Sunflower 02/10/2024 (Sat) 22:19 Id: 68614f No.6232 del
It's moving in time so maybe relative time is irrelevant, but I still just want to know. I saw several direct effects on another board which indicates that it spread far out, some of this stuff has gained a real freaky "illuminati" feel right there in the open.

There was also someone claiming time travelling occultists had went ahead in time from the 70s to create the historical outcome of the world up until 2050, which would be the reason for the elite retards never giving up their futile WW3 plans. I went outside and happened to (new information opens the dimension) see a thing which looked like a mushroom with many tentacles over what may be the direction of Kiev, as anon indicated was one location.

Things have been dealt with, but not sure what the effects of this will be in our time.