Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 19:38 Id: 6b03b1 No.4358 del
The beings we have around are cautious. They just know how humans can be unhinged so they try to stay on an another layer if they can. Not to mention there is a sort of "agreement" of sorts that
>You either behave like you don't exist or I will make you that way
It's a win-win thing because whoever who has to deal with them doesn't have to deal with them and the beings from the other side will be left alone this way. Humans are weird they came up with new things to be obsessed with every decade but they make a noise everywhere they go so they are easy to spot and avoid. Not to mention it turns out Kings and other Nobles that dabbled in occultism (okkult literally has the meaning in my language as someone who studied and learned) employed the help of these beings. And not the shady deals with the devil way but they knew if they help this person "keep his territory safe" then it will help their life too. I know they have control over some villages with a population of 100 or less people here and there and some of them live as weird humans there but did not encounter anything scary yet. Most curses are usually made by other people and not by supernatural beings. Hexers were dealt with but not the witchhunty way but the "solve the problem with the village idiot" way. Which was a thing where you had to get a help from a proper official and you didn't want to bother them with trivialities. They had their hands full with murderers and thieves anyway.

>the "mine wife"
Hmmm. I encountered mostly male earthbound underground beings. Forest spirits were female connecting to the forest properly was by doing a dance with a spirit that was covered in leafs. My heart just decided to connect to a fairy ring in the forest and I looked into it then established the connection and energized me further. The modern world neglects these pathways so much that they love when someone cares about them. I mean there are tourists and campers in the forest but they don't do much energetically.