Sunflower 10/17/2023 (Tue) 23:37 Id: 6b03b1 No.4609 del
>this post was 10 years ago

I remember seeing it as a reminder a lot back then and in the last years no one even brings it up anymore... Also fuck those who actually use bots on any social media. They are one of the greatest reason why everything is in gutter. Back then spamming stuff took effort nowadays you just need to know some good scripts.
Pedobear is being posted so rarely too nowadays. The grandfather of spurdo sparde... also no one makes spurdo comics anymore.


Yeah I know

That can be many things again.
Like remember in Rozen Maiden they went into the MCs subconscious and there was a tree and Suiseiseki watered the plant? Gardens can represent parts of our mind while they can be actual places in different reality levels.
>something again
Yeah. You will have to get a feel for "activating your awareness" in these places. But you can remember them. That is good already. If it's important it will come up again.