Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 18:09 Id: 0ba135 No.4354 del
(1.33 MB 1920x1080 2nd coming.png)
>I wonder who that might refer to
He was named but I didn't save the thread, it was part of some Tartaria discussion. I consider this part solved so I didn't bother with it, after I sent the Vietnamese loli servitor to the Antarctica gate to look (for some reason this is the strongest of the different dolls I created, maybe a hint at why the US lost the war there, I just copied national characteristics from the akashic records and made servitor dolls from different places, a young Vietnamese girl makes the strongest I've found on Earth so far). I had her investigate the outside after breaking the code on the lock and cleared some cities that were out there, some demon joined me. She landed on the drone I used to fly on and asked what I was doing, then helped me destroy the babel's tower systems and the water controls out there. (Loli-Nam is indestructible so I have her fly on a drone like a surf board because it doesn't matter if there's any extra armour, putting her in a saucer just obstructs the view when shooting, the demon came and landed on the drone because it's open air.)

Either way this topic relates to the fake history, the 1000 year kingdom of Christ ended by the end of the 1800s. In the book of revelation it's said the beast will be beaten and thrown down into hell for 1000 years, which is the kingdom of Christ. This has already passed. After this the beast makes its return for a short period before being completely destroyed. This is the 1900s with Moloch being brought back, the bad version of communism forming etc. We are now seeing the final moment of the beast, it will be disintegrated and then the new Earth and the new Heaven will manifest.

>pic related

It's been suggested that some monk rewrote history and added 1000 years to the counter in the 1600s. The Queen said outright that Jesus came back pretty early and then did rule for the 1000 years, which is the period called Tartaria. But the church being a secular organization didn't want people to know this because the selling point of their religion was gone once he came back, so they covered it up after he physically left again. This somehow correlates with humanity being locked in Ultima Thule by this king, to not come out again until the beast was defeated.