The black cat souls of new humanity have been moving around to learn as walk-ins, during which some of them achieved soul-immortality and were changed to permanent residents. They were at that time given an "adaptive yokai humanoid" body and registered with a fate. This also happened with some people who had been NPCs for a very long time (over 10 years with some I know personally who were being used by spirits to RP in the human world).
Just now, the cleansing of the human 3D was finished, all 9 layers of it. Some old souls who cannot be destroyed (such as the bird-jews and some reptilians and marsians), but who had still committed too many crimes, were taken to hell. They were shackled in devices which look like large workbenches with many vices. A pipe was connected from their head up to their body, and they again experience being in the human world. But they now lack ability to act, they are powerless.
This will be the first part of their purgatory; they will experience the negative consequences of their actions, while being unable to deflect or change the outcome. So when you see some of the old criminals still present, this is the reason.