Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 00:20 Id: 79d0e8 No.3967 del
>Also found a way to look into your "witch" after the story. Something extremely weird is going on. She is obv not aware of the full story but the entity that "guides her" is something else.
What I got is that your sisters only noticed her "human form" and her lower "emanations" and not the...
>the human form i recognize but the lower emanations(?) is that the more sadistic and crazy parts i described earlier? (her "torturing" them, stalking me, and doing that weird homicidal fusion with my sister)

>I give up for now. Looking into the energies that I can connect to now that I got an image from your posts it leads to an extremely specific realm. Like some Spiritual monastery retreat in the mountains. It's like TIbet but it's not Tibet.
i dont understand, are the energies and realm evil/negative or something else entirely?

>>The ways are unclear you should not thread further
yeah, that probably might be something bad/sinister and should just drop it.