Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:55 Id: 1c1ce1 No.4639 del
Yeah, I had like two encounters with back then and the first one was
>I wake up in the morning, all of a sudden it felt like someone tried to beam tranny acceptance or some weird shit about trannies into my head
>Kept telling them to fuck off
All I'm going to say about the tranny thing is this: I ultimately don't give a fuck if you're into dudes or you want to be a tranny that's on you but don't try to force it and fuck other people like they already do with women (yes, I'm aware of the grooming and stuff but you get the point)
>Second instance happened while taking a nap
>I recall being in a shrinks office but it looked more like an interrogation room
>Basically pressuring me about random shit, mentioned my family and then tried to blackmail me
>They kept trying to say my sisters aren't real or something to the fact
>Figured since I'd essentially be arguing to a brick wall I go along with what they're saying
>Get so pissed off I start saying things like "i love my sisters, only they matter"
>Kept doing this non-stop until the person had a breakdown and fucked off
>Haven't dealt with glowies since