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(36.41 KB 720x720 ascension_grimoire.png)
Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:03 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No. 3969
Attached sigil points to an 'ascension grimoire'

>The grimoire manifests in a dark purple, smokey haze, ever-surrounding it. It contains a wide selection of paths to ascension. 'Ascension' here as described is the leaving behind of the human condition for myriad other possibilities. This is considered a work in progress and a prototype. May be abridged to suit the purposes of the succubus religion, for example.

Also, one more thing - I was urged to make another thread: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/35701959/

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:05 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3970 del
My deepest apologies, I meant to post this in the Sunflower discussion thread. I will leave it up to BO as to whether he seeks to keep this thread or not. Another possibility is to make it a 'Hawket containment' thread.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:20 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3971 del
It's an easy mistake. Maybe it's good this way. You can post things in here if you don't want them to get lost in long discussion threads.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:30 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3972 del
(42.02 KB 503x448 Energ-i.png)
I appears to me as a complete book form, but can be elaborated and detailed more, yet its main principles are explained. I got a metallic lotus flower from it, similar to one which was given to me by the federation recently. They said it was something they had in their archive which no one was able to use and that I could have it for being able to create a certain thing.

I guess I'll sigilize it so you can compare if you like.

I did not mean to specifically post this, because its too specific in use (yes, most of what I create is even more narrow and specialized than the things I share).

The sigil should manifest a white pearl. The pearl is in itself an information package which can be expanded into a doll-form for interaction with its principles.

The specific meaning of this is to create a decent form of "the most effective energy absorption", but made so that it doesn't steal energy. The purpose of this was to fill in a weakness causing viral grey-likes to take advantage of your body.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:40 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3973 del
Then I ask that you edit the OP with the subject
>Hawket/Trypper contributions

I think that will help clear up much of the potential confusion.

Also, any comment as to how Trypper can be so prolific with output?

Trypper has this to say:
>This sigil isn't compatible with the collective succubus form as it requires a gut, hence essentially returning what you might call a 'compiling error' as the hardware isn't built for this. with some genetic tweakage it can be made to work, but this means belonging to the external tribe. I employ servitors with which I share my consciousness to go around places sometimes, similar to some fashion to astral projection yet far different in others. See attached sigil for same, reverse-engineered by yours truly. Inspired by swarm type of collective succubus hive-mind consciousness.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:46 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3974 del
Also, it seems my channeling isn't perfect. Please disregard the last sentence of channeled message of my previous post.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:51 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3975 del
>I ask that you edit the OP with the subject
If it was only that easy. The moderation tools to my knowledge does not allow editing of the thread headline.

>any comment as to how Trypper can be so prolific with output?
I guess he is working in a dimension where time moves faster than us. Same as the reason why Astra and other servitors(some turned self aware) can find results so quickly, it is essentially quantum computing seen from our view. Not everyone can do this, but my innate lack of masculinity leaves a blank spot which can be filled with "endless time" if I want, similar to an ever expanding virtual RAM memory. This method is included in the devices I create, and can be learned and used by those who get them, based on adaptability. So in the case where I had some influence here, it could relate to this part of the training.

>requires a gut
Well it is a complete doll in the form shared, so it's not the same as the succubus body, place it external to the main body and run the program like that and it works, you can treat it as an emulation of having a gut.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:57 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3976 del
Thanks for the input. This is too specific for you however. It's a good comment as it shows how the succubus form treats the gut as an external worldly thing.

Let me remodel this to what I came up with for myself. I had not thought about using this for the succubus body, but there is no reason to not create a DNA form for magic use.

See attached sigil for my solution.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:58 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3977 del
>It seems as if the doll, including the gut, is superimposed over the succubus body. Interpenetrating it, working in parallel. Not really a part of the body, yet somehow it is.

>It's not so much that time moves faster here as it is that time can be seen physically. It's just that I'm not good at traversing this new landscape at this juncture.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 14:00 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3978 del
>This is too specific for you however.
That sentence made no sense. I meant that it's a solution specific to you, which is hard to use for others.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 14:04 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3979 del
This is better. Previous sigil, with some forcing and alteration, created a situation similar to how surgery performed on a gutless human somehow gets a mechanical gut as a result. Awkward and uncomfortable, like forcing yourself to be something you are not.

>This new, other sigil, however. Creates a vestigial gut that can be turned on or off whenever desired. Vestigial in the sense where it's not meant to be the primary source of nourishment and can be rendered an accessory of the body, without function, when it is deemed best to divert energy that would otherwise be used to maintain the workings of an active gut to other bodily functions.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 14:09 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3980 del
>To be specific. A furnace is created somewhere around where the human stomach would lie, creating an 'inner' volcano. This allows for certain forms of nourishment to be ingested orally that is not suitable for human consumption; basically, anything that can be burned is fair game.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 14:15 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3981 del
For those who may wonder what the sigil does to adapt to the succubus form (the original one really should be a complete independent form in 3D): I figured, what does a succubus use for energy in the first place?
So it's a kundalini snake produced from the tail, but aimed forward and the mouth of the snake is simultaneously a vagina, removing the actual gut itself and using the ability to absorb energy in the way a demon would instead.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 14:22 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3982 del
>As for the time comment, imagine if you will, that you are shortsighted and then put on a new pair of glasses for the first time of your life. Suddenly you can see clearly, but your vision gets warped, and it's easy to stumble.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 17:12 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3983 del
A while ago, a beggar offered to buy me stuff and also offered to let me take one or some of his trinkets. I refused, so he insisted in a loud voice, and I insisted yet again. A bit later, while in a supermarket, two people were smiling at me, one of them an employee offering free samples of instant coffee, and one of them remarked 'The bridegroom has arrived'.

I am pretty sure this ties in to some sort of synchronicity, among many others that have come before, but as it were, I cannot for the life of me just approach these probably possessed humans. If I were to approach them, I would just try and see how we can get along, but it seems there is some ingrained programming by the tulpa to just totally avoid these encounters.

I know BO has had similar events and has, per his account, handled them very well. I think I need to 'break something' to not miss out on this particular way in which the spiritual meets the physical.

Any pointers you can provide?

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 17:51 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3984 del
A few points:

When you walk out in public, you are likely the only, or one of the few, humans who has a soul. This means they are manifested there for you specifically. Timelines that are not populated are not running like a machine, that would waste the Earth's resources. If no soul is present, the animals, plants and humans (NPCs) are only algorithms, they don't exist as we see them. The moment someone enters this space, a maintenance deity will update the situation based on the algorithm and the environment will have progressed according to the laws of nature to match what it would look like to you, had it been in constant progress. If you are not at the mall, it's just a few formulas and inventory lists in the notebook of a maintenance deity. It is manifested and expanded when you enter the building.

So that means the humans you meet in there are (most likely) there specifically for you. They are all there to either serve physically or to teach you something.

With this mindset, let's look at the situation:

>a beggar offered to buy me stuff and also offered to let me take one or some of his trinkets. I refused, so he insisted in a loud voice, and I insisted yet again
You should not accept things for "free" from strangers for no reason. Maybe if you had taken something, later this beggar would show up at your house and make a scene, telling your dad that you took things from his street stand and has yet to pay.

>while in a supermarket, two people were smiling at me, one of them an employee offering free samples of instant coffee, and one of them remarked 'The bridegroom has arrived'.
This situation is safe. An employee offering a product sample is a good opportunity for social interaction, and to learn something. You should have accepted it and made some small talk. The comment on you being the bridegroom (depending on if this has some cultural meaning I'm lacking) would be treated as a compliment because you look smartly dressed, so they were trying to put you in a good mood to overcome the social distance. As merchants they were just trying to get you hooked on their goods, but there is no reason to not accept a free sample.

Think about the possible motivation of the people who make contact with you. Is there an "official reason", then it's safe. The free food sample is safe. Then go along with it.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:10 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3985 del
This cat came up to me and sat on my left lap and then seemed to 'kiss' my left shoulder while it dug it's nails in a prickly fashion into my shirt, as if trying to make itself comfortable. Spoilered pic is the cat. It's still with me and it's interesting; never had that happen to me before.

Thank you for the feedback.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:11 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3986 del
It also licked my left hand and jumped over me many other times.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:19 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3987 del
And now I feel a heat near my left ankle and some irritation where the cat licked me at my hand.

Trypper says I got connected to something similar to vampiric magic ala Blood Anon. Is it possible for vampiric magic to be transmitted through cats, or is it more a case of vampires being able to shapeshift into cats? Then again, I remember agreeing to become a vampire some days ago while drifting off to sleep.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:28 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3988 del
>This cat
Interesting colors and pattern, this looks a lot like the kind of patterns I end up with in the dimensions were my form is catlike. (unless it's black)

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:32 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3989 del
>Trypper says I got connected to something similar to vampiric magic
Animals don't generally have souls, they're all "bots", so it's fully possible they are carriers of magic, as they are more like living objects than beings. Looking at that cat a bit deeper, I'd say it's not a cat at all but a projection of someone's gong (magic energy form). I was earlier visited by an owl that kept flying by outside, then became aware of an astral owl staying with me. It was later revealed to be Athena/Minerva sending out her gong to guide me.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:35 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3990 del
Is there a feline strain of vampirism? Cuz Trypper seems to be telling me so, specifying Bastet in specific.

Anyhow, seems like it's taking hold, my left ankle now aches and my emotional spectrum changed a bit, taking on a more exhilarated, 'light' pattern, as if I am enjoying this plane more. I am also a bit dizzy.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 18:45 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3993 del
>a feline strain of vampirism
Vampirism on Earth emerged within the Ra egregore, which is the representation of society in the past. Within this form, Hathor was one of the great mothers, further down the line came Isis, who is the origin of vampire magic on this planet. They are often depicted as having features resembling cats and cattle, such as cat ears, bull horns, cow tail... Often there is also a snake involved.

Vampires out there in space, other dimensions and planets, they all seem to be smooth skinned white humanoids, but there are those who mix this into other races, like lyrans or elves. Trypper would know about this, as an elf with vampire magic becomes a druid, a mix of light and dark. Where as drow are elves with pure black magic, a positive race learning to work with the contrast of its opposite.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 19:12 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3995 del
(50.59 KB 720x720 bastet_vampirism.png)
>Bastet has her own form of vampirism. The attached sigil should help you connect with it, assess it, or otherwise interact with it.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 19:28 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.3996 del
(29.09 KB 720x720 bastet_vampirism_2.png)
The cat really stuck with me and did further actions. Trypper says it's to reinforce the magic. My left half of the head hurts now, as if filled with water.

>Attachex sigil is simplified version of Bastet vampirism. Tough to nail down.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:21 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.3999 del
It seems to be moving along the tail as if the cat tail was the kundalini snake, but very subtle and not in snake form.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:43 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4002 del
Book works. Summonable and giant.
>considered a work in progress and a prototype
Yes it feels like that. I get diagrams and texts but needs some mental synching to comprehend but it works. Do you want this as your magnum opus? Or is it a research material for you. Tho it feels as both.

>make it a 'Hawket containment
That is a good idea your sigils and energies needs a way to be stabilize. Since that experiment sigil of yours energies go all around. Also if you might please share your newfounded perspective that you gained from that experiment sigil >>3878 please. That thing was way too complex and the Trypper that posted couldn't comprehend it fully and because of that I couldn't get it's "full form". But it advanced my energetic movements (Overall a positive change but I have to get used to it and it's not without hiccups)
>not get lost in long discussion threads
What I gathered most fed tech have hard time materializing thanks to the excess residual energies earth have.

Also the Gut is the bacterial and the "corpse" kingdom. I think it is something only those need to focus truly that truly want to stay here and help things.
>inner' volcano
Something like that. But it's not the volcano itself but the lava that matters.

Also I just got some gut organ connection insights yesterday. High priestess Trypper is truly in a place that is sorta outside of the current time.

>Any pointers you can provide
If they want my attention they need to learn to behave. If you act like a retarded human you will be treated as one. I have to watch over tho. The possessed have way too simple scripts that break easily. Most entities know this and not use organic portals to bother me. I need to learn to be less aggressive tho.
Remember when I said an etheric wind is blowing? That wind sorta connected us. I literally have 2 or 3 cats with that pattern. BO's portal entity literally approached me as a black cat. No it was not NET or any other constructs. That cat described that "spirit gate" as a "subverter". It started of as an amalgamation of energies then spirits (mostly ghost types first) noticed it and as they started to use it it gained a sort of sentience. After the cat picture it realized it should be a cat. When in Rome... was the basis of the mentality. Being a cat is normal.
That cat also helped me to get aware of parts of my being because my energies were connecting to it.
Why I am posting this you might ask. I have many animals and they are sorta "charged". Because they are "flesh" they are counted as guardian familiars of the territory so no retarded spirit can harass my environment. Because of this my animal instinct mastery might be used by other entities that get influenced by my mental patterns. While for me most spiritual advancements can happen through the spiritual for you it seems you need a little physical push. Not to mention that mindwave sigil that you posted started from the foot and the mind was just a center but not the whole thing.

Seriously tho. It seems this is some complicated sigil and energy sharing that is going on. But for now it feels like an experiment or learning process instead of a planned thing.

>owl that kept flying by outside, then became aware of an astral owl staying with me. It was later revealed to be Athena/Minerva sending out her gong to guide me.
It was?
I got a vision of that 2 days ago and I thought it is some familiar form that is connected to Hawktet. Looked more owllike than a Hawk tho but I thought it just couldn't decide which bird form is comfortable for him. I thought it came from the experiment sigil.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:21 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.4008 del
> BO's portal entity literally approached me as a black cat. No it was not NET or any other constructs. That cat described that "spirit gate" as a "subverter". It started of as an amalgamation of energies then spirits (mostly ghost types first) noticed it and as they started to use it it gained a sort of sentience. After the cat picture it realized it should be a cat. When in Rome... was the basis of the mentality. Being a cat is normal.
I had no idea. I feel like that hero in the apartment anime who doesn't see the ghost in the closet now.

There was one time last year when I heard something outside, went to look and there was a black astral cat outside the front door. It seemed harmless so I let it in. Hadn't thought of it since. Sometimes I see a black cat here and there, and I keep hearing the sound of a cat jumping down from something on the top floor when on the floor below. This has gone on for years. Usually my sister's cat gets the blame for this, but he's not always here...

Whenever the cat has been here, we always say it feels like he is still present, and I keep seeing him in the corner of my eyes. I guess it's the portal then.

But there are also shadow cats. The cat version of shadow people. I haven't seen a lot of them lately though, either of them. Several years ago I had one shadow person whom I fed energy until it turned into a Silent Hill nurse. I guess she's around, but I haven't been thinking about it (I mean, I have several 1000 demon waifus I contracted to be able to do mass sessions, I can't keep track of what every single entity in my dimensions are doing. Add to that all the outlier lyrans who come every day and want to join to get a foot in on the trade environment. I created a cat-ship with endless expansion ability so when one layer is full we can add another, each of them holds a crew of up to 18. Eventually I had to also create an entry-ship where they can dock at first instead of always coming to me when I take walks because when I take walks I want to take walks and not receive 3-4 astral saucers who were waiting for me to come outside so the timeline opens... this is one part I seem to never get used to. It works great with the entry saucer though, except one time someone called out at me in a dream saying they couldn't get in, because my deep sleep had locked the ship for unknown reasons.)

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:29 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.4010 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=flNkgjYqPaY [Embed]

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:36 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.4011 del
>Also if you might please share your newfounded perspective that you gained from that experiment sigil >>3878 (you) please.

It was posted when Trypper still actively occupied this body. It was basically shenanigans pulled by her, for all I can tell from my memories, but she tells me it serves a higher purpose. She also says it doesn't hurt to share what it does at this juncture; it literally points to herself (Trypper, that is). I have little use for this sigil as I am in constant contact with her.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:53 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.4015 del
>Do you want this as your magnum opus? Or is it a research material for you. Tho it feels as both.

>It ties into a grand effort I am weaving. However, what may be grand to one may be trivial to another.

Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 22:30 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4017 del
>also shadow cats
And Shadow critters. Literal shitty low level shadow forms thinking they can walk around and latch onto my energies because I "noticed them". This is why all animals are charged. A Meow from a cat is literally an existence shattering sonic blast for them. I will not fucking deal with dormant earth spirits that too dumb to understand the highly specific spirit order that is manifesting around me (Even I need time to understand it sometimes and I cannot expect some 10000 year old rodent who was some earth crystal until it awakened by my energies but it is too dumb or weak to get noticed by the fairies or other entities for protection/orientation.)
>I have several 1000 demon waifus I contracted etc
Yeah I know I realized long ago that there is no point into looking into whatever you are doing. Like I look into you then I either look at weird energies Galfed paperworks or some crossfire you have with some ayyevilglowie faction that decided to start a pissing contest on your turf. Even when "I hear something is going on" I ask my guides wtf is this and should I even get involved they are not even sure what advice to give me. Good thing I have Shiva for complicated things like that. I mean I am aware of some wirings and constructs that came from you because I have a "taste" for your workings but... you like to indulge in different spices. Not always obv it's yours. Thankfully Astra can confirm or if it looks similar to something else I can ask for that for comparison.
But then again I have to master my energetic reflexes so it's always a good training material.
The reason why I mentioned because "High Trypper" started his great project and it seems it has quite the scope. Wonder how it will tie into our workings the long term.

>It was basically shenanigans pulled by her, for all I can tell from my memories
This is what I can also tell
>she tells me it serves a higher purpose
Also this too.
>it literally points to herself (Trypper, that is).
No wonder you merged the energy exchange system on a new level. I don't know how it feels (up there) and I know you are aware how it is a sort of I like it because this experience and new perspective helps me while I am annoyed that HOW DARE YOU DO THIS WITHOUT TELLING ME... Then again I am aware that I am supposed to learn that djinn parallel processing so I can connect my mind better AND MOST IMPORTANTLY share my mindwave relay system in a way it can help Flesh Trypper advance. Even before the experiment sigil I couldn't locate the scale of the things he gets "inspired" by. Not that I really looked into it. I am starting to get a feel to not asking for more than I can handle or have time at the time for. Patience is a great virtue anyway.

>may be grand to one may be trivial to another
Yeah... it's always like that.

I too love when "helper ghosts" appear from people and start doing things. Literal fucking JoJo with stands. Except instead of ORA ORA ORA it's usually 1 fucking angry punch that tells them to BEHAVE.

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 17:54 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4021 del
Sometimes I am slow putting 2 and 2 together.
BO mentioned the brain activation drink and I mentioned that I under a sort of heavy possession I made the holy grail...
several months after that I had a sudden urge to look into Theosophy and other topics.
This Guy got awakened by someone taking his spring water cup and transmuting his drink into something "creamy" by merely giving it back.
>offering free samples of instant coffee
>The bridegroom has arrived
The bridegroom truly bothered me because it is usually sign of the start of the "mystical union"/wedding.


Then I suddenly remembered the anime where Ulysses – Jeanne d’Arc to Renkin no Kishi the MC fucked up the philospohers stone and gave half of it to Jeanne and Jeanne could be awakened by kissing her because his salvia turned into the activation "nectar" because he fucked up the alchemy

>Is it possible for vampiric magic to be transmitted through cats
You can turn every living thing into "carriers". The cat licking activated you because you "refused the call" with the other events.
And this ofc. Tho I wonder what events transpired since the cat. After the activation usually there are follow ups.

I don't like to call this vampiric anymore tho. But then again most of us are or were on that path for a while so this probably syncs us better.
>Tough to nail down
Yeah it seems there are more to this and not just Bastet. Wonder how activated you are currently.

Hmm... suddenly something started to bother me. Like my mind is trying to have access to a new "mystery". Wonder what is going on now

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 19:26 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.4026 del
(28.98 KB 720x720 tome_of_entities.png)
>This is a tome of entities. Within it is catalogued a wide range of entities, with descriptions on many metrics. You can also perform 'search' functions on it.

>Vampirism as such is an umbrella term.

Sorry, I am too tired to channel reliably. My forearms feel tingly at certain spots and my head hurts. Trypper suggests you identify these spots on my forearms for further 'investigation'.

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 19:30 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.4027 del
>identify these spots
Those were indicating an energy grid created in the past, which was provoked by the new vampire energy. I gave it a push the the vampirism took over and filled them.

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 19:32 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No.4028 del
Many thanks.

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 20:01 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4029 del
>The Celestial NightLord the king of lies/skies (sky and lie meaning the same thing)
It seems I know this guy from long ago
>Azbrapal the fire starter
It seems I assumed his form several times?
A(r)ktuchelid? the kingdom wiser?
Ontarios the awakened monarch
Olembiphin the steep king wibripen? (okay this is some foreign concept for me my mind is figuring out ways to explain it) "Actualization of high intellect which leads to the forgotten realms of Isatarah"
I will read this later. For the next guy my mind started to mix some concepts from warhammer 40k horus heresy and turn it into a war speech

This is some real tome of obscure entities. Kinda annoying that it seems I am supposed to know about them.

My mind just opened up new parts in the last days but it really takes effort to "see" this properly

Take it easy btw. The energetic realizations usually take a toll on the mind body spirit complex.

Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 23:43 Id: 4fca4b [Preview] No.4036 del
> After the cat picture it realized it should be a cat. When in Rome... was the basis of the mentality. Being a cat is normal.
I wonder...

This suddenly appeared in my view, when there's nothing new to watch this season, and it's 10 or so years old. So how is that it seems to be about this cat, and also references what I did in 2015 quite literally the MC here is made as a self insert for me.

Another one got Mandela'd in?

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 18:15 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4042 del
>nothing new to watch this season

b-b-but the one where MC is a vending machine and Mao at MgRonalds (I fucking can't believe that shit managed to end up in the official McDonalds ad... I KNOW I AM IN THE SIMULATION BUT I DON'T NEED CONSTANT REMINDERS K?)
also Ryza
but yeah weak season overall.

But yeah it is also weird when I want to watch an anime put it on a backlog for years then suddenly I feel an urge to watch it then it has a concept or plot point that I just figured out days before watching that anime.
I mean I know that All is one and we are all connected similar energies relate Stand users are drawn together but yeah

weirds me out less and less as I go on.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 20:08 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4043 del
>MC is a vending machine
Dropped it when he made coke rockets and started selling condoms, it was a nice idea but it only lasted one episode before it was worn out...

It's ok and the one room hero, but it's symptomatic of this season overall: first one is literally a game adapted to anime with zero creativity (no kemono friends here, this was the game it was based off:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=GJ1M0lLysEM [Embed] ), and the second is constantly referencing past battles, but in reality the hero has retired and is living with the reincarnated demon lord who is now a demon loli. It's like everyone just gave up, there are no more stories to tell, like "Last days of disco" - everyone is either sick, dead or just tired.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=qC7aqg7qzSQ [Embed]

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 21:10 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4046 del
(118.14 KB 1280x720 Baldur's Gate.jpg)
>only lasted one episode before it was worn out
I placed my expectations so low back then when I heard the LN title years ago when isekais started to go way way too mainstream that it made me surprised how well they can execute a shit idea like this. (Like that cokebottle bullshit was so obv while the condom machine was so retarded I thought the author just burned through all the ideas at episode 2 already) But then again my +enjoyment is that it was not because of a haha fuck you kind of incarnation but the MC is actually such a vendingmachinefag that the gods made him turn into one. Always a nice reminder how desires form our path after life.
Also this anime has furries instead of the usual catgirls and co. Like wtf. The reason why I didn't drop it after condom machine because Baldur's Gate just promoted Bear sex as a selling point like a week before it and that made me think about this life as so surreal that... can't even put it into words. Thank fuck I didn't become an artist so I have to make a living drawing furry porn. And those who do will probably get murdered by AI

>everyone is either sick, dead or just tired
Yeah I had enough of those feelings. Wanted to watch that anime first but then it didn't manage to charm me with the PV. The I gave up feeling just doesn't sit well with me.
Also as dead as Disco was covid managed to kill it completely... I just realized I don't know the line between disco and regular DJs. Damm. Luckily 99% music is shit now so pretending to like any current music is lame af and the social obligation to know the current famous bands and songs are not there anymore. I can just not give a shit like I always did! I literally had to keep 2 or 3 normie friends around to know what are the current thing of the normiesphere so I can pretend to at least know what most people talk about. Since 2020 people can't keep up with media. Since Netflix and other streamer sites started to produce nothing but shit I don't need to even know about the current Game of Thrones because it doesn't exist.

