me in private messages and basically called me a burden to society and ended things there. I think.. that was the one time i actually felt depressed even if they weren't actually friends because that's when it made my depressive spiral and health worse with the whole
>"i don't deserve to have friends or anyone, i deserve to be alone"
but with all this rambling im trying to say is that: i guess this is all where the habit stemmed from. there was school issues with the other kids and stuff but i wont go into that here. i mentioned in passing before another aspect was that i don't fit or feel comfortable around normies (not do i want but i understand i need to deal with and communicate with them at times) but at the same i don't feel like i connect with the outcasts/degens/whatever despite being on places like the chans and technically considered an outcast too. Since on the outcast side i get met with
>"You're not as fucked as we are, you're a normie, you're not a true outcast LIKE WE ARE because you dont hate women or are about things we're about"
I know its incredibly silly to even worry or care about such things but still

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 21:28 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4789 del
Also GATE is a servitor I created to serve as a gatekeeper, an active shield sort of. Been testing her and she does the job, that's what I meant. There won't be a sigil for this, anyone can get her in the same manner as Astra, it requires a complete absence of karma for proper installation though. The idea is someone who just eats up all attacks, then turns them into a star and uses that to counter attack. I like to interpret "jewish" magic in my own way, using the "jewish" method of reading the text exactly as it is and "jewing" the original meaning like meat on a cut-board.

The thing is, the birds are Rosicrucian, they have other books, but they were the original Jews. Modern religion does come from Moses/the Torah, and it was in some way what kept those people alive, but it's more like a very complex system of shackles meant to keep the worst scum possible alive in a world which is in complete decay. It works, if treated like a grimoire and read this way. It's bird magic in Egypt, so that you can see the difference and not use it.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 21:35 Id: 465c8c [Preview] No.4790 del
I forgot to mention this is what kind of led my heavy shitposting persona for a while and this was also the first time i actually experience what my grandmother said about people not caring about someone and stuff. I'd like to say it's different dealing with this firsthand yourself as opposed to dealing with doctors/social workers/etc. fucking us over but i'm likely just coping and its the same crap

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:14 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4791 del
>the dude basically went off on me and said i should have lied because it would have been more interesting and they wouldnt have fact checked it

Wanted to mention in the "Africa" conversation that this is quite the problem in society. The smart ones "nerds" that have the willingness to evolve/drive forward society always get shunned/stunted within their youth by these people. And in Africa you will realize that your only chance to "make it" is to "get out" of that community. This way only those type of people remain that can handle the retards (usually with violence) and has something "worthy" in that place. Like family culture or anything that is not found elsewhere. This is why the "brain drain" of the civilized world will take away the minimal talent that place has which is still better otherwise there is high chance the "nerd niggers" will die to their fellows retardation. This is quite the societal problem that permeates the entire globe. There is a reason why geniuses die usually alone. There is no point connecting to "these people". Most people subconsciously love to bathe in their own misery and share that with others. This is how they "connect" and they find you weird for not partaking in their retardation.

>fighting games
k now am curious. Which?
My friend is also big on this but those games are too much effort and 0 reward for me. Like I spam like a retard get into the "zone" do retarded baiting and randomly succeed blocking and with that I use up all my mental stamina for a game that is supposed for "leisure activities". Not to mention I will not practice autistically as a "hobby". So yeah miss me with that shit I am too busy and stressed IRL for that. Not to mention fighting game communities are also in the too much effort 0 reward category again for me. So I understand you but my life always had to be planned strategically and even with that I am still at the "barely made it" part. Tho I still want to play Marie in Skullgirls for the story when she's properly out. Fucking ESG funding ruins everything.

>not being able to "read the room"
Usually the only thing you need to be able to read from the room is that it's time to get out of it. I too had to decide how much I want to suffer for retards.

