Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 22:06 Id: 6b03b1 No.4405 del
>we are not feeling it
>because it's "too ordinary".
Yeah iktf. I too had to notice the beauty of our lives.

>i thought she was just being aggressive or something
Entities don't do that around me. They are not just respectful towards me but kinda scared what happens when I get angry (my energy field can get like a living thunderstorm if someone looks at me funny). She had like a sort of impatience that she has to explain something to me that you should figure out on your own.

>i take you arent able to elaborate on the "many more" part?
I can but it's hard to explain.
In buddhism there is the 8 or 10 fold path where you are supposed to realize your buddha nature which is about doing a profession that is worthy of the buddha path talking like a buddha etc.
Now you are not a buddha but you have personality traits that higher(You) realized and if you synchronize with that you can take back most of your powers.
> I probably have some ideas
Get in touch with it pls
>but ehhh
do it faget

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