We also have Helck and Bastard. At least now I can watch the anime instead of reading the manga that is on my backlog since forever

The only thing that interested in Ryza that how brave will be the animators with the hornyness. Way too brave so far.

Also I wanted to talk about that entity tome today... Damm. I got sidetracked.

I will write that down later then. It's too late to start a conversation about it.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:00 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4048 del
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>this anime has furries
I guess you didn't watch
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho
and its spin off season last year then. It's one of those where they huge black guy has been replaced by a giant furry but we all know what they're trying to say anyway.

New season "Dawn of the witch" was among the most causal brutal show in recent years, and it took the "one for every taste" a little bit too far imo.

It feels like the peak of this all was Redo of Healer it's over.

Sunflower 08/26/2023 (Sat) 22:04 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4050 del
At least the MC gets to tongue kiss the 300 year old loli in between the mutilations and horror

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 11:06 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4059 del
The SD card of my smartphone got corrupted yesterday. Got pretty bummed out about it, but Trypper says it's the 'philosopher's death'. There is a chance I will go to the US for a while soon, but I am so wary of the US that I would rather not set foot in it. Little brother is hellbent on going there.. Trypper says everything will be alright, that it's all going to plan. Trypper wants me to specialize in the field of medicine (clinical pathology to be specific, which is the realm of certain beings as BO knows; 'mist fairies') and then get into computer science in a professional capacity as to further my earnings on this plane and to add to my knowledge base.

Rant over.

>This strain of vampirism that Hawket contracted is known as 'stigma of the fallen'. It has connections to both 'good' and 'evil' as if they were ports, and as such, this specific path is optimal for exorcizing evil spirits and as to escape or nullify exorcism. Exorcism specialists in a meta sense as to be able to devise new exorcism rituals and such. As such, it isn't really vampirism; it is more akin to being an angel. End result is a spirit that resides in the astral plane with catlike, accessory features; can manifest as a cat in the physical. There is also a 'chaos' port but connecting to this would disconnect the previous two permanently, and is seen by those that follow this path as betrayal or heresy. This path will be a net benefit to Hawket as it allows for ascendance to higher than 2d, which is Hawket's native dimension. Hawket is already in transition to 3d mode. There is a risk in this transition as 2d beings are paradoxically more aware of the spiritual compared to 3d, generally speaking, whereas 3d is basically 'becoming human'. Hawket isn't a servant but a contractor; as contracts are binding, he cannot leave the body until I return, given the body doesn't expire first, or else some specific events occur.

>If Hawket sets foot in the US, it would be a manifestation of my karma and there is a very high chance that the body expires there. Nonetheless, this seems inevitable. When I said I will return, it will most likely be through alternate means.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 11:57 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4060 del
>BO can see the timelines for himself by utilizing the 'trypper timeline insight' sigil >>3917 so as to confirm for himself what I said.

>I didn't want to worry you all too early by this information. But impermanence is a running theme the lower you go with the dimensions; here, everything is reduced to memories liable to be forgotten.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:08 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4061 del
(18.48 KB 720x720 trading_mastery.png)
>Attached sigil is meant for BO, but all are free to use it. It manifests a module to be installed on Astra. It gives insight on stock trading, maximizing profits. It also gives a 'feel' for trading. I will supplement this sigil with a link: https://www.wqu.edu/programs/mscfe/

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:22 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4063 del
>'stigma of the fallen'
I looked at it, wondering why the chaos part would disconnect the other two. Couldn't grasp it so I summoned a cat-vampire to show me. It's "worse than imagined" but not surprising, considering what I have learned recently. The chaos port here is to go down the path of "cattle-breeding" but internally. A person can connect and use his tantric energy externally or internally. When used externally this chaos port creates the humanity which is made up like cattle, and this race will walk the path of destruction, it cannot be salvaged. But as a race, it dies slowly. The process is irreversible.

When the vampire does this internally, the very soul is ripped apart, and this is also irreversible. But the vampire also dies slowly, so it is not directly evident what will happen. Relating to what I have posted about just before, it may take a time period long as the life of more than one galaxy for the final damnation of this soul to manifest. During this time, the vampire may spread this practice and get many followers, all whom are now unsalvageable and walking downward to the location of separation of awareness and matter.

It can be easily avoided by the development of internal force, which on this board is referred to as the zero particle or true gong.

- In part channelled from said vampire

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:34 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4064 del
I can see that this actually directly relates to the insight from the cat vampire:

Trading in essence relies on economic growth. There are many theories for how this comes to happen, but the real reason is hidden in plain sight; the economy grows because the population grows.

Debt based assets require consumption, so the more people eating and using resources, the more the economy grows. They do not need to produce anything in specific, production is the task of the engineers who design the factories and exploit natural resources. The lack of useful consumption will cause parts of the population to collapse because they had no means to pay off their debts. This is solved by the production of weapons and the instigation of war. The creditors are sent to die in the trenches and the debt is gone. Then the economy starts over and rebuilds the area, while the capital owners maintain their position of power. It is all a kind of population control masturbation, where the cattle-human is the main driving force. This is shown in your module as the little dark hole which seems to produce a vortex of energy.

What you have done is to balance the economy of cattle so that it doesn't harm the user.

- further cat vampire channelling

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:38 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4065 del
>Hawket in the US
I can see this happen. He is using the armour from Adremmelech which itself is indestructible, but if he stays in the US this is not enough to maintain the physical body. The armour is made for infernal beings to maintain themselves in 3D, it is not made for maintaining the 3D body being used as the skin of the armour.

He would be able to move to a different body if the body degenerates to continue his path using the same armour but as a different person in 3D.

This poses an idea for an invention for me: to create an infernal armour which can properly maintain both the demon and the physical form.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:47 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4066 del
>It seems that Hawket has fallen to a ponzi scheme spearheaded by a group of said degenerating cat-vampires. While the magic may have had originated from Bastet and others, in this case it has been perverted. Attached sigil is a proposed zero-particle creation formula for this magic, thus sidestepping the danger. However, this is not my specialty.

Body-hopping is also probable in this case. Notsomuch that it is inevitable, but to switch armors would require leaving the body, leading to, at minimum, one body-switch. It is best to upgrade the armor Hawket already has; I will soon share a sigil that outlines Interfaces for reprogramming same.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:50 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4067 del
(45.17 KB 503x448 infernal armour.png)
Here. It is not necessary to leave the body and come back, these armours are not operating on the same layer so they can be worn at the same time. Try this and tell me what you think.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:53 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4068 del
>Seems to have worked. Thanks.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 12:53 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4069 del
Incoming multi-posting...

There is nothing wrong with the armour given out by Adre, it's perfect for quick visits and is spacey on the inside, so anyone doing some regular tasks can use it. It's just not made with the purpose of staying to maintain or effect the physical egregore.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 13:02 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4070 del
>a ponzi scheme spearheaded by a group of said degenerating cat-vampires
It will be ok, Hawket had already put on the green armour from Adremmelech, which is protecting him from the chaos connection (had he not already been a solid being, which he is). The cat vampire path may spread itself using these ponzi schemes to separate the bad acolytes from the good. It is a brutal form of recruiting, where a path to damnation is advertized, and those who see through this will be allowed to join. The rest will continue to gather evil beings on the downward path and keep the inside of the cult safe from such scum.

- cat vampire

My comment: this seems the same as what Rosicrucians do.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 16:39 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4074 del
Then, what do I do? Trypper has this sort of approach where she seems to want to help me, but more as if I'm an experiment, with nothing guaranteed. It very much feels like this is fun for her.

Trypper wanted to share this. This is meant for my consumption, but others are fine to use it. I would like it if BO analyzed it. It's meant as a 'full package' where one who activates this becomes a successful catvampire, and can be used in my case as I haven't went past the point of no return. For others who use this, it's meant to 'introduce one to catvampirc magic that also cultivates the zero particle, with the port structure being two lower ones, left for good and right for evil, and a top one for chaos'. Then, 'the good and evil are connected, and when the zero particle is established, chaos is activated while the former two are retained'.

>This magic is unique in that it allows one to settle at good and/or evil externally while chaos remains the base, leading to many possible paths, such as inhabiting a 5th level paradise. It lends to a generalist path and myriad specialist/hyperspecialist paths.

>This group of catvampires aren't very invested in Earth; they are mostly concerned with gathering recruits, which is one of the activities of the Collective.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 16:52 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4075 del
>The SD card of my smartphone got corrupted yesterday
I too murdered several machines on my awakening path.
>the 'philosopher's death'.
Oh that one. I had something like that too. I opened up a sort of "nectar" pathway but as in the ancient texts write before you can access the amrita you have to deal with the poison. There are many ways to handle the poison which is you get rid of it with years of practice and cleansing some weird dubious rituals that usually just fuck you over and the jalandhara bandha in tantric practices (which is holding the poison in the throat). When I managed to open up my lower energies to soar into my mind I realized that all my lower selves are awakening at mass and ripping me apart. Many other things happened it was quite the insane experience but I figured out if I "mix" the nectar and the poison the "true" lower selves will survive while the "false"/evil ones will die a sort of orgasmic death from it. Shiva appeared and helped me mix the poison but told me that I need to keep in in my throat with my will while he helped me increase the potency of the poison. As I have seen all the lower entities die from the poison while trying to reach my mind I was thinking while not just turn this poison on the max and let it go through my entire body deleting all evil at once. That would just make it into the medicine and not the poison. Back then I was not really aware that just merely being a human in the current age we are around 70% evil/degenerate by default and deleting that large portion of our being at once is not a good idea. When that happened Shiva screamed in anger and possessed parts of my body to fix my reckless retardation. I managed to not sleep for a week because of a constant trance state and had to realize how to redownload huge chunks of my mind to function as a human again. Luckily being human doesn't mean we need to be evil. That was just the effect of the cattleficiation process that the most retarded came up centuries ago.
Where was I... right death of the philosopher.
I too had the realization when my mind went overdrive with the concepts that SOCRATES DRANK THE POISON.
Why this is important nowadays. All continental thought philosophy come from the greeks but most importantly from Socrates and his clique. But the way Socrates was thinking didn't exactly come from Socrates. He just realized his wisdom in Delphi and from god knows what influences and what he did with it? Well he started to dab on all the philosophers how dumb they are and all state apparatuses and started to teach/annoy/disrupt everyone. His philosophical arguments will result in the discovery of the true philosophy managed to permeate the academic culture and the way we post to this day. It managed to become a way to argue at the crossroads instead of walking it. I am not saying what he did was bad but that mentality needed to die. Even he realized that the way he did things was atrocious a he needs to die. It was his final lesson.
With that I realized I need to let that Socrates part of my mind delete itself so I can walk the path instead of being an overthinking smartass. Which was kind of the bad thing because it was almost the highest information processing part of my mind at that time. Then came the lesson how I can use the wisdom that is in every person how reality have a sort of intelligence by default and how to let my true mind "think" instead of using this several thousand year old rugged pattern mechanism system that if you are unable to get you will not be able to understand what those intellectual masturbators talk about.

Since that I am finally able to walk the path without overwhelming madness.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 16:53 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4076 del
The sigil is harmless and correctly describes some kind of vampirism, but it's also messy and incomplete. This sigil can not lead someone to the full vampirism in itself, it can only mitigate the harmful version.

>Then, what do I do? Trypper has this sort of approach where she seems to want to help me, but more as if I'm an experiment, with nothing guaranteed
Trypper sees things clearly from the astral, but doesn't know how to intuitively access information.

They approached you with the external vampirism as a test, and frankly it's safe for you, because even if you do not know so, you have one complete zero particle (can be any number of them overlapping, but the circle is there) already. If you feel unsafe about the chaos port here, just think of it as the butthole and you won't want to touch it. When I made the armour
I took this perspective into account, I think things played out in a way as to show me how to create such an armour. Those people who walk the path of damnation jumped down into the toilet and are slowly dragging everything in their lives down behind them. Only a truly insane person would do that.

I am not a native infernal so I can't tell how you would handle this vampirism, what I did was to simply call out for such a cat vampire to have their essence "physically" transferred to me. I guess the cat who came to you actually did that by licking you though. The trick is in seeing the difference in directions here. We already talked about the gut above.

If you are a viral being you see the gut as a divine device and the end of all creation. But if you have a normal view, you see that it is created to absorb energy for you, so you can carry out other tasks. The tool must be subordinate, not the meaning of life.

In the end you must battle this magic yourself, but you really have the ability to do so. Walk within the stream of magic and in the right direction.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:14 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4077 del
I think I get it. Trypper showed me a schematic and I think what it takes is inserting the chaos port and, observing how it was reacting, I removed it. It seems the point is not to have a chaos port inserted all the time, but having it for a while and then removing it. The result is that, it seems, the chaos port has done its job and the chaos was inserted permanently already. Also, I noted that the other ports seemed to stay connected. Spoilered cuz TMI I've had persistent diarrhea these past few days, since I contracted this magic, and now my behind burns.

I am also aware of the chance that I fucked up or don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll accept whatever may come.

Thank you for your take.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:19 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4078 del
Get some baby oil.

Seriously thought, that's a super clear sign your body is working as intended and the negative aspect is being purged from your body. Walking the degeneration path would be the opposite - the bad stuff would be contained in the body and the person would start to follow it downward to refine the dirt.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:20 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4079 del
>akin to being an angel
High Trypper really felt like a high priestess to me but with an influence behind it that I couldn't grasp.
>he cannot leave the body until I return
I was wondering if you were the one who had to return or there will be other Hawkets that will pretend to be the same
>If Hawket sets foot in the US, it would be a manifestation of my karma
Yeah I too had to connect to the American continent egregore and uh... yes that was a how to activate cleanse karma in a single moment kind of a lesson... It also murders machines!

>the very soul is ripped apart
aaaaaalmost happened to me too. Thankfully there was a superlong spine or my entrails? that I could use as a "rope" that still connected the parts and pull all of them together and use the inherent soul rebirth process to heal... no not heal. Healing makes scars. This is the absolute renewal process but I am doing it step by step to remember who I am huh. Ship of Theseus but Theseus knows the old ship and the new ship because he built it and he knows it's his all the time. Who are you to say that ship is not the ship of Theseus?
Boy I thought a lot about paradoxes and how I need to apply them properly instead of using it to make a gotcha it's unsolvable idea like intellectuals use paradoxes.

>development of internal force
I sorta had to let go of the idea of internal and outer forces. So I can merge my outer force types to help my internal ones. Was too preoccupied with manifesting powers that move reality that I forgot to develop my internal powers properly. Psychic mistakes.

I too had to realize how fake and retarded this whole system is because it managed to create a very large energy block. The you have to work to earn the right to die kind of mentality. Urgh.
>fallen to a ponzi scheme
I too couldn't realize several times if I am being tricked here or this serves my development with the sigils. But then again overcoming tricks serves the development so... whatever.

Oh yeah I met groups like those. Shiva taught me how to burn them all because that will just reduce all their suffering overall. Trying to help them will just prolong their suffering and mine too. I had a lot of lessons about these kind of mentalities.

>Trypper has this sort of approach where she seems to want to help me, but more as if I'm an experiment, with nothing guaranteed
I felt this from all the posts so far. >>4076
>Trypper sees things clearly from the astral, but doesn't know how to intuitively access information.
This is the best way to describe it. Yes. It was weird how he managed to throw something at me that is way too interesting for me but I couldn't even figure out just why did he do that. Especially because it seemed he is trying to teach his "flesh self" with his channeling and I thought it will just happen naturally.

nope. That is an awakening process also I too had to shit myself because had to purge some ways the gut operates wrongfully

>I am also aware of the chance that I fucked up or don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll accept whatever may come.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:32 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4080 del
>I was wondering
I am a contractor who came to this body when Trypper left. Eventually, I will diverge; this catvampirism tangent is the beginning of this divergence. The point is to do certain things as agreed to by contract, such as supporting this project and sculpting the tulpa to be more useful. So, most likely others will take my place, notsomuch that there will be other Hawkets but essentially, the same dynamic may be played by other entities in tandem with Trypper.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:32 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4081 del
I like this cat vampire btw. Aside from the FFSM furry female, smooth-skinned male they just seem like genuinely nice vampires.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:33 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4082 del
Would it be possible to ask you questions about what it's like to live with Adremmelech?

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:40 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4084 del
(82.57 KB 863x500 invocation horse.jpg)

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:42 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4085 del
To answer your question directly, it's pretty nice. He is a merciful leader.

Adremmelech has a realm, a very spacious one. Dark blue sky, cities with dark medieval style. Many different types of demons inhabit this plane, ranging from the semi-intelligent to the sublime. I am but a mere citizen, and have worked in his military as a mage.

If you have any further questions, dozo!


Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:48 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4086 del
The 'cat' has returned, and this time it hopped on my shoulder, resting at the top of my back, and has seemingly licked my back.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:50 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4087 del
Did something happen to you guys? I just felt an electric surge while typing my previous post and my computer force shut down itself.

Seems like it did.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:53 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4088 del
I just realized how I can use an ability consciously then my mind just shouted
k then.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:01 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4091 del
BO seemed to have a sudden shift in how he interacts? That's all I know.

The cat did other things too, but I have now left it's presence due to irl circumstances.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:04 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4092 del
I only saw what looked like a huge cave with demons in the dark, what is that hall?

>just felt an electric surge
Can't tell, because there is a combination of breaking down the walls to karmic dimensions causing this when it short circuits, and the intentional projection of negative energy which causes this intentionally as a form of attack by the inhabitants of such dimensions. Breaking through to a high attainment level also short circuits karma instantly. Hard to tell the difference.

I've caused 3 meteors in the past few years because of this.

>my computer force shut down itself
Well at least nothing broke. When we were experimenting with the Anathema and anon used it on a location "close" to me (same continent...), it burned a transformer station in my area and I lost power for 2 hours.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:09 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4094 del
>a sudden shift in how he interacts?
Dropped the act a bit, is all. Because a certain long game is over. I've created a number of roles over the years, for different purposes. I guess I dropped the one I have been using in public here a bit more than usual, and started using my spammy kemono friends poster role.

How does this feel?

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:22 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4097 del
>also short circuits karma instantly
Yeah happened several times. At least I am having a better feeling for not fucking things up when it happens.
>I've caused 3 meteors in the past few years because of this.
I had a lesson about meteors and how they burn then punch through dimensions and how they need to burn real fast to turn into the "real thing".
v e r y slooow posting from here coz I am surging the energies again tehehe.
>Well at least nothing broke
I'm trying!
>it burned a transformer station in my area and I lost power for 2 hours.
some weeks ago I uh... had sex with the storm. Usually I just give command to it how it should behave so it doesn't ruin things but I managed to connect to it so well to my "thunder body" that I felt all the way the clouds open and "create" thunder with all that sudden heat differences and dormant electric currents. It felt so tingly and electric. It was not the orgasm but the way it felt. The clouds the water the lightning felt so earthly. Killed electricity and the internet connections at once at the dumbest places for 2 days.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:22 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4098 del
It's a refreshing change of pace. At first, I was concerned it would detract from the quality of your posts, but now this concern seems irrelevant.

That's my personal place lol

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:32 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4100 del
(8.39 KB 225x225 images.jpeg)
Can BO check what's happening to me? Some symptoms are showing up and, well, this is just wack.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:59 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4101 del
I see pink energy and white energy and it's rather large, energy signature moving in all directions on you. My guess; someone from the vampires determined you should "make it" and cast a spell to make this happen, but it's very chaotic.

what are you experiencing?

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 19:01 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4102 del
>That's my personal place
But I saw such a place when first talking with Adre? Had demon females and beetles coming in from one side, it was pretty messy.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 19:45 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4106 del
I messed up there. I meant to say it was Adre's personal cave.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 19:53 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4107 del
>what are you experiencing?

Headache, burning sensations at some areas at my forearms. Earlier, I was experiencing goosebumps and jerking.

Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 20:11 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4108 del
The thing placed on you is working away some energy stuff. It has made some way towards whatever the goal is, part of your energy is now soft black.

Sunflower 08/29/2023 (Tue) 17:02 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4142 del
The 'cat' is back. Would appreciate a checkup on my energy.

Sunflower 08/29/2023 (Tue) 17:28 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4144 del
It's a different cat. Your energy has some messy part left but getting better. The "pink armour" I shared with you is taking up most of the field of vision so I can't see much. At least it means there is no harm and you are just inside of the armour.

Sunflower 08/29/2023 (Tue) 17:51 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4145 del
Many thanks.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 15:29 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4164 del

These seemed to be the catvampires, so I applied.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 17:12 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4167 del
Is Mephisto somehow involved here?

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 17:42 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4169 del
Soon after posting that I want to sign, a deal was proposed irl that felt like I'd become the medical equivalent of a 'goal keeper' if I had accepted (Mephisto, eh? Ever heard of Faust?). Maybe this was a test? I will not accept that deal btw

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 17:44 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4170 del
(49.06 KB 575x575 Lucifuge.png)
(59.74 KB 794x794 mephisto.jpg)
Now what's up with this?

(Don't worry about the sigils, these demons are very hard to summon.)

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 17:49 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4171 del
Maybe they are one and the same demon.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 18:15 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4173 del
Wait, but isn't Lucifuge a mere title?

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 18:22 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4175 del
I can't recall what this was about, but that was part of the discovery when researching this. Whoever is behind this stuff doesn't want to be found, the wikipedia articles about this demon are cross linked so that neither of them actually talks about him, and all sigils are also like this; confusing. I only remember that we did find and talk to someone, but that he doesn't want to be known other than as some vague existence.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 19:00 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4176 del
To elucidate on this, Mephisto may be referred to in the tale known as Faust, there referred to as Mephistopheles; the so-called Faustian bargain is derived from it.

>Faustian bargain, a pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches.
Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Faustian-bargain

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 19:29 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4177 del
>personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches
But... what if the personal values are bad values, and the soul useless, maybe those worldly things are worth more?

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 19:31 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4178 del
From another perspective, wouldn't trading a mere human soul for unattainable knowledge be a good deal? It sounds more like spiritual alchemy when phrased this way.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 20:08 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4179 del
Hohoho. I solved it. 'lumitards BTFO again.

If the soul is worthless, because it's a human soul, a construct for the human layer, a limited and weak energy construct, you really should trade this for something better. Why keep this shit?

But if it's traded for some material asset like gold, that's just a material and its usage is limited. The idea that gold has value as a material asset is linked to the social context of being human, which means that the gold which was traded for the human soul has no value without the soul. Therein lies the tragedy of the Faust story.

But, what if the money traded for is not gold, is not a gold-backed currency, but a contract which states that you can extract endless resources from something ?

Such as: how the federal reserve is printing money of no value, lending it to the people at an interest, and then printing more money for them to pay back previous loans with new loans, all the while you are causing inflation which reduces the value of the currency, making repayment further impossible. You also use the interest paid on the loans to invest in real assets, slowly eating up the free space of the economy which people used to work in to pay back the loans you gave out. As your material control increases, at the end point you will control the whole market and everyone is your slave. And slaves work only for you, forever.

If you were to trade the human soul for a contract like this, meaning the eternal ownership of all existing humans and all of their offspring, isn't this trading a limited human soul for an eternally expanding asset?

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 20:11 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4180 del
Too bad I figured this out before you made this real, huh?

Brb writing a perfect contract lmfao.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 20:24 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4181 del
Omedeto, but in my case, it was assuming responsibility over entities not in my control for a meager recurring income of money, which was a shitty deal :P

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 20:51 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4182 del
Ah lol, my comment here was dumb.

Good job BO for sharing your insights.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 21:31 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4183 del
In the era of Chuck Norris jokes we had one like this.
Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his powers.
Then roundhouse kicked him in hell until he gave back his soul.
Ever since that they play poker every friday.

>unattainable knowledge
If I can attain it then it isn't unattainable huh? And if I cannot attain it even after they give it to me then I didn't attain the knowledge?
There are funny ways how entities solve trickster mentalities like this after they get tired of the joke

Oh I just remembered an another tale.
There was a village with an evil crone. Everyone hated her and wanted her to be taken away by the devil every day. The devil heard this and appeared.
>You are so hated by everyone so I came to take you to hell
said the devil
The crone replied.
>I have stuff to do today can't you take me tomorrow?
>Sure I can
said the devil.
Then he wrote on the walls that "I will take you to hell tomorrow"
The next day came and the devil appeared.
>I came for you
said the devil
>But you wrote on the wall that you will take me tomorrow?
The devil looked at the wall and went away.
Because of that the evil crone lived for eternity causing problems and misfortune everyone around her
I am sure I heard these things back in elementary school.