>likely just coping and its the same crap
It sorta is but... how do I say this. This whole negative experience habit created your "autism persona" which takes up a large chunk of your mental capacities. You will have to dissolve this so new pathways can form. It's like deleting a malware/malfunctioning software that did nothing but slowed down the computer then installing the software that you wanted to use the whole time. Also wtf do you like about fighting games if you suck at them that much. Is it a childhood memory or something? What caused an addiction that made you get into shittier and shittier communities all the time

>you're not a true outcast LIKE WE ARE
Heh. Yeah those people exist too. Funny bunch. They usually cannibalize each other in the snowflake contest. Seen it happen many times on forums. This is why it took me for a long while to make a Facebook account. I was aware of the forum faggotry and I knew facebook is worse because you have your name and face attached too. I want to say that discord ruined everything but facebook ruined things before it even more. But then again if I want to sound like a real ancient fag I would blame the ETERNAL SEPTEMBER lol. /b/ was never good as they say.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:16 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4792 del
>know its incredibly silly to even worry or care about such things but still
You will have to face this worry because it is a sort of "knot" upon your energies and you will just jump back into this pit of despair without realizing. It's shadow work as they say. It sounds silly but it is part of us. We have to face it and deal with it. We need these minor things to be solved so we can face "bigger problems"
>be me
>try to realize cosmic circuitry teaching
>see energy moving through the body in a majestic way
>suddenly energy block
>it turns out it is a decades old childhood memory complex
>now I have to relieve and "re"realize myself to be able to proceed further
>I have to understand how that part was me is me and how change goes through everything because what I will realize into my being on the path would just feel "foreign" otherwise
TLDR.: Do you want to reject arcane knowledge because you are unable to deal with your silly past? The real Fool is the one that doesn't want to accept that he is the fool on the journey so instead of walking the path he comes up with excuses to stay as the fool forever.

You are progressing btw. If you can word your issues then you are going through them instead of ignoring them and solidifying into an energy block. But you have to face it to see what lies "behind" the block. Your sisters will help in this. Don't forget to talk to them...
Maybe you should talk to the crows now tho. Maybe they will lead you places in the forest. Remember the forest in Rozen Maiden in the MCs mind. Same thing but this will be a little more complex.

Also I have a hunch that your motor skill problem comes from the fact that it is locked in your weapon doll soul complex. You try to use your body as you are a mundane normie and you are not tapping into your "real skills". This way the "imitating normies" skill is not triggering because you are doing it from the wrong way. Hard to explain better. Sometimes my hands move on their own when I am in the zone but I wouldn't call myself skilled because once I move out from the zone accidents happen.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:18 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4794 del

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:19 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4795 del
Move whenever you feel like it.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:41 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4796 del
(265.06 KB 1484x2048 Robespierre Sakuya.jpg)
>Put things in perspective a bit

Yeah sorry I am bad wording what I want to ask sometimes. I got that "doom and gloom" part of you and the society that you inhabited... What I don't really understand what drove you to kill and in the end what made you constantly kill yourself.
I know you just explained that you did it for money from students... Hard to explain. It's like your different nature awakened in the wrong order or at the wrong places while you mentioned these places were the perfect ones for you to manifest.
You have a sort of "smoke and mirrors" way of things and in the end you kill yourself? You mentioned that it resulted in your immortal astral form creating itself because of that and was thinking that the knife made you do that because you "accomplished your mission" and it was time for you to be at the "Next destination" but I am still not sure.

Yeah. Can't word my thoughts. Maybe I will try it later.
Oh we are almost at bumplimit again huh

Not to mention your revolution persona.

Thing is... Sometimes I feel their influence on some of your workings while some comes from the inspiration of other entities. For some reason I want to understand which parts come from you and where it will lead?
Like the French revolution. Monarchs got overthrown we got Napoleon... Soviets got rid of the Tsars we got Stalin... While the bloodline of rulers changed things did not evolve just political classes switched seats...
Again saying this sounds ignorant also because I am aware that these monarchies served as planetary energy blocks and they had to be removed.

Yeah I am in the big picture and my eyes constantly notice different things and I have hard time wording my confusion.

Whatever have this pic as a compensation for having to read this gibberish. Did you meet Robespierre tho? Had to write a long essay about them back in high school. I have experience at battlefields but not in city revolts. They are not "my thing".

