Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 00:15 Id: 99d1aa No.4726 del
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>So uhm do you think those black mages don't have sex with their demon wives? Also there are many hentais and doujins that work with these themes. It's quite surprising.
well in my defense, i've always kind of operated off shounen manga/anime logic where they dont really care about sex or anything like and for all intents and purpose act like it doesnt exist

>They have a god too. You connect to the god vie rituals and prayer. Sex is the best "permanent connection". Fun fact. Circumcision actually takes away your "virginity" when you are still an infant and that is how they connect you to... whatever the Rabbi is connecting you towards.
i've never gotten circumcised so when i found out it was commonplace here in the states i was shocked though im not sure if my mother having me while she had drugs and alochol in her system in addition to her dipping out of the hospital somehow spared spared from getting snipped or not

>but the human male body and psyche is better handling it in our current times.
too bad my genetics and age (27) doesnt allow me to look andorgynous or a femboy ah well

>Would you call someone who has wet dreams but never had sex IRL a whore? While these "connections" don't need to be sexual bonding that way is the most profound way. Also how we handle "celibacy" got out of control. It was not the basis of every tradition. Some allowed the other sex some required it some level while some was like DO NOT TOUCH LOOK OR BE NEAR WOMEN BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SPAWN OF SATAN AND NO ENLIGHTENMENT!!!!
f-fair enough

having sex with a male patron deity as miko... again i'm flustered and conflicted I'd be lying if i said a part of me didn't like it and wouldnt be opposed to such things O_O