10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:24
Id: 0ba135
>>4801There's also this reasoning in modern days like "Do we really need the threat of punishment after death to not kill each other? Are we no more than animals, I refuse to entertain this idea" and other nonsense.
First off it's not that someone cares if you go to hell or not, it's a warning. Secondly, only a blind fool can't see that humans do kill each other all the time. They aren't even able to follow the old testament rule of "an eye of an eye" which is a method for proportional vengeance. They are animals, the only thing added in modern days is the dangerous idea that humans are more than that.
There is one reason I haven't physically killed someone: I haven't been in a situation where it would bring me any gain.
Whoever thinks something else is an idiot, fooling themselves. One step removed from the modern context, this is what everyone will revert to. And I don't like the modern context, because it's fake.