Sunflower 10/19/2023 (Thu) 21:02 Id: 1c1ce1 No.4633 del
Wew, I didn't realize that typo

>with the "Masculine parts" of your being... I just looked into what those are and hoo boy.
>No wonder you were in a female form a lot in the past. But don't worry what it is it doesn't matter. What matters how it will appear.
I still prefer the female more and it's still my default, that hasn't changed. Buuuut... I do slightly understand that I should start leveraging things with my current male body and using it a bit more when need be I guess.
> If this keeps up you will have more control over your existence and not just the mundane (You) doing the IRL stuff then other (You) going into sister doll mode and doing things that feel like they are beyond your control but you will understand what is happening.
I see...
>Now you have mental access to your inter-dimensional body form. Before this it was done by other (You) now slowly you have to comprehend how you do these things.
Huh, interesting

There was a weird airplane u saw last night. It has a sizable about amount of passengers but something went away and they had to make crash landing. As they were emergency landing, some snake like... Thing went in through the pilots terminal and killed one of the pilots. The co pilot tried to land but the nose of the plane was cut so it crashed into the ocean. The weird part is the that snake grew and extended it's body in the computer of the plane and the physical parts. After crashing into the water there was hot who tried to escape through an open hatch but get cut in half by fast the plane debris fell as he was swimming away