Sunflower 08/22/2023 (Tue) 21:01 Id: ead4b9 No.3928 del
>I never really got this feel from you. I got the French revolutionary woman feel
She's the hardest of them to spot, I've only seen her shadow once and her image once in a vision. The Ripper is also very difficult to see, scenes do emerge now and then, but the center is missing so without the context they mean little. I've seen her and the Ninja in real life one time each on busy city streets. At the time I didn't know who they were, only that they had an open middle channel with the orange energy of "deep, practical experience". Neither of them stand out much, because the real energy is hidden in deeper layers.

It's an "impossible" thing, something I feel very comfortable and nostalgic about, but also something that feels like it can't exist. But it's also something that only came to be in that exact situation, with everything falling perfectly into place. Neither of them stayed very long in the physical, to age 15 and 16, the french x-cut slasher left somewhat later, everyone else was here even shorter.
They were lives of pure hyper reality, one thought acted out uninterrupted until done, never looking back, like perfect machines.

The Natural Selection force is not seen, but very active on the other hand. She's just too ordinary to notice, her mind too mindless and too brutal for people to grasp. It's someone whose main concern is how to arrange social currents so that situations of mass violence will appear, preferably such where knives, daggers and bayonets are being used.

Conspiracy theorists are aware of forces trying to depopulate, trying to cause wars, mass abortion policies, the vaxx etc. But they cannot grasp the spirits working behind the scenes. There are aliens of viral thinking who work for these things to happen, because they were born only once and their race has no reproduction, they only spread like a virus, and they want to destroy reproduction because they think it's perverted. Those exist in huge numbers and they possess humans.

But neither are those aware of forces whose goal is simply to stab people to death, and who are a registered force of nature existing for the purpose of doing this, or vampires whose task is to be the thing people fear but cannot talk about, who will just exercise brutality for no real reason. This kind of mindlessness is something the elites want to emulate, but they can't. It will never be natural for them to be sadistic or violent, because they are not immortal, they have human attachments.

When looking at the world from within that lens, it's all fake when someone is trying to become like that. They actively think about becoming evil for a reason, to brag, for emotions, for power. They can't imagine killing because of the act itself, so they, like you, can't see the being who has this task as a force of nature.

It's completely lacking in humanity, and at the same time if you talk to them they will appear to be the most normal person you've ever seen.