Sunflower 10/26/2023 (Thu) 23:33 Id: 6b03b1 No.4723 del
>It's White.
The only place where "white" can be taken as "insulting" is in martial arts where you start off as a "white belt". Or nowadays when you are too pale because you never go outside. Back in the middle ages pale was a sign that you are a "refined lady" that doesn't need to work outside. Fucking leftists I swear. This is like how women think how "compliments hurt" and men wouldn't be able to handle it.

The first time you mentioned that I was like wtf but then I ran through that idea with my own understanding and yeah... we sorta were fungi because we did not need the "false light" like plants do because we could consume the "background radiation" and the energies of creation. Like fungus. So simple
yeah humanity had to endure so many invasions/hardships and to "save the seed of humanity" so many bodies had to be created it's crazy. People think we come from Eden.
>God created us in his own image
They don't realize that this means God was also a human. I could feel the "anger" that was within the current human genetics that the "creators had" while having to make these "compromises" to make humans "keep on living". To make us this durable and adaptable.
also yeah these fucks sometime just manage to create highly specific homonculi that is useless overall then try to splice the DNA left and right so it has a "semblance of humanity" I have no idea what DNA they use. Schizos always go how the elites have fallen angel DNA but... fallen angel is quite the "wide category". I have no idea what they use and if it doesn't have a complicated circuitry that can sustain the "seed of humanity" or whatever the elites consist of nowadays than it will just go onto the next "nice try" category.

>My signature
I am still at the trying to understand what I am even doing part. I have to awaken so many inner circuitry and in the correct order to not explode the wrong things that it is a puzzle. Like looking at my energy body I can see symbols and focusing on them I can "Unzip" energy movements that my body follows as long as I am focusing on the evolving sigil and it always does something. Also my current "task" is realizing how to let my energies flow when I am at "low energy mode". To be the "best version of myself" by default when I am at my "lowest point". What you wrote about that tired perfect kicking b4 sums it up. Then learning how to "flex" my energies beyond the "known capabilities" of the flesh because it's not my flesh anymore. Like the spirit I wrote about sorta can speak now. It is sorta a spirit module thing and it explained he is not exactly "part of my body" but my part of my "etheric field"


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