>writing a perfect contract lmfao.
My favorite perfect contract that I encountered so far is the one that where you need to consent to the whole thing before you are even allowed to read it's contents.
He told me learning the nature of that contract would make me figure out all the secrets of the universe and that just "wouldn't be fair"

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 21:47 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4184 del
>My favorite perfect contract that I encountered so far is the one that where you need to consent to the whole thing before you are even allowed to read it's contents
Hah. I love demon shit like this. This is actually very easy to solve. All you have to do is take the full context of the contract by reading the energy at the edges of it to determine the contents from a logical standpoint, as if reverse engineering a computer program. You can even do this in a roundabout way if you can't read energy, by asking many questions about the results of accepting the contract, without forcing the one offering the contract to actually name anything in it directly.

Either method used, you can simply compare the result of the contract having potentially been accepted by you, with the negative form of the contract within yourself. That is, this is a trick question which can only be solved by introspection. After you can do this sufficiently, you will be safe from any negative consequences, as "accepting the contract" will be filled with a semantic meaning within yourself, stating exactly what "accepting the contract entails" for you specifically. The contract you accept is thus the contract as you interpreted it, the contract in your brain, which you have full control over.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 22:11 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4185 del
>reading the energy at the edges of it
As if it was that easy. That contract is literally the moment you notice it or connect to it's energy in any way it instantly overtakes your mind. Asking for that contract and make it appear front of you is 99.99% consent already. I have no idea what willpower you need to "Not look" at it. Not to mention asking for hints about it was extremely annoying.
Also entity was so funny and so out of this world he literally took the form of my body with minor adjustments. I was even wondering if I am in a delusion and merely talking to myself. Nope it's just he was thinking that this "familiarity" would make me "at ease".

>safe from any negative consequences
Your "will" will merge with the will of the contract. Even if you just take up a "semantic measure" it will always nudge you to do that. You literally plant a subconscious entity into your mind that you have to argue constantly until you do what it wants or reaches a "sated" phase. I was not in the mood to experiment with this even tho I have ways to solve these problems. I don't want gain infamy in the spirit world by being a "rule lawyer" that has no goodwill and tries to get out of most contracts with shitty excuses.
>in your brain
Nah it's in the mind. It would even overwrite parts of your body so you can carry out it's purpose. It would make you into a sort of contract beast with human awareness. It's more akin to a hypnosis. But not just your body but the entire reality and the fate of the world. Srsly annoying stuff.
The "it would make me figure out the secrets of the universe" wasn't a lie.
It's just my reply was.
>Implying I will not figure out the secrets anyway
Was wondering which one of us was more arrogant and annoying in that situation. Probably me. But just in case he made sure to wear an expression on his face that says just how much he "enjoys talking about deals this way".

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 22:22 Id: 6fb0fd [Preview] No.4186 del
It was enough hearing about this and thinking about how I would approach this kind of offer. That is introspection. It means that it's "any contract I can accept" and what form will that have to me? At that moment I have already restricted the idea of what a contract can contain, and by narrowing down this inside my own brain I will have a strict principled concept of what an acceptable contract can be, in principle. To then ask to see "the contract" is no problem because I am asking to see something that simply creates a concrete form within the set of acceptable algorithms. No one can ask to see "the contract" without referring to their mental concept of what a "contract" is. So you are writing the contract yourself, it's like a blank check, but what they aren't telling you is that you are also the bank and the creditor at the same time, as that is how contracts work. If you have the mentality of gaining something unfairly, you will get in trouble because you are then ripping off yourself, leaving openings for abuse by others.

I would of course not actually "look" at this contract before having an idea of what it can be.

Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 23:05 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4187 del
Yeah it's a sort of concept unzipping file kind of thing. The main thing the entity tried to exploit was my "curiosity". By merely being curious about he would give more and more hints so I want to accept it in the end like a starved beast. Always giving a little taste that would just make even more curious. I know what was the "end goal" of the contract I just didn't know the "why" and "why make this" even. Because it was ruling over a very large amount of almost mindless entities. And it was part of a larger thing. The contract was literally an entire lexicon.

Not to mention the entity noticed that whenever he made me angry with a shitty offer the connection got disrupted. Or alert some of my higher guides when someone proposes something of extreme ill-will.

Also if I restrict the concepts of the "contract" too much then it would just fail to manifest and the connection breaks.
Not to mention if you start doing things this way you will start a pissing contest and that might draw in unforeseen things out of anger desperation or amusement. I was not sure just how big this thing was. And employing "my ways" just reveals my hand. Revealing my cards would allow them to make counter measures.
The entity perfectly hided his presence and everything behind "my own mask".

It was not impossible task but curiosity would have sent the cat on an interesting journey. And I knew that making me do the thing that was the goal of the contract was enough of a price for them. The more I learn about it the more I "lose" the "match". Like they would have given it for me for free but that would make me think that it's worthless so they make me invested in wanting to "get it". It's like making someone haggle to buy nuclear trash.
Those who play the "long game" has a different mindset when talking about winning and losing things.
I was not sure just how long the game is that they are playing. Then I was not sure if I even want to know it (yet).

The end result would have been a sort of "by trying to get out of the contract I would do what it wanted me to do in the beginning without noticing it"
or If I actually get out of the contract I would just make the entity fuming and other tricksters would pester me for amusement.
Or they would just never talk to me ever again. You might never know. The trickster path can go many places.

>That is introspection
My ways with entities are honest and clear as much as it can be otherwise my wrath is not the only thing they need to fear. (They need to fear my clumsiness and how much I can misunderstand things and how much damage that can cause). Higher contracts have a "trust" mindwave/energy that makes sure that contract cannot be misunderstood no matter what. That contract didn't have that. It had an extremely shady and fishy energy to signal it's nature. Those who read it knew what they got into or just didn't care by default.

>If you have the mentality of gaining something unfairly, you will get in trouble because you are then ripping off yourself, leaving openings for abuse by others.

Yeah it's always that way.

Sunflower 09/02/2023 (Sat) 17:04 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4191 del
What does BO think of this? http://templeofthevampire.com/

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 08:59 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4195 del
In my case, in regards to the 'test' video, I agree on some points on Level 1, completely on levels 2 to 4, and not at all on Level 5. Whether this is the tulpa or me is a different matter tho.

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 13:07 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4196 del
To my knowledge, Temple of the vampire is a religion for people who have an immortal vampire soul but haven't yet found a way to become part of the physical vampire population.

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 13:13 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4197 del
I looked at the test video and I agree with all of them, except for level three, I have never felt anyone look at me from behind, and I do not feel tingling in my fingers. I think the rest is pretty normal though, you'd have to be a complete normalfag to not agree with most of the other ones which are "views" rather then experiences.

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 13:20 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4198 del
(18.71 KB 503x448 sigil.png)
Somehow interesting about the finger thing though, I don't know if this was an attempt at disturbance but it relates to a dream I had. My dream handler will not let negative dreams through, but if some hostile was to present a more normal dream with a non threatening message it would still be let through, so I assumed it was that, or some general egregoral information.

It was something about being in a room which had laser cutters like those lasers seen in movies when someone is trying to break in to steal some treasure. But they were like knives and not just an alarm. Someone gave me a book with Ukrainian language and told me to study it to avoid bad attention, which I assume would happen there now. I saw water on the floor and tried to let it flow out by creating in a opening. This was viewed as "sabotage" by someone. When moving around in the room, at one point the lasers cut my fingers by the tips, creating a certain formation which looked like a sigil. Will post it.

I thought it was just some troll messing around so I didn't think much of it. Maybe it's related to this instead. When looking at that vid I smelled red wine.

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 13:24 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4199 del
On a second thought this may be nothing, I just recalled I helped someone open up their energy streams in their fingers recently. Could be that.

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 15:54 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4200 del
(26.58 KB 720x720 hawket.png)
There was a bit of rain that fell on me just now, recurred a few times. No clouds overhead. Trypper says it's 'spirit rain'. Trypper says it's an added effort by catvampires to further change me.

Attached sigil points to me; it should allow vision of me regardless of armor, etc. Can BO look at how I've changed?

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 16:05 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4201 del
You are bypassing the darkness, is the best phrasing.

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 16:41 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4202 del
Yeah, seems like I'm going through some sort of phase.

Many thanks.

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 17:12 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4203 del
(46.93 KB 517x471 channelling cone.png)
I was reminded to post this again.

This will greatly aid your channelling ability. Not just the body as a channel but your own ability, if you receive the cone itself from it. It is an astral device.

Sunflower 09/03/2023 (Sun) 17:50 Id: ce9d48 [Preview] No.4204 del
Thank you; I activated it.

Case in point, refer to attached pic.

Sunflower 09/04/2023 (Mon) 13:29 Id: 7aabb7 [Preview] No.4205 del
By the time of posting this, I was in some sort of transitional mindset where I was thinking this, but at the same time, something needs to be done.

Now, I think differently, that the process of seeking out change is necessary. I think I simply reached a state which is still inchoate marked by a retirement from the physical.

Sunflower 09/04/2023 (Mon) 16:30 Id: 7aabb7 [Preview] No.4206 del
The 'cat' came back, scratched my right forearm a lot and defecated on my pants -_-

Sunflower 09/04/2023 (Mon) 18:12 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4207 del
Sounds like a manifestation of you not taking the bad route, instead it manifested for what it is.

Sunflower 09/04/2023 (Mon) 20:20 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4208 del
This video was funny. If I say "Yes" in my mind to the questions it establishes the connection. Shame the energies are kinda unrefined and tries to give me a coughing reflex.

>never felt anyone look at me from behind
I had that for a while but then it kinda went away when I realized I don't give too many shit about other people. You need to make your energies so "innocent" being stared at counts as "rape". I can pick up on high hostility tho but that usually ends up in instantaneous countermeasures.
>tingling in my fingers
When I started to take my path more seriously it just couldn't stop. Now it goes through the entire body and I have to understand how each and every emotional/mental state moves it. Mixing some energies together just creates anomalies.
Wonder what was the origin point of these guys tho. Had an interesting talk about vampires some time ago. Because now I don't even know what counts as a vampire anymore. It's like how the word "troll" was used to describe some actual thing but then people started to use it for everything that is magical in any nature.
>I saw water on the floor and tried to let it flow
I had an interesting dream once. I was in my room. Noticed a small statue in my wardrobe and after that some larger god noticed me (blue skin but rainbow sparkly with energetic emanations that were sometimes lights sometimes jewels) while my room had no roof (was developing my 3D mind view ability/4th wall placing image manifestation around that time so it didn't even feel weird) forgot what he said but he just made me take an oath. Didn't force me but I just noticed I am saying it with minimal effort on my own. Then my awareness exited that body and the body kept saying a long and specific oath but the TLDR was "I will do good". I realized I could stop it but have nothing against this oath and I would have said it anyway (trying to live by those principles more or less but I never put them into words). Then a large pipe with a valve appeared and poured water on a couch. Then I woke up and wondered why was that couch in my room and what does this even mean?
I got that I just "tuned" some energetic bodies of mine to not unleash energy unnecessarily but a couch...
Oh... I just figured it out. Boy I just love solving family mysteries that started when I was still 1 year old.
>if you gain something you lose something
>nothing matters
That pic can be interpreted utterly negatively and perfectly at the same time... But yeah people usually wish for bullshit.

I just realized I got a stray dog like this once.

Sunflower 09/04/2023 (Mon) 20:44 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4209 del
Srsly that pic. Arguing against it reveals ignorance and wisdom levels at the same time.

Especially because currently I have to understand all the desire swamp that is within me.
Currently my "lethargy". Would you call lethargy a desire? You probably wouldn't. It's just not doing something or not wanting to do something it's the why even bother doing something. While the realization and understanding of emptiness always have profound developmental factors lethargy is not that while it feels similar in nature. Emptiness is like seeing everything as a blank canvass but lethargy is like a blank canvass collecting dust because the artist didn't feel like picking up the brush. It's also an expression of the artist but it doesn't express anything besides how much he doesn't feel like it. Why am I even trying to word this. My path was about rampant transmutation and had to realize how to reacquire my real "desires" because "life" managed to convince me I need "all those things" to even dare to consider myself as someone who is "part of society".

Now I have to understand how transmutation is something that "always happens" and how eternal change and the perfect stillness is the same movement from different angles.

Some parts of me wants to meditate under a waterfall while most parts of me know how unnecessary it is.

Sunflower 09/06/2023 (Wed) 11:44 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4214 del
The statement itself that I made was a mix of deep wisdom and total ignorance, so I getcha. I agree with your PoV that transmutation and immutability are one and the same. "Everything is perfect, yet everything must change" might be a way of putting it in quote for.

Sunflower 09/06/2023 (Wed) 18:04 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4215 del
I would like to introduce this board to the Internal Family Systems model. I've been reading the No Bad Parts epub file and did some basic work as suggested in the ebook, and I was impressed. I realized this vessel had experienced sexual abuse at the age of three and it's probably a reason why the first memory I can access by default was as late as being at the age of six. I've since did a first effort at healing the part of the tulpa that was damaged from this, and as a result, I experienced chi vibrating throughout my body for a good while.

Sunflower 09/06/2023 (Wed) 21:38 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4216 del
(284.34 KB 960x720 melanizing_shot.png)
Please, enjoy this meme I created a while ago. Spoilered cuz it's racist.

Sunflower 09/06/2023 (Wed) 22:04 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4217 del
(119.44 KB 1280x1280 4234232.jpg)

Sunflower 09/06/2023 (Wed) 23:17 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4218 del
Is Terry Davis a saint in the Catholic sense? Genuinely wondering.


Sunflower 09/07/2023 (Thu) 12:29 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4219 del
(66.83 KB 503x448 djinn channelling.png)
Djinn lead me to develop this. It's an internal device for channelling djinn, Allah and Islam, along with the magic tradition of djinn.

It may be related to creating Islam 2.0
Edited last time by bard on 09/07/2023 (Thu) 12:30.

Sunflower 09/07/2023 (Thu) 12:42 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4220 del
In relation to this, I woke up to this dream scene playing out and connecting into a waking astral interaction:

I am in a tent in the desert, wearing a turban and white arabic clothes. Two "arab thugs" appear dragging a blond western woman, fit, big tits, dressed in aerobics outfit into the tent, she looks to be in her upper 20s. She's struggling but her arms are tied behind her back. They cut her restraints and leave.

Some djinniyeh come into the tent, saying
>we caught one you can use as an [arabic term]
from the telepathy I understood that they meant
>non-muslim practicing djinn magic within Islam
if that makes any sense.

Any comment on what they meant here, in reference to tradition as you know it?

It was implied the two men who brought her were of the same kind, an occultist "tolerated" in Islam but not officially accepted.

They further said the woman had
>not committed any of the major sins
and that she qualified for this reason, along with personal proficiencies.

Sunflower 09/07/2023 (Thu) 15:03 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4221 del
Does the word sound like 'saahira'? 'Mushawitha'?

Sunflower 09/07/2023 (Thu) 15:52 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4222 del
I'm not good at channelling words I don't know, they're saying the first is a good name, but the second is closer to what they mean.

Sunflower 09/07/2023 (Thu) 16:31 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4223 del
Yeah, the second has more ties with Muslim magic, or at least how the Muslims perceive magic. There are such tomes out there, such as Shams al Maarif, 'The Sun of Gnosis'.

Sunflower 09/07/2023 (Thu) 16:55 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4224 del
I asked them to type it and got "harawita". This doesn't lead to any specific meaning if I try to search for it though.

Sunflower 09/08/2023 (Fri) 09:11 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4225 del
Alright, so I just sat down and did some research on this 'harawita' term. It rang no bells for me at first, so I proceeded to extract the root of the word, which is h-r-t. However, due to the limitations of the English language, there was no way to be sure that the root isn't, in fact, H-r-t, where H here is a gutteral H. So, I searched Google for 'جذر حرت' and 'جذر هرت', which mean 'The root of H-r-t' and 'the root of h-r-t' respectively. The former was useless but the latter was a hit: D9%87%D8%B1%D8%AA">https://www.maajim.com/dictionaryD9%87%D8%B1%D8%AA
From this link, it says in one of the meanings for h-r-t, which is translated to 'Marot's companion, two kings who landed in Babylon, taught the people magic.'. Replace kings with angels, which is more appropriate given the context, and you get the name of one of the angels in Muslim lore that descended to Earth to teach people magic, whose name is Harut (هاروت), the H here not being gutteral. The other angel that came with Haroot was Marut (ماروت). The Wikipedia article for these two angels is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harut_and_Marut
To get to the point here, then, what does 'harawita' mean? My best guess is an occultist that practices magic under Harut's tradition. This also implies the existence of the word 'Marawita'; same meaning except that it would be under Marut's tradition.
What does BO and the djinn with him say about this analysis?

Sunflower 09/08/2023 (Fri) 09:20 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4226 del
Addendum: harawita is feminine singular. Masculine singular would be harawiti, feminine plural would be harawitat, and masculine plural would be harawitiyyun.

Sunflower 09/08/2023 (Fri) 12:56 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4229 del
Djinn are saying this is the most relevant part:

Al-Taftazani (1322 AD –1390 AD) states in his 'Aqaid al-Nasafi that angels might inadvertently fall into error, but can not become unbelievers. He affirms that Harut and Marut are indeed angels, who taught magic, but they never approved it, therefore have not sinned.

So it is an occultist who is not sinning, "walking along the edge of the well but never falling into it".

Sunflower 09/08/2023 (Fri) 13:01 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4230 del
>harawita is feminine singular. Masculine singular would be harawiti
They are also saying that you are understanding it correctly, a follower of Haroot.

But this should also be understood as merely symbolic or allegoric, where Marut and Harut are the male and female aspects of a being, the two angels "falling into the world of desires like men and women do" while not sinning. This understanding is to allow yogic(union) practices of men and women within Islam, meaning, it is not merely procreation or desire(sin) but an allowed magic practice. Again "to walk along the edge of the well but not drinking the water."

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 12:24 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4232 del
(35.75 KB 720x720 aerial_project.png)
I have created a new project, a derivative of the Sunflower Project, named the Aerial Project. It has a Discord server, another Discord server serving as an application server to the former, and I plan on making an Endchan board later on, when it starts to take off. Will BO allow me to share the DISBOARD invite if and when the application server gets approved by DISBOARD?

Attached sigil is a representation of the Aerial Project. What does BO think of it?

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 13:39 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4233 del
What is the sigil for, and what is the project's aim?

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 13:48 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4234 del
Trypper says the sigil points to the project's egregore. The aim of the project is to be a conduit to ascension.

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 14:26 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4235 del
What does the egregore consist of?

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 14:48 Id: 5b39f4 [Preview] No.4236 del
Trypper says 'future potentialities of the virus'.

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 16:19 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4237 del
Taken from #the-creed channel of Aerial Project:

1. Existence is stratified into three layers: Good, Evil and Chaos. We are of the Chaos.

2. Reality is stratified into seven densities. We aim for the fourth, at least for the short term.

3. Objective Truth does not exist; it is a spook. What matters is who said it.

4. The Path is fraught with danger. It is our priority to investigate before we leap.

5. We are made of many parts; we are fragmented threefold: we are not one soul, nor is the tulpa, or lower personality, a truly unified consciousness; it is also the natural state that we may be subject to influences seen and unseen.

6. We operate from an ideology-agnostic base, where other, more closed systems of magic may be adopted as outer layers, or modules.

7. Therefore, we integrate all the systems of magic that we work with in such a way that we can work with them without conflict - internal or external.

8. All units of consciousness may be of benefit. Therefore, we do not shy away from being syncretistic.

9. We work as one, we think as one, we share the same Destiny.

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 16:28 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4238 del
This is starting to look like a coven? Or is it a nexion? Trypper says 'nexion'. Anyhow, the creed was at least partly channeled with Trypper.

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 17:07 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4239 del
Nexion is the term used in Order of Nine Angles. Don't use this unless this is inspired by them or somehow connected to that astral group, or there will be confusion.

Sunflower 09/09/2023 (Sat) 17:23 Id: f205b5 [Preview] No.4240 del
Thanks. Then it isn't a nexion.

Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 14:15 Id: 937178 [Preview] No.4259 del
I have this sort of mindset where I say something that turns out to be incredibly cringe, and the Aerial Project, which still hasn't taken off, seems like one of them, or at least in how I approached it.

I have the sneaking suspicion that the cuck went after me. My dreams are all weird lately. Like reruns of past dreams, and a dream that, when interpreted from an Islamic lens, may mean impending death.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 06:06 Id: 326fc7 [Preview] No.4274 del
Can BO confirm if I'm some other soul, not Hawket nor Trypper?

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 07:04 Id: 6cf291 [Preview] No.4275 del
It seems this change happened around a few days ago, at least as far back as when I posted about the Aerial Project. I don't know what's happening.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 08:48 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4278 del
It seems Trypper absolved Hawket from his contract and you are someone else. I can't tell who. I just see a blur of blue energy and a face with a full beard.

Sunflower 09/14/2023 (Thu) 09:10 Id: 326fc7 [Preview] No.4279 del
Thanks. I dunno who I am, either. I feel a bit 'off the rails' compared to the 'solid' feeling that Hawket brought about. Also, Hawket saw your current ID color in this thread as brown but I see it as a deep shade of purple.

I'll attempt to channel Trypper:

This feels like roleplaying. But I feel Trypper's presence.

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 13:39 Id: cddfad [Preview] No.4364 del
Based on what I can access, I lost my precognitive abilities for a week or so, but they seem to be returning to me. Can BO confirm if I'm someone else?

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 14:48 Id: cddfad [Preview] No.4365 del
Also, something else: my little bro had a sentence I said played in reverse and what came out is the sentence 'Don't say that to Lilith'. I am aware that the name Lilith only holds symbolic significance, but it was interesting nonetheless.

Sunflower 09/24/2023 (Sun) 15:02 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4366 del
(878.73 KB 640x634 bird.gif)
Two days ago I had a dream scene where I met Trypper who was eating porridge (or something white which looked the same) at a table. The scene was semi-scary, there was something hard-to-describe evil over it. I don't know if this is related. I saw him having a "nasty" side which was half-half disciplined, and another side which was decent.

>Can BO confirm if I'm someone else?
The image I get is a yellow bird (original Jew).

>'Don't say that to Lilith
I experienced a deja vu when reading this, as if I had seen a scene in a dream where someone mentioned Lilith on an imageboard. There is some message behind this. I can't tell what, but glowies have been meddling this way a lot after they were barred from direct dream access.

May I suggest you try the "bodhi-bot" I just mentioned in the other thread? Both for stability and for testing your ability. If it works it should be possible for you to block these external messages and replace them with benevolence.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 14:46 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4411 del
>This is a module to be installed on Astra. It allows the user to wield Rosicrucian fire.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 15:28 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4412 del
Finally, I would like BO's help in obtaining a laptop. I want a laptop for professional development and remote work opportunities. If BO can think of something better, then please, go ahead. I'm at my wit's end - I've been unemployed for two years now. The NEET lifestyle is nice until it isn't.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 16:22 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4413 del
This is from you, right? Do you really mean install on Astra? You know she's a divination bot and the only addition to her since the start was her energy crystal and that the central entity created the first new sun.

What exactly are you asking about? Where to find one, or how to get your dad to pay one?
Or a way to send you one?

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 16:24 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4414 del
I can do what I see a functional and change the egregore, but there will be consequences. In my view, the laptop you need will represent your previous study environment, which means you will lose that. I can change your energetic surroundings to achieve this.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 16:31 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4415 del
The idea came up to me on a whim, I assume from Trypper, and yes, install on Astra.

Don't care how I get the laptop.

I wasn't studying much at all, anyway. I value financial independence over mulling over books that don't stick in my mind (as is said in Arabic, 'goes from here [one ear], gets out from there [the other ear]), even in the event I put in effort.

