Sunflower 09/12/2023 (Tue) 18:48 Id: 6b03b1 No.4247 del
I managed to get a "peek" at the original spell that "summoned" you and it seems it had a very elaborate system that the king just ignored. Like it is supposed to have like 10+ support leaders with different functions so things don't go awry. They were a sort of "doll lords". There was even a way to connect to the functions but I didn't deem it necessary to dig more deeply into your case. You are the most familiar with it and it seems you are in good hands for now. >>4136
This scenario sounds like you are connecting internal and outer parts of yourself.
>the seal is being broken
It's a sort of "veil" system. There is a sort of "law" that you cannot bother mundanes until the time for their awakening comes. You can "nudge" them but you cannot overtake their life without consequences. There are always exceptions ofc because this is a complicated matter.
>as my current human self she made strip and burn my all my articles of clothing for some reason and just kept me confined with her
Our clothes are "attachments". Even our body is one but the clothes are our first layer. They need to burn so we can find what we are really. If we are not in our body sometimes our awareness just doesn't signal that it's "us" and because we are "not in the body" the awareness is not "relaying" the experiences into our flesh-memory and we forget them.
>i somehow avoided getting burnt alive
That flame is supposed to burn everything that is not (You). And because you run from the flame everything that "cannot run" will burn.

It seems you are progressing on your path.

>she was doing strange things like constantly holding my hands and such
That is "base" level connection mechanism. Your hands are the first parts that can connect to the "other body" in a harmonic way. Other body parts are less harmonic. Try to get in touch with that feeling.
>i think she tried to stop me but it was too late

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