08/21/2023 (Mon) 13:50
Id: ead4b9
>>3861>the brain itself is evil (along the good/evil/chaos scale), so perhaps the solar chakra is more appropriate The solar plexus being at 3D is represented into both the good and evil layers as a negative or positive sun, so it's not so simple. Stars are "evil" per default because they burn all matter as part of its natural cycle. But it's a "necessary evil", compared to meaningless (degenerate) evil. Star deities often appear cold and quite a few have sadistic looking tools like whips, knives and maces. They also tend to dress in outfits that can be interpreted as something from dungeon porn. Black suns are directly sadistic in their approach, the ones I've seen wear black leather, high heel boots and a captain's hat.
The brain being evil was from the experience I had after the "brain awakening" ritual, which requires sacrificing 10 000 human bodies to call on a demon to initiate you into using the instrumental mind.
>>2037It also works for children, though the Queen at first said "a drink can't make you super intelligent", after which we inquired further and she said it does open the brain for use but you of course need training (like having high IQ is a potential, you still need to study whatever topic you want to be good at).