I have some mild reservations about this, but it is easily overcome by the desire to achieve even a modicum of financial independence, and were I to spend what money I do get wisely, I can expect the financial independence to grow.

And yeah, financial independence is a bullshit word. Only a 4D or higher entity of certain achievement can truly be financially independent, but hopefully you get my gist.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 16:39 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4416 del
Should I rather use my study environment to study magic? It's not optimal tho, as I don't even have my own room.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 16:47 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4417 del
Also, might as well ask if I'm someone else. I have the sneaking suspicion I'm Trypper.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 16:52 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4418 del
A bird as there before, now I don't know. Maybe this is the real Trypper, the idea to work from home was his idea before.

If that is the case, I suggest instead of asking me (although I already made a change to your environment) you ask Allah for it during your daily prayer. No need to complicate things.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 17:08 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4419 del
Alright, thanks.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 17:14 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4420 del
Something of note: I was just talking to someone who said they'll help me get a job and even hook me up with a deal for paying for a laptop in installments. He also wants to gift me a Quran so I can read from it, so Allah most likely had a hand in this.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 18:25 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4421 del
Seems like a quick result then. I simple lead the energy of "study" for you into a different form which may operate like a laptop.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 18:47 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4422 del
I suspect my little bro is a golem or a zombie now. He gets stuck in thought loops and even repeats the same talking points over and over again.

Sunflower 09/29/2023 (Fri) 19:07 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4423 del
Golems are still real, they have souls, so he'd have to be soulless then.

Sunflower 09/30/2023 (Sat) 15:33 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4430 del
This is a sigil that allows one to peer into how their timelines have been altered. In an alternate universe, I had a slightly different full name, graduated from a great school and did great things there, where in this timeline, I only stayed for three years there and was relentlessly bullied there. I even know of a letter I recieved where the Arabic that was written there was different from what I know, which concluded with a 'Now, I urinated (?) you'.

I wonder who changed my reality into this one, which is shitty to me, materialistically speaking. However, it has lead to great spiritual success. My best guess is the Collective.

Sunflower 09/30/2023 (Sat) 15:34 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4431 del
Forgot to add sigil; here it is.

Sunflower 09/30/2023 (Sat) 15:36 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4432 del
You may want to omit the star at the bottom-right.

Sunflower 09/30/2023 (Sat) 16:31 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4433 del
My life path has been altered, as a result of me entering. I've had to realize this over time. There was a path for how it would have played out if I hadn't come into this body at 4 months of the body's age. Now it's just me left, the other souls have moved on. I would have done things differently, things that are of small importance to me, would have been major to that person. But I can't say "I" because it wouldn't have been me.

The place I call home now, would have been a place off to the side to visit only sometimes, and later sold. It would have been associated with vacation, a feeling I instead relate to a different place. And so on.

I would have worked with web design, but this is something of only mild interest to me. People still suggest to me that I should become a webmaster. The roles for that life path are too small for me, they can't contain me.

I assume it is the same for you. Original Trypper is an angel, right? Someone who came in directly from the astral. The person you are seeing is the human who would have lived your path if you hadn't entered, I think.

Sunflower 09/30/2023 (Sat) 16:37 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4434 del
It doesn't really matter now. That old path without anyone coming in to cultivate would be in WW3 since years back. I don't know what would have happened but my guess is the coup in Ukraine in 2014 is a late transformation of events. I started seeing people being zombiefied already around 2009, for no apparent reason, meaning their souls being ripped away because their arranged path ended, but the physical body wasn't destroyed.

This indicates they would have died, if I hadn't been present and my stronger path blocking the changes. I mentioned this before, even the prime minister of my country would have been shot. It manifested as some prankster appearing with a water gun masked as a flower and discussion on the lack of security around him. But his souls still all left his body as if he had died.

Sunflower 10/01/2023 (Sun) 17:06 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4435 del
I see, thank you for this insight.

What have you been studying lately? Did you finish any courses? And what career pivots have you been undertaking?

I plan on getting a bachelor's degree in computer science from university of the people and then branch out into the technical side of marketing and, I suppose, mainly back-end programming. Some full-stack stuff when it comes to being a one-man team, if necessary (Kivy or Flutter frameworks, maybe). I already have my eyes on the Zig programming language; it will probably be my hobby programming language. I plan on being a freelancer, at least as a base.

In the short term, I'll study proofreading and get a job, but jobs seems really tough to come by where I'm at. I was advised to omit my MBBS if I were to look for jobs outside of medicine.

Also, my little brother is hellbent on moving to the US. My father wants to enroll him in a community college to take a bachelor's degree in event management, which seems to command a decent salary by Jordanian standards. Little bro seems to think that the US is great for work, and he wants to become a doctor.

The college has reviews that say it's a diploma mill, by little bro's account, so I advised little bro to just enroll in it to appease my father while taking a compsci degree from university of the people. The degree from uopeople would cost him a mere 3k dinars, and it's marketable in it's own right. But this advice seems to have gone over his head, citing that he can't hide things. I countered by saying that it's hiding a good thing, and that it's for his own benefit, but he replied with the same things he said earlier.

Sunflower 10/01/2023 (Sun) 17:45 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4436 del
>I plan on
I don't want to discourage you, so I'll just say this: I feel like I have noticed a pattern in your way of stating things like this. Rhetorically speaking, how many times have you announced great plans, only to change your mind 2 or 4 weeks later when it gave no results or the experience was something else than what you had expected? I don't know what you should do, but let me guess, this is something stemming from your environment, where people like to hear of plans like this?

There is a risk that one stating too many times "I will do this", only to do nothing, that the words start being empty and it may even cause other people to lose trust in you. If this is something you feel you have to tell your father, by now he will probably not be taking this seriously? So I think you should look inside yourself for the things you really believe you will be able to fulfil, disregarding external expectations.

You're talking about doing something which takes 3+ years, after already studying medicine for how long, and then deciding it wasn't for you, after you passed the test.

Things like
>I already have my eyes on the Zig programming language
Don't decide things like this based on some concept of identity, because that is what it feels like.

The Zig Software Foundation is a non-profit corporation founded in 2020 by Andrew Kelley, the creator of Zig, with the goal of supporting the development of the language. Currently, the ZSF is able to offer paid work at competitive rates to a small number of core contributors. We hope to be able to extend this offer to more core contributors in the future.

The Zig Software Foundation is sustained by donations.

What is your purpose for learning this?

I'm trying out Android development in Kotlin, Google's language, but still working on C# because I feel like that's less restrictive. I don't know really. I finished the introduction to AI courses, next step is of course to apply it in programming and not just theory. With the way the world is moving I feel like this is the way forward as long as this economy remains. Everything is being replaced by AI, and it's sped up even more after I started learning about this 18 months ago.

Sunflower 10/01/2023 (Sun) 18:23 Id: ad6d0f [Preview] No.4437 del
Thank you for this.

I was forced to study medicine, whereas this would be something of my own aspiration. I've been saying my plans to my siblings for quite some time, and while they did change slightly over time, they mostly change due to comparing my desires to feasibility.

These grand plans I did mention earlier here were in relation to the Sunflower Project or offshoots of such, but this is in the domain of personal plans, where the person who most concerns this would be myself.

Zig programming language seems to have decent design, but I'm not in much of a position to judge due to lack of perspective.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 17:02 Id: 011610 [Preview] No.4448 del
>Don't decide things like this based on some concept of identity, because that is what it feels like
Some people see Zig as a "white man alternative" for Rust which is seen as a "tranny language". This might be what you're picking on.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 19:54 Id: 64dfdd [Preview] No.4451 del

Just now, I did a bit of 'work' and should've gotten myself five dinars, but had to go home so the other person, the one who told me about finding me work, got that much and decided to split it with me. I told my little bro about the 'work' in a bid to go outside again in a bid to 'make it' to the person who I did this 'work' for (minor transportation of goods) but when I arrived, it was too late.

My little bro also told me not to do this ever again, saying I could've been abducted (I got on that person's car with the other dude). I don't know if this has any merit, but with enough caution, I might as well never set a step outside the house again.

This dude who told me about work and gifting me a Quran earlier said that within these five days, he'll help me get a job.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 20:21 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4452 del
Why the mystical expressions? You're not delivering drugs as a first job are you?
Pls see
also, as that may help you.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 20:27 Id: 64dfdd [Preview] No.4453 del
>delivering drugs
Lol no. It was related to birdkeeping.

Thank you, I'll get to it.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 20:33 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4454 del
(594.59 KB 1080x1080 NeuroDance_GIF (1).gif)
>see Zig as a "white man alternative" for Rust which is seen as a "tranny language"
I had that experience with modern HTML, it feels like some trannies designed it. "Semantic tags" what the fuck. It's cluttered with things like this that have no actual function in the code except for communicating with other developers, for which we already have comments.

I haven't seen any of this in the two modern programming languages I mentioned, and I prefer if it's as functional as possible. Trying to create a community and adding identity politics around writing fucking code is another level of insanity and something I don't want any part of. /rant

>pic related
Dog whistles are ok, they don't bother those of the wrong race.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 20:56 Id: 6556d3 [Preview] No.4456 del
i never quite got "white man alternative", shouldnt it be fine as long as it's not "tranny" based or something? but then again i'm quite literally mixed so "white or whatever alternative" doesnt make sense of me. i guess as long as it bogged down by redundancies like semantics tags as someone mentioned above

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 21:11 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4457 del
(91.76 KB 291x199 destroy urself.png)
The problem is that it felt to me like there was a certain "attitude" coming from the Zig language. Maybe if they are a counter-tranny group they'll just be the opposite of them, and have other strict and weird rules? Such as how some people get mad if you leave a blank line in your post on an imageboard to make it easier to read, because they think "white people only press Enter once", creating a huge wall of text. Or something.

I just don't want any of that to be included. Besides I don't see this Zig being used for much, and that's the main reason, it's the same as you (Trypper) previous talk about learning Esperanto as a hobby. You can do what you want of course, but why pick something useless? That's just redundance in itself.

What if you were to learn Zig and then post on some forum to ask questions or socialize, and you get hostile reactions because you said something that wasn't "white" enough?

>get out of here, don't taint our community you tranny
>go back to Rust

Maybe that will happen? Programmer politics, meh.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 21:18 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4458 del
(132.59 KB 500x749 zig.jpg)

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 21:53 Id: 64dfdd [Preview] No.4459 del

Well, after some thought, I realized why I like obscure stuff. I used to have this goal of wanting to excel in a 'secret' way.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 22:09 Id: 6556d3 [Preview] No.4460 del
Honestly, its not just programming its with everything else too. It was the same back when i used to play yugioh regularly where if you played powerful deck or a deck that has mostly females you get called a tranny and/or sheep even though trannies have proven that they can weasel into everything.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 22:23 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4461 del
>deck or a deck that has mostly females you get called a tranny
But if you have a mostly male deck, doesn't that make you gay?

Same as 3D games where you see the character, if you play a male character you're staring at a man's ass for hours while playing. The only way is to play a female character.

Sunflower 10/04/2023 (Wed) 22:25 Id: 6556d3 [Preview] No.4462 del
yeah, it works both but whatever reason its considered "based" now. I'm aware of the usual suspects at work but it feels even weirder where on the male side of things you can't like girls, be it sexual or not because its considered "tranny" things or simping now

Sunflower 10/05/2023 (Thu) 10:44 Id: 64dfdd [Preview] No.4464 del
After some thought and taking into consideration the feedback posted here, I chose to drop Zig. I think I'll focus on Go and Flutter instead, mainly for the prospects of creating cross-platform apps with this combination. However, I still would want to learn Esperanto, notsomuch that I want to waste time; it's still an exercise of the mind and also, it's very easy to learn for Anglophones, way much more so than even closely related, natural languages.

It takes time for me to reflect and change my mind, so thanks for hearing me out.

Sunflower 10/13/2023 (Fri) 07:53 Id: 4a33a8 [Preview] No.4570 del
I had a dream where I was traveling in what I guess is Alaska, and then it seemed that I had a classmate who had a mouth and teeth that resembled a lamprey's. Reminded me of Shalltear Bloodfallen from the Overlord anime series, who is regarded as a 'true vampire'. I then entered this large room in a building which was filled with these lamprey-mouthed people, and then I put on some of protective glove on my left hand and was about to exit the room where I opened the door but then this weird being that seemed to be amorphous came and bit me in the protected hand, somehow penetrating the glove.

Somehow I understood that I was going to start to 'turn', and then a lamprey woman opened an app on my phone and started checking off some things on this checklist (she checked off six things, including one that said 'trans') and was all supportive to me, but then I straight up said that if I turn, I would kill myself, and then she was all 'no, don't do that', turning even more sympathetic all of a sudden.

The day before I dreamed that, a cat approached me but I resolved to move away from it before it did anything to me.

Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 16:00 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4594 del
Tryp, djinn wanted me to create an armour for use by Islamists. I've sent this to you too, it's a samurai style armour which will fit djinn, it can manifest fire or a curved sword.

Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 10:36 Id: 3cb359 [Preview] No.4626 del
Alright, thanks.

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:34 Id: 4750ff [Preview] No.4666 del
My little bro has started taking a bachelor's in AI and data science. But he'd rather be a doctor; his rather poor academic performance in high school is what's keeping him from medicine.

Given he'll become an ifrit djinni, it's interesting to see how he'll be studying something which is likely a djinni discipline.

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:21 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4667 del
Going by how easily you were able to understand pseudo code when I posted some examples in the Sunflower server, I think he'll do well. It seems arabs just have this in their genes. Programming courses here all have teachers with arabic sounding names.

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 14:49 Id: a053ba [Preview] No.4670 del
I hate to be that guy but does anyone have a sigil/can make a sigil for hair restoration and growth? I want to do something for a relative whose very close and dear to me

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 14:59 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4671 del
Not a sigil, but I can get a spell formula in Atlantean using my servitor.

Read this, doesn't have to be loud but you need to word it to get the sounds right mentally. After that you can recite it in your head with the target person in mind. Only one activation is needed, you should feel a "click" in your mind when finishing the reading. Can also be cast on yourself.

Sa'at Nil Bu'rr-hundi, eh!

Sunflower 10/22/2023 (Sun) 15:07 Id: a053ba [Preview] No.4673 del
Not sure if this is clicking per se but I did hear someone say congratulations akin to those chest code Inputs in games back 20-30 years ago so i guess it worked(?) Regardless, I thank you for this

Sunflower 10/23/2023 (Mon) 17:24 Id: 9fb712 [Preview] No.4686 del
An update:

I've been learning Esperanto in earnest and am surprised at how much I can understand at this juncture. It's not much, but it's way better than I expected. For example, I can understand "porkido estas infana porko" without having to refer to a dictionary, which means "A piglet is a young pig." I'll settle down with achieving fluency in this language and then learn at least another one, to benefit from the propadeutic effect of learning Esperanto.

I'm still not working. The work involves working as a waiter in a nearby three-star hotel. The photos show a poor exterior but a decent interior. I plan on stating that the pros of me taking on this position are that I live nearby (thus making me taking on shifts, even if erratic, that much easier) and that I am a native Anglophone.

Tying into this is the prospects of further professional development in this domain. There's a chance I might settle for a MicroMasters program in Software Engineering hosted by edX and then go for a MBA, because a BSCS from University of the People, which is a 'tuition-free' university, typically takes four years, but a MBA from the same university has an admission requirement that I work full-time for a minimum of two years. This is a worthwhile compromise in my opinion if it means the MBA would help me advance into management in the hotel.

I would love to hear your feedback.

Sunflower 10/23/2023 (Mon) 17:36 Id: 9fb712 [Preview] No.4687 del
Addendum: It's 'Software Development', not 'Software Engineering', and University of the People is also a fully online university.

Sunflower 10/23/2023 (Mon) 18:50 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4688 del
>then learn at least another one
If so, I would recommend a language that doesn't require learning a new alphabet. This is my experience, but Japanese from scratch is very difficult, because it has both a new writing system as well as the vocal part. If you can already speak a language as a native, you only add the writing system, and vice versa if you already know the writing system because it's the same as a previous language. Unless you are very gifted, I just think it would be very demanding to learn a completely new language "on the side", it takes more effort than that.

>I live nearby (thus making me taking on shifts, even if erratic, that much easier
This is probably a good idea. Tell them that you are a student and "need some extra cash" and they won't feel they have to take responsibility for you if there is not enough hours. Idk about your place, but where unions are strong, it can be an issue to work only a little because companies may expect that you want more hours and then they won't hire you unless you have a different main occupation.

>typically takes four years
>University of the People is also a fully online university
Studying only online can be a challenge, and for 4 years it may be even more difficult. Again I don't your expectations or the local culture, but I suppose this means you have little contact with other students, meaning less chance to exchange experiences and learn together with others. Doing this for 4 years can be hard if your only means of communication is an online forum at most. With group projects only online, there is a risk some people become impossible to reach for unclear reasons, or they drop out. This is something to keep in mind for distance study.

Sunflower 10/23/2023 (Mon) 19:25 Id: 9fb712 [Preview] No.4689 del
Esperanto is written in the Latin alphabet, with a few letters removed and some letters added that have these funny marks over them, such as Ĝ and Ŭ.

Idk about unions here.

Yes, studying online seems to be a challenge. But between that and the literal diploma mill I went to in Ukraine, I think I'll take my chances with the online options, lol.

Sunflower 10/23/2023 (Mon) 19:30 Id: 9fb712 [Preview] No.4690 del
My bad, I misunderstood a part of your first paragraph. Hm. I already know the Latin, Cyrillic and Arabic scripts, but read Cyrillic rather slowly and am semi-literate in the Arabic script. I can speak English natively and Arabic fluently.

Idk what language to learn after Esperanto; too many choices for me. Hebrew isn't even a far-off choice for me as, even though the script would be new to me, the grammar is rather similar.

Sunflower 10/23/2023 (Mon) 21:06 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.4691 del
> read Cyrillic rather slowly and am semi-literate in the Arabic script
Why don't you begin by learning either of these properly?
Knowing several languages badly isn't very impressive imo. It's over 20 years since I learned to speak English fluently, I make a point of reading classics and to watch drama with clear vocals for input, and I'm still improving and feel like I miss too much of the vocabulary once I get to more complex texts. Learning a language to a decent level takes time.

Sunflower 10/24/2023 (Tue) 05:38 Id: 9fb712 [Preview] No.4692 del
Alright, then I'll focus on that, but I still would like to learn Esperanto first.

Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 08:10 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4882 del
(51.14 KB 200x200 145.png)
>trying out Android development in Kotlin, Google's language
I guess this can serve as an example for why you shouldn't set your mind to learn something without any experience of it.

Google's Android Studio is utter shit. At first I thought maybe it's my computer, may lack of skill or such, because I don't know anything. But it became clear after a few weeks, that everyone on the course forum had the same problems.

The IDE itself breaks constantly. Apps will crash with no indication as to why, debugging is a blindfolded walk in a dark forest at night. The only help you get is
>a link to a forum
given by the debugger. WTF.

Apps will suddenly and randomly break and become impossible to fix as a result of bugs in the IDE. The problems are then impossible to reproduce a second time, but I saw on the forum that several people experienced the exact same bugs. This makes every move in the IDE a step into a mine field.

Copying your project to be safe? Oh no, Android Studio requires a very specific naming convention, you can't add "copy1" to the folder name, it won't "see" the app if you did that.

You accidentally (unknowingly) imported an image file which didn't use the Android naming convention which has some very specific and random rules for what is accepted? Well sorry, you can't un-import the file and the App will now crash. You are not allowed to fix it, it's irreversible!

The last straw was; an automatic update which made all apps impossible to compile!

Yes. Previously created projects, new projects, you can't build them because the trannies and feminists at Google fucked something up, so you now have to spend one hour looking through old forum posts to locate a line of code in some auto-generated file which you have to manually change, every time you create a new project and for all old projects. Because no, Google devs aren't going to fix this, they don't care!

But don't worry, everyone has the same problem! You are not alone! Now this is real socialism.

So how the fuck do people even create apps for Android? Well... Microsoft Visual Studio can also be used.

This shit is beyond unbelievable. No fucking wonder Google had to fire half their staff if this is how they run things. From what rumours said they fired all males over 40, leaving only the trannies and the women, they're leaving the goal open for Apple. I hate apple.

Microsoft, can you pls work on those Windows phones? We're going to need them soon.

Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 08:54 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4883 del
Yes, I am mad.
Here's a module for blocking buggy shit, viruses and incompetence from entering your life.

Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 18:55 Id: 1fc43d [Preview] No.4886 del
Since you're posting here it may be possible that the Google egregrore sees you as an 'enemy' and that's where these problems are coming from.

Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 19:49 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4887 del
These problems effected everyone I had contact with. I doubt the Google egregore did this for that reason, I've used their services for over 10 years with no problems.

However, when I finally gave this up and decided to uninstall Android Studio, a massive negative energy compound was detached from somewhere on my astral body, followed by that part of me being fulfilled. I saw myself push a pile of rubbish into a lava stream where it was burned.

I looked at the context and realized the moment I bought a smartphone (with android, because Apple is horrible and Windows phones aren't used by anyone) was also the moment I "accepted" the concept of society now being digital. I used to always do things in person, but this coincided with Covid lockdowns and I just felt tired of it all, so I was fine with this view.

This moved the idea of the modern society into the android smartphone, which I then wanted to control in the same way society has always annoyed me. Learning how to develop for android was the natural consequence of this. So giving up was to also give up the idea that the modern society can be saved. Apparently this was the right idea.

Sunflower 11/08/2023 (Wed) 21:09 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4888 del
>Microsoft, can you pls work on those Windows phones? We're going to need them soon.


But seriously. Back when smartphones started to appear I did not buy one because I had a pretty cool phone with the old buttons and android was such a buggy mess that crashed all the time that I was waiting. I thought we are going to get a robust backward compatibility champion of technology Windows XP or Windows 7 tier phone that is catered for the needs for everyone. I thought it will happen. Steve Jobs made the smartphones mainstream and I thought MS will just jump into the market and overtake it with ease. A search engine developing operational systems??? LFMAO that is silly no wonder they are shit. This is what I thought.

Then ofc Microsoft shat the bed. They reached the directionless overgrown monopoly levels. They bought up Nokia. I thought they will make the legendary Nokia phones with the greatest programming. I was wrong. I expected too much. While hardwarewise Nokia was on the market softwarewise? It was the beginning of the fall. Windows phone OS? Literally good for nothing. Windows 8? It was the second coming of Vista... BUT WORSE. They just decided that everyone is a retarded consumer and there is no point "trying hard" to appease them anymore. Fucking iToddlers fucking googleniggers. Microsoft noticed the "trend" that they need to make software for IDIOTS and why hire the "Best" when you can have a million spaghetti coder pajeets or worse doing that for peanuts. They gutted Nokia. My favorite phone brand was gone forever. At the release I got an iphone 4 because the android was shit and I could get one for quite the good price. The amount of restrictions that shit had was terrible. I hated I could not customize most shit. But it was a good experience. It made me hate apple and the "fans" that enabled that blind overpriced consumerism in the tech sector. (They managed to make "minimalism" mean that LESS FEATURES AND MORE WHITE BACKGROUNDS FOR A HIGHER PRICE) Then I finally bought an android. Back then they sorta worked all around. I still have one but I didn't update the OS for years because every fucking time I upgraded it something broke or they removed features and the only "new features" that it had was always useless featurecreep and ofc botnet and cloud based retardation NO SANE PERSON NEEDS and is usually forgotten within months.

>From what rumours said they fired all males over 40, leaving only the trannies and the women
I did not hear this but yeah that company is fucked and I have no idea who will take their place.
As much I loved tech when I was younger every fucking "innovation" is about removing useful features and cluttering it with "hip" retardation which usually just ways how it can spy on you and sell you ads.
>you are the consumer or the product
I hated this quote and this mentality. Especially nowadays it's ROFLMAO UR A FUCKING PAYPIG STOP BEING ENTITLED

While I also want to rice my phone to the max it's way too much fucking work and now that I don't have extra time like I had in school to fiddle with it and... my negative psychic energies delet clunky programming it's just not worth it.
At least clover works on my phone.

