Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:27 Id: 995a55 No.4000 del
>That is the 4chan community egregore. I usually avoid /x/ because it is full with the most retarded energies and when I look at it for a while my energies start to interact with the board which makes the schizos post shit that I work with out of nowhere. Then retarded schizos start counter posting. That results in me giving it more energy out of annoyance. For that the retarded schizos get called out... While you think this is a "great power" it usually just results in me being part of a very retarded energy exchange and makes me realize meditating grants me more insights than actually participating/lurking there. I usually look at the humor threads once a month tho.
Yeah, i used to visit /x/ a bit more often on account of the ishtar threads but it pretty much went through that and killed them. but yeah, its weird. certain boards the egregore doesn't feel as strong or feel as maleficent (atleast the boards i visit like the vtuber board/ /trash/ which is just the catch all lewd board, and certain places on /vg/) but then again its probably just me having an easier time filtering out certain things mentally.
>I come from /fringe/ and this is the only place that remains from it. Also it has touhous. Very important. And doesn't want me to buy discord nitro everytime I open it or shill me an another retarded feature I don't care about. Also I am just bad in chatrooms if I don't know the person IRL. Hard to "read the room" if you are not there all the time.
ah right, fringe. i remember coming there when the collective threads existed and got scouted
lol. yeah, this entire time i thought you were orb
>Okay it seems this is the part where your sisters kinda lost you? But yes that underwater library sorta exists. (I could go there but I would need to realize some magical mermaid body standard. I only have the regular mermaid and the siren so far. It was to sorta "fix" some realms that got a little too lovecraftian.) Also the children's card game contains many spiritual themes and the "battles" on the "meta plane" are literal card games with concepts. More complicated than that but you get the image I hope. Sounds like they wanted you to get familiar with some "concepts". I think you can visit that library again when you figure out how you can transfer your consciousness between bodies.
i see. I know for a bit i was playing the card game for a while, losing alot and stuff with my constant losing was apparently necessary. iget very... mixed messages with in regard to playing the card games, sometimes to play other not allowing me to do so, really strange. Another thing people brought up to me is that i apparently get really lucky hands and they act like its unnaturally often. but honestly it just sounds regular rng and not something pertaining to my sisters (unless there are other factors in play)
>Don't worry christianity is not the greatest "barrier force" like it was in the middle ages nowadays.
>I am catholic but all I had to do just understand some extra "mentalities" that the higher ups have. had to talk to Jesus and how he did his miracles. and had to get crucified in hell for some "extra flavor" so the catholic egregore accepts me as a proper representative.
i vaguely recall meeting jesus (or atleast thats who i thought it was) i cant remember if the subject was something that involved my sisters or not but all i remember from it was him saying "Do what your heart feels is right"