Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 19:46 Id: 6b03b1 No.4268 del
>Being sleepy can be a sign that you're trying to do things you're not meant to do
Also this.
It's important to understand how energies flow and go with them instead going against them. I too have this
>I should do something productive today
feeling. Then a feeling of laziness and procrastination overcomes me. Then suddenly I get a phone call that I should be somewhere else. If I had started the project I wanted to do then I would have had to abort it. Which would have made me angry because the start of that project just went to waste. But instead I looked at dumb news articles that I could use as a talking point when I am meeting the person because of a reason now it turns out. Weird how things can synchronize sometimes.

Tho I understand your pain guys because I too have to understand how I cannot use my anger to overcome my apathy anymore. I need to get rid of my negative ways and find the innate higher energies inside me. Which is hard because it feels like I am "not myself" while I know completely it's still me because my "negative self" was not me either. Current humans and society managed to torture itself in unprecedented ways for no real reason. We can't even say we are doing this to increase GDP or some other lie people tell themselves anymore. So pointless.

Oh this just got posted while I was writing this.
There is an another aspect but I think for the Queen it is so obvious she didn't think it's worth a mention.
As she said humans become automatons because they lose their creative aspect and most importantly "save a system that doesn't bother to save them".
Doctors literally create hell on earth. In english Hospitals mean something positive because it comes from the word "hospitable". In german and other less gaslighting languages the word we use for them literally means "sick-house". There are hell words that literally look like abandoned hospitals. As a lower ghost you have a way ofc to work off your karma by becoming a "hospital demon" where you help those that deceased and have the mentality they can be saved only through "doctors". It's some fucked up materialist faith mentality but so commonplace in the (((modern world))) that there are many hells like that. Some of them deserve to be called a purgatory I think but the Queen says otherwise... She just said some get trapped in cycles they cannot escape because "their faith leads them nowhere". They just torture others while thinking they are saving them and then they call them ungrateful for "not getting better"
Also studying viruses makes them "more real" and the bacterial realm is a place that is worse than hell. Not to mention the big pharma's "treat the symptom but don't cure the disease" mentality for infinite profits. For some retarded reason they don't think making healthy humans is profitable anymore


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