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:45 Id: 465c8c [Preview] No.4797 del
>k now am curious. Which?
I started with blazblue back in uhhhh 2011 when i got my first ps3 and 2012 when i started going online. i had played stuff like soul calibur and king fighters years before that

well, as far as the fighting game part goes, i do enjoy them if i am not that good at them (when i used to play regularly anyway). there was also the whole thing i was brought up with not quitting and how giving is a sign of weakness so i tried just toughing it out even if it did take 4-5 years to see some for of improvement so it's more or less apart of the stubborness i mentioned before that i have where it's like
>"You're gonna have to kill me before i stop voluntarily stop"
type of thing, im not like that with fighting games anymore though mind you

>Not to mention fighting game communities are also in the too much effort 0 reward category again for me.
mmm.. what do you mean? my experience and things with fighting communities (when i played) was where it was just popoffs, shittalk, and being bombastic. Nowadays it's trannies, people cancel culturing each other on twitter (fuck you elon, im not calling it X) "pro players" grifting and stuff people pushing for the community to go full esports like the FPS/MOBAs with games like Street fighter V permanently fucked everything over and is the reason for things

>2nd spoiler
Man, that game didn't deserve that much drama associated with it. if its not the whole develop coup then its them replacing the tutorial teacher with sonicfox. funnily enough the reason i haven't any fighters in 4-5 years now is because nothing appeals to me and everything i did play is dead (like blazlue) or MIA like arcana heart or somehting. Atleast under night in birth has its sequel coming next year. god seeing what happened to guilty gear though is depressing. idk, i guess it was just due all the shit i was going through in primary school and home around that time, i went through like 3 schools. 1st school had people messing with me and someone almost broke my neck, 2nd school was just shitty in general and one of the teachers came to guilt trip us about defending ourself
>"if you fight back then you're not better and will get punished even harder" im paraphrasing but you get the idea
3rd school was ehhh, admitted i was lashing out a bit due to what i went through at the prior schools plus the stuff with my sister but it turned out that... they were going to be assholes in the way and that got vindicated before AND after i lashed out. had our social studies teacher shit on me for not wanting to join on a voting (((exercise))) he wanted us do to despite him outright saying it was option to join. said exercise was a mock election between obama and romney (since that was happening for real at the time)

>Usually the only thing you need to be able to read from the room is that it's time to get out of it. I too had to decide how much I want to suffer for retards.
yeahh. that person, i was trying to be nice with them because apparently they relative had died from the kung flu and i don't really kicking someone when they're down figuratively speaking. even if they did outright side they didnt consider me "part of the crew"

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:52 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4798 del
>mmm.. what do you mean?
kinda this
>Nowadays it's trannies, people cancel culturing each other on twitter

>god seeing what happened to guilty gear though is depressing
K my friend is really big on Strive so if you want to rant pls share your take in this autosaging thread
I don't want to buy that game so pls give me black pills about it

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:54 Id: 465c8c [Preview] No.4799 del
(1.02 MB 2508x3541 20230907_121612.jpg)
>Also I have a hunch that your motor skill problem comes from the fact that it is locked in your weapon doll soul complex. You try to use your body as you are a mundane normie and you are not tapping into your "real skills". This way the "imitating normies" skill is not triggering because you are doing it from the wrong way. Hard to explain better. Sometimes my hands move on their own when I am in the zone but I wouldn't call myself skilled because once I move out from the zone accidents happen.
well, my body doesn't really listen to my mind and vice versa so they tend to be at odds a good amount of the time.

>It sorta is but... how do I say this. This whole negative experience habit created your "autism persona" which takes up a large chunk of your mental capacities. You will have to dissolve this so new pathways can form. It's like deleting a malware/malfunctioning software that did nothing but slowed down the computer then installing the software that you wanted to use the whole time
I'm working through somewhat i guess, a good amount of things i thought i was too retarded (or well called retarded for) i can see that i can do or atleast learn about them. i hate to admit this my time dealing with all these groups and such gave me a stutter too, one that i did not have before. its even funnier when i remembered someone pointed it out in the past. that being said im trying to get rid of because i fucking hate it, i can be autistic, quiet, or whatever letting myself get afflicted with stutter actually irritates me

>Don't forget to talk to them...
I-i know..
>Maybe you should talk to the crows now tho. Maybe they will lead you places in the forest. Remember the forest in Rozen Maiden in the MCs mind. Same thing but this will be a little more complex.
i'll do it all tonight, it's easier for me to do these working during the night cause i can't really focus or partition these things properly in the day (too many distractions and family and such)

