Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 18:43 Id: 6b03b1 No.4356 del
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>and get an internal message telling me
>"hey, tilt your head and/or a nod in a random direction" or "Hey pace around for a few moments"
That's important! When you sleep your subconscious takes over and you move your body. That heals and reconnects parts of you so your tiredness can go away. We wouldn't need sleep if we could do the repairing/resting process while awake but it's such a complicated process it's best to leave to a "Built in process". The problem ofc is that it can get damaged or malfunction under stress and other reasons.
If that is happening to you it's great. Your conscious subconscious bridge is connecting and with that your energy circuits will manifest properly. As I said you have some military grade chakras and they need to connect to your uhm... citizen grade human life???

>I wish my brain and overall thinking didn't feel so slow as has recently, it feels as if my ability to comprehend, learn and do things got hampered
Not what is happening
>unless this was part of that reconstrcution and molding
Your "flesh" brain is comprehending your true mind. It eats up resources and if you are not a mental multitasker then it feels weird when it happens.
You have to get in touch with yourself so it doesn't always happens through dreams. It's actually hard for the brain because it needs to wait before you go to sleep or relaxed/trance enough so you can hear the subconscious. Try to "hear" your body. Ask your body to do the movements that will help. Feel the way the energy needs to move. Dance with yourself.
Just try to remember the state you were in when you heard your
>internal message
There are more within you and if you are willing to cooperate it will speed up the process... not cooperating in the process may result in some pain so get in touch with yourself.

Also your posture and thinking processes will change or more like evolve into the way they should. It's important. Humans have terrible postures. Not just because we look at our phones and sit front of the pooter all day... That is one of the reasons but we are programmed to maintain postures through social interactions as a habit. The most famous is the virgin walk vs the chad stride but we are doing far more and it blocks and moves our energies within and around us. You have to slowly get aware of that too but not as an awareness but as a way to overcome with the real you with that.

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