Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 08:20 Id: 0ba135 No.4345 del
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>So hard to synchronize up all my past life journeys because of that
Mine are not chronological, but they are all within the last period, because my nature is such that I can only enter when things are driven to the last stage. It's because the "ripper" nature can only manifest legally from a universal standpoint if the victims are so degenerated and the legal system so corrupt that murder is a "good deed".
The "big Earth" was still present in Greek and Roman days, but were locked somewhat later. The story was correctly told by some /x/ anon, about a king who decided that humans had become so degenerated that they needed to be locked behind a brass door and not come out until they corrected themselves. He locked them in "ultima thule", the far north using a magic ritual. So this term does not refer to Scandinavia or some mystical land at the north pole, the nazis got this wrong. Ultima Thule is the entire world as we know it. The modern world map is "the far north", because there are two times this much land to the south of us. Once the gate at Antarctica was opened, it stopped being "far north" because we now see that we were in the center or a larger map, so "middle-Earth" in Tolkien's universe refers to the modern world.