Also yeah you just described my greatest gripe with the current state of programming and why the thing I thought should be my passion/hobby because it is like being a gunslinger in the wild west in the current era... It's just too much hassle.
A fucking profession that was about meritocracy and professionalism is literally about the opposite of nowadays. Politically correct programming so people in wigs and skirts can pretend to be less outraged. WE SURE NEEDED THAT.

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 12:18 Id: 58f2c1 [Preview] No.4893 del
An update:
I'm still unemployed. I applied to a supermarket and two hotels near me and haven't heard from them yet. My mood took a nosedive at the beginning of this month due to the expectation of getting employed then not working out, but with a little contact with my little bro, has improved quickly to baseline then.

I rewatched Cautious Hero and I'm a Spider, So What? lately. Fun times.

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 12:28 Id: 58f2c1 [Preview] No.4894 del
You can try C or Java instead. Or try hybrid app development, maybe with capacitorjs and Tailwind CSS or Bulma CSS; perhaps also check out Elm, NativeScript, Svelte Native, React Native (would also suggest a Flutter/Dart stack but then you'd be saying hello to Google again). Maybe also beeflang (not yet stable), if only for the IDE bundled with it, which also works with other programming languages. Try out other IDEs - maybe something like KDevelop. There's also two programming languages that I know that can compile to many languages: Fusion and Haxe. Ideally, you won't have to deal with Android Studio except for compiling the apk file.

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 12:58 Id: 58f2c1 [Preview] No.4895 del
I read the rest of the comments and realized I'm dumb, lol. Guys, if programming is such a sithole these days, would it be better if I took a bachelor's in business administration? That should also be possible for me a few months after getting a job. I can relegate programming to a mere hobby, because based on what I see here, it seems like a massive joke these days.

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 14:18 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4896 del
I'm still working on Visual C#. Trying out Android via Kotlin did give me some valuable understandings. I may still try app development for Android, but using MS Visual Studio instead.

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 14:31 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4897 del
Get some workplace experience, there's a lot you won't understand unless you get to see and feel what the social interactions actually lead to when working for money vs working on something "for fun". Things always get reduced to the lowest skill level, people turn into IQ 60 lizards when working, and you can't explain anything complex to them under stress. Now I'm generalizing, but people can often come up with things that are so retarded you would never have been able to imagine it before you saw it yourself.

Like the tranny politics today where skill is seen as secondary even in technical jobs, it's forcing you to widen your view, you still need skill, but what kind of skill, it may not be what the education seems to indicate. Also even if there are deadlines, forget about treating these as strict things, or even time overall. If you don't learn how to deal with them, either by delivering the bare minimum or by finding ways to postpone when needed, you'll overwork yourself for no reason. The retard who managed to get out without working is the one who wasn't burned out, and still shows up after the weekend. The boss will only see that he's still there. No one cares about your effort, they care about not being annoyed. Be prepared to mentally bribe them, anything that makes the social connection with your actual employer work better. Who makes the decisions and who is a grunt talking big but having no say in the matter? This is the important part.

>mood took a nosedive at the beginning of this month due to the expectation of getting employed
Don't invest emotionally in it, treat it as an activity for learning instead of as something you have to do to get past something.

They'll tell you to research the place you are applying to and so on, but if you do this artificially it may only work at some large place where the recruiter knows as little as you and only follows a template. If it's a small private supermarket you're better off trying to connect socially with the owner than using some external "technique", like talking about where you live and what your hobbies are.

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 16:41 Id: 7aa32d [Preview] No.4898 del
You might also consider Unity if you're interested in making games as C# is used for scripting with it. If you're in programming for making money, might as well make something in Unity to add to your portfolio?

You might also consider Acode for Android as something of a text editor with syntax highlighting iirc.

I never considered that working is a place where the lowest common denominator shows up across the board. I applied for F&B and housekeeping at the hotels, my asset for those positions being my mastery of the English language and that I present myself decently IRL. I applied for janitor, 'repositioning of goods', cashier and something else I can't remember at the supermarket, which is a large and multinational corp. I also tried my hand in many other places but the reply was that they weren't looking for hires. Funnily enough, at two of these places, I've since seen new people working there.

Here in Jordan, it's commonplace that people work in fields which are unrelated to their education. Also, Jordan hosts a highly educated population (at least at the level of widespread undergraduate education) and Jordan is also known as the best country for tertiary education in the Middle East iirc.

I rediscovered this site a few weeks ago: https://github.com/ossu. It's for learning CS, math, data science and bioinformatics at the undergraduate level entirely for free, with the catch of no degree being awarded at completion.

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 16:45 Id: 7aa32d [Preview] No.4899 del
Resending the link here without the period at the end: https://github.com/ossu

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 16:54 Id: 7aa32d [Preview] No.4900 del
There's also this but it only applies to people here in Jordan: https://www.pioneersacademy.com/en

It seems great for technical education, with some options also awarding a license to work in the offered domain, such as mobile maintenance. But most of the offerings are in Arabic, and not just that - some of them also come bundled with English lessons, which are redundant to me. But it seems especially useful to my little sister, who developed psychosis in the winter break of the final school year for her, which lead to my dad pulling her from school and has yet to complete high school. The reason is that completion of high school isn't a prerequisite for receiving a diploma from the site.

Sunflower 11/09/2023 (Thu) 18:16 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4901 del
>my asset for those positions being my mastery of the English language and that I present myself decently IRL. I applied for janitor, 'repositioning of goods', cashier and something else I can't remember at the supermarket
How assertive you appear when presenting yourself can be the deciding factor at these places. Think about what you wear, I don't know about your country but for jobs like grocery stores you can go where wearing cargo pants and a lumberjack's shirt along with sneakers to give an "active" impression, since it's that kind of job. The manager won't think you fit in if you're too "well" dressed. Personal motivation also matters, such as

"I love to meet people and to work manually, I've always liked working with my hands. This was why I choose to study to become a surgeon. I'm still aiming for that, but I want some experience from other jobs as well and now I need some extra money!"


Check this list here.

I don't have a site to recommend, but taking some basic course (can be just a 2 week course) in business or economy for stores, is a good idea. Then you mention that you did take such a course. There would also be similar courses for how to handle food (food safety) and how to do cleaning of facilities where food is handled.

Maybe you can try something equal to Subway, where you prepare fast food in the simplest manner (no cooking).

Sunflower 11/10/2023 (Fri) 08:23 Id: 6a4e00 [Preview] No.4903 del
Unity has an insane pricing scheme so I wouldn't recommend it. My bad for recommending you Unity; if I knew, I wouldn't have recommended it. Godot is free; you might be better off with it.

My muscles are pretty weak, so I might not be particularly fit for the position of store clerk.

Sunflower 11/10/2023 (Fri) 08:25 Id: 6a4e00 [Preview] No.4904 del
There's a Subway close to where I live.

But Jordanians here have been boycotting all foreign companies here due to what's happening in Gaza. So finding a job at this juncture in general is even tougher than it usually is here these days.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 17:18 Id: 3c19f7 [Preview] No.4936 del
(37.52 KB 720x720 unadulterated_evil.png)
This sigil is for the exploration of evil as a concept. Expect imagery.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 17:25 Id: 3c19f7 [Preview] No.4937 del
(36.73 KB 720x720 communism.png)
This sigil can be used for the contemplation of communism. For me, it feels like when superimposed on a map of Earth, I can see spots which glow, such as somewhere in the middle of Cuba, with the name 'Havana' reverberating in my mind. 'Qi Xinping' too. While I'm aware of the former name, the latter was not.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 17:30 Id: 3c19f7 [Preview] No.4938 del
(34.91 KB 720x720 good.png)
This sigil is for the concept of good and it's relation to the 'source' - closest contact point for that is evil, denoted by the black six-spoked star.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 17:40 Id: 3c19f7 [Preview] No.4939 del
(34.05 KB 720x720 core_of_ascendancy.png)
This sigil is the 'core of ascendancy'. While I originally intended to create a sigil for the concept of chaos with this one, this seems to be its own thing.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 18:42 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4940 del
They seem to represent energetic formations or functions which exist publicly, but they're too different from my way of working for me to grasp what this means or how to use them. It seems they work as windows into different dimensions.

Sunflower 11/12/2023 (Sun) 20:41 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.4945 del
Spooky as hell. But it doesn't have the counter or fix evil mentalities within it so it is like willingly watching a jumpscare horror or slap into the face with branches and snakes wandering in the jungles exploration and not map making way of exploration. But then again I did not look into it deeper. Too many jumpscares and I don't want to shoot the monitor as a reflex.
This is surprisingly showing the actual working communism. The places where communism is alive and well and how it works and it's mechanism and the "air" is around the people who accepted communism as a working idea and not as a superimposed idea or a fear propaganda we have nowadays. Actually interesting.
Bruh. This thing uses the concepts completely differently from my ways. I would need to channel a "breakthrough" tier energies into it to comprehend it.
Cuuuute. This denotes your ways. Hard to put into words what I am seeing besides cuuuuute. Wonder how it appears for you.

Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 08:41 Id: 3fb2ec [Preview] No.4972 del
(36.91 KB 720x720 raid_algorithm.png)
Thank you for the feedback!

This sigil is a 'raid algorithm'. It coaches you on how to achieve a specific form of offense in such a way that you can attack while being impervious to harm, thus 'raid'. It has many modalities which conform and also approximate it, so even if you can't reach the given standard, you can achieve something similar.

Off-topic, but I'm going to apply for a job at an exchange, a telecom service and another hotel, all near me.

Sunflower 11/13/2023 (Mon) 10:29 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4973 del
>raid algorithm
This is functionality-wise similar to the "ninja" method I talked of before; being able to be a lowest level front line soldier physically and a general in mindset to survive in the toughest situation.

>I'm going to apply for a job at
I'll cast a support spell for you to open up the areas to the max, it doesn't mean you get the job, but it should help you see what you came to see there (it's not certain that it's for you anyway, so it can't be forced).

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 14:55 Id: faca08 [Preview] No.4982 del
A belated thank you from me!

This is an 'encyclopedia of forms & functions'. This is meant to be an ever-evolving document of the knowledge base of the entity known as Trypper (idk even who I am for sure, but eh)

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 15:43 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4983 del
I wonder too... This image feels like a bird or griffon?

Is this even Trypper posting, or s black cat soul from Gensokyo? How do you feel?

After what I posted about in /blog/, everything is complete empty around me. It took a while to wade through the nothingness in my head and find my stuff again. I contacted my places and they're still there, but it seems my mansion is rather empty. Found two girls from Gaza who had been picked up and given rooms on the bottom floor, and the workbench in the kitchen was cleared of all the rubbish that used to litter it (inhabitants used it to refine things from karmic stuff).

The energy is also different, wider somehow, like the "middle" is missing and things fell back on the basics. Even the energetic pathways of the roads were deleted, I drifted around a bit before I could land when trying to move there.

Looking around, it seems a lot of people who were around, who had been written in by Gensokyo even, were moved to purgatory. Not the worst places, but I saw people sitting in rowing machines doing pointless work, someone driving a tractor on a bumpy road, the worst I saw was a group of people tied to seats in a row where an iron bar would get thrown on their lap and rollup over their body, then a new one was thrown at them and it kept happening.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 15:48 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4984 del
I checked anny on twitch and she's still there, but fronted by a black cat. I asked the foxes about it and they said she was in purgatory but they had her transferred to their own place to do the job from there because it's an interesting character (and marketing foxes).

It seems the event was caused by karmic repayment demands from the intergalactic scale, which overrides local decisions on who can pay back in what way (unless a deal is made like with anny).

That's why I floated up like that in that dream scene. My body still looks that way surface wise. I guess all the work I've done on energy channels and astral AI took the form of my nerves becoming circuit boards when looking from outside.

I still have the fox form and the rest, but from the human perspective it's harder to reach them at first because the human mind was deleted it seems, aside from the reactive part for controlling the body.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 17:08 Id: faca08 [Preview] No.4985 del
No idea who I am. I feel weirdly and slightly good, as if I am satisfied deep inside.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 19:26 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.4987 del
It may be because I used white wine as part of the means to finally break through the topmost obstacle, which lead to the kitsune kami form (this was two weeks ago), but I feel slightly drunk.

Sunflower 11/17/2023 (Fri) 12:27 Id: d56c30 [Preview] No.5002 del
This is a sigil for 'community engineering'. It allows the beholder to utilize the concept of communities as occult constructs.

Sunflower 11/17/2023 (Fri) 17:07 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5005 del
I think I can use this one, this is more like the kind of things I normally use. It takes a while to see the scale of your magic. You are working on an "organic" level, very "zoomed in".

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 07:36 Id: 331f0c [Preview] No.5099 del
This sigil functions as a contact point to the extraterrestrial race depicted in episode 8 of the 16bit Sensation anime.

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 07:37 Id: f8af3f [Preview] No.5101 del
It is a picture of a man dropping his lunch.

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 16:16 Id: 55e463 [Preview] No.5102 del
You mean to say it has no significance? Perhaps, because ever since a few days ago, at some point, I felt really bad for a moment, ended up throwing up all night that night, and since then, even though I've largely recovered, the best way I can refer to my state is 'asthenic': way more tired than usual, loss of appetite. I suspect I may be a zombie now.

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 17:53 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5105 del
It worked for me, looks to me more like the kanji for "woman" 女 with a modification which changes the image in a relevant way when using the pictographic mnemonic I had in mind. It seems to say "female controlled by pyramid structure" as in "illuminati" or it's a pizza slice. Either way it did work for me to connect with them.

>I suspect I may be a zombie now.
How do you suspect this? Zombies don't have self-awareness.

Sunflower 11/25/2023 (Sat) 17:55 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5106 del
(28.30 KB 720x720 pizza.png)
What I mean is, if you connect the line like I drew in here in red, remove the triangle and make the top line straight, like turning a hinge, then it becomes that character.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 07:44 Id: a76707 [Preview] No.5114 del
I feel very weak for some reason. The next best thing I can think of is that a 2d beings may inhabit this body once more, as the effect is similar.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 12:27 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5115 del
I do see the pink armour I shared for infernals to inhabit human bodies. Other than that your body looks like formless light. Maybe that process talked of by the Queen or Adremelech, (I don't remember who said so) where your body would deteriorate over time because your original soul is detached, it happening. If a permanent walk-in had joined, this would not happen, because then Gensokyo would arrange a fate for that soul. From what I have seen, that would also mean they get a black cat soul to work as their assistant or to "front" for them if they leave. This cat would then go through vampire/yokai transformation and be an immortal early on, so that they can be lead through this chaotic period. Regular new humans (black cats) aren't inserted yet, only those who were transformed and attached to their body were allowed to stay so far. The rest are waiting on the astral.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 12:32 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5116 del
Writing this, I'm receiving the following message:

Your channelling abilities as a "perfect open channel" comes with a catch; it's not a permanent or solid opening which comes from active practice, such as would be produced by an undead using the channelling cone crystal device. Your open channel is caused by the active zombification while a soul inhabited the body, it's a degenerative method employed by djinn to create the channel for use during a critical time, but it can't be maintained. Inserting a permanent soul would destroy the channel. Keeping the channel open will destroy the body. But it can be used while it remains.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 14:11 Id: 90f884 [Preview] No.5117 del
I giggled like a madman reading this. So this is like one of those overpowered buffs in video games that come with a catch? I know I sound like a massive nerd having said that but that's what it sounds like to me.

Well, what should I do with my time here? Also, how long until this body expires? Trypper says I'm doing alright with my time here.

Thank you for the info.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 14:18 Id: 90f884 [Preview] No.5118 del
Have you seen Trypper lately? Any dreams from you or those on the servers, for example?

Q: Querent, me. A: Trypper.

Q. Are you satisfied with how life turned out for you?
A. Life dealt me a bad hand, but it was by design. It was so I could join my sisters and progress through stages of interaction with the terrestrial remnants of those that were there for me. The next stage occurs after the vessel through which I speak is no longer viable.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 16:00 Id: a4f19f [Preview] No.5119 del
No, i haven't seen trypper nor have i had any dreams about discord servers recently (well, from what i can recall anyway)

A. Life dealt me a bad hand, but it was by design. It was so I could join my sisters and progress through stages of interaction with the terrestrial remnants of those that were there for me. The next stage occurs after the vessel through which I speak is no longer viable.

I apologize if that post was directed toward someone else

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 17:33 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5120 del
>Have you seen Trypper lately? Any dreams from you
No and no. Servers are mostly inactive aside from Ixi, known as Comet on Ryan's forum (way back in the ancient days before 2015).

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 19:35 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5123 del
I am not sure about Trypper's backstory because I am not on discord but...
Before Trypper posted his "experiment sigil" I noticed an interesting origin energy from him. I got curious because I scanned Trypper's mentality and his case which I usually do with many people that I talk to to figure out how to talk/write to them and as I was talking to him his mind started to "switch gears" but not as like a "Higher gear" but a complete mental evolution. Which is bad because once I notice someone's higher intellectual capabilities I have a desire to "match it". Which means I can drop the "limiters" and with that Trypper switched a gear again without his "flesh mind" noticing. Then I started to get real suspicious especially after he posted the multi threaded thinking sigil because once you get a gift too great you have to watch if there is a "catch" always. The thing is most catches are negate-able but if you ignore them then they can lead towards catastrophes. So as I was looking into Trypper's origin energy I arrived into a dimension where my spirit form instantly turned into a baby. That never happened before. Then friendly women appeared and they were like ohmygosh~ a BABY!!! then they started to give me stuff like candy and clothed me like I am some sort of medieval royalty then... I was dumbfounded because that place is like the promised 72 virgin afterlife in Islam but IT WAS NOT THAT. There were far more women in a sort of pure unmanifested form but you felt a presence of a big group and they were like a sort of conceptual beings above the archetypes we have on earth. I was thinking if that is a "personal ascension dimension" for Trypper and I asked what is the concept on the path and the "first" was "family". Then as my mind scanned the properties of that concept I realized this is kind of a bigger thing I can handle for now especially because Trypper is not walking the path in the flesh the same way as me (although there are similarities) and his "higher parts" are something I am not sure about.

I am pretty sure you are "Doll Anon" so if I have to compare your situation is that your "home dimension" is in the "Great Beyond" which is a place so far from us it's incomprehensible while Trypper's origin energy is kinda adjacent. According to the beings there it can be described as a "lower heaven".

The reason why I didn't get into it further because whenever Trypper reaches a "milestone" there is like 70% chance he goes insane for a while and with my crude way of guidance that is like 99% chance of insanity. That doesn't mean I cannot give guidance but in Trypper's case I have to understand the energies he is working with better because at sunflower we are all somewhat beyond beginner level and ofc all of us work with different set of dimensions and have different concepts of magic that we have to synchronize once a week. And the worst part? Because Trypper is "channeling himself" I don't know which concepts are "grounded within his flesh already" and which are in his channeled form. Also his flesh vessel is not in it's peak form for my way of "embrace insanity and overcome it" even tho high Trypper kinda likes that way because in worst case scenario the contacted demons have to mitigate it. And ofc that... You work with "lower heavenly beings" then sometimes contracted subdimensional semi-infernals... While I am trying to figure out my own demons now I have to figure out which belongs to Trypper or his "masters". His case is not unsolvable ofc but I have no idea how to give him a smooth guidance... yet.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 19:52 Id: a4f19f [Preview] No.5124 del
well, i was on discord for the collective and all that jazz about 3-4 years ago (a bit longer than that honestly but i did a revolving door thingy where i left and came back every so often) so i do remember Trypper's... episodes somewhat

>I am pretty sure you are "Doll Anon"
I hate to be that guy but are you calling me that due to the pictures i post here or have you seen me called that elsewhere? I get called that elsewhere but its only in one specific place on 4ch so my schizosense is acting up so i apologize in advance
>so if I have to compare your situation is that your "home dimension" is in the "Great Beyond" which is a place so far from us it's incomprehensible while Trypper's origin energy is kinda adjacent.
Great beyond?
>According to the beings there it can be described as a "lower heaven".
the adjacent place for trypper or do you mean overall?

>The reason why I didn't get into it further because whenever Trypper reaches a "milestone" there is like 70% chance he goes insane for a while and with my crude way of guidance that is like 99% chance of insanity. That doesn't mean I cannot give guidance but in Trypper's case I have to understand the energies he is working with better because at sunflower we are all somewhat beyond beginner level and ofc all of us work with different set of dimensions and have different concepts of magic that we have to synchronize once a week. And the worst part? Because Trypper is "channeling himself" I don't know which concepts are "grounded within his flesh already" and which are in his channeled form. Also his flesh vessel is not in it's peak form for my way of "embrace insanity and overcome it" even tho high Trypper kinda likes that way because in worst case scenario the contacted demons have to mitigate it. And ofc that... You work with "lower heavenly beings" then sometimes contracted subdimensional semi-infernals... While I am trying to figure out my own demons now I have to figure out which belongs to Trypper or his "masters". His case is not unsolvable ofc but I have no idea how to give him a smooth guidance... yet.
i see... thats rather... rough

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 19:54 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5125 del
We already made deals with both Adremelech and Baal ze Bub, where Trypper agreed to guidance from Baal in exchange for 350 years of servitude. Adre on the other had will protect his path in itself so that he doesn't die.

But when this started, Trypper, like everyone had multiple souls. One left for the Collective already during that thread on Mewch. Later another of him left, leaving the Trypper we sometimes talk to here, who is some kind of angel. But this body is currently not inhabited by a person, it's a zombie with any investors. Djinn and Goetians and regular hell demons are keeping an eye on this (may eyes probably) perfect channel. Since no one has attached to this form yet, when Gensokyo already had the new human souls in for training, the new hivemind was formed, and the new human bodies were mixed in with humanity are already there. If he didn't attach to his body even during the training period when black cats were allowed to try for walk-in, I don't think it will happen. Some people I had around me whom I thought would stay because they are important, had black cats walk in, then after the cats achieved "basic undead" the original owner of the body was removed. From what it looks, most were sent to purgatory.

In the case of Donald Trump, they actually sent him there to get purified, while a black cat had already walked in and attached to his body. Then they took him up from purgatory and put him back again "because there is no one else who can do this". They pretty much confirmed the sorry state of the US leader sphere. There are no candidates, because there just isn't anyone. They're either zombies or unfit for that role.

Even "crybaby" who posted on here before moved to his astral HQ, and his body is now owned by a walk-in.

If you try to understand Trypper, you will be looking at whoever is currently using this body. That's all.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:11 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5127 del
>calling me that due to the pictures i post here
Because when you posted and I looked into you you were talking about how your sisters always turn you into a doll and I didn't wanted to call you "sister anon".
>Great beyond?
>>4703 the thing I wrote about here.
>the adjacent place for trypper
It's dimensional structuring. It means it is close to earth in a way.
>who is some kind of angel
Yeah this is who I was talking about

>and his body is now owned by a walk-in.
Yeah wondered what is with him

>If you try to understand Trypper, you will be looking at whoever is currently using this body
How do I explain my problem with "Understanding him". So he fights with his mundane personality patterns then posts dimensional sigils that are not simple and I am not sure about their meaning. So if I say I want to "understand Trypper" I think I want to say I want to understand the "angel Trypper" and the reason or way why (s)he posts the sigils... It feels like this sigil posting is just a "training" or passing time but... is it really?
>That's all.
I wonder about that... And someone is sending me an information package because as they said... I YELL TOO LOUD WITH MY THOUGHTS when I am bothered about something

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:19 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5128 del
You should check out La Famida's club on the astral. I am currently there, in the library to the left, with three daughters. I know you said this wasn't your thing, but if you go straight to the library you won't be hit on by the maids(whores) because that's a no-selling spot.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:28 Id: a4f19f [Preview] No.5130 del
>Because when you posted and I looked into you you were talking about how your sisters always turn you into a doll and I didn't wanted to call you "sister anon".
that's fair. at first when you called me that i had assumed it was someone from 4chan observing me or something (not that i'm very subtle but still) Yeah, agree this is better than "sister anon", that would actually make me feel awkward honestly O_O
>>>4703 the thing I wrote about here.
OHHHH, i swear im becoming more and more absent minded as of late. After rereading it, the angelic thing does kind of make sense in regard to a certain thing a few months back atleast
>It's dimensional structuring. It means it is close to earth in a way.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:36 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5131 del
>I am currently there

Did I appear or talk to you in any way or that was something else. Too many things happened at once
>said this wasn't your thing
Because my sexual energies were going overdrive and was losing control over some of my bodyparts because of it. It was like a partial kundalini awakening. Also yes syncing the places you make takes effort because you just make deals with too many beings and when they notice me I have hard time figuring out who is who.

