Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 19:16 Id: 6b03b1 No.3925 del
>How so and can you elaborate on that if possible
Hope you liked the prelude because now we must talk about something that I didn't even think through so far how I can explain...
I talked to your sisters and their perspective how this even happened on "their side". You were the "youngest" and suddenly "got stolen" or vanished. There are many of these "isekai" requests going on in some realm between worlds but this King managed to send this request to too many beings. You being too young touched a funny looking light orb and that orb grabbed you to earth instantly. When the sisters noticed they didn't even know what happened it took them time and many entities to find out just where did you go. They noticed you on earth after a while but and expected you to die and "go home with them"... The "rebirth" process works in a way if there are enough dormant desires in you that couldn't be fulfilled it ignites the fires of rebirth and makes you reborn. It's a do you want to try again after the Game Over screen. Usually you don't even need to answer your desires do the job for you. That is Samsara for you.
So whenever your sisters noticed that you finally died and can be taken home you didn't even see them and just reincarnated over and over. When they tried to pull you you thought some devil is taking you away and incarnated again into this world.
That is why they are always mentioning that EVEN IN DEATH part. You just didn't believe it even when you died.

>they don't like/are unnecessary like hanging around on 4chan (or atleast certain parts of it) for too long, or conversing with the few people i speak with too much but really...
those are the desires that make you happy and keep you here. It makes them mad that they are going to fail getting you home again.
>weird now. too much malice
Yeah they nature is weird. It's kinda dark and miasma like for me. Couldn't even analyze what is it. They are not good with human emotions. They are "borrowing" all these "appearances" they use from some find your lost soul entity support group and they don't know how to appear "nice". it's a foreign concept for them. Not that they are unable to be nice. Humans and entities express themselves differently.

SO about that doll. They are trying to make you a vessel that helps you "pass the veil" so instead of looking to the comfy embrace of the flesh you will get into that well made doll that you can control and live in comfortable and go home.

This is what I got from them and from my "big picture sight" so far. You can ask special questions and I will try to answer them if I can. As I tried typing it I asked the entities that appeared if that will bother them because I am not sure for a while if I should share this but they told me I can share this but
>this will take forever to explain

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