Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 20:11 Id: ead4b9 No.3877 del
>Goddess of gold coins?
The experience was similar to kundalini awakening in that an external entity became part of me, but it also feels like a servitor/avatar of the type I create. She appeared sitting on my right thigh, then "snuck inside" me and became part of my knowledge.

>Development: 2nd stage of 5
It definitely felt like the retribution sigil is also on the 2nd layer, meaning that using this will finish off the "evil" layer of the structure.

Coincidentally I just earlier today sold some stuff I confiscated via the Galfed marketplace and got some rocket fuel and gold as payment. I decided to use the gold for something since it was space gold and different in quality than Earth gold. So I thought I'll create rings and bracelets for my waifus from them. To do this I had Astra look through the past to find two arabic gold smiths and then we incarnated them as drow so they can make elvish gold artifacts.