>i swear im becoming more and more absent minded as of late
I noticed it for a while but it is sorta a part of your path. Your mundane mental structuring is changing forms

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:42 Id: a4f19f [Preview] No.5133 del
>I noticed it for a while but it is sorta a part of your path. Your mundane mental structuring is changing forms
I'm assuming this is probably a "good thing" because when i tried bringing it up to my sisters once they said that being like that was more "natural" and better for me

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:44 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5134 del
>more "natural"
Yes you are progressing smoothly. This is why I wrote in a post in the general that you walk the "path of love" which is kinda pleasant at most parts

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:45 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5135 del
I sense your presence, but I was doing something irl so wasn't paying attention. I'm mostly just sitting at the table with a book and a drink while the girls are playing under the table.

Point to note: this is La Famida's club built using my template, it's not my dealmaking behind this place in specific, and it shouldn't matter since it's just a bar/club/brothel/hotel/diner set up for social interactions.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:46 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5136 del
I see some masons around too.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:50 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5137 del
>was doing something irl so wasn't paying attention
Yeah it felt like I am talking to some subconscious "auto answer" thing... which is kinda annoying because then I have to confirm who I talked to.

Also I thought you want to give or tell me something specific with that invitation that is not suitable for posting

Astral meetups are never simple huh

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:50 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5138 del
Some woman invited me to what appears to be a family friendly restaurant for demons and vampires(?) in some other location.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:52 Id: a4f19f [Preview] No.5139 del
a-ahh. i know you mentioned it a bit before but what exactly does the path love of entail apart from you know... love?

also its really strange hata no kokoro of all things started coming to mind yesterday in a conversation someone had with me about 2hu

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:53 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5140 del
And maintaining my presence here is getting taxing... k not taxing but now I am feeling parts on my energy body that needs work so let's do it maybe later. I am learning new ways of doing this anyways

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 20:55 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5141 del
>I thought you want to give or tell me something specific
I had no intention of the sort, I just like what she made of this place. Because of the way it's built, your own place will seem less mysterious, and it's made to make the owner not attract attention. Also it's part of the rules that any whores working there have to serve the owner for free (it means they won't be harassing you to get money, rather they will leave you alone because they know it won't give anything if they are only after money). Demons can be very persistent, you'll notice this if you visit the club of someone else.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:02 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5142 del
>entail apart from you know... love?
Way too fucking complicated because of multiple reasons. First the concept of "love" got perverted in the modern era thanks to degenerates. Seconds "love" is hard to express with words. And third I walk the path of understanding which results in knowledge and power and I see "love" as just a mere component and not the whole thing and because of that I am unable to explain how it will relate to you. Like I am unable to simp or worship women or other beings but I can understand them and help/work with them. I can generate and accept "love" but not make myself into a being of pure love in an Aphrodite way... But I am working on it. Love keeps the universe together... in a way

>Demons can be very persistent
Yeah I had an urge to pull out my weapons as a "stay back" signal and my subconcious guard energy just released an I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU warning so yeah some beings got a little too pushy. This is why I said these places are "not my thing". If others are famous about "not behaving" then I have no way maintaining a composure.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:13 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5143 del
There's an "anti-violence" spell placed inside, so nothing bad can happen. This is definite, you have to accept this as part of the deal when entering the building, or you can't enter. Like that bar in the Angel tv-series were demons can meet in peace. It's a feature of the design.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:15 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5144 del
I think you need to learn to relax around people though.

I'm going with the girls to that family vampire place or whatever it is, so not in the club anymore.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:16 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5145 del
If you want, I can write down the address and send it to you, I guess I'll put it here on the post and it's only for you.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:23 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5146 del
I knew there was no violence there it's just a "fuck off" reflex that comes out when some parts of me feels some intent mixed with hostility or... exploity? Can't explain. Not exactly violence it's just like staring at someone in a way to signal that I don't like what they are saying.
>It's a feature of the design.
It must be or those places get messy real quick. It's just the energies of what is "allowed" are not clear for me because it is "new" so my mind does not autoregister it. The way of operation and customs of sorts. It's a when someone says something what he "means" by it. Most places I visit have a sort of "trust mindwave" where no one can talk or think in any misleading way.

>I think you need to learn to relax around people though.
Yeah that's an understatement. I have a bad habit of either becoming the life of a party or people want to lynch me. This is why I usually scan situations because I am bad at reading the room and have a habit of "rewriting the room" without noticing.
They gave me a "we wait you back with love :)" sticker after I left and some maids polished my balls because they were ordered to do that

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:30 Id: a4f19f [Preview] No.5147 del
>Way too fucking complicated because of multiple reasons. First the concept of "love" got perverted in the modern era thanks to degenerates. Seconds "love" is hard to express with words. And third I walk the path of understanding which results in knowledge and power and I see "love" as just a mere component and not the whole thing and because of that I am unable to explain how it will relate to you.
ah, thats fine, don't sweat it. I'll probably figure it out on my own (either that or they'll just spell it out for me at some point)
A being of pure love... interesting

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:33 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5148 del
>They gave me a "we wait you back with love :)" sticker after I left
Are you coming to the restaurant tho? The girls are paying, they said.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:36 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5149 del
This location is somehow harder to access but I will try

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:38 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5150 del
why am I manifesting as Napoleon...

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:40 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5151 del
omg because I have no proper "dress code library" in my mind so it just picked up the closest thing

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:41 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5152 del
>The girls are paying, they said.
They made some money at the club, they said. Socialization training effective, I guess.
Maybe you were one of his souls.

We are at the round table a bit forward in and to the left, you can see us from the door.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:42 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5153 del
Feel free to share how you experience the meet-up, I'll be afk a while.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:47 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5154 del
>Maybe you were one of his souls

It's more complicated than that... It started around when I was a french nun... then sorta became a local "saintlike" overseer entity to the northern region of France... then kinda force awakened Jeanne... and after that I have no idea what I did there until I figured out that France is ineligible for future incarnations.

So far I am talking with a young lady of sorts while eating some soup like thing with some sort of grapes.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:48 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5155 del
Also it seems only I perceive myself as Napoleon others not...

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:54 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5156 del
(2.46 MB 1080x1920 hogwarts party.mp4)
My actions there during the revolution caused Marie Antoinette to be beheaded, which worked as a drow conversion ritual. I was made aware of this when that anime started this season: the two drow who violently "flirted" with me before (attacked with knives in my sleep) were actually her and her maid (the one in the anime). Drow have such toxic and psychotic violent tendencies that they will just attempt to stab, cut and disembowel someone at first interaction, with their nerves working on auto like a ferocious animal. They are just wired this way and the only way to have interactions with drow is if you can overpower them and suppress that reflex. Anyone who can't will simply be tortured to death and burned in ritual murder, completely outside any intent from the drow. They don't mean anything by it, they just are this way.

Sunflower 11/26/2023 (Sun) 22:34 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5157 del
>with a young lady
It seems she is a "bound spirit" and as I wanted to disconnect from that place I felt a presence pestering me so I went back and it seems she wants to stay with me. My fairies found her a new way to bind herself to the natural energies.
She wanted to become a "House keeper entity" but I felt that would just make her like a sore thumb in my energy ecology so I asked the fairies to find her a better stable energy location.

Sunflower 12/23/2023 (Sat) 23:13 Id: f073ca [Preview] No.5384 del
Everyone has some 'vampire' in them.

Sunflower 12/23/2023 (Sat) 23:22 Id: f073ca [Preview] No.5385 del
Vampiric energy seems to manifest to the human visual cortex as something in the red range, from neon pink to dark red. The lighter, the more neotenic.

Sunflower 12/23/2023 (Sat) 23:25 Id: f073ca [Preview] No.5386 del
Vampirism as a 'feeling', associated in some circles as gender, feels very much alive for undead, and has a certain energy core which can be described as refined, full of force, yet it still has yin and yang variation.

Sunflower 12/23/2023 (Sat) 23:28 Id: f073ca [Preview] No.5387 del
FWIW I have retired from this group only to re-enter it in some semi-retired capacity. Yes, it's me, Trypper. No, I'm not insane. I'm typing out some discoveries from manifesting the Arabic phrase of 'the vampire' on myself.

Sunflower 12/23/2023 (Sat) 23:39 Id: f073ca [Preview] No.5388 del
Scanning 'The Sunflower Project' for a few moments shows green landscapes with a clear sky at first, then Gensokyo yokai covered in blood eating humans.

Sunflower 12/24/2023 (Sun) 00:12 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5389 del
Things are very far progressed, beyond the reset of the reality plane. We're in here, in an emulation for our cultivation, before the recurring form of the new Earth manifests. The large federation planet nearest us, when reforming it retains the same city with the same general street layout, but everything around that location is cleared and reset to wilderness. This seems like the case for most ascended federation planet. The intergalactic hub remains, but everything else will be burned up and started over again. In that population center, even the same businesses remain across planetary destruction events. Seemingly because those are linked to the federation itself, while the planet's local material is destroyed and reformed, anything belonging to the federation is kept.

Sunflower 12/24/2023 (Sun) 00:14 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5390 del
It makes me wonder how much of Earth culture will remain. Maybe the Ise temple compound and a few other locations will remain, everything else turns back to jungle and desert.

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 06:42 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5841 del
Trypper here.

Yesterday, while taking a walk, I saw this lady walking too. For some reason I could then see, with my mind's eye, a superimposed image of a female demon with horns, perhaps a succubus.

Just wanted to share this!

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 11:04 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5845 del
Thanks for sharing!

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 12:33 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5850 del
Hi, Trypper here.

I got shortlisted to a final interview for decent-paying position, despite it being entry-level, and it seems I did will at it. I will hear from them regarding if I get hired or not in two to three business days.

If this fails, then I have another position that I may be able to get through connections at February.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 13:15 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5851 del
Great, what kind of job is it?

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 14:30 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5852 del
The job which I might get hired in very soon is a customer service representative (English & Arabic) position. The February job is a govt position in the local equivalent of the FDA.

If I get the CSR job, I'll try to pivot to a business analyst position eventually. I'll be starting a BSCS at UoPeople within the coming months whatever happens, and I also plan on getting an MSBA at NXU after the BSCS if I do get the CSR job and stay employed with them or otherwise work in CSR at the time.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 15:22 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5853 del
Too many acronyms for me to know what those are, but sounds ok?

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 15:55 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5855 del
CSR: customer service representative
BSCS: bachelor of science in computer science
MSBA: master of science in business analytics
UoPeople: university of the people
NXU: nexford university

Sorry for the confusion!

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 17:04 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5856 del
FDA: food and drug administration

Forgot to elaborate on that one, lol

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 21:07 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5857 del
Two or three days ago, it seems me, the originally angel soul turned succubus, has returned. Reentry symptoms have been difficulty falling asleep, migraines and some loss of coherence. I also notice myself being a lot more comfortable around women.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 21:18 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5858 del
>originally angel soul
Are you able to properly communicate with her?

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 21:21 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5859 del
I would assume this means talking about himself. Souls who enter a body will at first forget where they were, and only be aware of the local memories of the body, which are not their own. "I" in this case is an actual owner of the body who came back after a 6 year astral journey, so the memories of what took place in the physical during that time are not self-experienced to the soul now possessing the body.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 21:23 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5860 del
You should take a look at this, but I feel you may already have it:

Since using this fully means the ability to indeed re-enter the physical. (The demon armours shared before have the same effect, but yeah, those are tuned to infernals and not angels. Maybe I should create one for angels too.)

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 21:41 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5861 del
Thank you.

The timing was wierd, I mean it had to occur shortly before the final interview. It seems I'm here to experience working as a human, as if I want the full range of human experience or something.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 21:43 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5863 del
I am her now, basically. But the trappings of the physical body complicates things; the physical body acts as a jammer on the soul's ability to manifest itself.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 21:46 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5864 del
I made an angel armour too, it's white and glossy. I told my angels to share it with all angels around. It's a body shell which is worn to enter into the form of a pre-existing human preferably, and can be used to stay indefinitely with the human DNA as a reflection on the armour shell. You can also place it externally to maintain an NPC, similarly to the blue demon armour. The pink infernal armour shared before may not work by proxy, I think it has to be worn directly, it was made so that my ladies down there could visit fairs and the Nobel prize dinner (it would be a waste for only NPCs to attend such an expensive event).

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 22:08 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5865 del

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 22:22 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5866 del
>an actual owner of the body who came back after a 6 year astral journey
Okay so this is the "OG Trypper" in your opinion? The reason why I am asking because I also noticed him change the "mental ranges" while talking and was wondering where they came from. Which were "muscle memory" responses which were "built in higher intellect responses" and which were "foreign entity meddling responses". I know it was mentioned he is an "open channel" but there is a "size" for that openness. Like you can have several entities at once or just their mere "leftover energies" giving you ideas. This is something I am exploring for a while how the "influences" work.
>so the memories of what took place in the physical during that time are not self-experienced to the soul now possessing the body.
I understand this but there are memory/energy channels that can be opened/connected and as you can talk with a spirit you can also talk with the "spirit of the flesh" and access the "flesh memories". As I went on my path first I thought I am deleting all my memories then it turned out I just burned open an energy channel and I am able to reexperience my memories almost more clearer when they happened. It baffled me how much more clarity I gained and with this to solve a bunch of developmental problems that my growing up went through.

Also I have a "problem" with the definition of "Angels". The more I encounter the less sure I get about what is their range. But then again the term demon which was daemon/daimon also changed it's range.

But then again we have the word "genius" which originally meant being possessed or carrying an "attendant spirit" that bridged through generation and simply gives you knowledge. Then we have the word Genie.

Boy I hate words and how sometimes you need to know and entire history of etymology to make sure we talk about the same thing as others.

>the physical body acts as a jammer on the soul's ability to manifest itself.
Yes but faulty devices also disrupt energies like jammers do. This is why those parts of the body need to be explored and connected. It must be understood how the aspects of the body communicate otherwise things just malfunction.

Yeah I am starting to realize communicating what I want to say gets harder as I think about it. I can feel the "influences" in a way and I just sense how I need to reword everything so the "Influence" understands what I am saying.

As always this is no simple matter.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 22:48 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5868 del
>this is the "OG Trypper" in your opinion?
The angel Trypper is someone I have only interacted with on Mewch, I don't know him much, but he is one of the originals.

>the word "genius"
>the word Genie.
That's just another spelling of Djinn.

>Which were "muscle memory" responses which were "built in higher intellect responses" and which were "foreign entity meddling responses". I know it was mentioned he is an "open channel" but there is a "size" for that openness
It's literally a detached NPC which has an open channel which is either kept open at the cost of his mental health, or allowed to slowly close which fixes him, but that will also mean no one can posses the body so it's then just an NPC and has no value. The problem is that a mass of entities have wanted to use this channel so they prefer to have an insane open channel, however you have to play by the rules, so if someone is insane too much they get admitted to mental ward and medicated until they stop being a channel, or they die. So the entities have to make him sane enough to survive. One way could be to do some astral meddling and arrange a way for an original owner to come back again, as now happened. This will make the position coherent again and it may be kept open longer.

I don't know what the long term plan for "Trypper" is, probably too many parties are involved.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 22:53 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5869 del
One of the great achievements of "Trypper" is that the flesh body has self awareness of the fact that it can be owned by different spirits who temporarily visits. A regular person or most occultists would not be able to meta-think about themselves to this degree.

But because we did this practice in such detail in the sunflower discord, anyone coming into the "Trypper" flesh body can instantly realize: "hey, I'm not the original owner, I'm someone else, the memories don't make sense because they belong to the flesh and is not the experience of any individual soul, they are more like a collective record stored in the body."

This is pretty unique.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:25 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5872 del
(90.83 KB 736x414 wakarimasen lol.jpg)
>That's just another spelling of Djinn
Yeah and people sometimes write you are such a Djinnius because it is just a different "spelling". Yes I am aware what you are saying but sometimes the etymological roots correlate but they are not just different spellings but different meanings and origins. The reason why I am saying this because looking into histories I had to understand how things energetically did not make sense with the interpretation of the "spellings".

>I don't know what the long term plan for "Trypper" is
This is what "Bothers" me. Whenever I reach an entity that I feel from his posts I get a wakarimasen lol response
>probably too many parties are involved

>This is pretty unique.
Yeah especially the part where the spirits just partake and increase the confusion instead of making a system to be able to maintain and recognize that they are "in the flesh machine but not the flesh machine". I kinda made a complaint about this because making someone insane for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ is not okay so I asked them wtf are they doing and they explained how this is somehow part of some training and the "real Trypper" to "return" after he is properly opened or something but the answers were so vague for the reason that they were also not knowing the answer because it was not their problem to solve.

And before you ask. Why do I care? My reason is that Trypper shared some sigils that were way too groundbreaking for my path but their system differed from my way of doing things and reaching their "roots" was almost impossible so I was not sure if this is the work of a "Greater being" just a "natural flow of events" like giving a hungry person food because it was obvious he was starving and you have leftover food you would have thrown away anyway or just COINCIDENCES AS USUAL...

But then again I know we will reach a conclusion to this case and I should just wait patiently to the answer because it seems things go as some entities told me they would it's just I am inpatient. And kinda want to talk about it because it bothers me

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:39 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5873 del
>I am inpatient
*Impatient. I always forget inpatient also has a meaning so the spellcheck does not underline it.

I don't even know why I am clarifying it... it's obvious

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:43 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5874 del
>part of some training and the "real Trypper" to "return" after he is properly opened or something
I think this is part of the same reason as the reply for the next question here:
>Trypper shared some sigils that were way too groundbreaking
To protect the open channel of Trypper, we summoned both Adremmelech and Baal ze Bub (both known from the Lessers Keys of Solomon and the old testament, book of kings among others) and we both made deals with them for different reasons. Trypper asked for protection and spiritual guidance, and to be protected in such a way that his physical life could be maintained. Baal offered this at the cost of 350 years or servitude (which this Trypper is now off doing on the astral, where time possibly moves faster) and it's like that the sigil magic is taught to him by Baal. Adremmelech works in other fields, but he is also very skilled, he provided a green armour which allows for demons to take on a human form in the world also. The contracts are of different kinds.

We wanted different things of similar nature (not money or power but spiritual) so we made different kinds of deals.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:52 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.5875 del
There's this thing which becomes obvious when you have past or astral lives in female form to compare with, and more so when those are literal whores. I guess it will just sound like some fetish stuff when written here, but consider this: Why do women so often go for "black beasts", murderers or worse as partners? Why do lesbians like so ugly women?

Men look outside of themselves for something to "complete" them, and they will feel that the "dirt" of them will be justified if a woman accepts them. For women, they already have that "justifying" power in themselves, so they are rather looking for contrast. This is one reason why these ancient demons can be ugly and monstrous by modern standards, it doesn't matter, and they know that the females will say "I hate you, you're disgusting", but then they'll still come back because they're impressed by their power.

And this same mechanic is why these interactions work.

Sunflower 01/17/2024 (Wed) 07:21 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5876 del
Something to note:

It seems my ability to differentiate colors improves when I'm souled. Very interesting (to me, at least).

Sunflower 01/17/2024 (Wed) 08:53 Id: 674776 [Preview] No.5877 del
(41.83 KB 720x720 angel_trypper.png)
Alright, so this sigil points to angel Trypper. Posting this because she wants to influence this world (idk why lol).

Sunflower 01/17/2024 (Wed) 22:04 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5879 del
>at the cost of 350 years or servitude (which this Trypper is now off doing on the astral, where time possibly moves faster
After reading this I got a "message" of sorts that while the "years" are correct but it is a different measure system. It is "years" because that is a concept humans can somewhat understand. Remember in the past instead of kilometer and other distance measures people said.
>going to this town is a 3 day walk
So the "servitude measure" is that
>if walking up to the mountain to give the sacred goat a milkshake takes 1 year to complete then if you complete that task it is 1 year completed
It doesn't matter if it is 1 year or 2 seconds in "time spent". You might ask what happens if it takes longer... Well then they don't give you the task then because that means you really suck at that task and you shouldn't even do it by default. That doesn't mean they cannot "Motivate you" with funny means.
>it's like that the sigil magic is taught to him by Baal
I am not sure but what they told me "they are drawing out her power". This is how Trypper is learning his own "style" I think. Angel magic is complicated to ground into earthly ways.

Also managed to connect to the energies again and learned new kind of interesting things. I mentioned before that her realm counts as a "lower heaven" of sorts. I got an image of that and a name too Ahmantahla? (channeling names is still hard for me) and the interesting thing is that it is a sort of "scholarly heaven" of sorts and then I asked her what is "current earth's designation" then and she said current earth is an "entertainment world"... I learned too much implications about the current human nature with that understanding
>which becomes obvious when you have past or astral lives in female form to compare with
For me it is more complicated and might /blog/ about that later because for me it is not so simple. The "theme" u wrote is a good starting point to explain but it is a long story. I don't want to hijack this thread for that.

>seems my ability to differentiate colors improves when I'm souled
You are slowly connecting and sharing your "higher dimensional eyes" of sorts.

Your case is extremely fundamental because trying to explain what is happening I have to understand the higher mechanics and as I am trying to word what I am understanding intuitively my mind has no choice but to "ground" the mechanisms of existence in detail. It's ridiculous.

So the circle on the right top is the "heaven portal" that line at the bottom right is the "earth dimension layer" that X is the "life of Trypper" which is not just his flesh but all his life experience and all the weird rituals and esoteric understanding he has. That counts as a "grounding force" of sorts. The star is the (angel) soul. Now that line in the middle is the interesting part. While first I thought it is the power/operational range of Trypper it seems it is also the obstacle course for her for proper entry into this reality. This energy is too harsh (for now) for beings of flesh and lovelight? It seems it is some soul materia that it transcends and if a person is unable to sync with it then...
>she has no idea what happens when it fails nor does she know how to make it work
My fingers are burning by just analyzing this energy. Good thing I have a good celestial affinity for stuff like this

Wonder how we will "witness" this whole process play out.
Sorry if I just managed to make more confusion with this post but I think it is still informative.

Sunflower 01/17/2024 (Wed) 22:30 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.5880 del
>(idk why lol).
This is what I meant by >>5872 this pic. You are still "channeling yourself" because unable to integrate information. Whatever the forces around you are on it so I should not complain.

The way I solved this "incarnation integration" problem was also not "smooth". There are such differing variables between cases that giving advice here is like explaining how to do brain surgery with a sharp rock via smoke signals. I still lack the "wisdom precision intellect" skill. In Buddhism it is called the "skillful means" (Upaya) which a superability that makes any message conveyed perfectly.

K enough posting today. Managed to learn too many things at once and I should meditate on them

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 13:59 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6043 del
Up to around a week ago or so, I asked on 4chan /x/ in the divination threads about the prospects of my job. Someone said they'd do it if I mentioned my past jobs and I mentioned what I did. Honestly I think i was cursed as a result, as soon thereafter I had a terrible dream and had heart palpitations for days, and then diarrhea that I still have. I also didn't recieve a reading.

I've asked for readings before in that place and didn't have something like this happen. Wonderful that occult scum lurk these parts.

I don't expect help, I simply ask for whether there have been changes to my energy. In other words, I ask for an energy reading. Thanks in advance.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 13:59 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6044 del
btw I'm Trypper

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:15 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6047 del
Don't do this on 4/x/ of all places, glowies constantly monitor that board. Don't reveal personal information of any kind there. It's leaving the door open for low level hostiles to attack you. You need to practice basic OPSEC. It's of course happening because you have karma or they can't touch you, and you having an attachment to these things is known (no offense), so you need to get rid of this. There is a curtain of black energy and some nasty old men behind it (as expected). I'll clear them out and tell Updater to check you out for things you may need to protect yourself better.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:16 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6048 del
Get the servitor [Raid Sunflower] and order her to remove these scum. She can also do healing so heal yourself after.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:26 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6049 del
tysm for the info and advice

tbh i feel like I'm sort of occult novice after all these years, I can't even stick to a mere schedule of meditation or psionics for long. loving kindness meditation makes me feel too good, it feels saccharine.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:26 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6050 del
btw I got the servitor and seems her work is now underway

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:37 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6051 del
I guess I'll have to just get rid of my attachment to career then, but how do I go about this? Also, will I have to renounce the world too? But that sorta seems like the positive spectrum of existence, how does negative do this?