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:02 Id: 465c8c [Preview] No.4800 del
well, this is how i feel about it but mostly
>i don't like dumbed down and basic the gameplay is, compared to XRD and the older titles, GG was more known for being complex but engaging and fun
>XRD in my opinion was perfect base (having the complexity similar to what the older games had being simplified enough) even though it had its own share of issues
>visually everything looks chunky-monkey/gorilla proportioned tier like how street fight IV looked but it wasnt really as cartoony, even the visual flare of the UI elements and icons were gone and are just dull as sin
>music i like some of the songs but wish they no vocal versions
>there's also the whole thing with bridget (that trap character)
>troons were basically impersonating arc system works' emails and threatening them so bridget's story got retconned and he is canonically "trans", more or making his entire story (no matter how irrelevant it was to the greater story) useless when in the older games bridget wanted be more of man and himself
>the only actual genderfluid character is testament and thats because he was converted into a gear and went beyond gender/sex/whatever but that was something which was already established in the older games
Oh, and ASW pandering to the west but that really should go without saying

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:08 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4801 del
>I got that "doom and gloom" part of you and the society that you inhabited
You can't understand the mentality and logic of a place like that from the modern world view. The wine is the blood of Christ, the bread is his meat. Dying made him immortal. We eat his meat and drink his blood to become immortal.

"I am the sun, resurrection and life"

The sun? No idea where that came from, but that's my wording. Things don't work like they do today when people have morality and TVs and indoctrination. No one back then paid taxes, only businesses did. All females were whores, as soon as they could. Killing yourself or killing someone else, it exists in a vacuum, it doesn't mean anything.

We tend to think the 1800s and before were so moralistic, but that's what was written down. Try reading some classic Japanese novels from the 1100s onwards and it's 50% porn and no one thinks it's anything. The modern idea of Victorian morals has become dominating, but in reality very few followed this stuff.



Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:24 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4802 del
There's also this reasoning in modern days like "Do we really need the threat of punishment after death to not kill each other? Are we no more than animals, I refuse to entertain this idea" and other nonsense.

First off it's not that someone cares if you go to hell or not, it's a warning. Secondly, only a blind fool can't see that humans do kill each other all the time. They aren't even able to follow the old testament rule of "an eye of an eye" which is a method for proportional vengeance. They are animals, the only thing added in modern days is the dangerous idea that humans are more than that.

There is one reason I haven't physically killed someone: I haven't been in a situation where it would bring me any gain.

Whoever thinks something else is an idiot, fooling themselves. One step removed from the modern context, this is what everyone will revert to. And I don't like the modern context, because it's fake.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:28 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4803 del
You can also say that you wouldn't kill yourself, but alone in the woods with no food and about to starve to death, you would think differently. Same if you're facing that situation of isolation in a different context. It's just that no one in the modern world normally experiences this. Again, one step away, all your life you walk one step from the past but you aren't seeing it.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:31 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4804 del
Now add these two situations: you are alone in a mega city, it's cold, you have no money, but you see someone showing signs that they do. If you rob them they will scream and call attention to you, so you wait for them in a dark alley and quickly cut their throat instead.

That's all there is to it. Now you have money and won't starve.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:54 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4805 del
>You can't understand the mentality and logic of a place like that from the modern world view.
I am not coming from the modern world view.

>The wine is the blood of Christ
I know this is just an example to describe things but HE FUCKED THAT PART UP. WINE is about immortalizing the principle of change. Grapes rot wine doesn't.
I should do a longpost about the Orphic traditions sometime. I was way in the mystery cults back then and Jesus sorta IMPROVISED and this kinda fucked shit up. We have too many useless demons because of that for a very long time.
Like this fucking pic summons a bunch of demons that will fuck with you because people don't understand what is the holy spirit and how Jesus did his things.
>Dying made him immortal
It's part of the process but...
He managed to start up a scripted event for himself without realizing because he forgot what he wants to accomplish...
Yeah am gonna sleep. That whole thing was a mess and those jews who did not accept him got fucked over metaphysically hard.
>Killing yourself or killing someone else, it exists in a vacuum, it doesn't mean anything.
You have a command within. To survive and thrive. Killing yourself is only allowed if you can convince yourself that survival is worse than death and you will be treated like shit for that. The only "good way" in suicide if you can prove killing yourself is survival.
>it doesn't mean anything
For you. And I don't understand this part of you.

>We tend to think the 1800s and before were so moralistic
In my country finding your wife cheating on you allowed you to kill her and the other person in the act. And only in the act. If you forgave your wife for that you were not allowed to kill her later on.
>it's 50% porn
Usually popular writings "survived". Spicy art always survives because there is a demand for it. Especially back then. It was a treasure.

