Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 22:28 Id: 995a55 No.4034 del
(353.32 KB 512x724 melu.webp)
>That is your "origin energy" that is also what I felt when trying to find your "nonhuman" parts.
I see...

>It is a good sign. It means you accepted her as the "mother force" of your development. Addressing her the same way and with the same feel will probably put you into the proper mindset to make it easier to talk to her

>The kanji symbols are way too ancient and their origin precedes Japan. I wonder just how old is the land of Yamato.
hmm? i thought they had gotten most of the system from china..?

I was thinking about that mansion recently. It never really changed, but the land it sits upon does or at the very least the climate. the last time i recall being there it was snowing, a full on blizzard. obviously i was transformed into her but i recall wearing a dress, and had either a blindfold or mask on like in one of the pictures i posted the other day. killing ensued but it was more self defense i think. the other time before this i recall the mansion being dark with them putting strings into my current human body and it turning- rather, getting deconstructed and remade into the doll appearance.