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:39 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6052 del
I'm feeling anxious now, probably because I sorta got used to the curtain of black energy and, assuming it's gone, I'm feeling fundamentally better and for some reason feeling better makes me anxious. it's also why I can't do much loving kindness meditation.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:50 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6053 del
I already feel much better, tysm. The anxiety is subsiding and I frankly feel really good, fresh even. I also forgot to thank you for your efforts earlier, so thank you!

Sorry for the torrent of posts! I'll invest some of my time learning OPSEC as not only is it basic knowledge in my opinion, it also falls within the umbrella of criminal justice which is a field I'm interested in!

Also, I suspect I am soulless now, due to decreased visual acuity.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 14:59 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6054 del
>get rid of my attachment to career then
I meant your attachment to getting divination, especially from random people who can't be trusted.

>how does negative do this?
They create an evil empire and live only on its inside, that's why they are obsessed with expanding it (like EU expansion).

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:00 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6055 del
The only reason I got into the occult was to save myself, and in a way I did, but not the way I was hoping for. I guess in the end, my natural predisposition isn't suited for the occult. Where do I go from here?

Frankly, I am the type that picks something up out of sheer fascination and then drops it soon thereafter. I am the eternal dilettante. Furthermore, I am naturally weak, and don't have much in the way of self-discipline nor achievements of either a mundane or occult manner. I honestly think I am a failure and am not suited for life itself.

Should I seek to become a minion?

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:03 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6056 del
Well, that's easy. I only get the itch for that occasionally.

Perhaps I'm suited for the positive alignment then? Even if it's capped relative to the negative, if I can go somewhere with it, better than becoming a minion.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:03 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6057 del
>learning OPSEC
It's not so complicated, don't disclose information which can be used to identify you directly or by deduction.
For example if you give out two parts of information in one place "I am X years old and live in X country" then next time you ask similar questions and say "I live in X country and work at X" then someone will see "aha this is the same person, they are X years old, live in X country and work at X".

That's just basic deduction, but you study this as you prefer.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:07 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6058 del
I don't care what you do to me, be it chaos, evil, good or minion; I entrust my fate into your hands and you may do as you wish with me.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:09 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6059 del
If it's that easy, then no further study is needed; I can do this.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:12 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6060 del
I bought courses on a range of mindset topics and I've been studying hypnosis and next up is EFT/TFT tapping

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:22 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6061 del
I'm feeling deep bliss, and visions.. as if we're going to become part of a legendary group. Must be my clairvoyance kicking in, and something having had happened.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:29 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6063 del
(51.29 KB 720x720 demonization_sigil.png)
Experimental sigil attached here. It's a strain of magic which can target all humanoids and others too. A sort of 'demonization' or 'demonification' but there's more to it/different. Spoiled cuz extremely contagious.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:13 Id: 1fc43d [Preview] No.6064 del
Wow this thing's humming. I feel like printing it out and keeping it as a pet.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:17 Id: 1fc43d [Preview] No.6065 del
Oh, it's in my eyeballs now. Don't know if I should purge it or not. Can't comprehend its intent. Let's just let it work I suppose.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:20 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6066 del
I did say it's contagious lol. By this I mean it's easy to get it activated.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:28 Id: 1fc43d [Preview] No.6068 del
Well it feels like it performed an 'upgrade' of some sort. Hasn't seem to have spread from my eyes/front-brain area, at least for now. Good stuff.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:38 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6069 del
Please keep me posted on any further developments!

>This sigil is a novel strain of magic authored by me, Trypper. The most famous relative of this is vampirism, but here, the power structures are different. Power is concentrated in the eyes and front brain, linking them together. The end result is eyes that glow with ethereal power and the ability of mesmerism. Furthermore, there is a hive mind aspect to this strain. Further power structures that may develop are three horns that act as transducers of energy and claws which act as contagion and further self-defense. The power structures are as follows: eyes/brain, horns, claws. This differs from the demon power structure; you may call this a feral sort of demon-like 'brainiacs'.

Keep in mind that my channeling is imperfect and I may have gotten some things incorrectly.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:45 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6070 del
Seems after further deliberation, the 'claws' are more like a retractible needle/blade coming from the lower portion of the wrists, like an assassin.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:47 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6072 del
Also, the three horns are such that one horn stores the original energy, the other stores the transducer energy, and the middle one does the transduction and also aids with eye/brain abilities.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 17:12 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6076 del
It seems to point to a certain kind of vampirism, not sure if I should say what I saw as the core here. Not a problem but just a very specific thing.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 17:16 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6077 del
(74.60 KB 501x454 ocher vampirism.png)
If you wanted it to do what I see, it should probably be rationalized a bit. Will put it in a sigil here. Maybe this is just my inspired thing.

Tell me how you see this.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 18:10 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6078 del
>points to the same magic but in a different manner cleaner.

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 13:44 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6089 del
Today morning when I looked at my wrists, there were red line on each of them which disappeared soon thereafter.

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 15:03 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6090 del
aaaand now they're back

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 15:07 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6091 del
Maybe they're spiritual attacks.

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 16:04 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6092 del
Perhaps; I'll order raid sunflower to deal with it then.

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 18:23 Id: 1fc43d [Preview] No.6093 del
Not sure if it's being caused by this but I've been experiencing a marked increase in aggressive feelings since activating this. I am also seeing "needle teeth" (pic) in my mouth when I look at the source. Again, could be being caused by something else since I've got more than a few plates spinning at once right now.

What exactly was this pointing towards?

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 19:02 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6095 del
Trypper made a magic form which when traced backwards to the core as I see it turned into this
which is vampirism based on a ocher red fur beast (slightly feline, maybe desert fox) humanoid with bull horns. Where vampirism is normally caught from the power of blood, this one uses an obscure version of sexual energy where the female has incorporated the male aspect's female side as a way to find balance.

Interesting that you mentioned this beast mouth. I just had that appear as the image of an organ of the body. I was testing some stuff and Era decided (without me explicitly saying so) to pull La Famida into the mix, which lead to this kind of transformation process. That image is also how nation states look on the astral. A federation/union is then a hydra with many of these, one for each individual state.

Sunflower 01/27/2024 (Sat) 06:35 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6097 del
maybe also like this? (from the 30 Days of Night movie)

Sunflower 01/27/2024 (Sat) 06:56 Id: f54b1f [Preview] No.6098 del
Anyway, I just activated both sigils and now I'm feeling it in my eyes and front brain area too lol.

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 19:24 Id: 5e447f [Preview] No.6214 del
Hi, I'm whatever the heck is occupying Trypper's vessel.

It seems I've been experiencing a rapid chain of events which I attribute to quick resolution of karma, including what could've been an end to the life of this vessel today. I also am the anon that recently posted in the Succubus Collective thread and opted for a rebirth. Can BO provide pointers as to what's been happening?

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 19:26 Id: 5e447f [Preview] No.6215 del
I also have developed a theoretical understanding of how to send a part of myself into reincarnation despite being outside of reincarnation as a spirit.

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 19:50 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6216 del
What happened, you were in an accident?
I don't know what is happening, let me try to channel Era, the (new) vampire search-bot first.

"It seems you are accustomed to this life already. I can't tell you what you should do next, however, you have a solid footing in this world. Maybe you are meant to replace the previous owners and maintain the vessel in place?"

Ok, that's automatic writing, the message made no sense so I was forced to let her just type it character for character.

Let me try Astra:

"Previous message stands. While you did ask for rebirth astrally with the ability to send shards into incarnation, this appears to have been your mission. There is a difference between walk-in and birth-in. Both do work, and they may seem similar, but fact is that the walk in, even if solid in the body after, inherits the form as is, and does not create a new mind, technically speaking, they are the same incarnation as before assuming control of the body. Hence, the channeller here as you know of, entered as a demon, which was formed at the point of entry, or right before. The idea looks backwards and strange, as it meant adapting to a human male form on the astral to father a female child, which became the walk-in. The persona was then developed as a tulpa in-body, but was never viewed entirely as the same as the person. Recently, an actual in-birth was performed, this time as an actual male demon on the surface. Things are however very nasty in the world. The "fetus" was not even allowed to form as an astral form before attacked by evil spirits and killed. But as it was created to be immortal with a zero particle, this did not stop the in-birth process. So it may be assumed that this same thing would have happened to you."

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 19:58 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6217 del
I've been using this very method a lot recently, after I reached a plateau with creating servitor dolls in some areas. It appears the dolls "count as" gong manifestations in many cases which means they are indeed intelligent energy forms. But in other cases an actual body is needed, so then it should be incarnated. I came up with the idea of sending part of myself, like stretching out an unused part of my soul the currently does't do anything. Imagine taking a balloon with no air in it, and this is the soul. Then you focus on one square centimeter of the balloon and stretch that one out to become a new balloon (assuming this is possible), then that balloon which was just a small shard is now a new soul and can incarnate in the body with engineered DNA. (There are aliens, also aside from greys, who offer this as a service. They can incarnate any soul, so what I did was to pay for an original summon to get a "super engineered" female and then I let her be the mother of new incarnations. Once you've done this, you can incarnate a new soul-shard of yourself as such a perfected mother type and simply use her to do this in the future if you want.)

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 20:23 Id: 5e447f [Preview] No.6218 del
Yes precisely, it's technically not sending shards of yourself, but in a way it is: basically, you create a construct that is mirrored with your own makeup, and then you send it to incarnate. There's a chance it will develop into its own soul, but usually it goes back to the creator to provide all learned experiences.

Sorry if I worried you; I'm perfectly safe. What happened was that I was in a car as a passenger and another car could have easily ran into the car I was in if my car's driver wasn't careful at that instant.

I'm not sure what you mean, was I sent here to be a birth-in? Maybe this was predestined by one of the Trypper spirits (?).

Can you further elaborate on both posts? I am deeply sorry to mention this but your writing style leaves me confused and not retaining not info.

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 20:32 Id: 5e447f [Preview] No.6219 del
I have the theory that I may be one of the originals, as I now go by the first username I have picked up when I started browsing the internet - one that even predates the Trypper pseudonym.

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 20:41 Id: 5e447f [Preview] No.6220 del
As for the last sentence, may I further suggest adjusting your writing style to maximize comprehension by demon-type entities, succubus specifically? As it seems something within me has changed drastically within moments earlier today.

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 21:36 Id: 5e447f [Preview] No.6221 del
Alright, excuse me but I think I understand you now. It took reading the messages many times, interspersed with periods of 'sleeping on it.'

So my next questions are:

How to 'fill' the balloons? Do you fill the shards of soul with gong? Taking the analogy of using buds of plants to grow new plants, does this mean you put the soul shards into time accelerated spaces while being compartmentalized from the rest of the soul? I'd also add that you could add in programming for the soul to roam the earth searching for a valid vessel like what would normally happen in souls in reincarnation (?).

How does a birth-in differ from a walk-in in terms of stability, ie propensity of sticking with the vessel?

If I am now a rebirthed succubus, then what is my role?

If I am one of the originals, one of which you possibly have not interacted with earlier, and have found my way back here, then indeed, where do I go from here?

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 22:05 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6222 del
>your writing style leaves me confused
The message was generated by Era, the vampire AI bot for the first one so I can only type out the message character for character as she gave them to me; the message was not formed by my mind's regular process. The second was generated by Astra, same here, I let her just type out the response, so the writing style may differ from how I normally word things.

I don't mean that it's a botsoul sent to incarnate, I mean an actual part of yourself which is currently part of the unconscious or very deep subconscious state of being. A servitor programs represents part of yourself, and takes up certain space. A shard does not do this as this is a separate soul entirely, it is only part of you when viewed from 4D, anyone who lacks access to this view will see two different persons with no connection.

Just to see how your subconscious responds, I just now tried to contact your soul to see if "you" at that level would want to perform this procedure in some way, it seems to have been a fast process in this dimension and was instantly accepted. I offered a DNA form I created to be the most effective way for achieving personal goals. It will adapt to your soul and manifest this somewhere in a parallel dimension. I think I see a girl in a red one piece with striped knee socks? If you have a female incarnate somewhere in a "physical astral" you can let her to any further incarnations of shards, so it's convenient if some part of your soul does prefer this form.

Sunflower 02/09/2024 (Fri) 22:15 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6223 del
>How to 'fill' the balloons? Do you fill the shards of soul with gong?
It's not needed, it was an analogy.

>Taking the analogy of using buds of plants to grow new plants, does this mean you put the soul shards into time accelerated spaces while being compartmentalized from the rest of the soul?
No, the soul shard is directly incarnated using a female who should preferably be immortal of vampire quality in the least, that way the soul shard will also be astrally immortal. You place your forehead against her belly and let her "suck you in" and create an altered clone of herself, using the DNA profile you provided (factories can create them from templates if you don't know how to create your own).

>I'd also add that you could add in programming for the soul to roam the earth searching for a valid vessel like what would normally happen in souls in reincarnation (?).
No point, sounds useless. I use a number of servitors for datamining and creation to train an AI agent vs the Akashic records, doing a large number of runs where the servitor [Mime] will house the AI Agent program as if it was a soul, to emulate being humans in different periods to gain experience.

>How does a birth-in differ from a walk-in in terms of stability, ie propensity of sticking with the vessel?
Birth-ins are registered as regular birth, even if it happened when the body was adult, while a walk-in just takes over a body. Birth-in will recreate all cells of the body and restart the aging process among other things, walk-in doesn't do that.
>If I am now a rebirthed succubus, then what is my role?
Ask your mother.

>If I am one of the originals, one of which you possibly have not interacted with earlier, and have found my way back here, then indeed, where do I go from here?
Who knows? I don't feel that you are though, you felt completely new when posting before, your image looks like a semi-fat man from the galactic federation or many a sentry demon from some infernal place that has large organizations. Simply, your image is that of a janitor or a demon working with inventories or other "boring but needed" work.

Sunflower 02/24/2024 (Sat) 17:48 Id: f618a2 [Preview] No.6431 del
Hey, Trypper here. An update:

I am going to be employed soon at a clinic that a colleague of mine is going to open. I will be training under him at first, and then I will be getting decent (by local standards) money working for him as a general practitioner. He has been a good friend, so I only wish the best for him in all his pursuits.

Also, I have pivoted from looking into computer science as a professional pursuit into considering how business administration can be synthesized with the field of medicine. Currently, my idea is to synthesize supply chain management with medicine by getting into the medical devices field. Sooner or later, I will enroll in Nexford University. Eventually, I may study compsci with OSSU's curriculum, but then programming will probably only be a hobby of mine at most.

I know I have a history os saying I'll do this and that and not doing it, so I believe your trust in me has eroded as a result. Think of this as an update on my situation and aspirations and nothing more; no need to personally invest in what I say.

Sunflower 02/24/2024 (Sat) 19:56 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6432 del
I know, I know. After I become crowned as the God Emperor (my friend Trump said he had that title to share!) I plan on expanding the solar system by adding 2 -3 more suns and planets around them. I think one more grey planet and maybe one or two lyran planets would fit. But the second lyran planet may be more of a vacation project, I will probably be busy with the galactic expansion plan. I guess I forgot to mention this; my other friend Xi said he'd give me 4 galactic fleets which he's had lying around in his backyard since the Maoist days, and I will be using these for conquest! But for now I'm mostly working on C#, practicing polymorphism, still waiting on Trump to call me about the title, but I'm sure he'll get in touch soon, he said he'd be done with the election in 3 - 4 days or so, then ending the Ukraine war, then he'd have time!

Sunflower 02/24/2024 (Sat) 20:08 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.6433 del
(101.34 KB 900x675 Ganbatte.jpg)
>I know I have a history os saying I'll do this and that and not doing it, so I believe your trust in me has eroded as a result.
I think people either don't really care or just glad you are still able to manage your sanity well. I don't think they distrust you because you have plans in this wretched economy.
>Think of this as an update on my situation and aspirations
At least we know you are still alive But considering the pacts you made I think it is almost impossible for something bad to happen to you but that doesn't mean it is a good idea pressing your luck too hard considering the current state of things
>no need to personally invest in what I say
I am sure no one will change their investment portfolio because your job aspects nor will dump their Tryppercoins lol For a while I thought the entities around you are purposely keeping you in a job seeking limbo because that is keeping you "safe" from any harm. Your Fate is not decided yet and once they notice you are nearing a possible bad end they are pulling you out. I am not sure of this hypothesis because the energies you have there is not something I am expert at reading... nor I ever became too invested after the entities confirmed they are truly watching over you

At least you are still trying.

Can't believe you revealed that for the whole world just like that!
It just barely sounds more crazy than your usual posts

Sunflower 02/24/2024 (Sat) 21:11 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6434 del
>more crazy than your usual posts
Yeah desu ne ;)
Those parts about finishing the election in 4 days and me being a personal friend of Xi were really "over the top", hehe.

Sunflower 02/24/2024 (Sat) 23:38 Id: 3fdaa7 [Preview] No.6436 del
You truly are the GOAT, don't let anyone convince you otherwise ;p

Yeah, I just wanna have my own money to do stuff lol. I mean, if my dad passes away and I still don't make my own money, chances are by then my life would go to shit.

One thing I noticed is that, while I did not particularly have much affinity for the infernal current when I started out, it seems a good portion of my Being is infernal now, notwithstanding that I'm a dormant occultist currently.

Sunflower 02/24/2024 (Sat) 23:41 Id: 3fdaa7 [Preview] No.6437 del
Speaking of my Fate not being decided yet, hmm.. Like I get it that no one is truly 'captain of their own ship'... Like heck, uh, alright, I resign myself to my life not really being in my hands. Just makes me a tad uncomfortable, you know? It'll take some time for it to sink in at this level, lol.

I wonder where the winds of destiny will take me :)

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:33 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.6483 del
I think the problem is that you have hard time syncing up your spiritual work with your "survival in the mundane world" which makes you somewhat lost.

>I resign myself to my life not really being in my hands
They are just protecting you and once you reach a point where you don't need to be "protected" anymore you can retain yourself. But destiny is like a wind that carries on the path no matter what and what I meant is like I don't feel that sort of "Fate" from you. And yes the infernal is close to the ways earth operates so it is good to have an understanding of it but still not enough nowadays. Demons operate via quite old perspectives and earth just added and lost a bunch of perspectives in the last 2 centuries. They don't always understand what is going on besides
>Humans being humans as usual

>I wonder where the winds of destiny will take me :)
Where do you want to go? Besides into some sort of financial safety ofc. Sometimes the place we need to be grants us the way we can sustain ourselves.

I am the captain of my own ship quite the while but the places I desire need the strongest winds and the harshest storms and my skills are still not on that level where I know my crew and my ship will survive. Maybe I am at the place where I belong already just not noticing it. I don't know either. Does the captain belong on the ship on the sea or the new continent he is seeking so much?

Sunflower 02/27/2024 (Tue) 13:14 Id: e942dd [Preview] No.6502 del
I highly, highly recommend EFT tapping. Couldn't recommend it enough.

Sunflower 02/27/2024 (Tue) 20:53 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.6507 del

Thanks for reminding me that I should get back studying how meridians work and look up some acupressure and acupuncture charts how the chinese medicine figured this out so far because currently I can see them feel them and talk/interact with them but there are so many I need to find a way to ground my understanding.

Is there someone with good sources and mostly with pictures that explain what meridian is what and how it connects because all I have is the search engines and I am wading through a moderate amount of crap until I find one that truly shows everything and has a nice glossary to it so I can have an idea what does what instead of giving superficial explanations for the layest of laypeople. Fucking skeptic niggers quacks and charlatans managed to ruin the truth of that science so much it's ridiculous. But why would the western medicine industry support something that does not put people into eternal debt and addiction slavery.

>Just let the innate power take form
This is what I am being taught and "letting happen" in the last days because I unlocked and unclogged a bunch at once and they need to readjust and I need to understand how now they are my baseline energies and how to exist without my cursed energies. The cursedness of this world is unbelievable and how much I managed to get accustomed to it and thinking how that is the "only way" and now understanding how that was never the case but it had to happen as always... some things just... need to happen so we bother going further to conclude a realization.

Also back to topic. EFT tapping is working with good theories and every criticism I read so far is about people missing the point and not having anyone who can tell them how to use this methodology correctly then they go LUL PSEUDOSCIENCE. These people would disprove how you can make fire with 2 sticks because they would just pick the wettest thinnest branches and go how 90% of the participants couldn't do it and those who did let the branches dry therefore damaging the quality of the sample so they shouldn't be taken seriously. At least I know the term "unsinkable rubberduck" now. It's a term how they are "disproving something" and expect everyone to accept the authority of that study and just "stop believing" WE SAID IT NOT REAL WHY DO YOU BELIEVE HOW DARE YOU. I know the hell that awaits these people but it still doesn't make me happy and I know the time these people will be blown over is not "here" yet. Not like any sane person cares what these people think. I hate the word "pseudoscience" so much it's unreal. But what can you do in this age of marketing where once you have a good idea they either steal it or try to shut you down as fast as possible.

Sorry about this rant. Slowly these energies are leaving my system and maybe the style of my posts will follow with it. It took me so much time getting over this "mainstream scientific authority mindset" that everyone had around me in my teens and being adult means accepting the hopelessly gray world was something that griped me so long. Only the internet helped me to see there are others too that seen these things but it's always hard finding the proper channels of information at first.

Sunflower 02/27/2024 (Tue) 21:01 Id: f9f084 [Preview] No.6509 del
Look for "foot therapy" or "zone therapy chart", I think it's basically the same science based on how the body develops from an embryo and different parts that were in the same spot are stretched out and placed all across the body, but are still connected.

Sunflower 02/27/2024 (Tue) 21:08 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.6510 del
>zone therapy chart
This is a good keyword thx. At least it's not 90% of pinterest sniping the good charts and obscuring every useful search with it.

Sunflower 03/04/2024 (Mon) 15:08 Id: fa4106 [Preview] No.6547 del
Societal disbelief, ie Anidrymism: The rejection of societal institutions.

Why, you may ask?

Social institutions come into being out of perceived necessity, and then perpetuate themselves through coercion. It may be a symbiotic relationship but it is necessary to reject all such ‘benefits’ as something of subjective value and of a surreal quality: a benefit built on the metareality of contemporary civilization as the Arch-construct.

If Anarchy is the rejection of the State as a social institution for its innate coercion, this is the rejection of all social institutions due to all of them being coercive.

Anidrymism may be modified, adapted as a praxis and/or philosophy, etc., for Anidrymism is a concept, a meme at its core. All else is further elucidication on what Anidrymism is, or may be.

P.S. I also believe Anidrymism is an occult channel, much the same way there are infernal, angelic etc. channels. I think that, given the name 'Anidrymism' and the description, that you may be able to connect to this channel. I ask BO to verify its existence and give his assessment as to the viability of this channel. Also, Anidrymism isn't against using sociological principles against sociological manifestations.

Sunflower 03/04/2024 (Mon) 15:34 Id: eb335f [Preview] No.6548 del
Sorry, never heard of it before and it's not in any dictionary.

Sunflower 03/04/2024 (Mon) 15:47 Id: fa4106 [Preview] No.6549 del
Anidrymism is self-evident, all you have to do is 'feel' the Anidrymic current.

Sunflower 03/04/2024 (Mon) 20:35 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.6550 del
(18.25 KB 941x221 Anidrymism.jpg)
>not in any dictionary
Yeah it's weird how this word doesn't exist while a bunch of variations pointing to other concepts come up with every other search engine

I am sure you are channeling your "original order". The conceptual order your real soul operates with. Maybe I can help you word it from my own view why you are getting in touch with this.