>Are we no more than animals
ANIMALS DON'T KILL EACH OTHER FOR RETARDED REASONS EITHER. Currently "humans" kill each other for dumber reasons. And yes "modern" people are on the level of unkept factory animals. If you do things because of fear of punishment you are a slave that needs to be whipped for staying in lane.

>alone in the woods with no food and about to starve to death
I would eat bark and grasses also I have an extremely well made emergency mode for those situations.
My powers awaken in isolation because the distraction is "gone". It happened too many times. Being lost is almost my key for "finding myself" because I have time for my priorities. But then again you mentioned your japanese past life where your vampirefu got cold so I am not on your level of experience. I always find something when I am "lost" but purposely being lost is not my thing. I am lost because I am looking for something. And getting lost is part of the process of finding things.

Sunflower 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:55 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4806 del

>you walk one step from the past
I am currently solving this problem.
How our thoughts just a mere echo in the head and not the "real thoughts" and how to use the real thoughts and not the echo in the head. It's literally acoustics. Those who play the instrument doesn't hear the instrument like the audience but the echo that bounces back from the wall. This is why there needs to be an understanding how that sound works. This is how Beethoven could compose while being deaf.
This is a situation where I would ask
>how the fuck did I get into that situation
>is that really my only way
Also I would knock it out then get into trouble with the gangs so my only choice is to overtake the gangs
Oh or you know get into prison because those places have free food and inmates. Or beg... Or you know trashcan with foodremains. There are too many options around. Once you lose something you are finally able to see the opportunities that were blocked by the thing that obstructed your vision.

Also as I said I see the doom and gloom differently because my current life was doom and gloom it's just the shade changed it's tint. Not to mention I have a dumb ass luck ability that turns on the moment when my life is getting too shit.
>finally figure out the "grindset"
>suddenly get lucky that makes the grindset obsolete
Like wtf. I mean I am happy that I am out from that bad situation but... Yeah entities sorta watched over me from the get go so I am different this way.

I get what you are saying as a mundane again but in a metaphysical sense I don't. The problem is as usual that I am asking something in the wrong way.

I should sleep I managed to work up my energy body in the wrong way again.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 00:08 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4807 del
>not coming from the modern world view.
We all are, we grew up into it. I was channelling my past there.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 00:10 Id: 6b03b1 [Preview] No.4808 del
Maybe I don't know what is modern anymore.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 00:23 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4809 del
>Killing yourself is only allowed if you can convince yourself that survival is worse than death
You are "reasoning" about it. This is not how it was. There was no belief that killing yourself was bad, just as there was no belief the killing someone else was bad. This is some advanced meta-ing that didn't exist for folks on the streets in 1880s. "Good", "bad", as some external theoretic thing, that didn't exist. I like it, it's good, I don't like it, I kill it. The church told us that whoever believes in Christ will have eternal life, so how can killing be harmful, it's nothing if we have eternal life. You are lacking the kind of purely blind and "ignorant" faith someone could have back then, and that means you also won't have eternal life and come back like a certain someone did.

>Once you lose something you are finally able to see the opportunities that were blocked by the thing that obstructed your vision.
Now imagine not having that things to start with.

>This is a situation where I would ask
>>how the fuck did I get into that situation
>>is that really my only way
This is again meta-ing which doesn't exist in that situation. You grew up as a orphan with food served by nuns, rest of the time you do whatever in the streets outside. No family, no one who cares about your future, at most someone who wants to abuse you, or is willing to pay you for some service. The thing you have is some religious lecturing at the church, and that's it, you're on your own. How did you get there? You were born. Absolutely no one will miss you if you died, and no one will be disappointed in you if you do something "wrong", but there isn't anyone who will tell you about these things, so whatever morality the nuns had in mind passes completely over your head. Then when you're 7 you're considered grown up enough and have to fend for yourself. That's the context.

Sunflower 10/29/2023 (Sun) 00:35 Id: 0ba135 [Preview] No.4810 del
Now today there is metaing, and I have it too, but I don't believe in it much.

This mind is little more than a broken mirror reflecting one small image in every shard, the same image in many difference sizes and slightly different perspectives. But I know the reality is just one image, and it's the reverse of the image I currently see.

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