08/23/2023 (Wed) 23:58
Id: 79d0e8
Your human family is an extremely strong mental block. Not because they are evil but because as a human child your first duty is to do what your parents do or tell you. The most important pattern creators in the life of humans. I too had to "overcome" those things because my parents were not always the good pattern providers.
i see... I think i mentioned my family situation in the past when i was in the servers and stuff with you guys a few years back. In case i did its more like
>was really only raised by my grandmother, due to mother being on drugs and just overall not present, etc.
>know nothing about father apart from him being older than grandmother and mother combined since mother actively scared him off and kept him from seeing us without our knowledge when i was younger
>human sister more or less got murdered(sorry, i dont want elaborate any further)
>rest of the family is pretty shit
>grandmother is christian (i feel like i told you this before personally at some point) so as a result i got baptized, had to bible study, church etc.
>while human grandmother and mother have issues, i don't hate them and love them and i dont hate the rest of the family tree but am aware they are shitty people in general. but again, i don't really hold hate or real resentment toward them"
Idk if its inline with how my sisters want me to tread in this current life or what but essentially my grandmother, being how she is told me to not really hold grudges, try not to hate, the suicide stuff, be a decent person, etc. again, not sure if its inline with my sisters or due to my grandmother being christian/the whole yhwh thing (i am not sure how the yhwh/jesus thing is in actuality, i understand that i should follow the golden rules/10 commandments/whatever and try to be a good person regardless). there were also some things that my grandmother constantly instilled and it was something
>no matter what anyone says or does, including me and your mother, always put jesus/god/whatever in your heart
Obviously since i don't feel my self align with ywhw or christianity like that i swapped out yhwh for my sisters and venus/aphrodite. i don't know if thats how i should take messages/texts/lessons and apply them or what but that's what ive been doing. because she more or less says that no matter what happens in this world is to not lose faith or let myself get bogged down by the negative influences and hate here, i genuinely do not know if thats my sisters "coercion" at play or something else entirely