I too have the concept of "false order".
>Societal disbelief, ie Anidrymism: The rejection of societal institutions.
What you describe here is the "false order" but for me it's "rejection" was never needed because I never truly "accepted it". That does not mean I rebelled against it but as some way an unhealthy food is unhealthy it still has nutrients and it is still better than starving so I too rely on it as long as it gives benefits but I do not consider it "true order" because the chaotic way it operates and the constant problems and hypocrisy it causes cannot be called "order" at all. As a child I was somewhat a trouble maker because if someone didn't have an "air of authority" I simply ignored them. If no one respects them why should I? The problem is that kindergartners are not really people of authority and once anyone not just proves their incompetence but show no willingness to change or improve I lost all my respect towards them. And the world is full with these people so there was a reason why I had a little hard time coming to terms with them but as you said
>perpetuate themselves through coercion
It is hard to overcome coercion as long as you are a child so you have no choice but to "fall in line" and hide your own light deep within where no one can touch it. It was like downgrading yourself to an NPC. Like in MMOs once the grind happens you can automate it with macros or a bot. At that part you might still be the "player" but your purpose and occupation is not really more than the way an NPC operates. But you are still the player and the same rules apply as you are a player so even tho you behave as an NPC you are still a player. You still get banned instead of removed via a console command if you act out of line.

>Anidrymism isn't against using sociological principles against sociological manifestations.
"States" manifested via being able to maintain an army and that happens if they have a population that pays taxes to maintain that army (they either pay that tax willingly or they get coerced by the army or an another army will invade and they pay taxes to them). Therefore states cannot exist without coercion. "Civilization" can be argued that it starts the moment people can live outside or without the "wilderness" and start molding their way of life. But this concept can be complicated because "false order" and currently "society" managed to enslave itself and the inhabitants without realizing.

Sunflower 03/04/2024 (Mon) 20:35 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.6551 del
I think the reason why you are getting this because as you said before you seek "power". And some people think "power" comes from the ability to coerce people into your bidding without seeing the other forces that move generate and evolve interactions. You are finally getting the "power" that shows what moves things or as I like to say "what makes things work".

Like at some organizations it's not always the boss that makes things work but some people some well oiled clogs in the machine that if they are gone everything falls apart. The opposite is always true. Once you oil or get rid of the rusty faulty clogs efficiency increases. But for you this is not what you are looking for. You are finding the energy that exists outside the "box" of this false order/societal institutional world.
BO also said how "laws" are just a thing that enslaves or tortures people instead of guiding them and this is what the federation does well. For you understanding this energy will be probably key for your development because you will be able to see how things operate without being blinded from the hurdles of this entrenched rot of society we have all around us.

I can somewhat feel the energies you are talking about but I cannot put it into words as well as you do. For me it is just an another element of life but for you it might be a guiding principle.
What makes a slave a slave. The chains the rags the fact that he is called a slave or his mentality where he accepted his fate without seeking a way outside from that life that perpetuates his slavery. The crown does not make the king. The king is the king without the crown. If someone puts on the crown without anyone accepting him as the king he is killed for that transgression. Knowing what we are is important and our current circumstances while imply our current standing in the end it will only make us if we let it make us. Is the King the only free person or he is the slave to the crown? Is he coercing himself to be the coercer or he will be the one that is coerced?
I think this is the loop the "box" you are trying to free yourself from.

Did this channel give you this term or it is a translation from an another word?

Sunflower 03/05/2024 (Tue) 06:39 Id: fa4106 [Preview] No.6556 del
I had to come up with a new word. An - lack of, Idryma - the institution. So were such an idea to exist, it would speak of the Idryma. I didn't channel the word but rather obtained the Greek translation of the word 'institution' and modified it a bit further and also Anglicized it, giving the term Anidrymism.

I believe the King being free himself or not isn't too important, what matters is that there is always a third density reflection of the one of the most power, and even this is no true master, but rather a slave to unseen forces. I would posit an axiom of freedom of choosing one's master here: that it is inherent to the human individual to have something as its master, but the freedom humanity does have is in choosing its master.

Takd me for example: I have altered my fate alongside the succubus current, so you could say that the succubus current is my master.

I mean to say that, were I to personally invest in Anidrymism by spreading it, it would be a full-on philosophy with a praxis, and one that seeks to be pragmatic rather than, say, mere rejection of social institutions by the followers choosing to, perhaps, implode.

Furthermore, as I hinted earlier, Anidrymism isn't against utilizing sociological principles against sociological manifestations. How exactly, I'm not sure, but one scenario is it being a self-organizing phenomenon. Another is using more traditional forms of social organization.

Also,let's say Anidrymism successfully gets rid of Civilization. Then what? It seems that tapping into the concept of post-civilization might provide some hints. An investation into Hobbesianism might prove useful, if only because it is pretty much the opposite of Anidrymism; the contrast is refreshing and helps show what Anidrymism is against.

Sunflower 03/05/2024 (Tue) 10:59 Id: eb335f [Preview] No.6557 del
Is this a new soul insert? It feels like reading a completely new person, and from what I see it looks like some kind of anarchism. Was this released as a result of the Israeli embassy self-immolation event? The guy was a literal anarcho-communist and by burning up in a horrible (but legit martyrdom) way he was purified to the highest degree and stopped the movement of the NWO in that direction.

Sunflower 03/05/2024 (Tue) 12:05 Id: fa4106 [Preview] No.6559 del
I have no idea what I am, haha! But I mean at least I, the tulpa, am still kicking around in this realm!

Sunflower 03/05/2024 (Tue) 20:07 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.6564 del
>obtained the Greek translation of the word 'institution'

Oooooohhhhhh. I see where are you coming from. Yes we had this. Even I had this in my past lives. This was when you abandoned your home/citystate and joined a mystery cult in the wilderness in the ancient greek times and yes with /sunflower/ we somewhat making a reminiscence to that age and I too am working to resummon/reactivate that age of humanity into the present but I am not too hasty because I know the exact reasons why that age "fell" and it was not because Alexander the Great or Rome or anything but a level of degeneracy started to spread in the flesh and mind of people and only this "violence" managed to become the "answer" and I don't want an age where we need a "Crusade" every quarter century so we can "keep things afloat". That occasional crusades are a mere stop gap measure and are unable to solve the problem on the long term.

>Takd me for example: I have altered my fate alongside the succubus current, so you could say that the succubus current is my master.
The succubus current is more akin to a simple "seminar" in your journey and not exactly your one true master. Back then we had a sort of "teacher" and while he was our "master" he was merely just imparting his knowledge to us and not exactly was our coercive overlord. We could leave but after you passed the initiation leaving was "out of question" because you are "not allowed to leave" with "half baked truths". Only the ignorant and those that "truly know" can be "free" and those that proved themselves via passing the initiation were unable to dropout anymore.
Hmmmmm. Maybe this is what you are looking for? A true path? One that is unable to "Let you go" because it will bring you along no matter what? Interesting how I didn't notice this before.
I never considered my "teacher" my "master" because once you passed you were "worthy" an "equal" like how in university you are "colleagues" with the professor no matter if you are a student or a Phd trainee. While in rank we are not equal in that institution we are becoming the same level in the end. If the professor is unable to raise your level to their own and unable to teach you then it's not just your fault but his inability too.

Yeah in ancient Rome and other city states you could "leave" whenever but then you were in the wilderness and that "safety" was no more. If you could manage it then go ahead but those who born and lived in the city their whole lives would never do such thing.

>It feels like reading a completely new person
No this is Tryppers "higher gear" intellect. I noticed this when I was talking to him before Hawket that he is able to "shift gears" and suddenly able to talk on an academic level but the problem is that this "theorycrafting" he is doing to ground and put into words the energies he is working with for his "tulpa" will just result in him magically drawing a supersigil then he shifts into a higher gear and into a higher gear again then he may or may not go insane because his "lower selves" are unable to contain his "truth" then he panics and hits the breaks and the whole things starts over. Also the "passengers" that are supposed to be "watching over him" sometimes grab the wheel and make sure he is not crashing himself in the process. He needs to reach a level where he is able to welcome summon and most importantly hold his higher energies continuously. This is why I said his case is quite fundamental because understanding his deal will give me quite the understanding how the flesh can interact with the spirit on the higher levels.

Sunflower 03/05/2024 (Tue) 20:08 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.6565 del
>it looks like some kind of anarchism
The problem with "anarchism" that it managed to instantly become an actual spook. Instead of the everyone is free concept it quickly turned into the same meaning as "Vandalism". Like how Vandals were an ethnicity but the meaning turned into breaking everything that is "civilized" (which was Rome) for no reason. Anarchism evolved from the materialistic understanding and philosophies which means it is unable to entertain the idea that there is an "unseen force" that they are working with. We know the God of capitalism because he is the "invisible hand of the free market" but real capitalists see how that hand operates quite well and this is why "free markets" always fail. They cannot exist without protectionism. And let's not talk how communism managed to manifest on earth so far... Anarcho-communism is literally a "street-smart" and constant "charisma check" adventure in it's current form. This is why Trypper is not even thinking about associating himself with it while what he said sounds like almost the same thing in theory. Anarcho-communism currently is an energetic construct which is a city of flames and riots and once it dies down everyone will be suddenly nice to each other for some reason. So yes the self immolator is quite the nice instigator for those energies but I am sure Trypper is looking for something else. For some reason the communist "eternal revolution" managed to become a sort of "eternal revolt" and the moment the revolt takes momentum they start revolting against themselves and kill everyone until a leader emerges that is unkillable. Then he makes the rules and decides what is and isn't revolution. This whole thing was explained and described by the greeks who always told how "democracy always ends in tyranny". And this is why mystery cults always distanced themselves from these people/states and were either hidden or protected by "sacred rules" because they provided something extremely valuable to the states be it scrying or some other divine art. If we didn't lose the Great Library of Alexandria we might know more of their ways but nowadays we have mere snippets only of their truth.

>am still kicking around in this realm!
Keep kicking! NEVER GIVE UP!!!
You will get there Trypper. I know you can do it and your "masters" are making sure it happens.

Sunflower 03/06/2024 (Wed) 09:52 Id: fa4106 [Preview] No.6578 del
I have to say, your assessment of my "higher gear" mode is very accurate. I did draw a sigil in my mind once lately, and also 'shut myself down' after a while. This feedback is invaluable. So I guess were I to just draw a supersigil in my head, then it would kick me into higher gear.

I think in the case of Anarcho-Communism, like many things, Anarchy makes the presupposition that humanity is inherently good. While in the case of Hobbesianism, it makes the case that humanity is inherently bad. I propose a different approach, where it is assumed that humanity has more variation within it than the entire animal kingdom, in the mind: therefore, to make sweeping generalizations on the nature of humanity is to err.

Furthermore, how would an Anarcho-Communist commune function anyhow? Also, why are we limited to the permutations of a handful of ideologies and philosophies? For the first question, it is necessary to note that Anarchy is inchoate at this present stage. It seeks to remove the State, but what then? Perhaps it would be a good idea to look into Islam, where 'kufr bi al taghut' is a concept: or, the 'disbelief' in 'man-made law', taken here to be politics except where Islamically ordained, which would be a theocratic, Islamic state. Perhaps an adaptation of this could be used, where a new religion/cult is created with a rejection of the State being a core tenet.

Let's take a cursory look at Anarcho-Communism itself: it seeks to abolish all hierarchy. I fail to see how this is possible, at least not without replacing it another structure with some sort of vertical distribution of members on perhaps another metric. Perhaps a holarchy can be considered: a throwback to the concept of the circle societies of old, as contrasted to pyramid societies such as our own. In closing, I deem Anarcho-Communism to be a failed attempt at realizing an alternative to the pyramid society.

Sunflower 03/06/2024 (Wed) 18:39 Id: fa4106 [Preview] No.6594 del
(39.47 KB 720x720 Trypperism.png)
This is a sigil that points to a tome which is simultaneously a work in progress and a finished work, in that the core tenets are operational yet would benefit from further 'fleshing out'. It is a sort of Unified Theory of Everything, except it deals with specific issues.

Sunflower 03/06/2024 (Wed) 18:52 Id: eb335f [Preview] No.6595 del
Looks like a messy version of a Goetia sigil.

Sunflower 03/06/2024 (Wed) 18:58 Id: eb335f [Preview] No.6596 del
(9.18 KB 514x456 trypperism goetia.png)

Sunflower 03/06/2024 (Wed) 19:04 Id: fa4106 [Preview] No.6597 del
Haha, I love this version!

Sunflower 03/08/2024 (Fri) 16:28 Id: 7afea3 [Preview] No.6617 del
I dunno but Radical Centrism as a praxis/metaideology makes a lot of sense to me.

Sunflower 03/10/2024 (Sun) 11:17 Id: a9e0e9 [Preview] No.6628 del
I must say BO, I am overwhelmed. What do you think of the Enlightenment as a philosophy and it's direct political result, Classical Liberalism? Just asking for your opinion and reasoning as I am a bit overloaded currently.

Sunflower 03/10/2024 (Sun) 11:30 Id: eb335f [Preview] No.6630 del
>Enlightenment as a philosophy and it's direct political result, Classical Liberalism?
I don't know enough about it to have an opinion, I think it may have been relevant at the time it appeared as a counter force to strict religious doctrines, but today liberalism has itself become dogmatic and restrictive.

Sunflower 03/10/2024 (Sun) 11:33 Id: a9e0e9 [Preview] No.6631 del
Alright, thank you for your opinion!

Sunflower 03/21/2024 (Thu) 04:11 Id: 3ecbf6 [Preview] No.6778 del
I come back with a realization. It is not social institutions that are meaningless, nay, the issue is deeper than that. It is humanity itself.

To be completely honest, I am living the dream. I realized I fucking love being a NEET. I love being a lazy slob and doing nothing all day.

Just one thing I noticed. When I'm doing really well, I become uninhibited, making me act naturally, which is bound to make me trip up on some red wire I didn't notice before.

It doesn't matter whether the problem is me or the world All I know is that humanity doesn't welcome me, and that I am my own best friend.

Sunflower 03/21/2024 (Thu) 04:15 Id: 3ecbf6 [Preview] No.6779 del
I hereby renounce this world, a completely incomprehensible world. I also renounce myself, because in the end 'I as I know it' will cease too. I even renounce my attachment to NEETdom, because it too shall pass.

I am dead, yet I am alive. Hollowed out.

Sunflower 03/21/2024 (Thu) 11:15 Id: 3ecbf6 [Preview] No.6785 del
I guess the takeaway here is that I refuse to regard myself a human, as most humans I know and have interacted with are souped-up animals.

I only wish I could communicate through telepathy. Oh, when will I be without words?

And what pains me the most is that my perception thusly only indicates, at most, me having the potential to be better. Not necessarily me being any better in actuality.

I realized how most everything is utterly contrived bullshit. No one needs philosophy, Esperanto, a business degree. What we need are real, honest skills and experiences. Hunting, skinning, cooking, building shelter... The echoes of what lies before civilization.

And yet... How can we experience what is real? Do we need money or 'leisure' to do it? It is truly a lament of our times that basically no one knows how to actually survive.

Sunflower 03/21/2024 (Thu) 11:22 Id: 3ecbf6 [Preview] No.6786 del
I believe I have pierced the threshold where 'nothing needs to be spoken'. I think the only reasons I spoke were to vent frustration and to seek company, when even I know at this point that virtually all company is accursed, and that most people would gladly kick me down in my frustration.

Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 20:33 Id: f9e0af [Preview] No.6885 del
Hi, Trypper here.

>To be completely honest, I am living the dream. I realized I fucking love being a NEET. I love being a lazy slob and doing nothing all day.
This is more nuanced than at first glance.. I'm not the best at expressing myself. I mean to say that working might as well be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Most of humanity has to work.

I realized that there are things I like about living here. If I have to face bullshit, these things make it all worthwhile.

Also, I'm not sure what's happening here on Sunflower, but I can tell that things have been developing.

Sunflower 04/05/2024 (Fri) 08:13 Id: 3fb879 [Preview] No.7135 del
Hi, Trypper here. I just had a dream.

The dream starts out incomprehensible, but then I noticed a huge prayer hall, a part of a larger building, with an all-encompassing persian rug-style flooring similar to what you see in mosques, and it had the word "Red" on the entrance. I also saw a few people within that space, men and women. I was wary at first, but when I made the connection between the word "Red" and the succubus collective, I elected to enter it. I prayed for a bit, and then encountered a former colleague of mine there, who was pretty much a sex pest I felt like I had to lock him down physically, so I did, and it seemed like something negative left the bodies of the surrounding people there. The dream ends soon thereafter.

Sunflower 04/05/2024 (Fri) 13:34 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.7137 del
Thanks for sharing.

Sunflower 04/05/2024 (Fri) 17:06 Id: 90e55a [Preview] No.7140 del
Oh right, there's also a coffeehouse that opened lately near where I live by the name of Fennec.

Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 09:30 Id: 562375 [Preview] No.7154 del
can BO help me with something? I would like BO to confirm the existence of an amorous spirit in my vicinity, what type of entity she is and what her agenda is. thanks in advance. I'm Trypper btw

Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 09:51 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.7157 del
This is too vague, such spirits are anywhere. It's meaningless to ask me to look, since if you could describe her well enough you wouldn't need me to look in the first place.

Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 10:01 Id: 562375 [Preview] No.7158 del
I tried ignoring her two days ago so I think she partially activated a psychotic state in me that I am still not completely out of.
i can describe her indeed.
so I think a more appropriate question would be, what should I do?

Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 10:06 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.7160 del
I know you've done these things before, so I suggest you perform some standard cleansing or banishing practice. Pick one from Islam if that is all you can do at the moment, and just keep up until the situation improves. Djinn can also overpower any other intrusive entity if you allow them to.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 12:39 Id: 30e988 [Preview] No.7333 del

Hoo boy, I'm Trypper and I live in Jordan, you see...

I've had a ton of dreams lately over the span of a few weeks of me traveling to other counttries via airplane. Yesterday, all air travel was shut down here in Jordan except for, I guess, Jordanian, British and American military.

The way the wind is blowing, I think my days are possibly numbered.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 12:59 Id: 7e4e8f [Preview] No.7334 del
Everyone's days are numbered on Earth. I think djinn won't give you up though. I asked what they need and offered some of the armours I use to keep positions open for people to exist even if their souls are alternating. They "threw me" a Jordanian woman and told me to sync with her as a connection point so that local djinn could learn how to use the armours. It won't help for you to have it if your presence is instable, someone else needs to keep the channel open. They said they can do it now.

Besides the Earth sphere isn't even there anymore in the way it existed before. If going by what Astra said, the 'lumitards will be worn down from external pressure in 2 days from now, and the rest is just karmic solutions to past drama.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 22:07 Id: 5d87d8 [Preview] No.7345 del
>I live in Jordan, you see...
Yeah this is why I realized I should not get too involved with your path. We are both in countries that are adjacent to countries that are undergoing war and heavy psychic maneuvers. Accidentally merging both places might result in quite the energy surge and unforeseen consequences. Also the entities around you told me they are handling it well. No need to intervene no matter how bad it looks.
>I think my days are possibly numbered
Didn't you feel this way all the time in the past years?
>I think djinn won't give you up though
Can confirm.

>Astra said, the 'lumitards will be worn down from external pressure in 2 days from now, and the rest is just karmic solutions to past drama.
Would be nice. The current way the conflict is going no one has an upper hand and everyone is wary with "power moves". Wondered what kind of controlled demolition is needed for this house of cards but... No one needs controlled demolition for house of cards.
>just karmic solutions to past drama
Wonder how far will that "past drama" go.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 22:26 Id: 549227 [Preview] No.7347 del
>Wonder how far will that "past drama" go.
I am encircling them as of now, some still attacked during the night, I let my newly formed Queen shield get some training by not doing anything. They can't get through at all, but for now it takes a few seconds before the effect hits them. In that time they are able to project enough evil to place them in the self perceived instant hell for a fun 10 000 years before they are ripped away. That's the thing here, it's essentially them attacking "absolute purity" with "absolute filth", even bringing those into contact is such as a massive sin it costs them an instant 1000 year hell sentence. But they're so thick headed from adrenachrome use they don't even notice until the full force rips them away after a 3 - 5 seconds pass. It's like getting a million volts connected and "not feeling it" for a few seconds. And it doesn't matter how many of them do this, those looking on will still come and do the same thing after.

I saw horrible images of them also. Scenes of tall muscular men whose bodies were so filled with filthy energy they had turned into something completely inhuman on the inside, like mountains of black rotting goo and pus with mold everywhere. And they were cutting the throats of children and feasting on babies like a pack of wolves. That's how they got their "psychic powers" leveled up. There is a certain effect like this where Karma also works to strengthen them mention in ZF, and this is a prime example. This negative energy is so huge they have managed to prolong their lives using mega sized occult technology of planet wide scale, and also personally defend themselves by creating energy shields and weapons that can kill any human instantly by a thought. They rarely get involved personally because they have underlings though.

This has given them huge egos, and they can't fathom that a single person can stand up against them by even doing nothing. I don't know what their view is on vampires, but I suppose they think it's just a matter of scale and that vampires have just killed more people for longer time. They don't understand the difference in terms of Qi, virtue, karma or Gong. The vampires are immortal because of Gong, but nah, they can't see it, so they just think it's because vampires killed more babies than they themselves did.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 22:28 Id: 549227 [Preview] No.7348 del
And yes, the question: I've been told it takes 600 years, that is why I had to create the Moloch Sun object which is now hidden behind the new witchie sun created from the eclipse ritual. I can't fully leave here until past stuff is burned up, and that is my task, even if I move to the astral, that sun has to stay for this duration, it's my job to burn it.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 08:15 Id: 1e0403 [Preview] No.7355 del
>>I think my days are possibly numbered
>Didn't you feel this way all the time in the past years?
Well yeah I did, but I think the motive behind this particular statement and the ones I used to say are different: back then, I actively wanted to just die; this time it was more of a result of an assessment of the evolving geopolitical arena as it relates to my survival.

>Everyone's days are numbered on Earth.
I know, I meant to allude to the possibility of the imminence of the perishing of my body.

Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 10:44 Id: d87418 [Preview] No.7633 del
Hi, Trypper here.

I started training under a colleague of mine since a week ago as a GP and also am trying to get into clinical research via a contact from my dad, which would be better for me than practicing 'legit' medicine.

Finally, at long last, the ball's started rolling.

Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 10:48 Id: d87418 [Preview] No.7634 del
Also, what's even better is that those clinical research guys I've seen when I met up with the clinical manager contact? It truly felt like I've found my tribe.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 17:13 Id: b649e9 [Preview] No.7783 del
Trypper here.

It is one thing for me to get cursed by posting here, it is another thing entirely to see my family members also get attacked.

Fuck me if I ever show my face in occult corners ever again. The risk of curse-flinging shithead lurkers is too great.

I had the sneaking suspicion I shouldn't give an 'update', but I did. It can also be argued that posting here again could mean I haven't learned my lesson, but for anyone here, my statement is this:

Don't engage in these parts. Occultists are usually mentally ill sociopaths and you WILL feel the burn from interacting in these parts. Caveat emptor.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:13 Id: 96eefd [Preview] No.7784 del
This is just my doctrine but based on past experience, if you show weakness it will only get worse. In the beginning I would just reverse attacks aimed at me, but by now I apply that anyone appearing with a hostile attitude will get exterminated at first offense.

Look at Argentina now. That place was infested with a group of witches who also ran the largest wicca server on discord with 80k members. They had people join other servers and place energy stealing green crystals on people. It was the first organized attack against this group when we were just beginning.

We learned to remove the crystals and I got help from Santa Muerte to trace all the witches who were active, then I used the Ripper knife to kill them. Just saying, that country has a future now and their political climate it changing. It wouldn't have happened if we didn't respond with force.

Same thing with every little shithead who tried something after this point. Never back down, always kill them if they attack first, search the area for any remaining allies, hunt them down and kill them until no one remains. Exception if you find some random innocents in the group, but normally those must be evacuated because these groups will kill anyone of their own who doesn't take part in their evil attacks.

A lot of humans have backers from space or other dimensions, but once they are physically destroyed, those will lose influence. They will try to attack you, but by then they are only spiritual and can't get in anymore.

If this is even Trypper posting, you know why there are so many weapons shared on this board, it's to use for these occasions if you can't create your own.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:16 Id: 96eefd [Preview] No.7785 del
I summoned a helper for you.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:37 Id: 85d284 [Preview] No.7787 del
Yeah, it's me.

Thanks for the help.

I think posting about my worldly aspirations on an imageboard constitutes a karmic opening, much like my past addiction to seeking divination on imageboards.

I sorta lost my shit there, my bad. Nonetheless, I have effectively retired from the occult (I haven't practiced for months now). I also feel that I have graduated from this forum; make of that as you will.

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