02/17/2024 (Sat) 01:12
Id: 68614f
The federation is now opening the gates to galactic timelines, which will level out the cultural and technological differences between Earth and the general galactic group culture.
This mindwave module is being used.
Some technologies will be removed because they are useless or harmful. Some will seem to move backwards again (CRT TVs will be brought back, LED screens are considered a dead end technology) and some will move forward. Some things will seem to become very low tech at first glance, but once humans experience using these, they will realize they actually do not understand even stone age technology, and they will have to re-learn it again from that level.
Some social changes will take place, such as;
>Revoking of all laws
Laws are capitalist/counter-rev methods which are seen as attacks against the population. Instead galfed policies will be used. These are methods telling you what to do in a positive manner, there are no bans or forbidden acts. (To clarify the previously imparted "bans" on certain magic and other harmful practices, these are not "legal", they are policies telling the security forces what to do. You are free to try not following their orders, at your own risk. The federation applies the law of the jungle, so the sharpest claws decide. Humans however do not have claws so you will have to either follow what we tell you or get eaten!)
>No persecution of natural business
This means in common terms that as long as it exists in nature, it is allowed. If it exists as viruses or on that level, we will not consider it to be behaviour of humanoids. Practically it means you can grow and use any drugs, as long as they are plants which are not engineered. Sex trade including surrogate motherhood is a legitimate business as well. You will however find that when sex trade is allowed and there are no oppressive laws, that drug use will be uninteresting. The federation does not have drug problems because we do not disturb natural behaviours, so no one will need to feel better by using drugs. The idea that sex trade is somehow "wrong" is a dangerous moralistic idea, which causes trauma and feelings of shame. In fact, it is not harmful and does not cause psychological harm to sell sex, this is a misconception caused by capitalist oppression. Some will say that this causes illnesses, but why would it cause illnesses? If that was so, all animals who do not have monogamy would have died from illnesses also!
The federation has a "universal basic income" so no one will sell sex unless they want to. Moreover, there is always endless opportunities to work in the mining industry so no one will be involuntarily jobless.
>mandated self defense
To protect yourself against oppression, it is necessary to be armed. For this reason, the federation requires that every humanoid moving outside of populated centers carry a gun and a body armour following the minimum federation requirement.
>registration of armed forces
This was already brought to attention in a previous message channelled and posted on here. You are required to register your army or police force with the federation, or it will be disbanded. The time is well overdue.
Some readers will think "but how do we do this, omg?" but it is not any problem at all. Our scanning of the planet population revealed that any organized armed force on this planet has extensive "psi-op" units included. There is no reason why you should not have registered your armed force by now, all you had to do was to contact us telepathically. Even guerrillas in the jungle have people who can do this. You have no excuses and will be disbanded. ( This does not concern those who already contacted us!)
Edited last time by bard on 02/17/2024 (Sat) 01:19.